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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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Oh, it's so strange when we finally get to Day 90-whatever and I close the browser tab I've kept open all summer. It'll be very quiet without the constant pings whenever there's a new post...

Thanks, as always, to the feed watchers who suffer through it all so the rest of us can snark and to everyone in general for being such glad company. Didn't watch CBB1, don't know if I'll watch CBB2, but I'll see everyone around the site regardless. And I'm sure I'll be back for more next summer, unless I actually audition for and get cast on Season 21. (And if I'm here, it means the token old-ish guy is secretly Nashville.)

  • Love 21
10 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

So, who's applying for next season? LOL

(I'm actually at a curious point in life where I probably could get away with dropping out for three months—just to be voted out first as the token "old" guy, heh—but reading all the posts about post-BB disorientation is a good reminder of why I won't.)

I applied for both seasons 4 and 5 and at that time I was a young guy.  If I applied now I would be the first out the door as the token old guy.

9 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

Yeah, what's the signal? Should I do the Wakanda salute and whisper "PTV!" at the cameras when nobody's looking?

ETA: Wait, I know what the signal is. "Hi, Julie! You're looking scrumdiddlyumptious today! I sadly vote to evict ______. FUCK YOU, FESSY!"

That'd be so great, though. Sixteen people all looking around and making the Tyler panic face right in front of Julie. First HoH comp and everybody immediately throws it. All six players walking very slowly on the first round of OTEV. Production would go completely nuts because the entire cast would effectively be trolling them 24/7.

Reminds me of something someone posted on TWOP years ago.  During the first season of Survivor Greg got others on the Pagong tribe to vote for Just Peachy and I think the first round of voting ended up being a three-way tie with Peachy getting two votes (Might have been three I read it so long ago I cannot remember).

8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I am so sad that I'm stuck with applying for the Canadian version. I want to play Big Brother US! The one episode of BBCAN I saw (I was flipping by, stayed for five minutes, and then moved on), they were doing some cringe-y forced product placement advertising. "This end table! From The Brick! So beautiful! This faucet! From Lowe's! Look at the water flow!" At least BBUS only tries to shove its bad CBS shows on the HGs. 

Canadian versions of American television can be so fucking cringe-y that I usually don't watch them for longer than the five minutes I need to confirm it'll suck balls. 

The fucking Brick!  Oh how I hate The Brick!...being an American I had never even heard of the place.  However, after watching most of the BBCan seasons (I did not see all of seasons four and saw the first episode of season six) I can honestly say I am sick of BBCan constantly pimping out The Brick!  I know it is there number one sponsor and all but it is just as annoying as hearing...Grover? Grover Johnson! over and over again.

BBCan has had its good seasons and its bad seasons.  The first two seasons were pretty good, the third was decent, the fourth (from what I saw of it) sucked, and the fifth was really good.

7 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

Over the years, I've grown dependent on spoilers. Some people hate them, but I love them. I am not good about being in suspense for certain shows (this, early seasons of Walking Dead, etc.) Being a west coaster, I'll be trying to follow along tonight early to see what happens - there is no way I can wait  and watch it live. Plus, it overlaps with American Horror Story, and I have to watch that instead, lol.

I hate reading spoilers for scripted shows and TAR (Though I did read the spoilers for the upcoming TAR season).  But I love reading spoilers for Big Brother, The Challenge and Survivor.  Sadly the Survivor spoilers have really dried up in recent seasons and now I have to watch it unspoiled which I think is part of the reason why I am losing interest in the show, well that and the dumbass themes. 

4 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Was she sitting next to Kato Kaelin? Hello, casting for Celeb BB season 2!

That would be epic casting right there.  Also, I said it this year and I am going to say it again...they need Gary Busey on there ASAP.


4 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Not that excited for Venom.

Tom Hardy should not be allowed to do an American accent.  His American accent is absolutely terrible.  Hell Dick Van Dyke's English accent in Mary Poppins is better than Tom Hardy's American accent.

4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

You know the first episode of New Who when the 9th Doctor took on those plastic mannequin like aliens? That's what Dr. Will looks like.

You are talking about the Autons.  If you think they were creepy during new Who, you should see them in their debut episode Spearhead from Space (Which was also the great Jon Pertwee's debut as the 3rd Doctor).  The Autons from 1970 were creepy because they were so low budget looking which added to the creepy factor.


