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Crisis On Infinite Earths 2019: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Their Story

Message added by MarkHB

This thread is specifically for discussion of Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths, and speculation and spoilers directly pertaining to them.  Full rules for the thread are here; please read them.  Off-topic posts may be removed.

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Go to blog link to see other filming pics...


*  *  *
Yesterday morning, they were shooting a Supergirl portion of the cross over at David Lam Park in downtown Vancouver.

The early scenes saw all Supergirl cast on set. First up was a scene with 100s of extras scattered around a courtyard, with some down below in a park walking around too. The scene has the extras moving towards an area to board a "spaceship" as a message is said by someone on a megaphone telling the calm public "No need to panic, Supergirl and Superman are working hard to save this planet". So it seems by this point in Crisis, things have got to the point that worlds are being evacuated.... but to where? The crowd was very calm, then suddenly, an earthquake hits, and panic sets in. Nicole Maines as Dreamer and Azie Tesfai as Kelly Olsen were in the middle of the panic, Kelly was trying to escort the public towards the way to go, and Dreamer was trying to contact someone through an earpiece.

A little while later, they added Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers and Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor to the scene with Dreamer and Kelly. The scene seemed to be a continuation of the earthquake scene, and it has Alex and Dreamer seemingly staring towards some type of threat, while Kelly was helping people, and Lena was telling people to keep calm and leave in an orderly fashion.

A bit later, they did a scene with Azie Tesfai, and her double, protecting a person with Cody Laudan (the stunt double for The Flash.... but was he being Barry, or just a random person?), but the big take away was Kelly Olsen, the sister of James Olsen, who was known as the Guardian, is seen using Guardians shield to protect the citizen. Is Supergirl making Kelly a new Guardian? While I was able to get photos of the Kelly stunt double with the shield, the couple takes they did with Azie holding it were inconveniently blocked by a large crane they were using for the earlier shots. So I never got a good one of her with it.

After that scene was wrapped, the cast met fans out on the street before leaving for the day. The crew went on lunch break, and it was a long 2+ hour wait till they started filming for a night scene below.
*  *  *
In the night scene they had, the Supergirl crew were working with a couple non-Supergirl cast, and the first scene I had encountered for Crisis On Infinite Earths where shows casts actually were sharing scenes.

The Flash star Grant Gustin, and his double Cody Laudan as The Flash did a scene with Arrow recurring star Audrey Marie Anderson as not Lyla Michaels this time, but Harbinger in her first public shoot as the pivotal COIE character.

In the early part of the evening, they had Grant as The Flash doing a scene where he speeds into a spot on a street, stops and tries to talk to Cisco over his coms. He seemingly cant get a hold of him, so he then asks for Iris, again with seemingly no reply, before a bright light in front of him makes him shield his eyes with his arm till the light fades down. He then stares towards the place that light came from. Later on, they had Cody take Grants place, and brought in Audrey. They then shot the scene from the Harbinger side. For the first take, there was a pretty decent angle to watch, but then they got really defensive, and went out of their way to try and cover it up, which was odd coming from a show that is generally respectful of photographers & fans watching, and even odder when they already dropped a promo of the suit, and shot the scene in public for a couple takes already. So I didn't get too many shots of Audrey in the suit before it was blocked off.




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Barry mentions "Crisis" twice in this new Flash trailer...

The Flash | Love Is Power Trailer | The CW
The CW Network  October 3, 2019

Barry (lying on bed): "I saw billions of possible futures. Billions of deaths. Maybe this is the reason why I was given powers. To save everyone." (Cut to tearful Iris shaking her head and looking down at him)
Cisco (voiceover): "We've got to stop you from vanishing."
Iris (voiceover): "We've changed the future before. We can change it again."
Iris (voiceover): "The Barry I know would never stop running. He would find another way to fight. So what do we do first?"
Unidentified man: "Welcome to a world where anything can and probably will happen!"
Iris (voiceover): "All of our lives are going to be on the line."
Cisco: "Welcome to Earth 1. My name is Cisco Ramon. (Wells grabs him by the throat) Oh, great. Another angry one."
John Wesley Shipp's character (Jay Garrick?): "You want to tell me why the hell you were time-traveling to begin with?"
Barry (voiceover): "I needed to see this Crisis for myself."
The Monitor: "You see. You will answer the call."
Dr. Ramsey Rosso AKA Bloodwork: "I don't understand you, Barry. You march towards death without fear. Where is it you get your strength?"  Barry: "The people I love."
Cisco: "Suit's finished."
Joe West: "Your emblem. Our badges. They're symbols of the strength that we're charged with. When we hear the call of duty, we're willing to make that sacrifice."
Iris: "Oh my god." Cisco: "We just ran out of time."
Barry (voiceover): "We can't stop what's coming. I have to prepare the team for this Crisis."

