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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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7 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

JC is a total piece of shit.  That's all I've got.  




5 hours ago, Nashville said:

IIRC several years back a HG passed out while they were in the WC, fell forward against the door, and they initially had a bit of an issue getting to them.  I suspect Production’s always been scared of a repeat - but all the same, there should be a more balanced approach between safety and personal privacy.

Victoria, remember? 


4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I didn't miss that last line.

Haleigh: "Allison came and talked to me. I don't want him to get in trouble."

Um... yes, you do, Haleigh. JC is a fully grown adult and should have to own up to his actions. That wasn't a joke or kidding around or being funny. That was disrespectful as hell and gross and it should not be allowed. But JC has been infantilized by the edit and he's the comic relief. And unless Production suddenly does a 180 on his edit, he will be the AFP winner - provided Tyler isn't F2 and/or nothing amazeballs happens from here on in. 

I am livid in the same way that I was when Fuck you, Fessy didn't help clean up the house after Hide and Go Veto, aside from his weak-ass mopping for two seconds. 

Fuck you, JC. 




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Brett looks absolutely exhausted but also worried. I think he's worried that he'll be a target this week. Unfortunately, I can't even say for sure that he'd be safe. I think he's 60% safe. I really think that a Scottie win would be great for Brett. I don't see Scottie putting him up before JC, Angela, or maybe even Kaycee. 

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Sam picking something off of Brett's face.  What are the odds she secretly saved whatever it was and is going to make a shrine out of it with her crafty crap caddy?

Sam picking something from Brett's face.png

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I think Scottie totally is the one most of them would prefer to have back, minus Sam (who probably wanted Rockstar/Bayleigh back) and Haleigh (who maybe preferred Bayeigh/Faysal). I guess they would all also be fine with Rockstar coming back since she's such a non-factor, but Scottie doesn't really have personal beef with anyone left. A lot of their excitement and chatter is probably genuine relief.

Edited by mooses
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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Brett looks absolutely exhausted but also worried. I think he's worried that he'll be a target this week. Unfortunately, I can't even say for sure that he'd be safe. I think he's 60% safe. I really think that a Scottie win would be great for Brett. I don't see Scottie putting him up before JC, Angela, or maybe even Kaycee. 

I'm wondering if he's trying to get Operation Lone Wolf back on track since Scottie is back. 

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27 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

Also just saw on Instagram that Raven is in the hospital. She apparently had a hysterectomy

But did she freeze her eggs so that she can pass on her two - count 'em, TWO - terminal diseases to her future children? That will no doubt have two hearts and inverted spines?

I miss you, Raven. Come back. I still have so much snark left in me to give. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

But did she freeze her eggs so that she can pass on her two - count 'em, TWO - terminal diseases to her future children? That will no doubt have two hearts and inverted spines?

I miss you, Raven. Come back. I still have so much snark left in me to give. 

And itchy organs and some sort of kneecap syndrome!

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Just now, mooses said:

I think Scottie totally is the one most of them would prefer to have back, minus Sam (who probably wanted Rockstar/Bayleigh back) and Haleigh (who maybe preferred Bayeigh/Faysal). I guess they would all also be fine with Rockstar coming back since she's such a non-factor, but Scottie doesn't really have personal beef with anyone left.

Actually, it's the complete opposite. They'd rather have one of the three back because Scottie's a tougher competitor. Meanwhile, Haleigh likes Scottie, and Sam loves Scottie more than at least Rockstar. 

Just now, mooses said:

I'm wondering if he's trying to get Operation Lone Wolf back on track since Scottie is back. 

I don't think so. What would be the point? But I've also watched Brett as Lone Wolf and this Brett is...different. He's drinking tea right now and pretty damn quiet as he rejoined the group. He's piped in a few times but even just with Sam, he sounded dejected. He didn't need to play Lone Wolf with her. 

However, Brett's a great liar so he could be fooling me. 

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7 minutes ago, zorak said:

Sam picking something off of Brett's face.  What are the odds she secretly saved whatever it was and is going to make a shrine out of it with her crafty crap caddy?

Sam picking something from Brett's face.png

If she were Raven, she'd pop it in her mouth and eat it on the sly.

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35 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Seems like they don’t want it on BBAD? Which seems kinda weird. 

BBAD starts an hour later on Thursdays, so if HOH starts on time, it's during BBAD. 

Happy Scottie won. Hoping by some weird miracle he can win HOH too just to mix things up. Or Sam. Or Haleigh.  

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Actually, it's the complete opposite. They'd rather have one of the three back because Scottie's a tougher competitor. Meanwhile, Haleigh likes Scottie, and Sam loves Scottie more than at least Rockstar. 

Eh, I think Faysal would be their biggest nightmare because he can win competitions and was in an actual showmance with Hayleigh, so wasn't going to waver. Bayleigh was a nightmare because she left unhinged. I could see them preferring Rockstar as total non-threat over Scottie, though. 

