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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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This is what happens when you rent a room / house in your name but are not staying there.  Amber needs to build her credit and bank account and be able rent her OWN places.  Sounds like she is still making bad decisions, you don’t bring a destructive pet to a rental when it’s not been cleared.  Of course, it’s still everyone else’s fault.  Tyler did not deserve a public apology from Airbnb.  He should have been groveling.  

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The thing I hate about referring to Vaeda as a rainbow baby is that they ALWAYS refer to her as that as if she isn't her own person. She's one half of the combo needed to have a rainbow baby. Kind of like when people always refer to as set of twins as "the twins". I'm not saying to never refer to them as that, but it's important to also refer to them as individuals. Since day one, Vaeda has been "rainbow baby". Let her be more than that. Let her just be your daughter.

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14 hours ago, ginger90 said:


That is the ugliest fucking tattoo I have ever seen. And I'm not even talking about the concept. The work is just crap. It looks like a 15-year-old, badly faded tattoo. The line work is shitty. The colors are just awful. The kind of money they make? Pay for a serious tattoo artist, not some dude that brings his rusty needles to your kitchen table. 

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46 minutes ago, druzy said:

This kind of post causes problems for Carly's family. It reignites the anger in the crazy Tyler fan nutjobs and they start to harass this family again. He knows this will happen and that is sick. He posts this to get accolades at the expense of an innocent family.

I need an angry emoji. 

To be clear- I would have no problem with C&T (or a similarly situated couple) acknowledging their bio child’s bday, having a family talk about how placing the child for adoption made them feel etc etc- PRIVATELY. Among family or their therapist. B&T have SPECIFICALLY SAID they don’t want pictures of Carly on social media and Tyler pulls this shit?!! I think it was a good think Carly got to meet Nova, but that was a decision her parents (B&T) thought was good for her- Tyler stomps all over their gracious attitude with that post. 

He will never learn. 

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Tyler is an entitled asshole who thinks B&T are only babysitting Carly until she comes back to her "real" family.  He has no respect for B&T, at all, and he never has.  He is also very dim if he can't wrap his head around the idea of a couple not wanting pictures of their daughter on social media.  Really, it's not that unusual of a request, but since Tyler is a famewhore, and has been since he was 16 years old, he just doesn't get it.  I guess if you can't post it on Facebook or Instagram, it isn't real.  Grow up, Tyler, and learn to deal with your shit, privately.

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1 hour ago, druzy said:

This kind of post causes problems for Carly's family. It reignites the anger in the crazy Tyler fan nutjobs and they start to harass this family again. He knows this will happen and that is sick. He posts this to get accolades at the expense of an innocent family.

This is a page straight out of the Bethenny Frankel (RHNYC) Handbook on How to Post "Forbidden" Pictures on Social Media: Rule #1: Shoot the photo from behind so you only see the back of her head. Your fans will love you for it, and the rest are just hatters. 

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1 hour ago, Caracoa1 said:

I'm curious if you their nut job fans will turn on Carly if she opts against having Cate and Tyler in her life when she turns 18

Here's a comment from a deranged fan from that post:


She wants Carly's parents to give C&T half custody or give Carly back.

Here's another comment:


I be so confused at that “open adoption” shit when it “seems like” on the show they never wanna let y’all see her. I be mad as hell for y’all and be having to change the channel. Seem like they ain’t following the rules. Didn’t y’all pick an adoption that allowed y’all visitations and pictures??? They really wanted a closed one if you ask me. But nonetheless y’all did a real selfless thing & I can’t wait til the day she decide she wanna see y’all on her own. That’s gon make that family complete💕 bless y’all

Tyler knew what he was invoking when he put this on social media. If it gets out of hand he will say please leave them alone which his fans will then tell Tyler how wonderful he is. It's a win-win for him.

Edited by druzy
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On 5/16/2019 at 3:05 AM, druzy said:

Tyler's response when he was first contacted by the owner is below. He apologized and offered to pay the bill immediately. This is his response. The full conversation is below.



That AirBnB guy kind of sucks...he seems like an ass kisser.

The fact is, Tyler contracted to rent the place, Tyler left his untrustworthy sister and her frickin dog there, and if I were the homeowner, I would blacklist Tyler from further rentals. Even if he offered to pay for repairs, I'd rather not need them in the first place.

That actually is a really cute picture of Carly and Nova...but unless Carly really lobbies to see Nova again, I think this might be it for the annual meetups.

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19 hours ago, druzy said:

...I be mad as hell for y’all and be having to change the channel. Seem like they ain’t following the rules...

I have to believe this is a parody.

But if not, this mostly illiterate poster is doing C&T's brand no favors by showing their fan base as a poorly educated, nonsensical following.

Also, Hopefully a Parody but Probably Sadly Legit poster, here's a newsflash for you- there are no enforceable "rules" regarding open adoption, and if C&T aren't getting the benefits they wish to have, maybe they could try actually cooperating with their bio daughter's legal parents instead of always antagonizing them.

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On ‎5‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 11:16 AM, druzy said:

This kind of post causes problems for Carly's family. It reignites the anger in the crazy Tyler fan nutjobs and they start to harass this family again. He knows this will happen and that is sick. He posts this to get accolades at the expense of an innocent family.

