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S13.E09 Field of Fears


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When Miranda started crying about her hair and Kelli said that this is just a sign that the girls are under so much pressure because they can get cut at any moment for the littlest thing, I was yelling, "THAT'S BECAUSE YOU PERPETUATE THAT FEAR!" Sheesh.

Which blonde rookie was in the light pink top/sports bra during the TCC session with Melissa Rycroft? Taylor T? Erin? Whoever it was, I noticed her as soon as she turned around and hit the first pose. I meant to go back and see who it was and then I forgot to do it afterward.

When Kitty called out Kristin on the field by saying, "Everybody down here  is beautiful so if you're counting on your looks getting you on the team, it's not going to happen," I was like WTF is she talking about? When did Kristin ever give anyone the impression that she was just going to stand there looking pretty while everyone danced? Kitty is making a lot of assumptions based on nothing.

Although it's such a simple technique, recording yourself and watching yourself really is one of the best ways to see how you're doing. As Melissa said, it's easy to FEEL like you're doing something really big and then you see yourself and realize it doesn't look as big as it feels. When we used to record ourselves during rehearsal, I would tell everyone to just watch the overall group the first time to see who stood out for any reason (good or bad) and then the second time, they should watch only themselves. Even when you practice in front of a mirror, it can be eye opening to watch yourself on video.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

And Kitty snitting to another candidate "Don't think that because you're pretty you will be on this team."

And who is the vet snitch?

Kitty, as a former DCC who was lacking in the looks department, probably enjoys smacking down girls who could probably have outdanced and, um, outlooked her on the field.

The vet snitch... they probably have Cassie and Squooshy Nose Girl hiding behind potted plants in the locker room or something.  

  • Love 3

WHEW!! This episode sounds like a Mean Girls Epic! iTunes has not uploaded the episode yet and this thread is making me stir-crazy while I impatiently wait for it. OIY.

I trust @LaurenBrook's side eye! Sydney has been one of my favorite DCCs always. Her rookie year was the first season I watched, and she was just the cutest little thing and I couldn't help rooting for her from the start of training camp. So, I had been eyeballing the Sydney-Madeline breakup for a while with the basic thought that, Sydney is my girl, and I bet she gave M so much support and advice after she got cut, so I'm all about, what did Madeline do? She seemed quite immature last year, and as I've noted before, she also seems (to me, anyway) rather sheltered and privileged, so just because she looks and dancers a bit older this year doesn't mean that she's miraculously grown up. 

The suspense to see all this go down is killing me.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Lunacat said:

Why is Kelli so rude in this episode? She’s flat out nasty in all of the office visits. 

I think its the way CMT edits those office visits ....very misleading  .... the scene with Kristen were very choppy you could tell it was edited for drama ... dont know why they need to do that .... really those guys need to go back and watch season 1-3 .... everyone was real and not so scripted ...

  • Love 8

Ugh, VK saying 'just because you're a legacy doesn't mean you can't go home' literally had me groaning outloud.

If anyone, ANYONE in TC has zero excuses on the entrance, to know how precise it needs to be, it''s TK, rolling my eyes so hard at her being all 'shocked' about how precise it needed to be. Can someone get her off my screen?

Edited by CaseyRe
  • Love 14
35 minutes ago, lah715 said:

I think its the way CMT edits those office visits ....very misleading  .... the scene with Kristen were very choppy you could tell it was edited for drama ... dont know why they need to do that .... really those guys need to go back and watch season 1-3 .... everyone was real and not so scripted ...

The way they edited Kristen it sounded like they were going to cut her and then just didn't.  She must have said something to convince them but they did not show that.  It made that very confusing, and Kelli was being quite rude/firm.  So why be firm is she wasn't cut?  I just don't get it.  It seems they are having a number of office visits and not really getting anywhere. 

