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Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel

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A gigantic slow clap for your last paragraph. toodywoody.  Are we surmissing that Gary now has grave concerns about Leah when she is at Amber's and may take needed legal action about unsupervised visits?

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I'm so happy to hear Gary is taking action, it's understandable that he has to investigate and keep it quiet, so as much as I'd like to know what's going on, more than that I want what's best for Leah (something Amber has never cared about) so for now just knowing Gary is making a case will suffice. I hope Gary destroys Matt and Amber.

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11 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

"She [Amber] said she left Gary for cheating."

Excuse me while I LMAO.

Amber, Amber, Amber. Gary DUMPED YOUR ASS! He found someone who loves him and respects him. He found someone he trusts and who is a great mother to Leah. You were the fucking cheater in that relationship. He came to his senses and wasn't going to be your punching bag anymore.

Exactly! He left you because you verbally, emotionally, and Physically abused him, and he wanted better for his daughter.

Yet, we're supposed to feel bad for Amber, and believe she is being mind controlled by Matt? GTOH, this bitch has used all her sympathy cards, because she never had any in the first place. 

Edited by LunaMia
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Again she's changing history, she said before that she thought they would get back together when she got out of Jel... I don't remember the exact timeline, but was Gary already with Kristina by the time Amber got out? I'll say he *might* have lead her on a bit on that, but I wouldn't go as far as saying he was cheating on her... I don't really believe her version of events on anything, I don't think Gary is innocent, but he has always taken good care of Leah and that's what matters.

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I am assuming by Gary's tweets that he is concerned and that there is more going on than we have been shown. Good for Gary for worrying about his daughter and taking action. Number one Matt's fucking nonrelapse puts his daughter in danger but risks his ex having a relapse, so no matter what her supporters say, he is taking action and looking out for LEAH! Which at 20 whatever her MOTHER should too, but she is too busy trying to prove everyone wrong and be tough.  People would have more respect if she was looking out for her daughter and not herself.

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I wonder what crazy excuse she'll have for us on the next after show she'll be on. I bet Simon and Farrah are laughing it up now. 

If she defends Matt after all the crap that's coming up to surface then that leads me to believe either:

1. She's relapsed and is too high to care but doesn't want to lose her bed buddy  

2. Matt's got some serious dirt on Amber that could destroy the way fans see her or kill her chances of having Leah.

whichever is going on, we will know about it shortly and the Teen Mom OG dynamic is in for a shake down. 

Also, if she actually leaves Matt, I really hope he doesn't have money saved and he finds himself bumming people's couches wearing his fancy scarves.

I hope every door slams him in the face and MTV takes him off payroll. I'm assuming Nathan no longer gets paid for his small appearances and he's Kaisers dad, Matt has no ties to Amber so I hope it's a quick "never see him again" breakup leaving him penniless.

I hope his book BOMBS leaving him with no pot to piss in and bad things he's done catches up with him.

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Just the way Matt spoke to the MTV staff member (name?) should get him kicked off the show. She didn't have much of a reaction, from what we saw, so perhaps he's done similar prior.

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[some content removed after complaint about inaccurate info from Reddit.]

For two people who have been constantly slamming the negative people, the "haterz", and have touted on more than one occasion how the only thing that matters is they know the truth and that is all that matters, they sure do go to a lot of trouble to try and prove their stories to those who question anything and everything about them. 

If Matt has anything on Amber, my money is on Matt already having lots of sex footage of Amber on his phone. He may have footage of her doing a threesome.

When Matt said on the episode he will never marry her or love her again, that was just a peek into what happens behind closed doors. Take those statements and multiply them by 100. That is what is happening to Amber at least once a week. Matt has to keep Amber in check. She is having to constantly reassure him when he has his pity temper tantrums. See how quick Amber responds to him when she senses he is angry or upset? How quick he was to put the blame on Amber by telling her he forgave HER humiliating him on camera. Note how she didn't even defend herself or resist his accusation. I also think he is giving her medications without her knowing about it or he is giving her more than she thinks she is supposed to take. 

That still doesn't mean I have sympathy for her. 

