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I can't imagine many people are looking for an adoptive parent who sells molds of her vagina on the Internet. No offense to anyone here who may sell vagina molds but I feel like those portfolios are filled with actual decent people who can speak a coherent sentence and don't have footage of themselves getting fucked in the ass on the Internet so I feel like it's hard to imagine anyone selecting her.


I think the fear is that she goes private, and if you think of the people in a situation where they would be placing their child for adoption, it is possible they would be into the idea of a "famous" person raising their child. Her life looks great to some of these people (hell, there may be some psycho who would try and get pregnant just to have a chance of having an open adoption with her, and if they like her they watch Teen Mom, and most likely have a very bad idea of what open adoption is.)

  • Love 5

Marathon is on right now. Watched the scene where Butch tells Tyler about needing a job and he asks him for Farrah's help to get into the porn industry. All three (Cate, Butch, and Tyler) have a big laugh over it. Yeah, well guess what you asshole, being in porn is not illegal. It is a job and a legit one. Possession and use of drugs is not a job and it is illegal. Fucking bastard.

  • Love 8

Farrah is so concerned with her daughter going into the deep end of the pool that she continued to just sit there getting sun while telling her to stay in the shallow. The producer had to jump in with her to keep her safe. Why bother keeping her on this show? One of the crew asked for her managers number because they were illegally using the Mtv logo and she flipped and tried to run him over. Such a bitter person.

  • Love 6

Anybody watching the new Teen Mom special on right now? Holy hell, WHY do they even give Farrah the satisfaction of filming? She's bitching to the crew left and right. Such a fucking bitch!

I was wondering the same thing! Does she have something on them? Why was she asked back again? Please don't tell me it's because she's popular. I would quit my job if I was forced to film her. She's horrible and abusive and MTV sucks for allowing her to continue on this shit show. That I refuse to stop watching...but still. I can't stand this bitch.

The saddest part of this whole thing is that Sophia is going to turn out the same way. A bitchy, bitter girl who doesn't love herself.

  • Love 1

I would much rather watch a show full of Farrah and her special brand of wackadoo than sit through another minute of bland-as-plain-tofu-from-the-package Chelsea. Mediocre people like Chelsea are everywhere and boring to watch on television. I don't approve of Farrah's shitty behavior but it's far more entertaining.

Think of it like this, would Breaking Bad have been a better show if instead of following the actions of science teacher turned meth manufacturer Walter White, it was all about his neighbor who sat around her leopard print home with a rotating assortment of smelly pets and baby talked endlessly to her equally vanilla boyfriend? Even if the neighbor seemed like a "really sweet girl you could see yourself being friends with" I would probably be more interested to know why the guy next door is throwing a pizza on his roof or making molds of his butthole.

  • Love 4

Personally, I fast forward through Farrah's scenes because her screeching is painful to listen to and her snotty, ungrateful personality makes my blood pressure rise. However, I must concede more viewers find her entertaining than not, because Teen Mom had their chance to move on without her (I am referring to when she snotted about the filming, not her career choice) and chose to include her. That unfortunately feeds into Farrah's massive ego, that Teen Mom needs her more than she needs Teen Mom.


One good thing I can appreciate about Farrah- she does get under Maci's skin in a way no one else has ever seemed to do. While I think Farrah is the worse of the two, Maci is still annoying and we haven't yet discovered Farrah's kryptonite.

  • Love 5

Um, Breaking Bad is a drama. It doesn't involve real people. Sophia, unfortunately, can't walk off the set and go into the arms of her real mother and father as they smile at how proud they are of their little child actress who plays the role of a child who lives with her single mother, Farrah.


Moving on.



One good thing I can appreciate about Farrah- she does get under Maci's skin in a way no one else has ever seemed to do. While I think Farrah is the worse of the two, Maci is still annoying and we haven't yet discovered Farrah's kryptonite.