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, Mardo2044 said:

She seemed to be laughing in-between.  I thought she and Dayton were friends.  Even if they weren't as close as I thought, you could be find and thoughtful about it.

are you kidding? she was probably thrilled that Dayton was gone. a cut that wasn't her AND now no legacy competition so she was basically guaranteed a shot at the squad without it looking too nepotistic (according to her and Kelli)

Kitty saying Rachel looks awful while she 'walks'.  ugh. first off, its not a walk and second, none of them look natural in the entrance. none of them. its not a natural movement. i think the entrance looks great from the side, but from the front I think it's ugly

Edited by CaseyRe
  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, CaseyRe said:

WHoever does MRS's makeup needs to learn the difference between dewy skin and oily mess. I have very oily skin and never does even my skin look like that. blotting paper exists. matte primer exists. powder exists.

Yeah - her face was definitely way too shiny during that segment.  The makeup people on set should have powdered it or something. 

1 minute ago, CaseyRe said:

are you kidding? she was probably thrilled that Dayton was gone. a cut that wasn't her AND now no legacy competition so she was basically guaranteed a shot at the squad without it looking too nepotistic (according to her and Kelli)

Exactly.  Regardless of her dancing and weight and whether I think she should be there (Kelli and  I can disagree).... this was disappointing

  • Love 2

Why is the 'technical director' or whatever Kitty is, the only one not giving useful feedback on the field? Judy gives critique on how they've got the dance wrong, Marshall is supportive, and then Kitty is just like 'you're pretty but that's it'. how does she use that to improve? she CAN'T. to improve you need critique, you need to be told what you're doing wrong, not just that prety isn't enough.

10 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

Yeah - her face was definitely way too shiny during that segment.  The makeup people on set should have powdered it or something. 

its been way too shiny all season. there's literally no excuse, especially in a talking head. it takes ten seconds to powder or blot

8 minutes ago, Mardo2044 said:

Exactly.  Regardless of her dancing and weight and whether I think she should be there (Kelli and  I can disagree).... this was disappointing

personally it speaks to who she is - out for herself, happy to see others fall if it gets her closer to the squad. she couldn't even stop smiling while overacting about how hard it was. oh please.


Daaaaang, even though I knew it was coming, damn VK vs Jinelle is gonna be fun. Because VK is looking super bitchy in that preview and its everything I'd hoped for. 

Edited by CaseyRe
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, LaurenBrook said:

Listen more, advise less, even if you've been in TC before; maybe don't try to call the shots on what form of Madeline/Maddie you will go by when there is a vet with the same name.  Et cetera. 

Is that what happened that Kelli was talking about in the office? I guess I missed that but the way she talked about it in the office made it sound like she just moved to a different locker for the heck of it

  • Love 1

I remember one time the "toxic" episode with Chelsea I taped and then the downloaded version had different comments on how they descirbed the episode and things like that, so it was clear they redid some work on the episode after airing.  So that might be explaination why it is not available quite yet.  Although besides the preview I don't know what would merit rework or edits on this episode.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, dccfangirl said:

They need to cut more efficiently. If you'd asked me to send home four girls tonight I could have done it.

Having said that - this was the first time in all my DCC obsession where I was SHOCKED by Kelli's rudeness. She was firing Kristen there was no need to be so rude. The fact she changed her mind is by the by - she had no reason to snap and say "we're done talking". My jaw was on the floor. Unprofessional, unkind and arrogant.

Yes!  I don't get what the issue is with the cuts this year.  It's like Kelli doesn't want to make a decision on anyone.   One episode I think she was planning on cutting whomever the guest choreo selected and then they selected VK, so she was just like "well, who should we speak to then?" under her breath to Judy.  I also think she does rely on Kitty for clarity when they are already attached to certain girls, and it is clear Kitty is biased and not a good check for her this year.  And the rude thing, yes I agree it was really unprofessional and unkind.

  • Love 4

Melissa's taping of these girls is very effective.  It helps to see yourself.  She also pushed Rachel for more power.  I didn't see it as harsh.  Years earlier meek Catherine Kitty pushed to scream.  Rachel is beautiful but needs more power and Melissa was showing that to her.  Gina was also pointing out things during the taping.  I wish Melissa had smacked down VK's comments I'm too excited speech because there are obviously a lot of weak points for VK.  Melissa's comments on their faces and their dancing is much more specific than Judy's "You're a mess."

