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Married To Medicine - General Discussion

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1 hour ago, sATL said:

Question - can one shut down a home pool for like an hour +/- , press a button to let the cleaner filter come on ?

Given that she already had 100 people there - Contessa should it made it 101/102 and hired  lifeguards - just for safety and whose job it is to just look at the goings-on in the pool.

There was a lifeguard there (a woman) complete with the red vest and whistle. However, given the number she should have had like three of them.

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5 hours ago, sATL said:

I will get to hairnet-wearing Contessa, screaming about cars and mulch and her not-a-hired-hand husband (she yelled at him, one minute he is carrying decorations,chairs& moving pool things, I do believe he got cussed out) in a minute...


Dr Jackie's and the partners new practice... http://cwobgyn.com/

I thought the idea was for her to slow down... so they construct a new office building? or is the idea she just one day collects a check and the other Drs work for her ?

Is curtis going to be hanging around once the bldg is finished ? interacting with patients and staff? He might have good managerial skills, but for me his presence would make in nervous in a ob-gyn setting..

I know Dr Jackie has money in her own right prior to the show - but an new construction office bldg.. along with the house... hmmm

As far as Dr Jackie goes..

at that point in a specialist’s career...it’s commonplace for her/him and partners to expand...bringing in more Drs...(in our case we also built a small same day surgery center used by the whole medical community)... in order to “cut back”...So...YES...get other doctors that pay a cut...yes...

those that are starting out..it’s great to work under and become partners in a SUCCESSFUL group practice...the number of Doctors graduating and passing and getting their licenses is off the charts...as well as attorneys 

Nevertheless back to Jacki and her expansion with her partners...

 the key is...DO IT WHEN YOU ARE YOUNG AND ON TOP...as a “Group”....with Curtis being part of it also helps them with her trying to “cut back”...for the first time...as far as I know...they finally have a project together...professionally and something to talk about at home...

HOWEVER I TOTALLY AGREE! With his shady Hx? Keep him the eff away from any OB/GYN office...good gawd...like a moth to a flame that man... 🥴

Edited by Shellbell59
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What I learned: Heavenly is also not a good friend to her MALE friends.

ETA: that thing Mariah had on her head? My mama had that in the 70s, she kept fruit in it. 😑


Edited by DrSparkles
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1 hour ago, Shellbell59 said:

HOWEVER I TOTALLY AGREE! With his shady Hx? Keep him the eff away from any OB/GYN office...good gawd...like a moth to a flame that man... 🥴

I’m trying to understand...what shady history are you referring to? The fact that he had an affair?  Should all males who ever had affairs be kept from working around women? Vaginas?  

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10 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

I’m trying to understand...what shady history are you referring to? The fact that he had an affair?  Should all males who ever had affairs be kept from working around women? Vaginas?  

Hmmm...yup....especially his enthusiasm in doing so?....yup...abso-effing lutely!

just MY opinion now...

Edited by Shellbell59
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8 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

I’m trying to understand...what shady history are you referring to? The fact that he had an affair?  Should all males who ever had affairs be kept from working around women? Vaginas?  

Not sure about all males, but Curtis seems like a big sleaze. I would not have him hanging around the obgyn office. If I were Jackie, I wouldn't have him hanging around the house either. 🙂

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10 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Not sure about all males, but Curtis seems like a big sleaze. I would not have him hanging around the obgyn office. If I were Jackie, I wouldn't have him hanging around the house either. 🙂

Hence...the “look” she gave him..after he suggested assisting w/  Pts in office....that was a BIG No!!! 👍😆 good for her!

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7 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Let's keep this real: Contessa is too busy chasing fame and fortune and tv lights to be a wife and mother.  Being a wife and mom is an inconvenience to her.  If Contessa got the role/chance of a lifetime she'd ditch Scott and those kids so fast theirs heads would spin. Scott knows it and I suspect the older girl knows it too.  Contessa needs to get it together.

What excuse will Jackie use when asked about why she outed Buffie's infertility struggle next week?

maybe this already happened..right before all of our eyes... going back to want to be a stay at home mom, to not to be at home, facing the fears of major breast surgery, to the pickup and go to school in Nashville for a career change, then to quit before finishing the pgm, and looks like she wanting daddy to move in ( for hubby to see about), so she can keep doing her flaky moves.

Her going MIA leaving behind a husband, 3 kids and daddy... boy that would be an interesting new sub-story to follow..

Seeing her screaming about cars being parked in the driveway 40 min before the party had me thinking - this woman needs a shot, pill, drink or something to calm down. Is she trying to say lack of intimacy is the reason for her behavior?  No way every vendor showed up so late that they were setting up at the last minute. Who told them what time to be there ? 

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7 hours ago, drivethroo said:

That party was for CONTESSA, not her kids.  They would've been just fine if they had invited 5-15 of their kids' friends and took them to the amusement park, the water park,  Chuck E. Cheese and the like.  It would've been cheaper, too.  I doubt seriously the older 2 kids were checking for train tram rides down the hill, camels, zoos and whatever else Contessa had; the older girl didn't look all that thrilled with the spa bus.  And why get your kids mani/pedis when they are just going to mess them up running around barefoot and jumping in the pool?

And that pool WAS musty looking.

How the shiggidy do you miss ALL THREE of your kids' birthdays? Even if that admission was just for the show, it's not a good look.  This is the woman who was crying about missing her children's moments but she missed all three of her kids' birthdays? Not even a "Happy birthday, baby" call?

Let's keep this real: Contessa is too busy chasing fame and fortune and tv lights to be a wife and mother.  Being a wife and mom is an inconvenience to her.  If Contessa got the role/chance of a lifetime she'd ditch Scott and those kids so fast theirs heads would spin. Scott knows it and I suspect the older girl knows it too.  Contessa needs to get it together.

What excuse will Jackie use when asked about why she outed Buffie's infertility struggle next week?


