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I am going to have to figure out how to watch this celebrity big brother! I am absolutely fascinated to see how she interacts with other people and how they respond to her, so far we really only see her be a bitch to her family and they take it because they don't want to be forced out of Sophia's life but she really has no friends. We saw her being weird and awful to the guy she dated and his family, that was interesting but sad and he sent her on her way too quickly. I want to see how other "stars" really react to her since they have no reason to fake politeness and I won't have to feel sorry for them because they signed up for it on their own.

I was curious about the podcast up thread that claims Farrah is in on the joke, I tried to listen to it but they took too long to get to the actual interview and when I attempted to fast forward it started over instead and I wasn't about to sit through their blathering again. Did anyone else listen to it? Does anyone else get the feeling she is smart enough to calculate all of this out beforehand and is just playing a part? I sure don't from what I have seen so far, when you know how to speak properly its kind of hard to butcher the language on purpose in such a consistent way. I think she is a simple person driven to get rich off her weird Teen Mom fame and she is just throwing any kind of trash at the wall and seeing what sticks.

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I'm watching her solo flight on Couples Therapy. The other people there all seem to find her odd...she orders her whole meal- including dessert!- when they first get to the restaurant and everyone else is placing drink orders. And she was writing an erotic trilogy and a Christian parenting book simultaneously- they thought this was weird. (It is!)

  • Love 6


Does anyone else get the feeling she is smart enough to calculate all of this out beforehand and is just playing a part? I sure don't from what I have seen so far, when you know how to speak properly its kind of hard to butcher the language on purpose in such a consistent way. I think she is a simple person driven to get rich off her weird Teen Mom fame and she is just throwing any kind of trash at the wall and seeing what sticks.


No, I don't believe for one second that Farrah is an entirely different person than what she appears who's every word and scene is calculated to play a certain role. I can maybe believe there are certain scenes where she acts a certain way for the cameras, but I still think she suffers from a personality disorder (maybe more than one) and is just not really that smart.


It kind of reminds me of when, several years ago, Jessica Simpson claimed she purposely said the chicken/tuna thing on Newlyweds because she knew it would become huge. She may have, in the months that followed, intentionally acted ditsy, but you'll never convince me that scene wasn't totally legit and that she wasn't honestly confused.

  • Love 10

No, I don't believe for one second that Farrah is an entirely different person than what she appears who's every word and scene is calculated to play a certain role. I can maybe believe there are certain scenes where she acts a certain way for the cameras, but I still think she suffers from a personality disorder (maybe more than one) and is just not really that smart.


It kind of reminds me of when, several years ago, Jessica Simpson claimed she purposely said the chicken/tuna thing on Newlyweds because she knew it would become huge. She may have, in the months that followed, intentionally acted ditsy, but you'll never convince me that scene wasn't totally legit and that she wasn't honestly confused.


Well it is kinda confusing...is it chicken or is it fish?


I agree though. I can't decide if Farrah's confused or completely crazy. I suppose "both" is an option.

For real estate fans...Farrah's house is back on the market.  It was originally listed at $750K in November 2014, when Being Farrah was airing.  Then the price was dropped to $650K ten days after the listing.  It was pulled off the market in January, and was just listed again for $650K about the time her segments started airing on TM OG. 




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For real estate fans...Farrah's house is back on the market.  It was originally listed at $750K in November 2014, when Being Farrah was airing.  Then the price was dropped to $650K ten days after the listing.  It was pulled off the market in January, and was just listed again for $650K about the time her segments started airing on TM OG. 




The house is beautiful. $650,000 her in NYC will get you a cramped two bedroom condo.

  • Love 1

Eh, you can get a 3 bed co-op in the city for $650K. (Midtown/Murray Hill/North Chelsea) The maintenance will be $2K per month though. NYC condos and co-ops are fairly cheap but get stupidly expensive with the fees.

Farrah's house seems to be exceptionally overpriced for the development. Even the builders model should be about $580K. I'm sure its just like the millions she got for doing porn that turned into $15K and minor royalties.

(I'm not just your mod, I'm a bonafide housing expert!)

  • Love 4

As a Texan with more than a passing interest in real estate, I'm trying to make sense of that price. It must be the land behind, because from the front, the house looks pretty crammed in and generic. Pretty, but something you could easily get for $325k or less in Wylie or even Frisco. I guess Austin is getting out of control these days.

