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Jesus God, Leah!!

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36 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Oh boy. I think her fans will forgive a lot, but probably not this.


OK, the words "Christian Life Coach" doesn't inspire a ton of leniency from me, but I am willing to entertain the fact that perhaps Leah misunderstood the reasoning behind this message. I have heard a variation of this before, and it's not, "ladies, your man is your #1 priority".  It is "Parents (meaning both sexes)- your partner should be your #1 priority". No, that doesn't mean that kids sit hungry in shitty diapers while Mom and Dad moon over each other. It doesn't mean the kids' basic and developmental needs are ignored in any way. It does mean that both parents take time to appreciate and listen to each other, even if it means the kids' requests (requests- not needs) go on backburner. So say, little Susie wants mommy to play with her, and Dad wants to talk to mom about his day. Mom would tell Susie to wait, or play with her brother, or play alone, while she gives Dad her attention. Not all the time, but constantly putting your kids first (for general convenience, NOT BASIC NEEDS) is bad for both your sanity and your adult relationships, plus it teaches kids to be very self centered and entitled. Kids should learn that they aren't the center of the world, and they should be able to see the adults in their lives valuing each other and giving each other time and attention. I am hoping that's what the life coach meant, but it could very well be some sexist, fundamentalist bullshit, that Leah will happily grasp on to as it gives her validation for all the times she put a man before her kids.

I think a lot of people don't make this distinction though. I'm not telling anyone how to run their home, but every time I hear someone say "I was abused (sexually/physically/emotionally) by Mom's husband/boyfriend (who could also be their father) and Mom didn't do anything to stop it." The Mom's excuse is "I put my man first." And I would not assume a man that was husband would necessarily be interested in parenting a child from a previous relationship- so Leah's future husband may not consider the needs of her girls at all (of course if you marry someone with minor children people would THINK you'd take step parenting seriously but that's not always the case).


I know in general MOST people are not talking about those types of situations, but I rarely hear women use that phrase unless it's in defensive of questionable/inappropriate if not down right criminal behavior on the part of the man in their life. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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25 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I think a lot of people don't make this distinction though. I'm not telling anyone how to run their home, but every time I hear someone say "I was abused (sexually/physically/emotionally) by Mom's husband/boyfriend (who could also be their father) and Mom didn't do anything to stop it." The Mom's excuse is "I put my man first." And I would not assume a man that was husband would necessarily be interested in parenting a child from a previous relationship- so Leah's future husband may not consider the needs of her girls at all (of course if you marry someone with minor children people would THINK you'd take step parenting seriously but that's not always the case).


I know in general MOST people are not talking about those types of situations, but I rarely hear women use that phrase unless it's in defensive of questionable/inappropriate if not down right criminal behavior on the part of the man in their life. 

Well right. There's a vast difference between making the effort to pay attention to your spouse and your marriage (at the expense of additional time focusing on your kids) vs. allowing your spouse to abuse your kids, or ignoring and neglecting your kids to focus solely on your partner. There is definitely a balance, and hopefully most intelligent people are able to use good judgment as far as determining what (for their kids) needs to take precedence and what can be pushed to the backburner. I don't have high hopes Leah can make this distinction, but hopefully the counselor who is saying this assumes whoever she is talking to does have this ability. 


It's the same with how Leah jumped on the "oxygen mask on a crashing plane" analogy- the idea is that your kids will survive if you tell them to entertain themselves while you read or talk on the phone or do something for you, and kids can wait to tell you what they want to say while you finish a conversation with someone else, and parents can go out for dates or even vacations and leave their children with capable sitters. It is NOT a justification for neglect because you need to focus exclusively on yourself.

21 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

What exactly do these women need "protection" from? SMDH.

Protection from feeling lonely and unloved, and unpretty. Even a shitty husband is better than NO husband in some parts, I'd imagine.

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3 minutes ago, Mkay said:

I was reading the replies when it was only at like 200.  It escalated very quickly.  I couldn't keep up. 

Escalated like people are getting increasingly agitated, or increasing because people are defending her and going back and forth with those criticizing her post?

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1 minute ago, Tatum said:

Escalated like people are getting increasingly agitated, or increasing because people are defending her and going back and forth with those criticizing her post?

The amount of replies. Sorry. 

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I went and checked it out. The poster Leah re-posted or whatever you call it does specifically say this is not a justification for abuse and that fulfilling children's basic needs does come first. She also says if both your husband and child need a kidney and you're a match for both (unlikely scenario, but fine), you should give a kidney to your child.

