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Spoiler Discussion Thread: The Sequel

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Yeah, I don't want Curtis anywhere near Smoak Tech. But what is his purpose on this show when he's not attached to Felicity like a barnacle? I'm praying that he won't be involved, but I'd love it if Felicity brought on Alena as her Number 2.


As much as he claims not to spoil things, he can never help himself when it's Felicity-related. Nevertheless, salute!

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Finally something exciting. I really hope this means Curtis isn't a part of it. PLEASE. I'm a good person, I deserve nice things! ?

Most importantly, I'm glad it seems like they're gonna allow Felicity to struggle and have a POV about Oliver being in prison and the fallout for her family. When Beth said in that article a few weeks ago that Felicity was just gonna be her usual "plucky and resilient" self (or something along those lines),  I was kinda worried they'd mostly skip over how she was affected, as usual. So this sounds like it has potential. Fingers crossed. 

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27 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I hope Curtis isn't involved, and I hope she succeeds more than she fails, unlike the last time they did this. I'm excited!

Did he not threw a major hissy fit when she wanted to name it Helix Dynamics? 

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I'm hoping Echo with a beard means that Curtis is dead! Hehe yes I still live in hope.

Keep that asshole far far far away from my baby and give her the company she deserves. 

So cute whoever runs that Paley account. Always makes me imagine it's one of us ?

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4 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I'm hoping Echo with a beard means that Curtis is dead! Hehe yes I still live in hope.

Keep that asshole far far far away from my baby and give her the company she deserves. 

Stop getting my hopes up! ?

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20 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Most importantly, I'm glad it seems like they're gonna allow Felicity to struggle and have a POV about Oliver being in prison and the fallout for her family. When Beth said in that article a few weeks ago that Felicity was just gonna be her usual "plucky and resilient" self (or something along those lines),  I was kinda worried they'd mostly skip over how she was affected, as usual. So this sounds like it has potential. Fingers crossed. 

The "plucky and resilient" description wasn't a quote from Beth. I think that was just Damian Holbrook's assumption. In any case, I'm also really happy that Felicity's going to get to have actual emotions and struggle with the upheaval in her life. At SDCC, Beth said she really wanted to deal with the reality of Oliver being in prison as far as the Queen family is concerned, and I'm glad she's following through on that.

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15 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

The "plucky and resilient" description wasn't a quote from Beth. I think that was just Damian Holbrook's assumption. In any case, I'm also really happy that Felicity's going to get to have actual emotions and struggle with the upheaval in her life. At SDCC, Beth said she really wanted to deal with the reality of Oliver being in prison as far as the Queen family is concerned, and I'm glad she's following through on that.

Yeah, I remember not being sure at the time. So I'm glad she's gonna have emotions and struggles. It seems obvious to me that she'd struggle the most. It's her husband. She thought they were gonna fight side by side and raise their son together and instead her husband is in prison and she's raising William by herself. Plus she'll be in WITSEC for months, all alone. I want to see all of what that does to her. 

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26 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I'm hoping Echo with a beard means that Curtis is dead! Hehe yes I still live in hope.

Not me because then next thing you know, they’ll start acting like Curtis was this wonderful character/hero. I’m all for him leaving Star City, never to be seen or heard of again. 

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I doubt they'll ever kill Curtis. He's their Gay Black Superhero. He ticks all diversity boxes and wears a mask! Also he's a guy, with a mask!, which unfortunately does seem to help on Arrow. Not bitter or anything.

Edited by Featherhat
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I really want to believe that they’re finally going to do Smoak Tech and I have all fingers crossed that it will also be Curtis free!  However, their previous track record of false starts, stalling and getting side tracked by shiny new characters also makes me nervous.

Part of me thinks that Beth wouldn’t risk teasing it if she had any doubt about their ability to follow through because of the potential backlash if it gets pushed off again. But, it also won’t surprise me at all me if we get the usual “we ran out of time” interview if the season doesn’t go according to their current plans.

