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S07.E02: The Longbow Hunters

Lady Calypso
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8 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Those flashforwards....I was so distracted by the info William dropped in that first flash that I missed some of the episode, haha.

I don't believe Olicity would ever abandon their son. It just wouldn't happen. So something has very obviously happened. The question is...when? I don't like the sound of them being missing for years because this is a set future that we can't change. I'd prefer if they disappeared only a few months previously. But then William's attitude didn't add up to that. Actually, his attitude didn't really add up to someone whose parents left him years ago either. He seemed really strange. I also thought he might be lying. IDK.

I'm definitely intrigued to see what they're doing but I'm also very apprehensive about them, too. 

Yeah, this confuses me. I refuse to believe Olicity never collect William from boarding school but if it's recent then why is the 30+ millionaire so upset about his father and stepmother leaving him? Maybe William's occasional age-inappropriate reactions continue into adulthood?

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9 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Yeah. William knows Oliver and Felicity's names, he knows what they look like. He's old enough (and smart enough, apparently, given his occupation in the future) to have been able to find them if he wanted to when he was old enough if they did in fact abandon him at the boarding school (but there's no way that can happen unless O/F flat out leave town for good or they relocate under new identities and we follow them in their new adventures). So, I guess maybe they go missing in the future sometime. But this episode he just sounded like an angry kid whose parents went off on vacation without him, not like someone who was actually concerned about their whereabouts. It almost seemed like they went on a business trip or something and he had no reason to be alarmed until the hozen started beeping. Flash forwards are supposed to involve following a fun trail of breadcrumbs that the writers drop, not thinking...wtf this makes no sense in any possible way. 

The more Arrow changes, the more it stays the same, LOL.

Yeah, William wasn't acting like someone who was desperately trying to find his parents. It was more like "Yeah, they went away for the weekend and left me." 

Also, given that William becomes a tech whiz, I think Felicity has been a huge influence on him for many years, longer than what little we've seen of them so far. So I don't think they've been missing years. I just think they're making it look that way because we're only on episode 2 of this mystery.

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7 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

Yeah, this confuses me. I refuse to believe Olicity never collect William from boarding school but if it's recent then why is the 30+ millionaire so upset about his father and stepmother leaving him? Maybe William's occasional age-inappropriate reactions continue into adulthood?

Well he probably has issues since his mother died at a young age and he was sent off to boarding school a year later after his dad was sent to prison and his step mom was almost killed. 

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2 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Also, what was that mention of a fifth grave on the island? Were we supposed to know who that was?

I think the fifth grave was where the Arrow gear was buried so I'm not sure if there was an actual body or Roy had just assumed there was.

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I know in the show eventually Oliver will get out.. But honestly.. What else is Diggle supposed to be doing??  Oliver isnt wrongly imprisoned... Breaking him out would throw everyone else in jail... Oliver made the decision to turn himself in for however many counts of  however many crimes him and the team committed... Unless I missed it the show hasn't shown Diggle  not trying to get Diaz (which will keep Oliver's Fam safe)  while also doing his argus job.. I felt him telling Felicity to move on while cold is exactly the right advice she shouldn't let the hunt for Diaz consume her and she shouldn't be waiting for Oliver ( as I feel like he woulda been sentenced to either a life sentence or a really long time)  And Oliver would probably say the same... I know that won't happen of  course. The show paints argus as incompetent and shady.. And it wants to have felicity fight back.. Which I am totally good with.. I loved her going at him with the fire poker... But the posts upset at Diggle for being reasonable ( which has been his lane pretty consistently)  seem off the mark in my estimation 

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Oh, Arrow. Can't we go one episode without prop/set problems? One?

Good things:

1. The Longbow Hunters! I admit, I wasn't excited about them when I first heard about them, but post Diaz, having charming and above all competent villains is a relief. Granted, I'm not quite sure why the fingerprints from a security guard/receptionist was enough to get into a top security room, but that probably belongs under Questionable Things. Meanwhile, I like Shield Guy! I especially like that Shield Guy has apparently been watching a lot of Captain America and Avengers movies. 

2. Oliver returning to his strategic season one self! More of this, show!

3. The prison guard giving us an alternative view of law and order and vigilantism. These sorts of things are what Arrow can do well, when it remembers to do them, and it's good to see Arrow asking these sorts of questions again. Also, good to know that Prison Guard had reasons for his anti-Oliver/Green Arrow attitude.

4. Liked Felicity reminding the FBI that they didn't hold up to their side of the bargain. Well done.

5. Oliver's new friend saying "What Would Green Arrow Do?" New friend, when you inevitably die or betray Oliver, I think I'm going to miss you.

6. This was a small thing, but the props on Arrow are frequently so awful that I was pleased to see this touch: the prison still stuck with out-of-date computer monitors. 

7. And on another small thing, liked the casual reveal that William is gay or bisexual. 

Questionable things:

1. Look, Arrow, I can accept a lot. Magical hot tubs, people from another earth with absolutely no legal training taking over as the DA of a corrupt city, a bow buried on an evil island that manages to remain in pristine condition - WHILE STRUNG. I cannot believe that anyone, even Roy, would choose LIAN YU as the place to get away from the show. Roy. Have you forgotten that virtually every main character on this show and even some of the main characters on other shows have been to this island? It's like Reunion Central! If you want to hide from Arrow characters, go to Paris. Nobody on Arrow ever goes to Paris.

2. Why, why, is anyone on this show surprised when the villains take the summer off? They do this every year, characters! Get used to it!

3. Anyone else feel that season seven is a little late to have this sudden concern about the health, survival and safety of DAs in Star City? Just me?

4. Loved that Not-Laurel decided to remove her police guards non-lethally and by using her metahuman powers. Did not love that somehow or other, these trained cops didn't remember that someone had been sonically screaming nearby, damaging their health. Then again, these are the Star City trained cops. So maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

5. "Why would Felicity send you to LIan Yu?"

Because this show has a sick, sick, obsession with this evil island, Roy. Stop asking obvious questions.

6. Felicity's outfit. Also, Felicity not changing out of that outfit. Yikes.

7. So...Dinah starts by announcing that she's going to be guarding Not-Laurel and staying right by Not-Laurel. A few scenes later, and Dinah is sauntering into a Dark Area, without Not-Laurel, and both of them are surprised to see each other? We couldn't have found a smoother way to reach that scene, Arrow?

