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I just watched a fat guy almost impale himself opening a coconut.  Then there was apparently a re-enactment of him at home  ordereing a poop ton of fast food, including steak. 

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This show sounded interesting from the description, but Lord is it slow ! No Doz missed a great chance to be a main sponsor, people who wanted to watch the next episode would have probably bought boxes of the stuff just to get thru the hour.

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I really wanted to like this show but tonight I started fast forwarding through all the scenes from home. I don't care what happened at home. Just show me what is happening on the island. I also feel they did not do a good job introducing the concept and the goal for the show. Tell me what's on the islands, how far are the islands from each other, are they required to find other people, what information were they given at the start? Are they expected to do anything other than survive? That fancy font does not make up for the fact that we have so little info to go on. Having that basic information would have made this show more enjoyable for me. The scenes at home just make me roll my eyes. Is this a survival show or a therapy session?

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Showing a fat guy at a drive-in ordering every item on the menu, juxtaposed with him trying to open a coconut (I was waiting for that stake to get shoved through his armpit) was just a bit much. Yeah, I get it. He's obese, he eats too much (even though he was obviously not ordering ALL that food for himself) and his version of an extreme diet is to be on an island with no food.  

So, Survivor meets Biggest Loser?

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I don't know why this show is so fascinated with Robbie but they have severely over-estimated my interest in him. For that matter the entire show is one giant miscalculation if it thinks I'm going to get invested in all these backstories. It's almost like a bait and switch, luring an audience with the promise of genuine Survival stuff then feeding us endless sappy sob stories. WTF? Was this originally produced for Lifetime, or the Hallmark Channel? 

There are still a handful of contestants we've not even heard speak yet. You have to wonder what motivated some of these people to participate if they're quitting after only four days. LOL at the tag which claims they were "plucked" from their everyday lives - as though they were taken against their will. 

This could be a genuinely interesting show if they would drop all these boring backstories. There are a few rare moments of interest like when Angel and Sawyer were swimming against the current and Angel almost didn't make it. 

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Sigh.  This is so highly edited.  I get it, they're trying to tell a story, but I think they're telling the wrong story.  I want to know how these people are dealing with their current experience--not their personal emotional angsts!  A little goes a long way, like Angel's back story which showed us he's a compassionate and sensitive guy.  Then when he quits, it was understandable because he's been using what time isn't occupied with personal survival to worry about his brother's situation back in Honduras, yet he didn't want to abandon Sawyer, so he stuck it out until they found the other guy.

I'm liking the hippie princess and green beret pairing.  I find his back story to be the most interesting.  He's the one who works to prevent human trafficking, which is really admirable, but has to be incredibly stressful.  I like that hippie princess has an idea in her head regarding who this guy is, but as time goes on and they learn more about each other, she's seeing that he isn't all that she assumed. 

Now, who are all these other people?  I want to know about them and how they're fairing.  I don't care about Jim's massive Applebees order from six months ago.

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On 8/13/2018 at 8:20 PM, seacliffsal said:

I found it interesting that Robbie's adoption story was that he was adopted by his stepfather as the stepfather married Robbie's biological mother with whom Robbie had lived since birth.  I know that's technically being adopted, but Robbie initially made it sound like he was adopted by both parents.  For whatever reason, the producers seem to be trying to create much larger sob-ridden backstories than what the contestants may actually have experienced.

Just let us watch them survive.

Right.  Yes, he may have some abandonment issues, but it looks like he has a decent life. Basically his father left his mother, mom remarried and Robbie's stepfather cared enough to adopt him.  That's such a common thing it barely qualifies as a "sob story".

Go to therapy, look up your biological father, get some closure and move on. Can we get back to the island? 

Edited by backformore
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I also don't understand why they spent so much time on Robbie these first two episodes. At first I thought it was because he was going to be the first to leave. Now I'm wondering if it's because he'll be the last! I did like that Kenzii came back, especially after those other two guys decided not to swim over to Robbie. Robbie seemed genuinely surprised and elated. I wish they would have shown Kenzii finding the other shelter and supplies though. They're just not showing enough of the island life. I also wish they would say how much time has gone by. I think Robbie said Kenzii had been gone for a few days, but it felt like just one.

