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Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel

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In retrospect it kinda makes the vegas trip make a little more sense...I remember in real time when it was happening and Matt was teasing that they might get married, I suspect he was hoping to pressure Amber into saying yes. I don't really remember if Amber was teasing a possible marriage as much as Matt was. I remember being annoyed that they were acting like they might get married when the trip was for their friends and not them at all... but now seeing the behind the scenes that they (well matt) really was hoping to get married makes it all a little clearer. It makes them more jerky in my opinion that they were supposed to be celebrating their friends and it likely became a will they or won't they for Amberand Matt.

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5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I may be alone, but I DO think Amber deserves Matt. She's no prize herself. She was emotionally AND physically abusive to the father of her child. In front of said child. Now, while there is no excuse, I was willing to realize she was addicted to drugs at the time. And when she actually chose to go to prison in an attempt to really straighten herself out, I did have some hope for her. When she first came out, I had some hope. She seemed much more calm and sensible. I was optimistic that she would do something to improve her life and make a stable future for Leah. 

So what does she do? Move some guy in that she barely knows and continue to shirk her parenting duties. She was warned a billion times over and she chose to put this scumbag before Leah. She talks trash on Gary, at every turn, but he is debt-free, owns several homes, and raises their daughter day in and day out. I have moments here and there where Amber makes me feel a squeak of empathy, but then I go back to thinking she brought it all on herself and water seeks its own level. Scumbags love scumbags. 

Maybe if she kicked him out and stayed single for a while, got a job, was consistent with her visitation, and got along with Gary - all of this for several YEARS - maybe then I'd start to have some hope for her again. But right now all I see is two losers' dysfunctional relationship imploding. 

I am sitting right next to you. 

Amber has no problem blaming Matt's previous victims and refers to them as "weak females". Not Amber. She is strong and defends Matt.

Amber deserves Matt because she is just as scummy as he is. Like seeks like. 

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That is like Leah being a spokesperson for single parents going to college.

It is like Maci, Kail, and Jenelle teaching cooking classes or safe sex classes. It is pathetic enough these three are part of a show that loves to preach about safe sex.

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51 minutes ago, leighroda said:

In retrospect it kinda makes the vegas trip make a little more sense...I remember in real time when it was happening and Matt was teasing that they might get married, I suspect he was hoping to pressure Amber into saying yes.

I bet you're 100% right. He thought he could get her to sneak it in while they were already there. Matt is very careful with his machinations. He probably tried to float the idea breezily, almost making it seem like her idea. He ALMOST had her. But then she had the idea that her family might want to be there. What about Leah? If Matt had made an actual ultimatum, he might have lost his control over her. So he lets her call Bubby. He tells her it's okay, no big deal, etc. But then he turns his wrath on the brother. Makes it all HIS fault. Saves his bitching about Amber for behind her back. 

Now I wonder about the timing of Amber saying the engagement is on hold. I wonder if she didn't have a clue what Matt said to the producer that day? And she's just now seeing the "I will never marry her" along with us? Do they get to see episodes in advance? I don't know, the timing does seem interesting...


I wanted to add something onto my "Amber Deserves Matt" sentiment from earlier. I still hope she leaves him. Only for Leah's sake. I get nervous thinking about that kid being alone with Matt while Amber sleeps the day away. 

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I think it is pretty safe to point out we all want the best for Leah, and the safety of all the children on this show is a priority in our eyes. It is a sentiment that doesn't need to be pointed out when we lash out at the parents for their fuckery. All I can hope at this point is, if Amber remains with Matt, she is just too fucked up that she cannot bother to have Leah over her house. The less visits there are, the better and safer it is for Leah. I don't think Matt cares to have Leah around them. As time goes on, she will just be one more person that he can alienate from Amber's life. 

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1 hour ago, leighroda said:

In retrospect it kinda makes the vegas trip make a little more sense...I remember in real time when it was happening and Matt was teasing that they might get married, I suspect he was hoping to pressure Amber into saying yes. I don't really remember if Amber was teasing a possible marriage as much as Matt was. I remember being annoyed that they were acting like they might get married when the trip was for their friends and not them at all... but now seeing the behind the scenes that they (well matt) really was hoping to get married makes it all a little clearer. It makes them more jerky in my opinion that they were supposed to be celebrating their friends and it likely became a will they or won't they for Amberand Matt.

