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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I would love it if someone were to ask why she just doesn't quit the show if she feels they're so hellbent on making her look bad, her answer would be wildly entertaining. I mean, if a group of people were conspiring to make me look like a pill popping neglectful mother who damn near passes out while holding a baby and refuses to feed my child when says she's hungry, I sure as hell wouldn't stand for it.


And how long has she been promising us the "truth"? Everytime she's caught in some shit, the first thing out of her mouth is "You'll learn the truth", or "I have a lot I could say", again, if people were trying to make me look as bad as Leah is looking right now, I would start outing this "truth".

  • Love 8

It is true. I'm not in SD but most states follow the same general guidelines for establishing paternity between unwed individuals. If needed, the court orders a paternity test to assign legal relationships to the child. Or the father can sign the birth certificate and the court accepts that as binding. Custody is a separate issue. The court establishes legal paternity first. This gives both people named legal responsibilities, which is fairly cut and dry. Rights have more "wiggle room".

It's nowhere near as confusing as it sounds. Lol

Just like her and the narcolepsy tests. Any word on that? Weren't they testing in the fall and no other word since then. She was trying to use that as an excuse for her nodding off and when the doctor wouldn't give her the correct diagnosis she moved on to her next truth. Girl needs to wake up before she harms the girls and that is something that she would never be able to get over. Such a shame that she can't see the harm she is doing.

  • Love 1

I've said it before and I'll say it again: if Leah had a legitimate chronic illness, there are TONS of ways she could negotiate this without losing custody and endangering her kids. I have a chronic illness myself and I think your kids being safe is the number one priority. If she really had a physical illness that contributes to extreme fatigue, why not hire someone to do drop offs? Or in cases of flares, if she was working well with Corey, the kids could stay there until she feels better. I honestly don't see why she doesn't have hired help if it's all overwhelming. I mean I'm sure it is being a young, single mom of three and one with a very bad physical handicap...but if you literally have no other job or obligation besides this and to have your life filmed, there is no reason to not step up...especially with the money she gets. Hell, in West Virginia, she could hire a live-in nanny with her salary to help out if she was truly suffering from some physical malady.

  • Love 8

Okay, people on Facebook think the scene with Leah smoking in the car with the girlses was photoshopped, MTV photoshopped the cigarette into her hand. I'm just going to leave that there.

Oh okay, that makes total sense. It was probably that guy who draws those cartoon doodles of the Teen Momses in between segments. He probably has it out for Leah.
  • Love 7
Leah said all but two words on that crap "Aftershow" waste of time. She looked nervous and skittish and said that the school morning scene was "so hard to watch" or something of that sort, but no one asked her WHY.


I think she actually said that it was hard to watch because she was fresh out of rehab at that point and she knew people would just assume she was still on drugs. 


I laughed and thought, 'Yea, because you probably were".

  • Love 4

I know I'm going to get snarked at for this, but I have to take issue with people referring to Leah as a single mother. First off, even before Corey got primary custody, he had the girlses probably almost or half of the time or they were at school, leaving her with one child. Jeremy and/or his family has Adderall at the weekends. She gets child support from both fathers. She very likely has a guy living with her. A lot of her segments start with her saying, "I dropped the girlses off with my mom, grandma/sister/homeless Pete/Nancy Garrido, while I go and spread my lesges/buy pillses/go out to eat to bitch about being overwhelmed from doing fuck all..." Proving a circle of constant support.  
It's just my opinion that a single parent is one who does not get easy respite or monetary support and doesn't have another adult living in the house. And even if TR doesn't live there or isn't even dating her, she's still far from a single parent to me. 

And Kailyn also referred to herself as a single mother on the recent after show. Not only can she take several seats, but she can take a whole fucking stadium. 
I think they're a bloody insult to struggling genuine one parent families everywhere.

  • Love 12

Yeah, technically she is a single/unmarried mother but Leah and her "fans" just irritate me so bloody much!

Yeah, I think "unmarried mother" is a more accurate term. "Single mother" just has the connotation (to me anyways) of someone who's former partner is not in the picture much and who doesn't have a lot of help.



Wait, KAIL referred to herself as a single mom?? Why, because Javi is deployed?


Ok....well, my husband just left for work. I guess that means I will be a single mom until around 6 pm. O the pity!



Not surprising. I know of a few stay at home moms who regularly complain that her high earning spouse works so many hours that she is "basically a single mother". A lot of people seem to think that title relates to anyone who (in his or her own estimation anyways) does the majority of the childcare.

  • Love 5

Yeah that cigarette is photoshopped...even though she has been filmed MANY times smoking in her car and MTV has attempted to not show it by having her hand out of the camera shot, I wanna say they may have even blurred it before but that might be Catelynn and Tyler I don't specifically remember.

I said this in the show thread I agree with WhitneyWhit...I'm still waiting for the truth I was promised like 3 seasons ago. There's always "so much I could say" then say it!! MTV is allegedly throwin you under the bus with a bad edit, say what you want. It's funny because she has generally gotten a good edit but we don't hear her complain about that. I know nobody mentions a good edit, but it's funny to me that when it's the good edit we are supposed to believe every moment we are shown and now we don't see everything.

