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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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On 6/4/2018 at 2:21 PM, Calm81 said:


My husband and I are guilty of the iPad at a restaurant.

Our daughter is two months younger than Nova and on the spectrum so she has random meltdowns and can’t talk, yet. So when we actually do venture to a restaurant to have dinner with family or friends we bring her iPad so we can get through a dinner without a scene (I don’t have anyone that can babysit for us that is able to handle her otherwise we wouldn’t bring her to a restaurant).

Last month we went to our first restaurant in MONTHS with my brother and his wife and our daughter screamed the whole time (I think it was due to a short nap) and my husband had to sit in the car with her until she calmed down (Normally I handle the meltdowns but I haven’t seen my brother in a long time so my hubby let me enjoy my visit...)

We have behavioral therapy scheduled in July so hopefully we will have a better understanding of her meltdowns, but giving her the iPad was the ONLY way we could get through the meal with family without nearby patrons giving us the stink eye, but when we are home the iPad usage is restricted to 1 hour per day with 30 minutes of it being learning activities and the other 30 being her favorite show “spirit” on Netflix.

I don’t know why I just shared all of that. I guess it’s guilt for relying on technology to parent for me when in social situations or that I just have nobody to vent to about this...?

ETA: she’s a happy little girl but when in social situations she gets frustrated so I don’t want anyone thinking she’s bratty because she’s a sweety but since she’s not quite able to communicate her feelings just yet so it’s hard to know what’s bothering her (like an infant so to speak) so that’s why I don’t want to leave her with anyone but her dad and myself.

I have three kids total, full time job and no entourage of helpers helping me so I cringe when I see Kailyn complain about her struggles as a mom when on her 100th vacation. ?

We experienced something similar when my daughter was very young.  She was eventually diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder called Selective Mutism.  She would only speak to immediate family, and as she got a bit older, she would speak to a few of her friends.  When any other adults tried to speak to her, she would put her head down, or whisper in my ear for me to respond to them.  I never realized how bothered adults would get when a child refused to speak to them!  Some of them would even make a point to bring her candy, but it made no difference because she wasn't ABLE to speak to them.  I had to learn through therapy not to try and make her say thank you to people for bringing her things because she wasn't being defiant, she truly had no control over it. 

She would have horrible meltdowns.  It must have been so frustrating for her to go through an entire day not being able to speak to people, so when she got home to her safe place, she would completely lose it.  

I'm not saying this is what your little girl has, but kudos to you for having her evaluated.  Early intervention made all the difference for my daughter.  Her social anxiety was severe.  Trust me, I cried many tears over it because as exhausting as her meltdowns were, and as much as her tantrums tried my patience, my heart broke for her.  Today, she is 22 years old, is in her senior year of college, and .... is a social butterfly with tons of friends.  She even works as a waitress!  I never thought I'd see the day, because one of the last things she was able to do (even as old as 12 or 13) was order her own meal in a restaurant because the waitress was a stranger. 

The therapy really taught me how to help her, as well as how to counsel her teachers at school, and others who had to interact with her.  It made all the difference.  Hang in there!

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4 hours ago, DaisyMae2011 said:

We experienced something similar when my daughter was very young.  She was eventually diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder called Selective Mutism.  She would only speak to immediate family, and as she got a bit older, she would speak to a few of her friends.  When any other adults tried to speak to her, she would put her head down, or whisper in my ear for me to respond to them.  I never realized how bothered adults would get when a child refused to speak to them!  Some of them would even make a point to bring her candy, but it made no difference because she wasn't ABLE to speak to them.  I had to learn through therapy not to try and make her say thank you to people for bringing her things because she wasn't being defiant, she truly had no control over it. 

She would have horrible meltdowns.  It must have been so frustrating for her to go through an entire day not being able to speak to people, so when she got home to her safe place, she would completely lose it.  

I'm not saying this is what your little girl has, but kudos to you for having her evaluated.  Early intervention made all the difference for my daughter.  Her social anxiety was severe.  Trust me, I cried many tears over it because as exhausting as her meltdowns were, and as much as her tantrums tried my patience, my heart broke for her.  Today, she is 22 years old, is in her senior year of college, and .... is a social butterfly with tons of friends.  She even works as a waitress!  I never thought I'd see the day, because one of the last things she was able to do (even as old as 12 or 13) was order her own meal in a restaurant because the waitress was a stranger. 

