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Jesus God, Leah!!

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This is really nitpicky to even bring up, but I'm aggravated yet not surprised that Leah and Aleeah Grace are both wearing flip flops to Disneyland. It would be one thing if it was Ali or Addy, neither of whom would be walking as much, but you walk miles at Disney, and stand for hours. Sorry if they wouldn't look cute enough with her outfit, but she should have worn good sneakers with arch support. Poor Gracie's feet must have been so sore, and you know Leah wasn't carrying her. Hopefully she got some turns in the umbrella stroller while Addy was carried.

  • Love 3

This is really nitpicky to even bring up, but I'm aggravated yet not surprised that Leah and Aleeah Grace are both wearing flip flops to Disneyland. It would be one thing if it was Ali or Addy, neither of whom would be walking as much, but you walk miles at Disney, and stand for hours. Sorry if they wouldn't look cute enough with her outfit, but she should have worn good sneakers with arch support. Poor Gracie's feet must have been so sore, and you know Leah wasn't carrying her. Hopefully she got some turns in the umbrella stroller while Addy was carried.

Well, my guess is Leah didn't put flip flops on Gracie. You know Gracie was probably so busy that morning blow drying her hair, dressing the other sisters, bringing them food from the breakfast bar, etc while Leah was being a "sleepy head," that she couldn't find her sneakers so she just threw on her flip flops.

  • Love 15

Well, my guess is Leah didn't put flip flops on Gracie. You know Gracie was probably so busy that morning blow drying her hair, dressing the other sisters, bringing them food from the breakfast bar, etc while Leah was being a "sleepy head," that she couldn't find her sneakers so she just threw on her flip flops.

You don't know what it's like! Are you there?!


  • Love 3

For the girlseses sake, I hope Corey and Germy stay within close proximity to a mutual parking lot. Leah is going to be making a lot of parking lot trade offs if anybody decides to move.

How sad for the girls being traded from truck to truck like trailer hitches.

Has it ever been explained why they do the hand offs in the parking lot? I know WV is rural and all, but are they that spread out they couldn't just drive to the house?

  • Love 2

Has it ever been explained why they do the hand offs in the parking lot? I know WV is rural and all, but are they that spread out they couldn't just drive to the house?

I'm not sure I understand it either, and that's how we did hand-offs when I was little. I even recognize some of those parking lots.It is a little spread out, depending on where exactly they live, but even in traffic, going from downtown to the burbs, it's 20 minutes, max.

  • Love 1

It's just an "in general" thing for custody rulings. Travel time and expense is factored in but in general, a midway point is agreed upon. It's usually a Walmart, grocery store, or sheriff substation.

It seems...tacky, kind of like a drug deal or something in a parking lot. Seems weird for the kids too. Everyone I know picks up and drops off at a home or maybe a restaurant or something if it fits in with plans and such. Maybe that's not possible if the parents hate each other or another scenario that would prevent home pickups

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 4

Also, you have to take into account that Leah probably doesn't want Corey anywhere near her house. Even if she had them completely ready on time (unlikely) and just pushed the girlses out the door, he's tall enough to be able to see over her head, or could look through the windows and would be able to see the blue cat, Adderall running around in her diaper and just the general mess. And the idea of Leah agreeing to doing all the driving (to and from Corey's house ) is hilarious. (Obviously the fact that it's super dangerous is the real issue that I'm worried about) Leah would never take on what she perceived to be the bulk of the work. She would rather them both be inconvenienced every time.

  • Love 7

It really is stupid and immature. Most of the time. It's ordered so the parents are meeting in a general spot instead of "spying" on each other. Also, again, it's a halfway spot. I don't have to accommodate my ex at all, as long as I live within 2 hours of him. It's all on him to pickup and drop off our children. If I move to another state, it's on me to get our children within that 2 hour point for his visitation if he chooses to see them.

Neither of us asked for these rules, it was just ordered by the judge in our divorce in a general sort of way. We don't need these rules but they were put on us. I can't go to his house and he can't come to mine. I have no idea why.

