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Jesus God, Leah!!

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3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

But even if she was on BC, that doesn't guard against STDs. 

Only people in cities get STDs, @ghoulina.  Duh!  Plus, if they get the clap, they can just pray it away. Jesus will make it stop burning when I pee. 

Look at how they disregard the treatment plan from one of the top MD specialists in the world!  Condoms, come on!

  • Love 5
On 3/30/2017 at 0:55 PM, lovesnark said:

Holler is what folks have called a hollow for ages. A hollow is a small valley between mountains. My dad was born and raised in WV. Two of his sisters moved to cities and always referred  to the majority of the family still being 'up in the holler'. Hopewell Holler, to be exact :)

I lived in Lickrun Road Holler for over ten years. I live in southeastern Ohio, a rural place that is currently flooding. I'm now at the top of the hill and not at risk for the flooding, but the roads are still beginning to break down and wash away. The hollers, on the other hand, are at great risk because the rain just runs off the mountains to the lowest spot, which is where most of the homes are built or placed.

I was put on hormonal birth control at fourteen because of menstrual issues. I didn't think that my parents were giving me permission to have sex, pregnancy prevention was just a side effect of the medicine that I was taking for other, more serious, issues. One of my classmates in middle school got so sick during her cycle that she had missed so much school she couldn't miss any more without risking having to take the year over. Her parents took her to the doctor who told them she needed to be on hormonal birth control and they were appalled and disgusted and her mom actually spoke about it during a church meeting with the other women, who joined in on being appalled. At fourteen I was appalled that they wouldn't give her the medicine she needed. Since I was already on it, I offered to talk to her parents but she declined. I also told her I would drive her to Rapid City which had the nearest Planned Parenthood because I was able to get a graduated driver's license at fourteen, but she didn't want to upset her parents or church. Later in my life, I heard a man telling my boyfriend's brother that the doctors wanted to do a treatment that they were uncomfortable with, and I interrupted to tell him that hormonal birth control is used to treat a myriad of gynecological issues, and for them to refuse her a needed medicine because it happened to prevent pregnancy wasn't fair to her. He was shocked and asked how I could know that he was talking about birth control when he never said it. I repeated that it is used to treat a myriad of gynecological issues, and many more women that he thought are on it, even the members of his Catholic church congregation. 

The bible thumping parents* of the diabetic on Teen Mom 3, the one who married a rodeo rider, refused to put her on birth control because the mom said that she just doesn't think you should have sex without marriage, and her daughter needed to make better choices. She had already miscarried a baby at five months gestation because of her unstabilized diabetes, and got pregnant again and her diabetes remained unstable because she ate atrociously, putting the baby in danger, and admitted to Dr. Drew that she and her boyfriend (later husband) were still having sex and didn't use condoms. I think she claimed he was allergic to latex and the couldn't afford to buy the latex free ones. She went to a Planned Parenthood and they wanted something from her endocrinologist about which pill to give her, since some of them affect your sugar somehow, and even though she was able to see a doctor for reproductive health without a parent, she couldn't see the endocrinologist without her mom, and her mom wouldn't take her because she need to make better choices. Dr. Drew pointed out how dangerous pregnancy was to her health and that she admitted they were having unprotected sex, but Mom said that he didn't have to agree with her, they were not married and shouldn't have sex.

*I mean bible thumping in the definition of extreme fanatical views. I read an interview with the mom way back then, and she was one of the people who believed they were the only ones going to heaven because their religion was the only true religion, and all others were blasphemy. The parents went above and beyond just having God in their lives, and trying to live how they thought God wanted them to live their lives, to shaming everyone that didn't think like they did. I think the mom would have went around smiting people if she had the ability.

Thirteen-year-olds know everything there is to know and know they are in love even though the adults know they aren't mature enough to be in a sexual relationship. If a thirteen-year-old went to her parents and told them that she was planning on having sex and wanted to get on birth control, I think the parents did a good job up to that point because the child felt safe and secure enough to come to them and have a discussion as opposed to just doing it. It gives the parents an opportunity to talk about the emotional toll of a sexual relationship, the possibility of STIs, how HIV and AIDs still exist, make ground rules like they could never have sex in the parents home and what the punishment would be when they get caught, etc. You could make them attend the lectures at Planned Parenthood since whatever the parent says about sex and disease is automatically wrong because parents know nothing!