Smiling here with an evil grin on my face. I agree. Anything that burns Maci's chaps gets my approval. Too bad that snapchat video of Cate, Amber and Kail being involved in talking shit about Farrah happened after the filming of the show. I'd love to see Farrah go after her cast mates over that shit. I love watching them squirm when Farrah goes after them. They sure have no problem saying shit about her when she is nowhere in sight.

  • Love 7

I agree that eventually we are all responsible for how we turn out regardless of how we were raised, and to be honest we don't truly know how Farrah was raised so I don't know if I'm really ready to blame Her parents for everything. I don't think that things were 100% great, but starting with 16 and pregnant it didn't seem like Farrah was deprived of anything. Not to say that because she seemed well off that it means that she had a happy childhood, I guess I just doubt more and more of what she says, especially seeing how as an adult she twists everything to make herself the victim, like she has more recently done with the James Deen situation now. Sophia will eventually be responsible for herself, but for now she is still a child and a lot of the crazy is out of her control, but it makes me so sad for her because at this rate she is going to be worse by the time she is a teen... The only part of it I find humorous is Farrah will get a taste of her own medicine, and she'll have no one to blame but herself (although I'm sure she'll still manage to blame somone). I didn't have the best childhood, and I know lots of people here have shared hard parts of their past, but at the end of the day, my parents never really showed that they loved anything other than themselves, my dad was an alcoholic and would spend the last dollar we had on alcohol, and my mom was codependent and would leave us alone at night to go after him, but I somehow managed to turn out to be an adult who does care about others and has made a career of it (I'm a nurse) neither of my parents went to college but both my sister and I did...and I know lots of people here had difficult situations they had to overcome. My point is, At the end of the day we are responsible for how we turn out, so all the hate towards Debra and Michael about how Farrah is, is uneccessary, they definitely contributed, but I'm tired of the crocodile tears when Farrah has never shown an ounce of empathy for any other human being.

ETA: I'm not sure what happened, while I was posting I think something was deleted because the post I was quoting disappeared, the one that's quoted is not what I meant to respond to so I'm going to delete it... Just in case y'all wonder why it sounds like I was referencing something, I was but now I can't find it.

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 6

If Sophia turns out bad, Farrah will just blame the show.  She will claim that the producers took advantage of an innocent young girl and did incredible damage to her family.  NOTHING is ever Farrah's fault.  Now if Sophia turns out great, Farrah will happily brag about what an awesome mother she was and how she is the only reason for Sophia being awesome.

  • Love 6

Smiling here with an evil grin on my face. I agree. Anything that burns Maci's chaps gets my approval. Too bad that snapchat video of Cate, Amber and Kail being involved in talking shit about Farrah happened after the filming of the show. I'd love to see Farrah go after her cast mates over that shit. I love watching them squirm when Farrah goes after them. They sure have no problem saying shit about her when she is nowhere in sight.

Honestly, they're probably afraid of her, lol. She is a psychopath. She can have all the therapy and counseling in the world, she'll never change.

  • Love 5

I watched these girls in 16 & Pregnant, did not see the shows in this past marathon, was I ever disgusted and down right shocked at Farrah's behavior! Who talks that way to their mother?! And father!? To everyone & anyone?! She is totally a psycho, has no respect for any human beings, as well as herself! Seriously, I don't get out much, but people like her really exist? Holy Hannah! This marathon will take some time to get out of my head, and return my blood pressure back to normal!

  • Love 6

If Sophia turns out bad, Farrah will just blame the show.  She will claim that the producers took advantage of an innocent young girl and did incredible damage to her family.  NOTHING is ever Farrah's fault.  Now if Sophia turns out great, Farrah will happily brag about what an awesome mother she was and how she is the only reason for Sophia being awesome.