Good call. Matt intended to marry Amber that trip and MTV knew. Why the hell would MTV want to film Annette's wedding? They came because Matt told them a wedding was happening. I'm not sure it even happened during the normal OG filming schedule. 

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Would Matt get paid more as a husband of Amber on the show than a boyfriend? I cannot for the life of me figure out what is in it for him to marry her when he has easy access to her money.

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On 5/17/2017 at 0:12 PM, Evenshorter said:

Totally sympathize. My fingers aren't short, they're actually kind of long compared to the rest of me because I am a tiny person (not LP, just petite), but I wear size 4 1/2. Difficult to buy rings without re-sizing, which can get expensive. On topic - why does Amber think these nails look like anything other than someone who doesn't do anything because wouldn't they stab everything? Whew.

I will join that club with you. I am 4'10", weigh 95 pounds, wear children's shoes, and a size 4 ring. Buying anything is difficult and I have to be careful because even though I am thin, I have big breasts and a lot of tops make me look frumpy. I am still wearing clothes I bought 16 years ago because, if shit fits and looks good, I hold onto that crap. 

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1 minute ago, mamadrama said:

I will join that club with you. I am 4'10", weigh 95 pounds, wear children's shoes, and a size 4 ring. Buying anything is difficult and I have to be careful because even though I am thin, I have big breasts and a lot of tops make me look frumpy. I am still wearing clothes I bought 16 years ago because, if shit fits and looks good, I hold onto that crap. 

Holy crap mamadrama, I think we're the same person!

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

A while ago Simon tweeted there is a "marriage bonus" .  


Amber sticking up for Matt. The "keep watching" is annoying


So, Amber is implying she is with Matt and he said shit about her brother in the heat of the moment? Or, is Matt holding a gun to her head and making her tweet that comment?

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4 minutes ago, Evenshorter said:

Holy crap mamadrama, I think we're the same person!

When I see people my size, I feel like I am totally bonded to them. :-)

I now have a pressing, unhealthy desire to find out what really went on with Heather. 

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4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Would Matt get paid more as a husband of Amber on the show than a boyfriend? I cannot for the life of me figure out what is in it for him to marry her when he has easy access to her money.

Does Indiana have alimony? Until Matt puts a ring on it he has limited claim on Amber's money or assets. He could be protecting his interests in case Amber wises up and kicks him to the curb.

Edited by MargeGunderson
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Neither one of them can have assets because they both owe money to creditors. Amber owes a huge chunk to the IRS. They can't have bank accounts because those would be seized and garnished by those who have judgments against them. As for the cars, they lease those vehicles for the same reason they can't have any bank accounts. Her business is a farce. I don't believe it makes money. If it does, she is not reporting it, likely. Matt and his faux flipping houses business is likely no longer happening. Whatever money he got that from, he spent. 

Amber stated they share their money. Matt doesn't have to marry her to take her money since he has been doing that since day one. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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20 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Would Matt get paid more as a husband of Amber on the show than a boyfriend? I cannot for the life of me figure out what is in it for him to marry her when he has easy access to her money.

But if they broke up he wouldn't get any, right? If they were married and divorced couldn't he ask for alimony? Like future salaries from any shows she does, appearances she makes? As messed up as her credit and accounts must be, she will have a lot more access to MTV/product shilling money than he will in the future. 

Also I just think the legal tie of marriage solidifies the psychological control more. 

Edited by Lm2162
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Now that I think about it, isn't this his usual "thing?" The common themes with his exes were babies, engagements, marriages, tattoos (doesn't he have tattoos for like 3 different former partners?), lifelong promises, etc. He has never been a one night stand type-- he's obsessed with/addicted to making commitments and dramatic professions of love and breaking them. Now that he's with someone who's on TV (he's obsessed with his image) and a source of income (she might be broke in the eyes of reasonable responsible people but she has cash flow and that's "rich" to them), he's going to prolong that process as much as he can. He got engaged on camera, so to preserve his image, he has to follow through. Then he'll claim victimhood for something later on, divorce her and try to get as much $ as he can. 

