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Do we kow anything about Simon's family? I know his name (Simondeep Saran) appears to be Indian.

This is a BIG generalization - but all of the Indian-American kids I knew growing up who were first generation American-born had pretty traditional parents. They were pressured by their parents to do well in school and go to college (usually to major in engineering, pre-med, or law) and not draw a lot of negative attention to themselves or the family by getting trouble at school, getting arrested, teen pregnancies, openly having sex before marriage, pregnancies out of wedlock, etc. There were certain expectations that were to be met, and all of them did so, so I'm assuming the parents didn't play when it came to being serious about repercussions. No way would any of those kids' parents been pleased with a porn star girlfriend who was a Teen Mom and was on a show announcing to the world that she was a teen mom. (Honestly they'd also probably have preferred that the children only date other Indian-Americans as well.)

I just picture Simon having a traditional Indian-American family at home who's incredibly embarrassed and ashamed of the fact that he's dating Farrah and is on this show (not to mention his behavior on this show). Heck, I think most anybody would be embarrassed if their son/brother/etc was dating Farrah just due to her behavior & attitude. But maybe not. Something does tell me, however, that they aren't excited about having Sophia over for family holidays.

I apologize again for making this generalization about Indian-American families being very traditional, etc, and I am sure my experience does not account for all Indian-American families. But I think it is interesting to note that we haven't ever seen an Indian-American or Asian-American girl on "16 & Pregnant." Surely, some of those girls are getting pregnant....I'm just thinking there's no way in heck their parents are signing the release forms for them to be on the show.)

I did find this article about Simon's ex-girlfriend getting a restraining order against him for "verbal abuse & violent rages": http://starcasm.net/archives/312571

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 7

Are you thinking Farrah is the kind of girl you bring home to momma? No, chile. I think Simon keeps Farrah firmly in the "don't come by here, I'll meet you at your place" territory. Farrah will never get a holiday, a bbq, or a cousins wedding. He won't have her within three states of his family.

They don't know a Farrah exists. By the time this trickles to their circle Farrah will be long gone. Or they'll know that Farrah is just a good time for now.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 8

Are you thinking Farrah is the kind of girl you bring home to momma? No, chile. I think Simon keeps Farrah firmly in the "don't come by here, I'll meet you at your place" territory. Farrah will never get a holiday, a bbq, or a cousins wedding. He won't have her within three states of his family.

They don't know a Farrah exists. By the time this trickles to their circle Farrah will be long gone. Or they'll know that Farrah is just a good time for now.

I don't know what I was thinking. You are 100% correct, I'm sure.

I guess I've been seeing this relationship through Farrah's eyes or something.

  • Love 1


I want to say that holding on to someone's ankles while they drag you around the hardwood floor looks sooooo fun, I don't blame Sophia for that, but the hitting and grabbing was awful and should not have been tolerated by anyone. Simon took it much better than I would have, Farrah must have have a magical hoo ha for him to have tolerated that garbage the entire visit.

Farrah doesn't need a magical hoo ha, she's got cameras following her around. That was probably the draw for Simon.  Well, that and her porn tape that wasn't a porn tape, lol.    


All during Simon's visit  I kept thinking about that boy a few years ago that she had a couple dates with and then when he inevitably stopping talking her calls she drove four hours to hunt him down (cameras in tow) to confront him about their future, lol.  It seemed so sad then but really just a prelude to Farrah's crazy.  I can't remember if it was the same guy she brought home to  Deb and Michael after a couple dates, but I do remember Deb telling Farrah's date [upon meeting him for the first time]  "We don't believe in pre-marital sex" while holding Sophia [exhibit A] on her lap.  Good times. 

  • Love 5


Farrah doesn't need a magical hoo ha, she's got cameras following her around. That was probably the draw for Simon.  Well, that and her porn tape that wasn't a porn tape, lol.    


All during Simon's visit  I kept thinking about that boy a few years ago that she had a couple dates with and then when he inevitably stopping talking her calls she drove four hours to hunt him down (cameras in tow) to confront him about their future, lol.  It seemed so sad then but really just a prelude to Farrah's crazy.  I can't remember if it was the same guy she brought home to  Deb and Michael after a couple dates, but I do remember Deb telling Farrah's date [upon meeting him for the first time]  "We don't believe in pre-marital sex" while holding Sophia [exhibit A] on her lap.  Good times. 