3 hours ago, ImaTart said:

BB 20 season has ended.  Finally!!! ??????

You think this is bad try watching Australian Survivor.  The game is fifty days long and I think it is going to end up being fifty episodes long.  They do stuff like non-eliminations and the new one was they made a guy the dead man walking which means that he was still in the game but could not vote for two Tribal Councils.  Yeah so the had a non-elimination episode just to make him the dead man walking.  I mean don't get me wrong I like the show but it is just too long.

3 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I think Sam was the person Tyler mishandled. It's not his fault exactly -- I don't think he ever predicted that Sam had such "old-fashioned" views about men/women and she'd be so harsh about Tangela. 

Yeah he should have really put more work in with Sam.  She did not want to be made a fool of and in her mind Tyler did just that.

3 hours ago, willco said:

On a really shallow note, Haleigh looked really hot tonight. And when she speaks, she usually sounds much more mature than  her years. She's got potential to go far in this world.

Haleigh looked amazing tonight, she's a triple threat.  She's cute, pretty, and sexy.  Okay no more shallow comments from me...well except for my comment below on the lovely Miss Panabaker.

3 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I think Tyler's mistake was pretending to be so close to Sam and Scottie and then them finding out he didn't really care about either of them. Both of them cannot handle rejection and are deeply insecure people. 

This times a thousand.  I do not care how much either wants to spin it they were both probably crushed to hear him say that he was basically using them.  I am not sure why he would say that but he did.

2 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Fun Sky High fact: Danielle Panabaker of Flash was in that movie

Not going to lie I've got a tiny crush on here.  Love Killer Frost.

  • Love 1

Tyler telling the jury that he only pretended to be Scottie's best friend so he'd be put on the block if Tyler used his power lost him Scottie's vote. Also, the way he said that he was just using Sam was what I felt tipped her over the edge of not voting for him and lost him the game. Part of the game is jury management and realizing that Foutte were emotional jurors. They were not level 6 who think on game level or logically. If Tyler had said he was loyal to his alliance until he couldn't be, that he honored his F2 with Kaycee and he was sorry for breaking the other's deals he made, that could have swayed a vote IMO. 

Either way, I'm happy for KC, she never made a deal she couldn't keep, she treated everyone with kindness and I'm happy that JC went home empty handed. Also, I may have watched the Brinston reunion a few times. :)

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:


Tyler was very chill and nice to everyone. Bayleigh's perceived "slight" from Tyler came from one morning where he didn't say hello to her and this somehow constituted him treating her like "trash". 

 I chuckled when, in his final speech, Tyler apologized to her and her Royal Graciousness responded with "'Bout time!" No class there. SCAB deserve each other!

Damn, Nashville, that's the best one yet.  I wonder how long it's going to take for CBS to get over picking at it.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 3

I think the original four jury members really did do a pact, but, hey, if that happens, that happens, you're not owed anything. So while I think it's a dumb thing to do on their part, they're allowed to vote any way that they want and you just have to prepare for that. I do think, though, that Dan might be right and we've now set a new sort of standard when it comes to blindsides and stuff like that and that that type of play won't be rewarded the way it used to be going forward. That's just something future players will have to factor into their gameplay. 

Kaycee's a great winner. I would have her first on my personal fourth tier (for players who were part of big alliances but didn't control said alliance), ahead of players like Rachel, Ian, Steve and Jordan. She is a very worthy winner and her win made the whole season quite palatable. 

  • Love 7

Kaitlyn has an Instagram story right now where she sees Steve, Swaggy, and Winston. She says, “Steve, Daddy and an engaged man, and a man in a military...[it cuts off].  I’m embarrassed by how many times I’ve watched, trying to figure out if she’s saying Daddy about Steve or Swaggy. I’m thinking if Bay is, it will be officially public very soon  

Edited by Lsk02

Very happy with Kaycee's win. She and Tyler both played good games, but she got herself to F3 and to F2.  Tyler had to be taken. Yes, props for being part of a strong, loyal alliance, but bottom line....Kaycee got herself to the end and Tyler didn't.  Tyler placing second and winning AFP felt right too.

Have to give JC props for staying up for almost an hour on the rocket competition. That was rough.

Loved when the subject of engagements was brought up to Fessy and Haleigh, and Fessy's reply was, "Well, Bayleigh and Swaggy have known each other their whole lives, so that wasn't unexpected."  Ross really cracked up.