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4 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Favorite part of the quote - "when you vow to be one with a man." Leah, honey, that's the part you seem to have trouble with. 

No fucking kidding. Where does Leah get off attaching her name to this holy rolliness about the sanctity of marriage when she couldn't be bothered to keep her pants on during both her marriages or do even the most basic traditional wifely duties? Funny, she talks about a husband being a "provider and protector", but she overlooks what a wife's duties are other then the very vague "putting your husband first" . Going by her past examples, they aren't cooking, cleaning or enriching her children's lives. Just sounds like typical clueless Leah self-centeredness to me.


4 hours ago, Tatum said:

Not all the time, but constantly putting your kids first (for general convenience, NOT BASIC NEEDS) is bad for both your sanity and your adult relationships, plus it teaches kids to be very self centered and entitled.

I don't disagree, but from my experience, it's not always putting the children first but giving them what they want to shut them up so the parent doesn't have to be bothered with the hard task of parenting and engaging that turns children self-centered and needy. So it goes a little deeper then the whole "putting the kids ahead of the relationship". Leah and Jenelle excel at the former parent move.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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One of the responses to Leah's comments..."What century do you live in because a man is NOT the only provider in a household in today's world.

Uh, in Leah's world the man is the ONLY provider. Leah ain't getting a job anytime soon. 


"He comes first as your partner, provider and protector."

Unless Robbie or some other dude comes around, then all bets are off, except of course the providing part. 

Hard to protect your wife and compound when it is your wife (Leah) who is letting in all the strange guys. Protector should be Trojan. Let's hope Leah made sure her lovers wore them because if not, she may be like Kail running around with STDs.


One of her followers even told her "You're not a good role model for our 3 girls if you think that way. We don't live in the year 1800 anymore. Take responsibility for your own be a strong woman."

Is it just me or is anyone else getting tired of the "strong woman" crap being thrown around? 

@Tatum and @Scarlett45 both of those same thoughts came to me when I was reading Leah's comments about putting a man first.  If couples do not take the time to work on their marriage, and each other, then the foundation can become unhealthy and there is a chance the family can break apart. It is why it is important to give each other that much-needed attention and not focus solely on the kids. 

None of that applies to Leah. She is selfish and has no clue how to have a healthy relationship.

So true Scarlett45 about the phrase is usually said when one feels they are being attacked or having to defend one's self when being accused of something. 

I have a relative on my husband's side who has spouted the whole "God comes first, then your spouse, and then your kids" line. She is Christian. 

As for Leah, of course she will say she would put a man first. Any man, whether it is her husband, boyfriend, drug dealer, side-piece, they just need to fulfill what her needs are and those needs are in the bedroom and her wallet. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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My husband protects me...I've got a mouth on me. For reals. Well, sometimes.  Other times I'm stunned into silence. He cashes the checks my mouth writes. Thank goodness.

It bothers me when I see articles like that (and I did see that one) because I feel like @Scarlett45, that women use it to excuse abusive and criminal behavior in their partners. Reality is, it's a balance. We all go into this parenting adventure with our own baggage. I check my husband and my child and he checks me and the child. We both protect the boy although sometimes we disagree about the right thing to do in a given situation.

We also try to honor our relationship. I suppose it's easier when you have a relationship that radically predates the introduction of offspring. Kids can be demanding little shits and I totally get why a "single mother" would find it easier to either not date or to hand off half the parenting responsibility to the most willing swinging dick that shows up. 

That sounded way harsher than I meant it, but I guess I have some lingering contempt (based on personal experience) for someone who would mouth those words and encourage people without understanding a lot about it.

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It's funny that she agreed they should be the provider. She didn't want them to go to work and provide. She wanted them right there with her, without having to leave for work.  Haha

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On 7/30/2017 at 9:04 AM, Lm2162 said:


It is meant to be for things that require it, such as being a wheelchair user, which takes extra time to board, so being in a separate line makes sense for everyone. It would also apply to those who are demonstrably too physically vulnerable to wait outside or stand for that long or for particular developmental disabilities that make waiting extremely difficult or impossible, not only for them but also those around them. It would not be "any" disability (though people try to lie a lot like they do with disabled parking). Under the ADA you would need to describe the accommodations needed and why. Disney now requires notification from a doctor because people were even faking needing mobility devices.  