VK vs. Jinelle.  You know VK has spent years around the DCC and knows how much Jinelle is well loved.  That was stupid and immature and I cannot wait to see the rest of it.  If you pay to go to a nutritionist, do you ask to see their "fat" pictures.  yes there are places like WW where your leader also lost weight but it may not be the same amount you need to lose.  Some nutritionists I guarantee were always thin.  Jinelle has always been respected for her "clean" eating.  (I hate that phrase.  does it mean I eat dirty cause I am struggling with weight gain)  Jinelle has always been super sweet and obviously knows how to eat for fuel.  More than genetics, I believe food and weight gain is behavioral.  The reason why there are generational weight issues is how you grow up and what food choices are considered normal.  My dear departed mother was Southern as can be and loved to show her love with cheese and all those good Southern foods.  I was way thin in high school but battled with my mom over what I was eating well what I was not eating......her meals.  Now I'm older I have slipped in to eating some of those foods.  VK has been raised she's a good girl and she deserves a milkshake.  

VK should accept whatever help is given.  "If you're offered a tuna fish sandwich, you say thank you and eat it."  Judy  Similar to Kendall not accepting Melissa's help.  Of course some of Melissa's girls lasted one year because they were struggling, she worked with them which made them improve and some got in.  Then when they return they are on their own.  Melissa cannot help Breelan gaining weight or Ashley Pro gaining a little weight and then a bad solo and clunky on the field.  There will always be the one girl years who barely make it on the squad and don't come back after a year on the field improved.  That being said VK should have been with Jay or her own personal trainer, bugging every super skinny on the squad for their tips Vet Kelli, etc.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, LaurenBrook said:

From everything I've heard, TCC Madeline is not a stuck up mean girl. She's intense and very focused on achieving her dream and can come across wrong.  There is a way things are done in DCC world and she overstepped her TCC bounds a few times and annoyed more than one vet in the process.  Whether we think that is eye roll worthy is not the point... Listen more, advise less, even if you've been in TC before; maybe don't try to call the shots on what form of Madeline/Maddie you will go by when there is a vet with the same name.  Et cetera. 

And sass rarely works lol.  Even Kashara, who can be flippant and silly, seems to know that when you talk to K&J you yes ma'am it up. 

I hope this won't color people's opinion of TCC Madeline- it's pretty clear she has friends who genuinely like her.  I have my own thoughts on why Kitty treats her like she does but it's my conjecture and not fact.  She is not my favorite TCC but I don't dislike her and I think she has some great qualities. 

The only thing that makes me side eye her a little is the falling out with Sydney.  

So what happened between her and Sydney?

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:


that was one of the annoyances I heard about - but I also was told it got blown out of proportion and actually wasn't a huge deal. Like I said, no one hates TCC Madeline.  It's a sisterhood - sisters bicker or get annoyed at dumb stuff some times and are over it and borrowing each other's clothes within the hour.  I've only shared this because I'd hate for people to think TCC Madeline is a jerk or that vets are going around snitching about dumb stuff all the time. 

i don't know for sure- that's what i mean.  It seems so baffling that they were total 100% besties and poof suddenly it's over, Sydney doesn't invite her to her baby shower or even congratulate her for making team.  I meant side eye as in I'm curious what happened - not that I think Madeline was shady about it.  I used the wrong term. 

Thanks for the clarification.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Lexusprincess said:

Melissa's taping of these girls is very effective.  It helps to see yourself.  She also pushed Rachel for more power.  I didn't see it as harsh.  Years earlier meek Catherine Kitty pushed to scream.  Rachel is beautiful but needs more power and Melissa was showing that to her.  Gina was also pointing out things during the taping.  I wish Melissa had smacked down VK's comments I'm too excited speech because there are obviously a lot of weak points for VK.  Melissa's comments on their faces and their dancing is much more specific than Judy's "You're a mess."

