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Jesus God, Leah!!

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If the story wasn't true you know Leah, Dawn and all the family would be yelling and screaming it wasn't and that it was Miranda and Corey that told someone this fake bullshit story? And if any of this had been on the other foot and it was Corey doing drugs, etc., she would have been tattle telling everything about it and her whole family would be saying all sorts of mean shit.

Question, can the courts look at her medical records and see what she has been prescribed and if methadone is on the records could that become admissible in court?


If the story wasn't true you know Leah, Dawn and all the family would be yelling and screaming it wasn't

 Leah somewhat refuted those claims in US Weekly, saying that Addy was only outside for "literally one second" and that the cops were not involved at all. Of course, I believe The Ashley over Leah.


The Ashley is an entertainment site, so of course always take with a grain of salt, but The Ashley breaks a lot of stories which turn out true and she is very adamant that she will not publish anything she can't confirm. If she does, on rare occasion, print gossip, she is absolutely clear that what she's printing is something she's heard, not something that can be verified. She has a LOT of inside sources- including some of the teen moms and their families.

  • Love 3

I do feel some sympathy for Leah for the mental illness that's beyond her control.

But feeling sorry for her because she's twice divorced with 3 kids before her 25th birthday? Hell no, I don't feel a bit sorry for her over that. That's all on her.

Short and sweet. That is what I say when it comes to Leah. At some point Leah has to look upon herself and see why her life is where it is. Stop blaming the guys when she was a willing participant in the bedroom or back of the truck. She is now with another guy and caring for his two kids. How does someone who couldn't summon the energy to care for her own two kids, go and live with another guy and care for his children? And what issues does his ex girlfriend have that he has custody of his kids?   I also agree with ghoulina who pretty much summed up how I feel. My sympathy for Leah ended long ago only. Jenelle apparently has a mental disorder, or two, or three, but it doesn't make me sympathetic to her. There are those who are mentally ill and it makes me have all kinds of compassion for them. Then, there are the likes of Jenelle. Leah has claimed depression, but the only meds that have been mentioned seem to be pain killers. If she is depressed, why is she not seeing a therapist? Too many questions.



Is there documentation from a reliable source that this really happened?

Leah herself who claimed her child was only outside for a split second. She didn't deny it. She gave her version. Since this is Leah, a known drug addict, her version of the truth is always questionable.

By the way, how did that narcolepsy testing go? Results? Oh wait...bullshit.

  • Love 4

Still no word on the narcolepsy test. Wouldn't they be over by now? SPLAIN, that is what I don't understand. Leah, complains how stressed out she is taking care of the girls and then goes and moves in with someone who had two kids. Before custody was changed that would make five kids. With Leah there is always an excuse. And always a new disorder or something that she has. My problem with her us that she never takes accountability for anything and blames it off on stress, depression, anxiety, headaches, Addie's birth, custody over the girls, and other things and the latest is narcolepsy.

I just feel sorry for the girls because I think they are in for a lifetime of excuses and a parade of men in and out of their lives. I'm scared for all the girls with her drug use and her dick use. She is putting them in harms way and the potential that those girls could be hurt badly just makes me so sad.

  • Love 3

I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed that Corey and Miranda are still doing the show. I mean, they don't owe us an explanation but I don't get why they are doing it if they don't like filming the show or all the drama that comes with being opposite of Leah every week. I'm confused because the article makes it sound as if their hands are tied and I can't really pin down what that would be. Other then the little extra money they make from it, I guess. I'm surprised they want to risk having Remi become apart of the circus and the twins being further exposed after all the stupidity they've been going through.

  • Love 4

Thanks McKay.



I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed that Corey and Miranda are still doing the show. I mean, they don't owe us an explanation but I don't get why they are doing it if they don't like filming the show or all the drama that comes with being opposite of Leah every week.

