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3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I love watching/listening to Farrah speak. This is obviously a woman who is trying very hard to sound educated. She peppers her speech with big words, but doesn't exactly use them correctly, and at times her sentences become completely unintelligible. She just rambles on and on and throws words like "empathize" out there and thinks she's sounds all professional, but it's garbage. It gives me such a kick! 


ugghhhh I used to have a friend like that.  She once suggested that we all go in on a "monitory" gift (meaning cash) for an acquaintance's baby shower.

(you'll notice that I said "used to have"...)

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Farrah is up to some financial shenanigans, I tell you. 

Stupidly, too. She's going to blow the lid off her scams and take her boyfriend down with her. If it's obvious to us, all it is going to take is some little tax slip up to bring it out in the open, and buying a home in another state, making improvements, never moving in, and then selling it at a loss could be the thing that makes someone look a little closer at her tax returns.

I don't like Farrah, and I think she is a mentally ill, nasty person. I'm not blaming her for her mental illness, but cannot separate her illness and just nasty personality. If she received treatment, would she be a person I would want to be around? I seriously doubt it. That said, she has worked since high school, was probably mislead by Vivid that the porn could be released as a sex tape and she would make a million on the back end (no pun intended) because she really isn't that intelligent, and her family supports her delusions which made her the perfect victim for someone to latch onto and convince that she could get away with the financial shenanigans because everyone would believe she was a brilliant business woman.

There is no doubt in my mind that the rumors of her being a sugar baby are true, that she wants to be perceived as a brilliant, self-made millionaire, and would do nearly anything to make that happen, but yet, she's just not that bright and I feel like I should feel a bit sorry for her for being taken advantage of because of her lower intelligence. Her general nastiness makes that hard. There is no way she is capable of thinking up a financial scheme, and I'd be surprised if she has any idea of how it works, or how obvious she is making it.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Christina said:

Stupidly, too. She's going to blow the lid off her scams and take her boyfriend down with her. If it's obvious to us, all it is going to take is some little tax slip up to bring it out in the open, and buying a home in another state, making improvements, never moving in, and then selling it at a loss could be the thing that makes someone look a little closer at her tax returns.

I don't like Farrah, and I think she is a mentally ill, nasty person. I'm not blaming her for her mental illness, but cannot separate her illness and just nasty personality. If she received treatment, would she be a person I would want to be around? I seriously doubt it. That said, she has worked since high school, was probably mislead by Vivid that the porn could be released as a sex tape and she would make a million on the back end (no pun intended) because she really isn't that intelligent, and her family supports her delusions which made her the perfect victim for someone to latch onto and convince that she could get away with the financial shenanigans because everyone would believe she was a brilliant business woman.

There is no doubt in my mind that the rumors of her being a sugar baby are true, that she wants to be perceived as a brilliant, self-made millionaire, and would do nearly anything to make that happen, but yet, she's just not that bright and I feel like I should feel a bit sorry for her for being taken advantage of because of her lower intelligence. Her general nastiness makes that hard. There is no way she is capable of thinking up a financial scheme, and I'd be surprised if she has any idea of how it works, or how obvious she is making it.

what I wouldn't give for her to have to serve a year like Teresa Guidice did...

  • Love 5

Kim K is on the cover of Forbes for making 150 million dollars off her game (newsflash, life is not fair)...I am sure Farrah thinks she can do just as well.

She sort of reminds me of Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones, where she is just not as smart as she thinks she is.

Actually Kim K is not smart either, but her mother, Kris K is marketing genius who does not mind pimping her kids and grand kids and Kim is smart enough to listen.  Debra lost control of Farrah a long time ago and does not have Kris's connections in the industry.

  • Love 6

Farrah doesn't just have the house, though. She has a furniture staging business for her private :cough:nonexistent:cough: clients, the pasta sauce company, frozen yogurt business, books, porn, adult toys, Teen Mom, and I think I'm missing some. There was something with Sophia and I think maybe something other than the pasta sauce company with her mom.

The house is just what might be the tipping point because flipping houses is a commonly used money laundering scheme, and someone with the finances she is likely claiming from all her business interests shouldn't be selling a home mere months after she purchased and invested several thousand in home repairs.

I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt that she planned to move there and become a movie star because she didn't realize that she can't act and has a horrible personality that is much more well-known then that one horror flick she did, which proves her inability to act, but finding it quite difficult. If that were true, she shouldn't be giving up so quickly, and if she is making millions of dollars like she claimed in her argument where she shoved that producer, she certainly shouldn't be selling that house at a loss. Of course, she could be lying about making millions of dollars, in which case she's a lying liar who lies and can't be believed about much of anything.

