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Jesus God, Leah!!

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The problem Corey has is everone enabling Leah, MTV included.

The kids were wearing carseats qhen stopped by the police, so despite complints from the school, it's on the record she uses them.

If the producers bought carseats, then the girls had them, a judge doesn't care who bought them. At this point I don't know which Corey would prefer, MTV to be out of the picture so she stops being enabled, or MTV to be there overseeing what goes on in the house.

The no wheelchair in a fire drill is horrible. That poor Ali was probably terrified. I doubt Leah forgot the chair, she probably couldn't fit it in the car.

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I wasn't aware that God was (God be? God were? God is?) for endangering your kids, abusing pills and sleeping around, but then again, I'm just a former Catholic school kid, it's not like I ever actually read the whole bible.


I've read the entire Bible cover-to-cover three times. I can say with confidence there are no verses on using pots as seats while you feed your kids fast food and Hugs. There is no, "Thou shalt let your half-clothed toddler wander around unsupervised whilst thee lock thyself in thou bedroom to sob on the phone". God never praises mothers who cook dinner at 11 pm at night. There is no instruction to have your 5-year-old blow dry their own hair. And I'm pretty sure God isn't against car seats or seat belts. But there definitely are verses that admonish using substances that alter your mind and damage your body. 


I can't speak for God, but if Leah wants God to be "for her", she needs to own up to her shit and try to make things right. I'm tired of people trying to hide behind Christianity, thinking they can just do whatever they want because God forgives. It's just not that simple. 

  • Love 7

There is no instruction to have your 5-year-old blow dry their own hair.

Oh man, you just reminded me of how in that scene, blonde twin turns to Adderall and says, "Go ask mama if she can help me." And Adderall dutifully turns to go find Leah. I wish the camera crew had followed her. I wanted to hear her speak in complete sentences like Stewie Griffin and tell Leah, "Hey Cletus, are you aware that your five year old is using a 2000W fire hazard in there?"

  • Love 16

Oh man, you just reminded me of how in that scene, blonde twin turns to Adderall and says, "Go ask mama if she can help me." And Adderall dutifully turns to go find Leah. I wish the camera crew had followed her. I wanted to hear her speak in complete sentences like Stewie Griffin and tell Leah, "Hey Cletus, are you aware that your five year old is using a 2000W fire hazard in there?"



I just gotta go back and watch that again.

Oh and was she making toast at the same time? ( snerk)  Better start that multitasking right away.

Edited by FairyDusted

Wow, to quote Mama Dawn herself "that don't make no sense". Why the hell would they, particularly Corey, sleep together? If he didn't take his chance with her back when they first broke up why would he do it when he has a lovely pregnant wife at home? I smell a smear campaign from Leah's camp. That story is way too vague for me to believe it.

  • Love 7

I REALLY have a hard time believing that. Every time Corey has been in her presence lately he has looked either exhausted or disgusted by her. I'm sorry, but his current wife is beautiful and seems very calm and loving. Why would he choose ratty-haired, nodding off Leah, who can't even take proper care of his daughters over Miranda??? I know some guys do really stupid things, but that's not a pattern we've seen with Corey. He knows better by now. No, this is a smear campaign. I'd bet my savings on it. 

  • Love 11

I doubt very much that it's true, and hope it isn't. As Ghoulina said, he seems disgusted by her as of late.

I just remember things he used to say, like how hot she is, and how he couldn't get over her cute little ass.

I'd still bet Dawn/Leah are behind this. Leah would totally get it on in the back of a pickup. Maybe she was high and just thought it was Corey, when it was some rando.

  • Love 3


No, this is a smear campaign. I'd bet my savings on it.


Smear campaign or possibly someone trying to make a quick buck off their connection to the Messers/Sims. It said in the story I read that it was a hookup in the back of Corey's truck. I might be wrong but isn't Leah and Corey  sleeping together in the back of his pickup a retread of how they made the twins? Sounds like someone pulling stuff out of their asses and using things that already happened to make a quick buck and stir some shit. Poor Corey and Miranda, this is the kind of drama that makes me happy they are getting off tv.  I really have some major respect for Corey and seriously hope this isn't true.

