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You and me both. I don't understand how everyone lurves Negan and the Saviors, they are just a bunch of bullies.

I'm a big boy. But I have no use for sadism. If they can't flesh out Negan more than being just a guy who loves his baseball bat, then I might quit watching. I mean if it's a beaten-in skull every episode, if that's the extent of the "story," then I'll go watch something else. Something a little more thrilling and intriguing.

  • Love 9

I've been dreading the time when the show brings in Negan for a while.  There are some parts of his character that are just WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too comic-book for me and if they don't fix them, blech.


That said, the Negan storyline is definitely not just Governor mark II. Nor is it wandering in the forest.  It leads to the main characters doing stuff they haven't done before this and can give a full narrative arc to a couple of seasons.  I am slightly hopeful about that.  

  • Love 6

You and me both. I don't understand how everyone lurves Negan and the Saviors, they are just a bunch of bullies.


I stopped reading the comics because the storylines devolved into the group running from one gang of hyper-violent idiots to another. The sadism isn't something I enjoy and too often it's substituted for actual story. I get the theme that humans are more dangerous than the walking dead but this particular storyline sounds like it's over the top stupid with violence. After all, this show walks a very fine line between telling a solid story and being violence porn. The show runners should be very careful about how they handle something like this.

Edited by RustbeltWriter
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I've never followed the comics but have read all about what happens in them.  I think that any evil, menacing presence Negan brings to the show might be ruined for me at the onset because Jeffrey Dean Morgan (who I never really paid attention to in anything else) is going to be on The Chew before he shows up in TWD (he's on The Chew tomorrow, in fact).   Don't get me wrong -- I watch The Chew.  But I don't want to see the guy who is soon going to be playing an ominous, big, bad villain laughing and cooking Thanksgiving side dishes with Mario, Michael and Carla before he has made an impression on me as Negan.    Then I will have the image in my mind of him being a jovial, fun, teddy bear of a guy.  He's going to have to do something really awful early on in his scenes on TWD to erase my memory of The Chew!

  • Love 1

I've never followed the comics but have read all about what happens in them.  I think that any evil, menacing presence Negan brings to the show might be ruined for me at the onset because Jeffrey Dean Morgan (who I never really paid attention to in anything else) is going to be on The Chew before he shows up in TWD (he's on The Chew tomorrow, in fact).   Don't get me wrong -- I watch The Chew.  But I don't want to see the guy who is soon going to be playing an ominous, big, bad villain laughing and cooking Thanksgiving side dishes with Mario, Michael and Carla before he has made an impression on me as Negan.    Then I will have the image in my mind of him being a jovial, fun, teddy bear of a guy.  He's going to have to do something really awful early on in his scenes on TWD to erase my memory of The Chew!


I'm sure you'll have no problem separating the two images! :D


I fully expect our proper introduction to Negan to involve Lucille, so that will wipe fun, teddy bear guy out of your mind easily. I have seen JDM in a few interviews and liked him a lot. Then I saw him play the Comedian in the Watchmen (charismatic but horrible guy) and I haaaaated him. So I'm really looking forward to seeing what he will do with Negan!

I agree, but ugh, I am not looking forward to Negan.  It just all sounds way too over-the-top.  I'm already hating the storyline and we didn't even get there yet.


I regret that I have but 1 like to give. I agree with you 100%.


On another board, I'm seeing comic fans practically cream themselves over Negan's impending appearance. And they're quoting some of his lines from the comics, which to me sound so stupid and cartoonish. I remember back in S2 when the Governor arc was fast approaching a similar fanboying/fangirling happened as well. I was skeptical but thought it would translate well on screen. Boy, was I wrong. The Governor and his Woodbury posse ended up being a big fat disappointment that overstayed it's welcome. And now here comes the Guv 2.0 with even more gore! At least this time I know not to buy into the hype.



I stopped reading the comics because the storylines devolved into the group running from one gang of hyper-violent idiots to another. The sadism isn't something I enjoy and too often it's substituted for actual story.


