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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

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8 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

If she did move her mouth more, Pedro would be less miserable. 

Was it my imagination, or did Pedro's sister really give him the bj sign when he told her Chantel wasn't coming with him to the DR?

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Why does Larissa insist on wearing that stupid Chrissy ponytail?  I guess technically they are Three’s Company.  We’ve already seen Coltee and mommy at the Regal Beagle

Edited by For Cereals
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28 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Elizabeth is full of crap.  Seemed like every thing she told Andrei that her father said, is what she wants to say to him but doesn't have the courage.  

I think she never had to stand on her own.  You do a kid no favors by always paying their way.  Now she can't, or doesn't think she can, dial back and live very simply.  It's good for a couple to struggle and learn how to stand on their own feet.  Elizabeth's father was right that getting pregnant when you can't feed your self is crazy.

23 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

They made you feel nothing Pao.   You were late which was rude!!!!

She is completely clueless.

3 minutes ago, For Cereals said:

Why does Larissa insist on wearing that stupid Chrissy ponytail?  I guess technically they are Three’s Company.  We’ve already seen Coltee and mommy at the Regal Beagle

Right on!

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At least Pedro had the courtesy to apologize to the lawyer for the scene they were making in her office.

Pedro, Larissa and Andrei totally need their own spinoff. Call the show “Immigrant House” 

“What about the prenup?” You dumb bitch. A prenup has nothing to do with Federal law.

And the American is on the hook for 10 years even after a divorce because there used to be so much fraud in the system that the government had to crack down to do something about it. 

Why the hell is Chantel acting like this is the first time she is hearing about it? Didn’t the dumb ho read what she was signing? 

Edited by Chickabiddy
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Just now, Chickabiddy said:

“What about the prenup?” You dumb bitch. A prenup has nothing to do with Federal law.

I do love that family chantel pushed for this and they told her it doesn't matter to immigration. 😂

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Please please please let Family Chantel find out that pre-nup will not be valid if Pedro and Chantel divorce. She is still on the hook for ten years. I predict the reappearance of Shocky!

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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I have to fast forward Pao....she is such a classless rude and selfish child....everyone left 'early' because you were 2 hours late...it is not all about you Pao.

I get up and do things when Ashley or Fornanda come on.

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Larissa, Pao and Fernanda, always whining about being alone and you are my husband, I need you to be with me every minute.  So sick of them.  They had to know the deal before they came to the US.  

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1 minute ago, LucyEth said:

Larissa, Pao and Fernanda, always whining about being alone and you are my husband, I need you to be with me every minute.  So sick of them.  They had to know the deal before they came to the US.  

Why did Jon buy Ferngully a jeep if she can't drive?

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Pedro and Chantel don't seem to realize that their bickering is making others uncomfortable.  Chantel's "friend" and her husband couldn't leave the restaurant fast enough and the lawyer seemed on the verge of asking them to leave her office.  

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Fernanda has a car sitting in the driveway, he doesn’t have her locked in a tower. Go out during the day, Go to the library, a movie, there’s tons of free stuff to do. At least she would meet people. 

Annie is going to find out David didn’t file papers. 

10 to six is going to drop the bomb.

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Alexi doesn’t want a baby because of his fear of Tourette’s. 

Why when they get good  advice from “people they trust” do they not listen?

Fernanda’s mom and Loren’s friend spoke words of wisdom LISTEN!!!

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I'm only half an hour in and already the assholes are out in full form.

In the words of Dan Aykroyd,  Chantal, you ignorant slut. She must have only seen an edited version of the infamous dinner, or she talked through all the parts where her family were at fault. That was a display of the most disrespectful, rude behaviour yet. Not surprising considering who raised her. Poor Pedro.  I can see why Pedro would want to get out of Dodge,  but his family are assholes too.

Pao, you are a selfish, self centered delusional asshole. You have made no effort whatsoever to get along with your in-laws. Everything is your way, or the highway.

Back later!

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26 minutes ago, usernameG said:

Does Larry creep anyone else out? He's all smooth and shiny like a baby seal.

First time I've seen him, creepy indeed.

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Larry refused to eat the roasted pig in the Philippines, and yet he’s throwing hotdogs on the grill back in the good ole USA! 

Well, Larry's son is smarter than he is. I was impressed that his son was concerned about Jenny being trapped and unable to get out and meet people. That shows a lot of empathy and maturity. Something that is sorely lacking on the show… On this whole freaking franchise, actually.

Loren feels like the spark is gone and a baby won’t put a strain on the relationship. She is as fucking delusional as Nicole. 🙄

Co-sign whoever said Alexi is afraid of having a baby because of the Tourette’s factor. 

Edited by Chickabiddy
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8 minutes ago, Gobi said:

First time I've seen him, creepy indeed.

He reminds me of that weird white reptile/fish that someone brought into Dr K’s exotic pets hospital.

Pao was deliberately late, knowing it would cause tension and she can play victim to Russ. She wants to drive a wedge between Russ and his family.

Edited by iwasish
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Just now, iwasish said:

He reminds me of that weird white reptile/fish that someone brought into Dr K’s exotic pets hospital.

He is kind of slow, pasty and pale but I do think he's harmless and sweet, at least so far 

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3 minutes ago, iwasish said:

He reminds me of that weird white reptile/fish that someone brought into Dr K’s exotic pets hospital.

Or one of the War Boys from Mad Max: Fury Road.

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2 minutes ago, endure said:

He is kind of slow, pasty and pale but I do think he's harmless and sweet, at least so far 

Like that reptile/fish. Unattractive but  cute in a way. 

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OMG after three hours, this marathon shit show is finally over. I feel like I need to go listen to NPR or tackle Finnegan’s Wake to get back some IQ points and recover some sense of culture. 

See y’all next time. 😘

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2 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

I thought she was a teenager

So, she thinks if she leaves and goes to Chicago, he’ll miss the pussy and come after her. Smug bitch. You aren’t all that. 

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It's not that easy to sell a house and move to a different city, plus get a new job. Fernanda knew she would be living in a particular city. It is up to both of them to decide to move.

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