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S20.E11: Live Eviction #3. Head of Household #4

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OK, I get it now -- Winston and Brett are both psychopaths, Brett's just better at hiding it.

Up 'til now.

That was some serial-killer-dead-eye-stare he gave RS when she was yelling at him. That's just not normal.

Other than that, this may be the most agreeable cast in years, in the sense that I don't want to see any of them strangled with piano wire on live TV (yet). The worst they get is annoying (Kaitlyn "I represent all clairvoyants, psychics and other grifters who prey on the weak-willed and attention-starved") or capital-D Dumb (Fessie). My only complaint is that there are too many nonentities (Angela, KC), but I'll take that over screaming psycho cult leaders, sadists and racists.

Whoever is designing the challenges is doing some cool set design with false and forced perspectives. Very different from previous years.

I hope TBTB figure out a way to make next week interesting. Right now it looks like a meaningless HOH because of the power app Sam didn't use.

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Oh good,  they're showing Rock Star stuck on the climbing wall! I missed it on the feeds.

(I looked out my living room window to see something furry hanging by one arm from my birdfeeder pole. Went to check it out and here it's a small raccoon. And now he just climbed back up the pole.)

Bet the raccoon could teach Angie some tricks.  ;>


13 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Rockstar: "How could you? You're disgusting! On my daughter's birthday? I can't! I can't! You piece of crap! On my daughter's birthday! I can't!"
Callaphera, while laughing hysterically: "Oh, I can!"

@Callaphera - I love you.


12 hours ago, green said:

Loved Rockstar's flip out ... ON! HER! DAUGHTER'S! BIRTHDAY!  A moment of silence everyone as we all celebrate this sacred day.

Oh darn, was that today?  Were we supposed to burn a candle or something?  I missed the memo.


12 hours ago, green said:

The HOH stuff they showed you could see she is still seething and repeating silently something most likely involving the what she would do if given a sharp instrument and Brett alone in a room together. 

Keep in mind Angie is a self-professed Wiccan - although I hope SHE keeps in mind that whole “three times three” thingie..... ;)


12 hours ago, Lamima said:

The Rockstar thing....So I go against my alliance and go to other alliance and say I am flipping my vote to vote with you guys, then my plan is blown BEFORE the vote by guy in other alliance (same guy I was going to flip and keep), there is no way I still go in and vote with that other alliance and against my own alliance and keep guy who outed my plan. The footy alliance may not have a full deck of cards, so to speak, but they aren't THAT dumb to buy that crap. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; betting on the intelligence of HGs is rarely - if ever - smart money.  :)


12 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

And it's not that I don't trust the thread's explanation and/or purpose, I don't trust the people that post there that don't remember/follow said rules and it takes but a mere sentence to be spoiled. I trust the description but not the contents so I play it safe and ask someone to message me.

Apology for being off topic.

@Wandering Snark - the only things I post in the Spoiler Summary thread are:

  • Who won what - HoH, PoV, prizes/punishments, etc.
  • Initial Block noms, PoV use/non-use, Final noms.
  • Eviction votes - i.e. who voted for who, and Vote totals.

Format is straightforward bullet points and statements of fact.  No editorializing - I save the delicious snark for the discussion threads.  :)

Note: This season I’ve also included explanations of the specific prizes/punishments as they were awarded, because specific details about the conditions of their use so easily get buried in the regular discussion threads.

That’s it.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 8
40 minutes ago, Gummo said:

OK, I get it now -- Winston and Brett are both psychopaths, Brett's just better at hiding it. Up 'til now. That was some serial-killer-dead-eye-stare he gave RS when she was yelling at him. That's just not normal.

I hear you, but I'm not sure what a better response from him would have been. I can tell you that "dead eye stare" is a whole lot more polite than I would be if someone were (just about literally) spitting furious up in my face shrieking. 