I never read the comics but spoiled myself years ago by reading the Walking Dead Wiki. I stopped reading around the

All Out War - Part 2

arc because like you said, it turned into the group running from/fighting one crazy-ass gang after another. And the show is starting to lose me, in part, because of this. We've gone from the Guv, to the Claimers, to the Termites, to the Wolves, and now Negan and his people. These roving gangs of sadistic psychos get more violent and ridiculous with each season. I never thought I'd miss the days of Hershel's farm, yet here I am. :-/

Edited by bunnyblue
  • Love 12

I too, get tired of the diehard comic fans "creaming" themselves over the imminent Negan. It is all anyone can discuss on most forums. Can't we just enjoy the TV show for it's own merits? I watched that video and it looked like someone with longer hair was getting the bat. As for the voice on the radio- it sounded like one of the less masculine men, like Eugene or Aaron. At this point I don't care if Glenn is dead or alive- I liked his character but I despise the lazy writer's trick they have used to make us wonder. My speculations on the end of this season are that Daryl dies, and either Glenn or Maggie die as well. Not a popular opinion, but Norman Reedus really is selling his home, has a new series, and has reached his expiration date on the show ( IMHO). Glenn and/or Maggie's demise has been foreshadowed for a long time.

  • Love 4

NR's new series has already partially been filmed. Plus it is only 6 episodes, they are almost finished filming TWD(today I believe is the last day of filming) so he has roughly 5 1/2 months to film the rest of the series before TWD filming begins again.

I read he sold his home either because of fan stalking or that is the home he shared with his ex,

Edited by lookattheflowers

I too, get tired of the diehard comic fans "creaming" themselves over the imminent Negan. It is all anyone can discuss on most forums. Can't we just enjoy the TV show for it's own merits? I watched that video and it looked like someone with longer hair was getting the bat. As for the voice on the radio- it sounded like one of the less masculine men, like Eugene or Aaron. At this point I don't care if Glenn is dead or alive- I liked his character but I despise the lazy writer's trick they have used to make us wonder. My speculations on the end of this season are that Daryl dies, and either Glenn or Maggie die as well. Not a popular opinion, but Norman Reedus really is selling his home, has a new series, and has reached his expiration date on the show ( IMHO). Glenn and/or Maggie's demise has been foreshadowed for a long time.


I, too, am not happy about the "is he or isn't he" dead question that is still hanging around. It feels manipulative, especially because we have been given three less-than-inspiring episodes while we wait for the answer. 


IMO, the great failure in the show's writing over the years has been the inability to balance character development and plot advancement. When the writers want to remind us that it is a big, bad world, someone gets killed off...like Noah. We barely got to know him and - poof - he's dead. Beth's hospital story line still leaves me baffled and annoyed. I'm not claiming that I could do it better. I'm just disappointed in some the choices that have been made.



I never read the comics but spoiled myself years ago by reading the Walking Dead Wiki. I stopped reading around the

All Out War - Part 2

arc because like you said, it turned into the group running from/fighting one crazy-ass gang after another. And the show is starting to lose me, in part, because of this. We've gone from the Guv, to the Claimers, to the Termites, to the Wolves, and now Negan and his people. These roving gangs of sadistic psychos get more violent and ridiculous with each season. I never thought I'd miss the days of Hershel's farm, yet here I am. :-/


I have not read the comics either but I know what *may* be coming with Negan. And, honestly, I think that I am out. The sadism is getting tiresome. I understand that they exist in a violent, unpredictable world but I am no longer entertained by it. The writers have a difficult task in trying to portray hope and harsh realities in a believable way. For me, there has been too little progression. 


With that in mind, I hope that Glenn lasts for awhile longer because I like Steven Yuen. I would like to see Maggie last longer as well because I still need to see hope. I think it would be a terrible tease to bring Glenn back before the MSF only to kill him off at the end of the season.


I agree with Juliegirlj: I think that we are going to lose Daryl once Negan shows up.

Edited by Ellaria Sand
  • Love 3

I never thought I'd say this, but, unless Daryl gets a haircut (which we know he doesn't as we've not seen that IRL), I'll probably be okay if he gets Lucilled. 


Reading the comics, at the Negan part, the communities were building a life, each in their own way, while dealing with the Saviors. I hope they have that, and it's not all baddies all the time.

  • Love 6

I think somehow (hope maybe) that JDM will elevate the Negan material.  I think he brings a lot to the table.  But no matter what, I just want to enjoy watching this damned teevee show, rather than it be some damned chore I have to do every Sunday night (Governor episodes, Beth episodes).


