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4 hours ago, poopchute said:

I'm wondering what happened for Larry to let Ryan move back in after all this. We know this episode was filmed in June and in August articles about the cat killings mentioned him living with them in their home.  Unless that's incorrect.

It's possible TM is jumping around, but unlike TM2, this show seems to have a fairly consistent editing job and the timelines are usually linear and match from girl to girl. I would imagine this incident occurred long before the cat accusations. Larry's complaints about Ryan don't really make sense in the context of killing cats. It seems much more likely that Jen was giving Ryan large sums of money behind Larry's back, at least to me.


As far as how he got back in the house, unless they were searching the Edwards house in August after he had moved out, I'd say it's pretty likely Jen let him back in and told Larry to take it or leave it. Although Larry said Jen could just pack her shit and leave, even if he was emotionally prepared to follow through, legally he likely can't do force her to do this. It's her house too.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, poopchute said:


I'm wondering what happened for Larry to let Ryan move back in after all this. We know this episode was filmed in June and in August articles about the cat killings mentioned him living with them in their home.  Unless that's incorrect.


It makes me wonder if Larry is more bark than bite. If they've had blow-ups like this before, and it all ends up being bluster in the end. He ends up caving to Jen and Ryan. I don't know. 

  • Love 2

I was thinking Larry was ill or had a procedure done to be lying on the couch with the blanket.

I rewatched the early scene with Ryan and the Allen wretches talk. He said this is something that has happened before where Larry gets mad at him for no reason. Now, I am sure there are legit reasons, but then Ryan rambled about how this has been going on since he was young. Now, I hate to give Ryan any defense, but sometimes things aren't always black and white. Could it be that Larry is so resentful of Ryan being number one in Jen's eyes that he took out things on Ryan? I have heard stories of adults who were in recovery who talked about being abused or treated shabbily by one parent simply for being the apple of the other parent's eyes. Was this the case for Ryan? If Larry treated him shabbily because Jen was enabling and coddling him as a child, could this be why Ryan then turned to drugs, assuming drug use is Ryan's problem? Did Larry unfairly accuse him of something relating to the wrenches just because he might have been angry about something else? Did Larry feel bad about it afterwards? It might be a stretch. Just a theory. I am just trying to figure out why Ryan would be back in Larry and Jen's home. 

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, TaxNerd said:

As far as rhe time line, last week was Mother's Day and this week was Father's Day,  almost six weeks later.

Amber said they were filming her this week, so they could have filmed Ryan's family Cat Gate in Aug and spliced it in.

They also inserted Cate in Easter when she was actually in rehab.

From what I read, the current filming is for season 7B. They did the same thing for TM2. Something about MTV not having to make new contracts since it is just an extension of the same season.

  • Love 2
27 minutes ago, Katt said:

Ryan is so vacant. When he was talking to that producer, he seemed like a child. I would feel bad for him if it wasn't for the cat killing and the fact I think he will harm someone some day. I don't even know if he would deserve my sympathy because I have no clue what's going on there.
I think Larry is an alcoholic.  

Larry does like his beers. He is rarely filmed while not holding one.


Not really that relevant to the current discussion, but kind of funny- in Maci's original 16&P, Larry asks her why her mother never put her on birth control when she (Mrs. Bookout) knew Maci was dating an older boy. Maci is visibly taken aback, but says there was not much of a time lapse between becoming sexually active and becoming pregnant, and then manages to politely ask why Ryan's own parents did not have the BC discussion with him. Jen interjects that she tried to have the talk with Ryan, and Ryan told her to go away, he wasn't talking about sex with his mother. So Jen dropped it. And then he knocked up a 16 year old girl.


I bet Ryan has laid many a guilt trip on his parents for pressuring him to marry Maci in the beginning and raise Bentley together. I am sure Ryan would have preferred adoption or an abortion and probably whines to Jen that their influence (not his own, you know, irresponsible and ethically questionable behavior) cost Ryan his youth and that is why he is in such a state of arrested development. And Jen probably buys it because it's better than admitting to herself she raised a selfish, entitled, slug.

  • Love 6

Larry may have caved after he realized he might lose his marriage over it.  He sounded like he was ready to kick him to the streets but he may have cooled down and gotten over that.  He and Jen may have decided to let him come back home when it started sinking in that they would have to support 2 households, pay 2 mortgages, 2 sets of utilities, and so on. Plus it would be inconvenient for Jen to have to go to the other house regularly to clean up after Ryan, stock it with beer, do his laundry, mow his lawn, cook his meals, sponge bath Ryan, and so on. It's easier to just do that at one house, at home. Not to mention that Jen's brother and sister may not have been interested in financing Ryan (who doubtfully has the money and credit to buy a house on his own), so Jen would have to buy them out and be responsible for the mortgage payments.  Jen may have be willing to do it, and support Ryan his entire life, but Larry may have said hell no.