Ali would not qualify at Disney as she has only a mobility issue, not a cognitive one or an illness. Navigating Disney and other parks with a wheelchair is definitely not a "perk" or any special treatment even at the front of the line; having done it several times recently it is exceedingly difficult even with accommodations that are meant to make things equal, and often park employees aren't actually trained to deal with then well. Also, not everyone in your party gets to use the pass, it's limited, so it could potentially make the whole thing a lot harder for the whole group or they would have to separate. I think it's safe to say they perhaps just had her use the wheelchair this time because she needed it or gets tired, which is great if true. 

I believe you misunderstood my post...or else I wasn't very clear. I wasn't saying that people shouldn't use it. As I said in my original post, I am the mother to a disabled child and I am disabled with mobility problems myself. And I am very much aware of the difficulties of pushing a wheelchair around an amusement park. Or shopping mall. Or Wal-Mart. A parking lot. Etc. etc. It is especially frustrating when there is an oxygen tank attached to said wheelchair. I certainly never implied that doing such thing was a perk. The "perk" part was sarcastic and directed at the passes, not at the disability. My point was that with many of these places, in general-not picking on Disneyland, now make the terms so lax that the people with the passes outnumber those without, which means that the passes are no longer as effective, since the lines to stand in them are longer than the lines without. 

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I'm totally unsurprised Leah is spouting that crap. She probably thought it would make her look good and maybe even some people would forget about her cheating or think she's changed. She's dumb enough to buy into that crap anyway and hypocritical enough to not get the irony of her cheating, multiple divorce having ass posting that. We all know she puts herself number one but I fear for her kids if she truly consciously has put men before them...nor least because she barely seemed to care about her husbands...what does that say for how much she devotes to her kids? 

Edit: there's no thread for episode 4, that also aired tonight so, Why the fuck are all three of Leah's kids sleeping in the same bed? "No talking..." Gee, wouldn't that be easier if they were in their own beds, let alone own rooms? I know it's probably a normal thing to many but I find it weird and probably a hindrance to a good night's sleep. And we used to see them sleeping on the couch as well.

Edited by Rebecca
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I hate that whenever I see Delta Dawn's name the ding dang darn (Corey Tyler) song gets stuck in my head for days...like right now. 

I just got inspired to watch Leah's 16 and Pregnant. 

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When did Leah get a puppy? Looks to be a purebreed Boxer puppt. I love all dogs, but this is a mistake. Does she know how hard it can be to  housebreak them.  Also if she has no fenced in yard it can be trouble, and can get loose.  Boxers are great, but the are playfully and Very Energenic. Plus they love to run/jump, what if it playfully jumps on Alie, it could easily and accidentally  knock her over. I looks like they had him in a crate, hope he is not in there all day, in a cage probably too small. I am just worried for the puppy.

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32 minutes ago, Poohbear617 said:

When did Leah get a puppy? Looks to be a purebreed Boxer puppt. I love all dogs, but this is a mistake. Does she know how hard it can be to  housebreak them.  Also if she has no fenced in yard it can be trouble, and can get loose.  Boxers are great, but the are playfully and Very Energenic. Plus they love to run/jump, what if it playfully jumps on Alie, it could easily and accidentally  knock her over. I looks like they had him in a crate, hope he is not in there all day, in a cage probably too small. I am just worried for the puppy.

All these chicks get dogs that they can't care for. We'll see the dog one season and it's gone the next. 

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I was thinking that. That LAST thing she needs is a puppy.

And I am someone probably more sympathetic to Leah than most. Meaning I don't think she is terrible at managing her time but just that I think she has little time to manage. I am also mom to 3 and had little help. I know she gets a lot of help from Corey with the twins but she is mostly doing it alone with Addie, I think. And I know she makes stupid choices that make it more difficult than it needs to be -- moving far from school and Corey, for example. I would not have even contemplated going to school if I was in her place. I would at least wait until Addie was in grade school when she should largely have probably 8 to 3 free every day. 

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On 8/5/2017 at 1:51 PM, lilmarysunshine said:

I was thinking that. That LAST thing she needs is a puppy.

And I am someone probably more sympathetic to Leah than most. Meaning I don't think she is terrible at managing her time but just that I think she has little time to manage. I am also mom to 3 and had little help. I know she gets a lot of help from Corey with the twins but she is mostly doing it alone with Addie, I think. And I know she makes stupid choices that make it more difficult than it needs to be -- moving far from school and Corey, for example. I would not have even contemplated going to school if I was in her place. I would at least wait until Addie was in grade school when she should largely have probably 8 to 3 free every day. 

