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Something Unexpected: Seasons 1 and 2 Discussion

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Yes, I agree. I was impressed with her attachment, & wanted James to back off & just let her enjoy the baby. They just got home from the hospital & baby is barely out of the womb; shut up & let them cuddle for crap's sake.

MacKayla's concern after Timothy was out was touching as well - she could protect him inside, now that he's out not as much. So true.

Lexus needs a spine to tell Shayden to back off.

Edited by gonecrackers
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7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Agreed. I think with Shayden it was definitely more about controlling Scarlet and not wanting a "bratty kid". James is woefully ignorant when it comes to infant care, but I think his concern was largely about Lilly being able to put the baby down so she can do things like shower. 


According to her we do, but I can't remember the exact number. I want to say that she said it was something like "8 years" ago? If you search through the other episode threads, I know it's specifically mentioned. I brought up the fact that it seemed like she got clean only a few years after giving her kids to grandma and grandpa. So I wondered why she had never got them back. But, according to her, she's been clean awhile. 

Yes, she said it's been 8 years. But, I seriously doubt she's done much in the way of a program or long term outpatient treatment. She may not be using but she still acts like an addict. Everything is about her, she's very manipulative, she takes no responsibility for what she says and when she's called out on her behavior or nasty mouth, she attacks someone else in an attempt to deflect. If her drug of choice was alcohol, she'd be what's called a dry drunk. Someone who isn't actively drinking but still exhibits all the behavior associated with their addiction. If she's been sober for 8 years, she's had plenty of time to try to get her kids back. But, I'd bet her list of excuses to why she couldn't is miles long and all of them are no doubt, someone else's fault. Yet, she thought is was a great idea to bring two more kids into the world.

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17 hours ago, IvySpice said:

I will give Lilly credit for one thing: she's madly in love with her baby. Much like 16&P/Teen Mom's Chelsea. It gets you major points with me. Every baby deserves a parent who thinks the sun rises and sets on their baby.. Heaven knows James and Lilly's baby doesn't have much else going for her in life, but she'll know that her mom is besotted with her. It's a start.

Contrasted with Lexus's 0- "I had no bond with Scarlet and just saw her as a leech, always wanting to feed". Or some such. Although, she might have been suffering postpartum. But I did wonder if she had a hard time attaching because of Shayden's attitude. I could also see him being the type to get jealous of her nursing the baby. 

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she might have been suffering postpartum

That's the vibe I got. In contrast to, say, Jenelle Evans, who just has no love for anyone except the rotating cast of men who validate her and her hotness. Lexus seems defeated, lonely, lost. Not heartless.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Lexus watched her mother being verbally and maybe physically abused while she was growing up. It would certainly go a long way in explaining why she thinks the way the Pimply Punk treats her is okay. And, why she makes excuses for his behavior. Monkey see, monkey do.

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On 11/27/2017 at 3:25 AM, Christina said:

Shannon, McKayla's mom, was so childish that I don't believe she began using drugs at 20 or so. If you act like the age you were when you started using, it's pretty clear that Shannon was 13. 

I noticed that Lexus was laying in her hospital bed with makeup on. There was a woman in maternity with me who put her makeup on before the stupid class we had to take before discharge, and I hadn't even showered yet that day. I looked around and out of the seven of us, she was the only one with a full face of makeup and one of the other women were giving her side-eyes, and I realized she was the outlier, not me. 

I have a photo of myself, minutes after my sons birth . I have a  full face of makeup.. That said  my labor was like 1 hour long

Edited by JennyMominFL
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On 12/21/2017 at 10:46 AM, cpcathy said:

Geez, all these kids are such nightmares!

Can I just come to each episode thread to say I'm thankful I do not have children?

And I'm thankful that I have the children I have. Every time I watch something like this I call them and tell them how much I love them and how proud I am of them. 

Edited by Maharincess
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19 hours ago, cpcathy said:

Geez, all these kids are such nightmares!

Can I just come to each episode thread to say I'm thankful I do not have children?

I call/text my two sons in college and tell them I love them all the time!!  I am so thankful for them - they are the best.  