8. Diggle has known Felicity for how long now, and still thinks she's going to sit back and not head after Diaz? Huh?

9. And how exactly did even ARGUS manage to block Felicity - FELICITY - from her computer?


This show. I swear. This show. 

Bad things:

1. ....you know, I was going to cry about the sets and the props again, but it's been a long day, and I'm positive that Arrow will let me get back to that next week. Not to mention that I also have to question why Nate's family has not just moved into Malcolm Merlyn's old mansion but apparently moved it to DC, and that's just too many questions for one evening. (I know, technically that's a Legends of Tomorrow problem, but since my original Arrow complaint was about the poor reuse of Supergirl props and the continued use of those fake brick walls...I said I was moving on, right?)

2. It says something, and not a good something, when the three throwaway villains played by little known actors are more effective, menacing and interesting than the supposed Super Big Bad. Get rid of Diaz, Arrow. 

3. On a related note, I get where Felicity is coming from, I do, but it's kinda difficult for me to take her GET DIAZ I HAVE TO STOP DIAZ seriously when I can't take Diaz seriously. Same thing for ARGUS and their OMG Diaz could use this bomb that we created WHO COULD HAVE FORESEEN THIS. Get rid of Diaz, Arrow.

4. And still on a related note, I'm having problems taking ARGUS seriously when they a) flip back and forth about whether it's a good idea to hire criminals (the Suicide Squad) and alleged but pretty certain criminals (Curtis) but refuse to hire Felicity and Rene (huh) and b) do such an ongoing terrible job with security on both Arrow and Flash, and c) barely guard Super Bomb Battery.

5. If we're talking priorities, ARGUS dude lecturing Diggle, I'm going to question yours: you trained Oliver Queen and helped turn him into a serial killer, then used him on various occasions for your own agenda while failing to secure various prisoners that handed over to you by Barry, and then let Oliver head to jail. 

6. "Diaz is a son of a bitch." You left out "boring" and "needs to be killed, ARGUS guy.

7. Left unanswered: why did Diggle think that the choice was Diaz or the bomb? If you catch Diaz, he can't use the bomb!

8. And speaking of the bomb - making the bomb so dangerous that it was worth not catching Oh So Dangerous Yet Amazingly Boring Diaz for, a bomb that could devastate a city, immediately turned this into another obvious case of "Please call in Team Flash, which currently consists of two speedsters, a teleporter and an annoying stretchy guy who I for one would not mind watching die in the call of duty even if he's been slightly less annoying this season. Either find a way to make the bomb less dangerous, or drop a line of dialogue explaining why you aren't calling into Team Flash - "We're seeing a lot of metahuman activity in Central City right now. We can't risk calling Barry!" Something like that.

9. And speaking of Diggle - what's with the "Oliver is never coming out of jail" speech, Diggle? You've been on this show for six years now. In that time, you've said "my brother isn't coming home," only to have him come home, state that you were in jail for life, only to be out of jail and working for the government, and far more, not to mention the various metahumans and time travelers and Kryptonians running around, and you still think that Oliver can't get out of jail? What show are you watching?

10. Diaz is the worst, isn't he? The worst. He doesn't even have decent taste in buildings to turn into castles!

And now, Black Siren!

A comparatively decent episode for her, one that even got me, for the first time in seven seasons of this show, yelling GO LAUREL GO! Admittedly that was mostly because I was genuinely hoping that Not-Laurel would, for once, be useful and kill off Diaz for me. Hopefully quickly. I know you're sadistic, Not-Laurel, but think of the audience. Or at least of me.  But this was also an episode that allowed Not-Laurel to address some rather gaping plot holes from last season, including the ongoing question of why the hell would she care about Quentin? Nice touch. And an episode that let Not-Laurel apologize, putting her well ahead of most of the characters on this show. Well done, Not-Laurel.

And yet. Even as Not-Laurel, Arrow seems determined to make her fail. Sigh. And that's without getting into her questionable decision to stroll into the Star City police quarters with perfectly shaped eyelashes but without concealing the wound on her forehead with either makeup or a nice hat. Oh, Not-Laurel.

Number of times Not-Laurel failed as an attorney, 1:  I can't believe I've had to bring this category back, but failing to keep police officers updated on the status of whatever case that was at the start of the episode. Admittedly alleviated by the fact that several months in, the entire DA's office still doesn't realize that she isn't an attorney. Never mind, Not-Laurel. I'm impressed. I'd be more impressed if this was a different DA's office, and not one shattered by seven years in Star City, but, I'm impressed. 

Number of times Not-Laurel failed as a human being, 1: Maiming the cops sent to guard her. Seriously, Not-Laurel, they were just doing their jobs! 

Number of times Not-Laurel failed as a villain, 3 1/2: 1) Only maiming the cop guards, instead of killing them! Make up your villainous mind, Laurel! 2) getting defeated by other bad guys in that building, 3) teaming up with a semi-good guy (yes, I know Dinah's technically on the side of good, but the ongoing hypocrisy isn't doing her any favors here, 3 1/2) continuing to prosecute criminals. I know you liked the guy, but Adrian Chase is not a good criminal inspiration here, Not-Laurel! I mean as we've just seen he didn't even manage to blow up Lian Yu properly!

Number of times Not-Laurel failed to avenge the father who wasn't really her father but finally made her care about something for the first time in a very long time: Just once, but since this just once means that Diaz is still going to be on our screens next week, I'm taking it personally. Come on, Not-Laurel. You have the motive. You have the ability. I know your history with this show is against you, but try.

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22 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Also, what was that mention of a fifth grave on the island? Were we supposed to know who that was?

If we are.. I failed.. Cuz I got no clue... But most of this Flash Forward is going over my head

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

Dig peacing out and being totes ok with Oliver being in jail forever is not working for me. He acted like he wanted Felicity to deal with it and go find a new hobby or something. The freaking love of her life is in jail possibly forever. How the f@ck is she supposed to be ok with it? I was understanding when Barry didn't care about wiping out the universe to save his Mumma so I am more than ok with Felicity defying dumbass shady ARGUS to save the love of her life. Fairly harmless in the scheme of things if you ask me!

The other thing about Diggle telling Felicity to let it go and wait til Argus gets around to caring is he seems to have completely forgotten that William is stuck off at boarding school, alone and in danger.  Even if Dig's all about Felicity moving on from Oliver being around anytime soon, what about William??  The urgency to get Diaz doesn't end with Oliver being behind bars.  Felicity is still a target too.  How can she move on if she can't even drive herself around town?  (Though I suspect she's going to have to shake those watchdogs if she's going to get anything done.)  It was almost the dumbest thing I've ever heard Diggle say.   