Couldn't provide at the time? How about still couldn't provide given their spa time and general immaturity. 

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On ‎5‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 10:16 AM, druzy said:

This kind of post causes problems for Carly's family. It reignites the anger in the crazy Tyler fan nutjobs and they start to harass this family again. He knows this will happen and that is sick. He posts this to get accolades at the expense of an innocent family.

Yeah Tyler, we know all of this, it was all on TV dummy!

This is the most aggressive "happy birthday" post I have ever read.  Rather than go on and on about how HE feels ("WE this, WE that") how about "happy birthday, Carly, we hope YOU have a great day and get everything YOU wish for on YOUR special day!"

And of course he says he hopes to see her, but does he think for a second that she doesn't want to see him?  Tyler, you don't even know her, not like her parents do.

14 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

I doubt Carly will come live with them at 18. She might have a relationship with N and V. But I honestly think N and V will grow up and be resentful and not to fond of Carly. T and C are to blame for it all.

Are you quoting from a fan's reply post, or do you think this??

ETA Sorry I mis-read your post, I thought you said you have "no doubt Carly will come and live with them"  !!  Reading is hard Monday morning!

Edited by heatherchandler
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18 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Yeah Tyler, we know all of this, it was all on TV dummy!

This is the most aggressive "happy birthday" post I have ever read.  Rather than go on and on about how HE feels ("WE this, WE that") how about "happy birthday, Carly, we hope YOU have a great day and get everything YOU wish for on YOUR special day!"

And of course he says he hopes to see her, but does he think for a second that she doesn't want to see him?  Tyler, you don't even know her, not like her parents do.

Are you quoting from a fan's reply post, or do you think this??

ETA Sorry I mis-read your post, I thought you said you have "no doubt Carly will come and live with them"  !!  Reading is hard Monday morning!

Someone posted on Reddit that the WE count =12.  🤮

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2 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

Someone posted on Reddit that the WE count =12.  🤮

OMG of course, he's so pathetic!  I just went to Instagram to read the comments for a laugh and wow they are insane people.  I also went to twitter to see those reactions and people are a little less crazy there, which surprised me.

I also found this gem - his latest poetry -

Take all your pain and convert it
Then insert it into your brain
to make it worth what it takes
for you to stand strong here today

This gave me a good laugh for the day.

BTW I love the puke emoji, and really wish the it was a "reaction" we could just click.  I would wear it out on these teen moms/dads!  I would also like an eye-roll option.

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I wish everyone would stop saying what Carly will feel as an adult. We don't know. None of us can know. Maybe she will feel abandon which is common in adoptees. Maybe she will rebel. Maybe she wants nothing to do with C&T. Maybe she will speak out about her feelings against the show and everything else. What she needs know is privacy and to grow up without pressure on her. I'm sure as soon as she turns 18 C&T will make a dumb post about coming back to them and blast it all over the internet. For this reason I truly hope Carly stays away until MTV pulls the plug. C&T are attention whores. Carly should be in control of her story. 

I'm sure seeing C&T makes people not want to place their child for adoption. Thanks to Dawn to because she is at fault. She made adoption sound like babysitting. 

On 5/19/2019 at 11:16 AM, druzy said:

This kind of post causes problems for Carly's family. It reignites the anger in the crazy Tyler fan nutjobs and they start to harass this family again. He knows this will happen and that is sick. He posts this to get accolades at the expense of an innocent family.

10 damn years and these two are doing nothing with their lives. #birthparentstrong?? Really? 

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Yeah Tyler, we know all of this, it was all on TV dummy!

This is the most aggressive "happy birthday" post I have ever read.  Rather than go on and on about how HE feels ("WE this, WE that") how about "happy birthday, Carly, we hope YOU have a great day and get everything YOU wish for on YOUR special day!"

And of course he says he hopes to see her, but does he think for a second that she doesn't want to see him?  Tyler, you don't even know her, not like her parents do.

Are you quoting from a fan's reply post, or do you think this??

ETA Sorry I mis-read your post, I thought you said you have "no doubt Carly will come and live with them"  !!  Reading is hard Monday morning!

Just my opinion.

Frankly Carly is the lucky one because she isn’t on tv every week for 10 years. Unlike other kids from the franchise she has a normal childhood. I wish her 100% happiness in life.

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C& T are the birth parents you don't want to have. I have open relationships with my adopted kids birth family and they respect boundries and understand their role. C&T are just awful. Bethany is too. When you terminate your rights as a parent you are no longer legally the parent. Adoptive parents are parents. C&T don't seem to get that do they? 

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I must speak up for Dawn a little. While Bethany has very frequently been accused of misleading ignorant and unrepresented young birth mothers about their rights after the adoption, and has also been accused of requiring the adoptive parents to pay for the therapy for the birth moms, and then pocketing the money (perhaps it was Bethany branded therapy), I never actually saw Dawn do anything underhanded,

Granted, we can't know what was said when the cameras weren't rolling, but I thought Dawn was very transparent in what C&T could expect- phone calls and pictures, and a once in a year in person visit. She was also very frank in how difficult this would be for both of them. I never saw her in any way pressure C&T or try to make it sound like adoption was akin to babysitting.