Definitely feel Tyler/Angela will stay together much longer than Fessy/Haleigh or Swaggy/Bayleigh. But you never know.

Even with the ridiculous proposal, it was a really good finale. Most have left a bad taste in my mouth, but not this one.

  • Love 5

Bayleigh really ended up as a true disappointment, but at the same time, I didn't think she was QUITE as bad as Swaggy, and yet, it turned out that she really was. Ugh. So gross. I mean, whatever, it's their lives, if they want to make a joke of it to get some attention, it doesn't hurt us any, but it's so sad, as well. 

  • Love 16

The more I think about it the more I think that KC's win is sort of like how in gymnastics they always say "stick the landing." 

Tyler dominated the first half of the game. He even dominated early jury. But then slowly as he got more involved with Angela he let relationships with the other HG's slip. He started treating Scottie like a nuisance and forgot that Scottie was supposed to be his "best friend." He rarely talked to Sam anymore. He and Angela would often be holed up in a bed giggling together and although they were mostly talking about life stuff the optics wasn't good. Scottie and Sam were probably the reason he lost the game. Both of them are insecure, damaged people. Tyler should have been able to read that, and know not to blindside them or crow about his own game in the goodbye messages.

KC really stuck the landing. She went on a competition run but more importantly she never forgot to maintain a friendly relationship with people even if she knew they were goners. 

I also think Tyler's jury speech kept talking about how he was a superfan, and as a superfan he had to pretend to be friends with Scottie and use Sam as a wildcard because he knew she had the power. But most of the jury I think was recruited. This "I'm a superfan" stuff wasn't going to really impress them. 

  • Love 11
5 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Bayleigh really ended up as a true disappointment, but at the same time, I didn't think she was QUITE as bad as Swaggy, and yet, it turned out that she really was. Ugh. So gross. I mean, whatever, it's their lives, if they want to make a joke of it to get some attention, it doesn't hurt us any, but it's so sad, as well. 

I go back and forth on the two. I first felt bad for Bayleigh at the beginning of the season because of Swaggy and his ego. Then I felt bad for Swaggy for getting stuck with an entitled princess. Now I'm back to feeling marginally bad for Bayleigh because of the engagement and possible pregnancy. Yeah, she partially dug her own grave here, but being forced into saying yes to a public LIVE proposal is embarrassing and now she's stuck on how long she should stay with Swaggy. Instead of getting to know him better outside of the house, since they only knew each other for 23 days, she's now forced to be engaged to this douchebag who only proposed for attention. And unfortunately, he wins no matter what. He probably doesn't care that he's getting negative attention since it's still attention. But Bayleigh is likely starting to see the signs of a very immature man who probably won't grow up for her. 

Sure, Bayleigh isn't exactly mature herself, but I think these two are going to struggle as a couple for a while. She really should break off the engagement, but now that the spotlight is on her, as easy as it is to say that she can just break it off, she really can't. At least, she can't just break it off now and she couldn't say no on live TV. Swaggy swindled her into being in a relationship for at least a few months. So yeah, Bayleigh's not the best person, but I would feel bad for anyone stuck in this situation. If she breaks it off now, she looks like the bad person in the situation. People can be quite crazy, so I'm hoping for the best with these two. Plus, we can rest easy knowing that when their break up inevitably comes, it'll be Bayleigh who does the dumping.

However, until then, which won't be for at least a few months, enjoy Swayleigh's Youtube channel. GANG GANG. 

  • Love 6

An excruciatingly dull end to a dull season. I could barely get through the finale with my eyes open and I even started it way late so I could fast forward all the shit I didn't care about lol.

Kaycee is a horrible speaker, but lucky for her Tyler was super bad as well lol. I swear, he gave up his game the second Bay went off on him. He read so many people wrong. It's actually kind of hilarious.

The most annoying part of the finale was Tyler's fake "I thought America hated me" bullshit when he won AFP. In fairness though, I fast forwarded through the proposal.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I go back and forth on the two. I first felt bad for Bayleigh at the beginning of the season because of Swaggy and his ego. Then I felt bad for Swaggy for getting stuck with an entitled princess. Now I'm back to feeling marginally bad for Bayleigh because of the engagement and possible pregnancy. Yeah, she partially dug her own grave here, but being forced into saying yes to a public LIVE proposal is embarrassing and now she's stuck on how long she should stay with Swaggy. Instead of getting to know him better outside of the house, since they only knew each other for 23 days, she's now forced to be engaged to this douchebag who only proposed for attention. And unfortunately, he wins no matter what. He probably doesn't care that he's getting negative attention since it's still attention. But Bayleigh is likely starting to see the signs of a very immature man who probably won't grow up for her. 

