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Jesus God, Leah!!

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He's giving Leah's vajayjay a workout and that is what's most important to Leah.


Just wait until he's not giving it to her on the regular anymore, and is working OT at the gym to keep her in hair extensions and nail polish. She'll start bitching and complaining that he doesn't love her enough, pay enough attention to the family, etc. Oh, and she'll be 5 months pregnant with his 3rd child when this happens. 

Yep. and trophy wives generally get that their husbands have to work long hours and/or travel frequently to earn that kind of money. She wanted someone who magically oozed money out of his pores while lolling in bed with her between vacations to Disney or the Greenbrier.


That's what drives me absolutely crazy about Leah. She wants two very conflicting situations. On the one hand, she wants to be a SAHM and not have to worry about anything. OTOH, she wants some dude who is able to lavish her with love and affection 24-7. It just aint going to happen. Where she comes from, if she wants a dude who can provide for her, he's likely going to have to be someone who works his ASS off. 

  • Love 9

I think having that third baby is what pushed Leah over the edge. I'm sure she loves Adderall but it was just really bad planning and bad timing to get pregnant when she did. They were in the throes of Ali's diagnosis, traveling back and forth to Ohio, and all the attention Ali was getting was causing Gracie to act up. Throw in a husband who's never home and everything just snowballed.

Because Leah is dumb and never learns, I don't doubt she'll be knocked up with #4 by the end of the year, but I also think things would have played out differently if she'd just stuck with two kids.

  • Love 6

I think having that third baby is what pushed Leah over the edge. I'm sure she loves Adderall but it was just really bad planning and bad timing to get pregnant when she did. They were in the throes of Ali's diagnosis, traveling back and forth to Ohio, and all the attention Ali was getting was causing Gracie to act up. Throw in a husband who's never home and everything just snowballed.

Because Leah is dumb and never learns, I don't doubt she'll be knocked up with #4 by the end of the year, but I also think things would have played out differently if she'd just stuck with two kids.

I don't know if this is accurate, but I think Leah had a rough delivery with Adalynn, And was on pain meds which kickstarted her pill addiction.

  • Love 1

So are we going to see Possum Princess get served with the divorce papers before the season ends? Am I crazy, or did I read that she was served in a grocery store and she thought it was a fan coming to ask her for an autograph? It's gon be gooder'n that time she fell asleep talking on the phone!

I would trade all the baby head dye in the world to see that.

  • Love 2

It really drives my crazy that Leah is a representative of girls from WV I have two daughters one 26 one 24 they both graduated with a bachelors in science degrees in 4 years one is working in an speech program in an elementary school while working on her masters in speech pathology and the other is a 4th grade teacher allof their friends are the same. So obviously there are some "well" schools here and also girls that actually care about themselves and their future By the way neither has had a baby. I just hate that people think all girls from WV are like Leah

  • Love 8

I would trade all the baby head dye in the world to see that.

And dye for the kitty's head.

It really drives my crazy that Leah is a representative of girls from WV I have two daughters one 26 one 24 they both graduated with a bachelors in science degrees in 4 years one is working in an speech program in an elementary school while working on her masters in speech pathology and the other is a 4th grade teacher allof their friends are the same. So obviously there are some "well" schools here and also girls that actually care about themselves and their future By the way neither has had a baby. I just hate that people think all girls from WV are like Leah

There was some mention here a few days ago about George Washington district in Kanawha County getting good marks. Ben Affleck's wife is an alumna.

And of course Miranda is from WV too :)

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 2

It really drives my crazy that Leah is a representative of girls from WV I have two daughters one 26 one 24 they both graduated with a bachelors in science degrees in 4 years one is working in an speech program in an elementary school while working on her masters in speech pathology and the other is a 4th grade teacher all of their friends are the same. So obviously there are some "well" schools here and also girls that actually care about themselves and their future By the way neither has had a baby. I just hate that people think all girls from WV are like Leah


If it helps, I bet most of us, no matter where we're from, can find some people who we really wish weren't from a place we call home. And we can find examples of good people from the same places too, of course. Fortunately I think most people realize it's very individual.

And dye for the kitty's head.


I'm sorry, this is totally wrong but I just had to ask... is it injectable dye?  Because that's the kind Leah's worried about.

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 5

Soooooo she's stressed with 3 kids and now adding two more kids into the mix. WTF is she thinking.


And why didn't this dude have his own place?