TL:DR - Birth control can be used to treat a myriad of gynecological health issues and if a thirteen-year-old is comfortable talking to her parents about sex and birth control, that parent has done something right, not wrong. Biological urges get strong during puberty and all thirteen-year-olds think they are in love and are going to be with their partners forever because they think they know everything.

  • Love 13

Now, I realize you don't need to be in a relationship to have sex, but having a girlfriend/boyfriend is generally a precursor to sex, especially for a teenage guy.

Corey and Leah were not dating when Corey had drunken sex with her in the back of his truck, so we know that Corey specifically does not need to be in a relationship with a person to have sex. 

  • Love 3

Haha, to those of you saying thirteen-year-olds believe they are in love (and I believe it...I was soooo in love with Nick Carter at that age), it makes me glad that I was super tall and towered over all the boys in my grade. I had a "boyfriend" in sixth grade, and never again until I was sixteen, because I was almost my current height of 5'9" in middle school! I was too busy playing basketball, and while I lusted  after grown adult men, I'm glad I didn't have a "relationship" at that age. 

Putting 13-year-olds on BC sort of rubs me the wrong way, but at least Leah seems to have been pretty consistent with BC as an adult. Unfortunately, logic lags behind, since addy was planned, but no oopsies. I've said it before and I'll say it again...Chelsea is the worst example EVER of someone who can use BC! From refusing to take her pills as a teen, to her almost oopsies that occurred several times with adam, to giving her body time to "adjust" after stopping a method that doesn't require that, and condoms not being for sale in South Dakota, she is the person I would trust the least. If I was a guy, and dated her, I would set an alarm on my phone, dispense her pill to her, and watch her swallow it, mouth check and all. She is just sooooo irresponsible with it, and I heard somewhere that she's doing natural family planning now? I'm already looking forward to a second pregnant wedding, coming to instagrams near you in fall 2017!

But Jenelle is the absolute worst...drug withdrawals caused her to blame BC and she haaaad to go off of it...yeah...

they should just pull the it's my sex life ads, because these girls are the worst examples ever...

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 4
11 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

Corey and Leah were not dating when Corey had drunken sex with her in the back of his truck, so we know that Corey specifically does not need to be in a relationship with a person to have sex. 

He does however, need to find a willing partner. And he did start dating Leah after the back of the truck romp. I find it unlikely there are that many girls at that age looking for one night stands, particularly in that area. 


*could* he have found a girl that wanted no strings attached sex prior to Leah? Sure. I just don't think he did. YMMV.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 1

I remembered the recent scene that was aired during the Reunion Madness special where Jo, Kail, and Jordan sat on the couch talking to Dr. Drew. Kail blamed Jo for her STD. Jo denied having any STDs and put the blame squarely on Kail, where it belongs. He implied she cheated. Jordan then put her on blast when he said out loud how Kail told him she and Jo used condoms, but she was caught in a lie as she accidentally admitted she and Jo didn't use condoms on at least one occasion. Her head was turning left and right so fast, I thought she was looking like Linda Blair in The Exorcist. Kail sat there with that look on her face when she has been caught as Jo and Jordan both gave her the stink eye.

Sorry, I didn't realize this was the Leah thread. I read one paragraph above about Chelsea and thought this was an episode thread. I will take my comment over to the Kail thread. Sorry all.

  • Love 2

I was unpopular in middle and high school and no boy wanted to have sex with me even if I tried LOL. But, in general, if a girl has a boyfriend (even if she doesn't tell her parents she's having sex), she should be on birth control as a precaution. You just never know, and better to be safe than sorry! I wouldn't trust a teen with taking a pill every day. An IUD is the most fool-proof method.

  • Love 4

That pre-med shit made me laugh so hard. She wants to be a pediatrician? The woman who lost custody of her kids for a bit due to drug abuse? The woman who cannot follow her OWN daughter's doctor's instructions? The woman how feeds her kids nothing but garbage and leaves them in cars unattended? Yea, I want her advice on how to raise my babies. 

  • Love 18

I was tall in school too! Topped out at 5'10 in middle school. Yeah, no short guys were having sex with me. 

That said - I'm old (50. Woo hoo! Ouch). 13 is still a child to me, and I'm extremely uncomfortable with a 16 year old girl announcing that she had a 3 year relationship. I guess mama Dawn had to work, and was Lee her stepdad at the time? I know for some people it's just reality, but I'm grateful that I was a sheltered little gal who never got put in that life. And I had two boys who thankfully never went there either at that age. 

