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S20.E29: Live Eviction #9; Jury Battle Back; HOH #10

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11 hours ago, asabovesobelow said:

Yay, Scottie wins! Drama! Excitement! And his plan to shake things up is to...make a final two with Tyler. *sobs*

I was shocked that not one member of the LIVE studio audience didn't gasp or groan when he said that, which totally could've given it away to Scottie that Scyler was a bad idea.  I think even Julie paused after he said that, but she recovered nicely because she's the ChenBot.

#FUF's apology to Scottie cracked me up.  Fess is only just beginning to see the myriad of mistakes he made in that house, but count me in as one who hopes he never speaks to JC again.

I adored the segment of the jury members taking the piss out of each other's games.  You can see they really like each other.  Bay and RS together were fantastic, and then both of them telling Scottie how clueless he was - super cute.  Nice that they could all bond in their terrible game-playing.

Hayleigh's good-bye message to Fessy was cringe-worthy.  It was so contrived.  Actually, now that I am re-watching some earlier episodes, nearly all of her DR's seem to be carefully crafted with dramatic pauses and a well-placed tear or two.  She comes across as very ungenuine to me.  Even her eviction speech was blah blah Julie beautiful blahcakes, and I found it humorous how she brought out her Texas accent full force.

Also, SCOTTIE!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by laurakaye
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Scottie did say just before he went back in that he'd see how things went in the house first, so maybe he did get some reaction to saying that he'd work with Tyler (even if we didn't hear it).

15 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Hayleigh's good-bye message to Fessy was cringe-worthy.  It was so contrived.  Actually, now that I am re-watching some earlier episodes, nearly all of her DR's seem to be carefully crafted with dramatic pauses and a well-placed tear or two.  She comes across as very ungenuine to me.  Even her eviction speech was blah blah Julie beautiful blahcakes, and I found it humorous how she brought out her Texas accent full force.


It's a game though and you have to use alliances in the house and for jury votes, if Faysal wants to see it as meaning anything more outside the game I think he's just deceiving himself.  Just like if he still thinks JC is a good friend of his.

Edited by amazingracefan
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14 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

Thank you. I have no idea why So Carolina would air a falcons/dolphins game. Usually we are immune to football preemption. 

You think you have it bad? In St. Louis, same football game on 2 major channels! And we don't even have a football team anymore! 

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2 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

I am so glad Bay did not get back in.  With her level of bitter-cakes and self-entitled posturing, I'd have to stop watching until she was re-evicted.

I wouldn't have been able to stop watching, but you're spot on(!) with the bold.

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I think my favorite part of the episode was when Rockstar, Scottie & Bay saw Fessy- that whole reunion was gold. And then when Fessy was like "I'm so Stupid" and Bay goes "Why is the whole Hive here?"- I died. 


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OMG, how old is Fessy, 12? Odds are he and Haleigh will be together in the jury house next week. His whiny behavior was ridiculous.

"But she's still cute though." Oh Tyler. Vermin are often cute. It's to give their victims a false sense of security.

So now Fessy calls out Angela? Yep, day late, dollar short. Meanwhile, Haleigh made quite an eloquent eviction speech, IMO. Wonder how long ago she wrote it?

Why was Angela dressed like she was going to a club or a cocktail party?

That Battle Back comp was odd to me. It was almost like Fessy didn't want to win even though it looked to be set up pretty much for him.

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18 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Why was Angela dressed like she was going to a club or a cocktail party?

They were all told to dress in athletic wear for the upcoming HOH comp (that happened after the episode). But since Angela was the outgoing HOH, she wouldn't be competing and could wear whatever she wanted. Most of the ladies wear cocktail ish dresses for the live eps, when they're allowed to.

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I like Fessy. Yes, he was a terrible player but there is something nice about him. I saw how he apologized (twice?) to Scotty before the "battle back." He apologized to Hayleigh. I am going to vote for him for America's Favorite Player. 

I think Hayleigh should give him a chance outside the house. I think he is a nice guy. 

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13 hours ago, SHD said:

I can't believe Fessy didn't win. With his long reach and him practically hanging totally over the railing, he had the least margin of error.

my first thought was that he was cheating.  it was hardly fair given the lesser heights of the girls.  they should all have been made to keep both feet on the mat....but maybe production wanted Fessy back....he should have won that easily.

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30 minutes ago, watch2much said:

my first thought was that he was cheating.  it was hardly fair given the lesser heights of the girls.  they should all have been made to keep both feet on the mat....but maybe production wanted Fessy back....he should have won that easily.

Annnd that would make TPTB 0-2 this season. Heh. They had no idea how 'dumbed down' their comps need to be winnable by any of these born BB losers!

38 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

I think Hayleigh should give him a chance outside the house. I think he is a nice guy. 