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2 hours ago, Chaser said:

It could be the tarantulas on her face, but I’m not sure BS is sincere. 

This is IMO a KC problem.  It's one of the major reasons why her Laurel point one oh didn't work for me.  (To be clear, I mean the sincerity, not the tarantulas, though, yeah, lol)  I often just didn't find her sincere even when she was supposedly a wholly good guy.  So many of the Laurel issues the first time around could be blamed on the writing but some of it was IMO how KC played her so if mostly squeaky clean Earth 1 Laurel couldn't convince me of her sincerity, how is consistent evil doer Earth 2 Laurel supposed to convince me she's "not that person" anymore?

2 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I disagree... Diggle has been there for almost every save.. Every big fight.. A shoulder to cry on... A brother to share the burden with.. And they had a disagreement about stuff.. The first major one in like six years.. He didn't betray anyone.. He disagreed and decided to try a different way... As for Felicity.. My beef was for how she came at diggle like he stopped caring about Oliver that's never been the case he's always been loyal... When it comes to Cayden James.. Slice it how you want.. It was felicity and her friends who let him out.. Misguided idealism doesn't excuse the chaos that madman let loose in the city


I found Diggle out of the blue last year putting the blame for every failed mission on Oliver's shoulders pretty disloyal personally.    As for Cayden James, if Diaz was the puppet master they portrayed him as, even if Felicity hadn't broken him out, James would have gotten out somehow so that he could enact Diaz's super complicated long term plan.  Felicity's involvement wouldn't have changed anything.  

2 hours ago, Chaser said:

Surprisingly, similar to last week, Rene annoyed me the least of NTA. 

Agreed and that does annoy me.  

2 hours ago, jay741982 said:

I just wish these fucking writers would stop pushing and Protecting the Newbies and Had Felicity tear into Rene for starting the ball rolling towards Her Oliver and William's situation. Seeing her fistbump that prick and be friends with this guy who once swung an Ax at her Husband makes me sick. Also being friends with Losers Curtis and Dinah. 

I appreciated the sentiment that Felicity came to town and lit a fire beneath play it safe, I like my job Curtis but yeah, if the writers would just let Rene own up to what he did and how he was the catalyst for all their problems, maybe I could let it go.  As it is, the show's attempt to gaslight me like it never happened only makes me more upset.   

That said, in show on Felicity's POV, I am just telling myself that she has bigger fish to fry than to worry about the NTA and frankly, wouldn't mind pretending at least one thing in her life hadn't changed.  It's denial but IMO the NTA doesn't matter enough for her to stay too mad at them.  Even Rene swinging the ax, she'd have had total confidence that Oliver would take him down so she might be able to shrug at Rene's willingness to kill Oliver.  She's so lonely that she's willing to put up with a lot.  

In contrast, she was upset with what Diggle was saying and doing because she expects more from him.  He matters.  

1 hour ago, UNOSEZ said:

I know in the show eventually Oliver will get out.. But honestly.. What else is Diggle supposed to be doing??  Oliver isnt wrongly imprisoned... Breaking him out would throw everyone else in jail... Oliver made the decision to turn himself in for however many counts of  however many crimes him and the team committed... 


Oliver didn't turn himself in to cover their crimes.  He let the FBI charge him in exchange for their help to get Diaz and part of that included immunity for the rest of the team.  He's not in jail because they found him guilty.  He beat the charges and they had nothing on him or the rest of the team they could make stick at that point until he confessed. So in a way, he was wrongly imprisoned since by going thru the justice system, he was supposed to go free but he still ended up in jail, not because they caught him at it or could prove anything, but because the FBI pretty much used Oliver's stupidity and extorted him into going to jail in order for them to offer help they should have been giving with or without his sacrifice. 

That Diggle is perfectly ok with letting Oliver rot for what ALL of them were doing, makes no sense.    

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2 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I feel like multiple seasons now could be part of the origin story of ARGUS being this big bad (and a much more effective, smarter one than Diaz). 

I wonder if Arrow would ever actually do that. Imagine the stories we could get from it...

Given that I've just watched John Diggle of all people side with an organization that a) invented, and b) lost a super weapon, it would make sense. Get a grip, Dig! What are you going on about? It would be ironic if it turns out Lyla's been trying to get away from ARGUS off screen as Dig's getting sucked in more by the day.

Here's hoping that Smirky and Frowny are kept together more so that they allow for some ff-ing. Not a good sign if I'm actually on the villain's side in their fight.

Hated Felicity's ease with NTA, but I'm explaining it that Felicity is desperate for allies and is willing to play nice to get back up on her quest to bring down Diaz, and have her family safe and reconnected. So, while my preferred course of action would have been shoving the T-sphere up Rene's ass, I can understand that she needed another body in the field.

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Decent episode. The Longbow Hunters look promising, although I'm wondering how long that will last.

Looks like Diggle got to beat up Diaz this week. I wonder who gets the job done next week?

Roy's line about going to Lian Yu to forget everything was amusing. The place where your teacher learnt everything he knew and made him become the Arrow. Stupid line.

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Your points are well laid out @BkWurm1... I understand the POV. I guess I read Diggle's behavior differently.. His treatment of Felicity is exactly what Oliver woulda wanted... I don't think that means he's stopped caring.. And I know why Felicity is hell bent on finding Diaz.. Maybe I'm thinking about this in too much of a real world way... But Oliver admitted to being Green Arrow in part for The FBI to do their job ( which always bugged me)  and to keep his Fam and friends safe and having full immunity... But I also think some of it was guilt(for all the crimes including all them murders from season one)  maybe he felt he had to atone... Oliver is the King of Itsallmyfaultism.. So realistically when is he supposed to be getting out??  It wouldn't be fair to Felicity to say spend the rest of your life waiting for me... Diggle has been hunting for Diaz they even made mention of it in the premiere noting he might actually get in trouble for using so much of Argus' resources to look for him as... In universe I don't know what else they would have him do.. And I think that's the conclusion Felicity came to... He's doing about as much as he can.. He's honoring Oliver's ideals.. He's even trying harder to keep Felicity outta danger.. Cuz lord knows if and maybe when Diaz gets close to Felicity and Ollie finds out he's gonna look to Digg and ask why she isn't MORE protected... 