  • Love 12
14 hours ago, Lamima said:

The Rockstar thing....So I go against my alliance and go to other alliance and say I am flipping my vote to vote with you guys, then my plan is blown BEFORE the vote by guy in other alliance (same guy I was going to flip and keep), there is no way I still go in and vote with that other alliance and against my own alliance and keep guy who outed my plan. The footy alliance may not have a full deck of cards, so to speak, but they aren't THAT dumb to buy that crap. 

It might seem unlikely that Angie was the flip vote, but somebody clearly was, and from the Footy perspective, there's now confusion all around.

•  Week 1:  somebody flips the Steve vote.  They suspect it was Kaitlyn, but they don't know for sure.

•  Week 2:  somebody flips the Swaggy vote.  Some suspect Scottie (but they can't really say anything as he's HoH), but they don't know; meantime Scottie worked to frame Haleigh (or Angie) with the T-Shirt plan.

•  Week 3:  somebody flips this vote.  Is it one of the previous offenders?  Was it really Angie and all of that screaming was a double-bluff?  (Hey, Angie, people have actually gotten evicted on their own damn birthday.  Kaysar in All-Stars, for example.  Sorry little Aradia had her party ruined, but it's probably seeing her Mom screaming like a damn madwoman that would be more upsetting than anything else.) Or was it someone new?  Bayleigh didn't seem that surprised and when the screaming was going down, she was hugging Rachel from behind and nuzzling her neck…just comfort, or a job-well-done?  Suspicion will be falling everywhere.

So yeah, we know it was Tyler, but Foutté doesn't.  We'll see what happens when they take power next.  But for the moment, he seems reasonably off of the radar.  JMO.  (Don't throw the HoH until it's just you and L5+2, though; you can't afford an immediate witch-hunt.)

  • Love 3

I would have been willing to bet money that the show would figure out some way to keep both Bros, power App or no. But since Julie told Winston who voted to evict him, I guess he’s a goner for good. Color me surprised.

I’ve disliked Winston from Day 1 but never minded Brett, until now. Granted it was probably a clever play to set up Rock Star, but he was such a douche about it that it totally put me off him. He really showed his ass, so to speak.

I usually root for the misfits and underdogs but I swear, the show goes out of their way to cast the dumbest ones they can find.

I guess i’m Ok with Sam, but the trouble with being a floater is that you’re always dispensable and on the block as a pawn every week. No real floater has won this thing since Jun back in Season 4.

  • Love 1

I'm so glad Winston is gone. He acts like a typical entitled high school jock who thinks everyone else is beneath him, especially those *shudder* geeks. The only problem is that he's not in high school, he's a grown man which just makes his behaviour seem even more pathetic. Not to mention, he seems like he has no sense of humour whatsoever. Brett, on the other hand, has great potential for entertainment. He might end up being a typical mean-spirited bro but he's also showing hints of Dr. Will with his speeches and, by the end of season 2, Dr. Will was Big Brother gold!

I'm pretty sure Sam's family didn't seem overly excited when she won the power app because they already knew. Obviously I don't know for sure but I've just always assumed that when they show someone's family, they're just showing them a recording of a previous episode. I mean, what are the odds BB always just happens to be there filming the family whenever something of note happens to their loved one inside the house.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Under the circumstances he handled it the best way he could.  He kept cool and didn't respond.  He didn't run away from the situation either.  Magoo (Rockstar) completely overreacted to the situation.  Even if people in her alliance don't believe she flipped, they do have to be concerned that she can't keep her emotions in check.  They also have to be concerned with how Kaitlyn is acting.  Seriously, if I were in an alliance with those two I might self-evict. 

I do find it interesting that Kaitlyn and Haleigh were all over Tyler.  It seems like it wasn't all that long ago that Kaitlyn and Haleigh were interested in Faysal.

I agree about Brett. I'm not a huge fan of his, but when Angie was going off like that, I loved that he just stood there and was like, "eh". She was being hysterical and it wouldn't have done him any good to engage with her.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Gummo said:

OK, I get it now -- Winston and Brett are both psychopaths, Brett's just better at hiding it.

Up 'til now.

That was some serial-killer-dead-eye-stare he gave RS when she was yelling at him. That's just not normal.

