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S03.E08: Bizarre Love Triangle

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Could be. I just don't think making sandwiches on toast, then loading them on the boat to take to a beach picnic is a good idea, regardless of whether they had to be put in the refrige or not because of Hannah's bad timing. Sammy's on toast need to be eaten right away or they will taste like leftover crap. 

I was just kidding. I like Hannah, but can definitely see why she is so polarizing. I don't care for how she manages, or interacts with her stews, but I enjoy watching her. Adam just comes off like a jerk to me though. Plus, didn't he make the toasted sandwiches all of 2 hours after feeding the guests breakfast sandwiches? How innovative of him! Also, what's with the term "self proclaimed foodies"? Is that something another person is supposed to claim you as?

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ITA with the general comments about Captain Sandy's failure at leadership this season, but I hate how many times she has been called a bitch.

Captain Lee's worst offense is being salty, grouchy or a curmudgeon.

Captain Sandy misbehaves, and the go-to term for her is a bitch.

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1 hour ago, PumpkinPK said:

ITA with the general comments about Captain Sandy's failure at leadership this season, but I hate how many times she has been called a bitch.

Captain Lee's worst offense is being salty, grouchy or a curmudgeon.

Captain Sandy misbehaves, and the go-to term for her is a bitch.

I agree that we need to be mindful of the language we use in regards to Sandy's complaints and attitude. However, I actually did a search for how many times bitch or bitchy or bitch (verb) was used in this episode thread. It was used 5 or 6 times for Sandy....and 5 or 6 times for Adam. It was also used another 5 times to describe Conrad and Hannah complaining to each other. Passive aggressive was used 5 times to describe Sandy as well.

Edited by HunterHunted
Added bitch as a verb to make it more clear
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I tend to use "bitch" exclusively as a verb (which can be applied to anyone). I think using it as a noun (and it's always used against a woman) is to be avoided. So I wonder about your stats above; I doubt anyone actually called Adam a "bitch" though they (and I'm thinking that I'm one of them) may have said he "bitched" about something. Personally I think the connotation is quite different between a noun and a verb. 

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:


Adam making sandwiches on toast for the beach picnic. Then they go in the refrige. Sandwiches on cold, wilted toast. Great job, chef!

I see nothing Bizarre about this love triangle. Boring love triangle, yes. Bizarre, no.


3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Could be. I just don't think making sandwiches on toast, then loading them on the boat to take to a beach picnic is a good idea, regardless of whether they had to be put in the refrige or not because of Hannah's bad timing. Sammy's on toast need to be eaten right away or they will taste like leftover crap. 

I thought the same thing...cold toast!!  I mean - really - they are in freakin' Italy - where the bread is sooo wonderful!  Why not on some lovely ciabatta bread, or amazing rustic loaf bread?  For a group of guests that are "self-proclaimed foodies" (as Adam said), they certainly didn't seem too discerning, which worked in Adam's favor this time around!  

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Sandy is a fucking fool  JWow reminds me SO much of Joran Vandersloot and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up like him.  I'd love to Tweet Sandy and tell her that shit, she probably doesn't even know who Joran Vandersloot even is.

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3 hours ago, PumpkinPK said:

ITA with the general comments about Captain Sandy's failure at leadership this season, but I hate how many times she has been called a bitch.

Captain Lee's worst offense is being salty, grouchy or a curmudgeon.

Captain Sandy misbehaves, and the go-to term for her is a bitch.

I'll go ahead and say it. Capt'n Lee is a bitch, too!

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I call them as I see them. Sandy's a bitch. She has been showing me who she is. 

I'm not fond of Hannah but all Sandy has done is bitch at her whether it's warranted or not. She's bitching about toast, bitching that Hannah's provisioning, bitching about this bitching about that, on and on and on.

I'm sure he can be bitchy at times and be a bastard but I don't think I've ever seen Captain Lee do the amount of bitching episode, after episode, after episode that Sandy does. 

Sandy is way past due to be told to "fuck off". For all her talk that Hannah should be building Kasey up Sandy is doing a great job of ripping Hannah down time and time again.


Edited by Giselle
98.6 degrees
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I think Sandy is jealous of Conrad as well.   She definitely had a little crush on Hannah last year, but I also think Sandy will do anything to be on camera and that’s my biggest issue with her.  Instead of showing us what a bad-Ass captain she is, she’s getting involved in the crew’s personal business.  