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On 8/12/2018 at 10:06 PM, TVbitch said:

I smell a shit ton of inspirational revelations and heart-warming relationship insights coming. I'm out. 

Oh, but that should make this sooooo snarkable! But doesn't.  It's just boring. 

It seem like it's just a vehicle to show promos for the fall season. 

Edited by OoogleEyes
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On ‎2018‎-‎08‎-‎13 at 11:28 AM, pezgirl7 said:

I like the TV show Alone, but when they get to a certain point where you're just watching them starve, and eat squished mice and try to have a bowel movement... then it becomes not fun to me. Which is why I have no problem with the so-called production contrivances on this show. I guess they should have advertised the show different, because a lot of people seem to be confused about what kind of show this is trying to be.

Five years ago there was a fictional Survivor-type show called Siberia. I enjoyed it, since it had a mystery/paranormal aspect to it, but it didn't get renewed for a second season.

I LOVED Siberia!  I was so disappointed that it wasn't renewed.

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I beg to differ from more popular opinion.  I like this.  I like the fact that there are cast members who I know so little about.  I'm watching for the human interest so I want back stories since I'm interested in the motivations of the contestants.  I'm ok with the pace.  I imagine this is what it is like to be off the grid, life is slow and not much happens in a day.  You work on getting juice from a coconut, then work at getting the meat out of the same coconut.  You hope that someone stops by or you meet someone new.  It's not an internet pace of life, it's not a fortnight pace of life.  So the pace seems realistic to the situation.  We know little about most of the participants, but the participants know even less about each other.  I find that interesting when they are talking and I know what they aren't saying and what they aren't sharing.

I'm in.  More later.  I've got to go to sleep.

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Kenzi apparently packed her own snacks but they looked like trail mix. She had a ton of other stuff for survival as well.

I am bummed that Angel dropped out so fast. His story was one of the more interesting ones. I wonder how close to filming his brother was shot?

Poor Robbie cannot find anyone who wants to come to his area and hang out. The two dudes went to a different island because the current was too strong?

Maui girl just outed where her father has been hiding out from drug charges for her entire life. Good one there. I am assuming that Dad has moved to a different location to hide out from the cops. I am assuming she was home schooled. Most certainly a non-traditional up bringing.

So we have an Army dude who has a bunch of kids and has been married for ages with Maui.

We have The two white dudes whose names I cannot remember but skipped Robbie.

We have Robbie who seems destined to be alone and whose story I am sick of hearing about. Just show the survival stuff please.

We have Kenzi who is off doing her thing.

We have he African American dude who I think hooked up with someone but I cannot remember.

We have a white dude who was living in the shelter that was built over the water and was annoyed that he couldn't start a fire.

It annoys me that they have spent so much time on the back stories that I have no clue who is who and where they are.

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Maui girl just outed where her father has been hiding out from drug charges for her entire life. Good one there. I am assuming that Dad has moved to a different location to hide out from the cops.

Bwah! I wonder what the statute of limitations is there. Or if anyone would really bother trying to find him. She said he'd been smuggling drugs across the boarder and was on the verge of being caught so it's not as if he actually got arrested and fled. California (or wherever he was) might not have the jurisdiction to get an arrest warrant for him.

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I think these people all have issues of some sort.

Maui girl may be visiting Daddy in the slammer or the Mexican drug Cartel now knows where to find him.

I do not think there are camera men. There was another show that had robotic cameras all over the place to capture every move people made. Maybe I am wrong.

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Robbie seems to be a nice enough guy but I am tired of hearing his back story. I get it, his Dad left when he was young and that sucks. I know a lot of kids who were adopted (I was raised in a Irish Catholic Community so I am guessing that a good number of them were taken from single mothers in Ireland and adopted in the US) and they all struggled with the idea that they had been adopted. They did not want for much and their parents loved them and were good parents but they all struggled with being adopted. So I get it. Adoption can be hard even if you have loving parents and a great family. But that is not what I am watching this show for. There is a balance that can be achieved between more back story then we get on Survivor and turning Castaways into a documentary into Robbie's abandonment issues.