VK vs. Jinelle.  You know VK has spent years around the DCC and knows how much Jinelle is well loved.  That was stupid and immature and I cannot wait to see the rest of it.  If you pay to go to a nutritionist, do you ask to see their "fat" pictures.  yes there are places like WW where your leader also lost weight but it may not be the same amount you need to lose.  Some nutritionists I guarantee were always thin.  Jinelle has always been respected for her "clean" eating.  (I hate that phrase.  does it mean I eat dirty cause I am struggling with weight gain)  Jinelle has always been super sweet and obviously knows how to eat for fuel.  More than genetics, I believe food and weight gain is behavioral.  The reason why there are generational weight issues is how you grow up and what food choices are considered normal.  My dear departed mother was Southern as can be and loved to show her love with cheese and all those good Southern foods.  I was way thin in high school but battled with my mom over what I was eating well what I was not eating......her meals.  Now I'm older I have slipped in to eating some of those foods.  VK has been raised she's a good girl and she deserves a milkshake.  

VK should accept whatever help is given.  "If you're offered a tuna fish sandwich, you say thank you and eat it."  Judy  Similar to Kendall not accepting Melissa's help.  Of course some of Melissa's girls lasted one year because they were struggling, she worked with them which made them improve and some got in.  Then when they return they are on their own.  Melissa cannot help Breelan gaining weight or Ashley Pro gaining a little weight and then a bad solo and clunky on the field.  There will always be the one girl years who barely make it on the squad and don't come back after a year on the field improved.  That being said VK should have been with Jay or her own personal trainer, bugging every super skinny on the squad for their tips Vet Kelli, etc.

Exactly !    The biggest issue I have is the list for clean grows every day, with each discussion, with each person. And not to make excuses - but the reality is some clean foods are more accessible that others - depending on where you shop/live... TCC new to town might not want to (ie time/gas) or know to go miles to grocery store xxx just to get a very specific variety of something.

Or if you have a family favorite - some "advisors" rather you ditch the entire dish rather than finding a better cooking method and/or sub in a healthier ingredient. I'm still looking for the seaweed chips that some DCC had in her bag - just to try them...

Edited by sATL
  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, poppysand said:

I really feel like they've gotta learn to distinguish "making excuses" and "being kind of defensive" with just ... you know ... talking. Someone trying to answer a question they've been asked [and asked in a massively rude way, as well. like boy oh boy those office visits felt nasty in this episode] doesn't mean they're giving you an attitude. They're just talking.

This season it seems like there is no, how it is going, how do you feel, can you explain to me why, etc.  It seem to be very confrontational and "mean girl."  I don't blame the vets for being nervous wrecks.

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

hen Kitty called out Kristin on the field by saying, "Everybody down here  is beautiful so if you're counting on your looks getting you on the team, it's not going to happen," I was like WTF is she talking about? When did Kristin ever give anyone the impression that she was just going to stand there looking pretty while everyone danced? Kitty is making a lot of assumptions based on nothing.

Yeah but then again last season she said herself for them to keep Savannah because she was pretty even though she wasn’t getting the choreography at that point. So apparently Kitty picks and chooses who that rule applies to ? Her credibility is shot after this season anyway to take her seriously 

  • Love 14

Finally got a chance to watch in between loads of laundry. Thank You to all the posters who answered my questions last night

I'll admit I fast forwarded the DVR to the end just to see the previews. It wasn't what I  expected; thought there would be more yelling or accusations. When VK said she didn't like the situation she's in, I hope it was about being overweight and not the lying. Will have to wait until next week to see the entire conversation (or what cmt shows).

VK didn't seem that upset about Dayton getting cut. I noticed they tried to hide ( maybe avoid) her this week in the dance scenes other than her lame comments.

Why did they use the HS field? The Ford center has one that was shown last year. Pretty sure they practiced the entrance on it.

How did Miranda know what Kitty said about her hair? Maybe VK told her.

Kristin looked so sad and depressed when she was called in. She somehow talked Kelli into giving her another chance. Morgan and Kaitlyn LaRae did that too.