Im happy to see Hannah getting a little love.   She’s come off a bit desperate in past seasons, so it’s nice to see her be chased a little.  


I think Hannah’s biggest issue with her portrayal on this show is that her counterpart, Kate, on the original Below Deck rarely  (if ever) lets anyone see her sweat.   She just handles the unanticipated better and she would have no problem telling Adam that his food is mediocre at best.  In fact, I’d love to see Kate take on Adam.  

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3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Sandy is a fucking fool  JWow reminds me SO much of Joran Vandersloot and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up like him.  I'd love to Tweet Sandy and tell her that shit, she probably doesn't even know who Joran Vandersloot even is.

She’d just praise Joran for being a real go getter and thinking ahead 

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10 hours ago, PumpkinPK said:

ITA with the general comments about Captain Sandy's failure at leadership this season, but I hate how many times she has been called a bitch.

Captain Lee's worst offense is being salty, grouchy or a curmudgeon.

Captain Sandy misbehaves, and the go-to term for her is a bitch.

If the croc fits...


in any case, bitchiness can be applied to either gender. I certainly find Adam to be a big, whiny bitch too. *shrugs*

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Hannah may not have liked the Croc shoes but I thought it completely rude of her to throw one into the water. As someone above said leave them for someone else or donate them.  Then she got after Conrad about if he messed up her Y St Laurent blouse, the could he afford to buy her a new one? For someone who thinks that she has taste and pricey clothes,  it takes a lot of money to look that cheap. 

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At the beginning I liked Sandy for calling out the staff but now I feel the opposite.  She's coming off as not playing with a full deck (no pun intended), especially for someone of her age and captain status.


I don't want this to sound like a 'they're asking for it' thing, but the male of the species.... as they go through life seeing this stereotypical image of women who keep making bad partner choices, stay/love their abusers, etc.... I believe it instills in many males a lack of respect for women to where the idea that, "they only like you if you treat them like dirt"  simply perpetuates misogynist behavior

Edited by 100Proof
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Newsflash Adam you could have put ginger in the chicken soup, I realize that probably blows your mind. Also, when I am sick only a few things appeal to me because I know I might be revisiting them so it’s not all about curing the nausea.

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5 hours ago, 100Proof said:

I don't want this to sound like a 'they're asking for it' thing, but the male of the species.... as they go through life seeing this stereotypical image of women who keep making bad partner choices, stay/love their abusers, etc.... I believe it instills in many males a lack of respect for women to where the idea that, "they only like you if you treat them like dirt"  simply perpetuates misogynist behavior

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, okay. What attracts men to women has not only changed across time, but across cultures too. The counter to your argument is the need for female representation in positions of power and a persistent question about why dipshit regulars feel like they deserve a physical "10." This is cultural. These doofs are idiots and misogynists. There is no woman who is a "5" who feels like she deserves a "10", but there are plenty of average  guys who feel like they deserve Giselle Bundchen. This is a cultural delusion.

Also the idea that seeing particular women making terrible decisions in regards to their potential partners pushes men to misogyny is...bullshit. What makes these men think they were entitled to these women? What makes these men think they were wronged by these women? What makes these men think that these women's choices in partners have anything to do with them or the larger culture? I've met with plenty of "beautiful" women who have been with shit partners because of their own dumb fucked up family issues. Generalizing it to all women only highlights the misogyny in this mindset. I've also met "beautiful" women who are with guys, who aren't "beautiful," for various reasons--could be money, intellect, emotional, or shared passions.

Kasey and Brooke seem to want Joao because he's available, ugghattractive, and most importantly demonstrates that he's interested in them. Colin has done a half-assed job of showing his interest in Brooke, Adam has seemed to have learned his lesson after his bonkers romance with Malia, and Conrad is with Hannah leaving Joao, future murderer. This isn't so much women being into jerks as it is women being into who is available and has interest in them. Furthermore, traditional gender norms really fuck women up too because we, women, often sit back and wait for men to approach us so we're often subject to selection bias. This is nonsense because it often leaves us with our picks of crapbags.

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Most of what you are on about has not much to do with my observation. The first 2 paragraphs means uckfall to my point and as for the 3rd, what I called making bad choices you called being available. :)

You're observing from a female pov. I'm talking male behavior.