Tbf, I don't think Leah really intended to go all in on school to begin with. She went to school to show up the hatters, not because she actually had a specific goal or plan. 

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2 hours ago, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

Tbf, I don't think Leah really intended to go all in on school to begin with. She went to school to show up the hatters, not because she actually had a specific goal or plan. 

Agree. If it was honestly about a career or educational goal, she would have gone to a local CC and gotten her generals completed. This was about looking cool going to a 4 year university that she thought was more prestigious than CC and getting her photo ops in.


It's kind of like say, someone deciding they want to take up mountain climbing, with no background in the area. They immediately buy the most expensive, tricked out mountain climbing equipment because most expensive equals best, right? And they want to show off how balling they look? They have no idea what they're doing and they lose interest almost immediately. Now, someone who really wanted to learn more about mountain climbing would probably read some books first or see what kind of classes were offered, and maybe purchase some secondhand stuff or borrow from someone, just to keep the investment costs down until they're sure it's something they want to keep doing.


ETA: Also, while I don't think she's getting much of a break from parenting courtesy of Jeremy, between his family and her own family, she has plenty of help. All of these girls have far more help with childcare than the average parent- in a two parent household.

Edited by Tatum
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But, as we used to see regularly, Leah has an army of free childcare at her disposal - Jeremy's mom for Addie, Corey's maw maw for the girlies, Leah's Grandma Sandy for any/all her girls, Victoria, cousin Chasity (with one T), and other assorted random family members. Home girl isn't exactly doing it alone at ALL, they just aren't showing all the free babysitters lately. (And Corey and Miranda have the twins at least, if not more, than half the time.)

We live an hour away from any family (all of whom work or are too elderly to help out often anyways). We spend a small fortune in childcare everymonth for when we are at work. My husband worked nights until recently and many days I did EVERYTHING alone - the care of the babies in the evenings, nights, and mornings before taking them to daycare and going to work, just to do it again. Hubby would come home after I left in the morning, sleep, and be gone for work that evening when the babies and I got home. Many times I would have given anything to have someone who would have watched the babies while I ran to the grocery store alone, got a pedicure, or went to work out. But nope. Wasn't an option because I don't have an army of free babysitters living around me. Anytime we did/do anything without the kiddos, they're either at daycare (and we are at work) or we have to pay some local high school/college girls to watch them....and since we don't have MTV money, that means we're less likely to do anything that we have to pay a sitter for since we already pay more than our mortgage in daycare costs (2 kids under 3). So.....yeah....Leah has it rough with three kids, one of whom is disabled, but she also has WAY more support (and money to help her pay help if she wanted or needed) than MANY parents. 

Between her army of free, available childcare providers and her Teen Mom money to pay someone to help her with laundry, cooking, driving kids around, cleaning, or any babysitting relatives couldn't do....well, I just imagine what all I'd be able to do career-wise and self-care wise (and if I didn't already have a terminal graduate degree, education-wise) if I had that at my disposal. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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3 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

But, as we used to see regularly, Leah has an army of free childcare at her disposal - Jeremy's mom for Addie, Corey's maw maw for the girlies, Leah's Grandma Sandy for any/all her girls, Victoria, random cousin Chasity (with one T),  and other random friends. Home girl isn't exactly doing it alone at ALL, they just aren't showing all the free babysitters lately. (And Corey and Miranda have the twins at least, if not more, than half the time.)

We live an hour away from any family (all of whom work or are too elderly to help out often anyways). We spend a small fortune in childcare everymonth for when we are at work. My husband worked nights until recently and many days I did EVERYTHING alone - the care of the babies in the evenings, nights, and mornings before taking them to daycare and going to work, just to do it again. Hubby would come home after I left in the morning, sleep, and be gone for work that evening when the babies and I got home. Many times I would have given anything to have someone who would have watched the babies while I ran to the grocery store alone, got a pedicure, or went to work out. But nope. Wasn't an option because I don't have an army of free babysitters living around me. Anytime we did/do anything without the kiddos, they're either at daycare (and we are at work) or we have to pay some local high school/college girls to watch them....and since we don't have MTV money, that means we're less likely to do anything that we have to pay a sitter for since we already pay more than our mortgage in daycare costs (2 kids under 3). So.....yeah....Leah has it rough with three kids, one of whom is disabled, but she also has WAY more support (and money to help her pay help if she wanted or needed), than MANY parents. 