All I can do is shake my head because she needs to stop worrying about dick and start putting her big girl panties on and doing shit for herself instead of moving from guy to guy and popping out kids with each new dick.

  • Love 6

Soooooo she's stressed with 3 kids and now adding two more kids into the mix. WTF is she thinking.


And why didn't this dude have his own place?


All I can do is shake my head because she needs to stop worrying about dick and start putting her big girl panties on and doing shit for herself instead of moving from guy to guy and popping out kids with each new dick.



Seriously.  Where was this dude living before Leah came into his life? Where were his kids before?  Why would you hook up w a dude that has to move into YOUR momma's house??


Sorry about all of the "dudes".  Got Janelle brain for a minute.

  • Love 6

Soooooo she's stressed with 3 kids and now adding two more kids into the mix. WTF is she thinking.

And why didn't this dude have his own place?

All I can do is shake my head because she needs to stop worrying about dick and start putting her big girl panties on and doing shit for herself instead of moving from guy to guy and popping out kids with each new dick.

She really is the Queen of the Idiot People, isn't she? Leah has one kid with a disability, one with serious behavior issues, a toddler in the Terrible Twos and now she's adding another couple kids to the household whom she barely knows. Yeah, this one's gonna end well!

  • Love 5

She really is the Queen of the Idiot People, isn't she? Leah has one kid with a disability, one with serious behavior issues, a toddler in the Terrible Twos and now she's adding another couple kids to the household whom she barely knows. Yeah, this one's gonna end well!

And when it doesn't end well, the ones who are going to be hurt the most are going to be all those little ones :(. 

  • Love 12

Also, you have to take into account that Leah probably doesn't want Corey anywhere near her house. Even if she had them completely ready on time (unlikely) and just pushed the girlses out the door, he's tall enough to be able to see over her head, or could look through the windows and would be able to see the blue cat, Adderall running around in her diaper and just the general mess. And the idea of Leah agreeing to doing all the driving (to and from Corey's house ) is hilarious. (Obviously the fact that it's super dangerous is the real issue that I'm worried about) Leah would never take on what she perceived to be the bulk of the work. She would rather them both be inconvenienced every time.

For some reason "see the blue cat" just cracked me up. Glad I'm alone in the office right now.

  • Love 6

It really is stupid and immature. Most of the time. It's ordered so the parents are meeting in a general spot instead of "spying" on each other. Also, again, it's a halfway spot. I don't have to accommodate my ex at all, as long as I live within 2 hours of him. It's all on him to pickup and drop off our children. If I move to another state, it's on me to get our children within that 2 hour point for his visitation if he chooses to see them.

Neither of us asked for these rules, it was just ordered by the judge in our divorce in a general sort of way. We don't need these rules but they were put on us. I can't go to his house and he can't come to mine. I have no idea why.

Unless you have restraining orders on each other, no judge can tell you that your ex can't come to your house. That's ridiculous. If a judge really said that he/she should be fired. Edited by Maharincess

For some reason "see the blue cat" just cracked me up.

If Addy goes on to front a band, I think 'blue cat' will be in the band name.

Cable description of tomorrow's episode: "...Leah starts to fall apart after Jeremy threatens to divorce her."


*eyebrow*      ..."starts to"?

Because everything was going so smoothly until this week?

  • Love 4

If Addy goes on to front a band, I think 'blue cat' will be in the band name.

Cable description of tomorrow's episode: "...Leah starts to fall apart after Jeremy threatens to divorce her."


*eyebrow*      ..."starts to"?

Because everything was going so smoothly until this week?

Right? hahaha  They act as if October/Nov/Dec never happened. 

  • Love 1


Seriously.  Where was this dude living before Leah came into his life? Where were his kids before?  Why would you hook up w a dude that has to move into YOUR momma's house??


Leah is now in a pickle with dating. Any guy with an education or good job who is nice and stable and has goals in life is going to hesitate BIG TIME before dating a 23 year old girl with two divorces, 3 kids, no job and no education. The kinds of guys generally willing to take that on either want to be a savior, or they're really messed up themselves. At 23, Leah, has already made sure she has 3 strikes against her before she even meets someone. She can still turn it around, but it will take some serious therapy and self reflection. And there is no evidence that Leah sees there is a problem.

  • Love 8

Unless you have restraining orders on each other, no judge can tell you that your ex can't come to your house. That's ridiculous. If a judge really said that he/she should be fired.

Goodness! If my county fired all the judges that explain this, we would have no family court! It's standard here. No DV or orders of protection needed.