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12 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Just the way Matt spoke to the MTV staff member (name?) should get him kicked off the show. She didn't have much of a reaction, from what we saw, so perhaps he's done similar prior.

Yeah. They are coworkers essentially. 


In the real world you would get fired for talking to a coworker like that. 

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2 minutes ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Yeah. They are coworkers essentially. 


In the real world you would get fired for talking to a coworker like that. 

I know in the real world one would have to file a complaint. I had to do just that many moons ago against a co-worker. The fact this happened on camera, would she still have to file a complaint? 

And why for fuck's face is there no backlash against MTV for Matt's comments? In this world where people get into a shitload of trouble for saying something that isn't PC, why is it Matt's comments have fallen on deaf ears? Where is the outrage? 

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17 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

Those sites sell fake lie detector test certificates. 

For two people who have been constantly slamming the negative people, the "haterz", and have touted on more than one occasion how the only thing that matters is they know the truth and that is all that matters, they sure do go to a lot of trouble to try and prove their stories to those who question anything and everything about them. 

If Matt has anything on Amber, my money is on Matt already having lots of sex footage of Amber on his phone. He may have footage of her doing a threesome.

When Matt said on the episode he will never marry her or love her again, that was just a peek into what happens behind closed doors. Take those statements and multiply them by 100. That is what is happening to Amber at least once a week. Matt has to keep Amber in check. She is having to constantly reassure him when he has his pity temper tantrums. See how quick Amber responds to him when she senses he is angry or upset? How quick he was to put the blame on Amber by telling her he forgave HER humiliating him on camera. Note how she didn't even defend herself or resist his accusation. I also think he is giving her medications without her knowing about it or he is giving her more than she thinks she is supposed to take. 

That still doesn't mean I have sympathy for her. 


Is there anything Amber could do to stop him from releasing any sex footage? 

I mean, could she go to a lawyer and get the courts to make him burn evidence or to forbid him from releasing the videos if these do exist and that is why Amber is afraid to leave him?

I have zero sympathy for her but I could feel her pain if having a video like that come out could humiliate her and her only recourse is to stay with that asshole.

My question is, is there anything in our court system that can be done to prevent a jilted lover or spouse from ruining someone's reputation with videos that were accumulated during happier times?

If that's why Amber keeps sticking up for Matt and keeping him around then I feel bad for her because that asshole probably did it without her knowing a video was being recorded.

I'm babbling. I'm so confused lol. On one hand I want them BOTH to get what's coming to them but on the other hand I don't want to see Leah have to be hurt in the process if videos surface of her mother.

2 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

I know in the real world one would have to file a complaint. I had to do just that many moons ago against a co-worker. The fact this happened on camera, would she still have to file a complaint? 

And why for fuck's face is there no backlash against MTV for Matt's comments? In this world where people get into a shitload of trouble for saying something that isn't PC, why is it Matt's comments have fallen on deaf ears? Where is the outrage? 

This IS pissing me off. MTV just showed one of their EMPLOYEES being sexually harassed and they do NOTHING but air it for all to see not caring about the producer being embarrassed. Does the producer in question have a family, spouse or children that don't want to see their wife or mother being spoken to like that while she is trying to do her job and make a living????? 

Can any of us viewers make a complaint for witnessing it?? Woah! I'm getting too crazy here I know, I'm just in shock by the amount of fuckery Matt gets away with and it's always women being victimized ??

Edited by Calm81
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On May 26, 2017 at 0:55 PM, luvgoldens said:

My own theory is that Amber is the one on a drug relapse controlled by Matt to get her completely under his control. He prompted her to get all that plastic surgery to look like Marilyn Monroe. How did she get through all that without massive pain meds. She just seems like she's so medicated that she floats back and forth from the bed at noon to the couch. She has no joy or desire to spend time with Leah Leanne. Matt does all the driving.

Her speech on the After Shows is so calm and monotone, and we're talking some hot topics here, but it's all mellow, she forgives him, blah blah.  She reminds me of Anna Nicole.