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1 hour ago, kes0704 said:

I really want to believe that they’re finally going to do Smoak Tech and I have all fingers crossed that it will also be Curtis free!  However, their previous track record of false starts, stalling and getting side tracked by shiny new characters also makes me nervous.

Part of me thinks that Beth wouldn’t risk teasing it if she had any doubt about their ability to follow through because of the potential backlash if it gets pushed off again. But, it also won’t surprise me at all me if we get the usual “we ran out of time” interview if the season doesn’t go according to their current plans.

Me if it doesn't happen AGAIN:


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I hope they do it right. Find someway to tie it into freeing Oliver or catching villains or Argus or all the above. Personally, while bio tech to help people is awesome, I think leaning more into Felicity’s hacker/security expertise would work better within Arrow and allow opportunities for Felicity’s ghost fox past to resurface. Also it’s her thing, not Curtis’.

Echo doesn’t have a beard anymore, shaved it before ep2. And he did post from set a week or so ago. We still have him around unfortunately.

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8 hours ago, Featherhat said:

I doubt they'll ever kill Curtis. He's their Gay Black Superhero. He ticks all diversity boxes and wears a mask! Also he's a guy, with a mask!, which unfortunately does seem to help on Arrow. Not bitter or anything.

Yeah.  While he is the most useless character on the show (okay, maybe Rene is even worse), he does tick the diversity + mask boxes and there would be an uproar if they killed him off.

If we're stuck with Curtis, can they please get rid of Rene?  Go have him raise his daughter or something.  Teach self-defense to marginalized kids.  Anything, just get rid of one of NTA.

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LOL. I doubt very much Dinah finding an apartment with a garden means she loves gardening, JH. What on earth. She's really trying to flesh out her generic character, isn't she? ?

As for wanting Dinah to have a band and also more flashbacks? No thank you please. Her flashback episode last season was one of the worst episodes. 

9 hours ago, Featherhat said:

I doubt they'll ever kill Curtis. He's their Gay Black Superhero. He ticks all diversity boxes and wears a mask! Also he's a guy, with a mask!, which unfortunately does seem to help on Arrow. Not bitter or anything.

This. Unfortunately we're stuck with all of NTA. The most I can hope is they're in the background for a while but I doubt even that because comics.

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NTA checks all the diversity (Curtis is black + gay, Rene is Latino, Dinah is mixed) and comic boxes so I'm afraid we're stuck with them. I really wish I could root for the minority characters on this show, I really do. Representation matters, but damnit, they made them useless, irrelevant and easy to hate.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
I meant to refer to characters, not actors
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In an interview this week (posted in Spoilers thread), Cody Rhodes said that he still has to shoot 2 Arrow episodes after his All In event (on Sep. 1).

That means, if I'm estimating shooting dates correctly, Oliver's still going to be in prison in 707.

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4 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Are we thinking Oliver will be out by the crossover, or will him getting out be part of the crossover plot? Or, none of the above?

When I thought the crossover was going to be the 8th episode, I was positive he was going to break out and do something hugely heroic during the crossover that would earn him a pardon. Now that it's the 9th episode, I'm not so sure. That doesn't really give them any time to set up the second half of the season - since The Flash is having the 8th episode serve as their MSF, I wondered if Oliver would get out then - or at the end of the 7th ep, just so there's a full episode to set the table for the back half.

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34 minutes ago, tv echo said:

That means, if I'm estimating shooting dates correctly, Oliver's still going to be in prison in 707.

Couldn't it be 706, if 705 begins filming next week, that will carry over after Sept 1, and then one episode after wards (706), smack in their sweeps period and almost the exact same timeline they did the GA stuff last year?

At this point, I still think 5 episode arc and then he gets out in 706.

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I do wonder how they're going to do the midseason finale/premiere this year. If 708 is the MSF, they can't really have anything flow into 710, story-wise. Has anyone said anything about how the MSF is being done for Arrow this year? (talk of cliffhanger/no cliffhanger/etc.)

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So, maybe 1/3 of the season will have Oliver separated from everyone. OK. 


