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Simon cannot stand her.  I wonder how much she pays him to film.  Is it by the hour or does he get a lump sum for the entire filming period? 

It can't be much because he's a terrible actor too.  He doesn't seem to even be trying to look interested in Farrah et.al.  

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My cold heart cannot stand Sophia. The only other child I have ever disliked was Raven Symone playing Olivia on The Cosby Show. I do not care how heartless that comes off.

I'm with you. Personally I liked Raven Symone (Olivia) way more than Sophia. Raven was obnoxious but Sophia seems evil. I guess I'm heartless too.

I still blame Sophia's upbringing and hope she can overcome it but it's a lot to overcome.

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It can't be much because he's a terrible actor too. He doesn't seem to even be trying to look interested in Farrah et.al.

One thing I like (?) about him is he doesn't seem that interested in Sophia either. He's nice to her but not creepy with her IMO. I get the feeling he's doing the bare minimum to get paid, and I think that's fine.

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One cool thing about Sophia is that she has moments of empathy. In one of the earlier episodes of the season, Farrah is being rude to Debra about using the washing machine to wash one shirt (WTF?) and when Debra starts crying Sophia tells Farrah she hurt her feelings (and hits Farrah which almost negates this lol). Then when Farrah is house hunting and Debra chastises the realtor, Sophia comments that Debra hurt the realtors feelings. Although she is a mini terror, I like that she seems to recognize and care (I think) about the feelings of others. Of course, every time she's done this, Farrah and Debra have explained why it's ok to disregard the feelings of others so who knows how long it will last.

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Sophia is a mess. On the one hand, she does seem to sort of realize when people are being rude, and hurting other people's feelings. But then she thinks the solution to that is hitting! To be fair, I don't know that we've ever seen Sophia hit a genuinely good person. I mostly recall her hitting Farrah and Deborah. Hitting isn't okay, but I can't say those two don't deserve it. Maybe she's like Dexter - she only hits "bad guys". 

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I hope Sophia grow up with a sense of normalcy.  Such a sad situation.

In the episode where they went back to Iowa...

Why did they return to their old house, with the same victorian furnishings if Debra supposedly lives in Washington? Why wouldn't she sell her house in Iowa? It's not like she was renting it out while she is away, either. If she bought a vacation condo, why wouldn't she choose Florida or Hawaii? It doesn't add up. I don't think she really ever moved. 

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I hope Sophia grow up with a sense of normalcy.  Such a sad situation.

In the episode where they went back to Iowa...

Why did they return to their old house, with the same victorian furnishings if Debra supposedly lives in Washington? Why wouldn't she sell her house in Iowa? It's not like she was renting it out while she is away, either. If she bought a vacation condo, why wouldn't she choose Florida or Hawaii? It doesn't add up. I don't think she really ever moved.

Particularly when she seems to be desperate enough for money to get it from Farrah. Maybe it isn't hers and belongs to her mother or something. IIRC, she lives close by?

Farrah is being rude to Debra about using the washing machine to wash one shirt (WTF?)

Farrah seems to have this obsession with water bills.
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Apparently Farrah has claimed that she was nearly raped by an Uber driver, but Uber claims she was banned from the service as a result of a claim from the driver against her and Simon. I hate myself for even reading the article because I knew she was lying. 


Farrah Abraham of 'Teen Mom OG' claims Uber driver attacked her, car service denies her claim http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/farrah-abraham-claims-uber-driver-attacked-article-1.2553453
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Hope someone sues farrah for slander


I agree although I kinda doubt they will as it seems like Uber drivers are trying to fly under the radar lately.


Which is a whole separate rant of mine - what happened that taxis aren't 'cool' anymore?  I was at a wedding reception for a 65 year old and even then everyone was talking about how they needed to call Uber. I am apparently somewhere in the middle at 40ish - too old and too young for Uber?  I just don't get it.

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I agree although I kinda doubt they will as it seems like Uber drivers are trying to fly under the radar lately.

Which is a whole separate rant of mine - what happened that taxis aren't 'cool' anymore? I was at a wedding reception for a 65 year old and even then everyone was talking about how they needed to call Uber. I am apparently somewhere in the middle at 40ish - too old and too young for Uber? I just don't get it.

In my city, most taxis don't take credit/debit cards and I rarely have cash. Also, if you call for a taxi, they either never show or are very late. With Uber you can see exactly where the car is on the map and watch it as the car moves. Farrah is a busy lady. She doesn't have time to wait for a taxi.
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I went down that rabbit hole. it was worth watching all the insane videos just to get a gander at her HUGE butt implants when she got a massage. She could serve the big platter from Brents up on that. I fail to see the purpose. And wouldn't her dresses ride up back too? 

This is all kinds of awesome. 



Debra's LinkedIn page is equally entertaining.


AMTC (Actors, Models, & Talent for Christ)
SHINE 2013 Graduate
Starting May 2012
Graduated from SHINE January 6, 2013. Showcases include: acting, commercial modeling, lifestyle modeling, stand up comedy, jingles, group improv, product endorsements, photography, and cold read.




For the curious, here is the SHINE scam, er, program:



She forgot crazy. 

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In my city, most taxis don't take credit/debit cards and I rarely have cash. Also, if you call for a taxi, they either never show or are very late. With Uber you can see exactly where the car is on the map and watch it as the car moves. Farrah is a busy lady. She doesn't have time to wait for a taxi.

Ah didn't think about the payment method thing. You can tell how much I know about Uber. If Farrah carries around hundreds of dollars in cash just in case Sophia loses a tooth you'd think that wouldn't be a problem. I can definitely see the appeal of knowing where they are though.

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Ah didn't think about the payment method thing. You can tell how much I know about Uber. If Farrah carries around hundreds of dollars in cash just in case Sophia loses a tooth you'd think that wouldn't be a problem. I can definitely see the appeal of knowing where they are though.