Now Matt wants her to do porn and she's ok with meeting the Vivid people. What kind of drugs does it take for Amber to perform sex acts in front of a camera.  Matt knows he's got an addict that might do anything he wants for drugs. Porn might just be his next big money scheme at Amber's expense, and she's too messed up to get smart to him or do anything about it.

Matt is a bad dude, and I don't mean bad ass. He's a sicko, and given the new-found funds at his disposal, he's downright scary!

Co-sign all of this, except don't besmirch the name of Anna Nicole (who had a ton of problems but did more than just sit on her couch as a teen mom and made something of herself using her good looks....Amber has neither the drive nor beauty that Anna Nicole had, even after she was majorly drugged out) by comparing Amber to her. LOL. 


22 hours ago, CofCinci said:

She filmed the porn with James Deen.  Even though the guy is a scumbag, he has a major following with women who watch porn.  I remember seeing something a while ago that claims a major of the porn hub views (like 41,000,000+) are from women.  There are no women searching for Matt porn - not even the woman who lives with him wants to sleep with him.

$85,000 is being reported in the blogs. How is that even close to $1 Million?  It's not even 1/10th. 

Before I knew he was scumbag, I was a - um - *fan* of James Deen. There is absolutely NOTHING about a video of Matt and Amber that is going to draw anyone's interest except for a few brave souls who look only to snark.

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As someone who was a victim of sexual harassment, I understand why Kerthy isn't making a big deal out of this. Obviously what Matt said was on tape. What happened to me was similarly documented. Many people (particularly older white men in positions of power within the institution) were more pissed that I reported it than that it happened. It definitely changed the way they treated me. I was seen as a traitor to the department and it made ME uncomfortable. I came to find out I was not the only victim and that basically everyone in positions of power knew that the harasser did this often but I dared to be the first person to report it. Some of the other women in the department stood up for me (but not all; some also viewed me as a nuisance) and other victims came forward, but by and large we were treated like troublemakers and nuisances who should have just shrugged it off like others had done for decades. 

Kerthy might think that if she gets a reputation as someone who has filed a sexual harassment charge (even when it was obviously warranted) that production companies may not want to hire her after TM ends. She could be seen as someone who won't just shrug it off, take one for the team, makes too big of a deal out of it, etc. That's why I think Kerthy just banked that conversation and made sure it got on the air for all to see. She didn't have to report it or make a big deal out of it. The public can cry out about it and she doesn't look like the troublemaker.

(Unfortunately, though, many people won't see it as the sexual harassment it is and will think he's saying things people say al the time, women shouldn't be so sensitive, say he didn't really mean it, etc and they'll defend it....because our society by and large doesn't like women. There. I said it. Had Matt made a racist or xenophobic comment, there would probably be some outcry, at least...although since the last election we have definitely entered a twilight zone where anti-PC rhetoric is mainstream).

Also, it's entirely possible Kerthy did lodge a complaint, HR "dealt" with it, and now both sides have to keep quiet about it. That was what happened when I made my complaint (with recorded evidence). The harasser was told never to talk to or contact me again (basically ignore each other and get reassigned) and we were both told not to discuss it with anyone who we hadn't told HR didn't already knew. That might have happened here. 

Sorry for the length of this post.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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45 minutes ago, jactv said:

Maybe this has been asked before but can anyone tell me where Matt and Amber met Wayne and Anette?

I think it was, and they said they were their former neighbors, before they moved it on up.

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I've been out of the loop on this dumbasses and come back to find Amber considering porn. Who the hell would watch that? Couldn't you just go to the petting zoo and hope a couple pigs get frisky? The footage would be the same.

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5 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

As someone who was a victim of sexual harassment, I understand why Kerthy isn't making a big deal out of this. Obviously what Matt said was on tape. What happened to me was similarly documented. Many people (particularly older white men in positions of power within the institution) were more pissed that I reported it than that it happened. It definitely changed the way they treated me. I was seen as a traitor to the department and it made ME uncomfortable. I came to find out I was not the only victim and that basically everyone in positions of power knew that the harasser did this often but I dared to be the first person to report it. Some of the other women in the department stood up for me (but not all; some also viewed me as a nuisance) and other victims came forward, but by and large we were treated like troublemakers and nuisances who should have just shrugged it off like others had done for decades. 