  • Love 4

Remember that this season was filmed during spring 2015 and reports are saying that the pickup truck hook-up happend in late 2014. Is it possible that Corey is disgusted at Leah this season because he allowed himself to get caught up in whatever it is that Leah offers guys. It makes sense that when he looks at Leah it reminds him of his indiscretion with her and he's instantly disgusted that he allowed it to happen.

  • Love 3

Now Radar has a story that Corey and Leah slept together in the back of his work truck recently and he's already come clean to Miranda.

There must have been a metric shyt ton of alcohol involved if that's even half true, and Corey seems too grounded to do that much drinking. Did she disguise herself as Miranda?


Is Radar's track record worse than the other similar sites?

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 4

I don't believe this story at all.


I wondered if maybe the Messers would be behind this story in order to paint Cory in a bad light, but the story is mentioning Leah, not some random chick. I don't think the Messers would throw Leah out there like that since the story makes her look just as bad since she is being mentioned as having sex  with a married man.


Leah needs to close up that loose-meat sandwich shop.

  • Love 5

There must have been a metric shyt ton of alcohol involved if that's even half true, and Corey seems too grounded to do that much drinking. Did she disguise herself as Miranda?

Is Radar's track record worse than the other similar sites?

I have no clue about Radar. The Ashley is saying it's true, and it generally has a good track record, but I don't know. It's not that I don't think Corey could have cheated, I just find the timeline hard to believe. If it had allegedly happened late 2013 or something, I could maybe see it, but late 2014? After Leah had publicly trashed Corey over the wheelchair and child support and medical bills and a custody battle had started and Corey had hinted at Leah's drug use at the reunion. As Dawn would say, that don't make no sense. Plus, there's no way Jeremy could have known and kept quiet given the stuff he tweeted after the Robbie stuff.
  • Love 1

LOL One of my favorite movies!


I can see Gracie or Ali throwing a note to the neighbor next door pleading for help.

Director Walter Hill ("48 Hrs," "The Warriors") apparently said three years ago that he wants to do a Baby Jane remake. Casting rumors include Sissy Spacek and Meryl Streep.  Maybe they can try selling him the busted chair as a movie prop.

  • Love 1

Love that movie! I'm 45 and every time I put my hair up in a clip I double check with my husband to make sure I don't look like Baby Jane. "Do I look like Baby Jane?"

I hope it's not true about Corey hooking up with Leah. We all know what a horn dog Leah is, so I'm not surprised she'd do it, and she does know how to make use of a truck, but Corey! SMH. I hope it's not true. In the words of Shannon Beador (RHOC), "The truth will come out!!"

Edited by zenme
  • Love 5

Have you ever been by the house in Los Angeles where exterior scenes were filmed? Looks much the same as it did in 1962.




"Help, my mom has hoarded the house so badly that I'm trapped in my room. Please call the fire department..."

Yes, I have! It's one thing to see it in the movie. A whole different vibe seeing it in person. Such a beautiful home. Hancock park is a gorgeous area. Have you seen it in person?



Director Walter Hill ("48 Hrs," "The Warriors") apparently said three years ago that he wants to do a Baby Jane remake. Casting rumors include Sissy Spacek and Meryl Streep.  Maybe they can try selling him the busted chair as a movie prop.

I love me The Warriors, too. LOL at the comment about the wheelchair prop.  Oh, maybe that is what happened to the wheelchair. Leah used it as a sex prop!