Edited by Lm2162
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2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Now that I think about it, isn't this his usual "thing?" The common themes with his exes were babies, engagements, marriages, tattoos (doesn't he have tattoos for like 3 different former partners?), lifelong promises, etc. He has never been a one night stand type-- he's obsessed with/addicted to making commitments and dramatic professions of love and breaking them. Now that he's with someone who's on TV (he's obsessed with his image) and a source of income (she might be broke in the eyes of reasonable responsible people but she has cash flow and that's "rich" to them), he's going to prolong that process as much as he can. He got engaged on camera, so to preserve his image, he has to follow through. Then he'll claim victimhood for something later on, divorce her and try to get as much $ as he can. 

Is marriage part of his con game? What is the end result? It isn't as if he has married women who have lots of money. As for spousal support, depending on the states one gets married in, it varies. Here in my state, if one is married for five years, they generally receive only two years of support. Think of it as receiving spousal support for half the length of the marriage. It makes no sense for Matt to marry Amber for spousal support since he is already being supported by a woman who is not his wife. 

How many marriages does Matt have under his belt, BTW? 

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Doubting they have anything in writing, from http://staffordlawofficellc.com/cohabitation/

For married couples, Indiana has several statutes governing the division of property in a marital dissolution. However, there are no comparable statutes for unmarried cohabitants. Indiana does not recognize common law marriage, and palimony, per se, is not awarded by Indiana courts. Without a written agreement as to how property will be divided upon the breakup of the relationship, a cohabitant’s only recourse is to rely on the theories of implied contracts and/or unjust enrichment. However, both of these fields of law are relatively murky for a layperson to understand, and both are difficult to prove in court. Results are fairly inconsistent and unpredictable.


To succeed under an implied contract claim, the plaintiff must prove that he or she has given notice that he or she expected repayment of any monies given or property purchased. Under an unjust enrichment claim, a plaintiff must prove that one party received more of an economic benefit from the relationship than the other party. Furthermore, the plaintiff must prove that the economic benefit was so great that the retention of the benefit without payment would be unjust. Given the level uncertainty, and the possibility of one cohabitant being significantly financially harmed at the end of a relationship, couples are well-served to consider entering into a cohabitation agreement.


A cohabitation agreement is an enforceable contract that can help alleviate the stress and uncertainty that results when a non-marital, but no less significant, relationship comes to an end. In its most basic form, a cohabitation agreements sets out how personal property, assets and debts should be divided, in the event the relationship ends. Of course, these agreements can cover a variety of other issues, as well.

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48 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Is marriage part of his con game? What is the end result? It isn't as if he has married women who have lots of money. As for spousal support, depending on the states one gets married in, it varies. Here in my state, if one is married for five years, they generally receive only two years of support. Think of it as receiving spousal support for half the length of the marriage. It makes no sense for Matt to marry Amber for spousal support since he is already being supported by a woman who is not his wife. 

How many marriages does Matt have under his belt, BTW? 

Yes, the marriage is part of the game.  I think that once he "wins", he moves on. 

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18 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Neither one of them can have assets because they both owe money to creditors. Amber owes a huge chunk to the IRS. They can't have bank accounts because those would be seized and garnished by those who have judgments against them. As for the cars, they lease those vehicles for the same reason they can't have any bank accounts. Her business is a farce. I don't believe it makes money. If it does, she is not reporting it, likely. Matt and his faux flipping houses business is likely no longer happening. Whatever money he got that from, he spent. 

Amber stated they share their money. Matt doesn't have to marry her to take her money since he has been doing that since day one. 

I might be able to shed some extra light on this, seeing as to how I both a) owe the IRS a lot of money and b) have several judgements against me. Now, because I don't want you all to think I am a deadbeat, or comparable to Mamber...