Kerthy might think that if she gets a reputation as someone who has filed a sexual harassment charge (even when it was obviously warranted) that production companies may not want to hire her after TM ends. She could be seen as someone who won't just shrug it off, take one for the team, makes too big of a deal out of it, etc. That's why I think Kerthy just banked that conversation and made sure it got on the air for all to see. She didn't have to report it or make a big deal out of it. The public can cry out about it and she doesn't look like the troublemaker.

(Unfortunately, though, many people won't see it as the sexual harassment it is and will think he's saying things people say al the time, women shouldn't be so sensitive, say he didn't really mean it, etc and they'll defend it....because our society by and large doesn't like women. There. I said it. Had Matt made a racist or xenophobic comment, there would probably be some outcry, at least...although since the last election we have definitely entered a twilight zone where anti-PC rhetoric is mainstream).

Also, it's entirely possible Kerthy did lodge a complaint, HR "dealt" with it, and now both sides have to keep quiet about it. That was what happened when I made my complaint (with recorded evidence). The harasser was told never to talk to or contact me again (basically ignore each other and get reassigned) and we were both told not to discuss it with anyone who we hadn't told HR didn't already knew. That might have happened here. 

Sorry for the length of this post.

I've read so many stories like this.  A recent blog post by an engineer at a tech company (Uber, maybe?) got a lof of traction, and sounds similar to your story.  Thank you for taking the stance you did.  It was brave and heroic.  For real.

I'm only sorry you're apparently the fragile type that allowed the harassment to occur in the first place. KIDDING!  I'll never forget Eric Trump, when asked how he'd feel if Ivanka was ever harassed in the workplace, said that it would never happen because she's "not the type," and "would never allow it." Total victim blaming.  Asshole.  

Edited by LotusFlower
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Enty Lawyer @entylawyer·5m

Replying to @entylawyer and 3 others

1 - Here is a tracking number. When you click on the link it shows a package shipped from AZ to FL. It contained a phone. The same


Enty Lawyer @entylawyer·4m

2 - phone that has everything that has been posted here or on the internet. 100% proof. Who has it? @ShawnPortwood (link: https://wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/track?track=yes&trackNums=1Z1VW6450230653909#) wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/tr…


Those are two tweets from the newest texts posted between Kiki and Tiffany/Shawn and Tiffany.  Sounds like Shawn has Tiffany's phone that Matt texted her on.  There are also sexts that haven't been posted yet.  

Edited by MissMel
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Enty Lawyer Retweeted

Nadie @NadieEspecial·58m

Replying to @entylawyer and 3 others

So @SimonSaran was probably right- Kiki was fired because of Amber & Matt. Figures.


Heather?  Or Heather and Kiki?  These two are the ones that should be fired!  I'd rather watch Gary and Kristina anyway.

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What is wrong with Amber? Seriously. Is she that afraid to be single that she's going to stick with this loser no matter what crap he pulls? Just off the top of my head, this guy...

-has 9 kids with 6 or 7 women. He then lied to Amber about the number of kids he has, and only came clean when Gary provided the paper work. 

-does not pay child support for the litter of kids he has and has(had) open cases against him

-had a restraining order against him from an ex

-multiple exes have come forward with statements about Matt conning them before abandoning them, and calling him out as a piece of trash

-his grown son said he was a dead-beat dad to him, who also lied about having a drug addiction

-tried to pick up other teen mom co-stars on twitter before reeling Amber in. 

-cheated on Amber twice  that we know of - once where Amber tweeted about it, and now with a single mom cancer patient. 

I'm sure there's more, but that's what comes to my mind in this moment. Amber could walk in on Matt having sex with another woman in their bed, and he would spew off some bullshit excuse and she would eat it up. Then call anyone who dares question his bullshit as "haters". The fact that she has a daughter being exposed to all this is disgusting. Leah should be her number 1 priority, no questions. Yet, here she is putting her need to have a man and not be alone above the well being of her innocent daughter. I pray Gary finds a resolution to this mess that puts Leah in the best situation possible. 