I was so shocked at Sophia's behavior to Simon! You could tell he really wanted to turn her over his knee and smack her a good one! And her mother just allows the behavior! Farrah is so bloody needy, every guy she dates has to feel claustrophobic after just 1 or 2 dates with her, she is just so needy! It is sad to see her needy this way, because she is a human being, but sh8t, she gets downright scary! I can never imagine any guy ever staying with her for very long, she needs to stop acting that way. One date and she creeps them out. Creeps me out! Man, this marathon was just so freaky. I should never have watched them all after the other, should have paced myself! What a time to be bed-ridden.

  • Love 4

I am not rooting for her in the sense that I like the girl. I cannot stand her. What I dislike is the mentality of the other three girls who act as if their shit don't stink.  That is why I root for Farrah in the sense that she doesn't take their shit and gives it right back to them. Those girls are all quick to talk shit about Farrah, but not one of them has had the balls to actually talk like they did in that video to Farrah directly. If there is one thing I dislike is, people who talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Talking behind people's backs is easy. The way Maci was all up in the producers and other crew members' faces when she told them she was not going to film anymore was all fine and dandy until she met up with Farrah and suddenly she began squirming because she knew she couldn't handle what Farrah was dishing out. I so badly want to see someone put Farrah in her place, but good. These three heifers are not the ones who are going to do it and they shouldn't because they have their own fucked up lives. Who are they to say anything, especially Amber?

It really pissed me off that there goes Maci, getting paid(no doubt) to speak to students at a High School, about preventing conception, birth control, whatever else, as she stands there pregnant while living with her boyfriend, and not married! What a joke! And the way she made it sound like it was all Bentley's idea to ask his dad (Ryan) to be at his birthday party-when it was Maci that put the idea in his little head herself! Passive -aggressive much Maci?

  • Love 6

How does Farrah get under Maci's skin?  That isn't my impression at all.  In fact, I think Farrah was incredibly hurt and bothered (and behaved as such) when she found out that Maci didn't want her on the show and even briefly stopped filming.  Farrah flipped out on Maci and started babbling nonsensically (per usual, half of her words not even making sense) while Maci just sat there calmly.  Farrah was the one who got flustered and fled the room. 


When I look at Farrah I see someone who hates herself and hates her life.  Her cartoonish, messed up face from all of the plastic surgery, the way that she talks to people, the look in her eyes when she berates her mom -- she is just a lost cause at this point.  It's not even about the porn, because I think she was like this even before then.  She is on the verge of tears all the time but covers it with anger.  I think it's only a matter of time before she mouths off to the wrong person, most likely another seedy "boyfriend/john", and he puts her in the hospital.  

  • Love 8

I see a whole lot of hatred in Farrah's eyes.  I'm not an expert, but it appears she must have suffered a traumatic event or events in her life when she was completely powerless to do anything about it.  The fact that her parents allow her to continually treat them with such contempt may mean that they were the perpetrators who now have a serious case of The Guilts.  If anyone would benefit from intense therapy, it is Farrah.  I'm not talking about fake "Dr. Jen" or any other reality show treatment, either.


She cannot have a normal conversation with anyone, and absolutely will not listen to anyone else's opinion.  She is totally delusional about her fake wealth and her perceived status as the sole person responsible for the success of Teen Mom.  She throws out crazy ass ideas about opening restaurants or becoming a plastic surgeon, oblivious to the fact that the public knows those things never materialize.  She just keeps coming up with more fantasies.  I can't imagine any normal male putting up with her shit, and the more she ages the higher are her chances of becoming a "lone bird" the rest of her life.

  • Love 6

I always remember back to "Dr" Jenn saying that the things Fareah told her off camera about her life were some of the most horrific things she's ever heard.

I don't doubt that Farrah's life was very dysfunctional. If your mom will hit you in the face while on camera, who knows what else she has been through?