Just read the spoiler Q&A for episode 7 and yep, Glenny was hiding out under the dumpster the whole time.  Turtle-murderer Enid spies him from her perch up on the roof (where season 1-5 Glenn would have gone) and drops down some water to him.  Denise and Carol find the tied-up Wolf and Richonne grills Morgan on his "all life is precious" shtick.  The tower falls and a bunch of other stuff happens.  LOL.



Yep, I saw that gif of JDM smashing Lucille down on something/someone.  Spec is that the audience "gets Lucilled." 

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Which is fair, I mean I feel I've been Lucilled by these writers before.  Assholes. 


But I guess the top 3 contenders are Abe, Daryl and Glenn.  Abe is tricky: not as big of an impact as the other 2, who are Atlanta 5.  And death by Lucille needs to have impact.  So it's down to Daryl or Glenn.  Glenn is supposed to come back as Dark!Glenn after his ordeal.  TWD has an annoying habit of making its characters really, really unlikeable before killing them off (Hershel excepted, I think).  So that's possible...  but having Glenn's almost-death would make it anticlimactic -- but it will still surprise people, who think he's "safe" now he survived almost-death.  Daryl would also be surprising because it's assumed he has massive amounts of plot armor.  There's the Daryl fan rioting thing -- but that meme has kind of died off, thank goodness.  But AMC 100% owns the Daryl character.  He's the wild card not in the comics.  They could do so much with him but maybe he's better off Lucilled.  I dunno.

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Lots of spec on other forums that it might be Morgan, because of his "life is precious". We know what always happens to the moral compass on this show. Also from what I've read LJ only promised TPTB 1 season. *shrugs* who knows, guess we will have to wait and see.


This is a good point.  Moral compasses always die.  And they have made Morgan unlikeable to a sizeable portion of the audience.  While he may not be A5 he has the season 1 pedigree.  So all the boxes are checked off....   

  • Love 2

Just read the spoiler Q&A for episode 7 and yep, Glenny was hiding out under the dumpster the whole time.  Turtle-murderer Enid spies him from her perch up on the roof (where season 1-5 Glenn would have gone) and drops down some water to him. 



OMG after leaving us hanging for 3 boring-ass episodes to worry about Glenn's fate, they can't even come up with an exciting plausible scenario for his survival?! I can accept that he hid under the dumpster but I will not accept that a huge-ass herd of walkers just left after a while because they got bored. I would've even been okay if insipid Enid played a role in distracting the herd so Glenn could escape but throwing down a bottle of water is not actually helping.


First they fail to explain how Rick escaped the RV and now they give us one of the dumbest 'escapes' ever. Are they even trying anymore?? 


Oh, and, JBody... turtle-murderer Enid is brilliant! 

  • Love 3

I keep hoping that some sort of explanation about Rick escaping the RV will be randomly thrown in, but at this point I might not even care anymore.  The Glenn thing -- yeah, that's just dumb.  It's not that I wanted Glenn dead -- he's a good kid and I like the character well enough -- but I can understand it IF a major character has to die a horrible death.  The thing is, I don't think anyone actually believed that he was dead because of the way the scene was shot, although with that many walkers piled on top of him and around him there is no logical way he should have survived. 


Either way, with this long of a delay in addressing the Glenn issue, a lot of air has been let out of the balloon.  If he had been killed, the impact of that moment would have been lost by now.  And his survival isn't going to be that thrilling at this point because so many people -- even those who don't follow spoilers -- didn't think he was dead anyway.  Plus, Glenn is like a cat with 9 lives, recovering from his illness at the prison, nearly being eaten alive while held captive by the crazy Governor, and numerous other things, so this is just another case of him dodging the bullet.

  • Love 1
OMG after leaving us hanging for 3 boring-ass episodes to worry about Glenn's fate, they can't even come up with an exciting plausible scenario for his survival?! I can accept that he hid under the dumpster but I will not accept that a huge-ass herd of walkers just left after a while because they got bored. I would've even been okay if insipid Enid played a role in distracting the herd so Glenn could escape but throwing down a bottle of water is not actually helping.



They might as well have just waved their hands and said "a wizard did it".