I remember that episode. I don't know how long they were dating, but it ended when Farrah got a Facebook message from his longtime girlfriend. From what I put together, the dude was an aspiring male model and was dating Farrah to get on TV. I got the distinct impression the girlfriend messaged Farrah less out of jealousy, but more that she was appalled her boyfriend would stoop to dating someone to get TV exposure and she honestly believed telling Farrah was a kindness as opposed to just trying to scare her off so she could keep this prize to herself. Anyways, yeah, Farrah rounded up her Buffalo Wild Wings friends (who were probably also there for the camera time) and asked Debra to babysit so they could drive 4-5 hours EACH WAY to confront this guy, since once he realized he was busted he would not answer Farrah's calls, and god forbid Farrah be denied the chance to bitch him out.


It was awesome because when Farrah asked Debra to babysit and had to explain why, Debra gives her this look and is like, so this guy made a fool out of you, and your response is to spend an entire day of your life- that you could be spending working, studying, or you know, being with your kid- tracking him down just to tell him that you're mad at him, which he has no doubt already figured out? And was just like, wow, could you look more desperate? She actually gave pretty sound advice, telling Farrah it would look a lot better if Farrah just moved on and that any time spent on him was more time than he deserved, but naturally Farrah did not listen. And she was a real bitch about asking (demanding was more like it) her mom to babysit so she could complete this endeavor.

  • Love 7

Are you thinking Farrah is the kind of girl you bring home to momma? No, chile. I think Simon keeps Farrah firmly in the "don't come by here, I'll meet you at your place" territory. Farrah will never get a holiday, a bbq, or a cousins wedding. He won't have her within three states of his family.

They don't know a Farrah exists. By the time this trickles to their circle Farrah will be long gone. Or they'll know that Farrah is just a good time for now.

I mean Simon is no prize but if he has a traditional South Asian family, no way is he bringing Farrah home. I remember when I brought my decidedly non-South Asian, surfer boy ex home to my traditional family it was a huge event, even though he had a degree from an Ivy League university, was successful and had never starred in a nationally known pornography film... I still felt like I was disappointing them by going outside the community.  To be fair though, if Simon's parents are conservative, they are probably not pleased with the fact that their son is dating a porn actress on national television. I doubt he has a good relationship with his family or is concerned about pleasing with them. Like attracts like.


In any event, Simon seems like a terrible human being. Farrah really knows how to pick 'em. But I guess normal, decent dudes just wouldn't go for her

Edited by evilmindatwork
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So, I am going to admit it - I love Farrah. Why? Because she is actually interesting. I almost feel like the producers don't have to manufacture story lines with her. She lets her crazy flag fly, she embraces feminism and doesn't apologize for her decisions. 


Granted, I'd NEVER want to actually have Farrah in my life. I think she is way too high maintenance. However, I find her kind of inspiring. She's the only one on TM (or TM2) who understands the MTV money won't last forever. The girl has hustle. 

  • Love 4

So, I am going to admit it - I love Farrah. Why? Because she is actually interesting. I almost feel like the producers don't have to manufacture story lines with her. She lets her crazy flag fly, she embraces feminism and doesn't apologize for her decisions. 


Granted, I'd NEVER want to actually have Farrah in my life. I think she is way too high maintenance. However, I find her kind of inspiring. She's the only one on TM (or TM2) who understands the MTV money won't last forever. The girl has hustle. 

She does have hustle and does unashamedly let her freak flag fly but Farrah is no feminist. I mean, she embraces the advances feminism has provided her,  but she's the first person to tear down and look down on other women. Her comment on "only ugly girls" waiting on an engagement ring comes to mind.

Edited by evilmindatwork
  • Love 12

I think one of Farrah's biggest problems is that she's a terrible communicator, and that makes it even harder for people to understand or root for her. As others have mentioned, her thoughts are scattered, her sentences don't make sense, and she often mis-uses words. She rambles and obfuscates, and it's hard to tell whether that's an intentional tactic, or just how her mind works. She also clenches her jaw and doesn't enunciate, and speaks in a rapid monotone, which makes her even harder to follow. It seems to have been made even worse by all the terrible plastic surgery and botched lip injections. If Farrah wants to continue in the public eye, she really needs to get some elocution training, but of course no one can tell her that.