Right, these bitches probably have someone watching their kids an average of 20+ hours a week (between daycares, friends, family, etc)- and none of them have jobs. These chicks all have plenty of free time, they just don't use it well.

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Yes.  Me too.  I have so much to do and look exactly like this contemplating it all.  I'm so sad my youngest(16) is going back to school this week too.  I have no idea how I'll make it through the days here at home without him.  With my hair did just perfect, my makeup on, and my lips stained just right.

Bitch, please!   I'm brushing my teeth before I kick him out.  That's it.  ???

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2 hours ago, MissMel said:

Yes.  Me too.  I have so much to do and look exactly like this contemplating it all.  I'm so sad my youngest(16) is going back to school this week too.  I have no idea how I'll make it through the days here at home without him.  With my hair did just perfect, my makeup on, and my lips stained just right.

Bitch, please!   I'm brushing my teeth before I kick him out.  That's it.  ???

This made my night. LOL

Leah struggling and overwhelmed??? That girl has more free time and help than anyone I know. I know young mothers who truly have their hands full. Leah has more babysitters than the Duggar mom. 

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3 hours ago, MissMel said:

Yes.  Me too.  I have so much to do and look exactly like this contemplating it all.  I'm so sad my youngest(16) is going back to school this week too.  I have no idea how I'll make it through the days here at home without him.  With my hair did just perfect, my makeup on, and my lips stained just right.

Bitch, please!   I'm brushing my teeth before I kick him out.  That's it.  ???

I haven't been on much (Dad visiting, road trip and Big Brother 19 y'all!) but I've missed you all so much. I opened PTV to this ^^ post. Mel...you win my internets today! It was a hard fought win with many contenders. Be proud my friend :) 

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On 8/7/2017 at 4:49 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

But, as we used to see regularly, Leah has an army of free childcare at her disposal - Jeremy's mom for Addie, Corey's maw maw for the girlies, Leah's Grandma Sandy for any/all her girls, Victoria, cousin Chasity (with one T), and other assorted random family members. Home girl isn't exactly doing it alone at ALL, they just aren't showing all the free babysitters lately. (And Corey and Miranda have the twins at least, if not more, than half the time.)

We live an hour away from any family (all of whom work or are too elderly to help out often anyways). We spend a small fortune in childcare everymonth for when we are at work. My husband worked nights until recently and many days I did EVERYTHING alone - the care of the babies in the evenings, nights, and mornings before taking them to daycare and going to work, just to do it again. Hubby would come home after I left in the morning, sleep, and be gone for work that evening when the babies and I got home. Many times I would have given anything to have someone who would have watched the babies while I ran to the grocery store alone, got a pedicure, or went to work out. But nope. Wasn't an option because I don't have an army of free babysitters living around me. Anytime we did/do anything without the kiddos, they're either at daycare (and we are at work) or we have to pay some local high school/college girls to watch them....and since we don't have MTV money, that means we're less likely to do anything that we have to pay a sitter for since we already pay more than our mortgage in daycare costs (2 kids under 3). So.....yeah....Leah has it rough with three kids, one of whom is disabled, but she also has WAY more support (and money to help her pay help if she wanted or needed) than MANY parents. 

Between her army of free, available childcare providers and her Teen Mom money to pay someone to help her with laundry, cooking, driving kids around, cleaning, or any babysitting relatives couldn't do....well, I just imagine what all I'd be able to do career-wise and self-care wise (and if I didn't already have a terminal graduate degree, education-wise) if I had that at my disposal. 

Your post almost mimicked my life. I especially could relate to the "just have someone watch the kids so I can go to the grocery store alone" part. I, too, live 1-hour away from relatives that work or are too elderly to help often.

It's so hard to shuffle around 3 kids when two are in car seats from store to store when it could take me MINUTES to run in and out for milk and fruit. But no, it's an hour long hassle just to leave the house with kids and dealing with rude customers that will cut me in line or won't let me cross the parking lot to get into the store.

One child yanking things off of shelves while the other two beg me for every item they want to try that I forget most of my important items. By the time I'm done I'm covered in sweat and filled with anxiety lol. And some people think parenting isn't a job. I have a full time job and I come home to another full time job.

My husband and I only have date night on our wedding anniversary and Valentine's Day/birthdays because we will make the hour drive four times a year on a relatives day off from work. Which means it may not actually be the day of our birthday or anniversary but the only day a family member was off from work. Yeah, our parents are in their 70s and still have jobs after they retired from their older jobs. Too expensive for anything these days especially daycare. Our mortgage is high enough to where daycare would feel like we doubled it.