I was hoping Cone-Tessa meant she missed actual dates of b days...wtf am I thinking? Who the hell misses ANY BIT of there kid’s birthdays?...( btw her youngest daughter is my STAR of the entire show!!😆....”sometimes....I forget about you....I’m just being HONEST! “ bless he honest heart...she’s had plenty of those sage observations 🤣...

also finding it hard to like Contessa...after her being a favorite...were they TOO normal for reality TV...and had to mix it up? I hate to see any couple deal with the devil like that...

They were such a united front...and she wanting to be home with her kids just doesn’t play with this latest need for relocating months to achieve some goal never before mentioned

(surgeon general?...really? I realize RH is a venue to profit from...but the notoriety to seek office...after reality TV? Well...most would agree by our current state of affairs...that isn’t the best idea...regardless of what side one falls...hell to navigate...no thanks...nope...)

Another push too hard for storyline in my opinion...

and YES...the pool looked Funky! 😖

Edited by Shellbell59
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On 10/29/2019 at 1:05 PM, ZaldamoWilder said:

R, I ownknow why it won't let me quote your whole post - probably because I'm on the floor at: 


not 13th grade???? 


OMG...I will ALWAYS GIVE A 😆 to this GIF...too funny! Love it!

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8 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

Do women really ask for a credit score on a first date?  And judge if someone doesn’t know it?  
I don’t think it’s an issue if you HAVE good credit. 

I don’t think they do in general...in my day...hell no....

but today...if you’re there on a “set up” with a couple of strong women...expect as much..Given that...

...everybody there is supposedly the same age/socioeconomic bracket...who should have good (enough) credit...therefore knows or should know (within 10-20) what their credit score is...I would think...in today’s culture...

for him to say..wha...? “I dunno...” was not the best answer as we witnessed as catty as it may seem to some...but could have handled it better. How about ...”it’s good” if like you said does it matter if it’s good? Then say so!!
He was obviously bent..and lost his footing as well as his patience... and was already torqued a bit when the big jovial “successful” implant doctor arrived. Basically he list his shit...going into a single head bathroom? Really? Angry much? Oh yeah...that’s the “lion” he mentioned...we didn’t see much of his “lamb”...

good riddance to his weak ass..that’s him..only him......cuz I don’t like Quad the fraud...even a bit....

Edited by Shellbell59
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9 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

Do women really ask for a credit score on a first date?  And judge if someone doesn’t know it?  
I don’t think it’s an issue if you HAVE good credit. 

Quad's dating life is so cynical that it really would make sense if the parties just redacted their account numbers and emailed their bank statements prior to the meeting.  No joke; just dispense with the pretenses.

Quad's original date was unstable.  Who walks into a woman's bathroom?  In an ill-fitted pants and unmatching jacket?  This guy is a dentist??  How would any of his current patients continue to retain his services after that display?  That being said, what exactly does Quad have to offer that she wouldn't see that second dentist again?  He had a good personality, a sense of humor, he was well-dressed, had money, and, so what, he's fat?  Greg wasn't a whole hell of a lot skinnier when this show started, and Quad's current body is a few workouts away from the flashback of her dancing in that tiny outfit so...what more is she looking for?

I thought Simone was beautiful in counseling Buffie and telling her not to be worried about the breast tissue.  Her spirit came forth in such a kind way.  Much better than counseling Toya after her miscarriage, which was basically just holding Toya's hands and saying really slowly and condesending that miscarriage isn't a failure, and then closing the topic.  I loved Simone this episode.  She was so present, but her energy was so calm.  She had such a good figure in her shorts!

First Simone and Cecil, now Jackie and Curtis--they are putting their husbands on their payrolls because they don't know what else to do with them?  (I know that Cecil gets the title of "real estate agent" on his chyron, but I believe he's working for Simone and he just has a real estate license in good standing).  Not the worst idea, although I concur that Curtis shouldn't be anywhere near a woman's bare nether regions.  Like, he shouldn't be in the office dealing with records or anything, unless it's a back office, after the way he made an ass of himself by being such an eager, um, beaver.

I think Jackie is purposely making herself so busy that she can't breathe, so that she has no time to examine her personal life.  Very, very cute dress at the BBQ though.  

Am I watching too closely if I recognize Cecil's faux paint-splattered shirt from an earlier episode?  I think it's cool, and I don't see much like it for men's casualwear.

I have not commented on Buffie before, but I do like to see a woman of size wear such pretty, feminine outfits.  I'm still not ready to make a definitive statement about her personality.  Just observing keenly.

 I didn't think Heavenly overreacted all that much. I am old school, and I think kids should respect their elders, and I think a little boy jumping on a train right next to an older, well-dressed woman when he is soaking wet when there was other space on the train deserved to be corrected, and I don't blame Heavenly for being pissed that she had a wet ass.  She could have handled it better.

Contessa, Contessa, Contessa.  What a piece of work.  First of all, I think she and Scott are ramping up their marriage issues in order to have a storyline for the show.  All of their interactions seem like they are approximating something, like a bad improv class, and not genuine.  It's like the put-upon husband and the scattered wife, week in and week out.  I'm not really buying whatever they're selling.  I'm bored.

More importantly, Contessa, I really think you need to look deeper into Scott picking his daughter up, and swinging her right into your abdomen.  I'm not saying he definitely did it on purpose, but y'all are having problems.  And there were no sand crabs in the vicinity to blame! 🦀 Scott, how do you feel now about accusing Toya of assautling your wife?  How does that crow taste?

@Pickles, it's not on next week.  Andy said on his show it's not coming back for two weeks.  I don't know why.

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Quad's dating life is so cynical that it really would make sense if the parties just redacted their account numbers and emailed their bank statements prior to the meeting.  No joke; just dispense with the pretenses.

Quad's original date was unstable.  Who walks into a woman's bathroom?  In an ill-fitted pants and unmatching jacket?  This guy is a dentist??  How would any of his current patients continue to retain his services after that display?  That being said, what exactly does Quad have to offer that she wouldn't see that second dentist again?  He had a good personality, a sense of humor, he was well-dressed, had money, and, so what, he's fat?  Greg wasn't a whole hell of a lot skinnier when this show started, and Quad's current body is a few workouts away from the flashback of her dancing in that tiny outfit so...what more is she looking for?