Also, I've noticed that she doesn't seem to know how she comes across, or how to control her facial expressions or tone. There have been several instances where I think she was genuinely trying to be playful or funny, or at least not actively hostile, but it still came out as snotty and sarcastic. I'm starting to think that she has a pretty severe social or cognitive dysfunction of some sort.


As to the unspecified trauma, I caught something Michael said briefly on the last Dr. Drew special. In the context of that "trauma," he alluded to being distant and letting Farrah down, and then said something offhandedly about a family member "taking advantage of" her. Drew, of course, didn't bother to pursue it (because that would've actually been new and interesting), but one could feasibly infer that the trauma had something to do with a family member abusing Farrah, and Michael either allowing it to happen, or not acting on it once he knew. If so, that would explain SO MUCH. 

  • Love 5


As to the unspecified trauma, I caught something Michael said briefly on the last Dr. Drew special. In the context of that "trauma," he alluded to being distant and letting Farrah down, and then said something offhandedly about a family member "taking advantage of" her. Drew, of course, didn't bother to pursue it (because that would've actually been new and interesting), but one could feasibly infer that the trauma had something to do with a family member abusing Farrah, and Michael either allowing it to happen, or not acting on it once he knew. If so, that would explain SO MUCH. 

I didn't hear the part about a family member but I do remember watching a clip of him  during Farrah's appearance on Dr. Phil where Micheal was adamant that Farrah's co-star (in the porn video) James Dean traumatized Farrah by talking about the tape in public.  "He took advantage of her, blah blah blah"    Michael went so far to say it traumatized his entire family. .  


But if a family member did traumatize Farrah I don't think we have to look much farther than her mother physically attacking her to the point that Farrah called the cops.  I'm sure that wasn't the first domestic fight that happened in that house of crazy. 


And we know it wasn't the first time Debra smacked Farrah.  Remember when Farrah demanded Debra buy her a car because she was sick of being dependent on Debra for rides, lol, then proceeded to call her mother dumb etc. until Debra went ahead and cracked her in the face in  the car.   I understand the impulse but Debra had some serious anger issues.   Maybe Michael feels guilty for not being around much for all that?  Just a guess.  A real psychologist (as opposed to some reality TV doc) could make a career off treating the Abrahams.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 3

I didn't hear the part about a family member but I do remember watching a clip of him  during Farrah's appearance on Dr. Phil where Micheal was adamant that Farrah's co-star (in the porn video) James Dean traumatized Farrah by talking about the tape in public.  "He took advantage of her, blah blah blah"    Michael went so far to say it traumatized his entire family. .  


But if a family member did traumatize Farrah I don't think we have to look much farther than her mother physically attacking her to the point that Farrah called the cops.  I'm sure that wasn't the first domestic fight that happened in that house of crazy. 


And we know it wasn't the first time Debra smacked Farrah.  Remember when Farrah demanded Debra buy her a car because she was sick of being dependent on Debra for rides, lol, then proceeded to call her mother dumb etc. until Debra went ahead and cracked her in the face in  the car.   I understand the impulse but Debra had some serious anger issues.   Maybe Michael feels guilty for not being around much for all that?  Just a guess.  A real psychologist (as opposed to some reality TV doc) could make a career off treating the Abrahams.  


This is all true, and I'm sure it's related, but I keep thinking of the scene on Couples Therapy (for Actual Couples and Also Farrah) where Dr. Jenn was so horrified by whatever Farrah told her in private. She said something like "that's the most disturbing thing any client has ever told me." Now, they may have been playing up the drama for the show, but if there was any truth to what Dr. Jenn said, I can't believe she was that taken aback by the kind of abuse we already know about in the Abraham family. Debra and Farrah's relationship is dysfunctional, but probably run-of-the-mill stuff as far as a professional counselor is concerned. I strongly suspect there is more we don't know about.


