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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Good god, people; last time I checked, “unrequited crush” wasn’t listed as a mental illness in the ICD-10.  If Sam starts hunting bunnies in the BY, then you can start worrying.

I’ve had one too many of those.  Who hasn’t experienced it at least once?

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25 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Yeah, Andy's jury speech was meaningless. His whole game was leading the revolt on Amanda while knowing that the others were such losers that he had to win by default. Don't get me wrong, that's fine game play (and it is why I have Andy at the top of Tier Three for me among BB winners...he might even be alone on that tier), but it's not all THAT impressive.

And he sat next to the most vile HG in Big Brother history. He brought the goat and always intended to. He knew he could talk rings around her. He was relishing the moment. And she was awful, really awful with the jury questions.

I come across a tweet from her from time to time and she is still ignorant and vile.

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9 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Yup!  Just be glad there were no cameras around.

Nah, I had my friends around.  That was enough.  I’ve bored my friends to tears talking about my unrequited crushes.  I’ve only told a few of those crushes about it though.

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

This is so awkward to watch. Scottie actually knows what's going on and Faysal has no fucking clue.

Just imagine this week if Faysal had wiped out once or twice and Scottie won HoH. 

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Scottie is approaching this convo all wrong lol. He doesn't understand how arrogant Faysal is or how utterly jealous of Scottie he is.

Trying to talk strategy with someone whose gameplay is based on emotion?  Can’t imagine what could go wrong with THAT.  :P

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I honestly can't tell if Scottie is making headway with Fessy or not. Sometimes it seems like he is and other times, Fessy completely no-sells his responses. 

God, I hope this works. Fessy still has a chance to turn this week around and not be a complete and utter failure of an HoH. 

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Just now, Callaphera said:

God, I hope this works. Fessy still has a chance to turn this week around and not be a complete and utter failure of an HoH. 

I wish I had faith. I wish Haleigh would just tell him what to do lol. It sucks that she has just given up.

How do they not realize Kaycee was the hacker? Fuck me.

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These nominations seem so late. I wanted to watch and see the reactions after the ceremony, but don’t think I’ll be able to swing it now that it’s this late. 

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It's like Scottie has to take Fessy by the hand and explain in little words what happened last night in Fessy's own HoH room between Scottie, Brett, and Kaycee right in font of Fessy because - all together now - Fessy's confused.

Edited by Callaphera
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9 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

These nominations seem so late. I wanted to watch and see the reactions after the ceremony, but don’t think I’ll be able to swing it now that it’s this late. 

I want to say they’re waiting for this Fessy/Scottie convo to play out.

Scottie is making great points, being (mostly) honest about everything, but this whole conversation is useless and pointless and his ass is going up. Why? Because Scottie is absolutely clueless about the Fessy/Hayleigh showmance. His shot was lost 20 minutes ago when he told Fessy (trying to score points) that the other side told him Hayleigh was playing him and was in a showmance with Fessy, and Scottie said that was ridiculous because he spent more time with Hayleigh than Fessy did. Game, set, match.

And now he’s being called to the DR.

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20 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I wish I had faith. I wish Haleigh would just tell him what to do lol. It sucks that she has just given up.

How do they not realize Kaycee was the hacker? Fuck me.

She's given up because she's had power the last weeks and 2 of her own allies/best friends have gone home. She seems afraid to ruin another week and questions her own decisions. I think ideally she would want Fessy to stay away from Scottie so he's so loyal to her but she wants Fessy to control his own fate this week and not influence him. Big mistake but I get where she's coming from. If only Fessy wasn't such a moron.

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1 hour ago, Ceeg said:

I might be naive but I don’t think Brett will leave Sam a mean GBM. He didn’t like Bayleigh or RS, that’s why they got those mean messages. I think he’s friends with Sam. He might think she’s crazy and a mess and is clueless. But I don’t think he dislikes her. Idk though, I’m interested in his DRs this week. 