Oh, nothing close - that’s simply The Look Bro A gives Bro B, when Bro B has gotten drunk off his ass and is railing on about saying or doing something totally bone-stick stupid.  Any kind of response is useless - it’ll either feed Bro B’s alcohol-fueled frenzy, or provoke antagonistic backlash - so Bro A simply sets his face in stone, and fixes an as-close-to-unblinking stare on Bro B as possible.  Eventually it will sink in to even the drunkest of Bro Bs that (a) he’s getting The Look, and (b) The Look means, “you’re acting like a total fucking dumbass, so I’m just going to wait like this for eternity - or until you get your own stupid drunk ass in check, whichever comes first”.  You’d be amazed how well it works.  Bar bouncers use it to great effect as well.  :>


43 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I agree about Brett. I'm not a huge fan of his, but when Angie was going off like that, I loved that he just stood there and was like, "eh". She was being hysterical and it wouldn't have done him any good to engage with her.

^^^ Case in point.  :)

  • Love 10

 I hate it on reality shows when you have people going on about how they have children and how that makes them more deserving or important.

That's largely how Derrick won BB16. When someone wasn't bowing to his will he'd start complaining about how they were taking food out of his daughter's mouth. Some posters speculated that with overtime he was probably earning pay in the low six figures so his daughter was not at risk of starving. It was real annoying to many viewers, at least the ones posting on BB forums. I think it's an iffy ploy to use your kids as game shields or weapons.

  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Oh, nothing close - that’s simply The Look Bro A gives Bro B, when Bro B has gotten drunk off his ass and is railing on about saying or doing something totally bone-stick stupid.  Any kind of response is useless - it’ll either feed Bro B’s alcohol-fueled frenzy, or provoke antagonistic backlash - so Bro A simply sets his face in stone, and fixes an as-close-to-unblinking stare on Bro B as possible.  Eventually it will sink in to even the drunkest of Bro Bs that (a) he’s getting The Look, and (b) The Look means, “you’re acting like a total fucking dumbass, so I’m just going to wait like this for eternity - or until you get your own stupid drunk ass in check, whichever comes first”.  You’d be amazed how well it works.  Bar bouncers use it to great effect as well.  :>


  • Love 1
31 minutes ago, Tammee said:

There sure were a lot of birthday callouts this week.  I wonder if production is going to ask them to chill out on shouting personal messages to family.  Thats all the first few minutes oh the HOH challenge was.....Hi PoohBear, Hi Cinderella, Hi Ariel... etc etc etc.  Annoying.

I read that they are told not to do shout outs but no one pays attention. I'll try to find the article. .just read it today.

10 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I'm so glad Winston is gone. He acts like a typical entitled high school jock who thinks everyone else is beneath him, especially those *shudder* geeks.

I was amused by his "fuck them all" attitude during his Julie interview.  He seemed genuinely SHOCKED and HURT that his Level 6 alliance voted to evict him.  But what the hell?  Wasn't his closest bro in the world also a member of that Level 6 group?   Didn't he realize that Level 6 had to turn on one of them?  If Level 6 had voted to keep Winstonbro, then they would have had to betray Brettbro.  Did he really believe that it was so obvious that, of course, he would be the one kept?????  What an entitled ass!!!!!!!!!!

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, UncleChuck said:

I was amused by his "fuck them all" attitude during his Julie interview.  He seemed genuinely SHOCKED and HURT that his Level 6 alliance voted to evict him.  But what the hell?  Wasn't his closest bro in the world also a member of that Level 6 group?   Didn't he realize that Level 6 had to turn on one of them?  If Level 6 had voted to keep Winstonbro, then they would have had to betray Brettbro.  Did he really believe that it was so obvious that, of course, he would be the one kept?????  What an entitled ass!!!!!!!!!!