I thought Simone was beautiful in counseling Buffie and telling her not to be worried about the breast tissue.  Her spirit came forth in such a kind way.  Much better than counseling Toya after her miscarriage, which was basically just holding Toya's hands and saying really slowly and condesending that miscarriage isn't a failure, and then closing the topic.  I loved Simone this episode.  She was so present, but her energy was so calm.  She had such a good figure in her shorts!

First Simone and Cecil, now Jackie and Curtis--they are putting their husbands on their payrolls because they don't know what else to do with them?  (I know that Cecil gets the title of "real estate agent" on his chyron, but I believe he's working for Simone and he just has a real estate license in good standing).  Not the worst idea, although I concur that Curtis shouldn't be anywhere near a woman's bare nether regions.  Like, he shouldn't be in the office dealing with records or anything, unless it's a back office, after the way he made an ass of himself by being such an eager, um, beaver.

I think Jackie is purposely making herself so busy that she can't breathe, so that she has no time to examine her personal life.  Very, very cute dress at the BBQ though.  

Am I watching too closely if I recognize Cecil's faux paint-splattered shirt from an earlier episode?  I think it's cool, and I don't see much like it for men's casualwear.

I have not commented on Buffie before, but I do like to see a woman of size wear such pretty, feminine outfits.  I'm still not ready to make a definitive statement about her personality.  Just observing keenly.

 I didn't think Heavenly overreacted all that much. I am old school, and I think kids should respect their elders, and I think a little boy jumping on a train right next to an older, well-dressed woman when he is soaking wet when there was other space on the train deserved to be corrected, and I don't blame Heavenly for being pissed that she had a wet ass.  She could have handled it better.

Contessa, Contessa, Contessa.  What a piece of work.  First of all, I think she and Scott are ramping up their marriage issues in order to have a storyline for the show.  All of their interactions seem like they are approximating something, like a bad improv class, and not genuine.  It's like the put-upon husband and the scattered wife, week in and week out.  I'm not really buying whatever they're selling.  I'm bored.

More importantly, Contessa, I really think you need to look deeper into Scott picking his daughter up, and swinging her right into your abdomen.  I'm not saying he definitely did it on purpose, but y'all are having problems.  And there were no sand crabs in the vicinity to blame! 🦀 Scott, how do you feel now about accusing Toya of assautling your wife?  How does that crow taste?

@Pickles, it's not on next week.  Andy said on his show it's not coming back for two weeks.  I don't know why.

☝️All of it!☝️
I couldn’t have said better myself (so I didn’t 🥴)!!

😆...meaning..no..I really couldn’t!

Edited by Shellbell59
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23 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

Successful male doctors have been doing this for decades. Yes, she will be involved in a full practice. Junior doctors and Nurse Practitioners joining her team. 
Chances are wherever you go for OB/GYN services there are males overseeing services. I doubt Curtis will be going into treatment room while women are in their paper gowns. 

I think not....

?.....“Chances are wherever you go for OB/GYN services there are males overseeing services”...?

REALLY????? Nope....

Guess AGAIN...no OB/GYN I’ve EVER been to in passed 40 years has been a male OR OVERSEEN by a male!...EVER...Sir.....

hah! My daughter was delivered by same FEMALE OB/GYN that delivered me over 60 years ago

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A medical degree is a huge investment of both time and money- I have seen many spouses of physicians employed in some way by the practice.  ( usually in the office or behind the scenes.) 

Did Simone get liposuction? She mentioned still being numb when Heavenly was checking out her body. 

I thought Contessa’s pool looked dirty. Interesting that they have an au pair suite, and not an in law suite. 

I figured the marital strife between Contessa and Scott was strictly for storyline, but Scott’s reaction was very telling after he swung his kid right into Contessa . Trouble in paradise! 

The previews shocked me - Unless Buffie gave Jackie explicit permission to speak on her infertility, Jackie is a piece of crap. Being childless herself you’d think Jackie would be more sensitive. 

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15 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I thought Simone was beautiful in counseling Buffie and telling her not to be worried about the breast tissue.  Her spirit came forth in such a kind way.  Much better than counseling Toya after her miscarriage, which was basically just holding Toya's hands and saying really slowly and condesending that miscarriage isn't a failure, and then closing the topic.  I loved Simone this episode.  She was so present, but her energy was so calm.


@Pickles, it's not on next week.  Andy said on his show it's not coming back for two weeks.  I don't know why.

1. I wonder if simone attends mamo screenings with all her patients .

2. It's award season already? I wish Andy would reconsider not airing the normal Sunday lineup b/c something else is being aired.  I 'm not really getting the conflict.

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3 hours ago, Shellbell59 said:

I think not....

?.....“Chances are wherever you go for OB/GYN services there are males overseeing services”...?

REALLY????? Nope....

Guess AGAIN...no OB/GYN I’ve EVER been to in passed 40 years has been a male OR OVERSEEN by a male!...EVER...Sir.....

hah! My daughter was delivered by same FEMALE OB/GYN that delivered me over 60 years ago

I.m fine with a male ob-gyn. I.m fine with a male Dr- any/all specialists.

I.m fine with a male office mgr/ins person/lab tech.

I.m NOT fine with Curtis inside an dr office.  I think it's his over size /body type makes me feel uncomfortable. Too small of an area and he's too big.

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22 hours ago, Shellbell59 said:

I think not....

?.....“Chances are wherever you go for OB/GYN services there are males overseeing services”...?

REALLY????? Nope....

Guess AGAIN...no OB/GYN I’ve EVER been to in passed 40 years has been a male OR OVERSEEN by a male!...EVER...Sir.....

hah! My daughter was delivered by same FEMALE OB/GYN that delivered me over 60 years ago

My point is....there are people behind the scenes that no one sees. IT, medical sales, property management, etc. 

I don’t think Curtis will be performing PAP smears. 

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6 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

My point is....there are people behind the scenes that no one sees. IT, medical sales, property management, etc. 