However...if she can afford a $700,000 house and tens of thousands in plastic surgery, she can also afford therapy. At this point, she's basically ruining poor Sophia's life because she refuses to do anything- she has to first admit that she's actually capable of doing something wrong, ever- and she just won't do that. She has a responsibility to her child, that no matter what she's been through, that she's the best person she can be so that Sophia can grow up healthy and know how to talk to people and make good decisions. Part of this is Farrh admitting her own faults- yes, I decided to do porn (not that porn is a bad thing but quit yer lyin) or no, I did not have a good relationship with Derek. It's actually kind of amusing that someone who is being filmed thinks she can rewrite history and everyone will believe her, but she's thT delusional.

This is not to imply that other posters are trying to say Farrah is not responsible for the way she is because of her life. I just happen To go on a rampage whenever someone mentions her because I truly fee she is doingSophis so much harm, and that's just not fair.

  • Love 8

How does Farrah get under Maci's skin?  That isn't my impression at all.  In fact, I think Farrah was incredibly hurt and bothered (and behaved as such) when she found out that Maci didn't want her on the show and even briefly stopped filming.  Farrah flipped out on Maci and started babbling nonsensically (per usual, half of her words not even making sense) while Maci just sat there calmly.  Farrah was the one who got flustered and fled the room. 




Farrah gets under Maci's skin the same way she gets under everyone's skin- she's obnoxious. She certainly gets under my skin to the point where I usually can't watch her. I think all of the girls were happy to not have her included the first time around. However, I think Maci took it more personally when she was invited back than Cate and Amber did. Maci is by far the most popular teen mom (at least on this series, not sure how she compares to TM2) and there were rumors she was getting her own spinoff. That didn't pan out, and then, to add insult to injury, the show has decided they need Farrah, whether or not that costs them Maci. As Maci considered herself the breakout star, this is a hard pill to swallow.


I'll agree with you that Farrah probably regrets a lot of her decisions but is too proud to admit it, so she just keeps repeating the same bad behavior. I also agree she's a lost cause.



However...if she can afford a $700,000 house and tens of thousands in plastic surgery, she can also afford therapy. At this point, she's basically ruining poor Sophia's life because she refuses to do anything- she has to first admit that she's actually capable of doing something wrong, ever- and she just won't do that. She has a responsibility to her child, that no matter what she's been through, that she's the best person she can be so that Sophia can grow up healthy and know how to talk to people and make good decisions.


I agree so much with this. Whatever happened to her, she doesn't get to victimize Sophia.


I'm not sure I believe the Abrahams are as much to blame for Farrah as some other posters think- I agree Deb is a little crazy and there may have been some abuse in that house (beyond what we saw), but watching the 16 and pregnant episode, Farrah is actually pretty well adjusted. She's kind of bitchy, but bitchy in a way that a lot of teenage girls are (and believe me, teenage girls can be incredibly bitchy). And in early TM episodes, she has some moments of real affection for Sophia. I don't think she went off the rails until after she left her parents' house. And Deb and Michael have gone off the rails as well. These are two successful white collar professionals that now are unemployed so they can trail after Farrah and Deb is addicted to plastic surgery and has online boyfriends that she supports. Just a weird situation altogether.

  • Love 6
These are two successful white collar professionals that now are unemployed so they can trail after Farrah and Deb is addicted to plastic surgery and has online boyfriends that she supports. Just a weird situation altogether.



This time a million.  Someone was asking about Cate and Tyler's sister look old, well that is not unusual for girls born into their socio economic sphere who usually have to grow up long before their time.  Sometimes it is because of addiction, poverty, and unplanned pregnancies.


However, Farrah came from an upper middle class household with two college educated parents.  It does not mean that the more money people have the better they are, but her parents should know better then to bet their financial futures with their lunatic daughter.


To put it this way...the fact that Cate probably supports April and Butch (or at least helps them out sometimes) is not surprising.  The fact that Farrah's parents seem to totally financially dependent on her is shocking and stupid.