In any case, I feel like I should feel sorry for her for being sucked into a mess since I think she isn't functioning with a full mental capacity, but just don't like her and can't muster any sympathy. I couldn't muster any sympathy when she was scammed with the car years ago, either. When she gets assaulted for being herself, I seriously doubt that I will find any sympathy for her, and I don't think assault is ever right. 

  • Love 4

Farrah has taken her house off the market, and according to TMZ she is going to hire Matt and Josh Altman of Million Dollar Listings fame.

Although she had recently dropped the asking price down to $849,995, TMZ claims she is now going to ask $950K.  Go figure.

Apparently, selling an L.A. home through a real estate company based out of a San Diego apartment didn't quite work out.  No sales commission for Simon, but I'm sure he's responsible for the "staging," so all is not lost.


  • Love 2

You know how I joked about Farrah refusing to talk to Dr. Drew during the reunion, because of the obviously not serious comment comments he made....well...


I am sorry if you can not get along with someone who is as milquetoast as Dr. Drew, whose main job is to kiss your ass and avoid any hard questions, there is no hope for you.

  • Love 4

I watched it. Surprisingly, she wasn't nearly as nasty as I expected her to be. Maybe because she knows Patti will dish it right back or boot her off. She trotted out the Daddy Derek "only time I knew love" story, of course. Patti's main deal was to shame her for her adult business ventures, which kind of bugged me, but that's Patti's style. She basically got Farrah to say that when Derek died, she decided she had to do anything she could to take care of Sophia, and that was the reason for the porn/webcam/sex prosthesis businesses, as if Farrah was destitute in the streets and had to strip to make a buck for a can of Spaghettios (Patti's take on it, Farrah just kind of nodded along).

She wanted F to admit she'd made enough money from those kinds of businesses and get out of them with the "mom of a daughter" line. She also wanted to push the storyline about Farrah being defensive about the sex businesses, which she actually didn't do on this episode. I guess that was based on their pre show reconnaissance but Farrah didn't feed that notion. She didn't get angry about anything, just kept up her line of "I'm an entrepreneur of various businesses including adult novelties" whenever anyone asked/she was on a date.

I don't think Miss Patti really got what she wanted out of Farrah, and in a way, I was happy about that. Maybe she's growing a bit. Either way, she's not ready to be in a relationship until there is some serious mental health development. 

I don't agree that Farrah got as angry as that article implied. Yes, she got testy with the envelope when it seemed like the guy was just waiting for her to get pissed about it, but nothing on a real Farrah scale. The rest of the stuff seems sensationalized based on my take of the show, and I'm no fan at all of Farrrah. I was actually watching for her blowup and Patti's subsequent dragging of her by her edges.

Edited by sunsheyen
notes on above linked article which i finally read
  • Love 3

The house quickly dropped down to $899K and it is still for sale in a seller's market, so it is still overpriced.

ETA:  She put her Austin house back on the market July 7th for $600K -- the same amount she was asking when she took it off the market in January.  At least she is consistent about one thing:  Asking way more than comparable properties are selling for. Just like her mother, who has had her rental property in Council Bluffs for sale for an inflated asking price for quite a while.


In other news, Farrah claims she got called in to see the Principal at Sophia's school because she's wearing makeup.  Supposedly, Farrah prevailed, but I'd like to know the real story.

"So I said to them – and I proved my point because now the principal switched schools – I go, 'Well then you should take off your makeup. If you don't want little girls coming to school with makeup then don't wear makeup.'  And then ever since I've seen that principal she hasn't had makeup on her face.''


Edited by Snarky McSnarky
  • Love 3

So Farrah is blaming the principal for the reason why Sophia wears makeup? It couldn't be because Sophia has a mother who sells blow-up dolls version of herself, has molded her lady parts for men to use sexually, had modeled suggestively in front of her daughter, has put her first set of implants in her daughter's baby box, plans on using her PORNO to teach her daughter about sex someday, has gotten so much plastic surgery that she's easily aged two decades in just a couple years, and completely values her looks above everything else? All righty then. Thank you, Farrah, for helping me see the light.

  • Love 10

Whoa. Hold up. Wait a minute. What? She put her first set of implants in daughter's baby box?  Seriously? Did this really happen? I must have missed this one. Wth? Holy Hannah, this chick -no, this whole family- are so...odd. Like seriously, how does this happen? It's so weird to me! All of it, all of them. Strange people. 

I probably shouldn't say all of them. I don't really know anything about the sister and from what I recall, the grandma seemed like a regular human. Maybe they are the Cocoa Puffs to Farrah, Deb, and Michael's fruity pebbles. I don't know. 