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LaMonica Garrett has apparently dropped out of Wales Comic Con (no longer listed among Guests), but Brandon Routh has been added...

Wales Comic Con: Telford Takeover, December 7-8, 2019 (UK)
Brandon Routh, Tyler Hoechlin, Arthur Darvill, Alex Kingston, Tom Welling, Erica Durance and John Glover

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Crisis crossover -related quotes from The Flash EP, Eric Wallace:



Question: With The Monitor telling Barry and Iris that The Flash must die, how will they grapple with that, this season?

 “Crisis” turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to The Flash because it created an immediacy to things. We know that, on December 10, 2019, The Flash will die. He said it. We’re not messing around. … Episode 608 ends and it’s “Crisis” time. It’s time to go off to, literally, cosmic war.


This show seems to sort be setting up “Crisis”, in its own way. How did you balance telling the story of Bloodwork, while also setting up this massive crossover?

WALLACE: Fortunately, it worked out really great because “Crisis” is  about grief, and about death, and about the end of all worlds.


You have the Bloodwork villain, who is facing the end of his own world. So, from his point of view, who cares about “Crisis” because he’s more concerned about the immediacy of his own life. Now, does that mean he could perhaps live past “Crisis”? That’s the real question that he has to grapple with, and I won’t give you the answer. So, it turned out to be the most fortuitous set of story events possible, dealing with life and death, dealing with his death as a villain, and dealing with the death of all worlds.

When all of the showrunners got together to talk about “Crisis”, I pitched them what Bloodwork does, and they were like, “Oh, that’s great!” And then, all of this synergy started to happen. The Arrow folks said, “Hey, we’re gonna do something crazy in Episode 801.” And I went, “Oh, that’s perfect!” It was this dominoes situation that fell. There’s a lot of cross collaboration. It might not seem like it, at first, but it all comes together very nicely in “Crisis”, our crossover event. It all feeds into itself.


Is Barry aware that Oliver Queen is also working for The Monitor right now?

WALLACE: No, and when they both find out, it’s good stuff. It’s so great. I can’t tell you when it happens, but I will tell you that is a scene that happened. It is a moment, and it is coming. Let’s just say  that people might get pissed off, a little bit.

In the “Crisis” comic book story, both The Flash and Supergirl died, and there were variations of them later. What were your thoughts about that, when it was done?

WALLACE: I was the perfect age for “Crisis”, when it first came out, and it blew my mind that so many characters that were beloved died, and then they were re-booted. So, when we were approaching the writing of “Crisis”, obviously, we can’t just kill all of our number ones on our shows. That’s insane. You can kill a couple of them, and we do, but you have to find the balance. What it meant to me was that we should tap into that feeling that the readers in 1985 would have had, when reading that story, with the tectonic shifts in the comic world, underneath. When you watch the crossover, you’re going to feel those tectonic shifts, especially at the end. It’s not small. It’s game-changer, in the same way that the ending of “Crisis”, the comic book, was a game changer, and it opens up to a whole new world.

Edited by Trini
Added spoiler tags per mod note, and added emphases
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16 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Am I “anal” in saying that Clark being an EIC isn’t very Kingdom Come? The canon was a lot more isolated at the start of the original miniseries.

But it does fit with another part of COIE and general Superman canon. The Clark Kent/Superman of Earth-2 IS the Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Star (the Earth-2 counterpart to the Daily Planet) -- AND he's married to that Earth's Lois Lane!

For those who are interested, Crisis #1 was reprinted last week as a Dollar Comic. It is probably available at a friendly neighborhood comics store near you. It actually begins with the death of Earth 3, which makes me wonder if Earth 2 will be destroyed to start the crossover (CW Earth 2 is the one where the metahumans are evil, like comics Earth 3.)

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In case you missed it, there is a Monitor appearance in the Supergirl extended trailer and a "Crisis" mention in the Arrow extended trailer...

Supergirl | Event Horizon Extended Trailer | The CW
The CW Network Sep. 22, 2019

-- The Monitor: "Now it is time to avenge yourself against a brother who wronged you."