I don’t think Curtis will be performing PAP smears. 

Okay...fine...then brush up on your vocabulary...

when you dared to say....

“chances are OB/GYN offices we visit” are “overseen (overseer, oversee, etc.)” by a male... as in SUPERVISED, superintended.... I obviously will have to shut you down on that ridiculous falsehood.

have you never heard of an “overseer”?...Come on!!!! Really? 

we know...that...
somebody back in IT dept...radiology... selling medical whether pharmaceutical or equipment...we know...and that’s NOT what anybody was ever discussing here...and you know that also....

and that’s most definitely not what Curtis was implying with his original comment at the root of your original proclamation.

Edited by Shellbell59
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On 11/4/2019 at 8:50 AM, Empress1 said:

I liked Contessa's red print halter dress she had on at the beginning of the episode.

I fell out at Quad's dates. No ma'am. "Quad's bathroom confidant." I CANNOT. The first one was kind of ... dusty?

Contessa's kids' party was BONKERS. That looked like so much work. A hundred damn kids?! That water slide looked fun though. I'd have been grown and on that. Was that the only cake?

I see Simone in her short shorts. She has nice legs. Jackie does too.

I thought Buffie was older than 41.

I came in case you needed a co-signer to confirm/delete the question mark.

Now, this is a statistical anomaly.   I don't know if it's mature carriage or Karen Huger set up or that santa claus ass husband but I placed her at the opposite end of her 40s too.  Wait did you even say that?  Lol.  Aww damn.  Well.  Yeah, I wasn't thinking she'd only just got 40.  This means she is in roughly the same demographic as Toya.   Mmph. 

On 11/4/2019 at 10:51 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

Quad's original date was unstable.  Who walks into a woman's bathroom?  In an ill-fitted pants and unmatching jacket?  This guy is a dentist??  How would any of his current patients continue to retain his services after that display?  That being said, what exactly does Quad have to offer that she wouldn't see that second dentist again?  He had a good personality, a sense of humor, he was well-dressed, had money, and, so what, he's fat?  Greg wasn't a whole hell of a lot skinnier when this show started, and Quad's current body is a few workouts away from the flashback of her dancing in that tiny outfit so...what more is she looking for?


He was a no, periodT.  Who the hell dealing with baby's mother nonsense into their retirement?  Man if you don't git. thyself. theeee. fuck. on.  out here trying to date with a whole pamper baby.

I feel compelled to come to the altar, as this represents my current pool lol.  It could be more serious than skin deep.  Maybe not lol.  But, a man my age who looks to be approximately eleventeen months pregnant is not taking care of himself......so the implication is he can't take care of me.  I don't even mean that in a shallow way, I'm talmbout not being around to babysit our annoying ass grandbabies because he's self neglecting.  It's an entire lifestyle change to date someone who is sedentary.   And your body never had to grow a whole person?  Ohnomaam.   Not while sit ups costs $0.00.   I'm in my 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s and married to a dude I don't want to see take his shirt off?  Unh uh Beloved, he finna tell Iyanla all about the heaux ass hussy who cheated on him on our honeymoon.   

On 11/4/2019 at 12:02 PM, hisbunkie said:

Do women really ask for a credit score on a first date?  And judge if someone doesn’t know it?  
I don’t think it’s an issue if you HAVE good credit. 

If so I'm doing it wrong.   All this reveals is how good he is at juggling debt.  Sheeeiiiid, call me up when it's gawn! 

On 11/4/2019 at 12:36 PM, sATL said:

of the $15K budget... how much did that go towards the cake ?

The cake that is to celebrate 3 children birthdays?


And the budget didn't have the wiggle room to grab the variety pack that had mayo to keep from digging in someone's fridge?



Naw fam that cake is to celebrate lopsidedness and idgafocity.    I'm not sure I've ever seen a baby eat fondant in real life.  The cake was probably a Costco full sheet sitting on the kitchen table.  

Both my obs are men.  Believe it or not (maybe it's because they don't have the equipment) they're all around gentler, with me anyway.  Found out firsthand when I a midwife delivered lil Wilder b/c my primary was unavailable.  We was talking to each other all kinds of greazy by the last push.   If I coulda gotten up....


Looking at stairways to heaven might be exactly what Curtis needs.   Years ago I asked one of the aforementioned docs about staring at em all day.   He said I don't generally tell my patients this but, in case it gives you any indication, I'm gay.   I could hear him laughing all the way down the hall! Lol.

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40 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

 I don't know if it's mature carriage or Karen Huger set up or that santa claus ass husband but I placed her at the opposite end of her 40s too.  Wait did you even say that?  Lol.  Aww damn.  Well.  Yeah, I wasn't thinking she'd only just got 40.  This means she is in roughly the same demographic as Toya.   Mmph. 

Her husband looks late 40s-early 50s to me (he could be, for all I know) and I thought they were around the same age. I pegged them for empty nesters, or maybe a second time around couple.

40 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

But, a man my age who looks to be approximately eleventeen months pregnant is not taking care of himself......so the implication is he can't take care of me.  I don't even mean that in a shallow way, I'm talmbout not being around to babysit our annoying ass grandbabies because he's self neglecting.  It's an entire lifestyle change to date someone who is sedentary.   And your body never had to grow a whole person?  Ohnomaam.   Not while sit ups costs $0.00.   I'm in my 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s and married to a dude I don't want to see take his shirt off?  Unh uh Beloved, he finna tell Iyanla all about the heaux ass hussy who cheated on him on our honeymoon.   

Working out/physical fitness is a daily thing for me, and I find that that's pretty important to me in a partner. Not that you can't be fit in terms of what you can do and still have a few extra pounds on you, but I want someone who puts in some work to take care of himself.

And let's be real: you, me, and Heavenly know Quad wasn't going for either of those men. The dusty one, forget it (and with an infant too*, so he's just STARTING with parenthood and mama drama? Nah). The big guy was the better choice, but Quad wouldn't go for a regular ol' dentist who is built like that. A CEO, maybe. Greg was built kinda round but I think he was/is a legit respected psychiatrist with some weight behind his name (no pun intended), which probably pushed him over the top for Quad.

