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It's funny, Maci's mom raised two children (whom she had young) and was able to get her degree in a reasonable amount of time.  Here her daughter, Maci, bolstered by Mtv money still has not finished an Associate's degree in six years.  I know this because someone linked a graduation pick of Maci's mother graduating with little Maci by her side, back in the day (it was a cute picture).

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I think Maci has been hindered by her MTV money, not helped. Maci's mom (as well her dad) probably knew she had to get her ass in gear if she was going to be able to support her kids. Maci just books a bar/club appearance when her rent is due and then spends her free time pumping Bentley for information on what goes on at Ryan's house and throwing out random company sponsored tweets in order to get a few extra bucks.

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It was I who had posted the story here about Maci's mom graduating. I commented then how she was able to get her degree while a young mother and here was her own daughter who couldn't even manage to get her ass in gear to graduate within a reasonable amount of time. Maci, in some ways, reminds me of Amber, just sitting around the house and on the couch.


During the Behind the Scenes episode (and it was mentioned by Ryan in at least one other episode) Ryan straight out told Maci she was lazy as fuck. Maci didn't respond back and gave some kind of half-ass excuse to Kiki the producer about how she just sat there and didn't say anything back to him. Well, of course not. It is hard to defend the truth. Look, Ryan is an ass and has a slew of things going on with him, but that doesn't mean he can't call it right now and then. Even I have felt Maci is a lazy sack of shit, judging simply by her actions, which is not a lot of action going on there unless you count pushing her hair away from her face and to the side 100 times in each scene.

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Oh, I just remembered the lovely scene where Maci is pretty mad that MTV is filming Ryan, whom Maci claims is not a part of her life as she has moved on and has her own life. Sorry, bitch. As long as you have Bentley in your life and he is a minor, Ryan will be there in your life somehow. There is no escaping him or asking MTV to remove him from your precious life much like you tried with Farrah. Who the fuck does Maci think died and left her in charge? If she can't stand having scenes filmed with her and Ryan or she can't stand having Ryan be a part of this show, then QUIT THE DAMN SHOW.

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I recently got my associates degree (nursing) and I am 33... BUT I was not consistently in school... In fact I was not in school at all for nearly 7-8 years (I was working full time though) So I understand that circumstances can make it hard to get even what is a seemingly easy 2 year degree, but then I recently saw the episode where Maci dropped her classes simply because she wanted to hang out with Kyle and Bentley, and what little sympathy I had slipped away. It made me so mad because I fought and worked my ass off to finish school and she is just complaining that she doesn't want to spend time studying and essentially blames it on Ryan because she is soooooo busy and she doesn't get much time with Bentley, because when she is free Ryan gets Bentley. Honestly she should have just dropped out, she has no intention of ever working, so why bother with a degree. Just to be clear I do think it's good to have a college degree, and I do think it'll become necessary when the MTV money runs out, I'm mostly being sarcastic.

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I'd love to see a couple of the mom's stop filming and the show focus more on the dads & the other caregivers. Some of these chicks Maci, Jenelle, Leah, Amber, Kail, Chelsea, Farrah,& Tyler is included, have gotten way to big headed and its time to say goodbye.

I'd love to see Barbara get paid more money than Jenelle since Barb is Jace's mom in every sense of the word. I wonder if Jenelle pays child support.

Leighroda, congratulations on getting your degree!

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I'd love to see Barbara get paid more money than Jenelle since Barb is Jace's mom in every sense of the word. I wonder if Jenelle pays child support.

Leighroda, congratulations on getting your degree!

Jenelle stopped paying her $130 a month in child support long ago. Yes, that is all she paid. I think Jenelle held this over Barb's head after Jenelle ended up in court over a warrant for failing to pay. You know, the usual "It's your fault I had a warrant put out for me because of this damn child support." Too bad Barb gave in because I don't believe Jenelle is willingly paying Barb any money in spite of Barb's hopes that she would: http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2013/12/jenelle-evans-teen-mom-court-child-support-payment-son-jace-mom-barbara-evans/



I recently saw the episode where Maci dropped her classes simply because she wanted to hang out with Kyle and Bentley, and what little sympathy I had slipped away.