I agree. The one thing that comes to my mind is, Cory wants to show the contrast between the girls in his life versus their life at Leah's home. Maybe he feels bad for Leah in some way. She doesn't work and has no income. He probably feels this is her only way to sustain herself since she is not about doing anything for a living. Another reason might be that he is wanting the money because he has to rebuild those trust accounts that Leah stole from. 


LOL @ Leah's tweet, "The biggest tree I ever had" in reference to her Christmas tree. There is a dirty joke floating around in my mind.  Then her tweet goes on, "We had to have everything different." Yeah Leah, that is the story of your life. Perhaps you should write a book and use that as the title.

I don't recall seeing much of this story on the show, and I don't follow these girls online. I assume I am not the only one.

I don't follow them online either, but stories do get posted here. If not for that, I probably would not know as much as I do about these girls.  Going by what people post on the various twitters and Facebook pages of these girls (thanks to those here who post those links BTW), it seems many of the minions of these girls also know what is going on outside of the show.

  • Love 2

I fall pretty firmly in the little-no-sympathy catagory as far as Leah is concerned. It's not so much a matter of "she made her bed", for me it's that she has pretty much every resource in the world, and yet still chooses to squander everything away. I 100% agree that her life has been hard, I'm sure having twins at 16 is extremely difficult, let alone one of them having a disability... I would not/do not blame her one bit for any depression/anxiety she may have... Hell I struggle at times with both and I don't have any of those factors. In that regard, yes I have sympathy/empathy for her. With all of that she went on to be one of the few girls in the entire franchise to graduate from high school (and I believe she graduated on time), so to me that says that she did at some point have some ambition.

Where she loses me is her refusal to take any responsibility or accept any accountability for any of the issues. I'll go as far as to say I would actually understand her turning to drugs with everything going on, it's not what I would do, nor do I think it's a good idea, but I could see how something like that could slip out of control. To be clear when I say everything going on I mean more having the twins so young/ Alli being disabled, I don't really so much lump the divorces with that because they were both caused by her actions for the most part... I know I'm kinda contradicting myself. Anyway my point is, basically that the reason I personally don't really feel bad for her is that being on teen mom has afforded her many opportunities that many people, some being in worse predicaments than Leah, don't get. She was able to go away for treatment, she has lots of people willing to help with the girls and support her through recovery, she has had many many chances to straighten out her act before the judge took away custody, and yet not once does she take any responsibility for any of it. I'll even give her that she doesn't owe us any disclosure as to what is actually going on, but if that's the case don't make any statements, don't lie. I find it disgusting that she seems to want to garner all the sympathy for how hard everything is, but sit back and play the victim that everything was done to her by the various powers that be. She had the benefit of knowing exactly what it was the court expected of her, and she couldn't even be bothered to do that... So no, I give no fucks.

You know if Corey had any inkling of a drug issue (actually I'm surprised she hasn't called him out for dipping with the girls around) that every detail would have long been sold to the tabloids, and I guarantee that Corey wouldn't even be able to have the girls on the weekend.

  • Love 7

I know someone who was prescribed methadone for back pain. I had thought the only thing methadone was used for was heroin addiction. If Leah was using heroin, and it's not that big of a stretch because it's more common than people think, maybe she's using methadone to stay off heroin.

I also thought people used methadone once daily to stay off heroin.

It's definitely not used just to get off of heroin. I got to know many people at the methadone clinic and the vast majority were there because of pills not heroin.

I think most people turn to methadone because they can no longer afford the amount of pills they need in order not to get sick or the supply in their area is drying up.

I do think that methadone is better than shooting heroin so I guess it's not all evil.

  • Love 2

I don't follow them online either, but stories do get posted here. If not for that, I probably would not know as much as I do about these girls.  Going by what people post on the various twitters and Facebook pages of these girls (thanks to those here who post those links BTW), it seems many of the minions of these girls also know what is going on outside of the show.