Everyone I know from ages 0 - 100 use Uber/Lyft instead of cabs. Unless you live in a few very specific cities in the USA, cabs suck. It's not even the payment method (most bonded cabs take cards and have for years), it's that the never show up. And I live in a pretty big city, but like Austin it's a car driven city and cab companies are just awful so if you need to take a car service you use Uber or something like that. The only people I know that bother with cabs are the ones that don't have credit cards since Uber and Lyft won't take cash.

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Thanks for the Uber info. Never would have guessed I'd learn anything interesting from Farrah's thread. It's mostly what not to do. Although I guess the same could be said in this case - don't mess with your Uber driver.

I wonder where her fancy town car was that she's always being chauffeured around in on the show.

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Thanks for the Uber info. Never would have guessed I'd learn anything interesting from Farrah's thread. It's mostly what not to do. Although I guess the same could be said in this case - don't mess with your Uber driver.

I wonder where her fancy town car was that she's always being chauffeured around in on the show.

I suspect that when there are no MTV cameras around, Farrah doesn't do chauffeurs.

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I suspect that when there are no MTV cameras around, Farrah doesn't do chauffeurs.


But that's so trashy!  How can a classy girl like her survive without chauffeurs?  <eyeroll>


Maybe she was pissed she couldn't find an Uber driver with a towncar?  It's all so ridiculous.

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But that's so trashy! How can a classy girl like her survive without chauffeurs? <eyeroll>

Maybe she was pissed she couldn't find an Uber driver with a towncar? It's all so ridiculous.

UberSelect or UberBlack will give you access to luxury vehicles at a fraction of what transportation companies charge.

She probably also writes all the Ubers off as a business expense on her taxes.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the Uber driver recognized her and made some porn joke and she went off.



He might have asked who the celebrity in her "celebrity sex tape" was.

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That was my first thought, "Where did they find the kids to come to this party?"  Farrah's tweets thank "the sponsors" so clearly money and/or goods and services exchanged hands.  It takes a special kind of trashy famewhore to pimp her daughter's seventh birthday.

I'm so glad that video of Sophia's 7th birthday party cut off before we got to see Farah bitch slap those poor little girls who tried to encroach on Sophia's photo shoot in front of the cake.  

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Good God, the woman literally has no shame. 


I guess that is a plus for a reality show star.  It's interesting like we all have said, when Farrah makes an allegation of abuse or assault, we have to see the receipts, because lying comes to her as easily as breathing.


Here, this is what exactly happened.  Not only is it highly unlikely that she was not using Uber, because she is banned from the service, but the police have no record of the incident (she claimed the police confirmed her story).  In other words, the receipts do not add up.


My guess, is that Farrah is blackmailing these companies with bad publicity on her podcast unless they give her something.  When a story does not check out (because really, who can keep up with how many times Farrah has claimed she was raped, assaulted, and/or abused at this point) she will just say ooops...my bad.


Also, I am so sure that Simon,  a guy who can barely stand her, is beating up guys left and right to defend her "honor".


When I was younger, I used to watch a show called "Daria".  In the show the main character had a sister who was supposed to be insanely popular and pretty.  Her name was Quin and whenever she walked into a room, guys would literally start fighting over her.


This is how I feel that Farrah sometimes sees herself.  She thinks that she is so "hawt" that every man wants her and every woman is jealous.

Edited by qtpye
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Farrah is delusional! Does she fail to see how dangerous it is to yell fire in a crowded theatre? Many women cannot come forward with their own reports of abuse and assault out of fear that they won't be believed or taken seriously. Farrah is adding more fuel to the fire.

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"I am Farrah!  I do not want any negativity around me!  I don't know why all of this negativity follows me around!  The world is full of negativity and negative people!  OMG!"



Edited by alexa
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When I was younger, I used to watch a show called "Daria".  In the show the main character had a sister who was supposed to be insanely popular and pretty.  Her name was Quin and whenever she walked into a room, guys would literally start fighting over her.


"Farrah, your pores are cuuu-ute."

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"Farrah, your pores are cuuu-ute."



"What do you mean pores?"  "My face is perfect...I do not have pores."  "Stop the cameras or I'll call the police..obviously you're obsessed with me."  "Stop looking at me or my big strong boyfriend will kick your ass!"


Sadly, Farrah makes Quin look down to earth.

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Farrah now admits the Uber driver didn't try to rape her, but rather looked at her lecherously:




From the article:


Abraham said the driver told her to walk to his car instead of picking her up at her hotel and stared at her when she arrived, making her feel so uncomfortable she got out of the car right away, Page Six reported.


'I got into the car and the gentleman was looking me up and down,' she said.

'Something was wrong with him, like he was mentally disabled.'


What was he supposed to do, carry her from her hotel room to the car?


And her crack about "something was wrong with him" just pissed me off to no end.


Ha... that video is priceless though. It's the usual Farrah attitude that's for sure.

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I hope they sue her fake ass for these disgusting allegations. That's a terrible thing to accuse somebody of and I bet that Über could show that those allegations cost them business.

I hope they take her for all she's worth and tie her up in legal proceedings for the next ten years.

Edited by Talky Tina
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He was probably looking at her wondering if SHE was mentally disabled after seeing her "body modifications." Not that she had much of any to begin with but ALL her credibility is gone now that she changed her "attempted rape" story.

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It was 2:30am and she was leaving Simon at the hotel to "go to her friend's house in the Hamptons??" Who leaves their "boyfriend" at the hotel to take a cab to someone else's house at 2:30 in the morning? Sounds like something a prostitute would do, is that why Simon is still with her? Is he her pimp? That would make so much more sense.

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