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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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7 minutes ago, Pherber said:

That is extremely disturbing, and I hope it is removed from the Internet as soon as possible.  I wonder if a judge could terminate their rights to visit Carly based on a lot of things those two have said and done recently.  Does anyone here know how that sort of thing works?    

They have no formal or official rights. This was an agreement between B&T and C&T. B&T can rescind that agreement at any time. C&T gave up any rights to Carly when they signed the adoption papers.

  • Love 3
19 hours ago, Pherber said:

Have you seen his Instagram page?  It's all about Tyler.  Loads of females comment about how great he looks in his photos, and tell him he's the "best father" and/or husband.  I can only imagine that Catelynn reads all of that becomes even more jealous and insecure.

Did you see his topless photo?


The only reason I suggested gastric bypass is because Catelynn is never going to try to lose weight on her own by working out or eating healthy.

The thing is, how will she then maintain that weight and keep from gaining weight if her eating habits do not change and she is still plagued by the same issues in her life?

Just look at what happened to Cate by going to rehab. She goes to rehab. She claims to have felt better, but there she goes right back to the same routine she had before she went to rehab. Gastric surgery and rehab are not meant to be quick fixes. They are to be done in conjunction with aftercare and a lifestyle change. Two things Cate did not do after rehab. She was doomed from the start.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, evilmindatwork said:

I wonder if Cate makes less money than the rest of the moms because MTV considers her a package deal with Tyler. 

I hope not.

I could totally see Tyler throwing a hissy fit if he wasn't paid the same as the moms, though....and MTV somehow deciding to pay them at some sort of "couple rate" that would mean Cate gets less (and Cate going along with it because she is so co-dependent on Tyler). 

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Agree on both counts. So many people jump into having plastic surgery (Kail) without realizing it is major surgery.

Gastric Bypass is not something to jump into lightly. A specialist in GB would likely not find Cate to be a suitable candidate because her eating habits are not healthy and they would want to know if there are problems she is having that may contribute to her weight problems. She would likely be ordered to try and lose some weight first. My niece's husband had the GB surgery a year ago. His doctor had him try to lose 15 pounds first, which he did. The doctor also ordered him on a diet so he would be accustomed to eating healthy. No point in having GB if the person is going to continue eating take-out, fast food, and unhealthy foods. They'd be stupid to eat that way after the GB anyways because their bodies won't be able to tolerate it.

Cate's weight seems to be due to her bad eating habits. Smoking weed only adds to it because guess what? You get the munchies! That is why many cancer patients are prescribed marijuana because it helps their appetite. Her weight is the symptom of a much bigger problem. Getting Cate to lose weight is like getting a skinny drug addict to eat better so they don't look so scrawny.

I would just like to add that smoking is contraindicated for gastric bypass, I'm not sure if marijuana is included in that, or if she still smokes cigarettes... But she would likely need to quit.

14 hours ago, CofCinci said:

It's scary that he thinks his toddler would be more attractive with heavy make u

  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I would just like to add that smoking is contraindicated for gastric bypass, I'm not sure if marijuana is included in that, or if she still smokes cigarettes... But she would likely need to quit.

The cameras barely conceal Cait's cigarettes.  If not for that stupid Post-It or sweatshirt move, they barely concealed her pot smoking!

Edited by Marisagf
  • Love 1
27 minutes ago, evilmindatwork said:

I wonder if Cate makes less money than the rest of the moms because MTV considers her a package deal with Tyler. 

The moms weren't like the cast of Friends, banding together to ensure the best payout. It was every man for themselves. C&T were poor kids with bad-advice parents. They most likely signed for a low figure -- and of course Tyler would want his pay equivalent to Catelynn's. 

2 hours ago, Pherber said:

Oh, okay, that makes sense.  I have no idea about the legalities of open adoptions.  I wouldn't allow them near Carly, especially after Tyler's selfish on-air rant about her being his storyline and all.  

"Open" adoption is a gentlemens agreement.

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, Marisagf said:

The cameras barely conceal Cait's cigarettes.  If not for that stupid Post-It or sweatshirt move, they barely concealed her pot smoking!

MTV has hid a lot of things from the viewers. They hid Leah and Maci's smoking along with Cate and Tyler's smoking. Leah's addiction was hidden for the longest. They hid C&T's arrest for pot possession.


I would just like to add that smoking is contraindicated for gastric bypass, I'm not sure if marijuana is included in that, or if she still smokes cigarettes... But she would likely need to quit.

Great point. I forgot about her need to quit smoking.