And yes, I'm pretty sure that Leah said that she was Corey's first. They were swinging (on real swings, not couple stuff ;) ), and she asked him how he felt about that. I seriously still wonder if Corey is really over her.  I know, people love Miranda and think it's the real deal, but I just get weird vibes on them. Miranda sitting and fuming about Leah being the tramp who slept with her husband really hit me the wrong way too. Corey is the one who cheated on you, not Leah. But I always hate when women go after other women instead of the man who made a vow to you. 

Leah's new style is doing her NO favors. Watching all the old clips last night - she was a cute girl. I think her best look was the darker hair and bangs when she was first with Lance Bass. Now she's so sinewy, and her face is thin and drawn. She desperately needs some fat in her face (maybe some bacon?). 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

That pre-med shit made me laugh so hard. She wants to be a pediatrician? The woman who lost custody of her kids for a bit due to drug abuse? The woman who cannot follow her OWN daughter's doctor's instructions? The woman how feeds her kids nothing but garbage and leaves them in cars unattended? Yea, I want her advice on how to raise my babies. 

This sort of shit only demonstrates that she has no idea what education is even FOR. College isn't some magical castle where you go in for a while, wish upon a star, and come out with a medical degree. You have to have the CAPACITY to do the job. She doesn't and never did. O-chem, human anatomy, etc etc etc,, does she really think she has the ability to take and understand these classes? Can she tell you the main organs or structures of ANY human anatomical system? Can she, for example, name the organs involved in the endocrine system? I can't imagine she knows the proper name of the male reproductive organs, and instead refers to them as "Rod and Reel" or "Secrets." Does the school that she attends (attended, let's be real) even have a pre-med program? Didn't she post that she was taking remedial 'rithmatick' or some other non-credit hour shit because she'd been so uneducated for so long? You can't just decide after a decade of not going to school, of no scholarly pursuit, of never opening a non-fiction book in your life, "Well durn it, I'm gwine ta be a Head Surgeon! All I need is pluck and I got that in spades!" This isn't a fucking movie, idiot. There's no music montage of you supermomming and crackin' those books at night and 100 minutes later, you're handed a stethoscope. YOU COULDN'T DO HAIRSTYLIST SCHOOL BECAUSE OF "THE GIRLS SCHEDULE." Four days a week! You know most med students have to do rotations in hospitals, right?

This dummy interacts with a few nurses and thinks she's Dr. Spock. For pete's sake, she doesn't even follow her own specialist's orders. You can't have a pediatrician who considers "Pray away devastating genetic disorder" among the portfolio of potential treatments. I don't know why I find this notion so offensive, that she thinks she could be a pediatrician because she has a child with a degenerative illness, but I really, really do. 

  • Love 18
13 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

And yes, I'm pretty sure that Leah said that she was Corey's first. They were swinging (on real swings, not couple stuff ;) ), and she asked him how he felt about that. I seriously still wonder if Corey is really over her.  I know, people love Miranda and think it's the real deal, but I just get weird vibes on them. Miranda sitting and fuming about Leah being the tramp who slept with her husband really hit me the wrong way too. Corey is the one who cheated on you, not Leah. But I always hate when women go after other women instead of the man who made a vow to you.

Leah said she was Corey's first girlfriend, she didn't clarify if she was his first sexual partner (which, even if she was, Corey probably told her she wasn't, in order to make himself look cool). I happen to think she probably was both his first sexual partner and first girlfriend. The double standard of slutty girls/boys will be boys when it comes to casual sex is no doubt even more prevalent in the holler than it is anywhere else (and even in big cities that are progressive, that double standard still exists) and I doubt too many of Corey's female classmates were itching to get in his backseat. (And if a girl was cool with casual sex/one night stands, she probably had her sights set on someone better looking/more charismatic than Corey. Just IMO). I think Leah was his first opportunity to get laid, which explains why he followed her around so much and put up with so much of her shit. 


I totally agree with you about Miranda's feelings about culpability in the whole cheating thing. It's fine to forgive a cheating spouse and try to move on, and it's fine to just not like the other woman, but definitely acknowledge that the blame lies with your partner. For some reason, I do think Miranda holds Leah more responsible than Corey. I don't know why I think that, I just do.


