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S01.E03: Touch

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Keenly perceptive Theo sees shades of herself in a troubled young patient, a girl who's haunted by the menacing grin of "Mr. Smiley."


So I guess Theodora is a psyhic or sensitive or something. Glad she caught the molester. Even before it was discovered the guy was a molester, I was thinking to myself this guy molested that poor 9 year old kid. And what is the deal between her sister's husband and Theodora? Separate bank account that only those two know about that will really p*ss off Shirley. Hmmm....I guess there is a hint of why dear old dad isn't in the kids lives much. What a f*cked up family. But I have to say that monster in the basement was scary looking. 

Still enjoying this show after episode 3. Those kids in this show are really good actors. I am really impressed!

Edited by 17wheatthins
Added episode description and fixed season/episode tag
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This episode was very engrossing. I would watch the hell out a show starring Theo and her empathic, crime-solving magic skin.

I assume Shirley's husband is taking money from Steve, hence the need for a separate account. I'm guessing he's taking the money because the funeral home is not doing well financially.

After Steve wrote Theo her check and she said she was going to get her Ph.D., I said, "Not with only $15,000!" Maybe that was the first royalty check? Is she getting more than 8% of royalties since the other siblings declined the money? I need to know these details to enjoy the ghost story.

Edited by bilgistic
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1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

This episode was very engrossing. I would watch the hell out a show starring Theo and her empathic, crime-solving magic skin.

I assume Shirley's husband is taking money from Steve, hence the need for a separate account. I'm guessing he's taking the money because the funeral home is not doing well financially.

After Steve wrote Theo her check and she said she was going to get her Ph.D., I said, "Not with only $15,000!" Maybe that was the first royalty check? Is she getting more than 8% of royalties since the other siblings declined the money? I need to know these details to enjoy the ghost story.


Good thinking. I bet you are right about getting royalties from Steve's book, I had forgotten about the funeral home finances in the dumpster. Yeah, no way a person is getting a doctorate on 15K. Are you getting the impression that Dad molested his kids?  And is it an evil unknown force that is making him do it?

Edited by BeeBop88
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This was actually a really great episode. I'm finally getting drawn into the show - primarily because the kid actors are so, SO good. Much like the kids who were in the "Conjuring" movies, they elevate the material considerably.

I was surprised at how compelling I found Theo's story, given that her character hadn't made much of an impression on me in the first two episodes. So she's not just a bad-ass barhopping lesbian, but a child psychiatrist. And we now know why she wears gloves all the time. I wonder what horrors she saw when she touched Nell's body.

The story with the foster kid was both scary and sad, and the past story with the dumbwaiter was really well done too. The little girl who plays young Theo is really great, she's totally believable as a smart determined kid. I think this is the first time we actually saw a specific time-period reference relating to the younger versions of the kids, with the music video of Paula Abdul playing (around 1989 or thereabouts).

The show is full of jump-scares, but they're mostly pretty good jump-scares. The smiley face creature Theo saw at the end of the bed was terrifying. That scene got to me in particular, because I've had episodes of sleep paralysis where it's felt like someone was tugging at my comforter & bed-sheets ((shudder)).

The very end of the episode definitely hinted that the Dad may have been compelled by the house to harm his family in some way.

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McKenna Grace (young Theo) is a really good actress. Seen her in several things (Gifted is a good film) and have liked her. Didn’t recognize her with brown hair at first but she definitely elevated the material. 

The foster plot reminded me of the new show Manifest where the characters have visions and stuff that lead to justice being served. 

I do like that each of these episodes focuses on one kid - it’s cool seeing the story from different viewpoints. I was worried it would all be about Stephen but he’s barely been in these last two episodes. 

And kid Luke is so frakking adorable. 

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The kids are wonderful, and I love that Theo believed Luke, and did her best to help him. As awful as what she experiences is, I'm also glad that she is able to help other children with her ability, and just that she cares enough to listen, and take them seriously.

I knew the foster dad would be molesting her, and wished that she was another psychic girl instead. 