As for the NTA stuff and the spat tween Ollie and Digg.. I'm in the minority in saying that the blame was more equitable than most posters believe... So I just tend to not discuss that part anymore 

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Is Oliver just trying to find Diaz or find a way to get out of the jail pickle. I can't be bothered rewatching. This is where the Watson deal confuses me.

Anyways interesting point you brought up @UNOSEZ. Does Oliver expect/want Felicity to wait for him or will he tell her to move on with her life?

I actually think he won't. She reassured him last week that she'd always wait for him and he didn't actually protest. Aside from S3 where he was all "I want you to be happy and live your life while I die alone, in a cave" he's been pretty pro active in trying to nab her/get her to marry him.

I would like to know what his plans are regarding this jail business and Felicity! 

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Knowing what kind of deal Oliver actually worked out with Watson would be helpful, which is probably why the show hasn't told us. Oliver thought that he could negotiate a shorter sentence for good behavior. He was counting the days as if there were a pre-defined, finite number of them. Felicity's convinced that he could get out sooner. There has to be some leeway in whatever the deal is in order for Oliver to get out at some point and not have to go into hiding for the rest of his life (unless he does exactly that and that's why he doesn't go and get William - which...that can't be where they're going with the show, even for logistics' sake). So I don't know why Diggle is so convinced that he's not getting out for a long time. 

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21 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Knowing what kind of deal Oliver actually worked out with Watson would be helpful,

Good point... I guess until its concrete I'm going based off of all the stuff Green Arrow has done that he's at least doing 10 to 25...  I mean as a vigilante hes done a lot.. Probably to be put away for life.. But weighed against the good he's done maybe it balances out a bit

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5 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Good point... I guess until its concrete I'm going based off of all the stuff Green Arrow has done that he's at least doing 10 to 25...  I mean as a vigilante hes done a lot.. Probably to be put away for life.. But weighed against the good he's done maybe it balances out a bit

But he wasn't actually sentenced in a court of law - he just agreed to go to jail for X amount of time (life, I'm guessing given 6x23's title, unless that's just what they wanted us to believe) in exchange for the FBI catching Diaz. There's no way of knowing if he'd negotiated time out for good behavior, or negotiated his release if Diaz is captured/X thing happens. There has to be some leeway in whatever deal he made.

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As far as the Flash Forward is concerned, William could just be whining that he got sent to Boarding School while Felicity and Oliver fought Diaz.  Because Boarding School was soo awful.  And the other kids were soo mean.  Much as I love Oliver, he does have a habit of being that whiny, so it's not much a stretch that William would be too.

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Random, but like with one of the last shots that I loved, I kept thinking like this---

SA: One of the last shots of s6 is me speaking directly to the camera. I've never done that on the show, I don't think we've ever done that on the show. It's an incredible shot and moment--

EBR: Cool, I want one too


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36 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

But he wasn't actually sentenced in a court of law - he just agreed to go to jail for X amount of time (life, I'm guessing given 6x23's title, unless that's just what they wanted us to believe) in exchange for the FBI catching Diaz. There's no way of knowing if he'd negotiated time out for good behavior, or negotiated his release if Diaz is captured/X thing happens. There has to be some leeway in whatever deal he made.

Specific terms of the deal notwithstanding I say its safe to say he's supposed to be in jail for a good chunk of years.. Less apparently with some kind of good behavior ( which he's probably already violated)  but still significant for the crimes he's committed as green arrow.. Its not feasible or fair to ask felicity to wait... Now of  course she's being ride or die now so when she said she'd wait there's no point in Oliver telling her no.. And we know he's gonna get out.. But what if he didn't... She gonna wait a decade.. Longer??  She not gonna have any other kids.. Just raise William 

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1 minute ago, UNOSEZ said:

Specific terms of the deal notwithstanding I say its safe to say he's supposed to be in jail for a good chunk of years.. Less apparently with some kind of good behavior ( which he's probably already violated)  but still significant for the crimes he's committed as green arrow.. Its not feasible or fair to ask felicity to wait... Now of  course she's being ride or die now so when she said she'd wait there's no point in Oliver telling her no.. And we know he's gonna get out.. But what if he didn't... She gonna wait a decade.. Longer??  She not gonna have any other kids.. Just raise William 

But specific terms of the deal here are the only things that matter, because it was an agreement between a private citizen and a government entity to go to jail for a specific amount of time in exchange for a service. He was not sentenced, so normal rules don't apply. Oliver's the only one who knows what's in that deal, and he's operating like he's coming home sooner rather than later, so I don't think there's any doubt in his mind that he won't be in there for that long. 

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I can't see him watching her grow old and die if he can't be with her but I don't see him giving her up and watching on the news that she's married someone else and is having a baby either.

He's skilled enough to escape. I wonder if he wanted to do things the right way hence all the chalk markings of the days. At some point if things didn't work out, he'd dig out with a spoon and flee off into the sunset with Felicity and William.

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They may make me a little apprehensive but I have to hand it to Beth, these flashforwards got me thinking. LOL. I'm still thinking about them.

In 701, William seemed to be heading to the island knowing he'd find someone there. But I didn't get the sense that he was looking for both Oliver and Felicity. It seemed like he was looking for one person only. But in this episode he acted like it was just the Hozen which directed him there. So now I'm a bit confused. 

Also, Roy was so blasé about Olicity leaving William and it didn't seem to stir the slightest bit of concern from him which I found really odd. This is the trouble with flashforwards. They only reveal certain info when they want to but then later on, with hindsight, characters reactions don't always match up with what's going on.


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11 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

They may make me a little apprehensive but I have to hand it to Beth, these flashforwards got me thinking. LOL. I'm still thinking about them.

Same. It's the most intriguing part of the show for me right now, mostly because it's all such a mystery. I agree that William's motivations this week seem to be completely different from last week. And you're right that the only thing more head scratching than the idea of Oliver and Felicity just leaving William is Roy not finding that at all alarming. 


This is the trouble with flashforwards. They only reveal certain info when they want to but then later on, with hindsight, characters reactions don't always match up with what's going on.

Yep. Last night I was thinking about how much this reminds me of the Season 4 flashforwards, before they'd decided who was going to be in the grave (allegedly). I'm pretty sure once we know what's actually going on, the things William said in this episode are going to make no sense at all. But for now, I'm interested to see how it all unfolds.

