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S20.E21: Nominations #7; Hacker #2


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3 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

All the good stuff must be happening on the feeds, because I am really starting to get bored with the show.


The show to me every summer is a total rerun with minor changes and a slow crawl to finale night.... with a different cast. I think I lost interest after maybe season 14 or many years ago. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

All the good stuff must be happening on the feeds, because I am really starting to get bored with the show.

It does appear that they are editing Sam to be some sort of unhinged psycho.

The conversation with JC looked to be unedited for the most part... he seemed horrified at the prospect of stomping someone’s face on a curb and she seemed excited by it. I’m not gonna blame the editors for making her look psycho when it looked to me like she initiatiated the whole conversation in the first place. 

  • Love 7

The second hacker competition wasn't as close because they eliminated people after a wrong answer instead of accepting the first three correct answers as in the first one last week.  The first method used was more exciting as it gave more people a chance to win.  Very strange that they changed it.

Edited by amazingracefan
  • Love 6
39 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

The second hacker competition wasn't as close because they eliminated people after a wrong answer instead of accepting the first three correct answers as in the first one last week.  The first method used was more exciting as it gave more people a chance to win.  Very strange that they changed it.


I think it was because in the first Hacker comp, it was unscrambling words so it could take some time for people to do. While here, they gave a list of 8 multiple choice answers and all you'd need to do is hit all of the buttons until you stumbled on the right choice. So they didn't want people winning just for hitting a button faster than someone else.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

I wouldn't go that far of accusing anyone on a reality show of having MPD.  I don't know if her act is game play or really a part of who she is.  I don't like throwing around the term multiple personality disorder, because once someone is labeled with that, it tends to stick.  Regardless of what is going on, I just wish she would pick one personality and stick with it. 

Yeah, it's definitely not MPD.  A person can have different moods and show different sides of themselves.  But that's not MPD.  

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think it was because in the first Hacker comp, it was unscrambling words so it could take some time for people to do. While here, they gave a list of 8 multiple choice answers and all you'd need to do is hit all of the buttons until you stumbled on the right choice. So they didn't want people winning just for hitting a button faster than someone else.

That's true but maybe they could have had a time penalty after one wrong answer, so they couldn't just press all straight away and had to think.  Or alternatively you're allowed say 2 wrong answers rather than just none.

  • Love 3

What. The. Fuck. is up with Sam? That girl done lost it. 

First there's the non-stop weep fest. Because SHE'S so "authentic" and everyone else is fake. Look, I get it. I'm one of those people that has a really hard time with chit-chat, social niceties, being cordial with people you can't stand. It's the reason I related so much to Cody and also to Sam....in the beginning. But she's taking this shit too far. She's breaking down and accusing people of - *gasp* - "just being here to win a bunch of money!" Um, yes. This is Big Brother. Have you read the rules? 

She's taking shit too personally and losing site of the game. It's frustrating because I think she really just wants to go home; and I know there are other people who would have loved to take her place. You gotta know when the game just isn't for you. (I know it's not for me. But I'll watch the shit out of it!)

Then she starts educating everyone on "stomping mud-holes" and "curb-stomping" and you know JC won't sleep another wink in that house until she's gone. 

I definitely think Tyler made a mistake in telling her about his power. And that's unusual for him. But I just KNEW she was going to take it the wrong way. I'm kind of hoping that she will get put up after Veto and sent home. It's enough already. 


I don't have strong feelings about Kaycee either way, but I was glad to see her win the Hacker. She didn't play it as smoothly as Haleigh did, but I don't know if there's a way to do really do so. 


Haleigh is really being bamboozled by Brett. She think he's a "Free agent" now. I laughed so hard. She's even entertaining talks about having kids with him one day!  That might be why I no longer care if her HOH gets messed up. Get your head in the game, girl! 

On the other hand, Fessy is creeping me out big time. I was surprised to hear her compliment him so much in her DR, because her body language reads - "get away from me". I got really uncomfortable when he basically had her backed up against the counter in the storage room and her arms were hardcore folded across her chest. Can Fessy not pick up on that obvious signal???? Makes me want to sit down and have an entire school day devoted to "reading body language" with my boys. Ew. 

  • Love 9
22 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Haleigh is really being bamboozled by Brett.

Has that been proven yet?  Angela going to the HoH asking Sam to be put up wasn't that clever, she could have left it to Brett.  As it is Hayleigh could see that Angela and Brett where pushing for the same result and that would implicate them as being together.