One thing I did wonder about last night - how is it that these girls get it into their heads that sneaking out the house to have sex at age 12 is a good idea?  Is there nothing else to do it Butt Lick Indiana except.....you know?  

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On 11/23/2017 at 4:13 PM, Bridget said:

I'm a twin and I can confirm that my mom will tell anyone who will listen that having multiples is harder than anyone can relate to unless they have had the same experience! She's been known to tell moms (who complain) with (well behaved) babies that it's a good thing they only have one. If she watched more TV, she would be snarking here along with us. Having one baby of each gender also meant they were done having kids! 

When I was sleeping, my brother was awake. And vice versa! One of us would have had a diaper change, then the other one did. It's nonstop with multiples. We were on schedules & my parents had access to caregivers, so they made sure they had a break from us, even if it was going to Sunday morning mass.

We used to live in an older house without a bathroom in the master bedroom. My parents would have to pass our room to get to the only bathroom upstairs. We often woke up early (5am), and while we would play in our own cribs, we were also aware of our surroundings. As a result, my mom used to crawl on her hands and knees to get to the bathroom without us seeing her so that she could have another hour or two of sleep before having to get ready for work.

My husband is an identical twin and my mother in law says the exact opposite lol. She said her twins were easier than her single births. They always had each other and she didn't have to worry about entertaining them. Her twins were in the middle of her other single births and she still says they were the easiest to take care of.

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7 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I call/text my two sons in college and tell them I love them all the time!!  I am so thankful for them - they are the best.  

One thing I did wonder about last night - how is it that these girls get it into their heads that sneaking out the house to have sex at age 12 is a good idea?  Is there nothing else to do it Butt Lick Indiana except.....you know?  

I'm 60 and kids were sneaking out to meet boys when I was in school. But, not at 12 years old! If I caught my 12 year old daughter sneaking out of the house, whether it was to meet a boy or not, she'd be sleeping in my bedroom. If she asked to spend the night with a friend, it wouldn't happen until I'd talked to the parents of the friend IN PERSON and felt comfortable with their ability and commitment to supervise. And, if I found out or suspected my tween daughter was having sex, she'd be on a form of birth control that wasn't dependent on her remembering to take a pill.

When I was in 15 and high school, two girls I'd know most of my life (same age as me) got involved with some guys that were really bad news. They were 19 and 21 and were into hard drugs and were really scuzzy characters. The girls were bragging at the bus stop about sneaking out to meet these guys and said they were meeting up that night, giving all the details of where and at what time. I was by no means a goodie two shoes, but I was really worried about them - these guys were bad. I fought with my conscience about ratting them out and finally decided I had to tell someone. So, I had my older brother (he was 21 and knew what scuzzballs these guys were) call their parents at the time they said they were meeting and tell them what was happening and where. He didn't tell them who he was but he knew enough details for them to know he wasn't screwing with them. So, the parents called the cops. When the cops got to where they were, they found a little party going on, complete with alcohol, speed, acid and over a pound of weed in the trunk of the car. The guys were arrested and the girls were taken home. They never did find out who ratted them out and I never felt guilty for doing it. Both of the guys were sentenced to life for a drug related murder a couple years later.

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14 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

^^You probably saved their lives. They could have gotten pregnant or addicted to drugs that night. 

After this incident, one of them was transferred to a really strict Catholic school and got pregnant in her senior year. The last I heard, she's still married to the guy and they've had a nice life together. I don't remember what the other girl wound up doing but she didn't get into trouble with drugs for the rest of high school.

When Kelsey talked about Lexus sneaking out to meet up with Shaeden, I couldn't believe how nonchalant she was about it. I would have gone nuclear. She was only 12 years old! It's amazing she didn't get pregnant until she was 15.

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I kinda feel sorry for Kelsey - only because I know how hard it is to be a single parent. If she works full time and likely gets off work hours after Lexus gets out of school, there’s no telling what the kid was up to and there was no real way for Kelsey to stop her. Shayden already mentioned how he wanted Lexus to “stand up for him” and go against her mother’s wishes - who knows how persuasive he was in those early years. Not to put the blame totally on him, because for all I know she may have been the initiator of sex. What might have helped Lexus is talking to her throughout her life (when she was old enough) about the struggles of being a teen mom and how it impacted her own mother. It’s too late to pile on after the deed is done. Also, birth control. I remember my sociology professor saying it was the most significant invention of the 20th century. 