I wonder how much child support Ryan pays for Bentley. Maci never mentions him not paying it, so I assume he does.

  • Love 13
On October 5, 2016 at 5:12 PM, heatherchandler said:

Oh, I bet the wedding is soon!  Did you pick your song??  My dad and I danced to Landslide by Fleetwood Mac.  

Yes !! The wedding was Oct 8th - it was wonderful , friends & family from near & far . My son & wife ( ha ! Weird to say that!) are fly-fishing in Montana for their honeymoon hahaha . We danced to  " Forever Young " by The Band ( bob Dylan cover )  

On to TM : when Jen & Bentley came to Ryan's house after his baseball game - Ryan's eyes looked soooo bugged out , he seemed completely whacked out on drugs.  Ryan ain't right 

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, DNR said:

Yes !! The wedding was Oct 8th - it was wonderful , friends & family from near & far . My son & wife ( ha ! Weird to say that!) are fly-fishing in Montana for their honeymoon hahaha . We danced to  " Forever Young " by The Band ( bob Dylan cover )  

On to TM : when Jen & Bentley came to Ryan's house after his baseball game - Ryan's eyes looked soooo bugged out , he seemed completely whacked out on drugs.  Ryan ain't right 

Love that song! Perfect. Sounds like it was a wonderful day. My congratulations to the happy couple.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, DNR said:

Yes !! The wedding was Oct 8th - it was wonderful , friends & family from near & far . My son & wife ( ha ! Weird to say that!) are fly-fishing in Montana for their honeymoon hahaha . We danced to  " Forever Young " by The Band ( bob Dylan cover )  

On to TM : when Jen & Bentley came to Ryan's house after his baseball game - Ryan's eyes looked soooo bugged out , he seemed completely whacked out on drugs.  Ryan ain't right 

My family has a very strange sense of humor so my son and I danced to the song "Daddy's Little Girl". 


Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 5

The pictures look lovely. I loved the horse and carriage choice, I did that for my wedding and it was such a charming addition. I rode in it with my dad to the location he would walk me down the aisle then after the vows my husband and I rode back to the after party together in it. Sorry - memory lane. ?

I see that Cate & Tyler were there but didn't see Amber (I knew Farrah wouldn't be invited) as I assumed they were close.

Cute family and I wish them the best.

Edited by Calm81
Stinkin' phone typed "the" twice.
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

More pics from Maci's wedding....including one with Larry & Jen. I am really happy that she has such a good relationship with them (especially given Ryan's er, condition, as of late).


Some very nice pics. Maci looked beautiful. Bentley looked cute and handsome. Jayde is adorable.

Ryan managed to dress up but also kind of looked like he just rolled out of bed.

  • Love 1
56 minutes ago, starfire said:

Some very nice pics. Maci looked beautiful. Bentley looked cute and handsome. Jayde is adorable.

Ryan managed to dress up but also kind of looked like he just rolled out of bed.

Those pictures are nice. Ryan does somehow dress up but the hair and the sunglasses totally negate the nice clothes I agree. I'm actually impressed by all the pictures and I like the color scheme of everything. 

Eta: were any other TM cast members there besides Cate and Tyler? Also it was filmed for the show right?

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Blissfool said:

It all looks beautiful. Makes me want to get married all over again. Sad Pinterest was not available back in 2001.

I'm pretty sure Maci is Jen and Larry's "the one that got away."

Yeah I think so as well. I remember a scene in TM season one where Jen wanted Ryan and Maci to take engaged couple counseling and then said if they did this she would pay for the honeymoon. I really think Larry and Jen hoped Maci and Ryan would work out, not only for the Bentley of it all but because they probably did think of Maci as their daughter.  

  • Love 4

That pic where Maci's mom is photobombing? Looks EXACTLY like Maci. Just give her 20 years. 

It was nice seeing Cate all dressed up. She should give herself that much attention every day. Not because she needs to, but it might make her feel better about herself. I'm a SAHM and I do my hair and makeup daily, for that exact reason. 

My fav pic of all is the one of Taylor and Bentley. They seem to have a sweet relationship. 

  • Love 6

My eyes welled up at the Bentley and Taylor photo. Maci, you did good in finding a wonderful guy to be Bentley's step-dad. Those two seem to mesh so well.

Still, I think you could have held off on bringing a third child into the mix. I mean, if you have to get pregnant to get a guy to propose...


I see that Cate & Tyler were there but didn't see Amber

Amber had plastic surgery.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, starfire said:

WTF? It's not like Jen dragged him out of bed and threw him in the backseat of the station wagon and drove him kicking and screaming to the church. The dude had to buy an airline ticket, go through security, pack dress clothes, etc- why did he even go? He doesn't even appear to be coming off a bender- looks like he's still on it.