*I have a friend who doesn't want kids but married a man with four - but they're all grown, the youngest one is 18. (Her husband is like 15 years older than she is; she and I are in our 30s.) She's a great ... I won't even say stepmom, because she had nothing to do with raising those kids. She likes them and they like her, but 3/4 of them were grown when she got there and the last one was close. I don't think she'd have entertained him if he'd had young kids in the house. I could see Quad with a man like that.

40 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

The cake was probably a Costco full sheet sitting on the kitchen table.  

There had to have been something else because that cake damn sure wouldn't feed 100-some people.

Edited by Empress1
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16 hours ago, Empress1 said:

And let's be real: you, me, and Heavenly know Quad wasn't going for either of those men. The dusty one, forget it (and with an infant too*, so he's just STARTING with parenthood and mama drama? Nah). The big guy was the better choice, but Quad wouldn't go for a regular ol' dentist who is built like that. A CEO, maybe. Greg was built kinda round but I think he was/is a legit respected psychiatrist with some weight behind his name (no pun intended), which probably pushed him over the top for Quad.

Girl I posted a pic or link or something to a shot of Dr. G.  from years ago, he was sitting in a swimming pool, bruh had hair, muscles and all.  He was lightweight fine.  So the Greg we know today wasn't Quad's type lol.    I don't know if I'm saying so because I'm similarly classet/boughetto but our set me up standard aligns:  would you date him? 


Aight then.

16 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Working out/physical fitness is a daily thing for me, and I find that that's pretty important to me in a partner. Not that you can't be fit in terms of what you can do and still have a few extra pounds on you, but I want someone who puts in some work to take care of himself.

You is wearing diplomacy the fuck out.  Know good n' hell well you saw that man struggle off a bar stool the same way I did.   Lissen, I don't really care what the liability is, cigarettes, booze, fast cars or cheez doodles, if your habits drive our health insurance premiums through the roof, necro swipe left, I'm. not. for. you. 

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38 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

You is wearing diplomacy the fuck out.  Know good n' hell well you saw that man struggle off a bar stool the same way I did.   Lissen, I don't really care what the liability is, cigarettes, booze, fast cars or cheez doodles, if your habits drive our health insurance premiums through the roof, necro swipe left, I'm. not. for. you. 

I just swiped left on a man who said straight up in his message that he knew he might not be what I wanted because "if I tried to do what you do [fitness-wise] it would probably kill me." (My profile mentions my hobbies and I have a few pictures from events.) He was a big dude too. So I feel you.

Let me find out, Dr. G.! I do remember that picture from the old thread. I don't even think current Dr. G is that bad-looking*, but his squeaky voice gets under my skin. I love a man with a deep voice. I have an ex that had this beautiful rich baritone voice and I would make him talk on the phone instead of text because I loved listening to him talk.

*His personality, though ... Dr. G. need a nice malleable 25-year-old.

13 hours ago, Pickles said:

Now I am craving Costco sheet cake. So good.

You ever watch Girlfriends? I'm remembering the episode where Toni is planning her wedding and trying to pick a cake and Maya is like "Girl, Costco sheet cake! Order it Monday, pick it up Wednesday!"

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18 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

I just swiped left on a man who said straight up in his message that he knew he might not be what I wanted because "if I tried to do what you do [fitness-wise] it would probably kill me." (My profile mentions my hobbies and I have a few pictures from events.) He was a big dude too. So I feel you.

Let me find out, Dr. G.! I do remember that picture from the old thread. I don't even think current Dr. G is that bad-looking*, but his squeaky voice gets under my skin. I love a man with a deep voice. I have an ex that had this beautiful rich baritone voice and I would make him talk on the phone instead of text because I loved listening to him talk.

*His personality, though ... Dr. G. need a nice malleable 25-year-old.

You ever watch Girlfriends? I'm remembering the episode where Toni is planning her wedding and trying to pick a cake and Maya is like "Girl, Costco sheet cake! Order it Monday, pick it up Wednesday!"


Look.  You ain't gotta say another word, you'dn already testified you're in your 30s.  Seat extenders and sleep apnea machines are the diametric/polar opposite of a panty dropper.  You get my age and you might could go as far as blood pressure meds and that honking ass duck noise they make first thing in the morning but #dassit.   

Chris Rock syndrome (says me).  Sometimes the only thing wrong isn't fixable lol.  G just dropped a few pounds, so I don't doubt he could do it.  

You talking to me?  Wish I could've girl.  Everybody I knew who watched it was a fan.  But I didn't know what I was looking at, comedy? drama? dramedy?  Andplusalso, Golden Brooks acts the way Janet Jackson sings, so.  

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Episode 10:


"Battle Down South"

Toya and Eugene invite Simone and Cecil to tour their new home; Contessa and Scott face hard truths in their first therapy session; Jackie hosts a party to launch her book; everyone heads to Cabo for their couple's trip.

Airs November 17, 2019.

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I’m just now catching up on rest of episode of funky pool birthday...reminded me of article I read yesterday or this morning regarding children and this year holiday gifts....it implored all of us to NOT EXCEED 3 GIFTS PER CHILD...TOTAL!!! PERIOD....so of course I will discuss with all parents involved...

On that note...my step children’s brilliant mother

(who I set up with and is married to the biz partner of my uncle 😂..lol 👏)

she pointed out... if throwing a kid’s birthday party ...?? ...we should never EVER have more kids attend that the age of celebrated child.... 4 years old?  4 Kids can attend 10 years old? Ten kids invited and so on....

More than those numbers it’s sensory overload l...and the kids’ eyes glaze over...

just like they will when any more than 3rd gift for holiday...this holiday never mind the age...

Point is..over indulging is OVER

IMO.......these are both such a brilliant ideas...

so Cone-Tessa...her kids at most are 9...7....6 years old!for this “forget me not birthday party”.... Even using “fuzzy math”.......shouldn’t have been more than 22 kids there!! That would have been plenty of fun...
in or OUT of pool!!! 100-200 kids? Over the top!!! Really? That is turbo guilt on crack!!!!