The therapy really taught me how to help her, as well as how to counsel her teachers at school, and others who had to interact with her.  It made all the difference.  Hang in there!

Thank you for sharing that. I’m so glad everything worked itself out for your daughter and now she is thriving in college. Hugs!! These are the stories I’d like to watch and learn from on reality tv. ♥️ 

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6 hours ago, monicageller said:

Cate is off to New York to shoot a new show to educate people! This will go well!

Oh brother.

That video made me dizzy. What was the point?

Edited by ginger90
Watched video after commentng the first time. ?
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Tyler is a douchebag and certainly is no prize but it's so obvious he is way out of Cate's league.... everyone knows you are with Cate for the fame and money!  Deep down Cate knows this too...hence her insecurities and multiple trips to "Rehab"!!

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Why would Tyler need a truck that big?  He doesn't work and he has no hobbies that would requires truck of that size! Or does he just feel so " high and mighty" as he cruises down the Main Street of his little Michigan town?!

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3 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

Why would Tyler need a truck that big?  He doesn't work and he has no hobbies that would requires truck of that size! Or does he just feel so " high and mighty" as he cruises down the Main Street of his little Michigan town?!

I figure it’s for his father — either a sobriety gift or to show his father that his son is masculine and tough.   

Emo ass outfit he picked the ridiculous truck up in. 

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13 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

Why would Tyler need a truck that big?  He doesn't work and he has no hobbies that would requires truck of that size! Or does he just feel so " high and mighty" as he cruises down the Main Street of his little Michigan town?!

Cate’s father answered that question:

davidlowell@daniellejchesney probably, cus he can lol. He wanted something big and tough. He got it haha?

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My only guess is he needs the truck for his remodeling projects. I don’t think he needs a truck like THAT but out of all of the TM car purchases, Tyler’s truck slightly makes sense for hauling countertops and plywood for his Crunchwrap supreme home remodel he is doing (I feel dirty defending Tyler). But FU to Catelynnes dad for saying “because he can!” Acting like they’re rich and highclass. No Dickhead, he can’t because he will need that money in the bank when this shit show ends. Quit kissing his ass.

I agree with someone upthread that said Tyler is out of Cates league. When Cate and Ty first started dating Cate was somewhat adorable and Tyler looked like a tall beanpole dork lol. Fast forward too many years together later and Cate now looks like his mother while Tyler sortove grew into his looks. That could be a big part of why she is extremely insecure.

Do you guys remember the first season when Cate was so insecure and jealous that she didn’t want Tyler to go to a babies club (under 21 crowd where they don’t serve alcohol)? She was hysterical and even went to visit kinko Kathy to cry about Tyler going to this high school crowd type dance hall because there will be skinny girls wearing short skirts dancing near him.

If that innocent club got Catelynn to be hysterical imagine how she felt when she watched Tyler at the strip club for his bachelor party!! I didn’t watch that episode but I heard Tyler had LOTS of fun being around the ladies. That happened before the extreme depression took place. My theory is that she has been PRETENDING to be confident and secure with her marriage but deep down inside she’s replaying that episode of Tyler and the stripper in her head over and over again.

I mean, this is the girl that cried with the thought of FULLY CLOTHED girls dancing NEAR him at a no alcohol allowed club and we are suppose to believe she was so cool and hip about Tyler having NAKED women grinding on him with it filmed for her to watched anytime she wants.

And combine that with all the groupie girls that message him on social media about how great he is knowing a few of those girls are probably DMing him a few naked pictures of themselves or asking TYLER for a dic pic. Combine that EVEN more with the fact her former co-star was a pretty backdoor star that always shows up with so much cleavage showing I know she had thought in her head “i Wonder if Tyler has watched Farrah’s videos????” Because anybody would be curious to investigate something like that when you KNOW the person. That’s why she hates Farrah, because she knows deep down that Tyler probably jerked off to Farrah’s video because he probably had a tiny crush on her when they first met.

Do I believe a lot of her depression was due to postpartum??? Yes, a little bit but the most part is that she’s been thrown into a world full of beautiful women (being invited to VMA awards and porn stars lol) where tons of groupies worship her husband and she’s losing her looks and getting huge by the minute while her husband his posting shirtless photos looking like her son and not husband.

