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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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2 minutes ago, leocadia said:

I have not watched the feeds for the past couple days.  Who got to Sam and convinced her to vote "with the house"?  The only unpredictable thing about the whole episode was when she voted out Scottie instead of that brazen hussy Haleigh.

Based on the Vegas tweet, and production's bizarre favoring of Haleigh, I'm guessing the DR. 

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Angela says she's terrified of going to the Jury House.  Now I need for it to happen in the double eviction.  Brett says he would go in with guns blazing if he had to.

Angela says they need to do an after show where they all go at each other.  From her lips to Grodner's ears.

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1 minute ago, IndyMischa said:

Based on the Vegas tweet, and production's bizarre favoring of Haleigh, I'm guessing the DR

If so, they must have intel on exactly what buttons to push, lol.  She seems like the kind of person that would stubbornly do the opposite if she felt pressured to do something.

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Just now, zorak said:

Brett, Kaycee, and Angela are talking about putting Sam up against Haleigh.  They are strategizing for what to tell Sam so that she'll be ok going up.

Ugh noooo

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JC says that Scottie was stupid for saying what he said in his live eviction speech.  He says they have opportunities when they leave the house and those opportunities may not be there for Scottie because of what he said.  Brett said they could take away his stipend and then it cut to the fish.

Angela says that at first she thought Scottie's comments tonight were implying that Tyler was a lesbian.  Oh Angela.

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Brett:  "Who would've seen a virgin saying that?"  Brett says he doesn't believe that Scottie is a virgin.  He says his mind is too dirty.  Haleigh wants to know why Scottie would lie about that.  Brett says it's because it makes him seem like he's not a threat.

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So Sam's Thursday night crazy has already started.  She's laying on the couch outside the HOH room talking to herself in her "baby" voice.  Didn't hear everything, but she said something about "I'm still here" and "X number of days left" and "put the tea on".  

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Just now, leocadia said:

So Sam's Thursday night crazy has already started.  She's laying on the couch outside the HOH room talking to herself in her "baby" voice.  Didn't hear everything, but she said something about "I'm still here" and "X number of days left" and "put the tea on".  

Yep.  I was watching a little bit ago and she said something like, "I didn't cry and I'm not going to." and then said something about how she put on jeans.  Okie dokie.

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Also, just to fuel the fire on the Rob C tweet (because I'm bored and need something interesting to happen, lol), Kaycee has been called to the DR and it's way too soon for the HOH reveal.  Chances are 99% that it's to get a victory reaction, but I'm hanging on the 1% that maybe the controversy is a thing.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Yep.  I was watching a little bit ago and she said something like, "I didn't cry and I'm not going to." and then said something about how she put on jeans.  Okie dokie.

I don't know, I would probably start talking to myself if I was in that house. You're pretty much bored most of the time and you have to find some way to keep your mind stimulated.

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18 minutes ago, leocadia said:

If so, they must have intel on exactly what buttons to push, lol.  She seems like the kind of person that would stubbornly do the opposite if she felt pressured to do something.

My money is something along the lines of "We've talked before about how Tyler doesn't like to tell you how to vote. But don't you think he wants Scottie out? Scottie is more of a comp threat...." 

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Tyler and Angela are talking about Scottie's speech.  Angela says it was slander.  

Angela asked Tyler if he thinks Scottie's speech actually aired.  Tyler said yes.  He said the DR told him not to worry about it but to just give them a reaction.

Angela is griping about how people keep taking personal stabs at her character week after week.  She again says it's slander.

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11 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:
31 minutes ago, leocadia said:

If so, they must have intel on exactly what buttons to push, lol.  She seems like the kind of person that would stubbornly do the opposite if she felt pressured to do something.

My money is something along the lines of "We've talked before about how Tyler doesn't like to tell you how to vote. But don't you think he wants Scottie out? Scottie is more of a comp threat...."