19 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

This sort of shit only demonstrates that she has no idea what education is even FOR. College isn't some magical castle where you go in for a while, wish upon a star, and come out with a medical degree. You have to have the CAPACITY to do the job. She doesn't and never did. O-chem, human anatomy, etc etc etc,, does she really think she has the ability to take and understand these classes? Can she tell you the main organs or structures of ANY human anatomical system? Can she, for example, name the organs involved in the endocrine system? I can't imagine she knows the proper name of the male reproductive organs, and instead refers to them as "Rod and Reel" or "Secrets." Does the school that she attends (attended, let's be real) even have a pre-med program? Didn't she post that she was taking remedial 'rithmatick' or some other non-credit hour shit because she'd been so uneducated for so long? You can't just decide after a decade of not going to school, of no scholarly pursuit, of never opening a non-fiction book in your life, "Well durn it, I'm gwine ta be a Head Surgeon! All I need is pluck and I got that in spades!" This isn't a fucking movie, idiot. There's no music montage of you supermomming and crackin' those books at night and 100 minutes later, you're handed a stethoscope. YOU COULDN'T DO HAIRSTYLIST SCHOOL BECAUSE OF "THE GIRLS SCHEDULE." Four days a week! You know most med students have to do rotations in hospitals, right?

This dummy interacts with a few nurses and thinks she's Dr. Spock. For pete's sake, she doesn't even follow her own specialist's orders. You can't have a pediatrician who considers "Pray away devastating genetic disorder" among the portfolio of potential treatments. I don't know why I find this notion so offensive, that she thinks she could be a pediatrician because she has a child with a degenerative illness, but I really, really do. 

I like this post, but in fairness, I am sure Leah had no actual intention of trying to follow this path, or even had considered the course load, considering how far away those classes were from her current schedule (at the time). She said pediatrician because it was the smartest, most noblest career she could think of on the spot. All she wants is applause- I would bet good money there was no time period in which she actually considered committing the next 10+ years to schooling.

  • Love 7
Just now, Tatum said:

(And if a girl was cool with casual sex/one night stands, she probably had her sights set on someone better looking/more charismatic than Corey. Just IMO). I think Leah was his first opportunity to get laid, which explains why he followed her around so much and put up with so much of her shit. 

I like this post, but in fairness, I am sure Leah had no actual intention of trying to follow this path, or even had considered the course load, considering how far away those classes were from her current schedule (at the time). She said pediatrician because it was the smartest, most noblest career she could think of on the spot. All she wants is applause- I would bet good money there was no time period in which she actually considered committing the next 10+ years to schooling.

Point taken on the pediatrician thing. I just wish whoever asked the question laughed, then said "No but really..."

The bolded presumes that considerably more charismatic and better looking guys than Corey are even available in that area, no? I mean pre-beard Corey isn't a terrible looking guy, and there isn't a single encounter with anyone they've shown in her town wherein I'd note "charisma" of any kind. Dr. Tsao is the most charismatic person they run into. The rest are various yokels. 

  • Love 8
39 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:


The bolded presumes that considerably more charismatic and better looking guys than Corey are even available in that area, no? I mean pre-beard Corey isn't a terrible looking guy, and there isn't a single encounter with anyone they've shown in her town wherein I'd note "charisma" of any kind. Dr. Tsao is the most charismatic person they run into. The rest are various yokels. 

Well, beauty and charisma are in the eye of the beholder right? You're looking at these yokels from the eyes of a mature adult with an IQ above 65. Leah threw Corey over to chase after Robbie remember?



I withdraw my remark about Corey vs. Robbie. No point in debating which of these yokels is the least undesirable. My point was, I don't think Corey was the kind of smooth operator required to talk a random classmate out of her panties, even with the lower standards of the Holler. He got lucky (snort) that Leah was pissed about Robbie and grudge fucked him.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 3

I never had the impression Miranda was holding Leah more responsible for the affair than Cory.  If anything, she was likely pissed that Leah was putting all the blame on Cory instead of taking responsibility for her part in that sexual encounter. Miranda could have, and had every right to, put Leah on blast especially when deercam happened. She didn't. That is something Jenelle, Kail, or Leah would do.