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1 minute ago, MrsPatrickBateman said:

Enty is saying Amber's life is at risk, how does he mean that? Would Matt actually physically attack her or does he mean her life ruined?

Probably being over dramatic.


My personal theory is Matt has some dirt on Amber that he's using for blackmail. It must be bad because Amber can't look much worse.

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1 minute ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Probably being over dramatic.


My personal theory is Matt has some dirt on Amber that he's using for blackmail. It must be bad because Amber can't look much worse.

Pretty sure you're right, someone just said that was a pretty bold statement and asked of police should be alerted and Enty said that's why they used the term Jeopardy, it's more of a self destructive thing.

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It's possible he is blackmailing her, but the longer she stays with him, the more I think she just likes the drama he brings. She can tell herself that it is the two of them against the world because of her inflated sense of self importance. 

My sympathies do go out to Shawn in this mess, though. He is the lifeline for a woman who has been isolated by a conman. Leah has a good home, a stable family, and a good head on her shoulders, she just doesn't have the magically ability to make Scuzzy disappear for real. 

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8 minutes ago, druzy said:

I'm so lost! How did someone get KiKi's texts? Is KiKi the producer that is Nola's Godmother?

Tiffany mailed the phone she used to speak with Amber, Matt, and Kiki to Shawn.


How the other person has these to post who knows. I'd guess Tiffany is releasing them.

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9 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Those sites sell fake lie detector test certificates. 

For two people who have been constantly slamming the negative people, the "haterz", and have touted on more than one occasion how the only thing that matters is they know the truth and that is all that matters, they sure do go to a lot of trouble to try and prove their stories to those who question anything and everything about them. 

If Matt has anything on Amber, my money is on Matt already having lots of sex footage of Amber on his phone. He may have footage of her doing a threesome.

When Matt said on the episode he will never marry her or love her again, that was just a peek into what happens behind closed doors. Take those statements and multiply them by 100. That is what is happening to Amber at least once a week. Matt has to keep Amber in check. She is having to constantly reassure him when he has his pity temper tantrums. See how quick Amber responds to him when she senses he is angry or upset? How quick he was to put the blame on Amber by telling her he forgave HER humiliating him on camera. Note how she didn't even defend herself or resist his accusation. I also think he is giving her medications without her knowing about it or he is giving her more than she thinks she is supposed to take. 

That still doesn't mean I have sympathy for her. 

I have to agree, especially on the drugging/at the very least, encouragement to take more and more pills. Amber is not at all bright. Matt isn't brilliant or anything but he definitely has experience as a manipulator, so he can't be as dim as she is. 

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19 minutes ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Tiffany mailed the phone she used to speak with Amber, Matt, and Kiki to Shawn.


How the other person has these to post who knows. I'd guess Tiffany is releasing them.

Thanks @ClassyCourtHeels !

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Ok so I am very confused and have a few questions if you don't mind, could someone catch me up? 

1- who is kiki? Who was Kiki sending those long messages too? Was she sexually harassed by Matt? 

2. What does Shawn have to do with Matt and those vile disgusting messages? 

3. When did Matt relapse? Where was that reported? 



Why is amber bet so stupid. There is SO much proof not just one thing! Wtf is wrong with her? I feel like something really bad is going to happen. This is AWFUL to think this but I bet he takes a life insurance policy out on her. Then one day amber will relapse and have a fatal "overdose". Matt will get a big pay out. I am truly starting to believe he is that dangerous. I am starting to Think ambers life is in jeopardy.

one of the things that still has me truly disturbed is what he said to the producer about "never marrying her psycho ass" and that he "would fake it for the rest of filming". Then he sits down right next to amber and kisses her and tells her he loves her?!?!?? Sooooooo scary! 


Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance to anyone who can catch me up on the newest Matt craziness! 

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1 minute ago, KittyKat133 said:

Ok so I am very confused and have a few questions if you don't mind, could someone catch me up? 