  • Love 2

From the gossip sites the timeline seems to be roughly, the episodes currently seem to be towards mid-end of March for Leah


Nov - Jeremy files for divorce but does not follow through

NYE - Jeremy & Leah spend together

Jan - Leah resigns for season 6 on the proviso that the deer cam incident is not talked about

April 15th - Jeremy serves Leah with divorce papers and files with the court this time. Leah goes for rehab stint 1 but checks out after 48 hours

May - MTV hires TR as Leah's personal trainer and Leah goes back to rehab

June 10th - Divorce finalized while Leah is in Rehab

June 22nd - Leah finishes rehab and moves into Momma Dawn's with TR (apparently he moved in before she started rehab #2 and lived there while she was in rehab)

Aug - Leah moves out of Momma Dawn's into a house with latest boyfriend and their 5 kids

  • Love 7

Which could make this more a sober living situation, or housemate to save money situation, or both, rather than a case of her immediately shacking up with someone. It probably is best she not be living back where she was, or at her Mom's house, as both are classic setups for a relapse - no change in context, or emotionally charged living situation that triggers the desire to turn to old coping mechanisms.  A classic SLE/halfway house sort of setup would not be good for someone with her high profile, or fair to the other residents, as it would put them all at risk when the spotlight is on - I wouldn't trust a bunch of barely clean addicts in this situation. Nor is it an appropriate place for her kids to be, nor is it necessary to disrupt her relationship with her kids in that fashion. 


That may sound optimistic, but If something like this is the case, I wouldn't expect that to be the way it was breathlessly covered by gossip sites. 

Edited by akr
  • Love 3

Plus, his baby momma has spoken multiple times confirming that they are together as a couple.


They probably thought a person trainer would take her mind off of the drugs. Get her focused on something else to make her feel better about herself. But it didn't work.  She fell in looooove.  Awwwww  hahahah

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 4

From the gossip sites the timeline seems to be roughly, the episodes currently seem to be towards mid-end of March for Leah


Nov - Jeremy files for divorce but does not follow through


c. October 15   Leah cheats with Robbie; Leah's father-in-law and neighbor spots him on deercam 

Oct 17 Jeremy tweets  "“Well that was a surprise kinda [you] did it to Corey and now me...Caught ya bitch. Go back to Mingo and have a wonderful fucking weekend with Mr kidd."

Oct 20   Leah's sister Victoria goes on a local radio show and denies Leah's cheating. Claims that people jumped to conclusions from Leah's brother Isaac rooming with Robbie, Robbie borrowing a Messer family car and Leah talking to Robbie "to help him through a hard time" after Robbie's arrests for trespassing, resisting arrests and drug possession.

c. November 4          Jeremy and Leah's relatives get into a social media firefight over the infidelity allegations. Grandmother Sandy also denies that Leah has substance abuse problems.

c. Nov 15   Jeremy Calvert reportedly hits on girls at a Buffalo Wings and asks for their phone numbers; he goes on to spend Thanksgiving away from family.

c. December 10   Robbie admits (for the right price, to a tabloid) that he did sleep with Leah. Leah's brother Isaac becomes second teen parent in family.

By this time reports surface that Jeremy is flirting online with single mother Britney Musick.

Melissa finds out about Jeremy's messages to Britney, realizes he was messaging Britney even during his weekend with Melissa, and cuts off Jeremy.

Dec. 17 Robbie marries Monica, with whom he has a child. Leah confronts Britney online.

Britney sends her a photo of Jeremy's "nude penis" (as opposed to a penis in camo or evening wear?)."Sigh...that would be my husband" Leah confirms. Britney and Jeremy end up calling off a hotel meeting.

Jan-Feb 2015  Britney continues to throw doubt on Leah's marriage, denies being a homewrecker. She makes noise about hiring an agent, a possible appearance on TM2, posts lingerie shots that attract criticism, and friends Chelsea's ex Adam Lind on social media.

May 5 Inquisitr: Jeremy started flirting with Melissa early 2014 and finally met her for sex in a Columbus OH hotel in November, shortly after he accused Leah of cheating.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 12

Thank you crazychicken and cheatincheetos for the timelines!

I highly doubt Leah is capable of having a platonic friendship with a man, especially at this point in her life. She's a complete mess, and I think she receives most of her validation and comfort from a relationship with a man. It really doesn't matter who that man is, but if he finds her desirable and gives her plenty of attention and affection, then she's fulfilled.

  • Love 4
Really, any reputable "sober coach" should be your own gender.