  • Love 8

I don't think I've ever seen someone who appears to have Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic PD on any reality show more than Farrah appears to. I think her parents cower to her because they know they will lose all contact with Farrah - and Sophia - if they don't. In my view, Farrah has shown the same personality, to different degrees, all throughout her time on our TVs but, the fact that she has made so much money has allowed her to create a sycophant bubble around herself and therefore allowed these disorders to flourish. Clearly, she cuts off contact with those who don't kiss her ass or agree to whatever she says or wants immediately. That's why she has little to no one.  MTV and her "fans" and, even us discussing her, feeds her narcissistic supply even further. And then there are some people who will agree with her we are just "negative haters" and she is right as well. It appears now her parents have been filling this bullshit "cheerleader" role (ha)  for a few years now. So she has had nothing real in a long time and is so far out of touch. She's treated like a pampered, spoiled child with no one telling her NO. Kind of like a "child star".  We all know how that usually turns out. I won't disagree there was dysfunction and still is within her family but I don't think it was a huge trauma or any big one thing necessarily. I think she just had these disorders to start with, for whatever reasons, and they have been allowed to flourish significantly due to MTV filming her, her fame, fans and money. I can see this happening with Sophia in the future if all this continues. All this is just my observation and opinion. 


I think Farrah makes any Kardashian/Jenner/hell, even Princess Kanye, seem like they have a great personality by comparison. Farrah is just awful...I don't think a worse personality exists.Watching her had appeal to me in that it is so rare to see someone so blatantly awful to everyone nearly constantly but it is already getting old and I don't want to feed her supply so I find it very difficult to watch her parts after 2 episodes this season. I feel like I'm watching another being created with how Sophia is indulged and allowed to treat others plus the weird dynamics with mom, grandma and grandpa and all the times Farrah leaves for work, etc. It's not going to be good, she has watched mommy treat literally everyone like crap her whole life.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 11

If I ever have a daughter and she comes to me asking to help her get an abortion, I will say yes. Why? See: Farrah.

I think Farrah resents that Debra wouldn't let her have an abortion. I think she didn't place Sophia for adoption to stick it to Debra and Michael for not letting her have an abortion (and possibly also because after Derek died, I can see how it would be hard to consider placing his child....not sure when in the timeline his death was vs the adoption talk on her 16&P episode).

I think Farrah resents that Debra and Michael basically cut her off from Derek. She went along with it because she had to (and was smart enough to know her parents would see her 16&P episode, so she kept it up on the phone call from Derek, etc about keeping him out of her/the baby's life). She said in her book she told MTV she wasn't going to his funeral but she did sneak away to it. I have no doubt that Farrah and Derek were on-and-off and that she assumed one day they'd be back "on." Imagine being sixteen, pregnant with your boyfriend's kid, being cut-off from said boyfriend by your parents, and then he dies. I think she probably misplaced a lot of anger about his death on Debra and Michael since they had decided she wouldn't talk to him anymore then he dies while she's pregnant with his child. Yes, Farrah was going along with the whole plan, but I doubt that was her intention forever. I think a lot of that has to do with Farrah's anger, how she treats Debra & Michael, and possibly also some guilt on Debra and Michael's parts that cause them to allow her to treat them that way.

And I agree with the poster up thread who said that if your mom will slap you on TV, what the heck will she do when no one is watching? (Granted, I know I've wanted to slap Farrah plenty of times.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 4

Mypeoplearenordic, I agree with your post except for one thing. The way Farrah was then if she wanted to see Derek, she would have. I don't think her parents had the ability or the balls to tell her not to do anything. I can see them telling her to not see him, but I just don't see her obeying them at all. If she wanted to see him, she would have in my opinion.

I also don't think she'll ever, ever cut Sophia out of her parents lives. If she does that she loses her free nanny, she'll never do that. Who else would put up with her? If she didn't have free nannies she wouldn't be able to run off for a month anytime she feels like it.