1 hour ago, poopchute said:

I wonder what her plans are that are making her future brighter than ever?

She is switching from 75 watt bulbs to 100 watts?

She is having larger windows installed in her new home?

Per Heather B., the camera can't show what you don't give them. Stop the bullshit Cate about your life being "nothing like that."

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 8
28 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

She is switching from 75 watt bulbs to 100 watts?

She is having larger windows installed in her new home?

Per Heather B., the camera can't show what you don't give them. Stop the bullshit Cate about your life being "nothing like that."

Don't be dumb. Those things would require getting up and actually doing something. She simply went into basic settings on her phone and used the little slidey thing to brighten up the screen.

  • Love 12

Moved from the wrong thread:

Caitlynn seemed awfully out of it in those Mother's Day scenes.  She knew they were coming to wake her because there was a camera positioned right in in her face in bed!  She didn't express any joy at seeing her child and getting flowers.  The card reaction was "meh!" And she didn't seem all that into the horses despite what she said.  I actually thought that she missed being around horses because she used to do it or at least she did it at rehab.  Now there is something to get her out of the house a couple times a week.  But she just seemed so blah about it.  It was weird.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, Marisagf said:

Caitlynn seemed awfully out of it in those Mother's Day scenes.  She knew they were coming to wake her because there was a camera positioned right in in her face in bed!  She didn't express any joy at seeing her child and getting flowers.  The card reaction was "meh!" And she didn't seem all that into the horses despite what she said.  I actually thought that she missed being around horses because she used to do it or at least she did it at rehab.  Now there is something to get her out of the house a couple times a week.  But she just seemed so blah about it.  It was weird.

I think she is seriously depressed. She went through the motions, but she found no joy in any of it. I'm not sure what exactly she did at that month long therapy. She did look better to me immediately upon release, but now she is back to seeming like a shell of a person. I think she needs continual, legitimate therapy (not copy room lady) and medication. I don't know if she's taking anything or what it is, but she A. Needs to not smoke pot if it interferes with her medication and/or B. Re-evaluate what she's taking if it's not working. 

  • Love 12

The saddest part of this is she has built her life around loving this stupid boy child and he is making t very clear that he will not love her if she is broken.  What if she had cancer or heart disease?  Would he walk away from her then too?  Probably.  Tyler only wants to be around for the fun stuff and that ain't life. Some of us get to go thru it unscathed, but some folks have to go thru some really nasty shit.  And Tyler is showing Cate right out of the gate that he is not built for those rainy days. It's all sunny filters and perfect selfies for him.

Cate had better start working on being perfect immediately if she wants this marriage to work.  Tyler has no use for any of life's hiccups and anything that will take focus away from his Instagram page and bouffant hair.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 15

Just wait until Nova is old enough to understand what her dad thinks of women.

He uses this emotionally abusive language toward Cate, I can totally see him telling his 3 year old daughter that she can't be a heifer or no man will want to marry her. Or that she's eating too much. 

This is why I hate other parents. My hubs and I are so conscientious of the language we use and how we speak about others (in front of our kindergartener). And then he goes to school and comes back with this sizeist bullshit. And it's just started. It seriously pisses me off. 

  • Love 10
22 hours ago, CofCinci said:


"Open" adoption is a gentlemens agreement.

One of the things that bugs me about them...they have convinced a big percentage of folks that a) they actually have rights b) they are still her parents.

15 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Just wait until Nova is old enough to understand what her dad thinks of women.

He uses this emotionally abusive language toward Cate, I can totally see him telling his 3 year old daughter that she can't be a heifer or no man will want to marry her. Or that she's eating too much. 

This is why I hate other parents. My hubs and I are so conscientious of the language we use and how we speak about others (in front of our kindergartener). And then he goes to school and comes back with this sizeist bullshit. And it's just started. It seriously pisses me off. 

Or that she is too tall, too short, etc. Remember when he made fun of Carly? And I know...we also feel like we must deprogram our kids thanks to others.

  • Love 7
38 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

One of the things that bugs me about them...they have convinced a big percentage of folks that a) they actually have rights b) they are still her parents.

Or that she is too tall, too short, etc. Remember when he made fun of Carly? And I know...we also feel like we must deprogram our kids thanks to others.

If I were Brandon and/or Theresa, I would be SUPER wary of letting him spend any extended amount of time with Carly. His passive aggressive bullshit, his "no girls allowed!" comments...nope. Big fat nope.

  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

If I were Brandon and/or Theresa, I would be SUPER wary of letting him spend any extended amount of time with Carly. His passive aggressive bullshit, his "no girls allowed!" comments...nope. Big fat nope.