No wonder adult Luke is so messed up. I wondered if the secret bank account had anything to do with Luke, and maybe sending him money (I didn't hear that they didn't take the royalties offered). Since Shirley told him that he was cut off, where she was concerned. 

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Theo is officially my favorite.  She also seems to be the most well-adjusted of all the kids.  

As soon as they showed the guy to be a foster dad, I waited to see him smile - I had a feeling that was what was going on.  So sad. :(

Shirley's husband is totally taking royalties.  He was very "Um, yeah, sure honey, not one red scent (but we'll talk later)" about it.  

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Yeah, Shirley's husband is definitely taking money from Steve's book, I knew it as soon as he was all "ummmm yeah sure dear, blood money..." and considering they're business seems to be doing poorly, and they have young kids, I dont really blame him. Nor do I blame Theo for taking the money. After all the crap they went through, they might as well get something out of it besides massive childhood trauma. But maybe I will understand Shirleys point of view more when we see what happened.

Agreed with everyone else about the kids being really great. Little Theo was so cute and determined, and little Luke is just such a little cutie pie. They all seem like very real kids and siblings, who sometimes annoy each other and fight, but also often get along and play together and defend each other. 

I am getting more into the story now, and I really liked seeing more of Theo and her life. That poor little girl, but at least she caught the foster father. So she has powers to sense things when she touches them? Do the rest of the kids have powers too? And is it a coincidence that a family with psychic powers ended up in this super haunted house? 

I am also liking the slower pace, which you dont always see in horror series. They are adding in a decent amount of good scares (that basement monster was super creepy!) but are mostly building character and atmosphere, which is a much better way to do, especially with a television show. 

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55 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I am getting more into the story now, and I really liked seeing more of Theo and her life. That poor little girl, but at least she caught the foster father. So she has powers to sense things when she touches them? Do the rest of the kids have powers too? And is it a coincidence that a family with psychic powers ended up in this super haunted house? 

I wondered about this too, since in the book, it is suggested that people with sensitivity to the paranormal may see or maybe even CAUSE more manifestations in a haunted house, so would the house BE this haunted if the sensitive Crains weren't in it? But something about the pre-credits scene played it a bit ambiguous as to whether Theo had her "Whose hand was I holding?" encounter BECAUSE of her sensitivity, or if that encounter perhaps CAUSED her sensitivity. Did the house touch them in ways that affected their connection to the supernatural, or did their connection to the supernatural cause the house to touch them? I'm not sure the show takes a clear position on this, but it is interesting to consider as things move forward.

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On 10/19/2018 at 5:54 AM, Mrs. DuRona said:

As soon as they showed the guy to be a foster dad, I waited to see him smile - I had a feeling that was what was going on.  So sad. :(

Yes, that was expected, but I thought they showed Theo shaking his hand when he was at her office? Or did she have gloves on?

I love her character, and the girl playing young Theo was great. The whole scene with the dumbwaiter was terrifying! And I must be the biggest wuss, because there is no way, haunted house or not, that I would ever go down in that basement alone, especially after hearing Luke screaming down there and talking about a monster. All I could think of in that scene is that this must be the beginning of Luke's problems, because DAMN. Poor kid.

The monster at the foot of her bed was disturbing.

On 10/15/2018 at 10:48 PM, Cheezwiz said:

I wonder what horrors she saw when she touched Nell's body.

I wondered too. It wasn't just the grief overwhelming her, was it? 

I get the naysayers for being down on this very loose take on the novel, but I am really liking the show for what it is. The cast is great.

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This episode was my favorite out of what I've seen so far.  I think I'm on 4 or 5 at this time.  I'm getting more of a hang with the time jumping, although it still makes it seem like (in my mind) something really bad happens and nobody reacts to it because then we are taken back to 2 years earlier or something.  I keep waiting for the reaction to the horrible thing!

Loved seeing what Theo can do.  That's my kinda show, LOL.

It was pretty obvious that the foster dad was guilty right when they showed the picture the little girl had drawn.  She drew Mr. Smiley and Foster Dad with the same smile.  I guess they were more focused on Theo's abilities than in making the little girl's case a big mystery.