At the end of the day, Tyler did not want to raise a baby at 16. Cate didn't necessarily want to either, but she did bond with Carly while pregnant and going through with the adoption was a struggle for her. And nothing mattered to her more than keeping Tyler. I don't think it's fair to say Tyler "made" Cate give up Carly or manipulated her into it- he didn't want to be a father at 16. That's his right.

Tyler actually had moments of maturity and insight in the early days of Teen Mom, but, unlike the girls who are all stunted at 17, I think Tyler actually regressed to 17 after some initial movement to maturity.

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1 hour ago, dariafan said:

it May not be Dawn misleading them , I would place my bets on the family.  Didn’t Butch get a blanket made with Carly’s picture ?    

No, their families were both extremely anti adoption. Adoption was the devil according to both sides.

There have been enough complaints about Bethany as an organization that there is likely at least some truth to the complaint that the bottom line to them is a much higher priority than the mental well-being of the birth parents, and they are possibly motivated to sell them on open adoption without making it clear to what the birth parents are agreeing.

All that said, I don't think it can be concluded that Dawn, as an individual, did anything wrong. Her filmed segments show her asking them what they wanted. Cate said she wanted to be able to call them and get pictures. That is actually ALL she said she wanted (in that filmed scene). There has never been any indication from anyone that Dawn sold them a bill of goods on what an open adoption involved.

Granted, perhaps she gave them a dishonest spiel that wasn't filmed, but that would be pure speculation based on nothing but her affiliation with Bethany.

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2 hours ago, Tatum said:

I must speak up for Dawn a little. While Bethany has very frequently been accused of misleading ignorant and unrepresented young birth mothers about their rights after the adoption, and has also been accused of requiring the adoptive parents to pay for the therapy for the birth moms, and then pocketing the money (perhaps it was Bethany branded therapy), I never actually saw Dawn do anything underhanded,

Granted, we can't know what was said when the cameras weren't rolling, but I thought Dawn was very transparent in what C&T could expect- phone calls and pictures, and a once in a year in person visit. She was also very frank in how difficult this would be for both of them. I never saw her in any way pressure C&T or try to make it sound like adoption was akin to babysitting.

At the end of the day, Tyler did not want to raise a baby at 16. Cate didn't necessarily want to either, but she did bond with Carly while pregnant and going through with the adoption was a struggle for her. And nothing mattered to her more than keeping Tyler. I don't think it's fair to say Tyler "made" Cate give up Carly or manipulated her into it- he didn't want to be a father at 16. That's his right.

Tyler actually had moments of maturity and insight in the early days of Teen Mom, but, unlike the girls who are all stunted at 17, I think Tyler actually regressed to 17 after some initial movement to maturity.

32 minutes ago, Tatum said:

No, their families were both extremely anti adoption. Adoption was the devil according to both sides.

There have been enough complaints about Bethany as an organization that there is likely at least some truth to the complaint that the bottom line to them is a much higher priority than the mental well-being of the birth parents, and they are possibly motivated to sell them on open adoption without making it clear to what the birth parents are agreeing.

All that said, I don't think it can be concluded that Dawn, as an individual, did anything wrong. Her filmed segments show her asking them what they wanted. Cate said she wanted to be able to call them and get pictures. That is actually ALL she said she wanted (in that filmed scene). There has never been any indication from anyone that Dawn sold them a bill of goods on what an open adoption involved.

Granted, perhaps she gave them a dishonest spiel that wasn't filmed, but that would be pure speculation based on nothing but her affiliation with Bethany.

YES to both of your posts.

Both Tyler and Catelyn very much wanted to adopt Carly out.  They did not express any hesitation or reluctance during the pregnancy.  Tyler was definitely the driving force, but Catelyn seemed to be certain, too.  I remember crazy April trying to talk her out of it, but Cate was sure.

Yes they did ask for "pit-churs" and calls, I remember that being all they really asked for, too.  There was no visitation set up because there is no such thing as birthparent visitation!  They are no longer parents/family.  They KNEW all of this going in.  Dawn did tell them all of this.  When they signed that "contract" that it was more of a guideline, but it spelled it all out.  They did not seem upset about any piece of the adoption.

After they made some money and they realized that they WOULD have been able to afford her, due to the show, I think they regretted the decision.  They never said that, but they soon started to get angry about not being able to see her one year, and not getting to speak with her whenever they wanted.

But Bethany/Dawn didn't do anything to mislead them.  They are in the business of placing babies for adoption, so Dawn probably talked about how it was a great idea, etc, but no one forced them.  They went to Bethany, Bethany did not come knocking on their door!

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On 5/19/2019 at 7:09 PM, galaxychaser said:

I doubt Carly will come live with them at 18. She might have a relationship with N and V. But I honestly think N and V will grow up and be resentful and not to fond of Carly. T and C are to blame for it all.

Carly is most likely going to college at 18.  If anyone thinks she is going to live at C&T's "farm" and eat quesadillas, they need to think again. 

I mean, come on.

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