I am an author and a few times a year I set up at festivals where I am in charge of my own sales. During that time, I am meant to collect sales tax (which I do) and then file it with the state office (which I do). However, I was ONLY doing that if I made sales. I didn't know that I was meant to file those forms every single month-even if it was only to turn in $0 amount. Back in January I was hit with a penalty fee of $7,500 for 23 months over the past few years that I didn't file anything. They froze my bank account, tried to put a lien on the property, etc. I am working it out. Basically, by going ahead and filing those missing forms, they're negating that balance and taking it all away, save for about $200. I talked to the office yesterday and at this point I am just waiting for the final letter to say that everything is fine. However, for about 3 months it was touch and go. They were only allowed to freeze my bank account for 30 days. After that, it was back to mine again. Also, they were only allowed to hold the amount that was there when they first froze it. So if my account only had $50 on the day the freeze went through, that was all they could hold. If $4,000 was deposited two days later, they couldn't touch that. They did NOT end up putting a lien on my property, nor did it affect my vacation property. In fact, they were going to let me pay it off with a monthly payment. The IRS and state offices don't fuck around but they're surprisingly willing to work with people. They're used to be being screamed at all day so if someone contacts them and they're all polite and eager to get it settled, they'll totally make that shit happen. 


Now, for the judgments...I owe $113,000 in medical bills. I DID owe $175,000 but I paid off a bunch of them and got others lowered. My husband lost his job last fall, however, and I haven't been able to pay on the bigger ones. Hell, we're barely able to eat at this point. They went to collections and three went to to court and got judgments on me. Technically, they could garnish my wages and bank account, but they haven't. (They won't, either, because I filed bankruptcy last week. I even had insurance at the time of most of these and insurance denied the claims. They didn't pay a single dime of my son's accident from when he fell out of a tree, broke his arm, and ruptured his spleen because the only pediatric hospital in the state where they could do the surgery was out of network.) At any rate, just because they get a judgement on a debt doesn't mean that the debtor will actually garnish. It means they COULD, but sometimes they don't. Sometimes the debt just isn't worth it to them. So it is possible that Mamber still have bank accounts and personal property.

However, I totally agree that they were renting their house and leasing their vehicles. And I think they are probably getting paid under the table for quite a few things and keeping their money on prepaid cards so that nothing DOES happen to their bank accounts. 

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Yes. Marriage is a part of his con.   It gets him a few more years on teevee.  You know, the teevee that invades his privacy and makes him look like a douche.  The teevee he sought out just to bitch about.  That teevee.  It's a sweet paycheck.

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13 minutes ago, MissMel said:

Yes. Marriage is a part of his con.   It gets him a few more years on teevee.  You know, the teevee that invades his privacy and makes him look like a douche.  The teevee he sought out just to bitch about.  That teevee.  It's a sweet paycheck.

I wish one of the producers would sign up with an account here and "speculate" on things that go on behind the scenes. I want to know their real opinion of him. I am starting to get to the point where just looking at him is pissing me off. 

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I really don't think this is the case, but I'm going to ask anyway because I don't really know the ins and outs of renting/lawsuits etc (silly me, I rent... but make an effort to not leave the property in bad condition) since they are not married, but are both listed in the lawsuits (or were since I think some of them were dismissed) which leads me to believe they are both listed on the lease... would their marital status have any effect on how a lawsuit would be tried?  I would think if they are both listed it wouldn make any difference whether or not they are married because they are both named, thus both would be considered liable... but say just Amber is listed (I'm not saying this is the case, just a what if scenario) if they were to break things off completely would Matt have any responsibility if anything came up causing a lawsuit? Or would it be Ambers problem if she were the sole name on the lease? 

The only reason I'm even thinking about this, is it does seem a little convenient that Matt was saying they will never get married, and if you think back to real time the whole will they or won't they marriage thing was around the time of the rumors about all the lawsuits (give or take a month or 2)... as far as I know they were both listed so it's probably a moot point, but I wouldn't be surprised if Matt was trying to create distance.