Sure, Bayleigh isn't exactly mature herself, but I think these two are going to struggle as a couple for a while. She really should break off the engagement, but now that the spotlight is on her, as easy as it is to say that she can just break it off, she really can't. At least, she can't just break it off now and she couldn't say no on live TV. Swaggy swindled her into being in a relationship for at least a few months. So yeah, Bayleigh's not the best person, but I would feel bad for anyone stuck in this situation. If she breaks it off now, she looks like the bad person in the situation. People can be quite crazy, so I'm hoping for the best with these two. Plus, we can rest easy knowing that when their break up inevitably comes, it'll be Bayleigh who does the dumping.

However, until then, which won't be for at least a few months, enjoy Swayleigh's Youtube channel. GANG GANG. 

It really is a fascinating situation, in that I, too, want to feel bad for Bayleigh for being stuck with Swaggy, and yet, this really does seem to be nirvana for Bayleigh. Fucked up "I can't believe that this is actually what you want out of life" nirvana, but nirvana nonetheless. All the attention is being paid to her. All eyes on her. She gets to be the "queen" for the next few days. You can tell that she's lapping this shit up, even though it clearly, clearly, CLEARLY a terrible idea. 

So I think she's basically made her own bed here, but it's such a bad situation that I can't help but still feel bad for her. 

  • Love 6

I received an unexpected box yesterday and didn't open it until this morning because today is my birthday.  I just opened it and...   It was my HOH robe* and those plastic mugs/straws they've been carrying around the house all summer!  It said "Happy Birthday Thalia from your favorite season of BB in a long time!!!!"

Okay, I made that last bit up.  But it was implied!   

Thanks everyone for a great summer!   I'm always happy to know I'll see you guys here next July! 

*I'm five four, and if I was much taller, it would really be more of a HOH "bed jacket."  One size only, and kind of short.  

  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

An excruciatingly dull end to a dull season. I could barely get through the finale with my eyes open and I even started it way late so I could fast forward all the shit I didn't care about lol.

Kaycee is a horrible speaker, but lucky for her Tyler was super bad as well lol. I swear, he gave up his game the second Bay went off on him. He read so many people wrong. It's actually kind of hilarious.

The most annoying part of the finale was Tyler's fake "I thought America hated me" bullshit when he won AFP. In fairness though, I fast forwarded through the proposal.

The frustrating part of the finale was that Tyler really didn't get a chance to talk about his moves. Let's face it; 4 minutes total in a 90 minute finale to explain your game in the last 99 days is not enough time. Yes, Tyler made the mistake in not being honest before the finale. That is on him and partially why he lost. However, the F2 stuff is pretty sucky for them. They're already nervous and trying to explain why they should win and Julie interrupting both of them to tell them to hurry it up isn't exactly helpful. The jury needs to hear the F2 speak to them longer than 45 seconds at a time (and it felt like less time for Tyler at one point). Even if he should have talked to them much earlier, the F2 speeches still need more time so that they can lay out their game. This format really DOES suck. Taran from RHAP was pointing out how much better the old format was. I never watched those seasons so I only know what I hear from others, but 2 hours to explain your game instead of 4 minutes sounds much better. Dan Gheesling has come out and said that if BB14 had the old format, he could have won that season. 

Plus, Kaycee definitely would not have won if the old format was in place. This format for the finale ensures that someone who is simply nice will win the game. Derrick was lucky with his jury as well. Some seasons don't have a jury that think strategically, or they simply need more time to be convinced. 

I don't think Tyler's "I thought America hated me" was bullshit. I think his thought process was that people hated him for getting into a showmance...which is fair. As a superfan, he knows how polarizing showmances can be.

Kaycee didn't say anything of value and she still won. It's lucky that she's a really nice person, but she was a horrible gameplayer.

2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

It really is a fascinating situation, in that I, too, want to feel bad for Bayleigh for being stuck with Swaggy, and yet, this really does seem to be nirvana for Bayleigh. Fucked up "I can't believe that this is actually what you want out of life" nirvana, but nirvana nonetheless. All the attention is being paid to her. All eyes on her. She gets to be the "queen" for the next few days. You can tell that she's lapping this shit up, even though it clearly, clearly, CLEARLY a terrible idea. 