Why not start with Maui girl's unique family environment in the first episode instead of the ridiculous "I live on a family homestead in Maui and I go surfing on a regular basis, my life is so hard" schtick? That was seriously stupid because there are not too any people who are going to have their heart strings pulled by the beautiful blond woman who lives in Maui and gets to surf a lot. I suspect that her real issue is that her family was isolated in order to protect her father who was in trouble for running drugs. And I don't think that it was small amounts of anything. I am guessing that she was home schooled and had little interaction with other kids and families and feels very isolated. But that is my guess based on what little info we have been given. All I know is her original portrayal did nothing to make me feel any real sympathy towards her. I visited Maui, I loved it. I am sure there are down sides, like the cost of living and a pretty small community, but Maui is not a bad place to live.

We have a group of people, I am not sure what that exact number is. Right now I am tracking 9 people, but I think there are more. I know two people by name, the others are all descriptions. I know they gave me their names but they have not been repeated enough to stick with me. I know far too much about two peoples lives and little about how they are surviving their current environment.

I am fine with the concept and the set up. I have no problem with the pre built shelters with Survival gear and some food scattered in them. They did not cast survival experts for this show so seeding food and  tools makes sense and it has not been hidden. I like the various shelters because it gives people a choice, move to find others or hang out in an established space. I am even fine with the back stories but they have been massively over done and poorly laid out.

This could be a good show but the emphasis is in the wrong place.

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We have a group of people, I am not sure what that exact number is. 

12. We have met Robbie and Kenzi, obviously, and we have met Angel, Sawyer and Richard, and Tim and Krichelle. We have also apparently met Eric although I cannot place him at the moment. Was he the black guy trying to make the canoe work?

I'm sure we've seen all 12 by now but I know nothing about Terry, Matthew, Reshanna or Tracee. 


I do not think there are camera men. There was another show that had robotic cameras all over the place to capture every move people made.

There are definitely camera crews, not to mention helicopter shots. Robotic cameras would not be practical in this scenario as the 12 contestants are scattered over a series of islands and wandering around them aimlessly. 

Edited by iMonrey
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I can't figure out why everyone doesn't quit.  There is no prize (although I'm guessing they're getting some daily rate for pay) it seems so they're allowing themselves to be mistreated for what?

But then who knows, the passage of time is unclear.  It seems like a lot of the show is set up.  They're not making all those beautiful artistic shots without shooting them specifically for the moment.

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It really didn't take me long to watch this episode as I fast-forwarded every single backstory.  And, when they quickly intercut between the backstory and the survival scenes, I ended up fast-forwarding the entire segment.  

I did enjoy the scenes of survival whether it was trying the canoe, swimming to join someone else, making/adding to the shelters, etc.  It was also interesting to watch Angel and Sawyer swimming against the current and that Richard swam out to help Angel.  I was glad that Kinzie returned to Robbie, but I also imagine that producers intervened to convince her to go back as she said the shelter she found was amazing and that she would have been fine staying there by herself.  I think the storylines will pick up as more castaways find each other.

Oh, and I too just LOVED Siberia.

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On ‎2018‎-‎08‎-‎18 at 3:21 PM, meatball77 said:

I can't figure out why everyone doesn't quit.  There is no prize (although I'm guessing they're getting some daily rate for pay) it seems so they're allowing themselves to be mistreated for what?

There's no prize?  Then I agree... what's the point?

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It seems they do get money. This is from an interview with the show runner.


What was the incentive for the castaways to stay out there? Since there’s no prize money, did you get a sense as to why they were willing to suffer through this for so long?

There was actually money for those who got rescued. It’s not part of the show, but it’s also not something we hide whatsoever. So there was an incentive to finish. But at the end of the day, we chose people who really had something to prove. People who stayed on the island in order to prove it to themselves or someone in their life. It was really interesting to watch. They all had different motivations to keep them going to the next day. And to be honest with you, those of them who didn’t have a strong enough reason, they quit. That’s really how it ended up. And some of the people who quit were very, very physically capable.