Edited by amazingracefan
  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Gee, Tyler. That was a hell of a poker face you had there at the end of the Hacker Comp when Blockstar was announced as the Hacker's replacement nom. I saw that giggle and grin. 

Agreed - he's usually much better at hiding his glee than that. I think maybe it was the combo of Haleigh putting him up last week + her noms getting messed with that did it.

13 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I also get such a kick out of Brett. His DRs amuse me to no end! That comment about seeing chicks looking at him had me rolling. Most of it is his delivery.

He is a giggle gift that keeps on giving.

13 hours ago, HighMaintenance said:

When Scottie came to the hacker meeting from the shower, it looked like he had a hot bod for a second.  Maybe my wine was kicking in, or maybe they photoshopped him.

Neither wine nor photoshop - he's got a nice body if you're into slim over beefy. Why he doesn't use it to counterbalance his nerd persona (e.g., forego a shirt on the regular like the other guys do), I don't know.

Sam's dissertation on various deadly stomping techniques, seemingly out of nowhere, and with the crazydead eyes, freaked me right out. As much as Bayleigh annoyed me with her "I will LITERALLY rip out your intestines!" schtick, it was always obvious that there was nothing literal about it - she just has a super unfortunate (and dumb, game-wise) method of venting. But to walk into a room of people hanging out in beds and launch into that soliloquy? YIKES.

  • Love 6
43 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

Has that been proven yet?  Angela going to the HoH asking Sam to be put up wasn't that clever, she could have left it to Brett.  As it is Hayleigh could see that Angela and Brett where pushing for the same result and that would implicate them as being together.

She could intuit that; but I don't recall her saying as much. She seemed to be on to Angela, but she told Brett he's a "Free agent" and was giggling with him about having kids. I tend to believe it, but I guess it could all be an act. 

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I can’t stand Sam’s mewy voice, and that exchange with JT was just plain creepy.  And I had to laugh when she asked to have a moment alone with Hayleigh, as I remembered how sanctimoniously she declared that she would have  no private conversations when she was HoH.

I lmao when Sam started explaining to JC and Tyler the meanings of stomping a mud hole in someone and curb slamming or something like that. JC and Tyler’s eyes got as big as silver dollars. I know that if she goes on the block that both of them will vote her out. Lol ????? I still can’t sop laughing, JC said wow, that was creepy. ??????

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, IndyMischa said:

Agreed - he's usually much better at hiding his glee than that. I think maybe it was the combo of Haleigh putting him up last week + her noms getting messed with that did it.

I think Tyler could get away with it if the other HGs noticed it because he's the one who went up last week, so he could be forgiven a grin at not being nominated. It wasn't a good move, but it was understandable and I don't know that the others picked up on it.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I'm not defending Sam's word choice in any way but curb stomping is a pretty standard phrase when I was growing up and now that I'm an adult. It doesn't mean that I've ever curb stomped someone or even seen it happen in real life, but it's a phrase. Anyone who watched professional wrestling in the 90s would have heard the term "stomp a mudhole". They're aggressive phrases but just using them or explaining to someone what they mean doesn't mean much.

Paired with the other bits of Sam in this episode and the crazy eyes during that particular segment, it definitely isn't a good look but considering when I get frustrated, I've been known to use language like that, I can't really hold it against her. 

Where did you grow up? I have lived in Sam’s area and have never heard curb stomp or blood hole. And mud holes are holes in the ground and not holes in the body. 

Edited by Runningwild
  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, Runningwild said:

Where did you grow up? I have lived in Sam’s area and have never heard curb stomp or blood hole. And mud holes are holes in the ground and not holes in the body. 

Small town in Canada, yo. Specifically my high school years. "Don't make me curb stomp you" was a joke between friends and "I could curb stomp that bitch" or a variation of was for when you were mad. Funny enough there were absolutely zero curb stomps that occurred. It basically replaced the word "smack" where I was from. "Stomp a mudhole" was - again - a phrase heard during the heydey of 90's professional wrestling when it was at its most popular, specifically for Stone Cold Steve Austin (it was usually one of the commentators, Jim Ross, that said it). And considering I've only ever punched one person before - myself, in the eye when I was trying to pull the blankets up in bed - I don't think I'm a physically aggressive person.

I don't know where or when the phrase "curb stomp" came into regular usage where I was but it was probably somewhere around the mid- to late 90s. Chances are it came from a movie or somewhere online and just became a popular phrase around that time.  As we've all gotten older, I've heard it less and less but it pops out occasionally when I get really frustrated with something. I've even threatened to curb stomp my computer when it isn't working right. Again, I never have but that doesn't mean I don't know the word or the definition of the word. It's probably why my eyebrows didn't raise as high as others when Sam popped out with the phrase. 

