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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Maybe his parents could help? His mom already seems to watch Adderall a lot.


Unless Leah goes to rehab or jail I think it would be very tough for a judge to NOT give Leah custody.  As sad as that is.  


My nephews have a drug addict mom and my brother waited for those specific instances to gain primary custody of his two boys so that he would have less of a fight.  And thankfully for him it was no fight at all. 

I thought posts from social media are supposed to go in the social media thread? The one posted above was already posted on that thread. It makes things so confusing and annoying to read the same links on different topics.


Yes, Baby Adderall has her numerous relatives to care for her. As it is, they all take care of her anyways. The difference now is, the Messers and Calverts will fight over her like the last piece of bacon in the pan if things change regarding this shitty marriage between Germy and Leah.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I watched Leahs 16 & Pregnant episode, and the first show of Teen Mom 2, last night, and I remembered why I am disgusted by Leah. She showed what  manipulating trash she was, even during her first go around (in which she was 17, almost 18.) Robbie was hideous even then (they dated 2 years, supposedly. Not 3, as Leah later claimed), and she's ruined two marriages, to two guys, who've done nothing but work hard to support her lying lazy trashy butt. 



I'm so glad her kids have good options, because it makes my enjoyment of Leahs fall so much easier to watch, and mock. Sometimes people reap every bit of what they sow.



It also reenforced every bit of why I like Corey so much!



my school was not well, before coffee...aka unnoticed grammar issues.

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
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OMG the usernames over there. I am dying.


I watched the unseen footage episode the other day, and I conveniently missed the part with Leah freaking out over the dead kitten. But that's ok cos I have dealt with enough animal death this week in my real life. Earlier this week there was a poor smooshed cat out front that needed disposal, and just yesterday I found out my dog had end stage kidney failure and I had to make the choice. It's been a rough week.



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OMG the usernames over there. I am dying.


I watched the unseen footage episode the other day, and I conveniently missed the part with Leah freaking out over the dead kitten. But that's ok cos I have dealt with enough animal death this week in my real life. Earlier this week there was a poor smooshed cat out front that needed disposal, and just yesterday I found out my dog had end stage kidney failure and I had to make the choice. It's been a rough week.




Sounds like a rough week. Yeah, don't rewatch for the kitten scene, it's pretty sad - on a number of levels. Sorry to hear about your dog. That's always so hard.

  • Love 4

OMG the usernames over there. I am dying.


I watched the unseen footage episode the other day, and I conveniently missed the part with Leah freaking out over the dead kitten. But that's ok cos I have dealt with enough animal death this week in my real life. Earlier this week there was a poor smooshed cat out front that needed disposal, and just yesterday I found out my dog had end stage kidney failure and I had to make the choice. It's been a rough week.



I discovered that site last week. Between the comments and the user names, I'm not sure what is more hilarious?



edited later, I missed the part about your doggie...I'm so sorry!

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
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Perhaps my favorite tweet on Germy's page:




Beat he can't do this lmfao you sure made a great choice he can't buy a big Mac


(and he did go back and correct his typo from "beat" to "bet"....good boy, Germy!)


Gee willikers, I wonder whatever he could be tweeting about?  *snort*


Looks like the fat lady sang and that marriage is o-v-e-r.



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Oh yes, that tweet. Too funny.  Someone posted that info on the social media thread the other day.


Kail loves cheeseburgers and I guess Leah is a Big Mac girl.


I'm really glad he deleted those tweets calling Leah a slut.  I mean, no matter what, she is still the mother of his daughter and he did marry her of his own free (although apparently ignorant) will.


But snarky stuff like what I will call The Big Mac Tweet?  


Oh hell, yeah, I'm all over that.  Run, Germy, Run (and take Baby Cheetos with you!!!)

  • Love 2

It's sad what she's put these children through - from bringing them into the world while still a teen, to the multiple marriages and, maybe, now divorces, and all those moves. I hope they don't continue to go through a parade of "new mommies" and "new daddies" over the years. It's a lot of chaos for young children.