Not to mention,  how long will it be before he's posting skeevy photos of her just perfect for pedophiles? 

  • Love 1

emotionally abusive is really a big reach, at least from what we've seen. I dont see how anyone wouldnt make a snarky comment toward Cate every now and then when she doesn't even TRY to eat healthy or be healthy.

Making a snarky comment about what someone is eating doesn't qualify as "emotional abuse" or hatred toward women in my book. if that were the case I'd say 99% of society has been emotionally abused...lol/

i think certain terms get thrown around way too easily these days.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, mamadrama said:

One of the things that bugs me about them...they have convinced a big percentage of folks that a) they actually have rights b) they are still her parents.

One, the adoption was handled by a very unethical organization. They most likely weren't educated during the process and believed whatever lies were told. The adoption was quickly conducted on the side of the road outside of the hospital before these dumb, exploited kids can change their mind. 

Two, they honestly believe that Carly will want to be with them when she turns 18.  As if she'd ditch her mother and father to drink Natty Lite at a 5th Wheel campsite with these Michigan diseased zilches.

Tyler sees Carly as his property because he's a narcissist.  She is his child and he was benevolent enough to let them borrow her. 

  • Love 14

Cate was enjoying telling Tyler about scraping his stupid truck. She could hardly contain her glee. Maybe she was high and almost giggly, I don't know, but she enjoyed that. When Tyler flounced from the room and she was looking his way, you could see her cheek jutting out in a big grin.

I would enjoy scraping his truck, too. With a giant sledgehammer.

Followers exclaiming that they can't believe how Cate and Tyler are represented as though "something is wrong" in their relationship is sickening. Not only because of the obvious, but because that it shows that all it takes are some shitty greeting cards and schmaltzy twitter posts from Tyler proclaiming his love, etc. etc. to make everything appear wonderful. And Cate went to rehab so everything is wonderful now! She looks just as lost now as she did before, to me.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, teapot said:

oh no, I was being sarcastic....pay attention to Nova....as in, "who's Nova?"

sarcasm is hard to play off online sometimes!  :-)


10 minutes ago, teapot said:

oh no, I was being sarcastic....pay attention to Nova....as in, "who's Nova?"

sarcasm is hard to play off online sometimes!  :-)

I went to another page and it hit me, lol and duh!!!

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, EDTV said:

emotionally abusive is really a big reach, at least from what we've seen. I dont see how anyone wouldnt make a snarky comment toward Cate every now and then when she doesn't even TRY to eat healthy or be healthy.

Making a snarky comment about what someone is eating doesn't qualify as "emotional abuse" or hatred toward women in my book. if that were the case I'd say 99% of society has been emotionally abused...lol/

Well, for one, Tyler has never been shown to sit around and eat salads and broiled chicken all day. They eat the same crap and smoke the same crap and live virtually the same life. So who is HE to say anything? 

Also, when you live with someone, and the comments are frequent, that does a real toll on the psyche. This is not the first time Tyler has made comments about what she's eating. And, from where I'm standing, Tyler tries very hard to APPEAR a loving, supportive husband on screen. So I can only imagine how much more he says when the cameras aren't around. 

I struggled with anorexia in late teens/early 20s. A lot of it was a control issue, stemming from abuse I suffered as a child. But a lot of it was also triggered (God, I hate that word now) by comments people made about what I ate and how much. Why does he need to say anything??? How about leading by example? If he's concerned about her health/weight, surprise her by making a nice, healthy dinner. Shop. Meal plan with her. Start nightly walks. Don't sit there and make comments about what she's eating, proclaim you don't want a heifer for a wife, etc. 

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, NikSac said:

Not to mention,  how long will it be before he's posting skeevy photos of her just perfect for pedophiles? 

Too late. He just did that the other day. I am sure he will post more after he gets slammed for it. That is how he rolls. If people comment negatively to him, he is just more determined to prove them wrong and continues to do it.

6 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

The saddest part of this is she has built her life around loving this stupid boy child and he is making t very clear that he will not love her if she is broken.  What if she had cancer or heart disease?  Would he walk away from her then too?  Probably.  Tyler only wants to be around for the fun stuff and that ain't life. Some of us get to go thru it unscathed, but some folks have to go thru some really nasty shit.  And Tyler is showing Cate right out of the gate that he is not built for those rainy days. It's all sunny filters and perfect selfies for him.

Cate had better start working on being perfect immediately if she wants this marriage to work.  Tyler has no use for any of life's hiccups and anything that will take focus away from his Instagram page and bouffant hair.