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I understand that Kelsey had to work and put a roof over their heads and how she struggled to do it. What I don't understand is how she seemed to just accept it. I get that she couldn't put a leash on the kid but, surely there was someone she trusted that she could have had watch Lexus while she was working? And, I'll never understand why she didn't take her daughter to the doctor and get her on birth control STAT when she realized Lexus was going to continue hanging with her bad boy no matter what her mother said or did. The excuses they used about not knowing how easy it was to get pregnant made my blood boil. These kids have smart phones and are glued to the internet 24/7. If they can make accounts at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to post endless, duck lips selfies, they can find out about birth control and pregnancy. It really makes me think they did it on purpose. Probably not Lily and James, though. I honestly don't think either of them is sure how that baby happened. 

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1 hour ago, lovesnark said:

'll never understand why she didn't take her daughter to the doctor and get her on birth control STAT when she realized Lexus was going to continue hanging with her bad boy no matter what her mother said or did.

Seriously if i was Kelsey i would have administerd the depo shot myself!

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I could easily believe Lexus and Shayden got pregnant on purpose. I wonder if grandma couldn’t have checked in on Lexus a few times. I don’t know that anything would have  stopped these two (other than birth control) because they’re having unprotected sex AGAIN, not even six weeks after the kid’s birth. And when are they sneaking off to do it since Shayden supposedly works 14 hours a day?? Likely when he comes over to “see Scarlett” and Grandma Kelsey is asleep in the next room. 

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14 hours ago, lovesnark said:

When Kelsey talked about Lexus sneaking out to meet up with Shaeden, I couldn't believe how nonchalant she was about it. I would have gone nuclear. She was only 12 years old! It's amazing she didn't get pregnant until she was 15.

I, too, would have gone nuclear.  

I think they all got pregnant on purpose.  Like the poster upthread - they are on the internet all damn day, plus smartphones and FB and Snapchat and all that stuff.  They can google "Accessable birth control" and figure it out.  All the girls strike me as:  "Well, I am not really college bound, and I am not really sure what to do....hey I know!! Family is never let me have an abortion, they will freak if I discuss adoption....so here goes!"  

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I lean toward it all being on purpose as well. On the couch when Kelsey was lamenting her daughter's pregnancy Lexus said she didn't think it was a bad thing.

MacKayla seemed to really want a ring from Caeden; maybe that wanting to hook him started early & she thought a baby would seal the deal.

Lily is way too attached to James at this age; she's needy so the baby was an extra, forever attachment for her, & might have even been another way to fill up her needs.

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I found it hilarious that Lilly's water broke 20 minutes after she was dancing to that God awful music. Baby just wanted it to stahhhhhp!

So I watch this with my teen (who is worlds more mature than any of these unfortunate girls...)  and we were looking at each other with grossed out looks on our faces when we saw her "half-twerking" to that crazy"song."  "now..now..nownownownow...now...now...now...now....nasty!....nasty!"  were the words we put to that "music"...next scene, she is screaming and losing it in the car -- we burst out laughing! She is so clueless.  Mother Lily is butting up against a fathead with Magical Thinking.  Sigh.  James already has very little interest in the baby, and will soon feel the pinch of not having Lily's undivided attention, which is probably the only draw she has for him.  Mother James, instead of judging him for getting His Baby Momma a small ring, should be encouraging him to Step Up and Be A Man since he procreated.  I have no doubt that if her daughter (who appeared to have had a child out of wedlock also) had gotten a ring from Her Baby Daddy that Momma James would have been planning a wedding asap!  Lily is lucky that she will have a soft landing where her responsibilities as a New Mom are concerned....but it is frustrating that she's already thinking of having another one....maybe because it is so easy so far?

