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Sweet Home Sextuplets - General Discussion

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36 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

I think the flu season was pretty much over when baseball season was going on.

yes. they skipped filming during the flu season. which also protects the TLC camera staff.

It seems like they are filming once a month. they just had 6 mth photos and kindergarten graduation -which was probably in May .  The 5K has a July date - which I just noticed was on a Sunday.  I think one will get a better 5k turnout on a Saturday.

I really am enjoying this family...and their accents. Although my Alabama friend says *I* have the accent? (I'm from the Chicago area.)

  But the dress on the mom on Mother's Day..am I the only one that thought it looked like she forgot to do up the back and her slip was showing? 


Edited by ChiCricket
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11 hours ago, PityFree said:

There are other illnesses besides the flu.

It is not healthy to keep babies, even preemies, in a bubble.  They need to get out, learn to socialize, and the parents need to learn how to adjust as a family.  I think they are doing a great job continuing on with their lives, and including all of their children.

  • Love 6
On 2018-10-20 at 12:24 PM, ButterQueen said:

ask sincerely, why do you even watch?  You dislike them so much.  I just don’t understand wasting my time on people I dislike and look down on.  I’m not being snarky, just asking.

Wow, are you in my head? I was wondering this too. 

I agree with the other poster that hate watching can be fun. I watched a whole season of Under the Dome just for the joy of snarking about it. But I also love the idea of separate threads for love vs hate watching. Still, everyone here is civil, and we all feel able to state our opinions without attack, so that's nice. I appreciate that. 

Edited by Melina22
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On 10/18/2018 at 5:22 PM, sATL said:


speaking as someone whose done a few 5ks recently... I can document a few notes that where they could improve if they want to raise more money.

Major note: Find a name of the race that Courtney can pronounce , correctly, the 1st time, without hesitation.

  • Hold 5ks on a saturday and try to stay away from a major holiday weekend, until you get the name out there. actually if the $$ is for the schools , holding it the weekend or two before school starts is a better idea.
  • 5ks are the beginner racing category. If this "family" event hold a x-yard dash or 1 mile for the kids, with a little cheaper entrance fee. I would also add the word "walk" to the flyer for those who might have been scared of the word "run".  Kudos for her twins doing all 3.1 miles - I bet they slept good that night. Congrats to dad for a time of 37 minutes ! Great job !
  • Because 5k is the initial category the "couch potatoes" need time to prepare/get ready - like setting a goal for themselves. the organizers need to start getting the word out early - like 3 months out. I think some of the shortcomings with the turnout was that people didn't know and/or was already booked.
  • encourage pre-registration - like at $25 by x-date, with the $35 at the start. that way you know how much you have so far, before the race as you need to cover fixed expenses. and use a online registration ap so that you have a database of participants for next year to contact. I didn't get the waving a sheet of paper to a volunteer to sign people up.
  • night races are tough - in that most prefer during the morning - like a 7 - 8 am start.  In July the humidity is still high even at night. And night races present another level of safety concerns, esp. if your not familiar with the course.
  • sounds like the organizing team didn't advertise with some of the local running/gym/track clubs. which would have brought more people. That also means marking & publish the course route ahead and having an official start/finish timed. I also didn't see racing nbr bibs, or the time track at the start/finish. People use the smaller races to qualify for bigger races and/or alot personal trainers  use them as a measurement of fitness level - even for walkers. Yes, the sports watches can track time, but it's nice have another timekeeper. And if you want to use the time for another race - the time has to be recorded officially, by a 3rd party.
  • what happened to the news crew that came to the house? Didn't need the main 6pm anchor giving up a sunday but having some tv/radio personality out would have helped. Makes a good interest story
  • Sounds like Courtney had people who gave $$ (b/c they had other commitments/not interested in the 5k part) as opposed to running. Which is fine. If that is the case, find a way to encourage (find a spot on the flyer).
  • I would cut the time. If I jog/walk a race at at good pace, I don't want to hang around hours from initial registration to later to see fireworks. I'm good with a bottle of water and most races have some other to-go goodies handed out after the event is over. don't really need fireworks. And they were grilling meat ? who wants that heavy of food before a race and it would be cold after the race. Actually I don't eat heavy after races - as my system is too jiggly.
Edited by sATL
  • Useful 1

I liked the idea of the DRs coming to the house. As opposed to a crazy episode about having 6 babies in dr office at one time waiting to be seen.