It's funny because I'm the opposite of a Sam fan and yet here I am. 

  • Love 4

For me, the difference between this and Derrick's season (or Paul's last season) is that neither Derrick nor Paul were ever in serious danger and controlled the house constantly.  For some reason, this season, the Gang That Can't Shoot Straight is winning the lion's share of HOHs, yet despite that those going home each week have been either their least preferred target, or someone from their own side.  It's hilarious.  But it's not because, say, Bayleigh is doing whatever Tyler wants, it's because, say, Bayleigh is playing right into Tyler's hands by not realising the implications of doing/not-doing whatever.  It's waaaaay more subtle than last year, and the weekly massive "Huh? What just happened?" from their side is comic gold.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, D.CBies said:

I lmao when Sam started explaining to JC and Tyler the meanings of stomping a mud hole in someone and curb slamming or something like that. JC and Tyler’s eyes got as big as silver dollars. I know that if she goes on the block that both of them will vote her out. Lol ????? I still can’t sop laughing, JC said wow, that was creepy. ??????

I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard - and literally fell on the floor when JC said "that was terrifying". 

  • Love 3

I don't know . . . I realize that Haleigh et. al. deserve to lose for being so damn stupid, but I find myself unable to root for "Level 6." They're the alliance of pretty people that seems to prevail every. damn year. I want to root for the underdogs, not the cool kids who gang up on them then cackle with glee at their misfortune and boast about their own brilliance in the DR. I just can't root for those people. 


It is hilarious because it feels so blatantly scripted or fake. It doesn't feel like that's Brett saying those lines, but a character he's playing up.

I'm sure the DR does encourage them to play up whatever character they're assigned, but still, Brett is really that guy. You can tell how highly he thinks of himself and of his power over women.


The fatal flaw is having one person who has EVERYTHING go their way making them virtually invincible meaning you could skip ahead to Mid September when they are announced the winner. Then it was Derrick and this year its Tyler.

Agreed. And last year it was Paul. He didn't win but same difference . . . I've said from about Week 2 onward, Tyler is just taking a stroll to the end here, he will be in the Final 2 no matter what and will most likely win. It's boring. He's certainly not as objectionable as Paul, but it's still boring. Also? Tyler is taking credit for getting Haleigh to backdoor him when she herself planned to do that anyway. The show is obviously happy to portray Tyler as some kind of mastermind but in actuality most of this stuff just falls into his lap.


This is why all these twists like the hacker and the AP totally mess up the game. Angela and Kaycee should be on the block and Tyler should be a suitable replacement come Tuesday but all these twist are reaching the near absurdity that the ten thousand hidden immunity idols have become on SURVIVOR.

I agree about that too. I find myself wondering what the outcome would have been without the Hacker twist - I think we'd be going in an entirely different direction here. Interesting that it benefits Level 6 both weeks, regardless of whether they win it or not!

  • Love 4
44 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Small town in Canada, yo. Specifically my high school years. "Don't make me curb stomp you" was a joke between friends and "I could curb stomp that bitch" or a variation of was for when you were mad. Funny enough there were absolutely zero curb stomps that occurred. It basically replaced the word "smack" where I was from. "Stomp a mudhole" was - again - a phrase heard during the heydey of 90's professional wrestling when it was at its most popular, specifically for Stone Cold Steve Austin (it was usually one of the commentators, Jim Ross, that said it). And considering I've only ever punched one person before - myself, in the eye when I was trying to pull the blankets up in bed - I don't think I'm a physically aggressive person.

I don't know where or when the phrase "curb stomp" came into regular usage where I was but it was probably somewhere around the mid- to late 90s. Chances are it came from a movie or somewhere online and just became a popular phrase around that time.  As we've all gotten older, I've heard it less and less but it pops out occasionally when I get really frustrated with something. I've even threatened to curb stomp my computer when it isn't working right. Again, I never have but that doesn't mean I don't know the word or the definition of the word. It's probably why my eyebrows didn't raise as high as others when Sam popped out with the phrase. 

It's funny because I'm the opposite of a Sam fan and yet here I am. 

It was in American History X (1998).  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curb_stomp 

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

Delayed show — I’m guessing some sports event ran over?  According to the “60 Minutes” stopwatch, it looks like it will be over in about 6 mins, which would put BB starting at about 8:20E/7:20C.