On another note, even though I'm still shaking my head at Diggle's apathy about what his best friends are going through, I really liked that he and Felicity had conflict in their relationship. Other than 519, I really can't remember a time that the two of them were on opposite sides of an issue. Even though they have different goals, I liked that they understood the other's position and were able to talk through it like adults. No name calling, no accusing each other of being a terrible person, no hacking each other's body parts. Just two people who care about each other and realize they have different objectives at the moment. Seeing how maturely they handled it makes the newbies look even worse for the way they handled their conflict with OTA last season.

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2 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Same. It's the most intriguing part of the show for me right now, mostly because it's all such a mystery. I agree that William's motivations this week seem to be completely different from last week. And you're right that the only thing more head scratching than the idea of Oliver and Felicity just leaving William is Roy not finding that at all alarming. 

Yeah, Roy didn't act like it was weird or worrying that Oliver and Felicity just left their son which makes me think there was more to that whole conversation and we just didn't hear all of it.

5 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

On another note, even though I'm still shaking my head at Diggle's apathy about what his best friends are going through, I really liked that he and Felicity had conflict in their relationship. Other than 519, I really can't remember a time that the two of them were on opposite sides of an issue. Even though they have different goals, I liked that they understood the other's position and were able to talk through it like adults. No name calling, no accusing each other of being a terrible person, no hacking each other's body parts. Just two people who care about each other and realize they have different objectives at the moment. Seeing how maturely they handled it makes the newbies look even worse for the way they handled their conflict with OTA last season.

I'm really disappointed in Diggle but I did like that they essentially resolved their conflict, as much as they could. And I liked Diggle's sad regretful face as Felicity told him she couldn't work with him before she walked away. That gave me hope that he's gonna come around at some point.

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8 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

On another note, even though I'm still shaking my head at Diggle's apathy about what his best friends are going through, I really liked that he and Felicity had conflict in their relationship. Other than 519, I really can't remember a time that the two of them were on opposite sides of an issue. Even though they have different goals, I liked that they understood the other's position and were able to talk through it like adults. No name calling, no accusing each other of being a terrible person, no hacking each other's body parts. Just two people who care about each other and realize they have different objectives at the moment. Seeing how maturely they handled it makes the newbies look even worse for the way they handled their conflict with OTA last season.

Yeah, that's basically why I wasn't too upset over Diggle for the episode. The two of them weren't bitter at each other, didn't really yell or fight with each other, spoke openly and honestly, etc. Heck, they even both admitted that it was their own feelings coming in the way of each other and not that the other was the one who was ruining everything or ultimately wrong. This wasn't a "and will this relationship ever be mended???" drama fight but an actual character-based (or attempted one at least) disagreement, and that was refreshing for the show after s6.

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I thought it was an okay episode. As usual, I loved the Oliver scenes and the Felicity scenes.

The only way that Oliver & Felicity would ever leave William is if they needed to go in order to protect William. (I'm reminded of The X-Files when Mulder & Scully sent their son - also named William - away to protect him.)

I got a little frustrated at how the rest of Team Arrow just seemed to have passively accepted the destruction of Oliver & Felicity's lives and moved on with their own, improved lives (Diggle heading an ARGUS team with his family intact, Curtis with his good ARGUS job and understanding boyfriend, Rene with custody of his daughter and leading his neighborhood gym group, and Dinah with her promotion to police captain; even serial killer Black Siren became D.A.), while expecting Felicity to just lie down and do nothing.

I'm liking Rene better this season, so good job, Arrow. He's not as arrogant and irritating as least season. Also, he seems to be the only one on the outside - other than Felicity - who doesn't seem satisfied with keeping the current status quo. Plus, he had some great one-liners this episode.

Although I understand Diggle's thinking about wanting to preserve his family and toe the line at ARGUS, I thought that his attitude just made Oliver - who sacrificed everything to protect others - come across as the better man. Still, I have a feeling that Diggle will rebel against ARGUS at some point. Right now, I'm on Team Felicity, not Team Diggle.

Curtis was annoying. His life is great now and he only seems to care about keeping his great job at ARGUS. He is only too willing to let others take action while he sits safely at ARGUS and eats snacks. And he has never apologized to Diggle for sabotaging his arm chip last season, nor has he ever apologized to Felicity for putting tracking nanites into her pancakes two seasons ago.

I was tempted to mute the sound during every Dinah/E2 Laurel scene. For a police captain, Dinah sure does a lot of field work. When listening to E2 Laurel's big remorseful speech to Dinah about killing Vince, I couldn't help thinking that the Arrow writers are trying to make us forget that Black Siren killed more than just the one guy. What about her killing that young girl in the parking garage and then wearing the dead girl's shoes? What about her killing that building guard who had children and who pled for his life? What about her unnecessary killing of other guards, even when Cayden James told her not to kill? What about her killing the cops in last season's premiere? And so on. When E2 Laurel said to Dinah, "Someone has to get justice for Quentin," I just thought, "What about justice for all those people that you murdered?"

Regarding the Longbow Hunters, I liked Silencer the best. I thought her sound silencing device was cool. I found Red Dart a little annoying and she reminded me too much of Cupid in terms of looks and snark. As for Kodiak, his shield just made me think of Captain America (I wonder if the production team re-watched the Marvel movies to see how many inventive ways one can use a shield?). Btw, thanks, Arrow writers, for identifying the Longbow Hunters' weapons through dialogue. (Curtis: "High-tech shield, nano-powered darts, sonic manipulator.")

Diaz is supposed to be this great fighter, right? Yet last week Felicity managed to hold her own in a fight with him, at least for a few minutes. Now this week Diggle managed to defeat Diaz in a one-on-one fight. Diaz only managed to get away because Diggle's priority was securing the battery.

It had been teased before this episode aired that Felicity would make an "unexpected alliance." I'm just glad that alliance is with FBI Agent Watson and not - as speculated - with E2 Laurel.

Edited by tv echo
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So this episode was a little boring but I did enjoy parts of it. I think if nothing else this episode highlighted the issues with the civil war from last season.