But this physical therapist....did I hear her say "at 6 months they are showing the 2-3 month level".... did she not see a baby crawl 1/2 way across the room and find a trash can to lick and cord to naw on? Did she not see a baby sit for a while on his own?  that doesn't happen at 2 months..

I know Courtney is so excited for babies to hold their own bottle but at 9-12 months - isn't time time to slowly (not overnight) to say good bye to bottle and introduce sippy cups? I didn't think babies stayed in the bottle phase too long anymore , as they have improved sippy cups to be easier to hold and sip from.

BTW - I think the baby room was like a pool/guest house.  I think tonight was the 1st time we've seen a kitchen.

Edited by sATL
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I can't believe a 5 year old was trusted to rinse all of the soap out of those bottles..diarrhea anyone? Now, the four friends and the hired teen girl help with the babies a lot, and still the mother is stressed out. How will she manage alone? Plus when would there be time to clean the house, wash the clothes, cook and watch the other three boys? Will help be hired to do those things, rather than help for the babies I wonder. And lastly, did they actually strip that blow out poop diaper off in the middle of the room, with nothing to prevent the over flow from dripping onto the floor?

I find it interesting that on a show about sextuplets, which most of us would agree is pretty fascinating, they have to resort to not one but two fake conversations about whether the babysitter got into nursing school, and then additional fake drama about whether anyone is going to show up for a 5K. Why not just show us life with sextuplets, it’s not something most people see everyday. 

  • Love 6

It seems like they are filming once a month. they just had 6 mth photos and kindergarten graduation -which was probably in May .  The 5K has a July date - which I just noticed was on a Sunday.  I think one will get a better 5k turnout on a Saturday.

Someone upthread posted a lot of reasons the 5k was not as successful as it could have been.  I was just struck by the time of day until I realized it was on a Sunday.  I have lived in the south most of my life, and the 5ks in summer that we have been involved with (I don't run, but the daughter does) all start early in the morning to avoid the sweltering humidity and heat.  I was doing the crossword while this was on so I was a bit shocked to look up and see the boys finishing the race in the dark.  This should have been a Saturday race at 8am (which I am sure would have been harder to arrange with the 6 babies), but they would probably have had a better attendance and just needed to serve oj and bagels and donuts.  But it looked like they finally had a decent turnout for a small town.

Also I am somewhat surprised the women at her church haven't organized themselves into a schedule to provide help.  I would think there are enough willing people in the area who could volunteer to work a 3-4 hour shift once a week to help out.   We have several families with multiples (quads and quints), and they seem to get plenty of volunteer help.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, onatrek said:

I figure this can go here since there's not a media thread or anything.

Cute pics of the kids (all 9) dressed up in their Halloween costumes.


I can kinda see why her older boys are at little annoyed with her an all of the picture taking. they look a bored in the photo.

So - I guess Halloween activities is going to be an upcoming episode next season? If so, her come the holiday-episode-parade which is something that annoys me about Outdaughtered.

On 10/24/2018 at 2:00 AM, sATL said:

I liked the idea of the DRs coming to the house. As opposed to a crazy episode about having 6 babies in dr office at one time waiting to be seen.

But this physical therapist....did I hear her say "at 6 months they are showing the 2-3 month level".... did she not see a baby crawl 1/2 way across the room and find a trash can to lick and cord to naw on? Did she not see a baby sit for a while on his own?  that doesn't happen at 2 months..

I know Courtney is so excited for babies to hold their own bottle but at 9-12 months - isn't time time to slowly (not overnight) to say good bye to bottle and introduce sippy cups? I didn't think babies stayed in the bottle phase too long anymore , as they have improved sippy cups to be easier to hold and sip from.

BTW - I think the baby room was like a pool/guest house.  I think tonight was the 1st time we've seen a kitchen.

Most babies drink primarily from a bottle until age one, although sippy cups are sometimes introduced earlier for practice.  These babies are preemies, so they will be later hitting their milestones.  I imagine they won’t give up the bottle until around 15 mos.

The kitchen in the baby room has been shown since they brought the babies home.  Very nice setup.

  • Love 2
On 10/25/2018 at 3:59 AM, sATL said:

I can kinda see why her older boys are at little annoyed with her an all of the picture taking. they look a bored in the photo.