  • Love 2

heeeee thanks bunnyblue.  I hated the turtle scene, but the Rick RV escape letdown will forever bug.  Some people are like "whatevs" but really, if they hadn't made such a big deal out of Mr. Cool panicking like Steve Buscemi I wouldn't have cared either.  It just seemed like an odd thread to drop; just plain old lazy.  And now DumpsterGate.  Bah humbug. 

...if they hadn't made such a big deal out of Mr. Cool panicking like Steve Buscemi I wouldn't have cared either.  It just seemed like an odd thread to drop; just plain old lazy.  And now DumpsterGate.  Bah humbug. 


Yes, indeed. "Panicking like Steve Buscemi" is one of the all-great descriptions. I haven't seen the "Glenn is Alive" fiasco referred to as DumpsterGate anywhere else, so you win the prize. I love it!


I keep hoping that some sort of explanation about Rick escaping the RV will be randomly thrown in, but at this point I might not even care anymore.  The Glenn thing -- yeah, that's just dumb.  It's not that I wanted Glenn dead -- he's a good kid and I like the character well enough -- but I can understand it IF a major character has to die a horrible death.  The thing is, I don't think anyone actually believed that he was dead because of the way the scene was shot, although with that many walkers piled on top of him and around him there is no logical way he should have survived. 


Either way, with this long of a delay in addressing the Glenn issue, a lot of air has been let out of the balloon.  If he had been killed, the impact of that moment would have been lost by now.  And his survival isn't going to be that thrilling at this point because so many people -- even those who don't follow spoilers -- didn't think he was dead anyway.  Plus, Glenn is like a cat with 9 lives, recovering from his illness at the prison, nearly being eaten alive while held captive by the crazy Governor, and numerous other things, so this is just another case of him dodging the bullet.


From a writing standpoint, it is very disappointing. There were so many reasons to believe that Glenn wasn't dead when, logically, he should have been dead. At this point, we can no longer believe what we are seeing on this show. Certain characters like Glenn have plot armor. And the increasingly annoying Talking Dead now has to "fill in the blanks" when the actual show doesn't tell us what we need to know. 


Lots of other sites are picking up the TSDF spoilers about DumpsterGate. It all makes me wonder why they made these choices with the first half of the season. 

  • Love 5

I read on the Spoiling Dead Fans Facebook page that supposedly at the time of the filming of these episodes (July), Steven Yeun tweeted this: "Lazy writing" ...

Would he dare critic TPTB if he didn't already know that he's not going to survive this season?

(Edited for spelling mistake)

Edited by sisterspoon
  • Love 2

Lazy writing indeed! Dumpstergate may have been TWD's jump the shark moment. Taking into consideration that this is a show about a zombie apocolypse, certain stretches of the imagination have to be allowed, however, not being true to the story and characters chips away at the value of the show. I also dislike the way the writers script some of the dialogue- it often feels like they are talking in some kind of code, and lately I have trouble deciphering it. Sasha and Abe's scenes together were kind of cute, but they were talking in gobbledegook. They should stop trying so hard to make the show uber smart, and concentrate on writing good storylines.

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I do read the TSDF spoilers, so while I generally knew this was coming it's even more anticlimactic than I would have imagined.  End an episode with one of the original main characters appearing to be eaten, go on the story equivalent of walk about for the next three episodes where we follow every secondary character and their pet goat, and then just have him stroll back in like "oh yeah, I was here all along.  You worried that I might be dead?  Silly you."


Way to show your audience that you don't value their intelligence at all and that they should never ever ever trust anything you show them.

  • Love 5

Clearly, I have low standards because I will happily take Glenn hiding under the dumpster explanation so he remains alive for a while longer. I am excited about tomorrow's episode, but I always am about TWD.


I don't think it's a matter of having low standards as opposed to high standards, just that they're your standards and you are as entitled to enjoy the show every bit as much as others are entitled to criticize it.



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Footage of JDM leaked online, showing Negan using Lucille.

AMC made YouTube remove it, but someone made a gif of it.

I saw it, before it was also removed.

That death is coming, but I think it won't be Glenn.

My guess if I'm right, Morgan or Daryl will die instead.