Annnd you'd be wrong, on both points. (JMO)

Edited by Wandering Snark
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For anybody having trouble with sports-related preemptions, remember that if you have DirecTV there are "CBS East" and "CBS West" (whichever applies) feeds (at Channels 390/391), which are the network owned and operated stations (WCBS/KCBS) in New York and Los Angeles, respectively.  And because of the plethora of other stations in those markets, BB doesn't get pushed back, generally speaking.

Disappointing to hear that Scottie still plans to try to work with Tyler; did he not have a week in the Jury House for Rockhead to give him all the details of the Tyler/Angela/Kaycee alliance meetings she witnessed?  He should be trying to pull Brett; yes, it's obvious that Brett is with them (given that they've flipped two votes in his favor), but it's also obvious that Brett is being isolated and moved to the bottom of the pole.  Brett can see this, it's why he's making his own "final two" with Tyler. At least combining forces to get rid of Tyler's other "suitors" would move Scottie/Haleigh/Brett forward effectively.

Points to Fessy for at least exposing Angela's belief in her control of Tyler/Brett to Sam.  Hopefully this will give Sam a reason to target Angela, shouls she win HoH.  Besides the part where Angela is a woman, of course.  (So nice of Aunt Sam to be the sole vote against that Harlot, Haleigh, wasn't it?  Keep the Harlot in her place!)  There is the small problem that Sam would probably still nominate Haleigh against Angela, but maybe someone could talk some sense into her on that.

And more points to Fessy for 'fessing up about JC having swayed him against Scottie,  Anything that drops that little Yatus in anybody's cross-hairs is all right by me.

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5 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

There is the small problem that Sam would probably still nominate Haleigh against Angela

This is only if she's still not operating in her 'Just ask Tyler what he wants me to do.' phase. Because they have a final two deal of course! *eye roll* So I'd guess Angela would be safe from a Sam HoH.

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3 hours ago, llewis823 said:

You think you have it bad? In St. Louis, same football game on 2 major channels! And we don't even have a football team anymore! 

Good Lord, that's ridiculous. At least the game that prevented me from watching last night was KC chiefs. KC is only about 3 hours from here. Last time I missed the show for football, the teams playing were nowhere near our state. It infuriates me! 


3 hours ago, aurora296 said:

I could barely understand Fessy's speech he made before leaving the house. He was talking a bit too fast. Can anyone please tell me what he said? Thank you!

He basically said that Angela was running the show - leading Brent and/or Tyler around by a leash. He mentioned both those guys; I just can't remember the exact context. He also said something about Angela complaining about Sam. 


1 hour ago, DakotaLavender said:

I like Fessy. Yes, he was a terrible player but there is something nice about him. I saw how he apologized (twice?) to Scotty before the "battle back." He apologized to Hayleigh. I am going to vote for him for America's Favorite Player. 

I think Hayleigh should give him a chance outside the house. I think he is a nice guy. 

Abusers frequently apologize afterwards. Fessy is a dick. I hope Haleigh runs far, far away from him once this show is over. 

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44 minutes ago, watch2much said:

my first thought was that he was cheating.  it was hardly fair given the lesser heights of the girls.  they should all have been made to keep both feet on the mat....but maybe production wanted Fessy back....he should have won that easily.

Fessy was the tallest person in the House this season - taller than Scottie, and pretty close to a full head taller than either Bae or Pinky - with ape-hangers to match.  This gave Fessy a significant advantage in this comp, and the advantage was evident when I went back and re-watched, paying specific attention to the individual comp performances.  These are purely my best guesses - but when leaning over the rail and dropping balls in their respective tubes:

  • Bay and Pinky were both dropping their balls from a height above the tube of right at about 2 feet, or 24 inches - the gap between their hands and the mouth of the tube.
  • Scottie’s drop was shorter - about 20 inches.
  • Fessy’s drop, though...? About 16 inches or so, when Fessy had both feet on the platform.  And when Fessy leaned over the rail his drop was cut even more - down to about 13-14 inches, or just a shade over one foot.

Fessy had a significant and obvious reach advantage - so why didn’t he win?  Fessy should have won; he started out hot sinking two of his first three tube shots, and the comp showed every sign of being a cakewalk for Fess.   I saw two primary factors, one of which was quite possibly a unique occurrence in Fessy’s life (I’ll let you guess which):

  1. Fessy got in a rush.  True, Fess sank two of his first three - but then he didn’t sink any of his next four shots, primarily because he wasn’t taking the time to make steady, clean drops.  At least once Fessy was wrist-flicking the ball, sending it to the tube at a deflecting angle instead of straight down its throat.
  2. Fessy overthought the comp (yeah, THAT happened).  Fess started trying to power the ball in, and the additional excess energy of the shot resulted in bounces off the rim. Fessy also spent WAY too much time trying to find different ways of leaning over the rail and changing up hisfootwork, struggling to get even closer to his tube - with the result he was both (a) shooting off-balance and (b) wasting too much time on each shot.