Anybody know why Farrah is looking to move? She is kind of dumb, but I can't imagine she would sell her house just to be on "Celebrity" Big Brother for a while.

  • Love 2

Sorry but I love Farrah going rabid dog on Maci. You don't want to be a part of the show w Farrah? Fine, put down the Fred Diet Coke and get the hell on.

It's annoying to me how Maci is cool with the convicted felon but not the legal porn star. She needs to get over herself. For once Farrah made complete sense to me. She's more coherent when she's in attack mode.

  • Love 4

For real estate fans...Farrah's house is back on the market. It was originally listed at $750K in November 2014, when Being Farrah was airing. Then the price was dropped to $650K ten days after the listing. It was pulled off the market in January, and was just listed again for $650K about the time her segments started airing on TM OG.


THAT house is only 650? I need to move out of the Bay Area.

  • Love 1

Sorry but I love Farrah going rabid dog on Maci. You don't want to be a part of the show w Farrah? Fine, put down the Fred Diet Coke and get the hell on.

It's annoying to me how Maci is cool with the convicted felon but not the legal porn star. She needs to get over herself. For once Farrah made complete sense to me. She's more coherent when she's in attack mode.

Preach!! Maci is pissed because Farrah is stealing her thunder. lol


Farrah would disagree with you about her being a porn star. It was a LEAKED SEX TAPE!! She was so ashamed!

  • Love 4

So is Farrah's mother broke after being conned by that scam artist?  It was so shocking to think that Farrah's parents might be mooching off her when they always seemed pretty well off.  I was stunned when Debra was asking for money for an almost 9K face lift.  Farrah indicated that her mother has borrowed money from her before and not paid her back.


Debra is actually claiming that she is very close with her daughter and no one has to worry about Sophia's upbringing.  Well I guess when know where Farrah gets her delusional mindset from. 

  • Love 1

I just can't even figure the Abrahams out. Is the whole thing a joke and they're acting crazy for the cameras?


I recently watched her 16 and Pregnant episode, which I had not seen since it originally aired. The family is...almost normal. Farrah is a cheerleader with friends (granted, they're high school girls, and they're in the catty popular clique where you can be ousted for not wearing pink on the right day or wearing sweatpants to school), but they all appear to have been friends before the camera rolled. And I actually blamed Farrah's friends for the eventual falling out they had, not Farrah (Farrah told them she was pregnant and asked them not to say anything, they told everyone, and when Farrah confronted them, in a somewhat reasonable manner, not at all the harpy she is now, they totally gave her the cold shoulder and treated her like shit).


Most shocking is the relationship between her and her mom. They actually seem friendly, and Debra gives some pretty sound advice throughout the episode. In the beginning, when Farrah explains that Derek is becoming controlling, Debra tells her to just put some space in between them, and not encourage him in any way, and see if he backs off on his own. When Farrah is ostracized at school, Debra tells her that just because she is pregnant in high school doesn't mean she deserves everyone's scorn, and she needs to hold her head high because she knows the things people are saying about her aren't true. And she explained more than once that Farrah should enjoy her teenage years and strongly consider adoption; that it would be the most loving thing to do for her baby. And they go out to eat as a family and seem to get along well, and there are Farrah's cheerleading pictures posted on the walls- and they just seem so...normal. She was also pretty supportive during Farrah's actual labor, even though she had mentioned several times she didn't want to be in the delivery room, but when Farrah went into labor, Ashley was sick, the dad was out of town, and it was Debra or nothing, so Debra did it.


It's almost sad to see in a way. Debra does come off as pretty bossy, and Farrah a little snobby, but nothing like the trainwreck they are now. And from almost the beginning of Teen Mom S1, the vibe had changed and Debra was crazy, and Farrah was a total bitch. I can't tell if something changed, or if they just managed to hide the crazy for the 5 months they were being filmed for 16 and Pregnant.

  • Love 5

Her 16 & P episode had the scene where Farrah is flipping out about some random thing, and Debra hits her while driving. To me, everything seemed normal until this happened and I thought, ok now I recognize these people!


So it did.  I was thinking it happened in Teen Mom, but when I rewatched 16 and Pregnant I stopped watching after Farrah delivered. That scene happened in the last 10 min of the show. Huh, so I guess Debra had the potential to ACT normal during most of the filming but couldn't quite pull it off 100% of the time. As the seasons went on, Debra either became less capable of acting normal, or just didn't care enough to hide it anymore.