It really is just general, basic, guidelines and both parents have to sign off on it. The judge then explains it all and gives one more chance to modify it before he signs it right then. (Either one of us can request modification at any time and request a hearing. If we agree to something different, we just have to write it out and sign in front of a clerk deputy and it gets filed.)

Neither of us wanted to go the other's house so we had no reason to change it. We don't need it, but it's there anyway.

Edited by MissMel
  • Love 2

So if they are going to leave out all the stuff about Leah cheating on Jeremy and Jeremy spending a weekend with some girl and some other girl sending dick pics to Leah, what are they going to use as the explanation for Jeremy wanting the divorce?

I wouldn't put it past them to only play the stuff about Jeremy dating other girls, and make it look like he's the only one that cheated.

  • Love 5

It really drives my crazy that Leah is a representative of girls from WV I have two daughters one 26 one 24 they both graduated with a bachelors in science degrees in 4 years one is working in an speech program in an elementary school while working on her masters in speech pathology and the other is a 4th grade teacher allof their friends are the same. So obviously there are some "well" schools here and also girls that actually care about themselves and their future By the way neither has had a baby. I just hate that people think all girls from WV are like Leah

I feel your pain.  I’m from SD and in no way, shape, or form does Adam Lind represent the typical South Dakota male.  Randilious is a much better representative.

  • Love 6

It really drives my crazy that Leah is a representative of girls from WV I have two daughters one 26 one 24 they both graduated with a bachelors in science degrees in 4 years one is working in an speech program in an elementary school while working on her masters in speech pathology and the other is a 4th grade teacher allof their friends are the same. So obviously there are some "well" schools here and also girls that actually care about themselves and their future By the way neither has had a baby. I just hate that people think all girls from WV are like Leah

I'm from the opposite side of the country, but I lived in DC for a couple of years. 

There I was told that there are two sorts of people in WV.  Horsie people (ie, wealthier people who like and or breed horses) and people like Leah.  


So, it seems like people from there understand, if that eases your mind a bit. :)

I think it's bullshit if they totally gloss over Leah cheating on Germy.  Why does Leah get to demand a pretty sparkle edit and basically demand that they keep huge, important pieces of her life secret so the casual viewer who doesn't follow message boards or social media is left confused and wondering why Corey and Germy are being such dicks to her, when that isn't the case at all?

  • Love 10

I think it's bullshit if they totally gloss over Leah cheating on Germy.  Why does Leah get to demand a pretty sparkle edit and basically demand that they keep huge, important pieces of her life secret so the casual viewer who doesn't follow message boards or social media is left confused and wondering why Corey and Germy are being such dicks to her, when that isn't the case at all?

My guess is they give those they worry about not returning a nice edit.  They are not giving her the same edit they did in the past.  That scene where she had the girls up late and they kept showing the clock and the scene we haven't seen where her eyes roll up into her head are not what we saw in the past.  My guess is they have something in their contract about their personal life, much like how Dr Drew doesn't call them out.  They can only show so much, but we will not see Deercamgate or Germy's allegations on screen.

  • Love 2

I think it's bullshit if they totally gloss over Leah cheating on Germy. Why does Leah get to demand a pretty sparkle edit and basically demand that they keep huge, important pieces of her life secret so the casual viewer who doesn't follow message boards or social media is left confused and wondering why Corey and Germy are being such dicks to her, when that isn't the case at all?

I agree that it's bullshit that we're all just going to act like the deer cam never happened when I would wager that 99% of the show's regular viewers have at least heard about it, even if they don't believe it. (And that's me being generous...I think most people believe it.) But at the same time, MTV was licking their chops thinking of all the dollars that the hot messer that is Leah would bring in. But then she said she was quitting. I'm sure MTV had to put in writing that deercamgate, the "good job slut" tweets and Robbie Kidd would never be addressed before she agreed to come back. But I like to think they got their revenge by giving her the worst edit possible. Just things like repeatedly showing the clock during the chef boyardee scene, flashing to the blue cat, putting in at least one blow out fight with Jerm and/or Corey per episode, and showing how poorly behaved the girlses are seems like MTV's revenge. I'm sure she's pissed at how this season is turning out.

  • Love 4

I'm right over the river from where Farrah was born and raised. I've seen her visiting my zoo on the show and become inexplicably angry! 

Did she look like she was scoping out animals for collagen harvesting, maybe?

Y'all, the truth is gonna come out, you just wait. And wait. And wait.