Edited by Shellbell59
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Toya and Eugene are so fucking selfish. This is NOT your trip it’s Simone”s take a step back she can invite whoever on the cast she wants. And Yes Simone she would have dumped and excluded your ass to if you had moved forward with choosing your happiness over being miserable in a marriage. Toya stop it. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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HOLD UP !! when was this filmed??? I just saw a sign regarding the former mayor of atlanta during all of the airport scenes..


ATL has a new mayor... well as of 2018


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shout out to Dr Scott for being able to take it up and down to the floor..Just goes to show age is just a number...

And dr Eugene - what's up being too cool for school? Maybe you don't care about which room, but your wife sure as hell does..

Sidenote (since they just showed the commercial).. Andy's gotten real full of himself... BravoCon ?? Getting everyone together that made him rich while making themselves at times look foolish ?

Edited by sATL
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5 hours ago, Shellbell59 said:

I’m just now catching up on rest of episode of funky pool birthday...reminded me of article I read yesterday or this morning regarding children and this year holiday gifts....it implored all of us to NOT EXCEED 3 GIFTS PER CHILD...TOTAL!!! PERIOD....so of course I will discuss with all parents involved...

On that note...my step children’s brilliant mother

(who I set up with and is married to the biz partner of my uncle 😂..lol 👏)

she pointed out... if throwing a kid’s birthday party ...?? ...we should never EVER have more kids attend that the age of celebrated child.... 4 years old?  4 Kids can attend 10 years old? Ten kids invited and so on....

More than those numbers it’s sensory overload l...and the kids’ eyes glaze over...

just like they will when any more than 3rd gift for holiday...this holiday never mind the age...

Point is..over indulging is OVER

IMO.......these are both such a brilliant ideas...

so Cone-Tessa...her kids at most are 9...7....6 years old!for this “forget me not birthday party”.... Even using “fuzzy math”.......shouldn’t have been more than 22 kids there!! That would have been plenty of fun...
in or OUT of pool!!! 100-200 kids? Over the top!!! Really? That is turbo guilt on crack!!!!

Good rule on the nbr of children.. I've never seen alot except for Bar/Bat mitzvah, Quinceañera, Sweet 16s... those types of parties tend to have extended family and cousins, in addition to classmates/sportsmates (ie the child's circle has gotten bigger)  so the child count can go exponential.. End of season sports parties too can get large - siblings, spouses, 

the more I replay that party in my mind - I think it was almost like it was ( a) school end-of-year function that for some reason had to be held off school premises for liability issues, or (b) some kind of subdivision function where her house served as the "spot". The people seemed kinda random and a little distant to each other..

Edited by sATL
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2 hours ago, sATL said:

Good rule on the nbr of children.. I've never seen alot except for Bar/Bat mitzvah, Quinceañera, Sweet 16s... those types of parties tend to have extended family and cousins, in addition to classmates/sportsmates (ie the child's circle has gotten bigger)  so the child count can go exponential.. End of season sports parties too can get large - siblings, spouses, 

the more I replay that party in my mind - I think it was almost like it was ( a) school end-of-year function that for some reason had to be held off school premises for liability issues, or (b) some kind of subdivision function where her house served as the "spot". The people seemed kinda random and a little distant to each other..

Familial...cultural/ethnic/religious celebrations aside...

straight up simple birthday parties...is what Nancy was talking about...

(4 years = 4 kids...7 years = 7 kids...yada yada.....)

Then article read this morning was also straight up saying...No More than 3 gifts for any holiday combining up regardless of how many days of celebration....regifted or go with smaller non gifts beyond the THIRD....

Edited by Shellbell59
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8 hours ago, sATL said:

Good rule on the nbr of children.. I've never seen alot except for Bar/Bat mitzvah, Quinceañera, Sweet 16s... those types of parties tend to have extended family and cousins, in addition to classmates/sportsmates (ie the child's circle has gotten bigger)  so the child count can go exponential.. End of season sports parties too can get large - siblings, spouses, 

the more I replay that party in my mind - I think it was almost like it was ( a) school end-of-year function that for some reason had to be held off school premises for liability issues, or (b) some kind of subdivision function where her house served as the "spot". The people seemed kinda random and a little distant to each other..

Apologies if this is a double post...because original never showed up anywhere for me...

I’m having issues with technology...especially my phone...

(on that note ....I’d also like to look into a life coach for my sunset years...)

All that said...

no..Obvi.....none of the aforementioned “rules/guidelines***”

these....I had heard or read about...do not pertain to cultural/religious/ethnic celebrations...

***(birthday age should = Number of b day party kid guests...6?years old birthday?... 6 guests for your birthday...Kiddo!!!!!

.also holiday celebrations...Hands down .....kids should only get 3 gifts...period.)

I read an article and then my hubby’s ex wife has always talked about birthday guidelines with our 14 grandkids...

”irregardless” 😆 Contessa can go Fuck off....IMNSHO!!! 🥴

With combined kids age....she should have only had 20-25 kids max..... This is not a Kintzing Yarra it’s not a bar mitzvah or a bat mitzvah… Etc. etc. 

( correction… A lot of this was on speaker text if not all of it… Kingston Yarra should be quinceanera!)

guilt trip? 
Contessa...go guilt trip and suck THIS...🤡💩

damiit..my emojibokis and GIFts aren’t working 

therefore...cone-Tessa...go look at clown poopoo!!! 🤬

(that’s all I have for only emoji things I can access during this technically diff time....=!🤡💩...and🤬... 

“oil well” life’s a bitch then you marry one ...luck you!!!.. lucky me!!!

ineed that life coach STAT!!!! Lol

Edited by Shellbell59
quincenara quorrection...Dash gammit...this post was in la-la land....and my tech skills are lacking.life coach please!!!! STAT
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I generally like Jackie and obviously am just getting to know Buffie, but for the life of me I can't understand why she'd share Buffie's fertility issues with the crowd.  And then, if the previews are to be believed, act annoyed at Buffie for calling her out about it!  Being unable to have children is clearly not something to be ashamed of and is a fact of life for many women (including me ☹️), but it's still private medical information.  And Jackie's a doctor.  Makes no sense.