Felicity & Diggle are my favorite characters, they always have been, so seeing them at odds hurt. However, they both were justified imo, and at times they were both harsh. I understand Digg being afraid of ending up like Oliver, and losing his family. He obviously loves Oliver but I am never gonna blame him for putting himself first, just like I wouldn't Felicity. That bit where he told Felicity she's never getting Oliver back rang false (after everything they've been through) and purposely hurtful, maybe it was tough love. Just like when Felicity, blamed him of not caring about Oliver's wish for him to carry on the GA mantle, she knew what she was doing. But the reality is friends/family fight sometimes, and right now they're both set on what they think is the right path. Felicity isn't looking beyond catching Diaz, and with that kind of narrow scope she's bound to make some bad choices, but I'm ok with that. I like that she realized  she couldn't work with Diggle/Argus, and I am sure she knows that in her current state she'd be a liability to him. The last thing Felicity or Diggle want to do is hurt each other, so distance seems to be a necessity at the moment. I think the fact that fans can actually be invested in this relationship outcome just shows how awful the OTA v NTA stuff was. Also, I hope we get to see Diggle fight himself over some of his/Argus choices.

I still don't care about Rene but he was less annoying. Curtis is obviously happy with his life, he still annoys me, but I hope he decides ARGUS is for him and that frees Felicity for Smoak Tech. Dinah & Siren are probably the more annoying aspects of this episode, nothing about them together makes sense. In my mind and Felicity/Siren team up makes more sense than these two. Also, I am not convinced Siren isn't playing a long game, which if she is, makes everyone trusting her look moronic. The Oliver stuff was ok, nothing special but points to him for how he got rid of the guard without hurting him. Stanley is giving me creepy vibes.  

I enjoyed the Long Bow Hunters, especially Silencer. I'm sad she's gonna be wasted on the two with the sonic cry, I feel like I'd like to see her be more of a leader of that team. I think the fact that the LBH were interesting further shows how awful and underwhelming Diaz is. The Diaz/Diggle fight would've been more interesting if I thought Diaz was an actual threat. He's just so cringey, I can't take him seriously.

I am so here for Watson/Felicity. I think it'll only last an episode and I'm already wishing for more, but I'm gonna enjoy it while I can. I really love Felicity reaching out to her, and hopefully making some connections along the way. 

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So, this is the beginning of the ARGUS villain origin story, right? I mean, with them touching on what they will do later on last nights LoT and how many lives they will go onto destroy, and them not only creating a doomsday weapon, but losing the damn thing, it seems inevitable at this point. ARGUS has shown themselves to be yet another in a long time of "Useless Authority Dickheads" that plague television, books and movies. They sit around waving their fingers (or worse) at the heroes for daring to actually try to stop villains and save lives, while being either useless or total assholes at every stop, and only break out the big guns to either take down the heroes for doing the job that they're supposed to be doing, or cleaning up they mess that they created themselves. Its just sad watching Diggle drinking their kool-aid. 

Has Diggle forgotten how sketchy ARGUS was back when he worked with the Suicide Squad? Yeah, you could say that things got better when Lyla took over from Waller, but they have always been up to questionable stuff. And, while I can understand why he didnt become the GA again (even after his almost season long fit about it last season), his speech to Felicity about how Oliver is gone now and their lives from before are over, seemed ridiculously out of character. I just cant buy that Diggle would not only say something so cold to one of his best friends, but that he would just give up on Oliver, and just try to stop thinking about him rotting in jail for the sake of the whole team and move on, without even hope that he could get out. What about William? Will he have to be separated from his only family forever now, just because Diggle is happy with the new status quo? After everything Diggle and Oliver have been through together? I just dont buy it. I did like that we got a lot of stuff between Diggle and Felicity though, and that they did talk about their issues like adults. I do, however, hope that Dig either comes back to his senses to help, or is actually doing stuff behind the scenes that he cant tell anyone about. 

Have I mentioned how much I hate that NTA and even Diggle get to go about their happy new lives, while Oliver and Felicity had their lives ruined? Because, I really do. Especially Curtis, who really seems to want to leave Oliver in jail and William in England all so he can get back to his happy new life, after he himself blew up his own life for shits and giggles. I mean, at least Rene actually seems to care that Oliver is in jail, and wants to get Diaz, while everyone else is just happy to move on about forget all about that Oliver guy and his family. God, I hate that Rene is the least annoying of NTA right now! That in and of itself annoys me! 

I did love everything Felicity this week, you really could feel her fire and her desperation in every scene. There were some scenes where you could hear her voice wavering, like she was fighting the urge to cry or scream, but was keeping it together for the sake of her family. Her and Watson teaming up has a lot of potential, and could even give Watson some development beyond a shallow antagonist. She also was getting her inventor game on, and that was super awesome to see, even if seeing her with NTA again just makes me feel gross. They came at her husband with an ax! They ruined her best friends hand! But, being desperate to save her family, I can understand her taking help where she can get it.

Oliver is prison was also good, and, yes, stabbing himself to get the guard taken out was so Oliver its hilarious. Use those smarts, Oliver! And I LOVED him apparently getting tech lessons from his wife, and him getting into the computer. Look at those two, fighting for each other, and learning from each others skills, with Felicity getting into the field and fighting, and Oliver using his brains and tech skills. 

I dont for a second think that Olicity ditched William. If they left him, it was for his own good, or something happened to them. I dont know about these flashforwards. They're kind of depressing me. 

The Longbow Hunters seem like really cool villains. Competent, interesting, and charismatic, and they all have their own skills and styles to make them unique, but also are clearly part of the same group. Of course, having real villains around just highlight how lame Diaz is, and how laughable it is that this loser is still around. Diaz is just some random asshole, a smug, annoying, wimp who I have no clue why no one can catch, or why he is being sold as such a scary threat. Dude is a joke. I took King Shark more seriously than I ever take Diaz. I just want his ass gone from this show as soon as possible. 

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5 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Your points are well laid out @BkWurm1... I understand the POV. I guess I read Diggle's behavior differently.. His treatment of Felicity is exactly what Oliver woulda wanted... I don't think that means he's stopped caring.. And I know why Felicity is hell bent on finding Diaz.. [snip]. So realistically when is he supposed to be getting out??  It wouldn't be fair to Felicity to say spend the rest of your life waiting for me... Diggle has been hunting for Diaz they even made mention of it in the premiere noting he might actually get in trouble for using so much of Argus' resources to look for him as... In universe I don't know what else they would have him do.. And I think that's the conclusion Felicity came to... He's doing about as much as he can.. He's honoring Oliver's ideals. He's even trying harder to keep Felicity outta danger.. Cuz lord knows if and maybe when Diaz gets close to Felicity and Ollie finds out he's gonna look to Digg and ask why she isn't MORE protected... 