Edited by 100Proof
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What I'm on about??? I'm a woman talking about the behavior of normal people and you're talking about the behavior of misogynists and douches. I'm trying to figure out how to navigate this and not create a flame war. However, what you argue is widely considered to be misogyny.

Edited by HunterHunted
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10 hours ago, 100Proof said:

I don't want this to sound like a 'they're asking for it' thing, but the male of the species.... as they go through life seeing this stereotypical image of women who keep making bad partner choices, stay/love their abusers, etc.... I believe it instills in many males a lack of respect for women to where the idea that, "they only like you if you treat them like dirt"  simply perpetuates misogynist behavior


Cool. And I believe observations like this are why women are exhausted by men constantly finding a loophole in any blame for their bad behavior or misogyny. Women making bad choices isn’t a green light to men to treat women like garbage. If men are going to do this, they were anyway and they’ll find reasons to justify this later. Obviously. 

Edited by VagueDisclaimer
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I didn't see any comments about this so I'm thinking I may have imagined it.  Did the guy in the hot tub really have his mouth on a woman's breast in front of their friends and the cameras, or was I seeing things?  

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Adam always complains that Hannah doesn't communicate with him but he doesn't communicate with her either. Before he started those sandwiches he should have asked her what time the the food needed to leave the boat. Then he could have prepared them accordingly so they would be fresh. He also takes no initiative. Brooke told him two guests weren't coming up for dinner because they were sick. He could have radioed Hannah right then and asked if he should make some ginger tea. 

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Adam thinks he's more of a chef than get actually is. He's really just a cook, not a chef. He can bust out meals like diner line cook but does nothing more inspiring than that. 

All that chest puffing, bloviating, arrogance after his Michelin meal showed how lacking he really is and was mockable. Giving something just this side of a egg McMuffin for breakfast then a few hours later a sack lunch sandwich on toasted white baloon bread is less than mediocre.  Oh wait no, he also skewered it with a cherry tomato... brilliant! Steak and creamed spinach... one should weep at the artistry.   :-l

Nothing he has shown us is unique nor independently tweeked to make it unique. He's no Ben. 


Adam is the Sandra Lee of boat chefs.

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13 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I didn't see any comments about this so I'm thinking I may have imagined it.  Did the guy in the hot tub really have his mouth on a woman's breast in front of their friends and the cameras, or was I seeing things?  

Yes, you saw that correctly. Doing that probably got them to stop filming at that point. If they (the guests) are comfortable with doing that in front of their friends (and filming crew) no telling how much more happened that we didn’t see. 

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3 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Yes, you saw that correctly. Doing that probably got them to stop filming at that point. If they (the guests) are comfortable with doing that in front of their friends (and filming crew) no telling how much more happened that we didn’t see. 


Hope they changed the water in the hot tub and gave it a good scrubbing.

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21 hours ago, Jsage said:

Adam always complains that Hannah doesn't communicate with him but he doesn't communicate with her either. Before he started those sandwiches he should have asked her what time the the food needed to leave the boat. Then he could have prepared them accordingly so they would be fresh. He also takes no initiative. Brooke told him two guests weren't coming up for dinner because they were sick. He could have radioed Hannah right then and asked if he should make some ginger tea. 

I'm trying to think if we've ever seen him answer his radio or radio Hannah. I think we've seen him answer his radio only a couple of times. Ben was also better at answering his radio, but in Adam's defense all of the chefs are bad about their radios.

He does really need to take some initiative. He hates getting a million different breakfast requests, but doesn't seem to have a basic breakfast ready to go so that guests are full before they can even start requesting things. This is something Ben did. He'd have pastries, french toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit, and a specialty omelette ready and didn't seem to get too many special requests.

The reality is that Ben and Kate were much better at nudging the guests to do things their way. For example, Kate's tour of the boat always included time when they'd talk to Ben (or Leon or Matt) about food and he'd pitch them ideas about meals. Adam sometimes talks to the guests about food, but it's not a regular part of the tour and he has to initiate that contact. Hannah and Adam aren't as strong on their hospitality game as they would like to believe. I'm kind of shocked that Hannah knowing how often she screws up or is accused of screwing up the descriptions of dishes doesn't just give the guests printed menus or Adam requesting that typing up a menu just becomes a dedicated duty of the second stew since Hannah seems to have an aversion to making them.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Capt. Sandy's veneers make her sound like she has a hot baked potato in her mouth.  And, although I will always have a girl crush on Hannah, it appears her bras are heavily padded. Which in no way detracts from her (IMO) sexiness, she is definitely rockin' the Victoria Secret/La Perla bra oomphing! 