  • Love 13

He is wearing his belt to the side. I have noticed some guys wearing them that way. Why?

48 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Is that allowed?  Can you wear sunglasses in church? I would just see my mother giving those shades her side eye like she does when I don't wear pantyhose to church.

Who still wears pantyhose anyway?

Ohhh girlfriend, I stopped wearing those long ago. I feel so freeeeeeee.

  • Love 5

If you all look at the photo, you will notice the pews are facing one way while the people are facing the opposite. That means one or two things. Ryan is watching Maci and her dad as they walk INTO the chapel or he is looking at Maci and Taylor as they are going OUT of the chapel. It wasn't an actual church.  Maci had her grandfather officiate at this place. It is non-denominational.

Going by the looks of the people in that photo, I think Maci and her dad are walking down the aisle. As for the lady, she seems to be looking in the photographer's direction.


Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

The lady in the back seems to be giving Ryan some shade face as well as us. Yeah the sunglasses in church is really kind of rude and disrespectful. 


Yeah she does!  I was wondering who that lady is.  I'm assuming you mean the one in the turquoise dress. It looks like she's not a fan of Ryan or at least not that day.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

He is wearing his belt to the side. I have noticed some guys wearing them that way. Why?

Ohhh girlfriend, I stopped wearing those long ago. I feel so freeeeeeee.

Ok, I wear my belt to the side because on maybe Cycle 2 of Top Model, what the girls had said was, wearing the buckle in front added to your tummy bulge. So wear it off center to reduce that bit of pouch. 

Yup. That's what they had said. Maybe it was Eva The Diva. Can't recall.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Ok, I wear my belt to the side because on maybe Cycle 2 of Top Model, what the girls had said was, wearing the buckle in front added to your tummy bulge. So wear it off center to reduce that bit of pouch. 

Yup. That's what they had said. Maybe it was Eva The Diva. Can't recall.

That makes sense.

For some reason, I think Ryan was just fucked up and didn't notice his belt was to the side. lol

  • Love 5

The Twitterverse and Instagram-world are saying that the girl next to Ryan in that pic is his girlfriend. Jen tagged her in some photos on her IG.

All I have to say to Ryan's gf is this- Girl, RUN. Then come to this forum and spill the deets. Heck, sell your story to Radar Online, bank a little cash, and THEN come here. Inquiring minds of PTVers want to know what is going on with Ryan! 

  • Love 10

Ryan seems to do the best when he has a full-time mother caring for him girlfriend. Maybe he'll lay off the benzodiazepines and opiates with this girl?  Her IG pic is with Ryan and he looks clean. 

She's also a single mom, which explains why he took Bentley to the water park. 

She's an AFR for Northwestern according to her IG main page too, so she most likely has a degree in business or finance. Why is she with Ryan? 

Edit: Folks on /r/teenmom claim that she's added new baby and wedding stuff to her Pinterest recently. 

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 3
9 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Ryan seems to do the best when he has a full-time mother caring for him girlfriend. Maybe he'll lay off the benzodiazepines and opiates with this girl?  Her IG pic is with Ryan and he looks clean. 

She's also a single mom, which explains why he took Bentley to the water park. 

She's an AFR for Northwestern according to her IG main page too, so she most likely has a degree in business or finance. Why is she with Ryan? 

Edit: Folks on /r/teenmom claim that she's added new baby and wedding stuff to her Pinterest recently. 

Forgive my ignorance.....what is an AFR?

And what is Northwestern?  The first thing that comes to my mind is Northwestern University (which is in Illinois), but I think she lives close to Ryan....so I'm assuming it's a business of some kind?

ETA: Okay, so my Google search is leading me to believe an AFR for Northwestern means she's a financial rep for Northwestern Mutual.... https://www.northwesternmutual.com/careers/about-our-fr-career  Is that correct?

I'm also finding that the job listings for AFRs at Northwestern Mutual do indeed have a Bachelor's degree as "preferred qualifications," so I'd assume that most - but not all - have college degrees. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 2

I think most of Ryan's girlfriends have been fairly accomplished-think Dalis was close to her degree in physical therapy, or something fairly ambitious.

I just want to shake these stupid teen mom girls and say, quit wasting your time and money on T shirt companies,  house flipping endeavors, and frozen yogurt shops/employment attorney wet dreams, buckle down, get some education, and actually do something with your life that has a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding.  It's like just because they got ridiculously lucky and found someone willing to pay them just to make poor decisions, they think they shouldn't have to work for anything ever again. They will continue to try their luck at any venture, no matter how ridiculous, just to avoid doing actual work.

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