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The Duggars and Their World: Fashion, Food, Finance, Schoolin’ and Child Rearin'

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LOL!I advised my parents to set up a trust with only one house and investments in their portfolio. It was much easier to liquidate, given that they had 50 beneficiaries: including alternative provisions should one of the beneficiaries pre-deceased the trustees.

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I really need an 'E True Hollywood Story' on this family. Cut the fake bullshit. I want an exposé done. I don't get why Warren Jeff's cult is always in the news but never Gothard or his affiliation with the Duggars. ARE YOU LISTENING 'E'???!!!

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It's a bit optimistic of Jim Bob and Mechelle to assume they're going to need to worry about estate taxes.

I agree. Between supporting 19 kids and their assorted families, coupled with the usual expenses of getting old, there's going to be nothing left in that trust by the time Michelle and Boob pass on.

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Their method of isolation/rearin' reminds me of that movie of a babysitter: She has threatening calls, finally the police call back and say they've traced the call, the danger is IN the house. Get out!


I love it.

I really need an 'E True Hollywood Story' on this family. Cut the fake bullshit. I want an exposé done. I don't get why Warren Jeff's cult is always in the news but never Gothard or his affiliation with the Duggars. ARE YOU LISTENING 'E'???!!!


There've been several times in the past couple decades when Gothard exposes have started brewing  -- when his troubled-youth facilities got into hot water and a few times when politicians were found to be pushing his ideas, for example. But the stories have never gotten any traction. Nobody picked them up and they  remained single-outlet pieces. You'd think that the Duggars' prominence would get more attention to it -- and there's the lawsuit against the Gothard board now. But it seems that nobody has ever cared. And I suppose they won't care this time either. I guess that what Gothard pulled just wasn't sexy enough or something.

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I love it.


There've been several times in the past couple decades when Gothard exposes have started brewing  -- when his troubled-youth facilities got into hot water and a few times when politicians were found to be pushing his ideas, for example. But the stories have never gotten any traction. Nobody picked them up and they  remained single-outlet pieces. You'd think that the Duggars' prominence would get more attention to it -- and there's the lawsuit against the Gothard board now. But it seems that nobody has ever cared. And I suppose they won't care this time either. I guess that what Gothard pulled just wasn't sexy enough or something.

I think part of the reason is Gothard does much of his cultizing by proxy. He gets the parents to do his dirty work in individual families here, there, and everywhere. And then there is the homeschooling which contributes to the cult isolation. There is a loud outspoken community of legitimate(and not so legit) homeschooling parents who are going to cry foul when that aspect gets slammed. And the fact that Gothardites do not use government entitlement programs. And the size is hard to determine. And abuse is hard to determine because other than the oppression of women, each family, to quote a Duggar - does their culting "a little differently".


It is a splintered-not-so-splintered cult.

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There've been several times in the past couple decades when Gothard exposes have started brewing  -- when his troubled-youth facilities got into hot water and a few times when politicians were found to be pushing his ideas, for example. But the stories have never gotten any traction. Nobody picked them up and they  remained single-outlet pieces. You'd think that the Duggars' prominence would get more attention to it -- and there's the lawsuit against the Gothard board now. But it seems that nobody has ever cared. And I suppose they won't care this time either. I guess that what Gothard pulled just wasn't sexy enough or something.


I think we'll see one in the next 20 years or so.  I think GeeGolly's comments on it being a decentralized cult, so unlike the Fundamentalist Mormons (not to be confused with the legit LDS) or the Jesus People makes it a little harder to nail them to the wall.  But considering the way attitudes in society are progressing in regards to marriage rights and conversion therapy, the clock is ticking.  What will be interesting is to see if it comes from the inside.

Edited by Lemur
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I've always thought the Christmas colors were red and a sort of darker, pine green -- but then, what do I know? I'm a Jew. :-)

Oh, you're absolutely right but, it's the Duggars?

This time of year thrift stores have all of their xmas stuff, including red and green clothes, displayed on their own. Easy peasy.

I'm not sure what holiday mint green works for.

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I don't get it. Central America has Walmarts all over the place. Wouldn't it make more sense to write a nice, fat check to SOS and let them buy the supplies down there? The shipping costs have to be insane. I sent one small box cross country, standard delivery and it was close to twenty bucks.