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2

Another on the smear campaign bandwagon, too much does not add up


Why has Jeremy not mentioned it in his twitter rants

Why would Miranda conceive a baby with Corey within months - to me she seems more likely to leave his arse

Why was Leah tweeting up a storm about her perfect marriage during this time

Why would Jeremy get back together with Leah within weeks of this

Why would Corey sleep with her knowing that she was being a fake arse mom and not looking after her girlses

Why would Jeremy be ok with Corey and hang out for #lifeafterleah

Why would Miranda be more likely to forgive that it was not just a once off mistake but Corey hiding his contact with Leah



Going just from the show Corey looks feed up and disgusted with Leah not like he is ready to jump into the back of a truck with her. It is funny how when Leah starts to get heat in the media there is usually a rumour that comes out about Miranda & Corey. I suspect the sources are Delta Dawn & Oreo this would not be the first time they have defended Leah with lies themselves.


I hope that it is a pre-emptive strike and means that Miranda really goes to town on what she thinks of Leah at the reunion and we get to see it

Leah has said before in one of the Dr. Drew shows that Corey cheated on Miranda (Leah didn't say with whom), and neither of them denied it that I recall.

I do not know when they filmed that but it aired in April 2014 so is a different 'cheating' rumor

  • Love 2

Yeah, I have no idea what happened when, but if it's true that Corey has cheated on Miranda before then it makes it more plausible that he would cheat again.

For me I think part of it is not wanting for it to be true is because I want the twins to have a stable safe home somewhere away from the chaos that surrounds Leah. So until there is something more than rumour than I am holding on tightly to my unicorn that Miranda & Corey provide a safe place for the girlses.

  • Love 8


Leah has said before in one of the Dr. Drew shows that Corey cheated on Miranda (Leah didn't say with whom), and neither of them denied it that I recall.



I do not know when they filmed that but it aired in April 2014 so is a different 'cheating' rumor

This alleged cheating that we are talking about today is referencing that same time period - 2014. That cheating allegation was when Leah and Jermy were sitting there at the reunion, smirking as they decided to say that Cory had cheated on Miranda. Then, this is what was going on in December 2014...keep in mind, this article mentions that Cory's step-mother says the Facebook page did NOT belong to Cory or Miranda:




Here was Leah's rant about how Cory and Miranda are trying to paint themselves as the perfect couple while she then posted she and Jermy are the ones who are in a loving and perfect relationship. Well, we know that was bogus:



By the way, just because Cory and Miranda didn't respond to Leah and Jermy's claim, that doesn't make it true. There are times when you just ignore the lies that are put out there. Considering Leah is the one who has been doing the cheating, it seems as if Cory and Miranda were just letting her dig her own grave with her proclamations that she and Jermy were "happy and in love".


Just because...from Leah's FB page:



Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3

If Corey did cheat with Leah and Jeremy knew about it...wouldn't it be weird that Jeremy sat in a group photo with Corey with the hashtag "lifeafterleah" knowing that Corey dogged him and helped his wife cheat on him or that Miranda would participate In said photo?

If I were Jeremy I would be like," you bastard...you fucked my wife!" Not pose with him on a Twitter pic

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 8

My quick ot two cents on the truth ads.... They bug. I have yet to hear a single person credit a random TV commercial for their decision to quit smoking, especially in the middle of a show chock full of bad decisions.

Back to topic, I saw the Ashley article earlier today, and it's true that she is generally right, but I hope and pray that she is wrong in this case. Maybe Corey an Miranda were "on a break" ( shout out to the other friends lovers out there). I just don't really understand why he would do that... Maybe Leah slipped something in his Mountain Dew. I would have fathered he be outed for having an Ashley Madison account than hook up with Leah.

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 1

I'd still bet Dawn/Leah are behind this. Leah would totally get it on in the back of a pickup. Maybe she was high and just thought it was Corey, when it was some rando.

I'll give it to team Messer, at least it sounds like a realistic story, in that the alleged coitus took place in a pickup truck. But I really don't see it.

Edited, ah, crap I skipped to the end and didn't see the Ashley article until now. Sorry, Corey, but I believe the Ashley's Reality Roundup. She's rarely been wrong, and she doesn't post unless she has sources.