1- who is kiki? Who was Kiki sending those long messages too? Was she sexually harassed by Matt? 

2. What does Shawn have to do with Matt and those vile disgusting messages? 

3. When did Matt relapse? Where was that reported? 



Why is amber bet so stupid. There is SO much proof not just one thing! Wtf is wrong with her? I feel like something really bad is going to happen. This is AWFUL to think this but I bet he takes a life insurance policy out on her. Then one day amber will relapse and have a fatal "overdose". Matt will get a big pay out. I am truly starting to believe he is that dangerous. I am starting to Think ambers life is in jeopardy.

one of the things that still has me truly disturbed is what he said to the producer about "never marrying her psycho ass" and that he "would fake it for the rest of filming". Then he sits down right next to amber and kisses her and tells her he loves her?!?!?? Sooooooo scary! 


Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance to anyone who can catch me up on the newest Matt craziness! 

I had the same theory about the life insurance policy! 

Kiki is one of the producers on Teen Mom.

Many people think Matt is lying about having a relapse to escape accountability for his actions.

1 hour ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Tiffany mailed the phone she used to speak with Amber, Matt, and Kiki to Shawn.


How the other person has these to post who knows. I'd guess Tiffany is releasing them.

Tiffany is the woman who had sex with Matt and pretended to be Matt's friend's date on the "Being Matt" episode.

Tiffany may be the woman texting Kiki- I'm not sure. Tiffany is wearing the beanie and Matt's friend is sitting next to her.

I'm still confused.






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16 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

If you scroll down, there's a tweet by Shawn. Amber retweeted it, so she agrees. I kind of thought Shawn was a real guy, but not so sure now. I do have to say, it would be hard being a real friend, or caring relative with all of the crazy stuff going on, though. So, I'm sort of on the fence about him.


I'm thinking he's afraid of losing Amber. 

I rewatched the after show and it appears Shawn was fake getting along with Matt to keep the peace with Amber.

Poor Shawn, he just got caught in this mess and his wife's texts have been shared not showing Matt in a good light so he's tying to swim to his raft to keep Amber from hating him by claiming he's being blindsided also.

I believe Shawn hates Matt ( you know Shawn and his wife bitch in bed about how scummy Matt is) but needs to be on Ambers side and agree with Amber even when she's making BAD decisions.

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Why would Jeff use Matt's phone to send a pic of his dick?  That is the most outlandish explanation Matt could have come up with and Amber believes it????! How fucking stupid is she?

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31 minutes ago, poopchute said:

Why would Jeff use Matt's phone to send a pic of his dick?  That is the most outlandish explanation Matt could have come up with and Amber believes it????! How fucking stupid is she?

Remember "Jeff" sent all those "you're so hot" Tweets to all the TMs.  *eye roll*

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Amber believes it every time.  Matt has never texted any one, it's always Jeff.  On Matt's phone.  Always.  Jeff was even dating the tattooed girlfriend, not Matt.  Pretty soon Matt will say he got confused and it wasn't him that "relapsed", it was Jeff.  Amber will believe it.  She always does.  (After he convinces her that she forgot to take her medicine and makes sure she takes it, this time.)  Then Amber will be passed out for hours and Matt, I mean Jeff, can take pictures and troll for new money girlfriends.  And gamble Amber's money away all day.  Sorry, just 'borrow' it.

He's disgusting and she's an idiot.  This has gone way past the immature "but I love him!" excuse.  

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1 minute ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Did we need to start a gofundme to get Pokah Buddy Jeff a phone?????

Nah, he's got full use of Matt's.  He doesn't need one of his own.  

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After the way Maci took a hard stance against being on the show because of Farrah and her porno-flick, I wonder if there will be such a response about appearing on a show with a sociopathic sexual predator.

Not to mention that now Amber is considering doing porn.

Not likely...Remember when she chased the camera crew down over at the Edward's house "You can film me!!" "It's fine now"....it's all about the $$ and they called her bluff..You want out? Okay..we'll film your story without you.

She won't try that again.

But she should, they all should. (and not because of the porn)

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