Both of Farrah's parents are awful but to me Michael is the worst. He's such a wimpy, simpering little milquetoast. He's a disgusting sorry ass excuse for a man. I think he knows he is too.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 7

And I agree with the poster up thread who said that if your mom will slap you in TV,

Both of Farrah's parents are awful but to me Michael is the worst. He's such a wimpy, simpering little milquetoast. He's a disgusting sorry ass excuse for a man. I think he knows he is too.

Debra slapped Farrah on television? I saw Debra slap Farrah's shoulder while they were in a car, but I never saw her slap her in her face.


At this point, if Debra were to slap Farrah in the face, I'd stand up and applaud.





The way Farrah was then if she wanted to see Derek, she would have. I don't think her parents had the ability or the balls to tell her not to do anything. I can see them telling her to not see him, but I just don't see her obeying them at all. If she wanted to see him, she would have in my opinion.

Most definitely agree. Teens are teens. I was a teen. We all were teens. We had friends who were teens. We know there are teens who will sometimes do things behind their parents' back or against their orders. Teens can be sneaky and will sometimes disobey.  Farrah herself put out there how she had to sneak Derek into her bedroom. Where there is a will, there is a way.

  • Love 6

I don't think I've ever seen someone who appears to have Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic PD on any reality show more than Farrah appears to. I think her parents cower to her because they know they will lose all contact with Farrah - and Sophia - if they don't. In my view, Farrah has shown the same personality, to different degrees, all throughout her time on our TVs but, the fact that she has made so much money has allowed her to create a sycophant bubble around herself and therefore allowed these disorders to flourish. Clearly, she cuts off contact with those who don't kiss her ass or agree to whatever she says or wants immediately. That's why she has little to no one.  MTV and her "fans" and, even us discussing her, feeds her narcissistic supply even further. And then there are some people who will agree with her we are just "negative haters" and she is right as well. It appears now her parents have been filling this bullshit "cheerleader" role (ha)  for a few years now. So she has had nothing real in a long time and is so far out of touch. She's treated like a pampered, spoiled child with no one telling her NO. Kind of like a "child star".  We all know how that usually turns out. I won't disagree there was dysfunction and still is within her family but I don't think it was a huge trauma or any big one thing necessarily. I think she just had these disorders to start with, for whatever reasons, and they have been allowed to flourish significantly due to MTV filming her, her fame, fans and money. I can see this happening with Sophia in the future if all this continues. All this is just my observation and opinion. 


I think Farrah makes any Kardashian/Jenner/hell, even Princess Kanye, seem like they have a great personality by comparison. Farrah is just awful...I don't think a worse personality exists.Watching her had appeal to me in that it is so rare to see someone so blatantly awful to everyone nearly constantly but it is already getting old and I don't want to feed her supply so I find it very difficult to watch her parts after 2 episodes this season. I feel like I'm watching another being created with how Sophia is indulged and allowed to treat others plus the weird dynamics with mom, grandma and grandpa and all the times Farrah leaves for work, etc. It's not going to be good, she has watched mommy treat literally everyone like crap her whole life.

I agree with everything you have said here.

It looked liked Sophia was hitting Farrah pretty hard in the most recent episide and I found it curious that Farrah didn't really react until she did it several times. It looked and sounded like it should have hurt but Farrah didn't really act like it. I also find her interactions with Sophia interesting. She treats her either younger or older than her age much of the time, in my opinion. Farrah's affect is weird with anyone but especially with Sophia. I can't really explain it but I think Sophia is doomed.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 8

Debra's linked in says she was employed for a company called Dex Media in Seattle from 2013 until August 2015. Did she quit her her job to come watch Sophia for a month? Also, what is "LIONS"?