So I think she's basically made her own bed here, but it's such a bad situation that I can't help but still feel bad for her. 

Yeah, I know I shouldn't feel bad for Bayleigh but it's a situation which is more complicated due to how manipulative Swaggy is. Sure, Bayleigh gets to ride the high of being engaged, but she also faces extreme backlash. The proposal didn't go well in general with the public. Sure, their Youtube channel will probably have a few thousand viewers, but there's going to be a lot of hate directed their way and I doubt Bayleigh wants the negative attention. I also noted that she couldn't look at Swaggy when he was embarrassing himself on live television. I don't think she's that excited but has to play it up. She may be excited to see Swaggy and get to spend time with him, but I doubt she's thrilled about being engaged. I'm pretty sure she was confused to hear that he was golfing with her dad. She didn't sound particularly thrilled about that. 

So, essentially, we'll see how it goes, but I think Bayleigh is being forced to put up a front. I can't imagine she's all in like Swaggy is. However, this is Big Brother and since I never thought Marlena would be together after a full year, I guess anything is possible. It also complicates things if she's pregnant (but I'm leaning toward Swaggy telling Bayleigh about Baby Watch after the finale ended and they decided to troll people).

  • Love 7

Just in case some of you don't read the episode thread, please indulge me as I repeat myself:

Well, what a fun summer! And you all made it even more so, thank you! I have no problem with Kaycee's win, either she or Tyler were deserving. 

And when they were all swarming the stage at the end, I was reminded, for the first time in years, what a likeable cast it was overall. Some were annoying and over-the-top but compared to the sadistic crypto-fascist cohort of last summer, it was a breath of fun and fresh air.

And may we never hear from Chris and/or Bayleigh again. Of course he was gonna famewhore propose. Was there every any doubt?

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, Gummo said:

And may we never hear from Chris and/or Bayleigh again. Of course he was gonna famewhore propose. Was there every any doubt?

We'll hear from them for sure, probably more in the next four months, but that attention should die off, especially once they break up (if they break up). I think the only opportunity either one will have is Swaggy for The Challenge. 

I just hate that Swaggy's need for attention overtook the finale. I'm just pleased nobody seems to really be happy about it. I've heard 99% complaints with 1% being happiness over the engagement online, so that's good.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I don't think Tyler's "I thought America hated me" was bullshit.

I didn't buy it in the least. But then he's been fake all season imo so I'm not surprised.

5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Kaycee didn't say anything of value and she still won. It's lucky that she's a really nice person, but she was a horrible gameplayer.

I can't really call someone who was in the alliance that ran the entire game, won almost every veto in the last half, and made absolutely no enemies a 'horrible' gameplayer.

They're both middle-of-the-road players imo. Nothing spectacular at all, but decent, like almost all the winners have been.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

The frustrating part of the finale was that Tyler really didn't get a chance to talk about his moves. Let's face it; 4 minutes total in a 90 minute finale to explain your game in the last 99 days is not enough time. Yes, Tyler made the mistake in not being honest before the finale. That is on him and partially why he lost. However, the F2 stuff is pretty sucky for them. They're already nervous and trying to explain why they should win and Julie interrupting both of them to tell them to hurry it up isn't exactly helpful. The jury needs to hear the F2 speak to them longer than 45 seconds at a time (and it felt like less time for Tyler at one point). Even if he should have talked to them much earlier, the F2 speeches still need more time so that they can lay out their game. This format really DOES suck. Taran from RHAP was pointing out how much better the old format was. I never watched those seasons so I only know what I hear from others, but 2 hours to explain your game instead of 4 minutes sounds much better. Dan Gheesling has come out and said that if BB14 had the old format, he could have won that season. 

Plus, Kaycee definitely would not have won if the old format was in place. This format for the finale ensures that someone who is simply nice will win the game. Derrick was lucky with his jury as well. Some seasons don't have a jury that think strategically, or they simply need more time to be convinced. 

I don't think Tyler's "I thought America hated me" was bullshit. I think his thought process was that people hated him for getting into a showmance...which is fair. As a superfan, he knows how polarizing showmances can be.

