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The View in the Media


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It's an easy gig, but I could see Whoopi truly being over it at this point. Especially with the major cast shake up, and the loss of a dear friend. It'd be a great time for her to exit stage left.



The loss of a dear friend will often make us reevaluate what really counts in life, particularly at her (and my) age.  I lost my younger brother who was also a dear and great and wise friend in January and I went thru something very like this.  In truth it is still going on.  I think you hit the nail on the head jonesingjay.  Thank you for the insight.

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Eh. Grain of salt. First, it's The National Enquirer. Also, some of the quotes, again from an "insider" seems to have been taken as if Geddie is still Executive Producer, when we all have learned that there is a new Executive Producer, which I think will not run this show like that asshat Geddie did. Another thing that makes me doubt that article is that the show is on hiatus, and was on hiatus when Robin Williams passed away, and I doubt Whoopi is talking to anyone on the show who is an insider, "close source" or whatever.


Until or Unless Whoopi actually comes out and says it her own damn self, I'm not believing it.


Don't get me wrong; if she feels she can't go on with this show because of what happened with Robin, I don't blame her. But that article? It talks about her wanting to do more movies, other projects. As if this show didn't allow for her to do those things, when that's just not true.  Please.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I thought the article above was funny and true regarding Whoops' clothes and demeanor on the spew.  However, if she only has one year left, .......then I would stay and collect the paycheck, and keep doing other projects like she has been doing.  But if Robin's passing makes her think about her own life, then Whoops could change her mind, of course.  I think she will stay to provide some continuity (in hosts) for the spew.



They revealed their new logo and picture of the renovations. 


And because you know they love the "celebrity selfie" angle, they are adding an “on-camera social media station allowing hosts to interact in real time with viewers.”

(In their defense, Rosie did do online chats while on air during her talk show so maybe it's her idea?)



I came over to post this story I saw on Jezebel about The View being more focused on social media. Don't get me wrong, I love social media, but I have zero interest in seeing The View do any more social media. I thought the viewer pics projected on the wall behind them was stupid and boring. I thought the selfie pics with the guests on the show was cringe inducing and pointless. Posting a scroll of what people were tweeting just annoyed me. Unless they can do something that turns out to be innovative and interesting, I have no interest in watching hosts interact with the viewing audience via social media. I wish someone would make a show with female hosts that was intelligent and informative.


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I agree---about disliking the social media tweets during the shows.  I want to be entertained or enlightened. Unless a tweet is amazingly insightful, I really don't care.  Cut out the cooking/product placements as well.


Also, I have been watching the Talk a little bit and have come to hate Julie Chen's Oh-So-Serious voice when reading a headline or comment.  Then, "What do you think?" Like it's a world-changing event.  Pulleeze.


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Maybe it's just me, but I DO NOT WATCH TV TO HEAR WHAT VIEWERS THINK ABOUT THE SHOW I'M WATCHING!!!!   I come here for that. Seriously.


I also don't care for how some shows have their casts live tweet while a show is airing.  Whatever happened to just watching a show and paying attention to the actual show?  Not be bombarded with what Mary in Kalamazoo thinks about it.

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I also don't care for how some shows have their casts live tweet while a show is airing.  Whatever happened to just watching a show and paying attention to the actual show?  Not be bombarded with what Mary in Kalamazoo thinks about it.

This is really stupid for those of us on the west coast watching the show hours after it aired back east.

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The "new" logo looks more like a throwback compared to the current one:
I couldn't agree more with all of you that the social media aspect is NOT a good idea. I could not care less about what some random viewer has to say about the show, any more than I wanted to see their boring family photos on a gigantic, distracting wall. Basically, THIS:

Maybe it's just me, but I DO NOT WATCH TV TO HEAR WHAT VIEWERS THINK ABOUT THE SHOW I'M WATCHING!!!!   I come here for that. Seriously.
I also don't care for how some shows have their casts live tweet while a show is airing.  Whatever happened to just watching a show and paying attention to the actual show?  Not be bombarded with what Mary in Kalamazoo thinks about it.