I can field that one.  What should have happened was that all the HGs would be so outraged by the injustice of having to choose between the bros, that they would have refused to vote.  And then the studio audience would have started chanting "Brinston, Brinston, Brinston!"   Grodner would have been forced to cut to commercial, and when they came back, Julie would have announced a new super-secret twist called the "Big Brother Returnerback," which would immediately send Winston back into the house.  The cheers from the audience would have been so deafening, they would overload the sound system.  And as soon as Winston entered the house, the HGs would have picked him up and carried him on their shoulders, up the stairs, to the HOH room, where Brett would have been splayed out on the bed, surrounded by rose petals.

The picture would become heart shaped and slowly fade to black.  And thus would end the greatest Big Brother episode of all time.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Stimpson said:

Julie's all "what can we do?" about the shout-outs.  I think that a statutory fine announced in advance would shut them up, but good.

Regarding the much-missed Wheel O'Keys, Julie says:


The wheel was heavy and low-tech and we are always trying to spruce up the show and make it more modern.

I'm pretty sure they can make a lighter wheel.  (Yes, I am suggesting that BB literally reinvent the wheel, but still.)

As for the hi-tech aspect, perhaps removing the key from the wheel would make the memory wall portrait light up, the way the buttons in the HoH lit up the neck boxes during OTT.  I can't think it's that difficult to make an image on a bluetooth wall glow.

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 5

Interpreting the order of the keys in the wheel was awesome. My boyfriend only started watching BB last year and I keep trying to tell him how awesome it was.

I actually don't mind the shoutouts. It's a bit annoying in the DR for votes, but it usually doesn't take up too much time, and I can't begrudge these fools the chance to say hi to people at home.

  • Love 2

What's so weird about this show is that they miss so much potential for unscripted drama (like with the wheel o' keys).  It's been awhile since I watched Survivor, but when I did watch, they were always pretty good about setting up the structure of the game for drama potential -- like with the rewards, there's always drama around who gets chosen to go.  And then they have those elimination challenges which basically call out the alliances.   They could find stuff to do on BB that had the same type of effect, but instead, we get stuff like stupid Pandora boxes featuring Jesse (and I'm one of the three people who actually find Jesse amusing).

  • Love 1

I totally agree about the wheel and I've said it before too! I hate that we miss all of the "I put your key first since you're my ride or die, your key was last because I wanted to make you sweat." etc. with the wheel o keys. I'd think in this day and age you can make a lighter wheel so that is especially BS. I miss all the shots around the table as people drew their keys and the disdain on people's faces when forced to tell the next person in line that they are safe even though they loathe them. It added a lot but of course they don't see that.

And you hit people with slop for three days (or my favorite penalty noms!) and they'll come into the diary room with very much composure, say hi to Julie, give her their vote and leave the room without saying another word. Guaranteed.

  • Love 4

What drives me crazy about the show I the lack of explanation about the rules in the house.   I haven't been watching from the beginning, I've watched a few seasons recently.  And they never explain about the HOH room, the special snacks, or anything else about the HOH.   also missing is any explanation of the Have-Nots - who gets chosen and how?  what are the restrictions  I read about it on this forum.  For the first two seasons I watched, I had no clue that the "have not"  concept was part of the game.  

And -  are the houseguests assigned certain beds? It seems like they all sleep all over the place, wherever they want, and switch quite a bit. 

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, backformore said:

What drives me crazy about the show I the lack of explanation about the rules in the house.   I haven't been watching from the beginning, I've watched a few seasons recently.  And they never explain about the HOH room, the special snacks, or anything else about the HOH.   also missing is any explanation of the Have-Nots - who gets chosen and how?  what are the restrictions  I read about it on this forum.  For the first two seasons I watched, I had no clue that the "have not"  concept was part of the game.  

And -  are the houseguests assigned certain beds? It seems like they all sleep all over the place, wherever they want, and switch quite a bit. 

They can sleep wherever they want except the Have Nots have their own room this season with those circular disk like things they have to sleep in they showed on one of the earlier episodes.  The HOH can decide if he/she will allow anyone to sleep in their giant bed or not.  Otherwise grab a bed, trade beds, take someone's bed that gets evicted; it doesn't matter.  I mean in some seasons in the past they had a couple less beds than houseguests at first I think I remember to try and cause a stir.  This season they don't.