Yeah, I haven't heard Brett say one malicious thing about Sam (if he has, please point it out to me because I do want to be aware of it). He does understand how unstable she is, but he's always been very polite and kind to her, not even just to her face but when he's talking to other people about her. I think he does have a soft spot for her and although he always gets roped in to the weirdest conversations, sometimes more than any other person, he's never been mean about it. Remember that really odd conversation during Scottie's HOH in the HOH room? However, I guess it all depends on what Brett tells L6 about this Sam conversation. I honestly would be surprised if he began shit talking her behind her back and decided to leave a mean GBM, if she does leave before him. She's definitely going to fight for him to stay this week, and it'll be very interesting to see if he's still on the block with Scottie by Thursday. 

8 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

I felt like Scottie made some good points but he just made them to the wrong person. Fessy is just...Fessy. 

I didn't get to watch because my Internet is cutting in and out and has since I got home an hour and a half ago, but if it stabilizes, I look forward to watching this convo happen too. I do think Fessy was putting Scottie on the block, whether or not Haleigh agreed with him. He was going to take any excuse to get him out, since Fessy wants Haleigh to himself. 

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I think Fessy will still put up Scottie and Brett. He never once offered him any type of deal like he did Tyler, Angela, and Kaycee. He made his mind up last night and hasn’t changed it, I hope

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3 minutes ago, Sandycat said:

I think Fessy will still put up Scottie and Brett. He never once offered him any type of deal like he did Tyler, Angela, and Kaycee. He made his mind up last night and hasn’t changed it, I hope

I'm sure he will too. Scottie got that dimwit brain thinking a little but Fessy seems loyal to a fault. He won't go back on his word.

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1 minute ago, Sandycat said:

I think Fessy will still put up Scottie and Brett. He never once offered him any type of deal like he did Tyler, Angela, and Kaycee. He made his mind up last night and hasn’t changed it, I hope

He made up his mind on his noms well before last night. He made up his mind when Brett was ON THE HAMMOCK WITH HALEIGH FOR FIVE HOURS and who knows when he made his mind up about Scottie. It's 100% Brett/Scottie noms, and Scottie or Haleigh need to win veto. Well....maybe not Haleigh because she's stupid enough to not use the veto. 

I think, if Sam wins veto, she'll use it on Brett. I'd kind of laugh if Tyler tried to talk her out of it and if she'll listen to Tyler or listen to her heart. I do feel like, if Sam used the veto on Brett, he'd definitely be on Team Sam. 

I don't know. This week got marginally interesting for me, especially if Scottie wins veto. There could be some good outcomes, no matter what. Cracked Sam might provide some fun feeds this week with Brett on the block and him being aware of her crush now. I do love that he found out directly through her and not through other sources. 

So, I'm working through the Brett/Sam conversation now. It's half cringey and half amusing for me. But I find Brett is ok with the conversation? I think this is the first time I found Brett kind of flirting with Sam a tiny bit. It still feels pretty friendly and Sam is ?totally nuts? with her thinking that she has a ?chance? with Brett (yes, emojis are fun to use in reference to things that happened this season!). I don't know. The Brett/Sam conversation that I'm watching is more interesting than Angela/Kaycee/Tyler's conversations. 

Honestly, it does suck that another entertaining person is probably leaving. My dream F5 is Brett, Sam, Scottie, Haleigh, and Tyler. I'm gonna admit now that Kaycee's officially pissing me off, and Angela is not interesting in any way. Fessy's pissing me off with his sheer stupidity and jealousy issues, and JC's too much for me to take. 

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The noms are a lot later than normal, right? Do y'all think that they might actually have been waiting for Scottie to try to convince Fessy not to go down this route? I tend to doubt they care either way what happens this week, but is it even possible that that was a motivating factor in noms being so late?

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

The noms are a lot later than normal, right? Do y'all think that they might actually have been waiting for Scottie to try to convince Fessy not to go down this route? I tend to doubt they care either way what happens this week, but is it even possible that that was a motivating factor in noms being so late?

I feel like production definitely waited to see the Scottie/Fessy conversation. Why, I don't know for sure. Whether it was just for footage or because they don't want Scottie on the block (likely the former), it's hard to say. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

I feel like production definitely waited to see the Scottie/Fessy conversation. Why, I don't know for sure. Whether it was just for footage or because they don't want Scottie on the block (likely the former), it's hard to say. 