I didn't have an opinion on the alleged drug rumors when they came out, other than that there had to be something seriously wrong in order for Corey to file for sole custody. Sole instead of joint custody, especially against the mother, is fairly unusual and carries a substantial burden of proof. No way he went to those lengths without a serious reason for doing so.


Other than the "anxiety pills" episode, the only other thing I noticed was that the girls usually looked unkempt when they were at Leah's home; for example, un-brushed hair. And the house was a mess. If I were filming for TV, everything would be spotless! Considering the things that are shown, it makes you wonder about what goes on when cameras aren't around.

  • Love 5

It's sad what she's put these children through - from bringing them into the world while still a teen, to the multiple marriages and, maybe, now divorces, and all those moves. I hope they don't continue to go through a parade of "new mommies" and "new daddies" over the years. It's a lot of chaos for young children.


I didn't have an opinion on the alleged drug rumors when they came out, other than that there had to be something seriously wrong in order for Corey to file for sole custody. Sole instead of joint custody, especially against the mother, is fairly unusual and carries a substantial burden of proof. No way he went to those lengths without a serious reason for doing so.


Other than the "anxiety pills" episode, the only other thing I noticed was that the girls usually looked unkempt when they were at Leah's home; for example, un-brushed hair. And the house was a mess. If I were filming for TV, everything would be spotless! Considering the things that are shown, it makes you wonder about what goes on when cameras aren't around.


I actually thought about that.


My fear is that Leah does clean up for the cameras.


Which leaves me wondering just how the hell that place looks when the cameras aren't around.



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I remember watching an episode this season where Corey mentions taking on a 12 hour shift weekend job that paid significantly less so he could have more time with Ali and Aleeah. At the time I thought, "Aw, Corey is such a good dad wanting to spend even more time with his girlses." I still think he is, but now I'm guessing concern and fear for the safety of his daughters was the biggest motivation. Leah could be high and driving them around, interacting with drug dealers or other addicts, possibly OD while the girls are in her care, just a million totally terrifying scenarios.


Ooh yes the Reddit AMA where the producer spilled the beans about Leah's lack of cleaning. He said he wanted to call CPS multiple times due to their living conditions and that she would let her twins eat cheesy poofs off the filthy carpet on the floor. I wonder if she was using back then, as well.

Ooh yes the Reddit AMA where the producer spilled the beans about Leah's lack of cleaning. He said he wanted to call CPS multiple times due to their living conditions and that she would let her twins eat cheesy poofs off the filthy carpet on the floor. I wonder if she was using back then, as well.


So why didn't he call CPS? (assuming he didn't)  It annoys the heck out of me when people say "oh I wanted to do XYZ" or "I should've done XYZ" but then they don't. You wanted to call CPS multiple times?  Well then why didn't you call?  Personal pet peeve I guess.


In any case... I do remember the story, and yuck. It didn't surprise me, but it grossed me out. I wonder if maybe she was 'using' but not intentionally or not realizing she was out of control back then.

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Yesterday, the Teen Mom 2 star tweeted, “It’s such a beautiful day, & I’m so blessed to be able to spend it with my family! I [heart] you Jeremy Calvert!!!”


Jeremy neither retweeted nor replied to Leah’s tweet. In fact, Jeremy doesn’t even follow Leah anymore, and his Facebook relationship status is still set to ‘divorced’. A follower called Leah’s bluff, tweeting, “Obviously you are still on drugs because he is at work!”



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So now I have a theory about why Leahs hair always looks like crap, since her divorce from Corey.



I watched Leah and Coreys wedding last night on Amazon Prime. Seems like Corey's biological mother was the one responsible for her pretty hair for the wedding and during her marriage to Corey. An 'ah ha' moment if I've ever had one. She owned the beauty salon (according to Teen Mom, take it for what it's worth. These are the same people who let Leah lie about her Mom being a 'nurse', when she isn't). Maybe she made sure the other beauty shops in town knew about Leahs infidelities to her son, and they conspired to make sure Leahs hair will forever look like crap?


Be great revenge...

  • Love 3

Leah is probably losing her mind right now.  Aside from all the obvious reasons, she doesn't have Cory to run back to.  You know if Miranda wasn't in the picture, she would be running back to Cory and waiting to see if Germy came calling again, then use Germy to keep Cory on his toes.   