I think we already know what buttons to push for Sam from when she almost self-evicted and the DR told her that she would be hated by America.  Maybe the DR told her that Scottie wasn't a fan favorite? 

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Other than JC, whom they ALL want to carry to a F2, Sam and Haleigh is the cleanest pair to nominate, imo.  No blood, no foul.  In an F3, JC has zero chance of winning comps. 

My main focus this week is when do they realize it's a DE.  I'd bet money that DR clues one or more of them in.   They are already expecting one anytime.  This is where all the strategizing will lead now.

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And Sam continues to hang out by herself.  She's whispering stuff at the camera.  Stuff like, "I want to be here.  I want to be happy."  I feel like another round of Sam craziness is brewing.


Sam smile.png

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Oh man, when Kaycee puts Sam up as a pawn? Things could go south really quickly. Kaycee and Tyler are going to have to be very careful how they handle Sam the next few days.

I agree with Rachel, but that’s just because I’ve thought Brett has been a total douche the whole season. Every time I think he might not be, I see another DR of of his and think, yeah. Total douche. 

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3 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I agree with Rachel, but that’s just because I’ve thought Brett has been a total douche the whole season. Every time I think he might not be, I see another DR of of his and think, yeah. Total douche. 

I feel like his DRs are just a joke, like he has fun with them by acting like a goof. But when he talks about Rachel... yeah, not my favorite Brett.

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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

"If they don't make the right move, they can suck it, except Tyler, because he's already getting a steady diet of that."

Dude, seriously, how did that get into your brain that that would be a good idea to say that on national television? 

Also, it bothers me that the logic doesn't work...it sounds like Tyler's the one who's been on the "diet".  

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Just now, leocadia said:

Also, it bothers me that the logic doesn't work...it sounds like Tyler's the one who's been on the "diet".  

Yeah, that's why Angela was confused, as well. It definitely does seem like he's saying Tyler has been sucking his dick, right? How Angela went to "He's saying Tyler is a lesbian" is beyond me, but still.

Ugh, such a creepy little douchey move by Scottie. 

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I think Scottie is just a dipshit and phrased his shade poorly. But for the record, "giving head" is sometimes used with a female... beneficiary. And now that I've cleared that up, as well as applauding a "power bottom" joke in the episode thread, I bid you all good night! 

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Just now, IndyMischa said:

I think Scottie is just a dipshit and phrased his shade poorly. But for the record, "giving head" is sometimes used with a female... beneficiary. And now that I've cleared that up, as well as applauding a "power bottom" joke in the episode thread, I bid you all good night! 

Right, but here, he specifically said "suck it." 

Unless, of course, he also THEN repeated the "Hilton Head" joke and it got completely bleeped. 

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Nah, Brett's been an absolute dick when it comes to Rachel. I get why she's upset and why she doesn't want him to win AFP. But let's face it; she is incredibly biased since he's the only contender for AFP that did her wrong. She seems to be just fine with JC being highly likely to win AFP. She's fine with Sam maybe winning AFP. But Brett? Not at all because he was mean to her. It's fair and she can feel this way, but I hope she also discourages people from voting for JC, as there are people who would. 

That being said, I do think Brett and Rachel will have a much more solid friendship out of the house. I think the house caused a lot of feelings to fester there. I honestly can see them working it out. 

Winston kind of tried to smooth the Brett thing over in a reply, but I say let Rachel let her feelings out. It honestly is well deserved and I do think her and Brett will be fine in the long run. Or they wont be and they won't ever talk after this season. We'll see what happens but with Kaitlyn and Rachel being really close, and Kaitlyn/Winston living together for a month (and Brinston most definitely staying best friends after this), I suspect we'll be seeing them hang out and clear the air. Brett does have some apologizing to do, though. 

I genuinely like Brett but there are sides to him that don't make me happy at all. This is one of them, and I'll remain a fan of him, but I still don't like this Rachel-bashing side to him. 

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