Edited by Eme
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On 12/18/2017 at 0:56 PM, lovesnark said:

I had to mute the TV when Lily was wailing in the car. I'm normally for not giving these teens an epidural because maybe having to feel every bit of labor might make them think twice before hopping into bed without protection. But, it would have been cruel to make the staff at the hospital go through listening to her wail for hours on end. 

@lovesnark thanks for your post, I felt a tiny bit guilty (but not enough to "unmute" it) that I muted and then fast forwarded (thank God for the DVR) through Lily's labor.  Major eyeroll from me when Lily seemed less concerned about her impending delivery, instead she was freaking out that she had left a puddle on the floor.  She seemed so "shocked" that she was all wet! (Guess that's one fact they don't mention in the prenatal classes?  I thought everyone knew this).   I also could have done without Lily's mom's boyfriend describing how he had to take time and clean what he described as a big "mess' that she's left on the floor.  TMI.

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 also could have done without Lily's mom's boyfriend describing how he had to take time and clean what he described as a big "mess' that she's left on the floor.

I Know!  Right?   All it is is WATER, he needed to calm down and not talk about it....ever.  Then again, there is no evidence of charm in that family, so we should not be surprised.....

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1 hour ago, Eme said:

I Know!  Right?   All it is is WATER, he needed to calm down and not talk about it....ever.  Then again, there is no evidence of charm in that family, so we should not be surprised.....

I mean I don't think its that big of deal but when someones water breaks it's also mucus and other things, it's not just like you spilled a glass of tap water.

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Saw an ad this morning; seems like the finale 'tell all' is Monday.  The host asks Lexus if she's pregnant again then cut to her tearfully saying 'I don't want to talk about that'. They've probably skewed it for adequate drama, as I don't think her SM even hints preg, but depends on when the 'tell all' was filmed.

Still wouldn't put it past her to have another within 2yrs.

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On 12/23/2017 at 9:29 PM, Eme said:

So I watch this with my teen (who is worlds more mature than any of these unfortunate girls...)  and we were looking at each other with grossed out looks on our faces when we saw her "half-twerking" to that crazy"song."  "now..now..nownownownow...now...now...now...now....nasty!....nasty!"  were the words we put to that "music"...next scene, she is screaming and losing it in the car -- we burst out laughing! She is so clueless.  Mother Lily is butting up against a fathead with Magical Thinking.  Sigh.  James already has very little interest in the baby, and will soon feel the pinch of not having Lily's undivided attention, which is probably the only draw she has for him.  Mother James, instead of judging him for getting His Baby Momma a small ring, should be encouraging him to Step Up and Be A Man since he procreated.  I have no doubt that if her daughter (who appeared to have had a child out of wedlock also) had gotten a ring from Her Baby Daddy that Momma James would have been planning a wedding asap!  Lily is lucky that she will have a soft landing where her responsibilities as a New Mom are concerned....but it is frustrating that she's already thinking of having another one....maybe because it is so easy so far?


It was "The Baby Mama" song, which cracks me up!  I googled it and I cannot tell if the singer (I use that term loosely) is a man or woman!



On 12/24/2017 at 8:30 AM, Eme said:

I Know!  Right?   All it is is WATER, he needed to calm down and not talk about it....ever.  Then again, there is no evidence of charm in that family, so we should not be surprised.....


It isn't just water!  It's amniotic fluid, and... yes really gross to get that under the fridge.  

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On 12/17/2017 at 9:50 PM, Suzywriter said:

I don't get it either. I feel overwhelmed and need as little distraction as possible. I had just my husband with my first. He was overseas when my second was born, so I had my mom with me, and my 2 sisters. With my third, I wanted just my husband again, but my sister was driving me to the hospital because I was with her when I went into labor and it happened so fast, she was still there when my daughter was born. I'd NEVER have my MIL in there with me. PASS. 

Anyone remember the TLC show "A Baby's Story"?  Births were filmed, and one couple had EVERYONE in there, including both grampas!!  Yep, I want my FIL filming my Minnesota State Line for all to see.  No, first time:  Hubby only.  Second time:  Hubby only.  How novel!