But where's Robbie in all this mess?  Did he finally run so far she can't get to him?


ETA: oh that's right... prison, right?  Or is he still there?

Edited by NikSac

Good points Lexie. I can't believe how these guys are lined up to marry her, support her, and have kids with her, and have even fought over the privilege to do so (at least in the past - not so sure anymore). 


I'm not sure if this belongs here or the social media thread but I saw Leah on the cover of another trashy celebrity magazine at the grocery store today. This time it was about how she was caught cheating. I can't remember which magazine it was now, but was surprised to see it made the check-out aisle mags already.

  • Love 1

Where's hubby number 3

Leah “is a prisoner in her own home,” an insider said adding that Leah hasn’t left her home since her husband’s parents, Tammy and Lynn Calvert, began trashing her on social media.


You can't be serious

 I can't believe how these guys are lined up to marry her, support her, and have kids with her, and have even fought over the privilege to do so (at least in the past - not so sure anymore). 

This has puzzled me from the beginning. Leah has always been about average to me-average features and (barely) average personality, yet the guys in her town lined up to her like she was the local beauty queen. I guess there is something to be said about having a decent body and a blond rat's nest on your head in attracting men.  Now, however, with her bad rep, fading looks, and expanding group of children, I bet she is not going to be the catch she used to be. She will probably have to downgrade to even get a third sucker.


As for her being a prisoner in her home...well, she was the one who just HAD to have the pony ranch next to the in-laws. So, no sympathy. She really isn't that important to anyone but her family. I wonder how many times she has lifted her lock down conditions to go trolling for her girlses back up stepdad?

  • Love 3

Good question Purplemonkey. Does it show up when one of them files, or only when/if they're actually divorced? The actual divorce can take a lonnnng time to be finalized, so I'm thinking it might not show up in public records yet. I'm thinking the tabloids would've been all over it if they could get ahold of any legal filings/paperwork at this point.

Good question Purplemonkey. Does it show up when one of them files, or only when/if they're actually divorced? The actual divorce can take a lonnnng time to be finalized, so I'm thinking it might not show up in public records yet. I'm thinking the tabloids would've been all over it if they could get ahold of any legal filings/paperwork at this point.

I think it shows up when filed I remember Corey reading about Leah filing for divorce in the local paper.

I would be very surprised if the marriage lasts if Leah didn't cheat then I would be mighty pissed if I was her at my husband blasting me like that on social media. Not to mention the family war neither side seems to like the others especially Princess Leah's who continually co-sign and then defend her stupid decisions. After this media mess how are they going to pass off this off as not a big deal to their sparkly happy family so I shouldn't be surprised. Its amazing how much Leah will fight for a husband that earns decent dollars and doesn't call her on her crap.

If Jeremy doesn't file for divorce what little respect I had for him for supporting Leah would be totally gone. Even though he was the dumbarse that put the ring back on Leah's finger knowing that she would take Corey back in an instant if he gave the slightest encouragement.

Lastly Corey must look better now they divorced as all Leah wanted was a house for her girlses, now years later Leah is once again in a trailer on her inlaws property after numerous moves while Corey has had a stable house for a few years.

Edited by crazychicken
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Hang on now Corey was supposed to have told Jeremy that he caught Robbie jumping out Leah's window, I can't keep the story straight so far Jeremy has been told by his friend at the gas station, his dad with the deer cam footage and now Corey.

I can not imagine Corey telling Jeremy as it

1. would cause too much upset to the girls to see the argument and resulting chaos

2. He has said Jeremy is good to the girls and he could not ask for a bettet step father why would he risk Leah settling for another loser

3. Cheating is not grounds for losing custody

4. Why the heck would he be spying on Leah

5. He would be the last person Jeremy would believe.

When Jeremy files for divorce, whether this scandal or the next, it will be published here... www.wvgazette.com/gz/News/PublicRecords



Records change at midnight, every Sunday.  Just click on the date, and all the records show.




edit: You can copy and paste link :)

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
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