I think the Little Theo actress was on "Designated Survivor" and "Once Upon a Time."  I think that's where I recognize her from.  I bought Little Theo's anguish when she saw what would happen to her mother.

I wasn't expecting a zombie!  Was that a zombie ghost?  Interesting...wonder how that particular spirit came to be there?  Maybe it's not a zombie but just manifests as one to scare little kids even more.

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Where's the show about the physic psychiatrist, I'd watch that show. So did Theo always have those powers, or did the house bring them out. I guess her mother kind of said that women in their family are sensitive to the supernatural but she wasn't too clear about it. Then again she gave her gloves which implies she knew she'd need them. I figured the foster dad was a child molester. I'm glad she found that out. 

The young Theo actress is great. She was also a great older sister to go down the creepy unknown basement after her little brother said a monster was down there. So she does know that her siblings are seeing ghosts. Does she think it's their imagination or does she believe them? 

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With that checkbook, I thought perhaps Shirley’s husband was both taking book royalties and continuing to support Luke with rehab and possibly giving him money in general. I mean maybe it was because Shirley wrote a check for rehab the first time around. Who barely even uses/takes checks in 2018? The husband would just be better off with a secret savings account and just move money electronically or maybe a debit card at most. I may be overthinking this one, lol, but it was definitely a sore point with Shirley to NOT receive money from nor give money to either brother.

I would like to officially foster little Nell, Luke, and Theo and take those precious children away from that terrifying house. Whelp, I guess i’d have to take Shirley and Steve, too, to keep the family together, but I’m not enamoured with those characters.

I’m kind of confused by the mom’s “sensitivity” as compared to Theo’s. It just seems like the mom gets headaches but has NO perception whatsoever about what’s happening with her kids or in the house. Unless this is like The Supreme in American Horror Story and the mom’s “powers” are weakening as the next generation’s powers are rising. She mentioned the family history with her mother, too. But I’m guessing the mom finally realizes what the hell is going on the house and maybe “battles” the ghosts to save her family, which the dad can’t comprehend and takes as suicide? Or the mom just lost, as Nell did in current time.

Speaking of which, interesting that the PAST had “come home Nell” under the wallpaper but that’s what she was compelled to do in present time. Maybe it’s like the ghosts have no timeline so what is forever will be. The characters are all still “in” it, occasionally seeing flashes of the past in present time, so they’re sort of skirting over that dimension.

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I laughed when Theo told Shirley's husband to tell Shirl he has a mistress or a secret family - something that would make her less angry than the truth. Ha!!

Theo took the money as is her right, but the way she shaded Stephen on how he wrote about a night he'd been asleep for 99% of indicated that she has feelings similar to Shirley's about the book, just not quite as intensely.

It was interesting to learn that everything Shirley said to her kids about Nell's death in the previous episode was given to her by Theo to say. Although Theo probably didn't intend for Shirley to say she was sad 9000 times, just once or twice. Shirley kind of takes things to the next level, doesn't she?

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This is the first episode to really draw me in, but maybe it's because I like Theo and seeing her point of view didn't make me annoyed at her. I'd totally watch a show about a psychic child psychologist. Seriously, count me in! This is the first of the kids that made me really feel for her as an adult. None of what happened to her was really her choice, and she's been making decisions that haven't been downright awful. She's helping kids and she's trying to help herself.

The scene with little Theo and her mom was well done. I guess, all the women in their family have different variations of psychic ability. I remember when Olivia got that headache in the last episode, Hugh asked if she was still seeing colour. With Theo, her ability comes through touch. From what Olivia said about Nellie, she seems to hear things, and I guess when we get to her big episode, we'll know. As for Shirley, who knows but Olivia did mention that she talks in her sleep and with Shirley being the only one to have awoken at 3:03 with the rest of her siblings and actually speaking about where Nellie was, it seems like her possible psychic connection happens through her dreams. It's actually kind of fascinating to think about. I wonder if the boys have any psychic abilities or if it's just the girls. Luke seems to have seen as much as Nellie and dealt with it through drugs. Perhaps he has some sort of ability. I'm not sure about Steven as he was largely left out of all the supernatural stuff, but maybe he does as well? 