And I think Farrah's LinkedIn has clues for us as to how she's really been making the majority of her income.....as a webcam girl:

"FARRAH'S FRIENDS ARE THE BEST! The First Celebrity Owned Web Cam Model Website That Makes Web Cams More Mainstream. With the popularity of public display of "sexiness" now on all social media platforms (instagram,twitter,linked,vine,snapchat,Facebook), talked about on national television, in music videos has become widely excepted. Join Today Chat, Calls, Group Goals, One on one, diversified categories including celebrities for Happy Birthday Wishes, Shout Outs, and Q. & A. Join as a customer or as your own boss"


Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 1

It looked liked Sophia was hitting Farrah pretty hard in the most recent episide and I found it curious that Farrah didn't really react until she did it several times. It looked and sounded like it should have hurt but Farrah didn't really act like it. I also find her interactions with Sophia interesting. She treats her either younger or older than her age much of the time, in my opinion. Farrah's affect is weird with anyone but especially with Sophia. I can't really explain it but I think Sophia is doomed.

Her nerve endings are probably all dead from all the plastic surgery.

  • Love 4

When did Sophia become another "Bew Bew"?. she's been Soph for years and now it's Bew Bew. It's ridiculous when Amber uses it for Leah but it sounds downright silly coming out of Farrah's mouth. She is so awkward and unnatural with her own kid.

I know that motherly bond doesn't come automatically for all women but Farrah and Sophia seem like casual acquaintances.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 6

If I were to guess, I would bet that Farrah was a spoiled overly indulged child that was never properly disciplined.  What I mean by proper disciplined, is that instead of explaining what is correct behavior Debra probably gave into everything Farrah wanted and then when Farrah was too much...Debra would probably explode with screaming and hitting.


I doubt if Michael ever disciplined her at all.  The guy is an absolute doormat when it comes to his daughter.


The funny thing is that I have found adults who were extremely spoiled children to be the most unhappiest people on earth.  Adults who were abused, neglected, or are the children of addicts (like Cate), tend to much happier people once they can overcome their childhood traumas.  Some of these people become amazing adults.  The spoiled children, however, just always seem to be miserable grown ups.

  • Love 3

How does Farrah get under Maci's skin?  That isn't my impression at all.  In fact, I think Farrah was incredibly hurt and bothered (and behaved as such) when she found out that Maci didn't want her on the show and even briefly stopped filming.  Farrah flipped out on Maci and started babbling nonsensically (per usual, half of her words not even making sense) while Maci just sat there calmly.  Farrah was the one who got flustered and fled the room. 



In regards to the bold - The same way Ryan gets under Maci's skin. Maci doesn't want to be on a tv show due to Farrah having done a porn video. She then uses Bentley as her excuse that she can't have her child be on a show where he can be associated with a girl who did porn because the neighborhood moms and mothers of her child's school mates would confuse her with what Farrah does. What is so hypocritical about her claims is, Maci had no issue with being on a show with her child that showcases domestic violence and drug abuse. Where was the outcry then? When Amber, Cate, and Maci all got together and laughed their assess off at what Farrah has done, pointing their fingers (and Cate pointing her stubby, chewed off finger) at Farrah, in their own judgmental manner, they all showed how much Farrah gets under their skin. They had no issues with her crazy ass before the porn tape.


Maci says in a scene why do the producers need to film Ryan and why does she have to film scenes with Ryan? She seems to forget that she is not the one who calls the shot on this show. She is not in charge. She gets paid because she chooses to be filmed. The producers asking Maci to film scenes with Ryan seems to be a sore spot with her. 


As for Ryan, Maci is has to constantly put down Ryan. Yes, he is a douche. Tell us something we don't know about him, Maci. We know how he is, but she is stuck in trying to change his ways. She chose him and now she is stuck with him for the rest of her life because he is Bentley's father. She too has pretty much said she wishes Ryan wasn't around and to have Taylor replace Ryan as Bentley's father.  


Maci is deeply annoyed and yes, it gets under her skin that she has to deal with Ryan and Farrah on some level. Tough shit, Maci. 