I think what Matt said about "Bubby" (what is his real name? I feel ridiculous calling a grown man bubby) is deplorable, I assume he wasn't aware that conversation was being recorded, but that makes it worse in my opinion that he throws that word (faggot) out like it's no big deal, he's a little too comfortable with it. Then I'm guessing Amber either found out with the rest of us or maybe knew a little sooner if they pre screen the episodes... but that means he's been living all this time like nothing was wrong, that would make me furious. There are many many reasons I would never have been with Matt in the first place... so it's hard to pose this as a "if this were me" scenario... but if she postponed the wedding over whatever the lie detector situation was, and then I saw what he said about my brother after lying to my face I would so beyond done.

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3 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I really don't think this is the case, but I'm going to ask anyway because I don't really know the ins and outs of renting/lawsuits etc (silly me, I rent... but make an effort to not leave the property in bad condition) since they are not married, but are both listed in the lawsuits (or were since I think some of them were dismissed) which leads me to believe they are both listed on the lease... would their marital status have any effect on how a lawsuit would be tried?  I would think if they are both listed it wouldn make any difference whether or not they are married because they are both named, thus both would be considered liable... but say just Amber is listed (I'm not saying this is the case, just a what if scenario) if they were to break things off completely would Matt have any responsibility if anything came up causing a lawsuit? Or would it be Ambers problem if she were the sole name on the lease? 

We rent out our vacation property during the winter. Those who sign the lease have a binding contract. Everyone that lives in the house over the age of 18 have to sign the lease and all are held accountable, regardless of their relationship to one another. So if both Amber and Matt are listed on the lease, they should be held legally accountable regardless of marriage status. We had to sue a couple once and they were not married. (Caused nearly $15,000 in damage by putting holes in the walls, literally tearing up the carpet, and tearing off the garage door.) 

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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Is marriage part of his con game? What is the end result? It isn't as if he has married women who have lots of money. As for spousal support, depending on the states one gets married in, it varies. Here in my state, if one is married for five years, they generally receive only two years of support. Think of it as receiving spousal support for half the length of the marriage. It makes no sense for Matt to marry Amber for spousal support since he is already being supported by a woman who is not his wife. 

How many marriages does Matt have under his belt, BTW? 

I believe so. I don't think it's all about a financial strategy (though milking the immediate gratification of free trips, cash, nice house etc is certainly part of it in this case) as much as it is his form of "conquest." Once someone is emotionally beholden to him in some way-- believing his lies of "forever," pregnant, what have you-- he gets out. The women had an eerily similar narrative...he pushed for commitments and babies and moving in and promises until he got them. Then he was gone.  Many of them described having deep uncertainties that he overrode and brainwashed them not to heed. Classic abuser stuff. Many of them were extremely poor, abused previously, recently laid off or divorced or vulnerable in some other way. He can't play his games to the same level with Amber because he's being filmed and commented on by the public. 

We're also trying to calculate how much money he'd actually get based on reality. He doesn't live in reality. He's an idiot. This is the same guy who literally thinks him saying "no I don't" and "fuck the haters" a bunch of times about having 9 kids is proof enough against actual court documents and everyone should  believe him. And it's not just Amber directly he'd get money from after a divorce. He'll also sell a lot more tabloid stories and book copies and potentially even get a Z-list paid appearance or two if they have a marriage, pregnancy and/or divorce scandal. 

Edited by Lm2162
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3 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Yes, the marriage is part of the game.  I think that once he "wins", he moves on. 

Yea, it might not be about anything tangible he gets, but the ultimate power trip. Control. Ownership. That kind of thing. 

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Again I am days behind in reading, but a note on the "Baier"/"Baler" misspelling on the court documents, in a criminal case, a misspelling such as this would mean you were not serving the true person and could be quashed. But in a civil case such as the landlord dispute, what most likely happened was that someone misread the "i" as an "l" when they typed the complaint, it was filed and docketed that way, and when caught, an amendment would be filed with the court adjusting the spelling of his name but the Clerk's Office wouldn't change the caption, and it would continue to say "Baler" throughout the pendency of the case, but the actual judgment would be spelled correctly. It's actually fairly common, even though it shouldn't be. 