Nice SODA BOTTLES right in front of you early into the show tonight, Leah! There were at least 2. So either she was lying about the fact that she and the girlses NEVER drink soda or she's lying about TR Dues and his kids and they were theirs. I also saw a large can of either an energy drink or soda in her next segment. So, like usual she's lying. I haven't even finished the episode but these sodas jumped out since she made a big deal in twitter about how they don't drink soda after last week's episode. Now I'll be counting sodas all season. Also, she had a ton of plastic water and such bottles on her tables in other scenes, some looked empty. No one but her and the girlses were there..supposedly. Clean it up!

EDIT: A different can was on the table in front of Leah when Leah was calling her sister about her talk with the lawyer. Seriously Leah? One episode after she claims NO SODA EVER I spot at least 4 different, open soda containers? She's a special kind of stupid liar.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 6

Yes please! Post those photos to her Twitter.

Were cigarettes shown in her house, too? If so, post the interview she gave where she claimed she quit smoking.

Did some Googling and when I came across one of many articles about Leah smoking, including one where she was smoking while pregnant. It is mentioned how the photographer snapped the photo after Leah crashed her car. Any bets that she was texting and driving?

I'm sorry if I offend anyone here but I hate, hate, hate people who smoke inside a house where children live (or in the family car for that matter).  I would be willing to bet that Leah has lit up plenty of times both inside the house and car on the basis that the kids aren't home or nearby.  It doesn't matter!  Second hand smoke is so damaging and lingers.  I completely understand that smoking is a serious addiction but for the love of the children, don't do it under a roof.  


Sorry if this sounds patronizing but with all the knowledge we have today, smoking around children is IMO one of the most selfish things a parent can do. 

  • Love 12

So she doesn't give them soda but gives them Hugs? They both are full of sugar and so are energy drinks.

I told my niece she could pick a treat from the grocery store last time we went and she desperately wanted Hugs since she had one once and her mom never buys them. She had all these reasons why this should be her treat so I relented and looked at them; they're mostly water now and made with fake sugar...not sure if that's actually better or worse than real sugar. But the package brags that there are only 2g of sugar in each Hug. It didn't look like there were other types, they were all made with fake sugar and have 10 calories a Hug. Even so, she's only had a few out of the box and it's been over 2 weeks since they're a treat and not an everyday thing. Her mom still wasn't impressed I bought them and I don't blame her. At least this might mean the girlses teeth won't rot since it's not real sugar? All those chemicals though, ugh.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 2

I'm sorry if I offend anyone here but I hate, hate, hate people who smoke inside a house where children live (or in the family car for that matter). I would be willing to bet that Leah has lit up plenty of times both inside the house and car on the basis that the kids aren't home or nearby. It doesn't matter! Second hand smoke is so damaging and lingers. I completely understand that smoking is a serious addiction but for the love of the children, don't do it under a roof.

Sorry if this sounds patronizing but with all the knowledge we have today, smoking around children is IMO one of the most selfish things a parent can do.

Plus that poor cat being subjected to it as well. Leah really is a selfish bitch. The air quality in that home must be toxic.

  • Love 3

I told my niece she could pick a treat from the grocery store last time we went and she desperately wanted Hugs since she had one once and her mom never buys them. She had all these reasons why this should be her treat so I relented and looked at them; they're mostly water now and made with fake sugar...not sure if that's actually better or worse than real sugar. But the package brags that there are only 2g of sugar in each Hug. It didn't look like there were other types, they were all made with fake sugar and have 10 calories a Hug. Even so, she's only had a few out of the box and it's been over 2 weeks since they're a treat and not an everyday thing. Her mom still wasn't impressed I bought them and I don't blame her. At least this might mean the girlses teeth won't rot since it's not real sugar? All those chemicals though, ugh.

Hell, little Adderall was eating straight saccharine when she was slamming Sweet & Low along with the sugar packets. I shudder when I think of what those kids eat when they're with Leah. I bet they'd never seen fresh fruit or vegetables until they went to Corey's house.

I'm sorry if I offend anyone here but I hate, hate, hate people who smoke inside a house where children live (or in the family car for that matter).  I would be willing to bet that Leah has lit up plenty of times both inside the house and car on the basis that the kids aren't home or nearby.  It doesn't matter!  Second hand smoke is so damaging and lingers.  I completely understand that smoking is a serious addiction but for the love of the children, don't do it under a roof.  


Sorry if this sounds patronizing but with all the knowledge we have today, smoking around children is IMO one of the most selfish things a parent can do.

I'll go even further than that. I am a nurse and often would take care of infants in the hospital with respiratory distress. Most would be diagnosed with reactive asthma. Nine times out of ten, there was a smoker in the house. As a nurse, you do your patient education with the parents regarding smoking. I can't tell you how many times, people would say, but I don't smoke in the house. It does not matter because you carry it on your clothes and the child is still exposed.

I know it is an addiction and tough habit to break but those are the facts relating to children and asthma.