Also, this is very unscientific and obviously I am not a licensed counselor, much less Farrah's, BUT the way Farrah acts and the choices she makes could be indicative of sexual abuse. I don't think Farrah's signing up to willingly be anally penetrated on camera by a known porn actor was the trauma, but I could easily believe it was behavior that occurred because of previous trauma. (Requisite disclaimer that not all porn actresses were abused, etc.; these comments are about Farrah specifically.) Her attempts to claim that James Deen was her boyfriend and the "sex tape" (professionally produced porno) was meant to be private are pretty transparently fake, and Deen has even made some comments about how it sucks that she threw him under the bus. I think that, although we all have access to a life-like mold of her most special areas, there is still a lot we don't know about Farrah.

  • Love 5


This is all true, and I'm sure it's related, but I keep thinking of the scene on Couples Therapy (for Actual Couples and Also Farrah) where Dr. Jenn was so horrified by whatever Farrah told her in private. She said something like "that's the most disturbing thing any client has ever told me." Now, they may have been playing up the drama for the show, but if there was any truth to what Dr. Jenn said, I can't believe she was that taken aback by the kind of abuse we already know about in the Abraham family. Debra and Farrah's relationship is dysfunctional, but probably run-of-the-mill stuff as far as a professional counselor is concerned. I strongly suspect there is more we don't know about.

I have wondered if perhaps Farrah made up some big, fat lie to Dr. Jenn.


Dr. Jenn is a therapist. She has a radio show on Sirius. I have tuned in at times just to hear what her show is about. There have been some pretty traumatic stories on her radio show. I would imagine she has heard some other horrible stories in her private practice. What could Farrah have possibly said that out shined other people's traumatic stories? 


I have this feeling that Farrah told a story that teeters on the level of the Menendez murder case where the two brothers told these elaborate lies about sodomy by toothbrush, and other horrible sex acts that were performed on them by their father in order to garner sympathy and hopefully, to be found not guilty in the murder of their parents. I would hate to think something horrible happened to Farrah by maybe an extended family member, but I also can't help but remember this girl has boldly lied to the media, Dr. Phil, and to the public about not having been in a porn video and how she was not caught drunk driving. She has made her story about Derek seem like they were Romeo & Juliet, two fools in love who were not allowed to be together. If not for the parents, they would have been married and living happily ever after. Farrah revises the truth. I can't believe anything bad happened to her. I do believe things were bad in her home, but she played a part in that environment.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 11

I think Farrah has lied to her parents and told them something bad happened to her. It would be her way of keeping them on her leash. She likely has blamed them for this "traumatic" event in her life by telling them they weren't there to protect her, and they soaked it all up, blaming themselves and feeling guilty. 


In some way, I imagine Farrah is like Casey Anthony. Anthony made allegations that her father had molested her. I don't believe that whatsoever, but it did make some people sympathize with her. A form of deflection and desperation is what that was. For Farrah, it may have been used to make her look like a victim and to deflect from all the shit she ever did growing up.

  • Love 8

I've never thought Farrah was pretty. She went from "doing her best with what she had to work with" to "Black Hole Sun video," but there was never really a sweet spot  in the middle like Kim K. c. 2010. Poor Sophia seems to have inherited the worst of Farrah and Derek. If she were being raised properly, she might be kind of cute in an unfortunate way, but with her current behavior, she's basically the female Ben Lovatt

Edited by JocelynCavanaugh
  • Love 4

It's hard for me to judge Farrah looks wise because when I picture her, I automatically hear her voice in my head and that squawky, faux valley girl voice just makes me cringe. She's like Kristin Cavallari but 10 times worse. I do think she was cute in 16 and pregnant before her pregnancy bloated her face, and in the early episodes of teen mom. I've always conceded she had a really good body. There's one episode where Farrah's high school friend comes over, I think it was the first or second episode of the first season- and Farrah's friend was kind of overweight. I remember wondering if Farrah's friend was bothered that Farrah was much more fit than she was and Sophia was prob 6 months or less.

  • Love 2

I always thought Farrah was a "Buttaface" during 16 and Pregnant and the early Seasons of Teen Mom.  I was always jealous of her fit body, but her face was just sorta "eh".  I'm gonna go against the grain and say that her current face, the one with $30,000 of plastic surgery to it, is an improvement.  Completely fake, plastic, and almost cartoonish...but an improvement.