The sad thing for Fessy is if he’d continued with his initial style of play, this comp would’ve been yet another three minute wonder.  

In any case, this competition was Fessy’s to lose - and true to form, he did.

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5 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

I think my favorite part of the episode was when Rockstar, Scottie & Bay saw Fessy- that whole reunion was gold. And then when Fessy was like "I'm so Stupid" and Bay goes "Why is the whole Hive here?"- I died. 


I died.

And then with Bayleigh basically saying “wait you got bounced on Haleigh’s HOH and Faysal sent YOU out?  The fuck?”

That made me like her for the first time in awhile.

And I hate listening to Angie speak but her giving Baleigh shade for spewing blood also made me laugh.

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9 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

I am so glad Bay did not get back in.  With her level of bitter-cakes and self-entitled posturing, I'd have to stop watching until she was re-evicted.

I'm glad that now we won't have a gloating "See, I told you she would do it!!" (plus multiple emoticons) tweet from Saggy D-Bag.

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6 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

I think my favorite part of the episode was when Rockstar, Scottie & Bay saw Fessy- that whole reunion was gold. And then when Fessy was like "I'm so Stupid" and Bay goes "Why is the whole Hive here?"

Even better, now that Bayleigh has said the alliance name "Hive" in an aired episode, we can now use it in the episode threads. (Feeds-only names


such as "Sacred Six"

are supposed to be kept in the feeds thread.)  This is good news, because "Foutté" is as dated a name as it was silly.  Let "Hive" thrive…even if the actual Hive is still only two evictions away from extinction.

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6 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

I like Fessy. Yes, he was a terrible player but there is something nice about him. I saw how he apologized (twice?) to Scotty before the "battle back." He apologized to Hayleigh. I am going to vote for him for America's Favorite Player. 

I think Hayleigh should give him a chance outside the house. I think he is a nice guy. 

Yeah but no.  His view of women as people that wait hand and foot on him and "service" him and are basically chattel does NOT need to be encouraged in this world.  Run far away from him, Hayleigh.

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14 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

Have Hayleigh's tributes to Julie now passed from the annoying phase into the so bad it's good in a kind of stupidly funny way?

For me, yes. She actually made me laugh out loud with her comment this week. Like, ok, she’s in on the joke.

14 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Count me in as being surprised that Tyler didn't just nod sms agree during the conversation with JC. I've been rooting for Tyler since early on; but, I'll admit, it would be entertaining to see someone wise up and challenge him. 

It was pretty smart of Tyler though, when you think about it. He’s being honest with him from the start so JC can’t get pissed at him if he doesn’t follow through. And he was able to provide him with a very logical reason in that Haleigh was openly coming after him. Plus, he didn’t completely dismiss him, he said something like they’d focus on getting rid of Haleigh first and then go after the others. Then he ended it by saying something playful and almost flirty to JC, I can’t remember the exact words, but something about JC’s pouty face. That kid really is smooth. 


6 hours ago, Nashville said:

In any case, this competition was Fessy’s to lose - and true to form, he did.

I feel like the competition could have been “First person to be over 6 feet, have dark skin and have a name that begins with F wins!” and Fessy still would have lost.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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5 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

For me, yes. She actually made me laugh out loud with her comment this week. Like, ok, she’s in on the joke.

I laughed too, but not so much with her. The comment was something like, "I don't have the vocabulary for..." And I'm on my couch with my cocktail, "You sure don't." 

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6 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Disappointing to hear that Scottie still plans to try to work with Tyler; did he not have a week in the Jury House for Rockhead to give him all the details of the Tyler/Angela/Kaycee alliance meetings she witnessed? 

My understanding is that other than watching the comp DVDs that the evictees bring with them, the jurors aren't allowed to discuss gameplay in the jury house.

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I think I remember reading last year that the jurors each have a handler in the house and are sequestered in separate parts of the house, and the only time I think they're allowed to interact is for camera footage.

Edited by Scout Finch
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7 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Annnd you'd be wrong, on both points. (JMO)

Do tell!  Excepting for the fact that Fessy is an old world blowhard, what else do you know?

5 hours ago, Nashville said:

In any case, this competition was Fessy’s to lose - and true to form, he did.

Fessy gonna Fess.

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23 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I was shocked -- like jaw dropped open shocked -- when Tyler straight-up told JC he wasn't targeting anyone before Hayleigh. It seemingly violated the Big Brother rules of "say yes to anything anyone else suggests and worry about the consequences later." And instead of that "sketching" JC out [/tm Fessy] and making him remotely suspicious that maybe his "final 2 deal" Tyler is closer with other people than with him, he goes to Brett with a continued focus on ... Angela.

It’s very different behavior for Tyler, too. He has been very good at going along to get along by deferring to others. I was very surprised by the way JC accepted that. 