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On 8/15/2018 at 12:57 PM, iMonrey said:

I don't know why this show is so fascinated with Robbie but they have severely over-estimated my interest in him. For that matter the entire show is one giant miscalculation if it thinks I'm going to get invested in all these backstories.

I agree 100%.  I don't understand why they have put so much focus on Robbie, especially with all the footage of his home life.  I don't care!  I want to see them surviving on the island, I don't want to see their home life every five minutes.  And whoever came up with the idea for all the journals and putting the journal quotes in the show, I'm not impressed.  This show has been pretty disappointing so far, especially comparing it with a show like Alone.  I should have known the major networks couldn't come up with anything good.

It was nice to see Kenzi come back though, and I'm glad she wasn't mad that Robbie ate her fish.  If the place she found was so great, why doesn't she get Robbie to return there with her?

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On 8/18/2018 at 5:15 PM, seacliffsal said:

Angel and Sawyer swimming against the current 

Sawyer's on the island?! I may have to start watching again!

I keed. Just checking in to see if this show got any better, but since there are no comments for the last episode, I'm guessing, not so much. 

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I guess on the one hand the back stories help flesh out the players in a way that Survivor, for example, never does. I mean, the people who go on Survivor are mostly mactors who moved to Hollywood hoping to break into show business, and then they're assigned phony job descriptions so they don't all say "mactor." In that respect, Castaways seems more genuine. 

The problem is that whenever we cut to one of these flashbacks it's painfully obvious how staged they are, since there's obviously a camera crew filming these people with their friends and families. It also raises more questions than it answers, like where Eric's baby-mama is and what happened between them. 

The journal quotes that appear in cursive on the screen are just pretentious as hell. 

Ultimately there isn't enough time for the episode to adequately cover both the character back story and what's happening on the island, so neither gets enough attention. For example when Sawyer and Richard are trying to catch fish, what are they using for bait? Or a pole, for that matter? Where are they getting this stuff from? Why are there so many make-shift shelters already set up? What is the premise here for these islands? Were they once inhabited? There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to any of this. 

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This episode was better then the others, I chalk that up to fewer home stories (although too much of Maui crying and random fishing with Dad scene) and no Robbie abandonment stories. It's nice to see some of the folks coming together and figuring things out. But over all, nothing exciting happening. I suppose that is to be expected. You build a shelter, try and figure out fire, and figure out your resources. Then you live and wait. That is about it.

I grew up with three brothers and don't feel as if I was silenced but I can be loud. I feel like they are trying to force stories that really are not there. Angel's story was real. The other stories are real but are more run of the mill. Bi Racial relationship with it's issues, adoption, isolated upbringing. All have their real issues but nothing that I would look at and see as a tear jerker. Especially when the adoption was to a man who had been in your life as long as you can remember and isolation because your Dad is a criminal on the run. Oh, and that isolation was on Maui and you surf and your biggest complaint is that you have 6 brothers.

Just show us the life on the island and stop trying to manipulate us emotionally because it isn't working.

Seriously, what was the point of the fishing with Dad scene? Obviously fishing at home is different then fishing on a make shift raft in the ocean.

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Just show us the life on the island and stop trying to manipulate us emotionally because it isn't working.

Amen. The only really compelling parts of this episode were Matt trying to make his way through the woods, and then wading around the point, unsuccessfully, and the scenic shots of the schools of fish jumping out of the water and Richard trying to catch one. That's it. The rest was just a lot of inane and tedious introspection nobody gives a damn about. 

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I beg to differ from more popular opinion.  I like this.  I like the fact that there are cast members who I know so little about.  I'm watching for the human interest so I want back stories since I'm interested in the motivations of the contestants.  I'm ok with the pace.  I imagine this is what it is like to be off the grid, life is slow and not much happens in a day.  You work on getting juice from a coconut, then work at getting the meat out of the same coconut.  You hope that someone stops by or you meet someone new.  It's not an internet pace of life, it's not a fortnight pace of life.  So the pace seems realistic to the situation.  We know little about most of the participants, but the participants know even less about each other.  I find that interesting when they are talking and I know what they aren't saying and what they aren't sharing.