As for the NTA stuff and the spat tween Ollie and Digg.. I'm in the minority in saying that the blame was more equitable than most posters believe... So I just tend to not discuss that part anymore 


I disagree that Diggle telling Felicity to sit tight and trust that Argus will eventually get around to making Diaz's capture a priority would be what Oliver would want to hear.  Getting Diaz off the board was the only reason Oliver sacrificed his life.  And now he's in jail and his wife and kid aren't even safe???  It's been five months and now in less than a week they've finally had two sightings of him and for some reason, nobody gives a damn, at least not enough to do anything about it...except Oliver and Felicity.  

I don't think Diggle stopped caring but I think he's gotten used to his new life and is frankly, too comfortable and complacent.  I don't understand how he can be so blase about letting Diaz run around when he'd JUST defeated their security protocols, first to get to Felicity (and the only reason she survived was SHE was able to hold him off long enough for ARGUS to finally show up) and then a couple days later, Diaz used the same methods to steal the battery.  He has no reason to have faith in ARGUS's abilities but he asks for her to trust them?

Maybe I could understand about securing the battery being the first priority, but once the battery was secure, they STILL didn't and weren't making Diaz's capture a priority.  They were only focused on their top objective and that meant actively letting Diaz go even though he was RIGHT THERE.  Why not send someone after him?  To not even try, that's unworkable with good reason for Felicity.  

Diggle should have convinced the new appears out of nowhere/we've never heard of Lyla or Waller having a boss at Argus before that catching Diaz was imperative for the same reason retrieving the battery was a priority.  Maybe let him be the second objective, but he should be one of the objectives.  Dude is the one plotting all the dastardly plots.  He'll just move on to a new one and ARGUS will once again run in and stick a band-aid on the problem without ending the problem.  It's proof of poor judgement and not inspiring of trust.  And while she trusts Diggle, right now Diggle has put his trust in something else.

IF and when Diaz gets close to Felicity again, the question Oliver will ask Diggle is "why is Diaz still free to attack Felicity?"  Protecting Felicity means catching Diaz.  

Diggle is focusing on her need to get Diaz as if she assuming it's going to magically get Oliver out of prison.  And that's what makes no sense to me.  Oliver getting out anytime soon is a separate issue.

Felicity connects getting Diaz as making Oliver's sacrifice have meaning, but she knows it's not getting him out BUT there is no kind of normal she or William can have until Diaz is caught.  That's what Diggle seems no longer to comprehend.

  Leaving Oliver getting out of jail anytime soon out of it, Felicity can't just accept her old life is gone when there is no new life she can even start to build.  There is NO life outside of hiding from Diaz or catching him.  Not for her or William.  Not even for Oliver in prison since Diaz proved he can get to him there.  And yet Diggle was oblivious enough to think it is fine to tell her to just hang and chill while he eventually gets around to Diaz. 

Diggle greatly disappoints me because he's made his job more important than Oliver, Felicity, and William's safety or ability to try and start a new normal apart.  He wants to help and probably tells himself that he needs ARGUS to help them, but at the same time, he seems resigned to the destruction of Felicity's family if it happens even while telling her he wouldn't put his family through something like that.  It feels like Diggle is back to blaming Oliver for all the mistakes and lost chances (like he did in Brother's in Arms 6-17) and absolving himself of any responsibility.  Again, I don't think there is any ill intent, but he's made it clear her life and family are not his first priority or even his second priority.  And for someone that is supposed to be their family, it's so disheartening.

I still believe he'd lay his life on the line in the field but he won't do anything to put his new job at risk in the meantime even when golden chances fall in his lap.  And can't seem to completely understand why she'd be upset about this.  

Felicity is just so sad about the distance, even if she's resigned to find another way.  She needs some ride or dies of her very own she can call on since clearly Curtis has no backbone, Diggle and DInah are caught up following the rules, Rene is toothless and BS even with the walking maniac part put aside, a flat out screw up.  

I seethed when the Noobs said they had her back and of course it proved to be nothing more than words.  

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In an ideal NTA-free Arrow, Felicity and Diggle would be teaming up to find Diaz and help Oliver. But alas, they exist so we get...this. I resent their existence more and more every time. ?

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I sure missed getting to watch live and comment in the live thread. That also keeps me from fast forwarding through scenes that don’t have at least one OTA character. It does make for much quicker viewing, though. 

I did actually say out loud to the pets at one point. “Wow. That Dinah sure is wearing a LOT of makeup.”

I’m also disturbed that I actually chuckled at something Rene said. I can’t remember what now - I must have blocked it out - but still.

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First off from the premiere, could saying to Oliver that William was going to Cambridge be code for something we haven’t been told yet?

Watching Diggle made me wonder if he’s been threatened and has  been forced to toe the line. Have you noticed that all the camera shots make him only a few inches taller than Felicity? He is not coming across as happy but as resigned to his fate. When he told Felicity to get over her need to get Oliver out of prison and give up on Dumbomouth Diaz it felt like he’s being pressured to say that. 

Felicity was awesome and so was Oliver (if for no other reason than he says his wife taught him a few things).  Even though they aren’t together physically I feel like they are showing more intertwining of their feelings and love for each other this season then all of the other 6 seasons combined.  

Prison is boring and so are NTA. The LBHs are okay but I don’t think they will keep my interest up for very long.

Didn't Oliver get impeached last season as Mayor? When will they fire or impeach BS as DA? Can’t wait.

So far season 7 is a bit better than season 6 but it really needs to get better.

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16 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

I'm almost wondering if the nonsensical bits in the flash-forward stuff isn't actually a clue that its happening on an alternate Earth or something that will play a role in the mid-season crossover event.

Probably not. But thinking they could be makes them much more tolerable.

Oh good -- it's not just me then. I wasn't really interested in the flashforwards (was hoping more for Roy interacting with the rest of the team), but then I thought that maybe they led, not back to the current present-day Star City, but to whatever is we're going to see in the crossover (which piqued my interest about both the flashforwards and the crossover). It could potentially explain both the look of the island and whatever happened with William and with Roy. (Poor, sad future Roy, running around Lian Yu by himself in that red suit and gear. Shame he couldn't have brought some more breathable clothes with him to the island.)

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@tennisgurl, co-sign on everything you said. Except for the England part. I assumed Felicity sent William to Cambridge, Massachusetts.