I'm betting on BF based on her track record...


My thoughts exactly. Even if he was some sober coach on the DL, why would anyone advise that Leah and her children move in with some guy??? Leah has a real problem staying off the dick. If that's what they really wanted for her, they'd use a girl. 

  • Love 2

My thoughts were MTV hired him to keep Leah on the straight and narrow whether through fitness or some other method after her checking herself out of rehab #1, which quickly went south when he moved into Momma Dawns within 2 weeks of meeting her. So then MTV forced her to go to 30 day rehab when the 'trainer' did not help her.


Either way she has found herself a loser, what sort of guy moves in with a drug addict that lives with her mother and has just checked herself out of rehab. Then when she goes in for rehab stint #2 continues to live with the mother just waiting for the addict to get out of rehab to move into a place of their own with their combined 5 children.


None of this screams Leah is in a healthy headspace to me even with all her 'good mom' photo shoots and healthier looking body. She may be off the drugs but that girl is not right mentally to think her current relationship is a healthy one and I will add Momma Dawn to the mentally not right pile as well with her defense of Leah.

  • Love 7

My thoughts were MTV hired him to keep Leah on the straight and narrow whether through fitness or some other method after her checking herself out of rehab #1, which quickly went south when he moved into Momma Dawns within 2 weeks of meeting her. So then MTV forced her to go to 30 day rehab when the 'trainer' did not help her.

Either way she has found herself a loser, what sort of guy moves in with a drug addict that lives with her mother and has just checked herself out of rehab. Then when she goes in for rehab stint #2 continues to live with the mother just waiting for the addict to get out of rehab to move into a place of their own with their combined 5 children.

None of this screams Leah is in a healthy headspace to me even with all her 'good mom' photo shoots and healthier looking body. She may be off the drugs but that girl is not right mentally to think her current relationship is a healthy one and I will add Momma Dawn to the mentally not right pile as well with her defense of Leah.

Momma Dawn is toxic to Leah and her recovery. The scene in the diner where Leah told her about Corey wanring more days with the girls, Leah seemed on board at first with getting more help. Her Mom talked Leah out of it without giving any solutions. That to me was a cry that Leah was overwhelmed and her Mom's response was just don't give them to Corey.

  • Love 11

Momma Dawn is toxic to Leah and her recovery. The scene in the diner where Leah told her about Corey wanring more days with the girls, Leah seemed on board at first with getting more help. Her Mom talked Leah out of it without giving any solutions. That to me was a cry that Leah was overwhelmed and her Mom's response was just don't give them to Corey.

This is so true, and I agree that their relationship is really toxic in general. I think growing up, Leah was the golden child and Victoria was expected to pick up the slack. She was thin, pretty, popular, spoiled and for someone who came from a working-class single parent home, she seems to struggle with working (she can't deal with working at all, much less working hard) and doing without the finer things. Mama Dawn created that monster. She taught Leah that just being pretty and thin was enough, and that she didn't need education or to be a decent wife/mother. Even though she's now a 23 year old, twice divorced mother of three Delta Dawn doesn't tell her to cool it with the dick hopping, because Leah can do no wrong. Leah doesn't need to be told that she's perfect and that she's a victim. She needs to hear that she's as big of a fuck up as Jenelle. Dawn will never ever do that, and I feel that as long as they're as close as they are and don't receive any help, Leah will never get any better because Dawn will say she doesn't need to.

  • Love 15

I wonder if the reason she can't "stay off the dick" is because of the mentality in West Virginia. They tend to marry young there. Maybe any woman who "doesn't have a man" is frowned upon or outcast in a sense? Maybe that's why Dawn doesn't see a problem with Leah's behavior regarding her relationship choices?

It could be. My father's family was rural poor and every aunt, uncle and cousin was married with at least one kid before age 21. My one cousin got married at 17 and the wedding wasn't even shotgun, it's just what they did in their area.

  • Love 1

I wonder if the reason she can't "stay off the dick" is because of the mentality in West Virginia.  They tend to marry young there.  Maybe any woman who "doesn't have a man" is frowned upon or outcast in a sense?  Maybe that's why Dawn doesn't see a problem with Leah's behavior regarding her relationship choices?