And yes, candy is the perfect gift for poor children who'll never see a dentist in their lifetime *eyeroll*.

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Yeah those are giant dum dum bags. We have those at work for the customers. $9.99 for what, 100 lollipops?

This is why parents tell their kids to beware of strangers with candy. There's always a motive. Here, kid, have a lollipop. Did you know Jesus loves you?

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This is why parents tell their kids to beware of strangers with candy. There's always a motive. Here, kid, have a lollipop. Did you know Jesus loves you?

Lulz!!!! "You want the Snickers bar? Okay, but don't even think about going to Mass on Sundays! Jesus hates a sinner!"

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Yeah those are giant dum dum bags. We have those at work for the customers. $9.99 for what, 100 lollipops?

I'd love to hear them describe what "dum dum" means.

If for no other reason they might have chosen a different candy.

Individually wrapped LifeSavers are cheap. But handing out LifeSavers would be all kinds of wrong.

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Their method of isolation/rearin' reminds me of that movie of a babysitter: She has threatening calls, finally the police call back and say they've traced the call, the danger is IN the house. Get out!

When a Stranger Calls!!!!

Kids typically do start listening to people besides their parents, once they get the chance, because humans are curious creatures. If they have the opportunity, they notice their surroundings. 

I am surprised none of the kids seem to have had the reaction I always did to being told I wasn't allowed to see or read something, etc. That made me even more curious and adamant to do so. Josh is the only one who seemed to have this characteristic, which seems pretty common to me.

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When a Stranger Calls!!!!

I am surprised none of the kids seem to have had the reaction I always did to being told I wasn't allowed to see or read something, etc. That made me even more curious and adamant to do so. Josh is the only one who seemed to have this characteristic, which seems pretty common to me.


Well, I think some more probably did have that urge. But the Duggars do make it pretty hard for anyone to get out of their sight or get access to anything, except possibly via computer and phone. And who knows what level of filters they have on those. These kids don't have friends except for family friends, they never get near libraries or youth centers and they always have accountability buddies for shopping and so on. ... Josh got the opportunity to work in an office that had non-filtered computers and he went for it. (To me, one irony of his prohibited use of office computers being supposedly such a big deal is that, in his case, what other computers would he have been able to search for porn on? )  At any rate, there don't seem have been many chances for the others. (I expect that some have taken whatever meager chances they could get, though. They are human.)

Edited by Churchhoney
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When a Stranger Calls!!!!

I am surprised none of the kids seem to have had the reaction I always did to being told I wasn't allowed to see or read something, etc. That made me even more curious and adamant to do so. Josh is the only one who seemed to have this characteristic, which seems pretty common to me.

I could be wrong but I thought there was a story where one of the girls (either Jana, Jessa or Jinger) had been trying to read Twilight on the sly but Jill ratted whoever it was out.

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S.O.S. mission trip? Backpacks filled with fake hundred dollar bill tracks to convert Catholics to Christianity?

Just as I thought. Off to visit Jill for footage!


Also, does that paper on the wall say 'Complaining'? I hate the hand made brainwashing posters the most.

Edited by JoanArc
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The Duggar Trust already exists for just this purpose. I am sure Mary also has a trust set up. It's common practice to avoid estate taxes and to ensure your assets go where you want them to.

I bet JB is Mary's executor, but I am super curious as to whom JB and MEchelle have named to dole out their estate. I wonder if they named Smuggar but recently made some changes. LOL

Lord knows Jim Bob doesn't seem to trust any of his kids. I would laugh if he made his executor Anna. Perfect ending to the Duggar story.

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Bolding mine

Just as I thought. Off to visit Jill for footage!

Also, does that paper on the wall say 'Complaining'? I hate the hand made brainwashing posters the most.

"War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Slavery"

Might work for them.

Edit cuz I hit "Quick Reply" when I wanted to edit and decide if I even wanted to post the dystopia of 1984.

Edited by NewDigs
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Bolding mine

"War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Slavery"

Might work for them.

Edit cuz I hit "Quick Reply" when I wanted to edit and decide if I even wanted to post the dystopia of 1984.

Apt, considering Brand Duggar started in 1984.