Daryl has never been set up as the precious cinnamon roll too pure for this world that Glenn has been, though. Glenn's death at Negan's hands really plays out as a loss of innocence in the comics, and I don't see Daryl's death as an adequate substitute; he's not a bad person, but he never had Glenn's sweetness. On the other hand, Daryl seems to be running out of story: Carol has usurped his role as Rick's right hand, being smarter, more strategic, more capable, and 100% philosophically aligned with Rick's methods. Daryl doesn't appear to have any lingering conflicts or ongoing arcs which require his involvement; he's another member of Rick's crew, but that's it. So it could be Daryl, I suppose. Norman Reedus lining up a reality TV show doesn't exactly inspire me with confidence as to his long-term prospects.


I suppose Morgan could die instead of Glenn, but it wouldn't be so much a loss of innocence as a brutal last word in the philosophical debate over whether or not Morgan's creed is sustainable in the ZA. It could work, but it would have a different feeling to it. Morgan does die in the comics under different circumstances, though, so they might switch things around.


I don't see Carol being Lucille's victim, as a woman dying a violent death at Negan's hands would have a decidedly different connotation. I think it needs to be a guy.


Lucille's victim could still be Glenn, although the fandom will be pretty unhappy if Glenn is fake killed off only to be killed off for real at the end of the season. It seemed to me that Glenn's death in the comics paved the way for Maggie to come into her own as a leader, but I suppose there's nothing stopping her from assuming that role if Glenn survives.


Spoilers appear to be that Jessie, Ron and Sam will die in the MSF. Given that Carol's over giving Morgan the business when the tower collapses, and that she left Judith in Jessie's care, what does this mean for Judith's prospects? In the comics, she died back at the prison. Carl's life being threatened after getting shot in the MSF would be a bit different if TV Judith is still alive, since when that happens in the comics Carl is Rick's only surviving family. At the same time, I think it would break Rick if he loses Judith at the same time that Carl is almost mortally injured.

Edited by Eyes High
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Daryl would definitely be a shocking death. I loved him the first few seasons, but I agree his story seems to be winding down and frankly, I wouldn't mind him going if it meant Glenn could stick around.

If they really mixed things up, and went with a woman as Negan's victim, I could see Maggie dying. I just don't see them having another baby around. Otherwise, it's gotta be Daryl or Morgan.

I finally started warming up to Jessie (a little) so of course she's a goner. Will Rick's Beard of Crazy make a return?

Edited by CrazyDog

Precious cinnamon roll!  Love it. 


I hope they don't somehow remix Jessie and Lori's death -- if Jessie is holding Judith -- eff you show.  That ship has sailed!  Let Judith live. They already did the Judith death fake out at the prison.


However, I read that Judith is safely ensconced under Carl's poncho during the MSF which means that even if his eye gets shot (and it will, judging by the eye bandage photos) she will be safe.  But I don't know how it is that Judith goes from Jessie's care to Carl's and where the hell he got a poncho, since Daryl's Ugly Poncho bit the dust at Terminus.  Very confusing. 

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I wonder if he'll have head/eye damage but not lose it. I kind of hate that he lost it in the comics, and I don't think it adds anything.


Yeah I don't think it's going to be as extreme an injury as portrayed in the comic.  First of all, a catastrophic loss like that is easier (more believable?) to deal with in the comics -- I mean it looked like he'd lost a quarter of his brain along with his eye, and teevee viewers are simply not going to go with that.  I think it grazes his eye or damages it in some way -- hence the big white bandage over it in season 6b spoiler pics.

  • Love 1

Yeah I don't think it's going to be as extreme an injury as portrayed in the comic.  First of all, a catastrophic loss like that is easier (more believable?) to deal with in the comics -- I mean it looked like he'd lost a quarter of his brain along with his eye, and teevee viewers are simply not going to go with that.  I think it grazes his eye or damages it in some way -- hence the big white bandage over it in season 6b spoiler pics.


A lot of fans were calling shenanigans on Comic Carl losing a big chunk of his brain and not only surviving but showing no neurological deficits.


The "wild scuffle" between Carol and Morgan sounds like it could encompass a variety of things. I'm guessing Carol wants to execute the Wolf, Morgan insists that she can't, and things go downhill from there. Carol depends on stealth and surprise, so I don't know that she would be able to get the drop on Morgan.

Edited by Eyes High
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