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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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29 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

All I know is this time last year, Harvey had just destroyed my beloved city, I got stuck in Cleveland for three days, and so thoroughly hated every single person in that house, and had no fucks to give for their nonsense, I gave up on B.B. for the first time ever. This year? Yeah, I’ll bitch about the boring feeds, but I am all in until the end. Let’s go!! (Ugh, sorry Kaycee, but man that phrase sucks).

Anytime I see "Let's go" anywhere on the Internet, I immediately hear it in Kaycee's voice. I hope it doesn't stick around as long as "Buuud-dah!" has in my house. 

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9 hours ago, zenithwit said:

This makes me highly suspicious.  We all know that when BB Live Feeders get organized, they can control these votes.   This sounds like Production is trying to push the Live Feeders to organize behind behind Brett (and maybe Haleigh) for AFP.

I’m having a hard time believing that Derrick got more AFP votes than Donny.

  • Love 10

BB16 AFP Winner Announcement (watch for Frankie getting another OVERWHELMING NO from the BB fans):

Julie: "...and I can tell everyone that we received more than 10 million votes. That is the most in the history of America's Favourite Houseguest. I will reveal the winner. However, the three top vote getters were Zach, Nicole, and Donny. However, with more than five million votes, the clear winner is... DONNY!"

Derrick's Twitter response:

Text link: https://twitter.com/DerrickL/status/1040733621953417218

Nice try, Vegas. 

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 9
6 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

Sam totally reminds me of Andy Griffith as Lonesome Rhodes in A Face in the Crowd....she's all cornpone aw shucks bullshit but at the drop of a hat can be a complete douchebag.

Lonesome Rhodes?  Do tell!

She is playing folks by being folksy fer sure.  I don't believe she is as mendacious as my adopted name's character, though.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, mooses said:

but I thought that Tyler telling him to throw the HOH/Veto made it obvious he was planning this all along.

Did that happen?  If Tyler told Brett to throw the Veto and he did then he is an idiot and deserved to go home.

3 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Let’s go!! (Ugh, sorry Kaycee, but man that phrase sucks).

I noticed that Tyler was saying that now too.  Good way to mirror someone and gain their confidence then destroy them.

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

The fascinating thing is that Tyler would be best off if he could vote out JC, have Kaycee vote out Sam and then have Angela break the tie to vote out Sam, but he's been such an odd team player, I think he might not do that as it would put Angela into an awkward spot. As I say that, I bet he could convince her how awesome it would be for her to get to break a tie. 

I can't remember if it was Dan that said it or not, but I recall someone once saying, "You always split the final five vote."  I think that it makes the most sense and if Tyler and Kaycee are the two voting they might as well do it to.  Especially with two people who might have volatile reactions towards being voted out such as Sam and JC.  Might as well have a good portion of their anger directed at Angela.  Which I could totally see Tyler doing if they want Sam or JC out.  

21 hours ago, Nashville said:

So IMHO it’s unfair to fault Angela for her icy reserve; Angela is exactly how the adult authority figures in her life trained her to be.


Aside observation: both Tyler and Angela now have three HoH wins under their belt.  

Nobody else has more than one, right?

In a way she is sort of like a child soldier.  Trained to be stone cold.  

13 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Same. And I don't think there's anything un-classy about it either. Fake hugging people is so stupid.

Yea, Julie can go.

You for sure made the best choice. Very boring ep, as I knew it would be but I let myself get excited it might be interesting lol.

Because the game is super boring now and no one cares?

Oh, good feeds is over. Like it's not happening. Tyler/Kaycee/Angela will easily get to F3. There is pretty much no way that doesn't happen now. Whomever stays of Sam/JC would have to suddenly be good at comps and it's not gonna happen.

Fucking right! It's why I just still can not fathom how this alliance is so popular. They have got to be the dullest, most boring group of people ever assembled on this show. 

That's also how you get a very boring season.

So, just acting the way she always does then.

ETA: Oh, and I forgot to post this. Further proof that the audience for this show sucks so hard lol.


12 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Tyler's biggest mistake is withholding too MUCH information, especially from his own alliance members. Don't forget that Sam's the only one to know about Tyler's power app (until he told Scottie) and that he's a superfan. You think Kaycee and Angela will be cool once they find out that Sam knew and not them? They may be a little perplexed. 

Probably. Both are definitely very, very similar and do similar things. But Brett has more charm and is able to communicate to people effectively, while Angela doesn't have that ability. Unfortunately, that can make all the difference.

I think Vegas is a huge liar here. First off, Vegas was likely not part of production then. She only started posting spoilers last season. Unless she also has the ability to comb through old files or convinced someone to give her this information, it's either just rumours or not accurate. Besides, if Derrick had won, why would they have told Julie to state to the audience that Donny won by a landslide and it was the most votes ever gotten? What purpose would that serve? Did Derrick really win by a landslide, then? Bullshit.