You'd think, wouldn't you? But that is what baffles me most about Leah's rabid fans. They care enough about Leah to go on her Facebook fan page and start FB wars over anyone saying anything remotely critical of Leah (even if done kindly, such as, I wish Leah would get help for her drug problem), generally calling the commenter "stoopid" and "jelus", or "probably a terrible mom", yet they don't really know much about her life beyond what she tells US Weekly. A lot of the times they don't even know about scenes that made it on the show! (Example, Leah nodding off while holding her niece, in mid sentence, or jabbering about dye in babies' heads, or driving while texting while her daughters flail around in the backseat with an avalanche of crap falling on them). If they are such a casual viewer that they don't even watch the show that regularly, why are they so moved to go on Facebook and defend Leah?


More disturbingly, the level of hatred towards Miranda is just shocking. It's one thing for the Messer clan to despise Miranda- at least they know Leah in real life. But these fans have never even met Leah, don't know the full story, and their level of investment in defending her is just insane.

  • Love 7

I can't blame Cory for wanting to do the show. If he doesn't, the only narrative regarding the girlses is Leah's. Scary as it sounds, Leah has a legion of leghumpers who think she's an uh-MAY-zing Mom and Cory is the shitbag. If I were him I'd want to make sure my side of the story was told, rather than just Leah's heavily skewed and shaded version.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 7

You'd think, wouldn't you? But that is what baffles me most about Leah's rabid fans. They care enough about Leah to go on her Facebook fan page and start FB wars over anyone saying anything remotely critical of Leah (even if done kindly, such as, I wish Leah would get help for her drug problem), generally calling the commenter "stoopid" and "jelus", or "probably a terrible mom", yet they don't really know much about her life beyond what she tells US Weekly. A lot of the times they don't even know about scenes that made it on the show! (Example, Leah nodding off while holding her niece, in mid sentence, or jabbering about dye in babies' heads, or driving while texting while her daughters flail around in the backseat with an avalanche of crap falling on them). If they are such a casual viewer that they don't even watch the show that regularly, why are they so moved to go on Facebook and defend Leah?


More disturbingly, the level of hatred towards Miranda is just shocking. It's one thing for the Messer clan to despise Miranda- at least they know Leah in real life. But these fans have never even met Leah, don't know the full story, and their level of investment in defending her is just insane.

I think sometimes they are just stupid to the point they take things very personal, as if they are being attacked themselves. As you pointed out, they defend the actions of Leah that have made it on air. I read some posts about Leah nodding off as "Leah is so tired from taking care of her girls cuz she has no help!!"  Someone points out the addiction and then their response will be "Well, she turned to drugs because she is stressed and no one helps her!!" When others point out the outside information such as T.R. Dues they will post some remark such as "She deserves to be happy!!"  It comes off as people just needing to defend Leah at all costs. It makes me shudder to think there are people who seriously believe that it is okay for Leah to be addicted to pills AND to have her kids in her care. What kind of lives do they lead? That is why I didn't respond to that new poster's remark. That is the second time someone has come here as a newbie and right off the bat they post a remark that goes straight to why Leah should have custody. No rhyme, no reason, no remarks as to why they believe she should. The previous newbie's post was deleted because they took it a bit too far in their post.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5


Another reason might be that he is wanting the money because he has to rebuild those trust accounts that Leah stole from.


I can't blame Cory for wanting to do the show. If he doesn't, the only narrative regarding the girlses is Leah's. Scary as it sounds, Leah has a legion of leghumpers who think she's an uh-MAY-zing Mom and Cory is the shitbag. If I were him I'd want to make sure my side of the story was told, rather than just Leah's heavily skewed and shaded version.


Very valid points, and I have considered them as too why Corey and Miranda are still doing the show. However, I wonder if they aren't shooting themselves in the foot, so to say, if they are hoping to paint a positive picture of them and their family opposite of what Leah's been spewing about them. When it comes down to it, the Leah leghumpers don't care if reality is staring them right in the face and breathing down their necks, most will defend Leah to their last breath. The leghumper legion seems to find any excuse to diss and put down Corey and Miranda and I doubt their minds will change because the Simms are staying on the show. Considering how much hatred Miranda gets for basically existing, I would be worried about the kind of ire that Leah's fans will direct at Remi.