That's a reasonable assessment. The general consensus is that you get married and have kids young, whether or not you finish high school or go on to college. I had to break a lot of ground in my own family, who balked at my idea to move away and go to college. I got pressured into an engagement at 22 because he was "the kind of guy you'll want when you're 30." (Guess what, I'm 36 and still don't want him.) I was told I would eventually stop wanting to look at germs under a microscope and start wanting to make some little germs of my own--a direct quote from my mother who denies it to this day, and she's actually the supportive one in the family. I'm pretty strong-willed, so I went my own way anyway, and it worked out fine--they all gave up pushing their own agendas eventually, although not without accusing me of "forgetting my roots" on more than one occasion. It did make things easier on my niece, who is going away to start college this week, and getting nothing but tears of joy and pride from my sister. But for a long time I think they thought my idea of getting an education and making marriage an option, rather than the other way around, was met with amusement--"oh, that's just Mona being starry-eyed" to "wait, is she serious about this?"


Anyway, tl;dr, it is not out of the ordinary for people to get married young and start having babies right away. In my own family no one waited past age 20 to start, and most were done by 25. Regionally, it's not "frowned upon" for a woman to go to college before or even instead of getting married, but it's much more common to skip education altogether once you get married. Basically you don't HAVE to give up education and get married, but no one bats an eyelash if you do.

Edited by monagatuna
  • Love 5

So then in the episodes we are seeing now, Leah has already cheated, Jeremy called her out publicly on social media, Jeremy spent the weekend with another woman, and a different woman sent a picture of Jeremy's dick to Leah?

That would be..scratching the surface, yes. She and Jerm have more going on than four seasons of The Tudors.

My thoughts were MTV hired him to keep Leah on the straight and narrow whether through fitness or some other method after her checking herself out of rehab #1

If MTV hired him, they did not do much of a background check. Maybe Jenelle has a chance at a medical job after all.

Momma Dawn is toxic to Leah and her recovery.

Mama DawnOfTheDead: where good ideas go to die.

I wonder if the reason she can't "stay off the dick" is because of the mentality in West Virginia.  They tend to marry young there.  Maybe any woman who "doesn't have a man" is frowned upon or outcast in a sense?  Maybe that's why Dawn doesn't see a problem with Leah's behavior regarding her relationship choices?

I think so. I think it is part of why her brother had a kid out of wedlock last winter as well. He saw all the attention going to the sibling who had kids. The friends their age on Facebook all seem to have kids in high school as well. That kind of peer pressure makes it easy to forget all the drama that Leah went through because she had kids before spending more time proving her compatibility with Corey or Jeremy.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 3

I wonder if the reason she can't "stay off the dick" is because of the mentality in West Virginia. They tend to marry young there. Maybe any woman who "doesn't have a man" is frowned upon or outcast in a sense? Maybe that's why Dawn doesn't see a problem with Leah's behavior regarding her relationship choices?

There is definitely something to this. I came of age in a smallish, southen town and some people tended to have narrow worldviews. Even people who went to college stuck close to their roots, which included staying in town and marrying young. Leah and her fam appear to take that mindset to a whole new trashy level, though. Guess thats what a lack of education, ambition and common sense gets you.

  • Love 5

Why does Leah keep having kids and moving in with guys?

Her kids are really her only accomplishments - likely the only accomplishments she'll ever have.

If anyone else is a nerd like me, there's some good reading on this idea of women from the lower socioeconomic bracket having multiple children out of wedlock because having babies is an attainable goal for them & can be seen as her achievements.

Interesting readings:


  • Love 12

Why does Leah keep having kids and moving in with guys?

Her kids are really her only accomplishments - likely the only accomplishments she'll ever have.

If anyone else is a nerd like me, there's some good reading on this idea of women from the lower socioeconomic bracket having multiple children out of wedlock because having babies is an attainable goal for them & can be seen as her achievements.

Interesting readings:


Reminds me of when Chelsea said she "achieved a baby" in I think her 16 & Pregnant episode.

  • Love 4

Why does Leah keep having kids and moving in with guys?

Her kids are really her only accomplishments - likely the only accomplishments she'll ever have.

If anyone else is a nerd like me, there's some good reading on this idea of women from the lower socioeconomic bracket having multiple children out of wedlock because having babies is an attainable goal for them & can be seen as her achievements.