Poor Madeline. No wonder she did bad on the field. After getting called in and lectured she was so upset she couldn't concentrate. So Kelli noticed the locker change; why didn't she confront her then?  It's  like at a job where the more senior employees don't like it when I new person comes in and thinks they know it all. 

  • Love 3

The editors of the show have become worse. We know there are only certain episodes to capture the whole TC experience but to take content from a different week and toss it into another episode for sake of filler (notice how Dayton was cut in last episode but yet she wasn't in the nursing home visit which was shown as "prior" to her cut?). That said, along the lines of editing or just Kelli/Judy needing to get it together...

I don't get how Taylor T was a knockout this episode, and how Lily has made it this far with no red flags as to why she could be on the bubble. I don't get how Malena hasn't been cut, or Kristen for that matter. 

I found Kelli's exchange with Kristen to be highly unprofessional, the way she goffed at her and cut her off.

  • Love 7
33 minutes ago, sATL said:

Exactly !    The biggest issue I have is the list for clean grows every day, with each discussion, with each person. And not to make excuses - but the reality is some clean foods are more accessible that others - depending on where you shop/live... TCC new to town might not want to (ie time/gas) or know to go miles to grocery store xxx just to get a very specific variety of something.

Or if you have a family favorite - some "advisors" rather you ditch the entire dish rather than finding a better cooking method and/or sub in a healthier ingredient. I'm still looking for the seaweed chips that some DCC had in her bag - just to try them...

VK doesn't remotely have this excuse. she's not the only one in weight trouble but she is the one with the greatest gain and who continues to gain. she lives in Dallas. no excuses for not knowing how to eat or where to get what she needs.  Very few 'clean' diets require 'specific variety' of things. you learn really quickly how to adapt a recipe or you don't make it if you can't get something and rarely does it have to be X brand and no other. I eat clean 90% of the time. annything i can't get in my local supermarket (which isn't much) I can find easily and cheaply online or in an ethnic market (far far far more prevelent than ever before so no excuse there really either, esp in a large city like Dallas) or i just use something else/google a substiute for it.  it's common sense

I found it so annoying that Kelli tells one repeat TCC that they respect that she's back and giving it another go, but Brennan comes back and they 'question her motives'. why does one girl get respect and the other her motives changed for doing the same damn thing?

  • Love 6

I was shocked by how Kelli treated Madeline and Kristin in their office visits. I found it unnecessarily rude. I don't care how they edited it; the facial expressions, tone of voice, and way she was interrupting them were unprofessional and unnecessary. Miranda's terror over Kitty changing the way Kelli and Judy feel about her says a lot. Kitty needs to go. Is she even an actual employee of the DCC? Either way, she's toxic, and she's way too old to be bullying and sabotaging the girls she doesn't care for. 

And yet again, Kelli gives a girl who has consistently been struggling and from what we have seen is NOT improving (Kristin) a second (more like 4th or 5th) chance, yet she couldn't seem to release Dayton fast enough. The cuts this season are not adding up. I've enjoyed Kelli on past seasons, but this one is bringing out a new side of her and it's not a good look.

  • Love 11
15 minutes ago, blairwaldorf said:

I was shocked by how Kelli treated Madeline and Kristin in their office visits. I found it unnecessarily rude. I don't care how they edited it; the facial expressions, tone of voice, and way she was interrupting them were unprofessional and unnecessary. Miranda's terror over Kitty changing the way Kelli and Judy feel about her says a lot. Kitty needs to go. Is she even an actual employee of the DCC? Either way, she's toxic, and she's way too old to be bullying and sabotaging the girls she doesn't care for. 

And yet again, Kelli gives a girl who has consistently been struggling and from what we have seen is NOT improving (Kristin) a second (more like 4th or 5th) chance, yet she couldn't seem to release Dayton fast enough. The cuts this season are not adding up. I've enjoyed Kelli on past seasons, but this one is bringing out a new side of her and it's not a good look.