Arrow | Sacrifice Extended Trailer | The CW
The CW Network Sep. 24, 2019

-- Oliver: "The only way this is bearable for me is if I am certain my sacrifice, my death, will protect the people I love."

-- Oliver: "There is a Crisis coming." Diggle: "We're facing the destruction of pretty much everything."

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Don't know if this has or will have any relevance to the COIE crossover or post-crossover tv universe...

DC Unveils New Timeline For Comic Book Universe
OCTOBER 04, 2019 11:11AM by Graeme McMillan


Moving into 2020, DC has plans to ensure that fans and creators alike will have a better handle on the history of its comic book universe, with publishers Dan Didio and Jim Lee telling audiences at New York Comic Con about something called the DC Timeline.

“For the first time, we’re going to introduce the DC Timeline,” DiDio told the crowd during Friday afternoon’s “DC Nation” panel. “The whole idea here right now is, from our standpoint, we’re trying to organize a sense of when the DC stories took place and how they all fit together.”
*  *  *
DiDio talked about the need for DC to have a consistent timeline in DC’s comic book output, noting that it’s something that DC’s television and movies have used to build cohesive universes. In terms of DC’s comics, DiDio said that in the wake of the 2011 reboot of DC’s superhero comic book line, “what might have slipped up was we didn’t spend enough time to figure out what works in continuity.”

In the wake of current DC series — including Doomsday Clock, Justice League and Superman — bringing back concepts that touch upon the past and future of DC’s mythology, DiDio said that the company was “reintroducing aspects of our history back into [our central universe], from the Justice Society all the way into the future of the Legion of Superheroes.”

The audience was then briefly shown a detailed timeline — too detailed to be legible onscreen — of the entire DC continuity, split into four distinct eras: “Dawn of the Heroic Age,” which DiDio explained begins with the arrival of Wonder Woman in Man’s World, before the Second World War; “The Space Age,” which begins with Superman’s debut; “The Age of Crisis,” which spans the period between the 1985 Crisis on Infinite Earths comic book series and 2011’s Flashpoint; and “The Flashpoint,” which was characterized as the current era of DC’s output.
*  *  *
It’s unknown when fans will find out more about the new timeline, but worth noting that Doomsday Clock is expected to end in December 2019, with a conclusion that just might formalize a new continuity for the company’s comic book universe.

ETA: This article has the DC graphics (which are blurry) and more details about each era or generation:
Exclusive: The Full DC Comics New Continuity Timeline – Including Crisis, New 52, Rebirth and Doomsday Clock – As Shown at #NYCC
Posted on October 4, 2019 | by Rich Johnston

Edited by tv echo

FYI: You can listen to this interview for free and without having to sign up for anything at SoundCloud here.

-- When asked if he was ever asked to do a voice role for any of the Star Wars characters (considering how well he's always worked with Mark Hamill), Kevin Conroy: "No, that never came up. Um, but what I am doing is


an on camera Old Bruce Wayne right now. I'm finally getting to play the role in the new Batwoman series. That's where I am now. I'm in Vancouver shooting that. Um, so I'm real excited about doing that. I'm playing Old Bruce Wayne like in the Batman Beyond era, uh, when he's sort of in his 70's. Um, I'm finally doing it on camera, which I'm very excited about." 

-- In response to interviewer mentioning Ruby Rose and asking how their take was on it, Kevin Conroy: "Well, you know, it's amazing, because they're doing the Crisis On Infinite Earths as a crossover event for all their different shows. And you should see their production here. It's like a - it's like a - a war room, and there's a massive number of actors, and huge fleet of trucks. I mean, it's incredible. The wardrobe shop is massive. Um, it's amazing, the money they're spending. It's gonna be spectacular, I think." 

ETA: During this interview, Kevin Conroy and the interviewer also talked about the following upcoming event...

Dublin Comic Con presents: An Evening With Kevin Conroy, October 18, 2019 (Dublin, Ireland)

3 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

Sara is actually going to talk to Barry. These are the interactions I'd rather see then a bunch of cameos from other shows.

100% THIS! My favorite crossovers have always been the mini ones between just LOT/Arrow, Arrow/Flash, or Flash/Supergirl. It gives the actual characters more time to interact and I love seeing that they actually know each other and are friends. I don't give two forks about any form of Superman, or a random actor who voiced someone in DC, or whoever. Give me the actual characters interacting!!!

(I'm really hoping after this big blowout Crisis crossover that we go back to just mini one-ep crossovers here and there rather than these 5 hour movies overly jampacked with shows outside the Arrowverse)

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Go to blog link to see other pics...