Unless this is a planned "storyline", in which case - Bravo, you SUCK!!!

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7 hours ago, Shellbell59 said:

(4 years = 4 kids...7 years = 7 kids...yada yada.....)

So my play nephew turned 4 a couple of months ago and his birthday party was all the kids from his preschool class, because it is a thing to invite everyone from the class (I think some schools even have an actual rule on the books about this, though I don't think his does). I think that was 12 kids and they had pizza and cake at a play place. He does have cousins around his age but they all live flying distance away. I cannot imagine his parents having more than the class for a party just because they'd be exhausted. They had a lot of people for their kids' first birthdays, but the first birthdays were for them - nearly everyone there was an adult, friends and family of the parents. Then they tended not to do much for second and third birthdays, and then they started with the all-class thing (this was my play nephew's first-ever birthday party with his friends). My play niece, his older sister, tends to just have a few people over for a movie or whatever; I imagine she'll start having sleepovers as she gets into her tweens.

I don't know what Contessa was doing - I cannot imagine a hundred kids, like, how do you even KNOW a hundred kids? Even if she invited all their classes, I doubt they have 33 kids in a class.

12 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

And Yes Simone she would have dumped and excluded your ass to if you had moved forward with choosing your happiness over being miserable in a marriage. Toya stop it. 

She absolutely would have. Wasn't she on some shit about how she didn't want single Quad around her husband? Toya's whole identity is Doctor's Wife; I bet she was one of those people who dropped all the single people she knew after she got married. (She looked great in that pink.)

Miles had to sit at the kids' table. Ha!

48 minutes ago, jalady said:

I generally like Jackie and obviously am just getting to know Buffie, but for the life of me I can't understand why she'd share Buffie's fertility issues with the crowd.  And then, if the previews are to be believed, act annoyed at Buffie for calling her out about it!  Being unable to have children is clearly not something to be ashamed of and is a fact of life for many women (including me ☹️), but it's still private medical information.  And Jackie's a doctor.  Makes no sense.

Unless this is a planned "storyline", in which case - Bravo, you SUCK!!!

Yeah, I was horrified by that, and it would make me second-guess Jackie if I were her patient. Like, is she out here throwing out HIPAA violations over my personal business? And then when Buffie was like, I don't even know this woman like that, I was even more horrified. It's nothing to be ashamed of, but it's personal - I mean, would Jackie have announced "[Random woman] has fibroids?" 

From what little I've gathered, it seems like Buffie's husband (whose name I don't know) has made peace with them being childless and Buffie has not. They appear to have ample financial resources and Buffie seems like she'd be willing to keep trying, but it seems like her husband is good where they are. That's hard.

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47 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Yeah, I was horrified by that, and it would make me second-guess Jackie if I were her patient. Like, is she out here throwing out HIPAA violations over my personal business? And then when Buffie was like, I don't even know this woman like that, I was even more horrified. It's nothing to be ashamed of, but it's personal - I mean, would Jackie have announced "[Random woman] has fibroids?" 

I was stunned Jackie did that - just no. I wouldn’t go to her practice because who knows what she might tell someone about my medical history.

i was infertile and it was a rough few years learning to cope with that. I would have been appalled if someone had done that to me.

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29 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

I generally like Jackie and obviously am just getting to know Buffie, but for the life of me I can't understand why she'd share Buffie's fertility issues with the crowd.  And then, if the previews are to be believed, act annoyed at Buffie for calling her out about it!

Jackie is a Mean Girl and always has been, going back to the earliest seasons of the show.  It's just that most of her "burn book" is directed towards characters we already don't like.

What lets me know Jackie calling out Buffie on her infertility is malicious and not just an honest mistake is:

  • The annoyance of being confronted about it by Buffie
  • Acting like she did nothing wrong when asked about it on social media and television
  • Pretending she doesn't know why telling a room full of people that Buffie is infertile would be offensive (she has said, when asked about it, that she doesn't know why Buffie would be hurt over being called infertile because she is, because it wouldn't be offensive to call her black when she is)
  • Acting exasperated over Buffie's nonacceptance of her apology
  • Concern trolling Buffie over her pain

All of Jackie's actions off camera have let me know that Jackie did that shit on purpose to be hurtful to Buffie.  The real question is WHY.  You come up here asking us to buy a book and celebrate "girl power" but you used your power to tear down another girl, and for what?

We know good and well if Mariah wrote a book, had a party, said she and Aydin had overcome infidelity and then pointed out Jackie in the crowd, saying "Jackie, you can relate to being cheated on, yo huzbin was flying the lady in and out of the airport and it was all over the blogs, but you and Curtis overcame" that Jackie wouldn't be amused or shrug her shoulders and get over it.  The same cast member(s) telling Buffie to "take it to the side" would be tearing down Mariah at the table, on WWHL and all over social media.

Jackie's slip is showing and if you view past seasons, you'll see a peek of it here and there.  I wonder if Jackie is really trying to come for Simone but doesn't want that braying in her ear, so she's coming for Buffie instead.

Contessa needs individual counseling before bringing Scott into it. First you quit your job because you claim you are tired of missing your children's moments, then you enroll in a program in another state and miss your children's moments.  She could've enrolled in a program closer to home but suggested that Scott & the children pack up THEIR lives and move to the new state with her for a couple of years.  If they had done that, SCOTT would've been the one out of the home as he probably would've wanted to keep his job in Atlanta; Contessa would've complained about that.  She and her little friend Britten from M2MLA want to be actresses and live the influencer celebrity life instead of being at home with the man & the kids.  She needs individual counseling to figure out what it is she truly wants to do because what she's doing now ain't it.

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4 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Jackie is a Mean Girl and always has been, going back to the earliest seasons of the show.  It's just that most of her "burn book" is directed towards characters we already don't like.