This is what you get for telling her best friend's daughter she has a spot on the team, and said daughter is running around stirring up trouble. Kelli is probably feeling the heat from Charlotte because the last two years of constant problems with veterans and Victoria is a nightmare for an organization that prides itself on being the best of the best in the universe. Fans and viewers have been calling out Kelli for behind the scenes problems they thought they could bury and no one would find out about it. Add in Erica's lawsuit, and it is pressure city in DCC Land.

16 minutes ago, blairwaldorf said:

I was shocked by how Kelli treated Madeline and Kristin in their office visits. I found it unnecessarily rude. I don't care how they edited it; the facial expressions, tone of voice, and way she was interrupting them were unprofessional and unnecessary. Miranda's terror over Kitty changing the way Kelli and Judy feel about her says a lot. Kitty needs to go. Is she even an actual employee of the DCC? Either way, she's toxic, and she's way too old to be bullying and sabotaging the girls she doesn't care for. 

And yet again, Kelli gives a girl who has consistently been struggling and from what we have seen is NOT improving (Kristin) a second (more like 4th or 5th) chance, yet she couldn't seem to release Dayton fast enough. The cuts this season are not adding up. I've enjoyed Kelli on past seasons, but this one is bringing out a new side of her and it's not a good look.

I think its also an indicator of the toxicity of that sort of environment - when you constantly tell people what's 'wrong' with them and rarely praise the good, and constnatly tell them nobody is safe, even vets (esp in this Year Of The Nepotism), just asking about a girl's hair is enough to hae her breaking down terrified that a hairstyle will lose her her place... eesh, you could not pay me enugh to work there.  not to mention f there is an issue with Miranda's hair, that Kelli's responsibility anyway given she chose her style for her. the girls dont' then change it.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, rafibomb said:

So.. you don't get a say in your own name? That's pretty batshit, even by DCC standards. 

Seriously. There are two girls named Taylor so Kelli has referred to one of them as Taylor T throughout training camp (meaning she didn’t get her name changed to Tay or Taytay or T) so what’s the problem with having two girls named Maddie? One year my dance team had three girls named Kim so we let the three of them decide what they wanted to go by. It was not a big deal. No one was given priority because of their status/seniority on the team. 

1 hour ago, homelife said:

The editors of the show have become worse. We know there are only certain episodes to capture the whole TC experience but to take content from a different week and toss it into another episode for sake of filler (notice how Dayton was cut in last episode but yet she wasn't in the nursing home visit which was shown as "prior" to her cut?).

I don’t remember the exact number now, but when I watched the episode, I counted how many TCCs were there and it definitely was not all of them. I’m 99% sure there were only 11 of them at the nursing home. This week at the MRS session, there were 15 TCCs. I just assumed that because these two events took place outside of regular (mandated) rehearsals, the girls who have real jobs were not required to be there if their schedules did not allow it. 

I don’t think the editors like Victoria very much. When Melissa was talking about how videotaping rehearsal lets people see things they might not otherwise see, they cut to a clip of Victoria doing something (a kick maybe?) from the side and you could see how soft her belly was. 

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Kelli attacked a candidate's character, on TV, two episodes in a row. This should have been a private conversation. What a jerk.

And Kitty snitting to another candidate "Don't think that because you're pretty you will be on this team."

Who is the vet snitch?

This is middle-school mean girl behavior.

Plus, Kelli looked a mess on the field (the hair), which is unusual for her.

At least we saw some more dancing.

I do not think it was a vet snitch. I think it was more Victoria and Tina's handy work, but they want us to believe a vet had something to do with it.

8 minutes ago, blairwaldorf said:

I was shocked by how Kelli treated Madeline and Kristin in their office visits. I found it unnecessarily rude. I don't care how they edited it; the facial expressions, tone of voice, and way she was interrupting them were unprofessional and unnecessary. Miranda's terror over Kitty changing the way Kelli and Judy feel about her says a lot. Kitty needs to go. Is she even an actual employee of the DCC? Either way, she's toxic, and she's way too old to be bullying and sabotaging the girls she doesn't care for. 