Yesterday, they were shooting a DC's Legends Of Tomorrow portion of the cross over at couple of businesses & at Victory Square in downtown Vancouver.

In the early part of the day, they were shooting in a business known as "The Paper Hound" which is a small independent bookstore. I did not get to see what the scene entailed from the inside, but I know Dominic Purcell was around for it, and they did a scene that had people running on the outside of the building.

After that scene, they moved a couple doors down to a frequently used location by the film industry, The Permanent. It has been a reception hall for the Oliver & Felicity congratulations party after they piggyback married during Crisis On Earth X, its been a bank for The Flash, and likely many other things I cant recall right now.

On this day, I dont know what it was supposed to be standing in for, but there seemed to be 3 notable people in the scene. Grant Gustin was there as The Flash, Caity Lotz was there as White Canary, and an unknown man was there dressed in a suit, with a red cape. Maybe a magician? Whatever was going on, it seemed to end with White Canary punching out the mystery man. After they wrapped, I actually saw that there were two mystery men, not sure if 1 was a stunt double for the other, or if there was 2 of these characters in the scene.

After that, the crew went to lunch & prepped the area down the street for their night time exterior scene at Victory Square
*  *  *
After the lunch break, the crew and cast arrived at Victory Square to shoot a night scene. The Flash fans know Victory Square very well, as it is where we watched Savitar kill Iris over, and over, and over again, ending with the unfortunate death of H.R. instead in a ruse perpetrated by the team. To make it more of a call back to that location, the scene they shot was right in the spot that the death happened.

In the night scene, we had Grant as Barry Allen and Caity as Sara Lance sitting on the stairs talking. It was clear that it was one of those "we've been through some stuff, and it might get tougher" talks. I dont know who was needing the talk more, but they both had on their solemn faces at times. With this being in the Legends episode of the cross over, which is the final part of it, could they be talking about something specific that happened during Crisis? Someone they lost? Someone they both have a strong connection to? Or, is it just a "we need to figure out how to win this, it seems so hard" talk?

As their conversation was winding down (it really was a loooooooong talking scene) something startles the two super heroes, and they turn around and attack whatever it is.... but soon they settle down, and start talking to the mystery person. The ONLY part of the conversation I could make out was Sara saying "yeah John, you're a little late, already happened". What was John late for? Better question really is, which John? Constantine? Diggle? Jonnz? Travolta? The sides being read out by the other character were done by a crew member as the actor in that spot was not actually there, and the actors on set needed verbal cues to let them know when to deliver their lines.

As you will see in the 1 shot, there was a large massive lighting balloon in the air that was coloured light blue. I joked at the time to those on the set that it was going to be Beebo. But really, it is just there to light the scene a specific way.... but will the blue lighting tone they were going for mean something specific? Why would they not just go with the natural tone of the area?

After the pair did their scenes, Grant wrapped for the night, and they did a quick 5-8 minutes of getting solo Sara talking scenes before wrapping all together for the night.




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Flash EP Eric Wallace said that Barry is supposed to die on December 10, 2019, which is the scheduled air date for the Flash crossover episode.

Yet here is GG filming a scene with CL for the Legends crossover episode, which is scheduled to air on January 14, 2020 (COIE finale).

So, no surprise to anyone, papps have spoiled that Barry survives the "Crisis."

Edited by tv echo
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16 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Flash EP Eric Wallace said that Barry is supposed to die on December 10, 2019, which is the scheduled air date for the Flash crossover episode.

Yet here is GG filming a scene with CL for the Legends crossover episode, which is scheduled to air on January 14, 2020 (COIE finale).

So, no surprise to anyone, papps have spoiled that Barry survives the "Crisis."

Shocking. Especially as we know Oliver traded himself for Barry and Kara last year and Oliver has been told he is dying or "dying" in COIE and Arrow is ending and Flash is not.  

This Oct. 4, 2019 FlashTVNews article contains a crossover comment by Flash EP Eric Wallace during a group Q&A hosted by The CW on Oct. 3rd - media outlets also got to watch an advance screener of the Flash season premiere (warning: rest of article contains Flash spoilers)...


And as for the other burning question from fans about Iris and her journalism: Will she meet Lois Lane during Crisis on Infinite Earths?

“I’m not going to answer that, but I think you know the answer,” he teased. “I’m not saying a word!”

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The red cape makes me think Psycho Pirate but there wasn’t a mask so I don’t know. I think we can count on one hand the number of words Barry and Sara have exchanged on camera so their heart to heart tells me they’re grieving Oliver’s death with the only other person who would understand.