Anyway, I'm anxiously awaiting the return of Below Deck: Ben and Kate style!! ❤

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On 7/11/2018 at 2:34 PM, bichonblitz said:

Ok,  J'Wowwww I'm sure all of Zimbabwe knows you and your reputation! You are such a stud muffin. Narcissistic a'hole.

I'd bet he means "all of white Zimbabwe," which is still a self-centered exaggeration, of course.

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On 7/12/2018 at 4:54 PM, HunterHunted said:

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, okay. What attracts men to women has not only changed across time, but across cultures too. The counter to your argument is the need for female representation in positions of power and a persistent question about why dipshit regulars feel like they deserve a physical "10." This is cultural. These doofs are idiots and misogynists. There is no woman who is a "5" who feels like she deserves a "10", but there are plenty of average  guys who feel like they deserve Giselle Bundchen. This is a cultural delusion.

Also the idea that seeing particular women making terrible decisions in regards to their potential partners pushes men to misogyny is...bullshit. What makes these men think they were entitled to these women? What makes these men think they were wronged by these women? What makes these men think that these women's choices in partners have anything to do with them or the larger culture? I've met with plenty of "beautiful" women who have been with shit partners because of their own dumb fucked up family issues. Generalizing it to all women only highlights the misogyny in this mindset. I've also met "beautiful" women who are with guys, who aren't "beautiful," for various reasons--could be money, intellect, emotional, or shared passions.

Kasey and Brooke seem to want Joao because he's available, ugghattractive, and most importantly demonstrates that he's interested in them. Colin has done a half-assed job of showing his interest in Brooke, Adam has seemed to have learned his lesson after his bonkers romance with Malia, and Conrad is with Hannah leaving Joao, future murderer. This isn't so much women being into jerks as it is women being into who is available and has interest in them. Furthermore, traditional gender norms really fuck women up too because we, women, often sit back and wait for men to approach us so we're often subject to selection bias. This is nonsense because it often leaves us with our picks of crapbags.

Love.  You. 

I was sitting here shaking,  trying to decide how to respond.  You,  my lady,  are a champion. 

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3 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Anyway, I'm anxiously awaiting the return of Below Deck: Ben and Kate style!! ❤

Didn't Ben quit the show?  I don't have any kind of social media so I don't follow anyone out side of here. I swear though that I read here that he had left the show. 

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37 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

Didn't Ben quit the show?  I don't have any kind of social media so I don't follow anyone out side of here. I swear though that I read here that he had left the show. 

I don't follow anyone on social media either! Maybe that's why I didn't know Kate and Ben were no longer on the show. I found both of them to be very entertaining and not necessarily in a good way! Lol.

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14 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

I don't follow anyone on social media either! Maybe that's why I didn't know Kate and Ben were no longer on the show. I found both of them to be very entertaining and not necessarily in a good way! Lol.

Kate is still on the show. They filmed a few months ago.

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Brooke was on Watch What Happens Live tonight. I was surprised to learn Andy Cohen has been on 5 charters with Brooke as a stew. He said she was amazing at her job. I guess she's the real deal. Colin was in the audience. He looked even more attractive than on the show. They really missed an opportunity not featuring him more this season instead of jackass Jaowooooowww.

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Brooke was on Watch What Happens Live tonight. I was surprised to learn Andy Cohen has been on 5 charters with Brooke as a stew. He said she was amazing at her job. I guess she's the real deal. Colin was in the audience. He looked even more attractive than on the show. They really missed an opportunity not featuring him more this season instead of jackass Jaowooooowww.

It wasn't 5 charters. It was 5 times he was a guest on a yacht. He's been a guest on billionaire Barry Diller and his wife, Diane Von Furstenberg's, yacht, Eos, a number of times. Eos is a 3 masted schooner and one of the largest privately owned sailing yachts. Diller does not charter it.


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17 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Ok, he was a guest 5 times. Brooke was still a stew each time. Which brings me back to my point which was that he said she was awesome. So not all of the Below Deck crew is fake. 