And yet again, Kelli gives a girl who has consistently been struggling and from what we have seen is NOT improving (Kristin) a second (more like 4th or 5th) chance, yet she couldn't seem to release Dayton fast enough. The cuts this season are not adding up. I've enjoyed Kelli on past seasons, but this one is bringing out a new side of her and it's not a good look.

I felt the same and couldn't help wondering if her Spanx was feeling more constricting than usual.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, CaseyRe said:

VK doesn't remotely have this excuse. she's not the only one in weight trouble but she is the one with the greatest gain and who continues to gain. she lives in Dallas. no excuses for not knowing how to eat or where to get what she needs.  Very few 'clean' diets require 'specific variety' of things. you learn really quickly how to adapt a recipe or you don't make it if you can't get something and rarely does it have to be X brand and no other. I eat clean 90% of the time. annything i can't get in my local supermarket (which isn't much) I can find easily and cheaply online or in an ethnic market (far far far more prevelent than ever before so no excuse there really either, esp in a large city like Dallas) or i just use something else/google a substiute for it.  it's common sense

I found it so annoying that Kelli tells one repeat TCC that they respect that she's back and giving it another go, but Brennan comes back and they 'question her motives'. why does one girl get respect and the other her motives changed for doing the same damn thing?

She has an excuse of being 18 years old.  I’m 46 and I don’t know exactly what “clean eating” means - and I really doubt most recent HS graduates do - does that mean buy all organic stuff and/or nothing w/ preservatives?

And how does that make you lose weight?  You can still eat healthy food and be overweight.

I just think there would be much better resources  for VK to use than this Jinelle thing.  That’s no reason for her to be rude though cause Jinelle is just doing what she’s told by Kelli and trying to help, but I don’t think it was some amazing and wonderful help that would have fixed everything.

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, go4luca said:

I thought the same and then read @LaurenBrook's assessment so now I'm not so sure.

I feel the same way, but I still want to know why the locker thing wasn't dealt with at the time it happened.  And then when Kelli talked to Madeleine, she didn't ask her why.  It was festering in Kelli's head, and then the thing with the veteran's comments......it just turned into a bigger deal than it probably should have been

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

She has an excuse of being 18 years old.  I’m 46 and I don’t know exactly what “clean eating” means - and I really doubt most recent HS graduates do - does that mean buy all organic stuff and/or nothing w/ preservatives?

And how does that make you lose weight?  You can still eat healthy food and be overweight.

I just think there would be much better resources  for VK to use than this Jinelle thing.  That’s no reason for her to be rude though cause Jinelle is just doing what she’s told by Kelli and trying to help, but I don’t think it was some amazing and wonderful help that would have fixed everything.

IIRC, Holly P. was 18 her rookie year and had her weight challenges.  Yet she applied herself and leaned out.  I get every person's metabolism responds differently and it's usually a combo of things (diet, exercise, the right attitude) that bring about slimming down.  But VK didn't seem to even care to give an excellent opportunity a chance so using the age argument doesn't jive for me.

  • Love 8
35 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I do not think it was a vet snitch. I think it was more Victoria and Tina's handy work, but they want us to believe a vet had something to do with it.

I disagree, and I think there are multiple vet snitches who complained about Madeline cause that is what Kelli specifically said in the episode.  

If I had to guess, IMO, it would be some of the group leaders who said the stuff to Kelli - probably in a GL meeting where they gave feedback on the TCC right around the time leading up to the Nick Flores visit.   This might have been where Kelli got the “everyone has noticed it” about VKs weight as well.

Don’t K&J ask the GLs for feedback on the TCC cause they are usually teaching class on the nights they aren’t there?   It makes sense to me that all this stuff was part of their feedback, and it might not actually be “snitching” as much as team leaders doing their jobs and giving opinions. 

Edited by MyFavShows
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Retired Vet "where are they now" Segment. They are starting to grow on me. I wish they double up - one each 1/2 hour. Sasha Agent . Congrats on 10 yrs of teaching and grad school acceptance. Her oldest daughter looks just like her ! Middle School - bet the little men are happy ! I didn't catch which subject she teaches..

Edited by sATL
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