And I'm not one to advocate for plastic surgery.  The only surgery I've had were removal of precancerous moles.


However, the fact that Farrah is just so abrasive, narcissistic, shrill, and just plain MEAN counteracts any slight redeeming quality her looks might have.

  • Love 2

We still have the "Unseen Moments" episode that needs to air. I saw a sneak peek of it the other day. Apparently, Amber has a shit attack over Kristina stating she feels Leah is just like her own daughter.


I was wondering if we were still getting one of those. No way, Amber freaks out again? 


I wonder what unseen footage they have of Farrah and Simon? Based on what they already chose to show, yikes for what the unseen moments might be.

  • Love 1

Oh the horror! now that her DNA is out there someone could clone her.OHHHHHNOOOOO

It could be the end of civilization. An evil scientist builds an army of shrieking, cryfaced feral Farrahs, tries to blackmail all the nations for billions, and then loses control of them. Coming soon as a so-bad-it's-good Syfy movie.

Boy, that girl sure monetizes herself. Will she try to sell clips of hair to the Vatican because she expects to be canonized?

  • Love 3

I got curious enough to look at the site and was relieved to learn it's not that you get a usable sample of her DNA. They just figured out some way to incorporate it into other products.  One example they gave is you might be able to get a guitar pick with some of Jimi Hendrix' DNA in it, but you're not going to be having a Jimi Hendrix baby. In Farrah's case you apparently get a vial to wear around your neck. So we can breathe a collective sigh of relief there won't be a zillion more Farrahs running around.


I still find it odd, but I guess it's kind of a 'thing' now. You can even get jewelry made using your loved one's DNA (people, pets, whatever) - I think they make lab generated diamonds/crystals/gemstones with the DNA or something like that. My dog died of cancer and I remember talking to people in the waiting room while she got her treatments who were planning to have DNA jewelry made.

  • Love 3

I apologize for quoting whole posts without giving credit! Fog brain me took two days to read the thread! But I 'Liked" and agree with so much said. Just too good not to revisit.   

The scene is all a big blur to me now, but this I remember, now that you posted it. I think Debra had a bit of an input, but overall, Deb seemed to pat Farrah on the back and tell her it was a good paper.


I might be remembering wrong, but Farrah was still claiming her porn video was a "leaked sex tape" and that shit right there is what irks me. Farrah needs to own up to her behavior, but she won't. I don't see how she can be embarrassed about anything when she chooses to do the things that she does and enjoys  the spotlight that it gives her. What is she embarrassed about? She should be embarrassed for her DUI, something she still denies occurred. Farrah is like the Kim Richards of Iowa.


BIG FAT WORD to the entire post. The cherry on top for me is the Kim Richards of Iowa!!!!! I'm pissed off at Richards anyfuckinway. Killed me DEAD! * play the theme of "Roseanne* at my wake pretty please;0*






This interview contains these gems:


“That’s right,” she said, correctly adding it’s important to get kids at age 3 or 5 to “know words, pronouncing words to help them with their grammar and their vocabulary.”

“So we practiced a lot when she was younger, with vocabulary, and hand-and-eye coordination type of things,” she said.


“When we go over there, there’s a lot of fish, and wine, and relaxation all day. I mean, I have well-to-do family, so I’ve only seen it in the eyes of them, and how they cater to me when I come over."


I can't understand anything her kid says, because she speaks in the same awful baby talk as her mother.  I can only imagine those vocabulary practice sessions.


If her family is so well off, why aren't they helping Farrah's stupidly swindled and broke mother?  What kind of person goes to visit family and wants to be catered to by them?

Farrah. ONLY. I bet if she will be pissed with all the space she gives Sophia down the line. Like she dare have friends. Or not be the center of her graduation or worse yet her wedding. *SHUDDER* 


Farrah is blasting Teen Mom 3 Mackenzie for starting a fundme campaign to help her pay for a boob job:


I had to really laugh at this because I made a joke about a Fund me thing this week and my best friend said she would seriously disown me if i did. And this was a serious medical thing I was making the joke about. Now I have "funded" friends and family in real life but it does kind of shock me now that I see some of my FB Friends with Fund pages actually up.   

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