The money situation I can understand a little more. Since Leah has no work ethic or skills, Corey must know the only way she is making decent money is through TM2 and I'm sure he wants the twins to have a piece of that pie. I would also assume that TM2 gives Corey and Miranda a decent income supplement, even if it is nowhere near  what Leah makes. Maybe the extra income is what is helping Miranda stay at home with the girls, who knows. Again, I'm not Corey&Miranda but the way I see it, the show hasn't had a very positive impact on their or their children's lives. The only one really benefiting is Leah.



More disturbingly, the level of hatred towards Miranda is just shocking. It's one thing for the Messer clan to despise Miranda- at least they know Leah in real life. But these fans have never even met Leah, don't know the full story, and their level of investment in defending her is just insane.


I think Leah's rabid fans live vicariously through her and/or have a lot in common with her. The ones I've come in contact with come off as immature, petty, and under-educated, very much like their great leader.  Miranda probably represents to them someone in their lives that was "stuck up" and "looked down on them" (ie a person who had their shit together and two or more working brain cells). Somehow Leah seems to have become the representative of white-trash America for a certain segment.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 6

Very valid points, and I have considered them as too why Corey and Miranda are still doing the show. However, I wonder if they aren't shooting themselves in the foot, so to say, if they are hoping to paint a positive picture of them and their family opposite of what Leah's been spewing about them. When it comes down to it, the Leah leghumpers don't care if reality is staring them right in the face and breathing down their necks, most will defend Leah to their last breath. The leghumper legion seems to find any excuse to diss and put down Corey and Miranda and I doubt their minds will change because the Simms are staying on the show. Considering how much hatred Miranda gets for basically existing, I would be worried about the kind of ire that Leah's fans will direct at Remi.


The money situation I can understand a little more. Since Leah has no work ethic or skills, Corey must know the only way she is making decent money is through TM2 and I'm sure he wants the twins to have a piece of that pie. I would also assume that TM2 gives Corey and Miranda a decent income supplement, even if it is nowhere near  what Leah makes. Maybe the extra income is what is helping Miranda stay at home with the girls, who knows. Again, I'm not Corey&Miranda but the way I see it, the show hasn't had a very positive impact on their or their children's lives. The only one really benefiting is Leah.



I think Leah's rabid fans live vicariously through her and/or have a lot in common with her. The ones I've come in contact with come off as immature, petty, and under-educated, very much like their great leader.  Miranda probably represents to them someone in their lives that was "stuck up" and "looked down on them" (ie a person who had their shit together and two or more working brain cells). Somehow Leah seems to have become the representative of white-trash America for a certain segment.

Very well put.  It seems those legthumpers of Leah's are as doped up as she is.

  • Love 2

I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed that Corey and Miranda are still doing the show. I mean, they don't owe us an explanation but I don't get why they are doing it if they don't like filming the show or all the drama that comes with being opposite of Leah every week. I'm confused because the article makes it sound as if their hands are tied and I can't really pin down what that would be. Other then the little extra money they make from it, I guess. I'm surprised they want to risk having Remi become apart of the circus and the twins being further exposed after all the stupidity they've been going through.

Are we sure MTV isn't going to label next season as 6B or something? With all the drama, I'd imagine MTV would try to finangle some way to keep Corey and Miranda if they were ever serious about quitting.
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Yes, Leah was accused of taking out the girls' money. She admitted she did close out the account, but that she transferred the balance into a C.D. As far as I know, she has not provided any proof of this, but at the same time, Corey has not taken any legal action against her. (The Ashley reported Corey does believe Leah spent the money, but isn't pursuing any kind of judgment against her. Unclear if he has just decided it's not worth it, or if he doesn't have enough proof, or if Leah actually showed him evidence of this CD so he has no case).