Edited by truelovekiss
  • Love 2

If Corey did cheat with Leah and Jeremy knew about it...wouldn't it be weird that Jeremy sat in a group photo with Corey with the hashtag "lifeafterleah" knowing that Corey dogged him and helped his wife cheat on him or that Miranda would participate In said photo?

If I were Jeremy I would be like," you bastard...you fucked my wife!" Not pose with him on a Twitter pic

Yeah that would be weird. I don't know what to think other than the Messer clan really seems to hate Miranda, and true or not, I'm guessing the timing has a lot to do with Miranda and Corey calling an addict an addict.
  • Love 2

LOL in next weeks sneak peek Jeremy flat out says it is a prescription pill problem




Corey also says Miranda is like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, so I am sticking on the he did not bang Leak again

  • Love 6

LOL in next weeks sneak peek Jeremy flat out says it is a prescription pill problem


Corey also says Miranda is like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, so I am sticking on the he did not bang Leak again

Wow, you can tell Jeremy is completely over everything. I think his smirking is nervousness but he also wants all this information out. He didn't beat around the bush, he straight up said what the problem was. I wonder if she'll still be saying he's the best co parent ever after this. Corey was 100% right with his what if it were us? He's right, they would be the villains and there would be no covering up their issues.

  • Love 3

This alleged cheating that we are talking about today is referencing that same time period - 2014. That cheating allegation was when Leah and Jermy were sitting there at the reunion, smirking as they decided to say that Cory had cheated on Miranda. Then, this is what was going on in December 2014...keep in mind, this article mentions that Cory's step-mother says the Facebook page did NOT belong to Cory or Miranda:




Here was Leah's rant about how Cory and Miranda are trying to paint themselves as the perfect couple while she then posted she and Jermy are the ones who are in a loving and perfect relationship. Well, we know that was bogus:



By the way, just because Cory and Miranda didn't respond to Leah and Jermy's claim, that doesn't make it true. There are times when you just ignore the lies that are put out there. Considering Leah is the one who has been doing the cheating, it seems as if Cory and Miranda were just letting her dig her own grave with her proclamations that she and Jermy were "happy and in love".


Just because...from Leah's FB page:



You can order you one ....

  • Love 4

And without knowing any of their political affiliations, (not trying to make this a political discussion, sorry if this is inappropriate) can anyone else imagining Dawn and Leah talking about protecting the sanctity of marriage, despite the 4 (at least) divorces between them?

I can't speak for Dawn, but Leah put up a rainbow flag photo on her Facebook when the Supreme Court ruling emerged in June.

  • Love 2

I'll give it to team Messer, at least it sounds like a realistic story, in that the alleged coitus took place in a pickup truck. But I really don't see it.

Those mountain men have a weakness for the right beer and an authentic Appalachian hot tub. Even some good ones, sadly.



Yes, I have! It's one thing to see it in the movie. A whole different vibe seeing it in person. Such a beautiful home. Hancock park is a gorgeous area. Have you seen it in person?

Alas, no. I actually lived in Eagle Rock neighborhood in a rented house a long time back, but I hadn't discovered the movie then. I hope to visit some day.

Glad the neighborhood is still nice.

  • Love 2

So right now, in real time, has Leah completed rehab and is she sober?

She completed her 30 days of rehab at the end of June (21st I think) if she is now sober is still up for debate. Sober or not she is still making crap decisions regarding men in her life and bringing them around the girls.

She does look a lot healthier in recent pics though so her mega nap/destress/anxiety not rehab seems to have worked.

  • Love 4

She does look healthier, so unless we hear/see otherwise, I can buy she truly did get sober. Will it last? We shall see. But yes, regardless of drugs she is still the same Leah. She has shown herself to a lazy, entitled brat from day one. I remember early years, before drugs, the twins were running around half clothed, crawling under tables, while she hid in her room on the phone. Four-Five years later? Same thing, except she's high and there's one more kid out there running around. She was also a cheater very early on, and showed little regard for preserving the family she claims to care so much about. 