Edited by MissMel
Great. Now I'm wondering why my iPad capitalized Cocoa Puffs and not fruity pebbles.
  • Love 6

Sophia really is going to grow up with a lot of issues, based on how she is being raised. First of all, why in the world would you even want your 7 year old daughter thinking she should be wearing make up? You're teaching her to put way too much emphasis on physical appearances. And it's ingraining that she needs cosmetics to be attractive. Then on top of that, you're teaching her that she doesn't have to follow the same rules as everyone else. She's going to be so entitled thinking she can have everything her way if she makes enough of a stink, and that she's above the rules. 

But I guess when your mom stars in a porno for media attention, makes molds of her privates for sex toys and has an entire sex line, has had too much plastic surgery to keep track of, makes up a boyfriend to go on a couples reality show, and speaks to everyone in rude and demeaning ways and picks fights 24/7, this whole make up issue is really just a drop in the bucket of what a dysfunctional upbringing she's having. 

  • Love 11
5 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I swore I would never talk about how unattractive a child was until I had my own kids and I was sure they were cute. So I'm going to stay true to my word and just not mention that this little girl right here?  She is a walking visual manifestation of Farrah's nastiness.

He! That was similar to my comment on that page! I said Sofia looks like Farrah's personality.

  • Love 8

Haha. I think Sophia is cute but spoiled, undisciplined, and for the most part neglected.  I actually think she looks a bit like a little Laurie Hernandez:



Obviously, Farrah will never raise her child to be anywhere near as accomplished as Laurie. Like I doubt Sophia will do well in life either academically or athletically because no one in her family values true accomplishment. I am sad for her.

  • Love 4

That really does look like a pic a predator would find interesting. It also looks like Farrah's nasty personality in a youngster's image. I'm a little shocked and saddened for Sophia. I'm not shocked and I am pissed at Farrah and mtv. Somebody should at least want to not exploit the child in this situation. We can't count on Debra or Michael to do it. God help her, it seems like Simon is the only adult with her best interests in mind. He might not say anything, and I don't blame him for that, but at least you can see it on his face that he doesn't like it. Simon, the seemingly douchey, scamming, fame chasing asswipe, is the only grownup in her life. Off and on, from time to time. That poor child. 

Ok, something nice now. Hm, her smile is nice when her teeth aren't showing. That's a good thing. Hopefully Farrah just gets her the braces and leaves the other cosmetic procedures out of it. That would be the best thing for Sophia. I also think "Daddy Derrick" had the same smile/teeth combo going on, correct? 

Now im wondering if Farrah was involved with this picture at all. Sophia's unibrow is intact and her top is not stuffed. For some reason I think Farrah would have made sure those things were "fixed" for this photo since she's not wearing any makeup either. 

  • Love 6

I'm very very sad for Sophia. Sure, her behavior can be downright atrocious (or is that notrocious?) But I feel like she's been spoiled from birth while at the same time being neglected by her mother. Farrah is constantly running off here and there with all of her "business" ventures, and I bet Sophia rarely sees her. When Farrah is home, she's got Simon coming over, or posting pics on the internet, or staring at herself in the mirror for hours. When Sophia hits adults or makes nasty remarks, she gets attention. Period. 

I'm just very concerned for her future. That picture above...that is horrifying to me. Not only because Farrah routinely posts these things publicly, where any freak could get access to them. But what is she teaching her SIX-YEAR-OLD daughter? That you use your body/looks for attention. Sophia is way more consumed with her appearance than any kid twice her age should be, let alone a little girl in first fucking grade. 

It's straight up depressing. 

  • Love 14

Ugh.  That pose and the expression on her face is just wrong wrong wrong.  It isn't cute -- it's perverse.  What the Hell is wrong with Farrah?

In a related matter, Farrah not only allowed but encouraged Sophia to have her own Snapchat account, even though the minimum age is 13.  I guess that goes along with her defending Sophia's use of makeup at school.  Does she have a little stripper pole in her bedroom yet?


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I don't even really know what Sophia looks like because she is either grimacing, mugging for the camera, doing that mad face from babyhood, or posing with hair and/or makeup.  I'd think the cameras would get at least a little footage or her not doing faces and talking like a little voodoo doll.  Poor thing knows nothing else because she only seems to get attention when she's acting nuts. 

Shallow note - if my kid (boy or girl) had a dark unibrow, I'd totally run a razor over it every so often. Sure it grows back, but it doesn't hurt, is super fast, and could probably be done in two second at tooth brushing time.

In other news - just saw pics of Farrah frolicking alone on the beach in full hair and makeup.  Kim K was on the beach this week doing the same thing, so I see where that came from. 