  • Love 4

I'm sorry if I offend anyone here but I hate, hate, hate people who smoke inside a house where children live (or in the family car for that matter). I would be willing to bet that Leah has lit up plenty of times both inside the house and car on the basis that the kids aren't home or nearby. It doesn't matter! Second hand smoke is so damaging and lingers. I completely understand that smoking is a serious addiction but for the love of the children, don't do it under a roof.

Sorry if this sounds patronizing but with all the knowledge we have today, smoking around children is IMO one of the most selfish things a parent can do.

My father was a smoker but he used to smoke outside the house. Still, I suffered with a chronic cough, bronchitis and then asthma. By age 9 my pediatrician at the time told my mom "tell your husband to quit smoking for your daughters health if not his". He quit that week. After 30 years of smoking. All my ailments went away.

Anyway, the least Leah can do is quit. But since she can't even quit the pillses much less admit she has a problem, it won't happen.

  • Love 4

Why are they hiding the fact that they live together? 

Because Leah was lying to Corey about it and denying TR lived with her. He tried to call her out on it at the reunion and said the girlses told him he was sleeping there. Leah lied and said he'd been there for a cookout. Leah has to make it look like she's super mom, doing it all on her own (and failing miserably). Plus, she probably doesn't want Corey asking questions about a strange guy living with his daughters. I've wondered if TR doesn't want to be filmed and maybe his ex doesn't want the kids filmed? 

  • Love 1

Leah is delusional and really thinks people will buy what she's selling. She has lied about so many things - from the reason behind her to divorces to the fact that she can't get her kids to school/therapy on time (if AT ALL) to the degree of her drug issues. So it doesn't surprise me at all that she thinks she can say she's single and working on herself and actually believes that the public will buy it. 

I was just wondering because there were no similar efforts to hide Jeremy from the cameras. I also don't remember Corey calling her out on that relationship. Just wondering if there were issues because Dues is African American.


I don't know if it has anything to do with his race. Leah was in a much different place when she met Germy. She wasn't on drugs yet, had just one father of her kids, etc. Now I think it just looks worse. Fresh out of rehab, but still using. Two divorces.Serial cheater. Lost custody. She's being called out on her mothering skills and she knows that having another serious relationship so soon will make her look badly. So she keeps up this mantra that she's just working on her, and taking care of her girls. Yet we have Cory saying that girlses said Dues is staying with her. She's so full of shit. 

  • Love 8

I'm sorry if I offend anyone here but I hate, hate, hate people who smoke inside a house where children live (or in the family car for that matter).  I would be willing to bet that Leah has lit up plenty of times both inside the house and car on the basis that the kids aren't home or nearby.  It doesn't matter!  Second hand smoke is so damaging and lingers.  I completely understand that smoking is a serious addiction but for the love of the children, don't do it under a roof.  


Sorry if this sounds patronizing but with all the knowledge we have today, smoking around children is IMO one of the most selfish things a parent can do. 

At least she had the window rolled down in her SUV.  Although that doesn't prevent some smoke from making its way to the back seat, and I doubt that the windows are rolled down when it is Wintertime in WV.  Growing up in the 50s and early 60s, I think all of us kids smelled like cigarettes most of the time.  

  • Love 1

Why are they hiding the fact that they live together? 


I'm baffled too. I mean, I know why Leah wants to hide it, but I can't understand why production goes along with it. Even if Leah said, I'll only film if Dues is left on the cutting room floor, even the most trusting unsavvy person in the world would have to know that's a bluff.


But yeah, if Leah feels comfortable lying to a friggin judge in court when asked point blank if she is living with someone, then she's sure not going to feel obligated to come clean to MTV cameras.

  • Love 1

Because Leah was lying to Corey about it and denying TR lived with her. He tried to call her out on it at the reunion and said the girlses told him he was sleeping there. Leah lied and said he'd been there for a cookout. Leah has to make it look like she's super mom, doing it all on her own (and failing miserably). Plus, she probably doesn't want Corey asking questions about a strange guy living with his daughters. I've wondered if TR doesn't want to be filmed and maybe his ex doesn't want the kids filmed? 



Leah has used her safe word.  She doesn't want to discuss it.   HAHAHAHA

  • Love 2

I'm baffled too. I mean, I know why Leah wants to hide it, but I can't understand why production goes along with it. Even if Leah said, I'll only film if Dues is left on the cutting room floor, even the most trusting unsavvy person in the world would have to know that's a bluff.

But yeah, if Leah feels comfortable lying to a friggin judge in court when asked point blank if she is living with someone, then she's sure not going to feel obligated to come clean to MTV cameras.

I asked the same thing, why Dues is being given a pass, they have NEVER given anyone the liberty to hide something like that. Chelsea even said in interviews that she didn't want every person she went on a date with on camera but she had to take steps to hide it from the cameras MTV, the same with Farrah and Sophia's father, on her 16 and pregnant episode he was still alive and she said she had to sneak to communicate with him because she didn't want him shown... But MTV obviously knows about Dues they are the ones who introduced them, he was her trainer. I saw somewhere that he did not accept what they offered to pay him, but it surprises me that, that means he is completely wiped from the record, I thought that just meant he wasn't filmed but effort is made to act like he doesn't exist I don't understand

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