Like everyone else I call b.s. on Derrick being more popular than Donny.  Donny has to be one of the, if not the most, beloved houseguest in the show's history.  I wonder if this is keeping up with production's narrative of Derrick the Great.  Heck, even Derrick said it was not true.


10 hours ago, RagePaige said:

Finally, how do you feel about being reunited with Rockstar at the jury house?
[Laughs]. How do you feel about waking up for work at 4 in the morning? It sucks, but I have to do it.

I believe for this line alone, Brett should win AFP.

9 hours ago, Neveragain said:

What did Sam really mean when she said I’ll take a piece of each of you with me if I am evicted?  Did she mean like their ears or their pinky fingers? Or did she just mean I’ll carry my love for you around forever?  Hard to tell!  But hearing the audience giggle nervously tells me I can’t be the only one who remembers all the scary and violent things she swore she would do to them if she was sent out 

I, much like the studio audience, went there.  Which is why I started laughing when the vast majority of them were laughing.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

I'm watching a Youtube video of JC confronting Tyler about Brett's eviction. Holy crap, JC is beyond delusional at this 

Found it. "JC & Tyler argue". Wow, is he an arrogant twit or what!  Tyler held it together so well. I'd have wanted to deck the troll with his constant insistence of "Listen to me!"

 Any sign of the nominations? Any idea when they will happen if they haven't already?

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

I found something that looks right but it's blocked for copy right.


 Any sign of the nominations? Any idea when they will happen if they haven't already?

Jokers says Sam and JC, with Sam being the target this week and will go unless she can pull out a veto win. 

Edited by HighHopes
  • Love 1
23 hours ago, Thalia said:

Why are Tyler and Angela taking turns carrying around a small pillow like it is their wooby?  Ice pack? 


It looks like it might be one of those little rice/grain filled pillows you heat in the microwave for aches and pains.

(I'm old and use them all the time.) 

Edited by ChiCricket
'cuz beads would burn you
  • Love 5
6 hours ago, missyb said:

JC was a big influencer on Brett. Believes that Kaycee and Angela have a F2 ( which they do not) , JC told him that. And JC put the "showmance" bug in his ear re Tyler and Angela ( true). He was not thinking these things before JC started whispering to him.

I shall now always think of JC as Gríma Wormtongue. :)

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hope Sam wins veto. Just let Tyler/Kaycee/Angela not get exactly what they want for once! Added bonus of JC getting evicted. 

I want this too but for a different reason.  I want Sam to win the next HOH and have to nominate Kaycee and Angela.  I want to see that play out and Sam in F2, that would be interesting.  I am still in favor of Tyler winning; he has done a good job.  I just crave a little action.  Come on DR, you can make this happen.

Edited by Wings
  • Love 10
1 minute ago, Wings said:

I want this too but for a different reason.  I want Sam to win the next HOH and have to nominate Kaycee and Angela.  I want to see that play out and Sam in F2 just for the hell of it.  I am still in favor of Tyler winning; he has done a good job.  I just crave a little action.  Come on DR, you can make this happen.

Thats all well and good, it will mean JC gets evicted, but, I don't want to see Sam in F2. Any combination of F2, EXCEPT one where Sam is there. 

  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, missyb said:

Thats all well and good, it will mean JC gets evicted, but, I don't want to see Sam in F2. Any combination of F2, EXCEPT one where Sam is there. 

No way she can win so it works for me being a Tyler fan. 


ETA.  This doesn’t necessarily put her in F2.

Edited by Wings
  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, Wings said:

I want this too but for a different reason.  I want Sam to win the next HOH and have to nominate Kaycee and Angela.  I want to see that play out and Sam in F2 just for the hell of it.  I am still in favor of Tyler winning; he has done a good job.  I just crave a little action.  Come on DR, you can make this happen.

Yeah that would be THE best thing for Tyler's game to sit next to her at F2.  He just doesn't know it.

But to win the next HOH Sam would first have to win veto today is it or she will be gone by Monday.  I'd love to see her go on a roll.  JC most likely out this time if she did win veto.  And if she won HOH next she would go after Angela with Kaycee up with her and that would force Tyler to choose.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, green said:

Yeah that would be THE best thing for Tyler's game to sit next to her at F2.  He just doesn't know it.

But to win the next HOH Sam would first have to win veto today is it or she will be gone by Monday.  I'd love to see her go on a roll.  JC most likely out this time if she did win veto.  And if she won HOH next she would go after Angela with Kaycee up with her and that would force Tyler to choose.