So - I guess Halloween activities is going to be an upcoming episode next season? If so, her come the holiday-episode-parade which is something that annoys me about Outdaughtered.

I think the older boys look great in the picture, as do the babies.  Courtney is a very hands on mom, and I love how she keeps her traditions even though she has 6 babies.  The older boys are so cute and polite.

On 10/22/2018 at 1:44 PM, ChristmasJones said:

Does anyone have a guess (or know) what that new van would cost?

I looked up the base price which is 37,000.  Not bad for a van that seats 12.  It’s cheaper than some small cars.

  • Love 2
On 10/25/2018 at 2:59 AM, sATL said:

I can kinda see why her older boys are at little annoyed with her an all of the picture taking. they look a bored in the photo.



54 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

I think the older boys look great in the picture, as do the babies.  Courtney is a very hands on mom, and I love how she keeps her traditions even though she has 6 babies.  The older boys are so cute and polite.

Courtney and her pictures crack me up!  And she might be the only person I've ever seen who still takes massive amounts of pictures of a second (or third, or fourth...or ninth, lol) child.  My mother had my picture taken constantly when I was little, took tons of pics herself, filled out every line in my baby book, and so on.  When my little sister came long 8 years later, mother had started back to work full time (and daddy was definitely not going to sit down and fill out a baby book), so...as is the norm for subsequent kiddos, in my experience, there are about a third as many pics of my sister, and I don't think her baby book was ever even unwrapped out of the cellophane.  According to mother, her priority shifted from capturing every single detail and cutesy moment to just keeping us alive. ;-)

I thought it was pretty funny when Eric said he learned a long time ago to skip the sourpuss attitude about all the picture taking and just smile so Courtney can get her pics, and they can move on.  And I laughed out loud, hard, when Courtney's dad said she made them a picture album of the kids, then wanted Eric to take pictures of them looking at the pictures.  

I can imagine 25 years from now or so when the kids start having their own kids and bring them home for the holidays...Guaranteed Courtney will still be whipping out the camera and insisting they all "smile and act like they love each other" until she gets pics of every last one of them.  And I'm sure her kids will still be rolling their eyes and saying "Moooo-oooom, (drawn out into two syllables, of course).....you're making us late!"  If they are anything like our family, Courtney's pics will become a running family joke, and she's in for a lot more years of good-natured teasing about it.  ;-)

As for the boys looking bored....well, if having to wait around a little bit on special occasions for their mom to take their picture is the worst thing their parents inflict upon them, I'd say those are some very lucky - and loved - kids!

Edited by SabineElisabeth
  • Love 9
On 10/21/2018 at 4:59 PM, Jackintheknox said:

Am I reading this wrong? I think church, little league, and school events are a perfectly appropriate place to take a baby. I see babies at these kind of places all the time. Now, I wouldn’t want to take 6 babies anywhere but who would take 1 baby? I think lots of people. 

I was talking more about newborns, but obviously you and I go to different church, little league and school events.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

Most babies drink primarily from a bottle until age one, although sippy cups are sometimes introduced earlier for practice.  These babies are preemies, so they will be later hitting their milestones.  I imagine they won’t give up the bottle until around 15 mos.

The kitchen in the baby room has been shown since they brought the babies home.  Very nice setup.

We've seen the kitchen where the nanny was unpacking the dinner for the boys to play restaurant in the other episodes?

On 10/9/2018 at 10:09 PM, Gemma Violet said:

Awww, their beautiful dog was taken away with the sheep.  I guess it didn't occur to me that it was a dog used to tend the sheep. 

Weren't there two dogs on the first episode or am I imagining that?

I'm quoting myself because I think there were indeed two dogs.  I was looking at the family's Facebook today (the Divine Nine one) and there's a current photo of the big kids with a big cream-colored dog lying in the background.  

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I'm quoting myself because I think there were indeed two dogs.  I was looking at the family's Facebook today (the Divine Nine one) and there's a current photo of the big kids with a big cream-colored dog lying in the background.  

They have bred & sold a couple litters of these dogs just since I started following her on FB. I think they have their pet & had the working dogs as well. 

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On 2/14/2019 at 12:03 AM, Gemma Violet said:

Has the show been renewed?  I hope so.