There was also that scene where Maci couldn't go to school one day because she had to tend to her yard sale. Those moments were just a sample of what I am sure her life was like when it came to school. Ryan was spot on when he described her as "lazy as fuck".


Congratulations on your degree, Leighroda!!!

  • Love 3

Oh, I just remembered the lovely scene where Maci is pretty mad that MTV is filming Ryan, whom Maci claims is not a part of her life as she has moved on and has her own life. Sorry, bitch. As long as you have Bentley in your life and he is a minor, Ryan will be there in your life somehow. There is no escaping him or asking MTV to remove him from your precious life much like you tried with Farrah. Who the fuck does Maci think died and left her in charge? If she can't stand having scenes filmed with her and Ryan or she can't stand having Ryan be a part of this show, then QUIT THE DAMN SHOW.

I was like, "huh?" They can't film Ryan because now you have Taylor and Jayde? Bitch, bye. You wouldn't catch me even entertaining that conversation beyond "It's part of the contract." She really thinks she runs Teen Mom. I still cackle over her threats to quit last year and the producers calling her bluff. "Ok guys, let's move off Maci's property since she doesn't want to film." When she got that contract termination paperwork, she changed her tune real quick. 


Just like Farrah's drama with the producer in the behind the scenes. How much does this franchise pull in for MTV that they sit and tolerate these too big for their britches, uneducated walking wombs? I wish I would kowtow to and plead with these little assholes. 

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 8

Just ugh


"Marriage is something I want in my life,” Bookout explains to Us. “In my opinion — and I think Taylor would agree — we pretty much are already married. So it’s kind of like, ‘All right, what are we waiting on?’ I’m confused.”

  • Love 1

He'll propose when the show asks him to do it , the producers provide him a ring, and maybe they are promised a one off wedding special.  The show is the only reason he is with her anyway.

What's really sad is that Maci certainly knows this and doesn't even care. She's one of those girls that just do not care how she gets a man down the aisle as long as she has her fabulous dress and pictures and limo ride w the gals. Taylor doesn't want to marry her and he didn't want this baby. I don't care what bullshit Maci spouts, she sold him on the PCOS story bc she figured once she got knocked up he'd do the "right" thing by her.

Sorry Maci, but I don't see this one proposing marriage without a shotgun pointed directly at him.

  • Love 7

Just ugh


"Marriage is something I want in my life,” Bookout explains to Us. “In my opinion — and I think Taylor would agree — we pretty much are already married. So it’s kind of like, ‘All right, what are we waiting on?’ I’m confused.”

This stupid girl. Having his kid won't make him marry you

  • Love 6

Oh, I just remembered the lovely scene where Maci is pretty mad that MTV is filming Ryan, whom Maci claims is not a part of her life as she has moved on and has her own life. Sorry, bitch. As long as you have Bentley in your life and he is a minor, Ryan will be there in your life somehow. There is no escaping him or asking MTV to remove him from your precious life much like you tried with Farrah. Who the fuck does Maci think died and left her in charge? If she can't stand having scenes filmed with her and Ryan or she can't stand having Ryan be a part of this show, then QUIT THE DAMN SHOW.

I was like, "the fuck even is this?" When Maci was yammering about how Ryyyyn isn't part of her life. I do believe that in some of these girls' cases, they probably don't talk about their exes' personal lives as much as they do on the show (because it's part of the show), but saying you don't have a relationship with Ryan at all, and you never talk about him is bullshit. Maci is so full of shit it's ridiculous. And one of the only people to ever call her on her shit is Ryan, ironically.

  • Love 5

To be fair, her mom used to as well. She probably still does, actually, we just don't get to see it anymore. Her mom has called her out on her lack of commitment to school, her pettiness with Ryan, and her general immaturity.