I'm going to have to get used to this all over when I move back East.  We're so spoiled on the West Coast; the golf (or football) is always over hours before the show airs.  Of course, this way the thread won't be pages long before I see the episode, so it's a trade-off.

16 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I really like that kid [Tyler] and the way he plays.

I wouldn't like it if I was his nominal ally, like the two women who ended up on the block instead of him.  Once again he makes no effort to keep L6 off the block (where's the "hey, I don't want you and me to spend the summer going at each other and then somebody who doesn't deserve it, like JC or Sam, slides all the way to the end" pitch when he's reminding her that he's good at vetoes?) because as long as Tyler's safe, he couldn't give a shit about what happens to the people he's supposed to be working with.  He's only safe because he got the Power of Producer Protection and, unlike Sam (I'm a robot! Beep-Boop-Beep!) or Bayleigh (my showmance got backdoored! Waaaah!), he didn't "trend" because of events in the house as much as because of the editing of the Week 1 episodes.  If they hadn't given him so many DRs (as opposed to, say, Kaitlyn, who actually was the flip vote and actually did go through all the "love triangle" emotional drama that Tyler merely observed), he wouldn't be sitting safely with his Cloud.

And, as noted, Sam feels betrayed that she told him about her power (and felt guilty lying to the other HGs about it) while he's gone all this while without telling her in return.  And didn't he just get through with "stomping a mudhole" in Bayleigh's chest (metaphorically) because she withheld the details of her power?  Hypocrite.  Not that you can't be a hypocrite in this game, but still…hypocrite.

15 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Now of course unless Rockstar can pull off a miracle there is no getting rid of any Level 6 person.

Well, Haleigh will be playing for Veto, too.  And Faysal or Scottie could get picked.  Even JC might flip his vote on Thursday if the nominations stay the same (he's not in an alliance with Angela, after all; if it's Fessie/Scottie/Sam/JC prepared to vote Angela out, KC could only bring the votes down to 3-3, which lets Haleigh decide).  So we're not at worst-case scenario yet.  Which "we need Rockpile to win the Veto" would certain qualify as, IMO.

14 hours ago, green said:

Worst case for L6 is that [redacted] (formerly Footy formerly [redacted], they keep changing their darn name) would win veto and pull Rockstar and Hay puts up Kaycee instead of Tyler and Tyler doesn't know and blows up his app for nothing and we are back to ground zero again.

Or, simply, Haleigh pulls off Rockpile, tries to nominate Tyler, Tyler uses his Cloud, so Haleigh shrugs and puts Kaycee right back where she started from.  App still gone, Armchair and Couch back on the block like the matched set they are, and the extra bonus when they realize they're up there because Tyler had a Power App in his back pocket all this time and never bothered to tell them.  They might have to take a second away from butchering grammar and actually show some emotion.

15 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I think [Angela]'s vile and overly unnecessarily bitchy, but she's making her own moves...

Such as?  As we saw, pitching Sam as a potential nominee wasn't Armchair's "own move", it was general L4 strategy.  Bro-ett did the same thing.

I guess if Angela really does literally throw herself under a bus for Tyler, that would count has her own move.  But even I don't want her to do that.  (Most days.)

  • Love 6

And frankly, Hayleigh, spare me your righteous indignation about Angela putting up your buddy Bayleaf last week.  Sure, I agree with everyone that Angela should have simply stated that now that everyone knew about Bay's power app, it was not a good idea to keep her in the house, rather than to be so cock-sure that she was the Hacker (although in her defense, it appears a majority of the house believed that as well).  Bay should NEVER had told Rachel about her app - she was the architect of her own eviction on that one.  And I notice you didn't jump up off the couch at the Veto ceremony to set the record straight.   No, of course, not; you essentially waited until there was no chance of it coming back to bite you in the ass to come clean with the House.   And even then, it was BAY who in turn flew into a psychotic rage and pretty much sealed her fate.   That, coupled with the power app, pretty much lit her path to the door.  

I just only hope one of Sam's 93 different personalities doesn't blab Tyler's app all over the house.   

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I don't know . . . I realize that Haleigh et. al. deserve to lose for being so damn stupid, but I find myself unable to root for "Level 6." They're the alliance of pretty people that seems to prevail every. damn year. I want to root for the underdogs, not the cool kids who gang up on them then cackle with glee at their misfortune and boast about their own brilliance in the DR. I just can't root for those people. 

Of the 4 left, I don't really see them as "the pretty people". Angela and Brett, okay. But Tyler is a skinny, wild-haired, doofy surfer boy, to me. And Kaycee is the antithesis of the "pretty, popular girl", being that she's an athlete and a lesbian. 