I'm not sure how I feel about this. Could be great character development for the other 2/3 of OTA; could be a disaster. Can't wait to see which it is. :D

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3 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

So, maybe 1/3 of the season will have Oliver separated from everyone. OK. 

That's assuming he never interacts with any of the characters for the other episodes. He at least has a scene or so with Diggle in 701, so I wonder if he'll have at least another scene with him or Felicity or one of the other characters in another episode.

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He's definitely still in prison in 7x04. He posted a video from set yesterday and his prison uniform could be seen. And I hope to God they don't keep the beard any longer than necessary. Just put a kibosh on him postibg new pics and videos. 

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Having Oliver separated in a prison plot with bunch of “previously seen on Arrow” villains for at least five, maybe six, episodes wouldn’t seem, at face value, to be the best move. It makes me wonder what type of story they can mine from it that isn’t repetitive with multiple prison fights and occasional visits from Diggle. 

It also leaves them with maybe three episodes to set up the second half of the season when your factor in losing the mid-season finale to the crossover. They probably can’t leave episode 8 on a cliffhanger and episode 9, presumably, has to send everyone back to their respective shows and season storylines.

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The way I see it is that 5-6 episodes gets him out of prison during sweeps while they slowly set up the 7b plot in the background and wrap everything up together in the last few episodes, which is basically what they did in 6a. As long as they have different stories for each episode that progress the overall season narrative, it could be fine.

I wonder if the case for EBR in 701 is for a specific scene like for 611, since at this point it looks like she's only in maybe 2 or so scenes in it so far.

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It's going to be an Olicity desert like half of S5. You'd think we could avoid it now that they're married but nooooooooo.

I wonder if SA will spoil the first time he films with EBR again.

Edited by Mellowyellow
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3 hours ago, way2interested said:

The way I see it is that 5-6 episodes gets him out of prison during sweeps while they slowly set up the 7b plot in the background and wrap everything up together in the last few episodes, which is basically what they did in 6a. As long as they have different stories for each episode that progress the overall season narrative, it could be fine.

I wonder if the case for EBR in 701 is for a specific scene like for 611, since at this point it looks like she's only in maybe 2 or so scenes in it so far.

I think EBR could be in more than that. KP saying she had been filming a lot, SA’s tweet and the BTS shot of her pink look. I figure they want people to think the shot of her running after William is real so they can’t show her in any other scenes cause the pink hair would give it away.

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4 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I think EBR could be in more than that. KP saying she had been filming a lot, SA’s tweet and the BTS shot of her pink look. I figure they want people to think the shot of her running after William is real so they can’t show her in any other scenes cause the pink hair would give it away.

I was figuring all of that was referring to 702-703 while 701 was going to focus on Oliver in prison, what's happening in the city, and then Felicity would be the c-plot/d-plot, but I definitely think that she's in more than just the one scene in the promo. I just think she might have one of the last dramatic scenes now (barring one that Oliver probably gets and whatever the *premiere twist* scene is), maybe one with that fighting line that was a vo in the trailer.

I'm still super confused about those shots in the promo actually XD. Like, on one hand, I don't think they could resist opening the season with William running with a green hoodie just to reveal that Oliver is dreaming (also a shot in the promo looking like Oliver abruptly waking up from prison following with him marking another day and then looking at that photo of Felicity and William), but on the other I'm still confused as to why CH was at the location while they were filming. It's probably nothing and it is a dream, but I just want answers, darn it.

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I think the prison arc for so long is a big mistake, especially as it looks like Oliver is just gonna be beaten up for all those episodes (going by the make-up SA wears in his BTS videos during filming). I don't want to watch him being kicked when he's down. We've had 6 years of this.

I really would love to know who thought this was a good idea, especially after the reactions to S6? Most fans couldn't handle Diggle as GA so IDK why anyone thought it was smart to have no GA at all for almost half a season??? Baffling. 