"I'm writing a book, y'all-all. I'll show everyone!"

what are they going to use as the explanation for Jeremy wanting the divorce?

Jealousy at his wife's business success.

  • Love 1

I think it's bullshit if they totally gloss over Leah cheating on Germy.  Why does Leah get to demand a pretty sparkle edit and basically demand that they keep huge, important pieces of her life secret so the casual viewer who doesn't follow message boards or social media is left confused and wondering why Corey and Germy are being such dicks to her, when that isn't the case at all?

It seems like they keep many of the girls' antics secret, not just Leah.

  • Love 1

I agree that it's bullshit that we're all just going to act like the deer cam never happened when I would wager that 99% of the show's regular viewers have at least heard about it, even if they don't believe it. (And that's me being generous...I think most people believe it.) But at the same time, MTV was licking their chops thinking of all the dollars that the hot messer that is Leah would bring in. But then she said she was quitting. I'm sure MTV had to put in writing that deercamgate, the "good job slut" tweets and Robbie Kidd would never be addressed before she agreed to come back. But I like to think they got their revenge by giving her the worst edit possible. Just things like repeatedly showing the clock during the chef boyardee scene, flashing to the blue cat, putting in at least one blow out fight with Jerm and/or Corey per episode, and showing how poorly behaved the girlses are seems like MTV's revenge. I'm sure she's pissed at how this season is turning out.

I wish MTV would've called her bluff. She can take all the umbrage she wants, truth is she NEEDS this gig. She will never come close to pulling in this kind of dough all by herself.

  • Love 5

I also wonder how they'll address the reasons behind her divorce with Germy.


Leah - "I'm a VICTIM of Germy and his obsession with working.  He just doesn't APPRECIATE me like he should.  Look at all the work I do ensuring that the girls eating healthy food, have brushed hair and go to bed a reasonable time! I'M A GOOD MUM, OK?? He doesn't deserve me and my beautiful hair, perfect grammar and clean car"

Dawn - "He called you a bad mum?  That don't make no sense to me, look at all the cheetos lying on the floor! No one can say that you aren't the Mother Of The Year"

Corey - "Told you so, Germy.  When you take a break from screwing as many girls as you can and sending dick-pics, could you pass on some details about Leah's f*ck-ups in raising our kids?  #lifeafterleah"

Add in some sequences with the lawyer/random friends/girlses misbehaving and/or car meltdowns.  I should be an MTV producer ;)

  • Love 10

I was kinda impressed when Germ-y said that Leah couldn't love him without first loving herself. Not that it is an original sentiment but it's definitely true and I didn't think ol' Germ had enough depth to even think that thought, let alone express it verbally and so succinctly, why it was even grammatically correct!

Leah sucks and it is pissing me off that they aren't talking about her being "open for business" to Robbie as a large part of her looming divorce. At least they're exposing what they, apparently, can by having Germs mentioning her addiction and prescriptions. Mentioning the disappearing money as well right before really should have clued most people in to what Leah is buying if they didn't know.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 7

Know who else had a privileged upbringing? Farrah. I'll take Chelsea any day.

Yeah, and I thought of Maci, too.


Just because parents have money and are supportive doesn't mean there's no emotional baggage there. More than a few people over the years, for example, felt like Randy helped insulate Chelsea too much from things. Kids from over-indulgent parents certainly aren't without their share of issues. Also, I'm thinking Chelsea didn't handle Randy's divorce and remarriage well for some reason - that she didn't have a good relationship at first with Randy's wife?  Not sure where I got that idea.


I also think it is possible that Chelsea was dealing with some clinical depression in Aubree's early years. And the lack of motivation (and weight gain,etc.) could have been a sign of that. And her self-esteem was in the crapper.

  • Love 3
I was kinda impressed when Germ-y said that Leah couldn't love him without first loving herself. Not that it is an original sentiment but it's definitely true and I didn't think ol' Germ had enough depth to even think that thought, let alone express it verbally and so succinctly, why it was even grammatically correct!


It isn't original, but it's not something a blue collar redneck from WV is likely to say. I was kind of impressed as well. I also liked hearing that what first attracted him to Leah was her determination and goals. Not that WE ever really bought any of that shit, but I like that HE liked that about her. And it's sad that he realized he was totally snowed by Leah. But I can't feel too badly for him. That's what you get when you rush into marriage with someone. 

  • Love 5


I also liked hearing that what first attracted him to Leah was her determination and goals. Not that WE ever really bought any of that shit, but I like that HE liked that about her.