I’m rambling, but yeah, a lot of her depression probably came from the stripper episode because that’s when I noticed her get more sad and withdrawn - almost resentful and bitter. She’s getting meaner these last few years. 

ETA: A girl just doesn’t go from being too jealous to have her man go to a club with teenagers to being so down and cool about naked women on her man overnight.

Edited by Calm81
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My husband owns his own construction company. He is constantly hauling stuff around. He has two trucks; neither is THAT big. The only reason I can see for owning a behemoth like that is because you're compensating for something. 

Edited by ghoulina
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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

My husband owns his own construction company. He is constantly hauling stuff around. He has two trucks; neither is THAT big. The only reason I can see for owning a behemoth like that is because you're compensating for something. 

Compensation for having a fucked up family that sucks the life out of you is my guess lol. 

I think Tyler is one of the few cast members I feel bad for. All his life his dad has been in and out of his life and now he has to deal with a wife that’s in and out of his life at rehabs while he raises Nova; while taking care of his dad. He’s keeping it somewhat together given the circumstances. 

What the hells in my coffee today? That’s twice I’ve defended this turd. Lol 

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On 6/8/2018 at 5:55 PM, druzy said:

Cate's dad posted this:

What happened to the other truck he had? The one with the dual wheels that Cate crashed in one time.

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8 minutes ago, druzy said:

Cate's going to be on "What Would You Do?"

Senecio? What does a plant have to do with this image? '

"What Would You Do?" ???? Oh god. This show has jumped the shark by bringing on Cate. Why??? Was it John's daughter's idea? 

What Would You Do if you ran into a Teen Mom on the street?

What Would You Do if you watched an obese woman order and eat a 7 pound quesadilla?

What Would You Do if you saw a girl with 65 triple F tits?

Edited by Kazu
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5 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Compensation for having a fucked up family that sucks the life out of you is my guess lol. 

I think Tyler is one of the few cast members I feel bad for. All his life his dad has been in and out of his life and now he has to deal with a wife that’s in and out of his life at rehabs while he raises Nova; while taking care of his dad. He’s keeping it somewhat together given the circumstances. 

What the hells in my coffee today? That’s twice I’ve defended this turd. Lol 

You're not alone! I actually feel quite a bit of sympathy for Tyler myself. I'll definitely snark on him when he's being douchey. But I do think a lot of how he presents himself is masking the hurt he feels down deep inside. He gets used by just about everyone in his life. It's sad.

But that truck is still fucking dumb. 

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Cate has cankles. Damn. My ankles are hurting just looking at hers. Can she even breathe with those pants on?

I got it. Tyler got the truck so Cate can't try and drive it or ride in it since I doubt she can climb into it.

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On 11/06/2018 at 4:54 AM, Caracoa1 said:

Why would Tyler need a truck that big?  He doesn't work and he has no hobbies that would requires truck of that size! Or does he just feel so " high and mighty" as he cruises down the Main Street of his little Michigan town?!

Do the drivers of those monstrosities need proper truck licenses? 

On 09/06/2018 at 11:50 PM, Brooklynista said:

New pics for Backpage? Nice.

Where's Cate?

Ready to do gay4pay. Of course, a guy with such a large truck can only bottom. 

Edited by Kokapetl
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I’m in nyc. 

Poor cate is so big she can’t fit in the booth. Sitting sideways. 


New thread title ideas: 

cate and ( quasidilla) 

tyler the single dad 

cate, Tyler, Carly and nova who

cate, Tyler and 7 pound quesadilla 

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Is the network ABC really sponsoring a show with Cate from teen mom???? I saw he hashtag with abc in it. Please tell me I’m delusional - networks like abc and nbc don’t care about these people!!! Right?!!

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7 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Is the network ABC really sponsoring a show with Cate from teen mom???? I saw he hashtag with abc in it. Please tell me I’m delusional - networks like abc and nbc don’t care about these people!!! Right?!!

What Would You Do is a show on ABC. Cate was asked to do a segment.

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

So an even uglier version of Maci's pocket tee?

Gracias!! Yes!

2 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Tyler’s shirt. Maybe it’s just the angle.

No, you are right. The design of the bandana is not centered.

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