They've also had Sam and JC working with them quite frequently, neither of whom I'd consider to be "cool kids" types. Meanwhile, the other side has Fessy and Haleigh - they definitely seem like the jock and cheerleader type to me. So I don't really see the sides as outcasts pitted against the popular kids. Not at all. 

  • Love 12
48 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

He's only safe because he got the Power of Producer Protection

 I fail to see how that can possibly be the case when he hasn't actually used the power app yet.  And it's not like it's influenced other people because, except Sam who he just told, nobody knows he even has a power. He's made it to week 7 based solely on his gameplay, not because he has an unused power app that nobody even knows about.

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

Tyler's only safe because he got the Power of Producer Protection


19 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

He's made it to week 7 based solely on his gameplay, not because he has an unused power app that nobody even knows about.

I'm referring to this week, specifically, when I'm critiquing his decision to let Angela/Kaycee twist slowly, slowly in the wind, rather than work to protect the alliance as a whole.  Just as he let the Bros take the hit in Week 3.  Just as he was willing to vow loyalty to Bayleigh in Week 5 and promise not to use the Veto on Rachel or Brett.  Tyler's playing a very selfish game, using L6-5-4 (3?) without giving anything back, and lying to them (by omission) about his (arguably unearned) Power App all this time.  Yes, he's made it to Week 7, but so has the majority of the cast.  (10/16 original HGs.) I'm not sure why he should be applauded as some genius when he's useless to his allies and operating with an advantage nobody else in the game has, especially as he didn't win it in a comp.

36 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

I think more people would know [curb-stomping] from the 2007 Sopranos episode mentioned by that page.

I learned about it from the biography of legendary boxing promoter Don King, who served a sentence for manslaughter for having done it to someone in Cleveland in the 1960s.  Less than a decade later, he was making $millions off of Muhammad Ali.  "Only in America!"

34 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

I notice you [Haleigh] didn't jump up off the couch at the Veto ceremony to set the record straight [when Angela smugly accused Bayleigh of being the Hacker].

Given that Hay looked as though she was halfway to shitting a brick when Angela prefaced her renom speech by claiming she'd known who the Hacker was "since day 1", I can't blame her for taking bit of time to gather her thoughts before deciding how to proceed.  As we saw, there was still plenty of time for her to come clean.

37 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

you essentially waited until there was no chance of it coming back to bite you in the ass to come clean with the House. 

I don't believe Haleigh had a choice to take that bullet for Bayleigh; the moment Angela declares Bayleigh the renom, it's set in stone.  (JC talked Sam out of putting him up as a replacement at the ceremony two weeks before, but Sam had never actually said his name then.)  Why should Haleigh leap off of the couch when, for all she knows, Angela might be about to accuse not her or one of her allies, but, say, Brett?

And it's not as though Haleigh kept silent and safe after that;  by calling the House Meeting and confessing to winning the Hacker (and accusing Tyler of plotting to backdoor Angela), she made herself two very determined enemies, to the point where, as she said in her DR this episode, she thought that she would be going home this week, except that she won HoH.  So hardly the easy path.  JMO.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

A&M and Alabama are both in the SEC.  I am surprised that Hayleigh and Brett talk to each other at all.

I would say that the bizarrely-expanded SEC (I mean, Missouri??) is so new that you can't really count this as a rivalry, per se…but then Haleigh's only 21.  She doesn't even remember the SWC. [/old]

  • Love 3

Tyler's playing a very selfish game, using L6-5-4 (3?) without giving anything back, and lying to them (by omission) about his (arguably unearned) Power App all this time.  Yes, he's made it to Week 7, but so has the majority of the cast.  (10/16 original HGs.) I'm not sure why he should be applauded as some genius when he's useless to his allies and operating with an advantage nobody else in the game has, especially as he didn't win it in a comp.

That just goes to show that Tyler's own alliance is just as blind to him as the other side of the house is. They've all got his back, for no reason other than they trust him. Didn't Angela say she'd take a bullet for this guy or something? Everyone thinks they're Tyler's No. 1. 

What's irritating is that nobody seems to realize they are all playing to help Tyler win. Even his own alliance. Even if, say, Angela and Kaycee have it somewhere in the back of their minds to get rid of him once it's down to four or five players, it will be too late by then because they will have taken out anyone who could beat him. And it's been that way since around Week 2 which is why I just don't find this season terribly compelling.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Of the 4 left, I don't really see them as "the pretty people". Angela and Brett, okay. But Tyler is a skinny, wild-haired, doofy surfer boy, to me. And Kaycee is the antithesis of the "pretty, popular girl", being that she's an athlete and a lesbian. 