I like the fact that it is "slow".  Everything else in this world (especially politics) is fast, in crisis and chaotic.  Real life is often slow but most "reality" shows are too angry and hostile or crisis-oriented for me.  So this is my speed.  I'm not watching for survival skills so I'm good with the vagaries of how they are doing certain things.  (Although I want to know why the Black guy couldn't get his water bottle, or get the other two to get it for him.)  I'm watching for the interpersonal and personal reactions to the situations as they unfold.  Their personal histories affect how they respond to their situations  so I'm OK with the setups.  I like that the beautiful, slim, fit, blond girl who lives in Hawaii and surf while seemingly doesn't have to work feels she has it so hard in life.  We all feel like we have it hard in life so I'm not spoofing her.  In a funny way, she is "everyman". 

I'm in.  More later.  I've got to go to sleep.

I forgot to post this before I fell asleep. 

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On 8/13/2018 at 11:28 AM, pezgirl7 said:

Five years ago there was a fictional Survivor-type show called Siberia. I enjoyed it, since it had a mystery/paranormal aspect to it, but it didn't get renewed for a second season.

Holy Shit - I totally forgot about that show, I watched it too, can't believe its been 5 years - wasn't that more like a who done it/clue themed show ?.. Does anyone recall the name of that

other social experiment show that was on a few years ago, I think I read it was filmed where the show wipe out used to film, they had a group of strangers live by themselves, grow crops..etc 

On 8/15/2018 at 5:05 PM, Token said:

I LOVED Siberia!  I was so disappointed that it wasn't renewed.

I also remembered that one of the cast members on that show was Joyce Giraud from Real Housewives of OC - and her husband I believe was the producer, so yes, scripted for sure

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28 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Holy Shit - I totally forgot about that show, I watched it too, can't believe its been 5 years - wasn't that more like a who done it/clue themed show ?.. Does anyone recall the name of that

other social experiment show that was on a few years ago, I think I read it was filmed where the show wipe out used to film, they had a group of strangers live by themselves, grow crops..etc 

I also remembered that one of the cast members on that show was Joyce Giraud from Real Housewives of OC - and her husband I believe was the producer, so yes, scripted for sure

Oh, it was totally scripted.  That's how I treated it, like a TV show, a supernatural thriller.  And it was so good to watch.  I'm still upset that it only got one season.  The idea was great and I wanted to see where it went.

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On 8/24/2018 at 6:50 PM, Token said:

Oh, it was totally scripted.  That's how I treated it, like a TV show, a supernatural thriller.  And it was so good to watch.  I'm still upset that it only got one season.  The idea was great and I wanted to see where it went.

I did, too. 

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Felt sorry for Nick. He's sitting there practically begging for human companionship while Tim and Krichelle just sit in awkward silence. Everyone seems to be taking this "three's a crowd" thing to heart. I don't get it. An extra pair of hands is one more person who can hunt for food or fish or whatever. It's not like they were given a sack of rice. (Or were they?) 

Alas poor Tracee, we never knew ye. 

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That was a better episode. We saw people doing stuff and discussing their strategy. The pacing was better. I was a bit floored that someone quit via iPhone video. That was weird. And we have at least one person with coral growing in them, possibly two people. Yikes. 

I kind off don’t like Sawyer and whats his face. I really need to put down my iPad games when watching the show... Even before the third dude showed up they were douchey and oh so superior. 

I have grown to like Robbies and Kenzi. I think that is her name. what can I say, Ilike playing Evolution. They make an interesting team. I like watching them work together. 

So far most of the pairings have been pretty supportive. It is interesting that all of them seem to be leary about taking on a third person. 

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It is interesting about the reluctance of some of the castaways to embrace a third person.  I wonder if it's due to when there will be conflicts/arguments that someone will always be out "voted" or overruled.  Or, it may be an acceptance of the "status quo" that they don't want to disrupt as they don't want to have to make the adaptations necessary to integrate someone else into their environment.

This episode was much more interesting as I only had to fast-forward a couple of times through back stories.  Was really surprised that all we saw of the woman who left was her good-bye message.  Had we seen her in an earlier episode?