Interesting readings:


The Chelsea of a few seasons ago did tell her Dad she "achieved" Aubree. So glad she's grown up.

  • Love 3

I wonder if the reason she can't "stay off the dick" is because of the mentality in West Virginia.  They tend to marry young there. 

Wellsburg WV was a destination for young couples from surrounding states who wanted a quickie marriage certificate. It is often

referred to as the "Gretna Green" of the Ohio Valley on genealogy sites. Think Britney Spear's Las Vegas marriage that lasted a matter of hours.

  • Love 1

Which could make this more a sober living situation, or housemate to save money situation, or both, rather than a case of her immediately shacking up with someone. It probably is best she not be living back where she was, or at her Mom's house, as both are classic setups for a relapse - no change in context, or emotionally charged living situation that triggers the desire to turn to old coping mechanisms.  A classic SLE/halfway house sort of setup would not be good for someone with her high profile, or fair to the other residents, as it would put them all at risk when the spotlight is on - I wouldn't trust a bunch of barely clean addicts in this situation. Nor is it an appropriate place for her kids to be, nor is it necessary to disrupt her relationship with her kids in that fashion. 


That may sound optimistic, but If something like this is the case, I wouldn't expect that to be the way it was breathlessly covered by gossip sites. 


Any "sober coach" worth his salt wouldn't start a relationship with an addict fresh out of rehab (especially if they checked out early.)

  • Love 2

My thoughts were MTV hired him to keep Leah on the straight and narrow whether through fitness or some other method after her checking herself out of rehab #1, which quickly went south when he moved into Momma Dawns within 2 weeks of meeting her. So then MTV forced her to go to 30 day rehab when the 'trainer' did not help her.

He's giving Leah's vajayjay a workout and that is what's most important to Leah.

  • Love 9

Why does Leah keep having kids and moving in with guys?

Her kids are really her only accomplishments - likely the only accomplishments she'll ever have



I wouldn't be surprised if the only thing Leah ever sought to accomplish was to be a trophy wife, complete with a life of luxury and ease. And really, with the income she is pulling in with TM2 and Jeremy's paychecks, she could've had a decent life if she was smarter and more mature. I think, though, she deluded herself into thinking she should be living in a mansion being waited on hand and foot and having ten or so live in nannies minding the girlses while she screwed the pool boy. She was shooting for Kardashian and ended up at Peg Bundy, except pillses are her bonbons.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 9

He's giving Leah's vajayjay a workout and that is what's most important to Leah.

It's got muscles. It counts!

I wouldn't be surprised if the only thing Leah ever sought to accomplish was to be a trophy wife, complete with a life of luxury and ease. And really, with the income she is pulling in with TM2 and Jeremy's paychecks, she could've had a decent life if she was smarter and more mature.

Yep. and trophy wives generally get that their husbands have to work long hours and/or travel frequently to earn that kind of money. She wanted someone who magically oozed money out of his pores while lolling in bed with her between vacations to Disney or the Greenbrier.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 7

Why does Leah keep having kids and moving in with guys?

Her kids are really her only accomplishments - likely the only accomplishments she'll ever have.

If anyone else is a nerd like me, there's some good reading on this idea of women from the lower socioeconomic bracket having multiple children out of wedlock because having babies is an attainable goal for them & can be seen as her achievements.

Interesting readings:



That's a good point. Chelsea said something similar in an earlier season. I think it came shortly after some political or entrepreneurial female bigwig (sorry, can't remember who) mentioned that of all her educational and professional accomplishments came second to the pride she felt over being a mother, or something akin to that. That's not to say she wasn't proud of her non offspring achievements, but Chelsea clearly interpreted her words as, why bother going to school and eking out a career when I've already done what Very Important Person says is her proudest accomplishment? It's like I skipped right to the finish line. What she missed was that VIP was saying her professional life gave her context to fully appreciate her family.


Leah sadly is never going to get there. She's not very bright, received no encouragement from her family regarding the importance of education and hard work, and now has a ton of baggage. Mama Dawn really screwed the pooch with this one, and Leah is going to continue the cycle. Gracie is already on her way. I think Ali's disability in a way is going to force her to approach things differently than Leah or Gracie would, but I think Addy is just as screwed as Gracie.

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