It's been a long time since I've rented, but think that I had to show my Driver's License to prove my identity when I rented an apartment. I've certainly had to before I could rent anything else, such as skiing equipment. One of his previous victims claimed he was using his ex's or son's last name when renting somewhere, but don't see how that was possible and think he was probably just introducing himself that way or using the whole name of his ex or son when getting credit. It's certainly possible that some landlord didn't bother to check ID or Matt schmoozed his way through. It's hard to believe people can't see through his sleaze, but he has a string of victims who claim he is very good at the con.

Also, for some reason, I was taken back several days to some unread comments, even though I saw my own post after those. They don't look like they were hidden, they weren't fighting or anything, so it is another PTV oddity that happens to me in the Teen Mom forums and no others. CONSPIRACY!

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I could see Matt using a false name to rent... if you were renting an apt from a company it would be hard, but I could see him being able to get by if it was an individual. I'm currently renting, and I actually don't remember if I actually showed my drivers license to my now landlord, but I also had no intention of using a false identity, so it's possible I did and just don't remember, and I did have back ground and credit checks. I know when I was looking at places across the board it is easier to rent from an individual vs company if you have something that would be a red flag (for me it was that at the time I was looking I wasn't working, so I would not have met income requirements, I had just passed my nursing board exam and was moving for a job so it was a temporary issue, but because of people like Matt, it's hard to find someone who will take a chance, even though my situation was easily a common issue). I'm sure whether the spelling of Matts last name matters, he was probably thrilled to see the misspelling and made no effort to change it. 

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I could see Matt using a false name to rent

Me too. Amber Porkwood mentioned he also uses "Baker" as a last name. The "Balen" name appeared in the Zuluscape civil matter. They sued Amber and Matt for the destruction of the property. What ever became of that case? 


18 hours ago, ginger90 said:

She has also posted a lot of links to gossip sites with articles about the lie detector and the wedding being put on hold. What could she mean by this tweet? That we would be shocked to know she stayed with that asshole in spite of him calling Bubby a f*ggot? She also uses the word "vindicated" and has a hashtag: #trustedmyinstincts. She posted something similar back in February: 


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4 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Me too. Amber Porkwood mentioned he also uses "Baker" as a last name. The "Balen" name appeared in the Zuluscape civil matter. They sued Amber and Matt for the destruction of the property. What ever became of that case? 

They were due in court last Friday but ended up rescheduling the day before -- when all the drama went down. 

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Simon @SimonSaran

Replying to @KrissyTWFanmily

If Amber does in fact need help, I'll send a moving company there for her to move him out and I'll cover the entire cost.12:00 AM · May 22, 2017

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2 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Simon and Shawn - kudos!

What I wouldn't give to watch these two show up with that moving van as they watch Matt moving out with MTV cameras in tow. 

I know, right?  like I kind of have respect for Simon right this second...maybe I should go find some soap!!

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It's a known fetish for some guys to impregnate woman after woman and leave.  I believe there's a term for it.  I bet Matt's list is even longer than we know and would be a lot longer if he was attractive or had decent social skills. Some of the attractive, more normal men who've done this have impregnated hundreds of women before their pattern was discovered. 

Edited by Lm2162
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39 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

It's a known fetish for some guys to impregnate woman after woman and leave.  I believe there's a term for it.  I bet Matt's list is even longer than we know and would be a lot longer if he was attractive or had decent social skills. Some of the attractive, more normal men who've done this have impregnated hundreds of women before their pattern was discovered. 

I've heard it referred to as a Johnny Appleseed.

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16 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I've heard it referred to as a Johnny Appleseed.

This is why I love TWoP/PTV --- in the process of posting about a show, you learn so much. Accountants, therapists, attorneys, sociologists, and writers -- all here sharing what they know as we discuss the series critically. Totally I learned the term "Johnny Appleseed."  Perfect reference for Matt. I always learn something here. 

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58 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

It's a known fetish for some guys to impregnate woman after woman and leave.  I believe there's a term for it.  I bet Matt's list is even longer than we know and would be a lot longer if he was attractive or had decent social skills. Some of the attractive, more normal men who've done this have impregnated hundreds of women before their pattern was discovered. 

Semen spreader?

Frequent sperm donor?

Jolly jizz giver?

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