I detest this nonsense so much that I might change my plans to start DVR'ing the show again.
That Jezebel article links to the ABC press release:


New Season Begins Live, Monday, September 15 on ABC
             ABC’s commitment to reinventing their popular franchise, “The View,” and evolving the talk show creatively is underway and it’s all building to the much-anticipated season premiere onMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. It is shaping up to be a season unlike any in recent history.
             As part of the reinvention, “The View” has taken up residence in the ABC Broadcast Center. The new studio will now house a visually stunning, contemporary state-of-the-art set designed in the round and offering the addition of an on-camera social media station allowing the hosts to interact in real time with viewers. “The View” will also be branded with a new color scheme and logo, marking the first time in the show’s history that it has changed significantly.
            The first official glimpse of “The View’s” new direction hits national airwaves on Thursday, August 21 with promotional teaser spots.

As previously announced, Rosie O’Donnell makes her triumphant return to daytime television as a featured co-host of “The View” and will be seated opposite the show’s moderator Whoopi Goldberg. The stage is set for in-depth and opinion-shaping discussions and the chemistry between Goldberg and O’Donnell is both electric and undeniable. “The View” will stay committed to the original concept of smart women of different ages, experiences and backgrounds with diverse points of view engaging in thought provoking discussions derived from topics that face our nation and the world. “The View” is the original forum for lively conversations generated from entertainment, social media, politics, family, sex and relationships as well as beauty and fashion. Who will join this powerhouse duo and complete the dynamic panel? Stay tuned.

Has anyone seen any commercials yet? The press release said there would be "promotional teaser spots" with a look at the new direction starting today.


Also, they say that Rosie will sit opposite Whoopi. So, that means Rosie gets Barbara's chair, I guess.


It looks like they will be slowly announcing the other co-hosts, ("Who will join this powerhouse duo and complete the dynamic panel? Stay tuned.")


It's ridiculous that they come back on air so late in September, the 15th.


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Looking forward to seeing what the article above described as the new "visually stunning" set. Change is good! I do think the new logo is a bit blah.

Hate the distracting twitter scrolls across the bottom of a tv program I am watching. The sole exception is election results during news shows! I watch TV to SEE things not to have to READ stuff...when I want to read I use a newspaper, magazine, book, iPad, etc. Plus we all know the tweets they choose to scroll are hand selected for their content so don't represent a true cross section of peoples' comments.

Hope the photo screen walls are gone. Was that a ploy to attract viewers so that people would tune I. To see if their photo was shown?

The time spent by cohosts talking about or referring to the photo wall, twitter feeds, "selfie with a star" bit and other social media stuff really just wasted several minutes each show and took time away from discussions - cohosts probably liked it because it was 'fluff' time and they didn't need to spend that time working and trying to intelligently discussing stuff.

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I guessed they would put Rosie opposite of Whoopi--the two biggest personalities on each side. Plus, when Whoopi is absent, Rosie will take the moderator's seat, I'm guessing. I personally don't like the new logo as much as the old, but I'm guessing there's a reason for the change. The new one gives off a more soothing, less aggressive vibe, whereas the old one gives you the impression you're about to watch a fight to the death. If that's what their intentions were, I hope that means they're going to also revamp the way they have discussions, too, with no talking over one another or shouting.


The technology aspects don't bother me too much. I don't mind the scroll at the bottom of the screen and I actually liked the pictures in the background (although it can be overload for the eye sometimes). I don't like the selfies at all though, not just because it's a fad that will fade fast, but also because they always interrupt an interview to do it.

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I personally think the View's new emphasis on social media is yet another attempt to attract a younger (more desirable demographic for advertisers) audience.  And IMO it won't work.  To attract any new viewers they need to have guests that are worth tuning in for.  And Real Housewives don't count.  And If I was ABC I would be more concerned about keeping the viewers I already have.  I stopped watching a year ago because I knew without Joy the show was going to be worse than it ever had been. And by reading all my fellow posters awesome posts I know I was right.