For real. Crewing a ship like Eos is probably one of more prestigious yachting gigs. Eos is berthed in the Cayman Islands, but Diller will sometimes just leave it docked in New York or LA, where he has homes and works, for a month on the off chance that he wants to take Eos somewhere, which is a great way for foreign crew to explore those cities. You've got a bunk instead of having to pay for an expensive hotel, you're still getting a salary, and you get lots of time to explore whatever city he docks in for an extended period.

I believe all of the cast's experience has been fairly truthful except for when we've had flat out liars like Kasey or Andrew Sturby. Colin is a ferry captain. Eddie was a tugboat captain. Malia worked dive boats. Most of the others haven't had experiences that were nearly as prestigious as Brooke's, but they were all knowledgeable enough to be intimidated by the Maltese Falcon and Emir of Qatar's yacht. I think Hannah has had significant yacht experience, but she's clearly kind of over it even for the 6 weeks it takes to film this show. It's why she comes off as kind of lazy and incompetent now.

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I really hope they don't bring Captain Sandy back. She brings nothing to the show and her management skills undermine the whole show. Jaoa figured out that Captain Sandy is the only person who can fire him, so he no longer feels the need to even listen to Conrad. He just does whatever he wants. And he told Kasey to do the same. And Sandy reinforces this bad behavior. If she doesn't like Hannah or Conrad she should fire them or demote them, but instead she's made them powerless. Everybody on the boat is essentially at the same level, so when they fight and bitch at each other nothing gets resolved because no one has any authority to make decisions (except Captain Sandy). 


Oh, and Adam's "inspiration" from his Michelin rated meal sure wore off in a hurry. Bitching about making soup?

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On 7/13/2018 at 10:54 AM, Giselle said:

Adam thinks he's more of a chef than get actually is. He's really just a cook, not a chef. He can bust out meals like diner line cook but does nothing more inspiring than that. 

All that chest puffing, bloviating, arrogance after his Michelin meal showed how lacking he really is and was mockable. Giving something just this side of a egg McMuffin for breakfast then a few hours later a sack lunch sandwich on toasted white baloon bread is less than mediocre.  Oh wait no, he also skewered it with a cherry tomato... brilliant! Steak and creamed spinach... one should weep at the artistry.   :-l

Nothing he has shown us is unique nor independently tweeked to make it unique. He's no Ben. 


Adam is the Sandra Lee of boat chefs.

YES!!!!  I was watching a marathon of BD Season 1 a couple of weeks ago, and the food that Ben was putting out looked amazing - fresh, locally sourced ingredients (he even visited a local hydroponic greenhouse for fresh vegetables, herbs and greens), inventive menu options and beautiful presentation....EXCEPT for the wedding cake for one set of guests.  That cake was pretty dreadful, but he banged it out in one afternoon.

I would love to see Adam and Ben in a "cook-off" - Adam would be shamed!!  ;-)

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On 7/12/2018 at 6:56 PM, Jsage said:

Adam always complains that Hannah doesn't communicate with him but he doesn't communicate with her either. Before he started those sandwiches he should have asked her what time the the food needed to leave the boat. Then he could have prepared them accordingly so they would be fresh. He also takes no initiative. Brooke told him two guests weren't coming up for dinner because they were sick. He could have radioed Hannah right then and asked if he should make some ginger tea. 

Hannah actually told Adam at 10:55 that "11:45 would be awesome" for the sandwiches.  Then at 11:55 she is shown telling Kasey about the picnic and what needs to be done.  A bunch of them leave with coolers to set up.  Then at 12:45 Hannah comes into the galley and says about the sandwiches "these will be fine if they're in the shade for 45 minutes?" and Adam says "you told me to have them ready an hour ago."  Which from what we were shown is correct and true if the time stamps are not a lie and the sentences are not cobbled together.  If after her telling him "11:45 would be awesome," he radioed her and asked what time she wanted the sandwiches before starting them I'm pretty sure we'd have been treated to another scene of her rolling her eyes and bitching.

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On 7/12/2018 at 8:26 PM, Maharincess said:

I didn't see any comments about this so I'm thinking I may have imagined it.  Did the guy in the hot tub really have his mouth on a woman's breast in front of their friends and the cameras, or was I seeing things?  

Yes.  Yes he did.  

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