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4 hours ago, tv echo said:

So, no surprise to anyone, papps have spoiled that Barry survives the "Crisis."

Did anyone really think they were killing off any of the show leads permanently? Oliver will be resurrected too, somehow. Unless Felicity walked through a portal to meet someone else....


3 hours ago, tv echo said:
From Flash script supervisor...

Encouraging! But I'm still keeping my expectations low.

Also Wallace has said Sara Lance is one of his favorite characters, so maybe there's some good scenes for her in the Flash portion.

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Crisis quote from the Batwoman Q&A at New York Comic Con, today:


One thing fans in the audience were naturally concerned with was the inevitable crossover the series will have in the DCverse, due in December. “We’re actually not allowed to say anything,” Skarsten began. “But we can say it will have major implications on Gotham City going forward, and there are so many amazing people being brought back. It’ll be so much fun if you’re a fan of any or all of it.”


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Kevin Conroy was in Vancouver last week shooting COIE, so this must be his bearded look for the crossover...

You can also get a live action view of his new bearded look in this video of his Batman Beyond reunion panel at NYCC on Oct. 6...


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Kevin Conroy Interview NYCC 2019 CW Crossover Batman Beyond
Above And Batman Beyond   Oct. 7, 2019

-- Interviewer: "So now you're the live action Batman." Kevin Conroy: "How cool is that? I was in Vancouver yesterday. We're in the midst of doing it now." Interviewer: "Is it fun?" Kevin Conroy: "Yeah. You're all gonna be blown away. This production, the sets, the cast, it's massive. Massive." Interviewer: "It's incredibly ambitious." Kevin Conroy: "It's massive. And it looks beautiful." Interviewer: "Sounds like a scheduling nightmare with all the celebs on." Kevin Conroy: "Can you imagine? I can't imagine how they're doing it. I think their crews all over doing it at the same time, doing the different shows at the same time. I don't know how they're doing it."

-- Interviewer: "How does it feel to finally play him live action?" Kevin Conroy: "It feels amazing... I was just telling these other people, I haven't done anything on camera since '95. So this has been - the first day, I have to admit, was a little nerve-wracking, thinking, when I'm in a booth, I feel so safe. I feel so like in a womb and - and able to be an idiot. I'm able to expose myself and be a fool and feel totally comfortable doing it. But when you're surrounded by a hundred people on a crew and cameras all stand focused on you, suddenly you're very aware of every move you make. You know what I mean? And suddenly I was being so self-conscious. I thought, you've got to get over that, you've got to get past that. And you know what brought me back into it? It was this wonderful actress that I'm working with in it, Ruby Rose... She is so - looking into her eyes on the other side of the camera, I just fell into her eyes. I thought, okay, I'm back in that - in that room again. I'm back - I'm able to just block out everything around me and I'm just talking to her. And, um - and it brought it all back to me. But the first day, I was - I was very self-conscious. I had to get past that."

-- Interviewer: "Would this lead to more possible guest appearances as Bruce Wayne?" Kevin Conroy: "You never know. I've learned to never say never, because no matter what I plan, the Earth throws something else at me. Life throws nothing but curve balls. I have learned that lesson."

INTERVIEW with KEVIN CONROY (Voice of Bruce Wayne/Batman) BATMAN BEYOND #NYCC19 #BatmanBeyond
Team JVS   Recorded Oct. 6, 2019; published Oct. 7, 2019

-- Interviewer: "And now you are going to be playing a character you've played since 1992 live action in the CW show. I know you can't say anything about it. I'm surprised you're not in Vancouver right now." Kevin Conroy: "I was there last night... I was." Interviewer: "To be able to have the ability to play this character live action, what does that mean to you?" Kevin Conroy: "I am just - I - I keep pinching myself. I am having so much fun.... But it is kind of funny, because when you do the voice, you - you play a full character. You know? Voice acting is acting. You fill out the whole character. But there's a - um, what's the word? - a comfort level in just using your voice. For me. There's a comfort level in being in a studio knowing no one's watching me. But when you're on a sound stage and there's cameras on you and there's a full crew there, suddenly you have to physicalize the character and inhabit him physically. Um, it makes you a little self-conscious at first, you know, and you have to get past that. So you stop thinking about who's looking at you, and you just inhabit the character. But for the first few minutes on the sound stage, on the set, I was like, wait a minute, I'm used to doing this alone. (Laughs) Then there's all these people around me. Um, I'm having a blast. I'm having a blast."