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On ‎8‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 5:20 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

other social experiment show that was on a few years ago, I think I read it was filmed where the show wipe out used to film, they had a group of strangers live by themselves, grow crops..etc 

I think you're talking about Utopia



it was on in 2014.  

it was supposed to be on for one year, there were some pretty grandiose ideas about starting a new society.  But it was dumb, and got cancelled.

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Who was that woman on the phone recording? Sorry the younger woman who was homeless had to leave. She and the older lady made a good pair.

I remember a “Monsters Inside Me” episode in which a guy had coral or something similar growing inside his hand. He was a fisherman.

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Utopia was awesome for it's complete and utter dysfunction. They screwed up by letting them order food and products to be delivered to them. It was one giant cluster and soooo much fun to watch. It put Big Brother to shame. Some of the folks made racist and misogynist statements so frequently that Production developed a signal to tell them to cut it out by buzzing their microphones or something like that. It actually had promise but they allowed far too much outside influence and picked some really shitty people.

5 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Who was that woman on the phone recording?

I don't know her name but she was clearly an early tap. No idea why they showed her go out like that. Perhaps she did just that little?

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38 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

I have decided I can no longer watch this show,  as it depresses this childless widow with its insistent message that being alone is the worst fate of all (cue Three Dog Night). 

I can see where being in a situation where you are all alone and do not have the opportunity to interact with others would be very, very hard. All of these people know that they can leave if they get lonely, hungry, bored or decide they are tired of sleeping on the beach. I suspect that you are able to go out and find some people to hang out with if you want to, which is a different situation. I suspect that many of the people who are leaving because they are lonely would do a good deal better if they knew that they could not simply call up a ship and take off. They would find a way to survive if they had to, same as the folks on Alone who tap because they miss people.  OK, so I have faith that all the people on Alone could make it work because they have to have skills to be on the show. The people out on this island would probably struggle more if they were stranded by themselves without a well stocked beach.

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I can see where being in a situation where you are all alone and do not have the opportunity to interact with others would be very, very hard.

Except . . . there's a camera man and a sound man standing there recording you being "alone."

I have to laugh at how melodramatic the whole thing is. In the opening sequence the narrator says these people were "torn" from their normal lives. As though production swept into their homes and kidnapped them.

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On 8/12/2018 at 10:09 PM, Merrilin said:

I'll probably give it a chance since I don't have much else to watch at the moment & I enjoy psycho-analyzing people but much about the premiere episode bothered me.  I can let a lot slide but the part where the narcissistic Nashville singer dumped her boyfriend on camera was so obviously some kind of sick forced reenactment that I kind of felt bad even witnessing it.  Is she their villian?  They spent so much time on her & our sympathetic hero Robbie it was imo a detriment to the rest of the cast.  Maybe it is like other reality TV editing & it's because they are important to the end game but this is a new show on a mainstream network so they shouldn't count their chickens if you ask me.

Well I feel like an asshole falling for the editing like that lol.   She turned out to be a sweetheart.

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Awwwww....  I really liked the relationship the older lady and the homeless woman were developing.  I'm sad the woman went home, but it looked like she had vertigo, and that ain't fun.  I'm also sad for the older lady, because she was so happy to have a friend and now she's gone.  I also like the relationship between Maui girl and the green beret.  It seems to be formed in mutual respect, though Maui girl felt she would be on the outs if the other guy joined him, because she worried about the two men "bro-ing" up and minimizing her like she's used to her family doing to her.  Looks like maybe the Green Beret caught on and has reaffirmed their relationship so she was more secure with the other guy's return.  Speaking of "bro-ing" up, I find those two other guy's alternately irritating and amusing.  And now that they've backed off the whole Robbie sob story that seemed to dominate the first few episodes, I'm kind of digging his relationship with Nashville girl.  

I swear I will eventually learn their names. 

I'm still fascinated by the premise.  What would I do if I were wrecked on a deserted isle?  How would I cope?  Could I survive on the flotsam and jetsam I found?  I think I read Island of the Blue Dolphins at a very impressionable age!

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On 8/29/2018 at 10:10 PM, LittleIggy said:

I remember a “Monsters Inside Me” episode in which a guy had coral or something similar growing inside his hand. He was a fisherman.

I remember that.  It was barnacles. 

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