As for Felicity, I think it sounds like she's probably the emotional heart of 701, just going by SA's tweet, which makes sense to me because her and William will be suffering the most (outside of Oliver, of course). We know from the promo she has that scene which looks like a nightmare but I'm sure she'll have more than that now.

I'm just glad that we know Felicity has things in every episode so far which makes me happy. 

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19 hours ago, Velocity23 said:

Shooting dates appear to be "9/5/18 - 9/17/18" so that would make it episode 706? ,,,

Link to pic only: https://instagram.fphl2-3.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/96de3da66b240da6d004d0a9bdfebbab/5C1E8B35/t51.2885-15/e35/39348559_244558692867947_4803885113433653248_n.jpg 

ETA: In one of his SDCC press interviews, James Bamford said that 709 will also be the midseason finale. (See Jul. 24, 2018 haydenclaireheroes video of Jul. 21, 2018 SDCC press roundtable interview with James Bamford, page 3 of Spoilers thread)

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4 minutes ago, tv echo said:

In one of his SDCC press interviews, James Bamford said that 709 will also be the midseason finale. (See Jul. 24, 2018 haydenclaireheroes video of Jul. 21, 2018 SDCC press roundtable interview with James Bamford, page 3 of Spoilers thread)

Did he mean that it's going to be the last episode before the midseason break or the MSF in the sense that it sets up the rest of the season? (Can't watch video now) Because if it's the latter, that's kind of weird. It would only work if the crossover ended with Arrow, but it's the middle of it.

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5 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Shooting dates appear to be "9/5/18 - 9/17/18" so that would make it episode 706? ,,,

I thought so too, but I wonder what 705's schedule is, since that would mean (unless 705 also started last week while they were still filming 704 as of Thursday/Friday) that 705 is only like 6 days (M-Fraturday this week and then Tuesday assuming they get Labor Day on Monday off).

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50 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Did he mean that it's going to be the last episode before the midseason break or the MSF in the sense that it sets up the rest of the season? (Can't watch video now) Because if it's the latter, that's kind of weird. It would only work if the crossover ended with Arrow, but it's the middle of it.

All Bamford said was that 709 "will also be the midseason finale." No other clarification.

50 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I thought so too, but I wonder what 705's schedule is, since that would mean (unless 705 also started last week while they were still filming 704 as of Thursday/Friday) that 705 is only like 6 days (M-Fraturday this week and then Tuesday assuming they get Labor Day on Monday off).

We know that the 703 Shoot Dates are July 31-August 13, 2018, because Beth tweeted the full title page for that episode. 

Here are my calculated guesses for the subsequent episodes (skipping over weekends and holidays, like 9/3 Labor Day and 9/10 Rosh Hashanah):

704 Shoot Dates: August [14-23], 2018. 
705 Shoot Dates: August [23-September 4], 2018.
706 Shoot Dates: [September 5-17], 2018. 

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11 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

It's going to be an Olicity desert like half of S5. You'd think we could avoid it now that they're married but nooooooooo.

I wonder if SA will spoil the first time he films with EBR again.

I don't think it will be quite as bad since they should be allowed to openly miss each other.  And that will help keep us emotionally connected in a way that they wouldn't let happen in season 5.

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54 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I don't think it will be quite as bad since they should be allowed to openly miss each other.  And that will help keep us emotionally connected in a way that they wouldn't let happen in season 5.

Okay I'm gonna whine at you so just indulge me!

I feel like it'll be like 5A but switches since they'll be physically apart instead of emotionally.

And lets be real, the show kind of sucks and has an appalling support cast (I'm looking at you NTA). Take away all the magical Olicity interaction for HALF a season and I'm just depressed! 

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31 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Take away all the magical Olicity interaction for HALF a season and I'm just depressed! 

To be fair, it's no where near half a season. Even if they didn't reunite until 708 or 709, it's more like a third, and that's going on the assumption that they never interact at all in 7a (which I'm still up in the air about, since 701 comes and he interacts with Diggle, he might interact with Felicity during the time, we have no idea) and that Oliver doesn't get out sooner.

Edited by way2interested
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