Jen and Larry are really in too much of a precarious position to piss off Maci since Ryan is so lax with his parenting rights. And Taylor's not going to bite the hand that feeds him. Bentley is a huge mama's boy, but give him 2-3 more years and I bet HE will start calling her out.

  • Love 3

Watching more reruns. I'm on the one where Maci tells Ryyyyn and Co. That she's pregnant again. If I can say one good thing for Ryyyyn, it's that I don't see him knocking anyone else up. His reaction to Maci having another kid seemed pretty distant, like he genuinely didn't care. He doesn't seem too interested in fatherhood as it is, so I think he'll be a little bit more proactive about not having another kid.

  • Love 3

What do any of these girls have planned for their lives once the MTV paychecks stop coming?  And they will, sooner or later.  While their peers are out getting degrees and work experience, they (well, 3 out of 4) are sitting around, literally doing nothing while cameras film them.  When it's over, they will have very little to show for it, maybe some savings that they'll blow through.


It makes me appreciate someone like Bethenny Frankel (Real Housewives of NYC).   I actually don't really like her at all but she did use her time on reality tv to better her life going forward.  She is probably the only person who can say that her life post-reality show will be better and more stable than her life prior to it.  These Teen Mom girls have no job skills, no education, nothing! Farrah ironically seems to be the one who actually completed a post-HS degree and is "working" outside the show.   Amber, Maci and Catelynn are in for a rude awakening.

  • Love 5

I know I'm trying to use logic where there simply is none... But when you have to essentially beat and engagement out of someone, is it really worth it?

Unfortunately I watched a friend go through something kinda similar... She had been with this guy for a while, they lived together, a few years into the relationship they bought a house (although that might have been after they were married, I don't really remember clearly). She harped and harped and harped on getting engaged, but boyfriend never did. She finally decided that she would ask him... So she did. They got married and were divorced within 2-3 years. She is now thouroughly embarrassed by how she acted and is so ashamed that she was ever that immature.

  • Love 3

I will keep with Maci since this is her thread. 


Maci, you told Taylor if he didn't want to marry you that he should just get to steppin' and leave your ass. Why are you leaving that up to him? Why don't you get to steppin' and move on with your life without him? I hate, hate, hate when people leave the decision-making to others when they are the ones who are unhappy. If Maci is miserable because she chose to allow herself to become pregnant while having premarital sex, why put it on Taylor when he doesn't want to marry you? Your actions keep telling him you are okay with living in sin. I only use that phrase because she was the one touting to him about making her an honest woman. Sorry darling, but when you are dishonest in the relationship from day one and you are more than happy to give away the milk for free, why the hell do you expect the guy to turn around and buy the cow? 

  • Love 7

I remember when Maci announced to Ryan that she was pregnant with Taylor's baby.  You knew she thought Ryan would be so jealous, instead he just laughed, shook Taylor's hand, and welcomed him to hell.


Edited to add: I just thought of something.  Since Maci does not give a shit about who she is going to marry or bring into her child's life, maybe we should set her up with Butch?  He is a little old, but is better looking then most of the men she dates (except for Ryan).  This way Bentlee can look forward to prison sock animals and birthday cards.


Bentlee then can be Cate and Tyler's step brother (keeping it in the Teen Mom family).  They can get together for family reunions and talk about when Carly is going to come back.

Edited by qtpye
  • LOL 1
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I remember when Maci announced to Ryan that she was pregnant with Taylor's baby.  You knew she thought Ryan would be so jealous, instead he just laughed, shook Taylor's hand, and welcomed him to hell.



I rolled my eyes when Ryan sullenly told Jen that she shouldn't be watching Maci's baby for her while Maci went on the mud run, mainly because that's all the encouragement Maci and her dumb friends need to squee about how Ryan is so jealous he can't stand for Maci's child with another man to be in his parents' house.