She has it in her to win comps, I think she has been throwing them or just putting in little effort.  She  thinks she is safe so she won’t even try to win the veto unfortunately.  

Edited by Wings

I just don't see how Tyler can handle voting out Sam this week, unless she's sitting next to Kaycee.

If it's Sam/Kaycee on the block, she knows they're close, and he can say, "I'm so sorry. I never wanted it to come to this, but Kaycee has been my #1 since Day 2."

If it's Sam/JC, she'll be super upset if he votes her out. But if he makes it a tie, which he absolutely should, it would make Angela/Kaycee upset. 

He should be hoping one of JC/Sam wins Veto since, unless him or Angela go rogue, Kaycee wouldn't leave. But the chances of that happening don't seem so great. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, mooses said:

I just don't see how Tyler can handle voting out Sam this week, unless she's sitting next to Kaycee.

If it's Sam/Kaycee on the block, she knows they're close, and he can say, "I'm so sorry. I never wanted it to come to this, but Kaycee has been my #1 since Day 2."

If it's Sam/JC, she'll be super upset if he votes her out. But if he makes it a tie, which he absolutely should, it would make Angela/Kaycee upset. 

He should be hoping one of JC/Sam wins Veto since, unless him or Angela go rogue, Kaycee wouldn't leave. But the chances of that happening don't seem so great. 

I don't think Angela would be upset to break the tie if it remains she is against JC.  Tyler can tell her that he cannot bear to see Sam leave without one vote to save her.  He can say that he was the first person she reached out to help her through the first two weeks which were rough on her.  She relied on him for pep talks and he has a soft spot for her.  Easy. 

I would rather see him talked into voting JC out though. 

Edited by Wings
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I don't know if Tyler is just playing JC or not but this happened last night according to Jokers:


The interesting part is where JC tells Tyler that Kaycee can for sure beat Tyler at F2 and Tyler replies that he know that already.  And then later in the convo Tyler says if he wins veto he can take JC off leaving only Kaycee available to go up and the two of them can take Kaycee out.  Again I have no idea if Tyler was serious or just pacifying JC.  Not that that worked.  Apparently JC was yelling at him for being stupid later that night.  And everything else still shows Tyler thick as thieves still with Angela and Kaycee.

I lean to just pacifying JC but if Tyler really pulled that supposed plan off if would be an awesome move.

The main part is at:


JC-you have less chances of winning next to Kaycee then next to me. Rockstar, Bayleigh all these people will vote for Kaycee instead of you
Tyler-you don't think I know that? Just don't freak out. Don't freak out.
Tyler starts to walk away turns back and says


Then he explains what he would do with the veto.  I still don't think this is what he is planning but it might be his Plan B and he is at least thinking about it.  One thing for sure seems clear here.  Tyler is well aware he can't beat Kaycee in F2.

Edited by green
  • Love 4

Angela, Kaycee, and Tyler are in the HOH room going over dates and order of evictees, etc. I am GREAT at memorizing things.  Or at least I used to be.  I have diplomas showing advanced degrees in law and history to prove it.  Or I used to, as I can no longer remember where I stashed them. 

But I have to write things down, and then read the words several times.  I would have a terrible time preparing for that kind of comp without paper and pencil.  

  • Love 20

I don't know if Tyler will get AF or not, but he's definitely in the running for most adorbs.  He just went into the (amazingly clean) bedroom and shifted the picture of him holding the little girls so he could sit and moon at it before opening his letter to re-read.  ::sweetness overload, y'all!::

Edited by Thalia
  • Love 9
50 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I don't know if Tyler will get AF or not, but he's definitely in the running for most adorbs.  He just into the (amazingly clean) bedroom and shifted the picture of him holding the little girls so he could sit and moon at it before opening his letter to re-read.  ::sweetness overload, y'all!::


What has happened?  Tyler is now HOH?  

Last I know it was Angela with Sam and JC on the block. 

ETA,  Never mind.  This is his HOH box since he only got a short stint. 

Edited by Wings
  • Love 1

Man, I hope target moves to JC. I still don't get why Kaycee/Tyler (especially Kaycee) are so intent on getting rid of her - she's honored her loyalty to them up to this point, and, on the off ?chance? she won HOH or Veto, she'd want Angela on the block and going home if she had the choice. On the off ?chance? JC wins HOH or Veto, he's smart enough to want to sit next to Angela. 

It makes more sense for Tyler if he's look G for a way to get rid of Kaycee. For Kaycee, I don't really get it. She's definitely who JC would prefer to evict. 

ETA: Sam is also going to be very upset when they vote her out. Unless they're sitting next to each other and she's forced to vote for one, there's a real ?chance? she'd vote for JC/Angela out of spite because they never promised her as much loyalty as Kaycee/Tyler have. 

Edited by mooses
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