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Farrah said something like, "if she wants to talk to strangers at night when she's hyper, good for her..."

this is kind of a lot to unpack here. (I'm getting a strong vibe of "don't wanna deal w/her")

 I know boy-child's grown so I've been out of the "full-time mom" game for quite some time, but are most 7-year-olds allowed to SPEND THEIR EVENINGS TALKING  TO STRANGERS ON THE INTERNET?????

Edited by teapot
  • Love 10

I hate to say this and I hate even thinking it, but I'm terrified something very bad is going to happen to Sophia, and it will be her mother's fault. Farrah has a dangerous combination of stupidity, arrogance and naivety that just leads to horrible things happening. All it would really take is someone to tell Farrah they can make Sophia into a movie star and she would probably hand her over, no questions asked, then tell us all how Sophia is so mature she can make her own business decisions.

  • Love 14

To me she's done nothing to help stop the set up of a deranged fan visit or kidnapping. Even the Kardashians know to show fake outsides of homes that are not theirs, and they are in massively secure neighborhoods. We've seen Farrah's house (I am assuming what we see are really the homes), we've seen her toss money around like paper, we've seen her body (and then some), and now we see a  little girl on the Internet, claiming to be hyper, claiming to like talking to strangers, wearing clothes and posing like a little Toddlers and Tiaras girl. Geez, it's like she's putting out ads inviting something terrible to happen. I don't care if Farrah watches Sophia "chat". All the kids her age aren't allowed to do that and are in bed. She's probably talking to 50 year old men. 

  • Love 7

I can't imagine any of Sophia's classmates' parents would want to expose their kids to either one of them.  Farrah's a complete nightmare, and as for Sophia, know how there are kids who have seen too much "adult life' & are a bit "fast" & you just don't want your children exposed to things like that?


Can't imagine there are many "Play dates" going on, so Sophia's only companion is Farrah....eeek!

Edited by teapot
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, OtterReality said:

I don't even know what to say...Farrah's delusional ramblings in People

"I'm not showing anything off."  

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Also in the Daily Mail:


Edited by Snarky McSnarky
  • Love 3

Um, ok? I don't understand these people! Sophia is so successful and everyone loves her and high school will be so traumatic because girls are jealous of her? Really? I mean, maybe high school will suck for her. Not because she's so beautiful and successful or whatever, but because she was raised on a tv show by seriously deranged adults! Really, it probably is gonna be rough having your mom as the "Teen Mom Backdoor Plastic Nut-job Banshee".

Sophia is open to the adoption process? Of a human being? Why, why, why do these wackos sound like they are speaking about an adult when they speak of Sophia? Yet they sound like they're speaking to a puppy when they speak to her? Why?

  • Love 10

"Right now, with how she's going and how successful she is and how much the parents love her and how the kids wish they had her life, I am truthfully like, Oh my God, she is going to experience more jealousy than I ever encountered when she's in high school," says Abraham, 25. 

She continues, "I'm thinking maybe I should do homeschooling when she gets to a certain age because I know she's going to be so smart – and she's gorgeous, she's everything I could have ever asked for in a child – and getting through that when you're in high school just means drama with everyone."

Welp.. Sophia's fucked. May as well give up any hope of her growing up to become a stable adult. 

  • Love 11

I totally agree with everyone here. Farrah is hard to watch, she's extremely rude, don't know how to talk to anyone, clearly pimping out her daughter, needs counseling AND REALLY NEEDS HER ASS BEAT!!!! I can't stand when a person(No matter who they are)don't think they do anything wrong! It's hard to trust someone like that. I hope she gets some help soon at least for the sake of her daughter. It's not looking good at all.?

  • Love 3

Cannot stand to watch Sophia.

That kid's hair is always a mess. Something is amiss when mama makes damn sure to fix her hair to perfection, but then there is her daughter who has hair that looks like it needs to be washed and tends to look like someone put that kid's head in a Cuisinart.  I get that kids are fussy about having their hair combed, but Sophia's hair is always looking horrible. I couldn't tolerate watching her unwrap that present at her party. I have seen gorillas in a zoo behave so much better.

I did appreciate Farrah being concerned about Amber. Not sure how much of that was actually scripted or pushed by the producers of the show, but if Farrah agreed to do it, I hope it was out of concern for Amber.

  • Love 7

That unwrapping the gift scene really bugged me. I have an 8 year old and I have been to a freaking birthday party virtually every Saturday since he started kindergarten. I have never ever seen a child tear into a gift that way. Is it because she doesn't have that peer interaction? Because it is seriously hard to look Everything about that kid is just disturbing as hell.

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