Theo, Luke, and Nellie are definitely the most interesting. Meanwhile, Steven irritates me a lot, especially when we keep going back to him selling out through the novels and not caring about what his siblings went through. And then Shirley with trying to fix everyone and fixing nothing because of her pushing everything away. 

McKenna Grace is such a good child actress. I've been enjoying seeing her pop up in things over the last couple of years, so I knew she'd be nothing short of spectacular here. 

They also seemed to up the horror factor, or maybe it's because I'm watching at 11:30pm, even with my light on. They utilized the lack of sound through many shots and it definitely worked, as I was creeped out. 

Knowing that the next two episodes seem likely to be centered on Luke and Nell, and not knowing what storyline they'll take after that, I'm intrigued enough to keep watching....even in the middle of the night. 

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So I watched up until this episode and I'm really enjoying this show.  I don't know if this is mentioned in other episode forums, I don't want to spoil myself so I am not reading ahead, but you guys are seeing the random ghost throughout the house right? I noticed one this episode under the stairs when Theo went down into the basement so my husband and I looked it up. Apparently they are int the background during the scenes in Hill house. We had some fun spotting all of them :)

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On 10/24/2018 at 6:14 PM, JenE4 said:

I’m kind of confused by the mom’s “sensitivity” as compared to Theo’s. It just seems like the mom gets headaches but has NO perception whatsoever about what’s happening with her kids or in the house. Unless this is like The Supreme in American Horror Story and the mom’s “powers” are weakening as the next generation’s powers are rising. She mentioned the family history with her mother, too. But I’m guessing the mom finally realizes what the hell is going on the house and maybe “battles” the ghosts to save her family, which the dad can’t comprehend and takes as suicide? Or the mom just lost, as Nell did in current time.

I found it odd too that the mom was so open, understanding, and supportive of Theo's sensitivity or ability and yet it seemingly completely oblivious to the issues in the house with the other kids.  I get that Nell and Luke are young and so it would be logical to first assume they are just playing with imaginary friends or just having a bad dream, but if these things didn't start til they moved to the house, it should also be a red flag.  Sometimes it seems like the parents are a little too wrapped up in their house flipping and neglecting the kids. 

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I think the mom is really good at putting up walls. Not sure what she does all day, but this isn't just one thing. It's a lot of things happening to all your children.

It wasn't really a jump scare episode, but I liked the underlying psycho analysis of what ghosts are and how we create them for ourselves.

I'll second and third how wonderful the kid actors are. 

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On 10/16/2018 at 1:48 AM, Cheezwiz said:

I think this is the first time we actually saw a specific time-period reference relating to the younger versions of the kids, with the music video of Paula Abdul playing (around 1989 or thereabouts).

She was also wearing a scrunchie.  I was absolutely obsessed with "Cold Hearted Snake" as a kid so I loved seeing her dance to that.

I did think it was weird that Theo apparently didn't come out as a lesbian until two years before, because she seems like someone who would have been out way before her mid-30's, but whatever. Maybe she had a string of failed relationships with men.

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I did not expect to become obsessed with this show, especially after the first two episodes. I only checked it out because everyone was talking about. Steve and Shirley are the weakest characters in my opinion, and in many ways they make me cringe. It wasn't until Theo's episode that I was sold on the show and completely obsessed. I'm especially fond of young Theo, Nell, and Luke.

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15 hours ago, Anela said:

It was one of the best episodes, I remember, but that basement, and that person crawling towards poor little Luke.

I agree, one of the best eps. And that basement scene, give me chills. Luke's entire story breaks my heart. The little boy they got to play young Luke is so adorable and seems so incredibly sweet that it hurts my heart that he went through all that. And grown Luke, the actor does an amazing job of being a truly broken adult version of that sweet boy. 

I have been struggling to find something good and new to watch for Halloween, maybe I'll just rewatch this. My past rewatch was just as good as the first viewing. 

I find this season far more rewatchable than the Bly Manor season which I liked first go around but don't really have the desire to rewatch as I do this one. 

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