I love how Leah tried to make it sound like she's such a savvy financial manager. "Haven't you people ever heard of CDs?" Yes, Leah, please, school me on your principles of investing. I'm sure you have much to teach me.

  • Love 2

Leah falling for her personal trainer. She WOULD. She is really starved for attention and will jump on the first dick she can find. Thank God the twins have Corey. The desperation she has is like nothing I've ever seen. She'll be one of those women who gets married 4 or 5 times.

I thought all 3 looked so cute.  Odd that Addy had a different background. It made me wonder if the twins had their pics done separately, but their outfits are kinda coordinated so I assume it was probably the same time. Yes Addy is pretty much Jeremy's twin, then you've got Gracie who still looks so much like Leah to me. I wonder if Corey feels left out not having one of the girls look exactly like him. (kidding, I'm sure he doesn't much care)

  • Love 1

I know someone who was prescribed methadone for back pain.  I had thought the only thing methadone was used for was heroin addiction.  If Leah was using heroin, and it's not that big of a stretch because it's more common than people think, maybe she's using methadone to stay off heroin. 


I also thought people used methadone once daily to stay off heroin.


Methadone is an incredibly cheap painkiller.  It's sometimes prescribed for people who have chronic pain but can't afford other painkillers.  I was on it about a dozen years ago for that reason.  I needed a longer lasting pain medication but I couldn't afford anything but methadone.


Someone mentioned how Leah makes Ali's disability all about her.  Unfortunately, that's very common in parents, particularly mothers, of disabled kids.  They find their identity as a mother of a disabled kid, they enjoy the attention they get "Wow it's tough being her mom, that's impressive that you do it so well" sort of thing.  It's part of inspiration porn.  When their kids become independent, they often lose it because they no longer have an identity.

  • Love 5

It's definitely not used just to get off of heroin. I got to know many people at the methadone clinic and the vast majority were there because of pills not heroin.

I think most people turn to methadone because they can no longer afford the amount of pills they need in order not to get sick or the supply in their area is drying up.

I do think that methadone is better than shooting heroin so I guess it's not all evil.

When my daughter was dying, her pain became unbearable, so the ambulance took her to the city so she could be given methadone for the pain. The town we lived in was not able to give methadone, just the bigger cities.

  • Love 1

From Us Magazine, news that isn't exactly news:  Sources are confirming that she is in fact living with TR.  “Leah has never been without a man in her life. She usually goes immediately into another relationship after one ends.”  There's also some photos of Corey and the girls...



  • Love 3

When my daughter was dying, her pain became unbearable, so the ambulance took her to the city so she could be given methadone for the pain. The town we lived in was not able to give methadone, just the bigger cities.

I'm sorry about your daughter, that is really sad that her doctors weren't able to keep her comfortable. Is the drug so powerful that you can only get it in big cities? Where would poor Leah get hers?

From Us Magazine, news that isn't exactly news:  Sources are confirming that she is in fact living with TR.  “Leah has never been without a man in her life. She usually goes immediately into another relationship after one ends.”  There's also some photos of Corey and the girls...




From the article linked- "On Wednesday, Dec. 9, she tweeted an article about Calvert coming to Ali’s winter chorus concert, writing, “Prime Example of Coparenting and doing the RIGHT thing for the little innocent hearts involved!!”"


What the fucking fuck, Leah?? YOU'RE the one publicly bitching about your older daughters' dad right this moment! How exactly is that doing right by your daughters' "innocent little hearts"? God, what a bitch. Why does no one in her life ever call her out on her shit? Fine, Mama Dawn doesn't want to think Leah is a drug addict that is at bare minimum, a neglectful mother. Although she's wrong, she certainly wouldn't be the first person to not want to believe something like that about her kid. But couldn't SOMEONE in that illiterate, vindictive, spiteful family have a few brain cells to tell Leah to dial it back a bit when it comes to her Twitter account?