Agree to both paragraphs.

Yep, if Cate is going to stick with her emotional abuser, then she better conform herself  to what is his ideal partner or continue to hear his wrath. It is what she is choosing to do.


Followers exclaiming that they can't believe how Cate and Tyler are represented as though "something is wrong" in their relationship is sickening. Not only because of the obvious, but because that it shows that all it takes are some shitty greeting cards and schmaltzy twitter posts from Tyler proclaiming his love, etc. etc. to make everything appear wonderful. And Cate went to rehab so everything is wonderful now! She looks just as lost now as she did before, to me.

Agree, agree, agree. Tyler knows, as he has admitted more than once, his words to Cate are not always appropriate. I don't see him doing anything about it other than going to the copy room therapist where he complains about Cate. How anyone can look at this relationship and not see the emotional abuse that is going on, has shit for brains. It just tells me they themselves are likely in a similar relationship or they treat people like Tyler does and they see nothing wrong with it. Tyler has admitted he has no filter. I imagine when the cameras are not around that behavior is 10x worse. I agree Cate looks just as bad as before. I see nothing has changed about her. She had five minutes of looking clean and upbeat and it was immediately shattered upon her return home.

  • Love 11
9 minutes ago, EDTV said:

so because Cate is fat, Tyler should have to go on a diet too?

I don't know, do most married couples cook separate dinners every night? I mean I guess some do but I think it's more normal to say "okay tonight I am cooking chicken, sweet potatoes, and broccoli, how does that sound?"   Does Tyler really think if he says "let's order Chinese/pizza/quesadillas", Catelyn will say, "okay you order wings and I will cook something for myself."  And if Catelyn is the one saying "let's order Chinese/pizza/quesadillas" maybe Tyler should be saying "how about we cook something tonight and save our cheat meal for Saturday night."

I don't ever recall him being supportive of her.

  • Love 16
14 minutes ago, EDTV said:

so because Cate is fat, Tyler should have to go on a diet too? Listen, we can all pretend like everyone else is supposed to be perfect and be 100% supportive at all times and never say anything incorrect or argue or get mad, but that's just not how real life works. People have different body types/metabolisms. It would be silly to expect couples to eat the same foods because they are married. 

Being fat isn't the only side effect of eating crap and sitting around on social media all day. Tyler may not be as large as Cate, but he has definitely puffed up since this show started. His face looks sallow and unhealthy, to me. I've known thin people with horrible cholesterol levels, who've had heart problems. He should be healthy because he has a daughter to raise. My point is that he does the EXACT SAME things, but thinks he gets a pass. He doesn't, not in my eyes. 


16 minutes ago, EDTV said:

You telling me if a spouse sees another overeating or eating crap, and they make a snarky comment, that constitutes verbal abuse? Stop it...

Once or twice, no. But if it's constant? Yes. Absolutely. I have no real way of knowing how often he says or does these things, none of us do. So I base my opinions on what I do see and speculate from there, just as I do with everything else shown on this program. 

  • Love 12
16 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Once or twice, no. But if it's constant? Yes. Absolutely. I have no real way of knowing how often he says or does these things, none of us do. So I base my opinions on what I do see and speculate from there, just as I do with everything else shown on this program. 

I am reminded of Tyler telling his dad how he felt when his dad told him or wrote to him how cocaine meant more to him than his son. Tyler was deeply hurt by that ONE comment that was said to him. I can't blame him. That had to hurt. Addicts do love their drug more than their families while in the throes of addiction. Tyler still carries that pain as he brought that up to the therapist when he took Butch with him. Now, if Tyler can be hurt after all those years over one comment, how is it he cannot understand how his constant complaining to Cate about her weight, what she eats, and the name-calling (heifer) doesn't hurt her feelings the way his feelings were hurt by his father? We are human. Some people may not be bothered by such comments, but Cate has made it clear it does hurt her just as Tyler told his dad how his feelings were hurt.

By the way, it is known that one shouldn't be calling out someone to stop a certain behavior. Whether it is drugs, bulimia, anorexia, drinking alcohol, etc. it just doesn't help matters. Growing up, I battled with anorexia. The more someone told me to eat, the more upset I became and it made me not want to eat. Telling an addict to stop doing drugs? Same thing. It goes in one ear and out the other. Telling someone they are constantly indulging in food isn't going to make them see the light. Cate may find food is her way of comforting herself. It may numb her pain the way some people turn to alcohol or drugs. There is more going on there than a girl eating food.

  • Love 12

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