The format is freakin' absurd. Just absurd. Really, just leave it to Grodner to take any decent aspect of the show and reduce it to bullshit. I don't know if Tyler would have won had he been given longer time to explain himself to the jury, but if he had lost in that format, at least it would have been under a reasonable setting. Grodner tends to be obsessed with two things to the detriment of the show:

1. Live content is better than non-live content

2. Shorter is better than longer

The first one sort of dictates the second one. If you have more live content, you inherently HAVE to make things shorter, and that's the key here. The jury stuff has to be live, so it HAS to be short and with producer-penned questions. And here's what I don't get - who was ever pissed about an edited jury questions segment? Who are these people that are leading Grodner to think this way about the show? Who didn't think BB10 was better than most BB seasons? 

She seems to have constantly taken the wrong lessons from any given season. That it has taken us 10 seasons to get something even CLOSE to approximating BB10 is absurd. 

  • Love 8
Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I can't really call someone who was in the alliance that ran the entire game, won almost every veto in the last half, and maybe absolutely no enemies a 'horrible' gameplayer.

For me, it's that she won vetos, which WAS helpful, but she didn't make any moves that she could explain in her speech. What she kept saying was that she had a strong social game and she won comps. Ok, great, that's very helpful. What she SHOULD have talked about was winning the Hacker Comp and how that helped her get further with her alliance. What she should have talked about was having any sort of hand in the moves from her alliance. Winning those comps was crucial, yes, which is why I get her winning and am ok with it. But her speech to explain WHY was horrible, because she couldn't explain her strategic gameplay, which is very important in the game, at least for me.  She didn't even know why she should win, since she couldn't explain it to the jury.

So, I take back my "horrible gameplay" comment and change it to "mediocre gameplay". What she did was potentially set up next season with a lot of "nice gameplayers" which is boring to watch. I love Kaycee but she was boring to watch.

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

But her speech to explain WHY was horrible ...

So was Tyler's. Like you said, the format just doesn't really allow people the time to make any real points about their gameplay. But really Kaycee didn't have anything strategic to say because she wasn't strategic. But you don't have to be to win. Tyler made so many costly mistakes. He read Bay, Scottie, and Sam so wrong and he played it very badly. 

4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I love Kaycee but she was boring to watch.

They were both boring to watch. All of L6 was boring. Watching the same people win week after week and never have to do anything interesting to keep themselves there is boring. 

  • Love 1
Just now, Brian Cronin said:

Yeah, I fear that's what we'll get, as well. I like Kaycee and I think she's a fine winner, but a season filled with Kaycees would be boring as fuck. 

I feel like most of the recent seasons have already been filled with a bunch of people who don't make any moves and just stay loyal to whomever they said on day 1 they'd be loyal to. This isn't really new. It's part of why the show has just become so boring and tedious.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:


looks like she is pregnsnt

Is that from their YouTube channel? 

2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I feel like most of the recent seasons have already been filled with a bunch of people who don't make any moves and just stay loyal to whomever they said on day 1 they'd be loyal to. This isn't really new. It's part of why the show has just become so boring and tedious.

I don't think BB15, BB17 or BB18 were like that. BB16 and BB19 were, but there were mitigating factors (namely the ridiculous Battle of the Block setup and then the show deciding they wanted Paul to win from the start). I think next year will be a clean slate one way or the other.

Just now, peachmangosteen said:

So was Tyler's. Like you said, the format just doesn't really allow people the time to make any real points about their gameplay. But really Kaycee didn't have anything strategic to say because she wasn't strategic. But you don't have to be to win. Tyler made so many costly mistakes. He read Bay, Scottie, and Sam so wrong and he played it very badly. 

I don't disagree that Tyler's explanation could have been better....but at least he had one. I think he had everything he wanted to say right there, but he didn't account for there essentially being no time. And yeah, Tyler screwed up on Bayleigh, Scottie, and Sam. That's why he lost, although I don't think Sam was ever voting for Tyler. Apparently, she said that she decided to vote Kaycee long ago, according to her backyard interview. Scottie's a wild card but probably was always voting for Kaycee. Bayleigh might have voted for Tyler, as she said while she was voting that this was a harder decision than she thought, which means she truly was on the fence. He really shouldn't have said the whole "I needed to make an enemy" line, which was bullshit to begin with. Just apologize and move on! 

1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I feel like most of the recent seasons have already been filled with a bunch of people who don't make any moves and just stay loyal to whomever they said on day 1 they'd be loyal to. This isn't really new. It's part of why the show has just become so boring and tedious.