5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I don't think so. What would be the point? But I've also watched Brett as Lone Wolf and this Brett is...different. He's drinking tea right now and pretty damn quiet as he rejoined the group. He's piped in a few times but even just with Sam, he sounded dejected. He didn't need to play Lone Wolf with her. 

However, Brett's a great liar so he could be fooling me. 

Yeah, we'll have to see how he plays it. Maybe he doesn't want to seem too close to the rest of them - he's gotta be like, "I just couldn't watch everyone being so fake."

Edited by mooses
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Just now, RandomWatcher said:

Is Sam doing yoga or something?

It looks like she wants to win the HOH and is gettin' in the zone. I don't even know what she would do (besides give a eulogy, say no one is allowed in without her permission, and she better not sense any flirtation!).

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Just now, Katesus7 said:

Sam would nominate Hayleigh and Angela 1000%. And have another judgy speech about how they should be nicer to all the mans.

With Veto, she'd nominate her One True Love Brett I guess? Or JC?

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noms if they win HOH

JC: Hayleigh, Scottie

Hayleigh: Angela, Tyler

Tyler: Hayleigh, Scottie

KC: Hayleigh, Scottie

Scottie: JC, Angela

Brett: Hayleigh, Scottie

Sam: Hayleigh, Angela


tbh Tyler, Sam and maybe KC and Brett are sitting pretty. Sam might be a pawn or something not an actual target.

Hayleigh, Angela Scottie seem to be in the most immediate trouble

Edited by ANALLICE
thought it about it more
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23 minutes ago, llongori said:

Ya know, Haleigh doesn't look particularly upset that Fessy's gone.

I'm hoping that Haleigh will realize how much better it is not having a super jealous type guy watching her every move (both inside and outside the house).  Flirt away Haleigh!

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26 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Sam would nominate Hayleigh and Angela 1000%. And have another judgy speech about how they should be nicer to all the mans.

I want to heart this 1000%

It's ONLY 9 pm in California. (11 where I am) and I got up SO early this morning (5:30 to go WALKING) and dayam, if I'm not 1000% ready to crash right now, THE ONE NIGHT WE CAN WATCH A COMP. 

Fuck you Fessy.

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Sam and Angela talking about Fessy's speech.  Sam's theory is that Fessy went after Angela because he was the only guy Angela wasn't showing any attention to.  Of course Sam would have that theory.

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Sam's...being really nice to Angela-la-la? And promises she wouldn't put her up. Huh.

ETA: Sam asked if what Faysal said is true. Angela says, "None of it." Sam then says she's worn a fake engagement ring before, and I knew Angela was like, "Darn it! I shouldn't have said that wasn't true."

Edited by mooses
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I can't believe Angela is still bitching about FUF's speech.  After the glee in her GBM to Rachel and her backdoor nomination speech to Bayleigh, she is the last person who should take offense when someone gives a speech purposely prepared to skewer her.  

Also, if this is the "drama" that was advertised between the show and HOH...snore.

I don't think I'm going to be able to watch the competition.  Hopefully someone will and I can check back in the am.

Edited by leocadia
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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm not gonna be mad if JC ends up the target this week of course, but I just really wanna see Tyler/Angela/Kaycee have to legit sweat it out for once dammit!

So do I! I did like Tyler early, and found I liked most of Level 6, despite the whole "let's brainstorm a cute/clever alliance name and make up an obnoxious gang-sign" bullshit, which causes me to dislike any and all alliances who do this on general principle. They all seem far too excited by it, and okay, let them have their fun. It's so goddamn juvenile! If I was on BB and found myself in an alliance who then started that horseshit, I'd be all, "No thanks. You kids go ahead, but I'm 35, not 12."

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After Scottie won Bayleigh yelled something like “So stick to the plan, right?” I assume HER plan, which she berated the others about during the commercial break, is to get Tyler out. Which Scottie has no interest in doing. I look forward to Bayleigh having a long wait to see Tyler show up at the Jury House, if at all.

Edited by TimWil
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So, when I logged in earlier, it was old episodes, which is code for “ain’t nothing happening for awhile”, but now it’s fish, which usually means “just wait a minute or two”. How long have the fish been on? I’m still up! I may or may not be sober (hint: I’m not), but got all giddy about possibly seeing the comp soon. Is this wishful thinking?

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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Boy these Fish make for an interesting HoH comp to watch on the feeds. I'm so glad I hung around for this.

I guess it could be worse. It could be another Frankie episode. Or a Paul one. Ew.

Hopefully the fish mean that they are close to turning back on the feeds.  But I'm not holding my breath.

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3 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Well, but, Brett's version of dressing up nice is an unbuttoned denim shirt and a porn-stache, so I think this is pretty much a viewer win here.

Okay I have come around to liking Brett, but back when he wore this ensemble, I swear I wanted to jump him right there and fuck his brains out.

I still do, just not as hatefully.

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