On 2/14/2019 at 7:37 PM, PatchesMD said:

Yes, that’s what they posted on their Facebook page.

I figured it was since they have been rerunning in the late night after two other TLC show is in season. Plus the babies are still young and fun to watch. The outdaughtered girls are getting older now - close to pre-kindergarten age, which makes filming a little more of a challenge.

On 5/24/2019 at 10:01 AM, camom said:

For those who watch this show...is the mom as fake on the show as she seems to be in the promos?  I think she'd get on my nerves real quick.

She seems to be very sincere on the show. 

I thought I'd be annoyed by her strong accent when I first started watching the show last season, but by the end of the first episode, I absolutely adored her.  

  • Love 5

Usually not into family reality shows, but it’s a lazy holiday morning and the title intrigued me. Am watching the Mother’s day episode and got thoroughly enraged when some old coot at church said to Eric about the babies, “they look like you because they have bald heads and fat faces”  really, lady?  Would you have said that to Courtney if her face was fat? ( not that I think Eric’s face is fat)  what a horrible rude way to note a child’s resemblance in their parents   My hub is a big guy and we had this one lady at our old church who always came up to me and asked about his weight  one time I agreed not to take it anymore and let her politely know how invasive and rude her inquiries were   That’s why that lady’s fat shaming comment burned me   Just because they’re men doesn’t mean they’re not self conscious about their appearance 

  • Love 5

Just watched the second season premier.  Very cute episode, but I'm exhausted just watching Courtney running around non-stop after six babies.  Her full-time helper has gone to nursing school as was mentioned in the first season, and Courtney is doing it mostly by herself. 

There was a scene of Eric lifting a baby by one arm.  Not a good idea, Eric.  Those little arms are easily dislocated. 

Bringing the nine puppies indoors with the babies was adorable, but I'll bet anything it was a producer-staged event.  Nevertheless, 9 kids and 9 puppies makes for a mega-ton of cuteness.  And I want one of those puppies!

Courtney's dad babysitting by himself so Courtney could nap also seemed staged to me.  They never said how long he stayed and how many hours Courtney slept.  She just said she felt better afterwards.

Regarding the babies' first birthday party, I think TLC probably helped.  It was so grand and expensive looking. 

All in all, I'm definitely in for the second season.

  • Love 3

One good thing, at least so far, these tups didn't spend the whole show beating each other up like the Busby and Gosselin kids always did. Too much crying though. The mother is being selfish if she really has no hired help with them, as they don't seem to be getting the attention they need or deserve? The mother is just way too over the top to suit me...needs to tone it down a whole bunch of notches!

  • Love 3

I love this sweet family but I definitely agree that the puppies' entrance and Gerry watching the kids was staged.  I guess some things have to be or no one would care to watch.

It's interesting to me that the money issue/selling the land is coming up again.  Last year, they seemed very concerned about money/health insurance/etc.  But, those boys and dad are wearing Vineyard Vines and Under Armour Clothing, neither of which is cheap.  So maybe the money woes have been resolved??? Or maybe VV and UA are sponsoring the show?? I did notice that the clothing labels weren't covered but the Apple symbol on the computer beside their bed was taped over.  

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, winsomeone said:

 The mother is just way too over the top to suit me...needs to tone it down a whole bunch of notches!

Agree...I got "mommed"...out last night when I was watching it...had to disconnect from show....life difficult but not sure I can stands listening to mom whine. 

also rented tent for onederland birthday gala...new van ...need new home...but worried about insurance  and money for extra help...just doesn't add up....

  • Love 6

The mom's perpetual pasted-on nervous hostage smile is odd. I can't imagine raising 9 kids with a man you met in middle school and the first and only person you've ever dated.

Babies are cute. Puppies are cute. Brothers are cute and good older siblings. I love the little girl who always smiles and the one baby who wouldn't stop kissing mom.

That said, I thought Rawlings was a terrible enough name, let alone for a girl, but nicknaming her "Raw Raw"? Truly atrocious. What is she, a chew toy? A Flintstones character?

1 hour ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

That said, I thought Rawlings was a terrible enough name, let alone for a girl, but nicknaming her "Raw Raw"? Truly atrocious. What is she, a chew toy? A Flintstones character?

I kept flipping to the show back and forth and kept seeing them say Raw Raw in the captions. I didn't know what they were doing. 

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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

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