  • Love 4
As for Ryan, Maci is has to constantly put down Ryan. Yes, he is a douche. Tell us something we don't know about him, Maci. We know how he is, but she is stuck in trying to change his ways. She chose him and now she is stuck with him for the rest of her life because he is Bentley's father. She too has pretty much said she wishes Ryan wasn't around and to have Taylor replace Ryan as Bentley's father.



She says this about every man she is involved with.  Remember, Kyle (the one Ryan asked Maci if he was special needs)...she was all ready to start a life with him as Bentley's dad.  Sorry Maci, life does not work like that.  You will have to deal with your high school crush, who was just not into you for more then a lay, for as long as Bentley's around.


The funny thing is that the addition of Farrah last season did little to make the show more interesting and Maci, with her stupid stance on not filming Bentley, gave Farrah her best story line.  The big theme last season was Maci vs. Farrah, which was also boring.

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When talking to Sophia about Derek, why does Farrah refer to him as "Daddy Derek"? Why not just "daddy"? So weird.

When talking to Sophia about Derek, why does Farrah refer to him as "Daddy Derek"? Why not just "daddy"? So weird.

Pretty sure Farrah calls him "Daddy Derek" because one day she'll convince some poor, stupid sap to marry her and she'll insist Sophia call him "daddy."

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She did split open Farrah's lip in the case that went to court. And she threatened police officers with knives.

Basically the whole family is fucking crazy.

If I gave birth to and had to raise and live with the devil's spawn known as Farrah, I might be batshit crazy too.  I'd split more than a lip. Here we all are talking about what a bitch Farrah is and how crazy she is, but if we had to deal with her, I don't know that we would come out of that with our heads screwed on straight or without ever laying a hand on her. 


One thing I do recall from the scene when Farrah and her mom visited with the investigator of the case (or was it an attorney?) after that smackdown, were his words to Farrah as he told her  (paraphrasing) things were pretty heated between the both of them (Farrah and Deb) and it would be a shame to have Deb suffer the consequences when in fact, it was the both of them who were at fault for what went down, to which Farrah  nodded her head. What I got out of that was he was pointing out to Farrah the story she was painting was not what had happened. She may have been the victim of her mother's slap across the face, but Farrah was the instigator to a major degree. I am not one to blame the victim of a crime, but there are those who cross the line and then cry foul when someone reacts to their behavior. 


During the Farrah special last year, they played that scene as Farrah, her dad, Deb, and Heather were sitting around watching it and commenting on it.  Deb was all smug as that moment with the investigator aired. As he is telling Deb the police officer had his red laser pointed at her chest and it could have turned into a deadly situation had she not put the knives down, Deb says out loud to the screen with sarcasm dripping, "What a big, brave man!"  Whatever, Deb. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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She is honestly the most unlovable/unlikable person I've ever come to know either personally or through the media. I'm guessing even her parents don't like her but they have to love her.  There is no way any man would be with her unless he's a famewhore, gold-digger (how she has money is just demoralizing, I'm sure, for young women who are smart, get an education, work hard and have lousy paying jobs), or wants sex. I can't imagine she's any good at that, either, because her personality is so disgusting.

Farrah's affect is weird with anyone but especially with Sophia. I can't really explain it but I think Sophia is doomed.

There seems to be nothing truly genuine about her - even her interactions with her young daughter. To me she's a scary person. She might take care of Sophia's physical needs but I think she is totally going to mess up that child's mind.

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how she has money is just demoralizing, I'm sure, for young women who are smart, get an education, work hard and have lousy paying jobs

Lenny Bruce (who was married to a stripper for awhile) used to address this in his stand-up routine. Responding to complaints that his act was obscene, he said what was truly obscene in this Country was the fact that a stripper could make thousands of dollars a week while a school teacher made next to nothing. Unfortunately, thanks to television and social media, a story like Farrah's reaches far more young and impressionable women today. Why invest in an education when I can make lots of money right now on the pole or in the porn industry?

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