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Uh-oh Josie's gonna get slammed for not wearing her baby correctly.

I've seen this picture a couple of times while scrolling through here, and all I can think when I see it is that it's a hands-free babycare technique that MeChelle teaches her daughters (and we all thought she didn't bother teaching them anything) so that they can hold a baby and do chores at the same time. Who cares about maths when you can learn valuable life skills which match your interests (which are obviously babies and chores).

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I've seen this picture a couple of times while scrolling through here, and all I can think when I see it is that it's a hands-free babycare technique that MeChelle teaches her daughters (and we all thought she didn't bother teaching them anything) so that they can hold a baby and do chores at the same time. Who cares about maths when you can learn valuable life skills which match your interests (which are obviously babies and chores).


I think you might be on to something. Except how would Michelle have learned such a skill?

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Why is it the girls who run around barefoot in that big, dirty barn of a house? I bet there's no compulsion to wash before getting in bed either. Ugh.

All those dirty feet have annoyed me for a long time. And Jill's filthy bare feet at her wedding. Yuck.

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Aaah, true. My mistake!


Not necessarily. Like her favorite son, she is pretty sly. Maybe she dreamed it up and engaged in a wee bit of practice just so she could teach it to the girls. She may have demonstrated it to them using a light baby doll and a feather duster.

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Well, I think some more probably did have that urge. But the Duggars do make it pretty hard for anyone to get out of their sight or get access to anything, except possibly via computer and phone. And who knows what level of filters they have on those. These kids don't have friends except for family friends, they never get near libraries or youth centers and they always have accountability buddies for shopping and so on. ... Josh got the opportunity to work in an office that had non-filtered computers and he went for it. (To me, one irony of his prohibited use of office computers being supposedly such a big deal is that, in his case, what other computers would he have been able to search for porn on? )  At any rate, there don't seem have been many chances for the others. (I expect that some have taken whatever meager chances they could get, though. They are human.)

Seeing as all sins are created equal in the Duggar world, maybe fear of being sent away for months helped to keep the other Duggars in line.

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The Duggars have company in support for their "children have no rights because parents have them all" stance. Here's the HSLDA position, expounded by, among others Doug Phillips, who went on from HSLDA to found Vision Forum, where the Seewalds hung out:


'The right to self-determine education is, of course, a direct threat to HSLDA’s specific form of homeschooling advocacy. HSLDA holds back little on this count: Klicka was forthright about the fact that, if children had rights, then they could say no to homeschooling — which Klicka would not tolerate. “If children have rights,” he said, “they could refuse to be home-schooled.”[ix]


'Thus to protect the ideal of homeschooling, Klicka denounced giving children rights. In fact, in a later article written on behalf of HSLDA by both him and former HSLDA attorney Doug Phillips, to “give children fundamental rights enforceable against their parents” was explicitly said to be a “threat.”[x] As Klicka and Phillips later define “fundamental rights” as rights such as “speech, press, religion,” one can deduce that HSLDA does not believe children should have rights to speech and religion enforceable against their parents. Indeed, the Washington Post has noted that two reasons HSLDA opposes the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child are “the group fears that ratifying the treaty would mean children could choose their own religion” and “a child’s ‘right to be heard’ could trigger a governmental review of any decision a parent made that a child didn’t like.”[xi]


'Klicka made this explicit in The Right Choice: Home Schooling. He explained that rights such as “freedom of expression,” “freedom of religion,” “freedom of association,” and “right to privacy” “would virtually undermine parents’ rights as we know it in the United States. Parents no longer would have the basic right to control [their children],” in particular “what church they attend.” Giving “children the fundamental rights of freedom of association, freedom of expression, freedom of religion,” and so forth is thus “in direct opposition to of [sic] those parents’ rights.”[xii]'



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I'd replace "be dumb" with "obfuscate." Because they do that A LOT. When you think about it for two seconds, that's how they justify everything they do. It's all conscious acts to counteract the opposition: smiley faces and little kids to take your mind off real issues. 


Now Michelle props Josie up on her hip (with that missing back muscle and all...what a sacrifice!) to make their plea. Aren't Jackson and Hannie 11 and 10 now? I bet they suck on the violin...

Edited by Sew Sumi
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