  • Love 5

I remember when Maci announced to Ryan that she was pregnant with Taylor's baby. You knew she thought Ryan would be so jealous, instead he just laughed, shook Taylor's hand, and welcomed him to hell.

Edited to add: I just thought of something. Since Maci does not give a shit about who she is going to marry or bring into her child's life, maybe we should set her up with Butch? He is a little old, but is better looking then most of the men she dates (except for Ryan). This way Bentlee can look forward to prison sock animals and birthday cards.

Bentlee then can be Cate and Tyler's step brother (keeping it in the Teen Mom family). They can get together for family reunions and talk about when Carly is going to come back.

Don't forget trash talking Farrah at the reunions.

What do any of these girls have planned for their lives once the MTV paychecks stop coming? And they will, sooner or later. While their peers are out getting degrees and work experience, they (well, 3 out of 4) are sitting around, literally doing nothing while cameras film them. When it's over, they will have very little to show for it, maybe some savings that they'll blow through.

It makes me appreciate someone like Bethenny Frankel (Real Housewives of NYC). I actually don't really like her at all but she did use her time on reality tv to better her life going forward. She is probably the only person who can say that her life post-reality show will be better and more stable than her life prior to it. These Teen Mom girls have no job skills, no education, nothing! Farrah ironically seems to be the one who actually completed a post-HS degree and is "working" outside the show. Amber, Maci and Catelynn are in for a rude awakening.

Well at least Farrarh is making money outside teen mom. The rest are all just sitting there. I mean seriously they could all invest and go to college without debt. But they're all sitting on their asses complaining and chasing a man

  • Love 5

From an article about the engagement:


“But I am very excited and feel super blessed that I get to marry Taylor. He’s an amazing man and dad.”


Whatever floats your boat Maci. I don't really care for Maci, and I'd still argue that she's the catch- not even counting her bank account and D list fame. I really can't think of anything Taylor brings to the table.

  • Love 2

But will she take out the gauges for the wedding?  I'm sure she'll have a strapless dress.  What about her ugly back tattoo?



But will she take out the gauges for the wedding?  I'm sure she'll have a strapless dress.  What about her ugly back tattoo?



But will she take out the gauges for the wedding?  I'm sure she'll have a strapless dress.  What about her ugly back tattoo?



  • LOL 1
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So, all the OG girls are either engaged (or married) except for Farrah, the lone bird! What did she say, "ugly" girls shouldn't have to wait two years for a ring?!

In fact, on Teen Mom 2, she's also the only one not engaged or ever married. I know she hasn't had as many boyfriends as the other girls (and Farrah didn't have another unplanned pregnancy) but she should really watch what she says outloud.

  • Love 7

Interesting body language here. Maci is leaning into him, her hands possesively clutching and holding onto his shoulders and face. She almost looks like she violently hurled herself into him in an owning, territorial kind of way ("I caught him & I ain't lettin' him go!"). Taylor, meanwhile,  looks braced, arms unemotionally locked down at his sides with his head a little tilted back (withdraw much?) as if he's steeling himself to deal with the onslaught of her. In short: this is a photo of a needy, emotionally hungry young woman and her reluctant ambivalent prey. Sounds harsh, I know, but so much about this photo - and what it shows - is just plain wrong.

  • Love 12

Interesting body language here. Maci is leaning into him, her hands possesively clutching and holding onto his shoulders and face. She almost looks like she violently hurled herself into him in an owning, territorial kind of way ("I caught him & I ain't lettin' him go!"). Taylor, meanwhile,  looks braced, arms unemotionally locked down at his sides with his head a little tilted back (withdraw much?) as if he's steeling himself to deal with the onslaught of her. In short: this is a photo of a needy, emotionally hungry young woman and her reluctant ambivalent prey. Sounds harsh, I know, but so much about this photo - and what it shows - is just plain wrong.

I read this before I saw the picture. This.is.spot.on.


She thinks that picture is flattering to their relationship?  Holy smokes .... maybe she's taking advice from Kail?

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