I think Farrah acted like a huge bitch the last 15 min of her 16 and Pregnant episode, so I feel Debra's pain having to live with her, but smacking your kid is not the way to go. I think Farrah was super overwhelmed by motherhood and Debra was like, dude, I told you it was going to be this way, which just made Farrah react even worse. You can't tell Farrah I told you so. Actually, you can't tell her anything. Her dad compliments her and she still tells him to shut up.

  • Love 2

Farrah is literally one of the worst people I've ever seen on TV. There is no rhyme or reason to her moods, to what she says, to the way she reacts to both negative and positive feedback. I dislike her to the point where I actually have strong feelings of anger and disgust for a person I've never met. (So goes being in the orbit of Farrah, even if it's virtual orbit , lol.)

I wonder if there is something really wrong with her; at least that would make sense. As it is now, she just comes across as truly the most self-unaware person I've ever seen, tv or otherwise.

  • Love 8

I agree. Debra does try really hard to play it up for the cameras. I laughed so hard when they would go to therapy and Debra, in her annoying soft voice, would be all -  "I don't know what you mean, baby. I love you very much", and Farrah would throw her some major side eye. It drives me crazy how she calls Farrah, "Baby". A grown ass woman. I am VERY close to my mom, but she generally just calls me by name. Maybe a "sweetie" if I'm really sad or do something really nice for her. Debra is just so fake, cuckoo-crazy-pants. But no one can keep up a facade forever, and we've seen what she's like when she cracks. 

  • Love 7

I agree. Debra does try really hard to play it up for the cameras. I laughed so hard when they would go to therapy and Debra, in her annoying soft voice, would be all - "I don't know what you mean, baby. I love you very much", and Farrah would throw her some major side eye. It drives me crazy how she calls Farrah, "Baby". A grown ass woman. I am VERY close to my mom, but she generally just calls me by name. Maybe a "sweetie" if I'm really sad or do something really nice for her. Debra is just so fake, cuckoo-crazy-pants. But no one can keep up a facade forever, and we've seen what she's like when she cracks.

I think Deborah is/was very two-faced. I think there is the Executive MBA, church going mother in front of others, and a pretty nasty, abusive bitch behind closed doors. The thing that got me about the car sceen in 16 & Pregnant wasn't even the hitting, it was that Deborah went off on this bizarre rant about Farah being possesed by the devil. It was some scared Carrie White level shit. That's when I had my "oh. She's crazy." moment. I think Deb is really unstable.

  • Love 7

Oh, I didn't realize Michael moved there first. How hilarious that Farrah is now complaining about her mom following HER around. I agree that Farrah likes to use her parents as free babysitters, all the while talking mad shit to them.

Yes, I believe Farrah was living with her mom in Iowa until something happened that caused her to load up a U-Haul and move near her dad in Austin.  So Farrah shouldn't be complaining about either one of her parents violating her stupid "boundaries" when she has voluntarily lived with, or close to, one of them her entire life except for her brief time in Florida (where she ended up letting Sophia live with her mom).  She wants the convenience of a built-in babysitter, but doesn't want her parents becoming involved in her life.


One other thing that really pisses me off is the dogs she has acquired and then disposed of when they were no longer convenient for her.  There was one in Iowa (that she put a damn diaper on) and another one in Florida.  I don't think she had either one for more than a year.  Knowing Farrah, there were probably others as well.

Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 6

I wish I had taken notes at all of the things that made me roll my eyes during the Farrah segments, there were so many. My favorite I think was when she listed the things she was grateful for and her *tanning bed* was in the top 5.

I don't think she has real friends either, its always a babysitter or hairdresser, she has to pay people to hang out with her. She sought out the old, retired neighbor to "befriend" just so she could have easy childcare, there would be no way she would be friends with her otherwise.

Why did Paola buy bags of brand new art supplies to paint at Farrah's? That stuff is not cheap, the easels, paint, canvas, and all the other accessories, even student grade stuff would be several hundred dollars worth.

STEAK *AND* TARTARE!! Did she think it was beef with tartar sauce? That scene was kinda odd, the glass dropping and yelling her order at her dad.

Sophia appeared to be wearing eyeliner in the tooth wiggling scene.