  • Love 6

I am not of the black and white thinking and can totally see all of these people cheating. I see Jo and Kail doing stuff if he is unhappy at home and she is googly eyed for him. I can see Adam and Chelsea hooking up as soon as Cole walks out the door. Cory is a good guy as far as I can tell and a good dad but can still mess (er) up. It happens. All these people are young and share a history if we like it or not. Even people that dislike each other can have a moment of weakness together. No shock from me. If it did happen. I am sure he is sorry for it and it is his wife he has to answer too. If he didn't, all the better. Doesn't change my opinion of Cory at all. I think in his case it would've really been a mistake, not a habit.

Edited by TM2
  • Love 5

She does look healthier, so unless we hear/see otherwise, I can buy she truly did get sober. Will it last? We shall see. But yes, regardless of drugs she is still the same Leah. She has shown herself to a lazy, entitled brat from day one. I remember early years, before drugs, the twins were running around half clothed, crawling under tables, while she hid in her room on the phone. Four-Five years later? Same thing, except she's high and there's one more kid out there running around. She was also a cheater very early on, and showed little regard for preserving the family she claims to care so much about. 

Agree that Leah may be sober. As for all her other problems, that hasn't likely changed. Rehab doesn't make people change. They have to want to change and also do follow-up treatment. I think Leah treated rehab exactly like she called it - therapy. She entered, went through the motions, did the program, and then left. I am not sure what her goal was in going to "therapy" since her marriage was done by the time she took that plane out of town.


I really cannot stand Leah's mother. I see her face and I just want to slap the stupid out of her. Her stupid ass remark about "I don't care who you are, everyone has struggles" (paraphrasing). Yes, true. But, not everyone goes around town doing what your daughter does which is to blame everyone else for her problems.

  • Love 6

This alleged cheating that we are talking about today is referencing that same time period - 2014. That cheating allegation was when Leah and Jermy were sitting there at the reunion, smirking as they decided to say that Cory had cheated on Miranda. Then, this is what was going on in December 2014...keep in mind, this article mentions that Cory's step-mother says the Facebook page did NOT belong to Cory or Miranda:




Here was Leah's rant about how Cory and Miranda are trying to paint themselves as the perfect couple while she then posted she and Jermy are the ones who are in a loving and perfect relationship. Well, we know that was bogus:



By the way, just because Cory and Miranda didn't respond to Leah and Jermy's claim, that doesn't make it true. There are times when you just ignore the lies that are put out there. Considering Leah is the one who has been doing the cheating, it seems as if Cory and Miranda were just letting her dig her own grave with her proclamations that she and Jermy were "happy and in love".


Just because...from Leah's FB page:



I'm an attorney, and recently had a conversation with my boss about getting letters from other attorneys who include Esq. in the signature. It's 99.9% of the time the signal that this is about to turn into a cluster. In my experience, attorneys who include that are either douches, have incredible chips in their shoulder, or both. Not surprised that both Leah's super lawyer and her daughter would include that on their names.

  • Love 9

I'm an attorney, and recently had a conversation with my boss about getting letters from other attorneys who include Esq. in the signature. It's 99.9% of the time the signal that this is about to turn into a cluster. In my experience, attorneys who include that are either douches, have incredible chips in their shoulder, or both. Not surprised that both Leah's super lawyer and her daughter would include that on their names.

That so funny because I have an uncle who tacks on Esq. at the end of every signature and he's the biggest blowhard douche bag ever. You may be on to something there.

  • Love 7
I'm an attorney, and recently had a conversation with my boss about getting letters from other attorneys who include Esq. in the signature. It's 99.9% of the time the signal that this is about to turn into a cluster. In my experience, attorneys who include that are either douches, have incredible chips in their shoulder, or both. Not surprised that both Leah's super lawyer and her daughter would include that on their names


Oh, yeah.  It's obnoxious, and I think it says a lot about the person.  Attorney Phaedra Parks (RHOA) uses that, as well.  LOL

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