They've also had Sam and JC working with them quite frequently, neither of whom I'd consider to be "cool kids" types. Meanwhile, the other side has Fessy and Haleigh - they definitely seem like the jock and cheerleader type to me. So I don't really see the sides as outcasts pitted against the popular kids. Not at all. 

The other side has always been more an oddball group, a variety of different kinds of people, which made them more interesting.

I've actually seen comments on the internet swooning over Tyler would you believe.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

And frankly, Hayleigh, spare me your righteous indignation about Angela putting up your buddy Bayleaf last week.  Sure, I agree with everyone that Angela should have simply stated that now that everyone knew about Bay's power app, it was not a good idea to keep her in the house, rather than to be so cock-sure that she was the Hacker (although in her defense, it appears a majority of the house believed that as well).  Bay should NEVER had told Rachel about her app - she was the architect of her own eviction on that one.  And I notice you didn't jump up off the couch at the Veto ceremony to set the record straight.   No, of course, not; you essentially waited until there was no chance of it coming back to bite you in the ass to come clean with the House.   And even then, it was BAY who in turn flew into a psychotic rage and pretty much sealed her fate.   That, coupled with the power app, pretty much lit her path to the door.  

I just only hope one of Sam's 93 different personalities doesn't blab Tyler's app all over the house.   

Me too! Still can’t believe he told Sam!! I really hope she gets backdoored on the double evictions, she’s miserable in there.

Just now, D.CBies said:

Me too! Still can’t believe he told Sam!! I really hope she gets backdoored on the double evictions, she’s miserable in there.

Providing she does end up on the block.

54 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

I've actually seen comments on the internet swooning over Tyler would you believe.

Hey, everybody has fans.  I mean, look who your avatar is.  (I miss her so much!  Come back, Special K!)

I just want to know if this means that Carrot Top now qualifies as a sex god…

In other very shallow news, I see that Angela's ladystache was still prominent in her DR sessions, but not so much in the house footage.  I wonder if they're giving her bad lighting on purpose?  I mean, if we're noticing it, you'd think they would have, too, right?  Odd.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

In other very shallow news, I see that Angela's ladystache was still prominent in her DR sessions, but not so much in the house footage.  I wonder if they're giving her bad lighting on purpose?

Sitting relatively still, like the HG's do in the DR, would help the camera capture something like that.

55 minutes ago, D.CBies said:

Me too! Still can’t believe he told Sam!! I really hope she gets backdoored on the double evictions, she’s miserable in there.

56 minutes ago, D.CBies said:

Me too! Still can’t believe he told Sam!! I really hope she gets backdoored on the double evictions, she’s miserable in there.

Providing she does end up on the block.

First I've seen anyone quote his or her own words within the exact same post!

Just now, K-9 said:

First I've seen anyone quote his or her own words within the exact same post!


Just now, K-9 said:


I know, right?!!

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Hey, everybody has fans.  I mean, look who your avatar is.  (I miss her so much!  Come back, Special K!)

I just want to know if this means that Carrot Top now qualifies as a sex god…

In other very shallow news, I see that Angela's ladystache was still prominent in her DR sessions, but not so much in the house footage.  I wonder if they're giving her bad lighting on purpose?  I mean, if we're noticing it, you'd think they would have, too, right?  Odd.

Eww! Carrot Top is creepy! He does not qualify! Lol

Tyler is alright, it is his mellow personality and general kindness, IMO, that ladies would like.   Maybe?

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

Hell, I'm an Alabama FAN and that shirt annoys me!

A friend of mine who runs a local bar is a diehard Alabama fan; maddest she EVER got was when someone snuck a nerf football with an Auburn logo on it front-and-center in of the bar’s trophy cases.  It was there for three days before she noticed - and when she did finally notice it, she went fucking Krakatoa.  Didn’t help much when a day or so later, someone anonymously posted a picture of it (trophy case and all) on the bar’s Facebook page; she was raging for months.

Let me know if you ever want to see the original of the pic.  ;>


15 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

Neither wine nor photoshop - [Scottie’s] got a nice body if you're into slim over beefy. Why he doesn't use it to counterbalance his nerd persona (e.g., forego a shirt on the regular like the other guys do), I don't know.

Nah - get Scottie out into the BY sun with his complexion, and he wouldn’t burn - he’d char.