I guess I needed to vent lol. Didn't mean to hijack your post! I feel better now. ??

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12 hours ago, MissMel said:


Well, at least YOU don't have to worry about going back to school, Leah. That should be one less thing on your oh so long to do list.


Leah reminds me of Spencer Pratt on Celebrity Wife Swap- "my morning is really busy. First I check my email, then my twitter, then my Facebook, then my Instagram, then my Snapchat...before I know it my morning is half over." So, you woke up at 11 am, Spencer, and it took you 30 min to page through all your social media accounts, and as it's now 30 min from noon, your morning is half over?


I wish Teen Mom 2 would make it like the early seasons of the Real World and make these bitches get jobs.

5 hours ago, Calm81 said:

One child yanking things off of shelves while the other two beg me for every item they want to try that I forget most of my important items. By the time I'm done I'm covered in sweat and filled with anxiety lol. And some people think parenting isn't a job. I have a full time job and I come home to another full time job.


I hear you. My son likes to pull shirts off the shelves at Target. He also likes to play with breakable doodads at Walgreens.

Grocery shopping with him consists of running the cart (of course, the short one with the car at the end, because normal carts just don't do it for him) up and down the aisle as fast as I can, not even coming to a full stop as I heave shit into the cart, with the goal of making escaping a moving cart to difficult for him to try. I have literally spun the cart in circles in front of the deli while the lady is bagging up my sliced turkey so the motion of the cart keeps him too off balance to climb out. Mom of the year here. My daughter is less chaotic but she can whine with the best of them. And I only have two. A third would probably break me.

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8 hours ago, Tatum said:

Well, at least YOU don't have to worry about going back to school, Leah. That should be one less thing on your oh so long to do list.


Leah reminds me of Spencer Pratt on Celebrity Wife Swap- "my morning is really busy. First I check my email, then my twitter, then my Facebook, then my Instagram, then my Snapchat...before I know it my morning is half over." So, you woke up at 11 am, Spencer, and it took you 30 min to page through all your social media accounts, and as it's now 30 min from noon, your morning is half over?


I wish Teen Mom 2 would make it like the early seasons of the Real World and make these bitches get jobs.

I hear you. My son likes to pull shirts off the shelves at Target. He also likes to play with breakable doodads at Walgreens.

Grocery shopping with him consists of running the cart (of course, the short one with the car at the end, because normal carts just don't do it for him) up and down the aisle as fast as I can, not even coming to a full stop as I heave shit into the cart, with the goal of making escaping a moving cart to difficult for him to try. I have literally spun the cart in circles in front of the deli while the lady is bagging up my sliced turkey so the motion of the cart keeps him too off balance to climb out. Mom of the year here. My daughter is less chaotic but she can whine with the best of them. And I only have two. A third would probably break me.

OMG lol  I read this three times. You have me busting a gut here. 

I praise all you young mothers. It is hard work and a full-time job. Something Leah, Kail, and Jenelle wouldn't know anything about. Just reading what you all are going through brings back memories of when my children were little. I recall my youngest when he was whining and having a fit in the grocery store. Yes, imagine that! A whiney child. I can laugh now, but back then I wanted to tear my hair out. My other children made it so easy for me. 

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17 minutes ago, monicageller said:

Hahaha! The idea of Leah shading herself without even realising it is hilarious to me. Maybe her thumb slipped as she was scrolling and she accidentally liked it?

That is what I was thinking. Or she is buzzed on pillses. This reminds me of that tweet from the Amber Porkwood parody account where the person who runs that account tweeted to Catelynn how Cate & Tyler should try to search and reunite Matt with his 19 children. Catelynn retweeted it and agreed. Dumbass. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Maybe she is going to start self-deprecating humor now that her constant crusade to be seen as perfect as failed...

...oh wait, naw. She would never give up her princess of the Hollar crown! She's gunning for queen in a few years when she has a man and is a thirty-something grandma!

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On 8/14/2017 at 8:43 AM, Tatum said:

Well, at least YOU don't have to worry about going back to school, Leah. That should be one less thing on your oh so long to do list.


Leah reminds me of Spencer Pratt on Celebrity Wife Swap- "my morning is really busy. First I check my email, then my twitter, then my Facebook, then my Instagram, then my Snapchat...before I know it my morning is half over." So, you woke up at 11 am, Spencer, and it took you 30 min to page through all your social media accounts, and as it's now 30 min from noon, your morning is half over?