It is one thing for the affair to have happened. It is another for Leah to sit there at that reunion with that finger-pointing attitude, and daggers in her eyes waiting to pounce and spill what had gone down as if only Cory was at fault. Cory then remarked he was no longer scared of what Leah had to say. Up until that point, Leah was likely holding that shit over Cory's head for the longest time. I found that whole display on Leah's part very despicable because she acted like Miss Innocent who had the goods on Cory and couldn't wait to put him in his place. Did she think it was a good look to shame a married person on camera for the very act she participated in while she too was married? I think Miranda was working past the affair, but was likely upset at Leah's behavior towards Cory as if he somehow forced Leah into that backseat.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 12
2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

It is one thing for the affair to have happened. It is another for Leah to sit there at that reunion with that finger-pointing attitude, and daggers in her eyes waiting to pounce and spill what had gone down as if only Cory was at fault.

I agree. Cory and Miranda likely worked out HIS part of the affair in the privacy of their own home. But at the reunion it may have been the first, or only, chance to call Leah out on her BS. 


So on the "Ask the Girls" special last night they did a retrospective of all the exes, but Leah wasn't featured once. Nor Cory or Germy. Hell, they even drug up some guy I didn't recognize at all for Chelsea....some guy named Chris. But nothing for Leah. No Robbie? WTF?

  • Love 4

He got lucky (snort) that Leah was pissed about Robbie and grudge fucked him.

I reread this page and came upon your edit and snorted. Not the way Leah snorts. I mean, I laughed.  All roads lead back to Lanford. Roseanne educated the viewers who didn't already know about the transition guy when Becky dated Dean after breaking up with Mark. All guys have been the transition guy since the Robbie break up. Leah just wants any guy who will give her any attention in the sack longer than five minutes.

Leah being a doctor means she has access to pillses.

Her treatments consist of pillses for every ailment.

Leah will be the Oprah of the holler: "You get pillses and you get pillses. Everyone gets pillses."

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 12

I had the clip of the infamous car ride come up in my youtube recommendations and I just had to watch it again. In all the discussion about poor Addy and the avalanche, was it ever talked about how neither Leah or Jeremy are wearing seat belts? And I tried really hard to see, but it looks like non-Ally A-Twin is also not in a seatbelt (at least not in a shoulder strap, but she's in a booster/car seat that should have built in straps).

Edited by DoctorWhovian
  • Love 6
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

"Baby's got a rash? Give him some frosting from a can (but at the table!) and call me in the morning."

And don't forget the Mountain Dew to wash it down with. Mountain Dew's the holler's miracle cure for what ails ya. 

Leah taking pre-med courses in college? I almost spit out my Mountain Dew, I was laughing so hard. She can't even spell pediatrician, much less be one,

Leah's  never been much for seatbelts. She just piles everyone in the car and lets them fend for themselves. Much like she does with them out of the car as well. 

  • Love 6

Leah said something in the Unseen Moments I had been wanting to mention, but kept forgetting.

Leah mentioned to her friend how the schoolses should be teaching the kids about self-worth. Leah, how about you teach your girlses about self-worth?

ETA: @DoctorWhovian Yes, I remember that scene and how we put Leah on blast for her and Jeremy's lack of concern about the seat belts. Great thing about this place, we are like hawks. Nothing gets unnoticed. There is always something that someone notices such as the ultrasound photos on Leah's refrigerator.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 8

I have to be honest, I gave up on watching this band of penis-fly traps(minus Chelsea of course) quite some time ago, but a friend of mine tunes into Leah's segments as "research" for a Walking Dead Dixon brother fan fiction she is working on. I find that highly offensive. The Dixon brothers are far more articulate and much easier on the eyes than Leah and the rest of her band of inbred yokels. 

  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Bwaaahaaaahhaaaa!!!!!!! Is she fucking serious?! A life coach?!!! 

So college is officially done then. We haven't heard hide nor hair about her going to school for over a month. What a total waste of money. 

  • Love 12

Leah the life coach... okay then. Who would like life advice from the girl who dropped her panties for another man the night before her wedding? Or who jumped into a serious relationship immediately after her divorce? .... and then cheated on her second husband? Who has a dangerous hoarding problem, and abused drugs to cope with her anxiety and depression, to the point where her kids were neglected and she lost custody? Who doesn't believe her doctor when It comes to MD and whel-chairs? I'm glad she seems to be trying to be there for her kids now, but she's no where near role model/life coach status. Also, what happened to the puppy she got a little while ago?

  • Love 13

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