13 hours ago, Runningwild said:

Where did you grow up? I have lived in Sam’s area and have never heard curb stomp or blood hole. And mud holes are holes in the ground and not holes in the body. 


When I was a little kid (and yeah, we’re talking pre-Nixon here), “stomping a mud hole” in someone was a common enough term in the general Land Between the Lakes area where my parents’ families come from (up around the mid-TN/KY border).  Curb-stomping, not so much; you need curbs for that, which aren’t a big feature in parts of the country where NONE of the roads are paved.  ;)


10 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I think this is old pro wrestling talk more so than anything else.  I wouldn't be shocked if Sam is/was a fan of pro wrestling. 

Where do you think the pro wrestlers got it from?  This is a country term from WAAAAAY back.


8 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

I just want to know if this means that Carrot Top now qualifies as a sex god…

You do realize there’s a generation or two who have absolutely no idea who you’re talking about, right?  ;>

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 3
21 hours ago, ghoulina said:

What. The. Fuck. is up with Sam? That girl done lost it. 

First there's the non-stop weep fest. Because SHE'S so "authentic" and everyone else is fake. Look, I get it. I'm one of those people that has a really hard time with chit-chat, social niceties, being cordial with people you can't stand. It's the reason I related so much to Cody and also to Sam....in the beginning. But she's taking this shit too far. She's breaking down and accusing people of - *gasp* - "just being here to win a bunch of money!" Um, yes. This is Big Brother. Have you read the rules? 

She's taking shit too personally and losing site of the game. It's frustrating because I think she really just wants to go home; and I know there are other people who would have loved to take her place. You gotta know when the game just isn't for you. (I know it's not for me. But I'll watch the shit out of it!)

Then she starts educating everyone on "stomping mud-holes" and "curb-stomping" and you know JC won't sleep another wink in that house until she's gone. 

I definitely think Tyler made a mistake in telling her about his power. And that's unusual for him. But I just KNEW she was going to take it the wrong way. I'm kind of hoping that she will get put up after Veto and sent home. It's enough already. 


I don't have strong feelings about Kaycee either way, but I was glad to see her win the Hacker. She didn't play it as smoothly as Haleigh did, but I don't know if there's a way to do really do so. 


Haleigh is really being bamboozled by Brett. She think he's a "Free agent" now. I laughed so hard. She's even entertaining talks about having kids with him one day!  That might be why I no longer care if her HOH gets messed up. Get your head in the game, girl! 

On the other hand, Fessy is creeping me out big time. I was surprised to hear her compliment him so much in her DR, because her body language reads - "get away from me". I got really uncomfortable when he basically had her backed up against the counter in the storage room and her arms were hardcore folded across her chest. Can Fessy not pick up on that obvious signal???? Makes me want to sit down and have an entire school day devoted to "reading body language" with my boys. Ew. 

To me her signs r very obvious that she don’t want him to stop, her words say no but they have been playing house under the covers.

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I don't know . . . I realize that Haleigh et. al. deserve to lose for being so damn stupid, but I find myself unable to root for "Level 6." They're the alliance of pretty people that seems to prevail every. damn year. I want to root for the underdogs, not the cool kids who gang up on them then cackle with glee at their misfortune and boast about their own brilliance in the DR. I just can't root for those people. 

And I'm having a difficult time with them, because I see them as being almost entirely carried by Tyler (and in some cases, Brett's) social and comp skills. What on earth has Kaycee contributed to the alliance, except going "level 6!" a lot? Angela preens about level 6, and she did win a HoH, but it's not like Tyler would've gone home with the Sam and JC votes they have in their pocket. I respect Tyler for looking out for number 1 with his cloud power. He's one of the only ones who realizes he's competing on a gameshow for a lot of money.

They also lost me last night when it appeared in the editing that they were like "what? the vote was not unanimous? Sam is dead to us!" For goodness sakes, it's not like she voted against someone in their precious level 6, she voted against Rockstar!

And unlike other previous alliances, nobody is really against them, collectively, just a few of them individually. This whole "you threaten one of us, you threaten all of us!" vitriol rings really hollow when ... nobody ... knows ... you exist ... as a group? I mean, the Sovereign 6 (in season 6) were targeted by the Friendship -- there was no question they were all working together as a group. When Jennifer put up Kaysar, it was a hard-core betrayal, because one was Friendship and one was S6. But with level 6, Hayleigh puts up Kaycee and she's all "How dare you make a move against my secret alliance that you don't know exists?" I mean ... give it a rest with the righteous indignation.