I wish Teen Mom 2 would make it like the early seasons of the Real World and make these bitches get jobs.

I hear you. My son likes to pull shirts off the shelves at Target. He also likes to play with breakable doodads at Walgreens.

Grocery shopping with him consists of running the cart (of course, the short one with the car at the end, because normal carts just don't do it for him) up and down the aisle as fast as I can, not even coming to a full stop as I heave shit into the cart, with the goal of making escaping a moving cart to difficult for him to try. I have literally spun the cart in circles in front of the deli while the lady is bagging up my sliced turkey so the motion of the cart keeps him too off balance to climb out. Mom of the year here. My daughter is less chaotic but she can whine with the best of them. And I only have two. A third would probably break me.

OMG!! I'm still laughing thinking about you spinning the cart around so he can't get out!! When my kids were little (seems like 100 years ago), they were allowed to choose one thing at the grocery store and we got those items FIRST, Then I was free to shop without whining kids. Now I am Grandma and I get to say YES to everything my 3 year old grandson wants. Ice cream, donuts, chips, it all goes in the cart. I ask him which one do you think Papa would like and he chooses whatever he thinks "Papa" would want!! Mother of the year is what you are, you got the dang turkey. That's a win for Mama right there!! My grandson eats kale and quinoa at home and he quite enjoys a more varied diet here at my house. Being a grandma is the reward for living through Mama Hell.

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Leah liking that tweet reminded me of an Instagram post I saw a while back and I meant to post about it here, but I forgot. During the "Did Amber and Matt break-up" discussion some weeks back, someone here had mentioned something on his Instagram. I took a look at his Instagram, and I happened to notice he "liked" a post where someone posted a comment to him about how he is manipulative to Amber and has been gaslighting her the whole time he was with her. 

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On 8/5/2017 at 3:37 AM, CofCinci said:

All these chicks get dogs that they can't care for. We'll see the dog one season and it's gone the next. 

You guys, the dogs piss me off so much. I recently had to move back in with my parents because of an illness, a lay off, and a streak of bad luck. It's a longer story than I can get into here but my family refused to let my my 7 year old dog live in the house after I had already moved here.  I've raised her from a puppy. 

 I spent the last month frantically trying to figure it all out. Long story short, I've had to rehome my puppy girl  because of those circumstances (some family obligation related, others financial, some career related). IF I had kept her, I would've been forced to turn her into an outdoor dog, and she just was not used to that life, and it was breaking my heart to see what she was going through. I've never cried so much in my life, not even during my separation and divorce a couple of years ago. I had planned to keep her for life, and I couldn't. I searched high and low for a long term foster but was only able to find, through the rescue from which I adopted my puppy, a wonderful couple who are planning to foster her. My only consolation is that at least she won't have to live in the shelter in the interim. 

It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made. I feel so shitty about it. Now watching these spoiled assholes go through pet after pet just pisses me off. I thought I was a responsible adult with the means to look after my pet and I was forced to rehome her... These girls buy expensive puppies and then drop them off at the pound as if it's nothing. I hate it so much. It's one of the few things in my otherwise blessed  life that I feel really bitter about.

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6 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:

You guys, the dogs piss me off so much. I recently had to move back in with my parents because of an illness, a lay off, and a streak of bad luck. It's a longer story than I can get into here but my family refused to let my my 7 year old dog live in the house after I had already moved here.  I've raised her from a puppy. 

I am so sorry about your pet. I hope she has adjusted to her new home and is happy there.

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8 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:

You guys, the dogs piss me off so much. I recently had to move back in with my parents because of an illness, a lay off, and a streak of bad luck. It's a longer story than I can get into here but my family refused to let my my 7 year old dog live in the house after I had already moved here.  I've raised her from a puppy. 


I am truly sorry for what you had to do regarding your beloved dog. I am also sorry for what you are having to deal with in your life. I wish I could give you a hug in person. You are such a kind person and it hurts me that you are going through this. Yes, these assholes on the show, with the exception of Chelsea, have no clue about owning pets or how to be good parents to them. They are just accessories until the next puppy or kitten comes along. It burns me up. I am a dog owner. I cannot imagine having to give up my beloved pet. Ugh. This is so sad. 

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@Lm2162, @GreatKazu, @TresGatos


Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I really appreciate the empathy in this tough time. My only consolation is that my goofy little bebe seems to be happy and adored in her foster name. I prefer she be with me but, if she can't be,  at least she's not whining confusedly outside my kitchen window or sitting in a lonely shelter crate.  I think it was the best decision for her well-being. 