On 12/17/2017 at 6:08 PM, IvySpice said:

Threatening to take a newborn baby away from its mother = automatic monster status. You can't come back from that.

"Oh, he didn't mean it....he was just frustrated!!"  Shut. It. And stop defending him!

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The families of Unexpected come together for the Unexpected: Tell All. The parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents share insight into their stories, and give updates on what's been happening since the cameras stopped rolling.

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Lexus wraps up her last day of school and discusses her plans for college; McKayla and Caelan argue over his new potential work opportunity; Lily and her mom discuss the struggles of teen pregnancy.

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For some reason, I had an incredibly hard time finding this forum, but glad I found it. I started to watch the first episode and the pure, concentrated stupidity of the show participants made me stop. But curiosity got me and I tried watching again.

I was absolutely appalled at how desperate Lilly was acting when she was chasing James. The way she stalked him was gross. I got second-hand embarrassment for her! I get the impression that he was only interested once he realized that Lilly was a “sure thing” and he wouldn’t have to put out any effort to bed her. Hey, Mother Lilly? That’s what happens when girls learn that they only have value if they have a boyfriend or are in a relationship. 

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Oh, Lilly. Airheaded Lilly.  You had done it a whole bunch of times before and never ended up pregnant? Ugh.

ETA:  where are these girls finding such awful, terrible people to father  their children? 

Edited by PityFree
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31 minutes ago, PityFree said:

ETA:  where are these girls finding such awful, terrible people to father  their children? 

Maybe it's because the girls themselves aren't such great people to begin with?  What's the saying?  "Water finds its match . . . ?"

Edited by KBrownie
Meant for the first sentence to be a question, not a statement.
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13 minutes ago, KBrownie said:

Maybe it's because the girls themselves aren't such great people to begin with.  What's the saying?  "Water finds its match . . . ?"

 So true. you’re right. 

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Lexus laments being a 3rd generation teen mom, and she's "sad it happened to" her.

It didn't just happen, Lexus. You did something to make it happen. You and the jailbird who I guarantee you will be back together with once he's sprung from the slammer. Honestly until it was asked, I thought Lexus was pregnant again because she looks a little heavy.

I still cannot stand Shannon. McKayla looks very pretty, but I can tell she watches Teen Mom Original Losers,  as evidenced by the storming off the set.

I feel bad for Lilly because I think she is only now learning that the ring was just a ring, not a promise ring. 

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Yeah, I’d bet a good amount of money Shayden gets out, gives Lexus the “I’m changed” speech and they get back together. And then more babies and more abuse. Cycle continues. 


Shannon is crazy. 

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Surprised that two out of the three boyfriends are still in the picture, but the babies are still only 8 months old and the TLC money is still coming.  I wish them the best though. Still not as ridiculous as the Teen Mom franchise girls - maybe because we aren't 7 years into it.

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I'm only halfway through this, but does the question of whether any of them considered abortion even get raised?

ETA: Good riddance to Shayden rubbish. 

Edited by bref
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I hope Shayden is away long enough for Lexus to get good and over him. I'd say long enough for her to find herself and work on being a good mom and growing up, finishing/continuing her education and getting a job - things that will be best for her and her baby, so she doesn't ever have to rely on a man and bc she doesn't need a man. But I won't say that, bc who am I kidding.  Most Teen girls think the world is ending if they don't have a boyfriend. 

And it's great that Shellie wants to be there for McKayla but she needs to mind her place. 

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1 hour ago, bref said:

I'm only halfway through this, but does the question of whether any of them considered abortion even get raised?

ETA: Good riddance to Shayden rubbish. 

I was really hoping the question of abortion and/or adoption would have been raised, but it wasn't.  I don't know who the host woman was, but she looks like she spent more time working out on her arms (which were indeed fierce) than prepping for the show.