Yeah, it's been a pattern for a while now, at least since season 18. A lot of it has to do with this shitty jury format, which is why they need to change it up next year. These F2s need more than 4 minutes to explain their game. Even if they had done it before in their goodbye messages or in the house, it's still beneficial to have more time to explain their game in detail. It's unfair to give them so little time for $500,000. Tyler lost out on that money because there was no time to speak to each person individually. He was apologizing at the very end of the episode to Brett, for goodness sake, after Kaycee had won! 

  • Love 4

So didn't get a chance to watch the finale till this morning. I thought I'd be happy with either winning but I'll admit when Kaycee was announced I was disappointed. In listening to her answers and speech, it was clear that she never came up with any strategy for the alliance. She did play a good social game of laying low the first half and being nice to everyone. I'm impressed that Tyler was able to be such a strategist and still make it to the F2.  But he needed to be more concise in his answers.

My opinion of Bayleigh fell even lower after watching. I truly hope she is not pregnant. 

I missed the Bro reunion. Will need to go back to watch again.

  • Love 4

So, that's basically confirmation, right? I mean, it could make sense as to why Swaggy decided to legit propose, besides being an attention whore. Getting engaged and then announcing a pregnancy is certainly ideal for him. Plus, it would make sense as to why Bayleigh's parents let him stay in their house for two months.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I don't disagree that Tyler's explanation could have been better....but at least he had one. I think he had everything he wanted to say right there, but he didn't account for there essentially being no time. And yeah, Tyler screwed up on Bayleigh, Scottie, and Sam. That's why he lost, although I don't think Sam was ever voting for Tyler. Apparently, she said that she decided to vote Kaycee long ago, according to her backyard interview. Scottie's a wild card but probably was always voting for Kaycee. Bayleigh might have voted for Tyler, as she said while she was voting that this was a harder decision than she thought, which means she truly was on the fence. He really shouldn't have said the whole "I needed to make an enemy" line, which was bullshit to begin with. Just apologize and move on! 

Fessy is the one who sticks in my craw a bit. That's the one that made me think, "Okay, this was just a jury pact," as his reasoning for why he voted for Kaycee didn't ring true at all. Heck, Rockstar also didn't have much of a reasoning, since I think she was also in on the pact. 

  • Love 3
Just now, Brian Cronin said:

Fessy is the one who sticks in my craw a bit. That's the one that made me think, "Okay, this was just a jury pact," as his reasoning for why he voted for Kaycee didn't ring true at all. Heck, Rockstar also didn't have much of a reasoning, since I think she was also in on the pact. 

Haleigh confirmed in her backyard interview that there was a jury pact and I assume that means they all decided on Kaycee. Haleigh even said that she had gone in to the jury roundtable, thinking that she was voting for Kaycee to win. It was the roundtable that started to change her mind because of Brett/Angela outing Level 6. Imagine if Brett outed Level 6 before then. She might have been able to sway Fessy earlier and Tyler would have won.

I bet the producers asked Brett to keep L6 a secret until the jury roundtable.

  • Love 2

Anyone else have a suspicion that Bay was given a heads-up about Swaggy being semi-adopted by her parents?  It makes total sense if she is, indeed, pregnant.  Her reaction was rather muted, imo.  If this was due to a measure of indifference for the Swag, fine.  But, if this was true, how on earth does she accept that proposal?

To me, Tyler was being generous to Bay with the Scottie not being his friend explanation.  He knew full well he would not get her vote.  He simply felt badly about the friction(s) between them.  YMMV.

Upon rewatch, I detect a difference in Tyler after about the 4th question in Part III.  His answer in the final question was pretty bad.  I am certain he would have made some thumbnail calculations about seconds/hour.  50 minutes is easy:  3000.  He also for sure knew the time was something like 55 minutes.  It was as if he saw how awesome Kaycee was doing and he would not consciously take the victory from her.  He definitely felt guilty for not throwing Part I to her as he said he would.   

Boy, do I feel for Hayleigh's parents.  I can not imagine a FUF as an S-I-L.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, that's basically confirmation, right? I mean, it could make sense as to why Swaggy decided to legit propose, besides being an attention whore. Getting engaged and then announcing a pregnancy is certainly ideal for him. Plus, it would make sense as to why Bayleigh's parents let him stay in their house for two months.

i would say yes since this was part of the notes that Bayleigh wrote to Swaggy while she was in I presume Jury house. 

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