They haven't shown much about Have Nots over the recent years.  It used to be a big deal but now it just kind of happens in the background. 

Have Nots can be chosen any old way the house guests decide these days.  As in the HOH can assign them or they can volunteer which is considered a good move for your social game to show you aren't selfish or they can draw lots etc.  In the early days I think there were contests to decide who was on slop each week.  And in the earliest days the slop wasn't balanced nutritious but yucky tasting mushy stuff but just PBJ.  These days though it isn't mentioned much on the broadcasts because it is more some tradition then having any real effect on the game.

I guess they figure people interested in the HOH stuff either know about it at this point or can google it.  It's been around now for almost 20 year it would be like explaining what a touchdown is every time a football game is on.

What they should do is put up some official definitions of stuff on their BB CBS site and then tell newer people to go there for more information during some of the episodes.  Bu tthey are too lazy to do that I suppose and just let various fan sites define the stuff for them.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, green said:

Have Nots can be chosen any old way the house guests decide these days.  As in the HOH can assign them or they can volunteer which is considered a good move for your social game to show you aren't selfish or they can draw lots etc.  In the early days I think there were contests to decide who was on slop each week. 

Just to clarify - two primary ways of assigning HNs:

  1. Selection by the HoH.  The HoH will frequently ask other HGs to volunteer in an attempt to avoid hard feelings, but if nobody volunteers - or an insufficient number of HGs volunteer to fill the HN quota - the HoH has to pick.
  2. Fallout from poor performance during a competition.  In some cases it’s a byblow from a regular comp - Production saying the first three HGs to drop during an HoH comp will be HNs for the week, for example.  In other cases BB may stage a special reward/punishment comp, part of which may be HN assignment.  In still others, HGs may be given the option of voluntarily choosing HN status to gain a game advantage, like being a HN for the remainder of the season to gain Block immunity for the next N eviction rounds.



And in the earliest days the slop wasn't balanced nutritious but yucky tasting mushy stuff but just PBJ.  These days though it isn't mentioned much on the broadcasts because it is more some tradition then having any real effect on the game.

As @green stated, the earliest HN food was simply PB&J sandwiches, which then transitioned to steel-cut oats/oatmeal, to the concoction used today - which is still primarily steel-cut oats, but also includes stuff like whey protein powder, paprika, pickle juice, etc.  Production’s goal over the last few years appears to be focused on making the slop as gross as is humanly tolerable, while still maintaining something approaching nutritional balance.

  • Love 2
On 7/21/2018 at 2:53 PM, Wandering Snark said:

I totally agree about the wheel and I've said it before too! I hate that we miss all of the "I put your key first since you're my ride or die, your key was last because I wanted to make you sweat." etc. with the wheel o keys. I'd think in this day and age you can make a lighter wheel so that is especially BS. I miss all the shots around the table as people drew their keys and the disdain on people's faces when forced to tell the next person in line that they are safe even though they loathe them. It added a lot but of course they don't see that.

And you hit people with slop for three days (or my favorite penalty noms!) and they'll come into the diary room with very much composure, say hi to Julie, give her their vote and leave the room without saying another word. Guaranteed.

Then give the houseguests booze for those three days:-)

  • Love 1
On 7/22/2018 at 5:11 AM, Nashville said:

As @green stated, the earliest HN food was simply PB&J sandwiches, which then transitioned to steel-cut oats/oatmeal, to the concoction used today - which is still primarily steel-cut oats, but also includes stuff like whey protein powder, paprika, pickle juice, etc.  Production’s goal over the last few years appears to be focused on making the slop as gross as is humanly tolerable, while still maintaining something approaching nutritional balance.