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 6


But couldn't SOMEONE in that illiterate, vindictive, spiteful family have a few brain cells to tell Leah to dial it back a bit when it comes to her Twitter account


To be fair, we don't know if someone in her family has tried to. Someone who isn't one of Leah's right hand women/men that we see sucking up on the show. But you know Leah would just ignore it or totally cut that person out of her life if they dared to be critical of her. I wouldn't be surprised if one of those tabloid "sources" are among those who tried to be honest and got burned by Leah.


What I don't really get, why the hell has Leah been talking shit about Corey since they divorced but Germy is and always will be A-OK? Yes, he hasn't taken his daughter from her (yet) but he has been much nastier to her on a public scale then Corey has ever been. Come to think of it she has run back to Robbie several times even after the dismissive way he's treated her all along. It makes me think on some level Leah responds to being treated like crap and it makes her want a guy more, but a decent guy is too "boring" for her.  Very sad and disturbing, if true.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 3


What I don't really get, why the hell has Leah been talking shit about Corey since they divorced but Germy is and always will be A-OK? Yes, he hasn't taken his daughter from her (yet) but he has been much nastier to her on a public scale then Corey has ever been. Come to think of it she has run back to Robbie several times even after the dismissive way he's treated her all along. It makes me think on some level Leah responds to being treated like crap and it makes her want a guy more, but a decent guy is too "boring" for her.  Very sad and disturbing, if true.


Interesting- the best I can figure is she wants to leave the door open for a possible reconciliation. She and her inexplicable magical muff may have enticed Corey into an extramarital romp in the back of a truck a time or two, but regardless, Miranda is here to stay, especially now. Jeremy has dated but I don't think he's been with anyone for a very long period of time and hasn't remarried so she probably figures if he's anything like Corey there's always a chance.

  • Love 2

Oooh, that's interesting that she actually brought Dues to the reunion, all while maintaining that he'd never slept over and there might have been a "BBQ", but that's it. They're just friends. What a liarface she is!

All this time there's been two more kids in her household so she for sure isn't as bereft of children as she claims. Hope those two little boys like lunchables.
  • Love 2


I think she really wants to reunite with Jeremy- and his paycheck.


Hee hee, true that. Jeremy was definitely the closest thing to a millionaire going in her circle and one of the few guys that doesn't need her for the money (looking at you, TR Dues). Still don't understand Robbie, because he brings nothing to the table except possibly some decent bedroom moves yet she has never had one ill word to say about him.

  • Love 3

Hee hee, true that. Jeremy was definitely the closest thing to a millionaire going in her circle and one of the few guys that doesn't need her for the money (looking at you, TR Dues). Still don't understand Robbie, because he brings nothing to the table except possibly some decent bedroom moves yet she has never had one ill word to say about him.


She did say in an earlier season of TM2 that she "hated" Robbie- ie, she shitcanned her marriage for this guy and he won't even return her calls unless it's 2 am, he's horny, and struck out at the local VFW. But I am guessing she doesn't say much about him because she'd rather not remind everyone she's cheated on two husbands with this guy- she probably figures the less said about him, the better.


Also, something important- if she's going to talk a bunch of shit about Robbie and Jeremy, she can pretty well guarantee they will sling it back. Corey has generally made it a policy to not speak ill of his kids' mother, and in Leah's world, having enough class to not air your dirty laundry equals conceding that your accuser is right.

  • Love 4

IMO Leah speaks shitty about Corey because he is the one she really wants, but Miranda got him first. It sounds like a damn Patsy Cline song..."The only thing different, the only thing new. I've got your picture, she's got you."


She doesn't speak bad about Jeremy because she gets a decent child support order from him BUT, I also think he has something on her. Yes, we know about deer-cam, but does he have the footage kept in a safe somewhere? There has got to be some blackmailing going on there. It has to be something connected to Robbie and then some, including her drug use. Frankly, I hope Jeremy has the goods on Leah and he is holding it over her head ready to slap her with it much like the bacon slap heard 'round the world. What I wouldn't give for him to just give no more fucks and just let it all out. Leah, you in trouble, girl.

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