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MY heart broke when I saw the stupid effect Shayden's "speech" had on BOTH Lexus and her 32 year old Mother.  (She's 32, right?  Not sure they mentioned her age enough or how it ALL affects HER....)  In any event, he was completely unimpressive and it is too sad that the rubbish he spewed looks like he gets a  Get Out Of Jail Free card from the both of them.  (Yes, I went there.)  He is a grown man, and all I could think was "Why didn't they charge him with statutory rape?" every time he came on the screen.  How DARE he blame Mom Lexus for allowing Lexus to get pregnant?   MomLexus may have been to "blame" in some way, shape or form, but it is NOT up to HIM to bring it up.  He impregnated a minor and he is ridiculous to blame anyone but himself.  The girl was a minor and should not have been in a relationship with him -- which is what MomLexus thought was happening.  He is an ingrate given all of Mom Lexus' support for his daughter.  If he was so great then why didn't he have an apartment for them all?  What. Ever. Shay den.

Shannon needs to take one giant step back.  She thinks that MomMcKayla'sBabydaddy (sorry I can't recall his name) has some class and she is desperate for her approval.  Get over it.  The lady will never like her, and Shannon needs to think about her own four kids and stop seeking approval from a stranger.  McKayla is very pretty. Have to edit what I previously wrote about her because I just saw her YouTube Channel Link on the "Who Leaves First" thread -- she explains what happened with Shelly to make her fell the way she does, she has very valid reasons for acting how she did at the Tell All.  Okay then.  Shelly also needs to take a Giant Step Back.  Ugh.

Lilly - why oh why couldn't they play that scene where she was dancing like a fool?  Now that she had a baby out of wedlock, she is so lucky to have that Mom enable/support/guide her.  MommaLilly was absolutely correct in bringing up that Lilly not give her child James' name until he stepped up.  James hadn't stepped up for the birthing class, the family outing, or any future plans.  But he sure did step up when his "rights" were concerned.  It looks like he is stepping up some now, so hopefully, he will continue to do so.  MomJames got a bit of a wake up call when she saw him take some responsibility after the baby was born -- she needs to back off and let him give her a Promise Freaking Ring and not be so jealous of him.  

The Interviewer made so many ridiculous statements.....she kept trying to broker a deal between Shannon and Shelly.  That was not the time and place.  It should have been about the Teen Moms and their relationships, not about those two who kept trying to make it about themselves.  

Edited by Eme
Saw McKayla's Youtube Channel Link with explanations....
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So I went searching to see why Shayden is in jail.  Didn't find out why, but I did stumble upon his dad's twitter feed.  Oh my, it's easy to see where Shayden gets his entitlement and douche bag ways.  His dad and Lexus's mom are in a twitter feud about who does what for the baby.  If you get past the grammar and spelling errors, Shayden's dad entire twitter feed is golden!  Search for "Clint Massey"  His twitter handle is @mituifu.

Edited by denisett
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Shelly needs to know that nothing about Shannon or Shannon & Mckayla's relationship is her business.  I'm sure it's hard to not have an opinion, but it's not her place to sit in judgement. Just focus on your grandchild and let them do them. 

Not defending Shannon, but she's probably embarrassed of her past and carrying a lot of guilt so I can see why she's defensive and doesn't want to be judged by Shelly. They need to grow up as much as their kids do. 

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Surprised that two out of the three boyfriends are still in the picture, but the babies are still only 8 months old and the TLC money is still coming.  I wish them the best though. Still not as ridiculous as the Teen Mom franchise girls - maybe because we aren't 7 years into it.

I'm betting these girls aren't making as much money as the Teen Mom girls, and they're aren't as famous. Long term, they will be just as bad. They have all the signs of being just as stupid as the idiots in Teen Mom. Its just a question of who ends up with a second baby first, and who makes it to 3 babies by 3 daddies before their 30th birthday.

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On the topic of Shayden in jail, all I could find is it was a probation violation, but that creates the question of "why was he on probation?"  Considering what a belligerent punk he is it could be for anything.

Shelly really needs to stop putting Shannon down.  McKayla's family seems to all get along.  Shannon's parents know she is self-centered.  When she cleaned up off drugs, for whatever reason, McKayla and her brother stayed with the grandparents.  That is none of Shelly's business.  It really, really, really just isn't!  All her harping has done is alienate McKayla so that now she can't see her grandson.  How is that working out for you, Shelly?

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