I get it -- they're not terrible people, but I sort of see them as an alliance where it's "you, me and two goats we can drag to the end." And the show wants us to go "yay, goats!" I hated Derrick with a passion, but at least Big Brother never asked me to root for Victoria.

Edited by Eolivet
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18 hours ago, iMonrey said:

That just goes to show that Tyler's own alliance is just as blind to him as the other side of the house is. They've all got his back, for no reason other than they trust him. Didn't Angela say she'd take a bullet for this guy or something? Everyone thinks they're Tyler's No. 1. 

What's irritating is that nobody seems to realize they are all playing to help Tyler win. Even his own alliance. Even if, say, Angela and Kaycee have it somewhere in the back of their minds to get rid of him once it's down to four or five players, it will be too late by then because they will have taken out anyone who could beat him. And it's been that way since around Week 2 which is why I just don't find this season terribly compelling.

Tyler is playing the game. He’s producing and directing it. Most of his side would already be gone if not for him. He would be gone to.

1 minute ago, D.CBies said:

Tyler is playing the game. He’s producing and directing it. Most of his side would already be gone if not for him. He would be gone to.

They’ve all got his back because he works on his game 24 & 7 and he keeps his mouth shut when necessary. They blab everything and very loudly as soon as they know anything. Tyler is that good, both sides are fooled. Wow!! Now that guy really knows a little something about B.B. not his first rodeo. ???

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

To be fair,  I didn't realize what "bless your heart" really meant until I read it on the boards earlier this year.  After all of these years, I guess that customer service representative I spoke to oh so long ago wasn't being nice to me after all.

To me Bless Your Heart means Bless Your Heart.  God Bless Your Heart is even better. ??

And to me Merry Christmas will always be my way.

16 hours ago, K-9 said:

First I've seen anyone quote his or her own words within the exact same post!


I know, right?!!

Really loving this Season of BB!!!! ?

  • Love 2
30 minutes ago, D.CBies said:

To me Bless Your Heart means Bless Your Heart.  God Bless Your Heart is even better. ??

And to me Merry Christmas will always be my way.

Really loving this Season of BB!!!! ?

To those wondering how you quote yourself in the same post (notice the post itself is unedited and your quote is attributed by the system to your own username and timestamped):

1. Type a comment. Submit it.

2. Then quote your own post and submit it immediately (before anyone else adds to the thread). 

The system will notify you with a pop-up that your new reply has been merged into the original reply.

Just now, K-9 said:

To those wondering how you quote yourself in the same post (notice the post itself is unedited and your quote is attributed by the system to your own username and timestamped):

1. Type a comment. Submit it.

2. Then quote your own post and submit it immediately (before anyone else adds to the thread). 

The system will notify you with a pop-up that your new reply has been merged into the original reply.

Like this.

Go to the PTV Test Zone to try it out: 

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Nashville said:

Let me know if you ever want to see the original of the pic.  ;>

Oh heck yeah!  Message me if it would violate the rules to publish!

Actually, I graduated from Cal - home of Aaron Rodgers - but since we haven't had a decent season since he left, I might as well go for a team that has a consistent winning record!  Actually, I'm pretty much a huge SEC fan - love Auburn as well, but also Clemson - Hey, if you got a Kitty Kat team name, I'm yours!


They’ve all got his back because he works on his game 24 & 7 and he keeps his mouth shut when necessary. They blab everything and very loudly as soon as they know anything. Tyler is that good, both sides are fooled. Wow!! Now that guy really knows a little something about B.B. not his first rodeo. ???

I just can't jump on the "Tyler is a genius!" bandwagon because . . . he's not. He's doing a good job, to be sure, but he also benefits from things that are outside of his control, like the fact that this show is invested in casting the dumbest people they can find so we can all laugh at them. He benefits from twists and things that just fall into his lap. He benefits from the fact that the show is only interested in casting the type of girls who say things like "My strategy will be flirting with the guys." He's handsome and charming and has girls hanging all over him. Derrick's season was boring too but he didn't really benefit from his looks the way Tyler does. 


 I respect Tyler for looking out for number 1 with his cloud power. He's one of the only ones who realizes he's competing on a gameshow for a lot of money.

And that's what I mean. Credit to Tyler where it's due but also, credit to the producers for casting mostly idiots who don't seem to realize they are helping Tyler win. And that's not because Tyler has "misted" them and done a great job in fooling them - it's because they're idiots who don't see the writing on the wall. And let's not forget some of them are recruits that never even watched the show before. Tyler benefits from that too.

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