Also, sorry for high-jacking the thread with my own issues but the puppy was really the last straw for me. Especially because Leah has ended up with more than one mysteriously disappeared/ dead pet on the show. It just felt personally offensive all of a sudden. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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31 minutes ago, Quilty said:

Leah knows nothing about her daughters MD. When asked if it can cause breathing issues she said nothing which I took as not knowing. Yes, no, in some cases? What is it Leah?

She was starting to cry. It sounded to me like her voice was cracking and if she spoke at all, she would fall apart.  So she started to say something like "I don't wanna...." and went and got the other child to go to the hospital.  That's how I saw the scene play out. I may be wrong. 

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21 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I thought it could have gone either way. She did look, for a minute, like she didn't have any idea what he was talking about. But I also wondered if she was so fucking scared inside that she was in a state of shock almost. And just didn't want to talk about it. 

I think Leah has a genuine love and concern for her children (when she's sober), but I don't think Leah is bright at ALL and worst she chooses to remain ignorant of Ali's diagnosis. Corey is just a tad brighter but also chooses to remain ignorant and in denial of what Ali needs to live her fullest life. (It's not falling down all the time and injuring herself, or having difficulty eating her lunch)

In that moment I think that Leah was primiarly concerned for Ali, and wanted to be with her, but also she COULD NOT answer the producers questions because she didn't know. 

There's a woman in my Sib Group who's brother had MD, since we are primarily a group who's siblings have intellectual/cognitive disabilities she brings an different perspective. I think of her when I see Gracie and Addy; I know Corey and Leah would never put Gracie in a SibShop as they cannot even ensure Ali uses her wheelchair. 

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On 8/13/2017 at 10:04 PM, MissMel said:

Yes.  Me too.  I have so much to do and look exactly like this contemplating it all.  I'm so sad my youngest(16) is going back to school this week too.  I have no idea how I'll make it through the days here at home without him.  With my hair did just perfect, my makeup on, and my lips stained just right.

Bitch, please!   I'm brushing my teeth before I kick him out.  That's it.  ???

I'm just shocked she didn't advertise her lipstick business as well. #soblessedmylipstickisperftho            #buymyoverpricedshit  #superhardworkingmomma

Edited by Rebecca
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To me, when Leah looked at the producer, she gave that look that I interpret as "Really? Are you serious? I don't have time for this" kinda look.  

I am not sure how the filming works when it comes to conversations on the phone. Many times the phone calls are handled using the speaker option. In this case, Leah held the phone to her ear. I know we are all able to hear the conversation but, can the crew also hear it as it is happening? Speaking of phones, how do they capture that conversation if a speaker is not used?  I remember on Real World they had to put the phone on speaker to capture a conversation or they would use a device, such as a tap, to pick up the conversation. I think they also picked up the conversation through a second phone. 

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All I question is the lack of common sense with these people. It is why I no longer engage in the "She is book smart" debates. One can be Mensa material or just a college graduate, it doesn't make a difference to me especially if the choices one makes are highly questionable. 

Leah may or may not be up to par on what exactly is happening to her child. Many people who are educated, smart, rich, poor, dumb, ignorant, religious or non-religious, etc. can be in denial or choose to believe otherwise about a loved one's health condition. She has been shown before to Google information when she wasn't clear on some points the doctor told her in the early seasons. With that pointed out, I don't know that her lack of knowledge can be established during a scene where she just received frightening news about her child going to the E.R. In fact, I am shocked she sat there and listened to the whole conversation. My ass would have said, "I am on my way!" and hung up the phone. 

Leah has shown to lack in common sense as far as totally disregarding doctor's orders. Cory seems to be as well.

I would never question a specialist like Dr. Tsao. Leah and Cory are believers in God. I know their child has a very rare condition, but Dr. Tsao knows more than those two. Don't they see how lucky they are to have him be their child's specialist? This reminds me of this story that I have heard from time to time. It is about a man who jumped off a sinking ship. He was the lone survivor. He asked God to save him. A short time later a man in a boat comes along and offers the man help. The man declines. He said he is waiting for God. Later, a ship comes by and the crew offer to save the man. He declines. He said again, he is waiting for God to save him. The man eventually drowns. When he sees God in Heaven he asks him, "Why didn't you save me?" God answers, "I tried when I sent the man in the boat and the ship." 

Edited by GreatKazu
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