Meh, I don't know if I believe him if he says that's what is was about her. I think he was trying to sound less shallow than "single,thin blond girls who have some level of MTV fame don't just fall out of trees around here", which is what I suspect was really her main attraction.


I don't think Leah is capable of snowing anyone other than Mama Dawn. Even her band of followers seem to know what's up, and only encourage her because they want to be on TV. Even just a couple of days hanging out with her and it's pretty obvious she's completely lazy and without any work ethic.

  • Love 1

It isn't original, but it's not something a blue collar redneck from WV is likely to say. I was kind of impressed as well. I also liked hearing that what first attracted him to Leah was her determination and goals. Not that WE ever really bought any of that shit, but I like that HE liked that about her. And it's sad that he realized he was totally snowed by Leah. But I can't feel too badly for him. That's what you get when you rush into marriage with someone.

In Leah's defense (yuck, I hate saying that) back then, she was going full force to find out Ali-girl's diagnosis. She actually seemed to do a much better job of getting her to therapy and doctor's appointments, and they both just looked more well cared for back then. Leah also just looked much more alive. She at least talked about being a nurse or a dental assistant like her mom, and then it turned into cosmetology/Mary Kay sales. Even that was something. But now all she cares about is getting the d, and her pills.

  • Love 2

My parents didn't do drop-off or pick ups.   My mom took me to school in the morning and my dad picked me up that afternoon. Then when it was my mom's turn my dad dropped me off at school in the morning and my mom picked me up.   Seriously, I only remember two pick ups in other situations, once when the babysitter pinned me against the wall and I got free and rode my bike to my dad's.  And once when I got strep throat and I wanted my mom because my dad was so, so, so not good at sick and he brought me to her house.   They had all sorts of crazy custody agreements over the couple of years they shared custody but pick up/drop off were never an issue.   


But the local police just started a program where you could do meetups in the police station parking lot.   The location has cameras and is just a few feet from the police station so you can get help if needed.   They set this up because of people buying things off craigslist and were shocked that almost immediately after it opened it got mobbed by parental drop off.   


I think Leah would not want to go to the police station for drop off.  Lest anybody see her while she was there.   Even my mom (who loves this show like crack) asked me if I thought Leah was on drugs.  And my mom?  She never assumes anything bad about anybody ever.

  • Love 3

If it helps, I bet most of us, no matter where we're from, can find some people who we really wish weren't from a place we call home. And we can find examples of good people from the same places too, of course. Fortunately I think most people realize it's very individual.



I think the problem is that West Virginia is a small state that not many people visit unless they know someone there.  And there's been documentaries about the poor areas of West Virginia and the epic drug problems, so that doesn't help.   Leah's whole family is not doing WV any favors with their double negatives and unstable family lives

  • Love 1


I think Leah would not want to go to the police station for drop off.  Lest anybody see her while she was there.   Even my mom (who loves this show like crack) asked me if I thought Leah was on drugs.  And my mom?  She never assumes anything bad about anybody ever.

Besides, the last place a pill head wants to meet at is the Police Station.  hahahaha

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 5

That scene was so cute, it always sticks in my mind. Bc they were walking someone and clearly so awkward and freaked out by each other bc they never imagined that a Robbie-break cut to drunken nite cut to random sex with a stranger in his truck at a bonfire party thing would lead to a baby, let alone 2. But when that happened I remember having a fleeting thought of aww these two could end up doing everything backwards but falling in love, which I think is what Corey did/forced himself to do, but Leah is forever the victim and couldn't accept a great guy in her life who wanted to parent their accidental kids. Although, I have to say, I've always been #TeamCoreyTyyyler and all Simms in general, but the most recent episode where he barks at Miranda to grab him a water, but then quickly the two have a very responsible, reasonable conversation about the girls and the custody situation. But I dunno, the water thing just rubbed me the wrong way, like maybe he was kind of a dick to Leah but we didn't see it, but honestly I still don't feel sorry for her. Maybe it's just a southern thing. Miranda did not seem bothered at all and she seems the type to stick up for herself if she was

  • Love 3

When I see it, I think "Santa". Especially if "Fe" is a middle name. When I hear the name, I think of Faye Resnick, which is sad. Before her name ever came onto the scene, the name "Faye" always conjured up Faye Wray from King Kong.

It's almost past the time limit of when she normally conceives after having sex with a guy. She better get to steppin', time is a wastin'.

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