I watched this show for over ten years.  I watched it go from being can't miss till can't turn it off quick enough.  I don't think I have ever watched a show that seemed to have so little regard for it's viewers.  I'm sure ABC has done focus groups over the years and I cannot believe there wasn't the same criticisms we have all voiced.  From Elisabeth's nasty mean-spirited remarks concerning anything or anyone related to the Democratic Party to Whoopi's obvious disdain for having to be there to Sherri's truly moronic musings about everything to Barbara's sad mental decline.  This show just never seemed to get the fact that they were producing a train wreck. And not the kind where everyone wants to watch to see how bad it's going to get but the kind that is just horrible you would rather watch paint dry. 


Maybe with Geddie finally being gone there is a chance things will improve but I will not hold my breath.  As much as I love Rosie she is only one host.  As good as she will probably be there are going to be three other hosts sitting at that table and it only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch.  And the fact they haven't officially announced who the two new co-host are raises red flags to me.  Why wouldn't the network want to have as much publicity as possible?

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I watched Good Morning America for a bit today. It's not a show I normally watch. Their graphics and what not are annoying. Just the one across the bottom of the screen alone, reminding us what we are watching in case we have forgotten, is annoying. It blocks some of what is being shown. I guess The View will have this and more for us to not enjoy. Why can't it just be a talk show? 

To attract any new viewers they need to have guests that are worth tuning in for.


And hosts who let them speak.

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I think it is all to get people interested. Rosie has the stature to take over BW's seat and leave Whoopi in her own. I don't think the show will mess with that.


But I also don't think WG will mind heavy lifting from RO either. Especially if she doesn't want another season since she has kick started her career again with her amazing array of creative endeavors.

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The person who tweeted about it was @Miss_Pina. Rosie added Whoopi and The View in reply.

Not necessarily. The original post may have tagged all three. When Rosie replied the reply would've gone to the original poster and the others copied as well (unless she chose to delete the others in her reply). Interesting to note that after Rosie's vehement denial, @Miss_Pina apologized and deleted her original post. There's also at least one recent snarky poke at Elisabeth in Rosie's feed that amused Rosie. I never get tired of those.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if ABC is planting some of these rumors on purpose, just to build buzz. The network knows that people want to see drama, and this makes sure the show is still on people's radar.


Sounds like when FOX was pumping up the rivalry between Nikki Minaj and Mariah Carey before that horrible American Idol season, except that was real.

New York Daily reported that The View staffers are returning to work today and are now located in a new studio/building. With behind the scenes staffers now back at work,chances are better that there will be leaks about who the new cohosts will be. Or maybe ABC will make a formal announcement right after Labor Day?


I think it was this article:



Did any of you guys see this is RadarOnline today?

"Former View star, Debbie Matenopoulos, wants Ivanka Trump and Arianna Huffington to be named as new co-hosts of the ABC chat fest, and also wants to come back to the job she once had, RadarOnline.com is exclusively reporting.

Matenopoulos told Radar exclusively in a statement that, “I’m older, stronger, wiser and smarter and would love to come back to The View. Ivanka Trump and Arianna Huffington would be great co-hosts for The View. Both ladies would bring their intelligence to the show. It would be a perfect balance with Whoopi Goldberg and Rosie O’Donnell.”

My word, that would be an interesting table to listen to...and it's intriguing. I didn't watch The View until the 3 rd season so never saw Debbie on the panel, but she's seemed OK when I saw her a couple times in the last year or so when she visited. Seems like she could hold her own. Huffington is a spitfire and smart and well informed (her command of the facts on an issue just might drive Whoopi mad....). I enjoy her articles on The Huffington Post and she's made a 180 degree flip from being Republican to Democrat. Ivanka I don't know much about and don't think there's a chance in hell she'd do it, but when I've heard her speak she's been well spoken and bright.

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As previously announced, “The View” has taken up residence in the ABC Broadcast Center as part of the network’s plans for reinventing the popular franchise with a new studio, a contemporary state-of-the-art set with an on-camera social media station and a new logo and color scheme.




They can add all the bells and whistles they want but if the co-hosts are as bad as they were this past season it won't matter. 


An on-camera social media station?  Great, looks like I will not be watching the View this season.  I just can't watch a show that gives Twitter updates and "Hey look at what they are saying about us on FB.".  WTF cares? 

Edited by CuriousParker
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