Wasn't there also a brief time where we (America) voted on what the HNs could get, in addition to slop?  They were all alliterative choices in pairs, like macaroni and mangoes or guacamole and grapefruit.  They get a slew of condiments from which to choose, which probably makes some creations more palatable.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, GalvDuck said:

Wasn't there also a brief time where we (America) voted on what the HNs could get, in addition to slop?  They were all alliterative choices in pairs, like macaroni and mangoes or guacamole and grapefruit. 

Yes. At first it was a vote for the whole audience, but then it became a feeds-only vote. And then it just disappeared lol.

  • Love 2

I believe the last Have-Not comps were early in S15.  There was the one where the HGs had to fill up a bucket of sour milk thrown to them by their teammate, Survivor-style.  (Aaryn, showing her usual sensitivity in these matters, said that having African-American Howard throw the milk at her was "like being jizzed by King Kong".  She missed the part that Howard was trying to lose and get them [and Gina Marie and Kaitlyn] on slop, but couldn't because McCrae & Amanda sucked so badly, though.) 

And then there was the "Gina Marie swallows more FroYo than anyone ever should" comp, and I think that was it. 

The next season (16) we got "Battle of the Block" filling up the Sunday shows, instead.  You wouldn't think I could miss "guess your partner's weight in asparagus", but I sort of do.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

Come to think of it, there was a time when we voted for who got booted as well (based on the original Netherlands version).


3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yes, only in the first season.

Which is one of many reasons Season 1 was always the very best season.  Another was there was no such thing as showmances.

  • Love 1

I have to respectfully disagree. I think the first season was awful.  Viewers tend to vote out the people they dislike who, unfortunately, are usually the people who make the show interesting. Plus, since the houseguests knew the public was voting, there was really no motivation for them to do anything other than to see who could kiss up to the public the most. It resulted in, just my own personal opinion, a ridiculously boring season.

  • Love 4
39 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

I have to respectfully disagree. I think the first season was awful.  Viewers tend to vote out the people they dislike who, unfortunately, are usually the people who make the show interesting. Plus, since the houseguests knew the public was voting, there was really no motivation for them to do anything other than to see who could kiss up to the public the most. It resulted in, just my own personal opinion, a ridiculously boring season.

I wish I could watch the first season again.  I can’t even find it on YouTube unless it’s listed under an abbreviated title (I know people do that to keep the owners from finding copyrighted material).  

The main things I remember are Eddie when he walked outside of the house (which was truly outside back then) after he was announced as the winner and when he told Cassandra in the house, “Don’t write a check your ass can’t cash.”

Season 1 killed my interest so badly that I didn't watch again until I caught a commercial for All-Stars during another CBS reality show* and was sucked back in by Dr. Will.  I was nearly driven away the next year by the fucking Donatos (and the blatant rigging for Dickless), but then we had the writer's strike and I personally loved the winter season, trashy people and all.  And I've been hooked ever since.  But S1 and S8 are the only two years I won't keep saved on my computer; S8 on principle, and S1 just because it isn't the same show.

*-That other CBS show?  The musical audition program Rockstar: Supernova, which was such a disaster it killed that franchise deader than Gilby Clarke's career.  I was deeply amused when Clayton (Announcer Guy) recapped this episode's Angie/Brett drama on one of the upcoming "Previously on BIIIIIG Brother" segments by saying, "Rockstar went Supernova!". 

That's some nice institutional memory there with that shout-out; I mean, it was 2007, after all. Well done, writers.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

I wish I could watch the first season again.  I can’t even find it on YouTube unless it’s listed under an abbreviated title (I know people do that to keep the owners from finding copyrighted material).  

Well... S1 preceded YouTube by about a half-decade, so..... :>


1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

*-That other CBS show?  The musical audition program Rockstar: Supernova, which was such a disaster it killed that franchise deader than Gilby Clarke's career.  I was deeply amused when Clayton (Announcer Guy) recapped this episode's Angie/Brett drama on one of the upcoming "Previously on BIIIIIG Brother" segments by saying, "Rockstar went Supernova!". 

That's some nice institutional memory there with that shout-out; I mean, it was 2007, after all. Well done, writers.