Edited by Pakalolo
  • Love 3

It kind of reminds me of when, several years ago, Jessica Simpson claimed she purposely said the chicken/tuna thing on Newlyweds because she knew it would become huge. She may have, in the months that followed, intentionally acted ditsy, but you'll never convince me that scene wasn't totally legit and that she wasn't honestly confused.

I knew Jessica was NOT faking that scene. I googled and found that Jessica Simpson told Chaunce Hayden of Metro Channel's 'Naked New York' she was not acting when she said the tuna or chicken question. She truly was not sure if it was chicken or tuna.


I can't stand this bogus storyline of Farrah's on this show.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2

Yes, I believe Farrah was living with her mom in Iowa until something happened that caused her to load up a U-Haul and move near her dad in Austin. So Farrah shouldn't be complaining about either one of her parents violating her stupid "boundaries" when she has voluntarily lived with, or close to, one of them her entire life except for her brief time in Florida (where she ended up letting Sophia live with her mom). She wants the convenience of a built-in babysitter, but doesn't want her parents becoming involved in her life.

One other thing that really pisses me off is the dogs she has acquired and then disposed of when they were no longer convenient for her. There was one in Iowa (that she put a damn diaper on) and another one in Florida. I don't think she had either one for more than a year. Knowing Farrah, there were probably others as well.

I hated her when it came to those dogs. I remember when she got the first one she tried to hide from Deborah. She took the adorable fuzz ball out of the crate and set it on the floor. It walked around a bit then peed on the floor. The bitch smacked it on its butt.

It wasn't a hard smack but it was still a smack. Apparently she expected the puppy to know where it was supposed to go and not supposed to go. I'm sure she didn't do as a normal person would do and take the puppy to the yard before she brought it in, show it where to go and then praise it when it goes in the right spot.

The person who she got the puppy from should have nixed the sale the minute he asked what kind of dog she was looking for and she said "one that will fit in a purse".

  • Love 5

I feel like Michael has said something along those lines before. That relationship is strange, too. I know her Mom's is crazy but her and her Dad are odd to.. I always remember when during an unseen moments episode where Michael and Debra announced they were breaking up and Michael said something to Farrah about how just because he and Debra aren't together, he would like to be in "still be in (her) life, if you want me to be" to Farrah. That just always sounded strange to me.. you are her Dad, Michael. It's just.. what? And I still can't get over that she calls him Michael too half the time. 


I feel like maybe Debra and Michael alternately abused and indulged which is what created the weirdo monster we see today.  I remember for a while my nephew and niece (maybe around ages 5 & 3) started referring to my brother and sister-in-law by their first names because they heard us (the extended family) call them by first name all the time. Super cute in little children, not so cute in teenagers. My brother and sister in law shut that down within a month but it was cute while it lasted. Maybe that's what happened with Farrah and Michael? They're such an odd family.





I hated her when it came to those dogs. I remember when she got the first one she tried to hide from Deborah. She took the adorable fuzz ball out of the crate and set it on the floor. It walked around a bit then peed on the floor. The bitch smacked it on its butt.

It wasn't a hard smack but it was still a smack. Apparently she expected the puppy to know where it was supposed to go and not supposed to go. I'm sure she didn't do as a normal person would do and take the puppy to the yard before she brought it in, show it where to go and then praise it when it goes in the right spot.

The person who she got the puppy from should have nixed the sale the minute he asked what kind of dog she was looking for and she said "one that will fit in a purse".

Do you remember when she held her puppy over a toilet in an effort to potty train it? She always got super fancy, designer dogs too.  At least Chelsea seems to love and care for her dogs. 

  • Love 4

I feel like maybe Debra and Michael alternately abused and indulged which is what created the weirdo monster we see today.  I remember for a while my nephew and niece (maybe around ages 5 & 3) started referring to my brother and sister-in-law by their first names because they heard us (the extended family) call them by first name all the time. Super cute in little children, not so cute in teenagers. My brother and sister in law shut that down within a month but it was cute while it lasted. Maybe that's what happened with Farrah and Michael? They're such an odd family.



I cringe whenever I hear Farrah squawk- shut up Michael! in that obnoxious voice of hers. Regarding the use of the first name- while it's probably mostly done out of spite to show disrespect, I think Farrah said once in an interview that her older sister always called him Michael (I think Farrah and her sister share a mom only- she's 6-7 years older than Farrah) and that's why Farrah always did, Don't know if no one bothered to break Farrah of that habit, or if even as a preschooler, Farrah was given to yelling at people to not tell her her business.

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