Sam, Sam, Sam. She won’t be happy until all the other women are gone and she’s alone with all the guys, so she can cook and clean and be proud of protecting them from the hussies. Fessy has set new standards for dumb gameplay, but I don’t remember many players who understood so little about playing the game. If she was playing Tic Tac Toe she’d want to spot her opponent three moves.

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2 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

I was incorrect. The jury members ARE allowed to mingle, however, they are only allowed to talk game during those taped segments, which is one of the reasons for the handlers overseeing them.

How is this enforced?  Are they given no privacy?  I mean, when Nicole was shagging Lipless Hayden in sequester in BB16 was there a handler in the room to make sure he didn't whisper "Don't trust Derrick" in her ear?

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16 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

How is this enforced?  Are they given no privacy?  I mean, when Nicole was shagging Lipless Hayden in sequester in BB16 was there a handler in the room to make sure he didn't whisper "Don't trust Derrick" in her ear?

Of course, they've found ways around it.

Jury House Rule

Edited by Scout Finch
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11 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I feel like the competition could have been “First person to be over 6 feet, have dark skin and have a name that begins with F wins!” and Fessy still would have lost.


That reminds me of this old joke...

A college football team was on a winning streak, until they found out that their star QB was failing English. The QB couldn't play until he brought his grade up to a C. The other players on the team were desperate for him to play in the championship, so they asked his English professor for extra credit. He agreed and called in the QB. The professor said: "I will give you a simple spelling test and if you pass, I will raise your grade. In fact if you get one word right, I will raise the grade." So the QB takes the test and gets every single word wrong. He begged the professor for one more chance. The professor agreed and told him that if he could get one letter in the word that was given to him right, he would have a C in English. The word was "coffee." The football player responded...


Edited by MrHufflepuff
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5 hours ago, mojoween said:

When Scottie burst into the house and everyone ran over, Angela looked ridiculous jumping up and down.  It looked SO disingenuous.  I mean, she even squealed which what?  

Hell, I’d be jumping up and down, too - not because of who it was, but who it wasn’t.  ;)

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14 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

Of course, they've found ways around it.

Jury House Rule

From that article: “Obviously I used my time in that jury house to make sure Dan didn’t win, that was my goal.”  Just one more reason to hate Frank.

25 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Hell, I’d be jumping up and down, too - not because of who it was, but who it wasn’t.  ;)

Exactly lol! And in terms of gameplay, Scottie was best case scenario for L6 because none of them were responsible for putting him on the block.

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48 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

And in terms of gameplay, Scottie was best case scenario for L6 because none of them were responsible for putting him on the block.

Plus Scottie's a fresh face, they haven't seen him in a while.  Remember, these people get very bored seeing nothing but the same old people week after week.  It's only been a week, but Scottie still seems like an old friend at this point.

Also, he's been to the Jury House, so he can tell them what it's like, how Bayleigh and Rocky are doing, etc.  If Fessy had done the instant re-entry (like Johnny Mac in BB17 or Victor in BB18), there wouldn't exactly have been a lot of new info he could have imparted.  And at this point, the HGs are thirsty for any details about the outside world, even if it's just the JH.

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1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

From that article: “Obviously I used my time in that jury house to make sure Dan didn’t win, that was my goal.”  Just one more reason to hate Frank.

God, yes. I could only hate him more if he had won one of the times he played. 


1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

Plus Scottie's a fresh face, they haven't seen him in a while.  Remember, these people get very bored seeing nothing but the same old people week after week.  It's only been a week, but Scottie still seems like an old friend at this point.

Also, he's been to the Jury House, so he can tell them what it's like, how Bayleigh and Rocky are doing, etc.  If Fessy had done the instant re-entry (like Johnny Mac in BB17 or Victor in BB18), there wouldn't exactly have been a lot of new info he could have imparted.  And at this point, the HGs are thirsty for any details about the outside world, even if it's just the JH.

Both good points, as well as the point Nashville made that he was the least annoying person in the Jury House. It also explains how excited houseguests get anytime there is a break in the routine. Stuff that makes me groan, like cross-promotion of some other CBS show or visits from previous houseguests, must seem like the best thing ever to them from novelty alone.

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On 8/31/2018 at 8:16 PM, Rachel RSL said:

I feel like the competition could have been “First person to be over 6 feet, have dark skin and have a name that begins with F wins!” and Fessy still would have lost.

A comp has to involve HG's doing something, but they could have had "Write the full first and last name of each jury member pictured", with Fessy's picture being first, and he would have still lost.

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21 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

At the time I thought it was relief that Faysal hadn't come back after his speech, but she probably didn't want Bayleigh back either.

I doubt Pinky and her “entitled Landrover-driving rich bitch” spiel would’ve been all that welcome either.  ;)

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