@BkWurm1, I'd like your post ten times over if I could. Felicity can't start over until Diaz is caught. Until then she can work on catching him or wait around with a target on her and William's backs. And honestly, has Diggle met Felicity Smoak?

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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I still believe he'd lay his life on the line in the field but he won't do anything to put his new job at risk in the meantime even when golden chances fall in his lap.  And can't seem to completely understand why she'd be upset about this.   

I was thinking about this last night and it highlighted the difference between Oliver and Diggle. Oliver is a hero and Diggle is a soldier. Diggle is smart, loyal, level-headed and the best person to have on your side during a battle. But he's very much a second-in-command kind of guy. He's at his most comfortable when he's executing a plan, not making one. When he felt like he'd lost his way at the end of S4, he went back to the military, hoping he'd find it again. Diggle can usually be counted on to do the right thing, but we rarely see him taking the initiative to do those things on his own.

By contrast, there's something intrinsic in Oliver that compels him to save people, to put their lives before his, to sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of others. He frustrates us constantly by being such a stupid, self-sacrificing idiot, but he's always willing to make the hard decisions so other people don't have to. He's willing to separate himself from his family for their safety, the good of the city, and his teammates' freedom. I always want to knock sense into him, but I also admire his courage and selflessness.

I understand why Diggle isn't willing to make those same sacrifices. There are so few people who are equipped to make those kinds of sacrifices But it's the difference between being a stand-up guy who does heroic things and being the actual hero, the guy everyone's looking to to get shit done. I'm kind of glad this distinction exists because it makes Oliver's journey a lot more compelling to me when I put it in that perspective.

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9 hours ago, JJ928 said:

I like that she realized  she couldn't work with Diggle/Argus, and I am sure she knows that in her current state she'd be a liability to him.

She can't promise to back his decisions if they run counter to her goals, yes, I agree to that but was that all that you meant or were you suggesting she was too emotional to think clearly?  


6 hours ago, BunsenBurner said:

 Even though they aren’t together physically I feel like they are showing more intertwining of their feelings and love for each other this season then all of the other 6 seasons combined.

I was thinking about that and a big thing they did in season five and even in season six was basically ignoring Oliver and Felicity's relationship unless that particular episode was written to deal with it.  In the earlier seasons even if it was just them doing a mission, who they were to each other would peak through.  Then season five and six just shut that down.  There were still some great episodes that wrote to them, but more often, they could have been work friends getting the job done with no other sign of connection.  And now, we've had two episodes where everything both of them do is underwritten by how clearly their thoughts are on the other. 

 I really hope the writing lets them keep up their obvious connection during mundane moments even down the road when they are reunited.  Even if it's just going back to extra looks or a lingering touch.  Those moments really matter.  

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8 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

She can't promise to back his decisions if they run counter to her goals, yes, I agree to that but was that all that you meant or were you suggesting she was too emotional to think clearly?  

I'm not going to pretend she wasn't emotional they all were, but that's not what I said. It wasn't emotion that stopped her from disconnecting the train cars. I think at the moment she was thinking clearly and weighing her options... she knew there was danger, but I think in her mind getting Diaz was worth it. That makes her a liability to a team like Argus, it's also why I don't see her working with the FBI too long.

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Thanks for clarifying.  I wasn't sure what you meant.  


Something I keep forgetting to talk about.  Brick (or one of them) mentioned that the guy that attacked Oliver in the showers and delivered the message about Felicity being dead, the one that Oliver beat down with the weight, they said they sent him to "Level Two" and that it was another level of hell down there.   

So how long before Oliver gets sent to Level Two? 

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23 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Why don't the Longbow Hunters have any bows?


Yes. Please, show, if you don't do anything else, answer this question for me. WTF are these characters called the Longbow Hunters? None of them use a bow (not even a frickin' crossbow). They don't even appear to do any hunting, really. Just thieving.

They should be called the Non-longbow Looters.

Or maybe "The Lootin' Gadgeteers!"

Edited by Cthulhudrew
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The more I think about it, the angrier I get at the way Diggle shut Felicity down. His version of “get over it!” If you will. This is the same guy who was whining all last season that he should be the Green Arrow because of that stupid manipulation by the Dominators. Forget the fact that he never would have come up with the idea of The Hood/Arrow on his own. And then threw a hissy fit when Oliver told him he was going to keep the suit. Mind you, Diggle still had his family-wife and child to think of.

And yes, he’s also a soldier-and soldiers in a unit also have a brotherhood and loyalty. No man left behind, sometimes even disobeying orders to save their comrade. And not only is Oliver Diggle’s brother, but his comrade and last night showed me that means nothing to him. Even if he’s under orders, the Diggle I met in season one and through five, would find a way to try and save Oliver and not brush him and Felicity off. He’d be there, working with Felicity to find and get that lamest of lame thug Marblemushmouth.

But no. Suddenly he has a wife and child to consider. The same wife and child that he didn’t bother to consider when he was wearing the suit and didn’t want to give up?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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My problem with Diggle’s argument is if Diaz focused on Diggle’s family, he’d likely be all, who cares what ARGUS says, we have to get Diaz immediately, and Felicity would be right there helping him track down Diaz. Oliver would probably try to help from prison. 

I’m not angry about Diggle putting his family first. I agree with that decision. He doesn’t have to be the Green Arrow. But I am angry about Diggle putting ARGUS before Oliver, Felicity and William.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

the Diggle I met in season one and through five, would find a way to try and save Oliver and not brush him and Felicity off.

What exactly is he saving Oliver from?? Ollie is in jail.. And will be until whatever deal he struck with the FBI is done... Until then he can't be a vigilante as part of Ollie's deal they're all supposed to follow the law now... I guess between the fight he and Ollie had and now he's decided that maybe being spartan or the hood or GA isn't the way anymore.. I do wish the show would explore that more.. But either way he's with argus now.. As that's really his one way to fight the fight.. And use their resources to find Diaz.. To keep Ollie and his family safe.. Which is why Ollie hasn't said anything to him in their visit and why eventually Felicity respected what he was doing.. Its all us posters who seem gobsmacked that he'd dare not do whatever it was felicity wanted to do.. I do know that felicity Rene and Curtis went to someplace and got in the way of some operation... i dunno how not being with argus with all their resources  and going back on the immunity that Oliver went inside for is a better option.. So he can what.. Show how much he cares with pained expressions and yelling? 

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