What lets me know Jackie calling out Buffie on her infertility is malicious and not just an honest mistake is:

  • The annoyance of being confronted about it by Buffie
  • Acting like she did nothing wrong when asked about it on social media and television
  • Pretending she doesn't know why telling a room full of people that Buffie is infertile would be offensive (she has said, when asked about it, that she doesn't know why Buffie would be hurt over being called infertile because she is, because it wouldn't be offensive to call her black when she is)
  • Acting exasperated over Buffie's nonacceptance of her apology
  • Concern trolling Buffie over her pain

All of Jackie's actions off camera have let me know that Jackie did that shit on purpose to be hurtful to Buffie.  The real question is WHY.  You come up here asking us to buy a book and celebrate "girl power" but you used your power to tear down another girl, and for what?

We know good and well if Mariah wrote a book, had a party, said she and Aydin had overcome infidelity and then pointed out Jackie in the crowd, saying "Jackie, you can relate to being cheated on, yo huzbin was flying the lady in and out of the airport and it was all over the blogs, but you and Curtis overcame" that Jackie wouldn't be amused or shrug her shoulders and get over it.  The same cast member(s) telling Buffie to "take it to the side" would be tearing down Mariah at the table, on WWHL and all over social media.

Jackie's slip is showing and if you view past seasons, you'll see a peek of it here and there.  I wonder if Jackie is really trying to come for Simone but doesn't want that braying in her ear, so she's coming for Buffie instead.

Contessa needs individual counseling before bringing Scott into it. First you quit your job because you claim you are tired of missing your children's moments, then you enroll in a program in another state and miss your children's moments.  She could've enrolled in a program closer to home but suggested that Scott & the children pack up THEIR lives and move to the new state with her for a couple of years.  If they had done that, SCOTT would've been the one out of the home as he probably would've wanted to keep his job in Atlanta; Contessa would've complained about that.  She and her little friend Britten from M2MLA want to be actresses and live the influencer celebrity life instead of being at home with the man & the kids.  She needs individual counseling to figure out what it is she truly wants to do because what she's doing now ain't it.

Yup...unfortunately she is a wolf in sheep’s wool sweater...(or whatever the ‘saying’ is...you catch my drift hopefully)
I am ashamed that it was finally this year I took a hard look at her.....and rechecked going back....

Jackie has a disposition that can be misleading now that I’ve read a few of her “tells” as it were....


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Why can’t they just go on a trip for fun?  The “pass the conch” exercises are stupid.  Is this part of their contracts?

Also tired of the Quad shouldn’t go because she’s single argument...I mean, don’t include her because she’s Quad, but I’d feel the same way about Mariah.  

Jackie was just wrong.  Her speech would’ve still connected with the audience if she just kept her example about her.  Including Buffie wasn’t necessary.  

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WTF is wrong with Jackie? Requesting everybody wear vagina pink to her party? Oh, she's so cute. Hurting and embarrassing Buffie on front street like that? That's girl power? I used to love her but she has morphed in to a stone cold bitch ever since she took that lying, cheating husband back. If she was such a strong woman she would never have taken Curtis back she should have realized she could make it perfectly fine on her own with a man that adores her or even better just be by herself for a hot minute! Even Quad is making it on her own, gotta give her credit for that. Jackie is all talk. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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This was the best episode of the season so far.

First of all, there are no words for how awesome Toya's house was.  I don't give a rat's behind if there's no furniture--I'd cut a bitch to live there.  Good for them if they can afford it.

Jackie's slip show, while not a HIPAA violation, as she's not Buffie's doctor, is one of two things in my mind.  Either:

  1. she's doing this for a storyline, in which case, shame on her; or
  2. she realized how cosmically unfair it was for her to lose her fertility and she lashed out at Buffie to displace her pain, which, again isn't normal or healthy, which is apparently the way she's making it out to be

Also, I know very little about the OB-GYN community, but at what point is one officially "infertile"?  I would think it would be with menopause or if your doctor sat you down and told you that there was no chance your egg could be fertilized.  Is Buffie definitely infertile, or has it just not happened yet, despite a tremendous amount of trying?  Because I'm not a doctor, but I don't know that it was even accuarate for Jackie to say that.

I think it's weird that Buffie gets more screen time than Mariah.

Ok, I'm not a Contessa fan, and I have been vocal that I think she and Scott are at least exaggerating their marriage problems for a storyline, but what the fuck was up with "Dr Metcalfe" taking a telephone call during a therapy session with his wife? I understand that doctors are busy, but there has absolutely got to be 45 minutes to an hour per week that he can completely unplug.  And get the fuck out of here by swearing you thought it was on vibrate when Contessa asked you to turn it off.  If it's on vibrate, you're going to do the same shitty behavior of taking a call during a therapy session!  Vibrate or ring, you still know someone's calling you and you're taking it and that sucks!  Dr Littlejohn was so much more professional than the rest of the doctors try to be.  Contessa's braids looked really cute in Cabo.  

Hey, speaking of Cabo, I thought Toya and Eugene weren't counting that as their first vacation together because they were having unmarried sex!  Never change.  Anyone catch Toya saying she paid her own way?  What did she do prior to marrying?

I was disappointed that more of the couples didn't engage in the dance contest, especially Simone, who is all elbows.  That was really fun, though!  I'm glad Heavenly and Daddy won, even if Scott was better.  I wish Quad had participated just to ruffle Toya's feathers.  It's funny that Toya objects so hard to Quad coming on couples' trips when Quad wouldn't fuck with Eugene even if his dick was solid gold.  She wouldn't' even give that divorced dentist the time of day.

Although now I see what you were saying about the sedentary lifestyle  @ZaldamoWilder.  Eugene has regained all of his weight and possibly more, and maybe he was physically incapable of dancing with his wife, which kind of sucks.  In my early twenties, I would have thought that was ok, like just dance by yourself, whatever. In my late, late, late twenties, I find it a turn-off.  😉

Edited by LibertarianSlut
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