I caught that as well, but didn’t say anything because I didn’t think anybody would know what the hell I was talking about. :D

I liked the first Rockstar season (RS:INXS); TPTB got truly lucky with that cast.  Season 2 (RS:Supernova) did kinda suck eggs, though, both during and after; I heard the show got tied up in so much litigation and other kerfluffle, the S2 winner (Lukas?) pretty much got screwed over on the Grand Performance/Tour which was supposed to be his 1st place prize.

I do miss Bwak Bwak*, though - and Dave Navarro as his best PPoD**.  ;>


* Bwak Bwak = Brooke Burke, assistant to the emcee (Dave).

** PPoD = Pocket Prince of Darkness (our TWoP nickname for Dave).

Edited by Nashville
Suffering from premature publication - they got a pill for THAT?
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I have to respectfully disagree. I think the first season was awful.  Viewers tend to vote out the people they dislike who, unfortunately, are usually the people who make the show interesting. Plus, since the houseguests knew the public was voting, there was really no motivation for them to do anything other than to see who could kiss up to the public the most. It resulted in, just my own personal opinion, a ridiculously boring season.

OT:  Different strokes.  I saw it as a game where strangers build a community and do positive things.  I like that way way better than trash stuff and find the positive in life far far more fascinating and interesting and yes, entertaining.  I loved that the boring people to me (the crappy, egotistical, drama people) went out the door week after week and the nicer people stayed.  I like that they had a garden and chickens.  I like that most of the last half of the cast truly got along and liked each other.  It was the most exciting and greatest season ever for me and will always remain so.

Then there was the 1984 part where cameras were on you 24/7 an it amazed me these people all seemed to forget the cameras the majority of the time.  It was truly the only BB that was a social experiment and it worked great.

What I find horribly boring is artificial showmances, soap opera drama (I HATE anything that smacks of soap operas), historonics, meaness, bullying etc that we have these days as well as casts of endless empty-headed mactors that bring no real life experiences into the house and are cast to fit the same stereotype niches every single season.

I like the season we have now more than any since maybe Season 3 because I liked Danielle.  But that is because it is a breath of fresh air from the depths of depravity and meanness and endless bullying (BOTH Cody and Paul) that was Season 19.  But even this season or Season 3 can't hold a candle to Season 1 for me. 

To me this season and Season 3 are good because of Tyler and Danielle.  Remove them from their seasons and then the joy of watching would be gone again.  So hang in there, Tylerwon Kenobi, you are our only hope.

Edited by green
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Well... S1 preceded YouTube by about a half-decade, so..... :>

True.  Yet I can find entire episodes of L.A. Law on YouTube. 
Somewhere out there, someone has S1 on VHS.  They just need to step up. :)  
Lord knows if I could put my entire VHS collection on YouTube, I could provide entertainment for ER, Patty Duke, and Facts of Life fans for hours.  I'm still trying to convert it all over the DVD so it doesn't take as much space during a hurricane evacuation.  

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2 hours ago, green said:

It was truly the only BB that was a social experiment and it worked great.

It really is like comparing apples and oranges, since they changed the format so drastically...it's basically an entirely different show. I feel like if they were both still on, I would definitely watch both but my devilish side would always prefer the trashier version.


2 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

Somewhere out there, someone has S1 on VHS.  They just need to step up.

 That made me laugh way too hard!

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6 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

I wish I could watch the first season again.  I can’t even find it on YouTube unless it’s listed under an abbreviated title (I know people do that to keep the owners from finding copyrighted material).  

You can watch it if you get CBS All Access. I think you can get a week free.

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2 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Wouldn't MP4's on flash drives be more compact and play on more devices?

If I knew how to do that, I would.  Just haven’t figured it out yet and I’ve had a VHS->DVD recorder since before that was possible.  I’m sure eventually I’ll be converting an MP4 movie and TV show collection to an implanted Illudium Q-34 memory diode (Q-36 would be explosive).

21 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

You can watch it if you get CBS All Access. I think you can get a week free.

I will check that out.  Thanks!

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