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Batwoman stars Rachel Skarsten & Meagan Tandy On Their New Show | #NYCC19 | Entertainment Weekly
Entertainment Weekly   Oct. 7, 2019

-- When asked if there was any chance of her reprising her Black Canary role from Birds of Prey in the big crossover, Rachel Skarsten: "No. I've been asked that question a lot, but I'm now firmly in Alice's shoes. But I did actually speak to Ashley [Scott] yesterday. Yeah, and it's so much fun that she's coming. I'm so happy. And, um, I can give a little spoiler. So she kept her original costume from the Birds of Prey. And the belt and the necklace, she'll be wearing that in the crossover. So when you see her in the crossover, it's actually OG Birds of Prey stuff."

Rachel Skarsten Interview for 'Batwoman' at New York Comic Con
Hollywood News Source    Oct. 6, 2019

-- Rachel Skarsten: "So the crossover has begun. I am not allowed to say anything about my involvement in the crossover. However, I can say, I'm very excited for Ashley Scott to come back because she played the Huntress in Birds of Prey, which I was in, and I've - we've been chatting. And she's bringing back - actually, she kept a lot of the costume pieces and she's going to wear the original costume pieces in the crossover... I think the crossover's so lovely, because fans of all the shows, you know, get to have their favorites back. And I too get to have my favorite back in Ashley Scott. So I'm really excited about that."

NYCC 2019: BATWOMAN - Rachel Skarsten
Whedonopolis Videos   Oct. 7, 2019

-- Rachel Skarsten: "I think I'm Ashley's publicist this weekend... I actually just talked to her yesterday, and she is bringing back, um - she saved all her Huntress wardrobe. And she's going to wear the original belt and necklace on the crossover. So I think that's a really cool little tidbit for fans. She actually saved the bodice, but she said it got shredded over the years. She was like, 'I can't wear this.'"

‘Batwoman’ Cast at New York Comic Con 2019 | Full Interview
ET Live   Oct. 6, 2019

-- On what they can tease about the big 5-show crossover, Rachel Skarsten: "We can't really reveal anything at all." Megan Tandy: "It's just gonna have some major ramifications on Gotham. That we can definitely say. Any other details, we don't know." 

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Wizard World recently posted its Austin guest list and there's going to be a huge Smallville presence at that comic con - I'm pretty sure that COIE crossover questions will be asked...

Wizard World Austin, November 8-10, 2019 (TX),
Tom Welling, Erica Durance, Michael Rosenbaum, Kristin Kreuk, Laura Vandervoort and John Glover

ETA: There are now 5 upcoming comic cons with Smallville guests that will take place prior to the COIE crossover.

Edited by tv echo

I don't think one necessarily rules out the other (re Barry being in LOT and dying dec 10). I'm starting to think that Barry might die (Oliver's deal didn't also cover what happens to Barry and potentially Kara in the upcoming crossover, plus as far as we know the headline itself hasn't changed, though perhaps we'll learn more on tonight's episode)

So maybe he will die, but instead


of being gone for a few decades like in the comics

he'll be gone for however long the gap between part 1 in December and part 2 in January is supposed to represent.

If there is a time jump. I don't know if there will be, of course, but  maybe there could be? It depends on the type of cliffhanger. If they do a 'everyone is in immediate danger, how will they ever get out of/survive this????' type cliffhanger then they'll want to pick up immediately where they ended part 1. If they do a 'they lost the fight/all is lost' type cliffhanger then I can see them doing a time jump, even if it's just the realtime month in between part 1 and 2. 

Kevin Conroy mentioning 'first day' makes me think his role is more than just a cameo.

Edited by RedVitC
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It's interesting the different approaches by the different shows for the crossover. For the Pre-Crisis, Batwoman and Supergirl seem to be mostly ignoring Crisis, while Arrow and The Flash have arcs devoted to it.

I think Batwoman will only have one or two scenes referring to Crisis before the crossover. For Supergirl, it seems the only character and arc that leads to Crisis is J'onn's with his brother.

Both Arrow and The Flash are dealing with it more directly, since it looks like Crisis will have bigger repercussions on those shows and their leads. The vibe I'm getting from producer interviews is that Pre-Crisis is mostly a forefront story on The Flash, while on Arrow it is mostly in the background (but still a strong influence) as they go on their farewell tour.

As for Legends, I'm still confused about how their next season fits in with everything.

Message added by MarkHB

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