Honestly- I don’t know if they really care all that much about Scottie. I was watching RHAP a few weeks ago and they said that the problem with Scottie is he hasn’t given them much material to work with- especially for his Archtype he’s supposed to fill. Most of the rest of the people in the house that have really shaped the storylines this season and they take most of the attention. I don’t think losing Scottie is really that big of a deal for Production. 

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I feel like production definitely waited to see the Scottie/Fessy conversation. Why, I don't know for sure. Whether it was just for footage or because they don't want Scottie on the block (likely the former), it's hard to say. 

I don’t think they care if Scottie is on the block. He’s barely even been on the show at all since his HOH. 

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5 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

The noms are a lot later than normal, right? Do y'all think that they might actually have been waiting for Scottie to try to convince Fessy not to go down this route? I tend to doubt they care either way what happens this week, but is it even possible that that was a motivating factor in noms being so late?

They do need some filler since the HOH was over so quickly. LOL

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2 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

He seriously thinks that that is what his HoH is for - the chance to fuck Haleigh. It's like his fucking REWARD. This guy is such a creep.

Hell he wanted a reward for taking Haleigh off the block when he won veto (And Bayleigh encouraged Haleigh to give the Big Guy "extra" attention- ugh. That's when I turned on Bay.), so of course that's what Fessy wants to use the HOH for. That's so Fessy.

7 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

The noms are a lot later than normal, right?

No, this is about the average time. Just the past two weeks they were earlier due to the Hacker comps. That's all.

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2 hours ago, TheGapper said:

The way they're acting over a spider, makes me wish for the gross competitions where they have to fish for something in a bowl of worms or tank of snakes. PLEASE CBS, redeem yourself FFS!

They did that with snakes earlier this season for a POV. It was only part of the competition, but I think it still counts.

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7 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Hell he wanted a reward for taking Haleigh off the block when he won veto (And Bayleigh encouraged Haleigh to give the Big Guy "extra" attention- ugh. That's when I turned on Bay.), so of course that's what Fessy wants to use the HOH for. That's so Fessy.

This is part of the reason why I didn't want him winning HOH. I really need him gone next week. I'm getting to the point where I think he's becoming a Nice Guy, and I don't want a Nice Guy. Seriously, Brett may be an asshole, and I get why people don't like him, but Fessy's more dangerous because his nastiness is shaded by his overall Nice Guy demeanour. I'd rather a Brett than a Fessy in my life. 

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Y’all, they clearly waited to call Fessy to the DR until his conversation with Scottie became boring to me because they care about what Katesus wants. I mean...it’s kind of obvious that the second I started to post about it, they called him in.

You’re welcome.

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18 minutes ago, vb68 said:


No, this is about the average time. Just the past two weeks they were earlier due to the Hacker comps. That's all.

I thought 4 BB time was the average time.  I think even Scottie asked, "Why is this taking so long?"

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1 minute ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

If Haleigh wins veto and Scottie is OTB, it would be a BB HoF moment if she took Scottie down.  I soooo want this to happen.  Fessy's reaction would be ridiculously fun to see and just what would he do about it?  She has him wrapped.

Fessy did his own wrapping.  She has tried to peel him off several times.  Cling wrap. 

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1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

I’m thinking Tyler, Kaycee & Anglea will avoid POV at all cost.

Why? They need Scottie to stay up. They have the votes to keep Brett but can’t risk Scottie coming down. 

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Faysal is trying to justify to Scottie why he put him and Brett up by saying that when he asked who voted to keep Rockstar, they both raised their hand.

Faysal says he tries to talk game to Scottie but that Scottie is cautious with him.

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1 minute ago, Ceeg said:

Why? They need Scottie to stay up. They have the votes to keep Brett but can’t risk Scottie coming down. 

Yeah, they need to win POV badly. 

The big difference between Scottie and Ramses is that Scottie has a little game, so he could legitimately win Veto. 

Just now, zorak said:

Faysal is trying to justify to Scottie why he put him and Brett up by saying that when he asked who voted to keep Rockstar, they both raised their hand.

Faysal says he tries to talk game to Scottie but that Scottie is cautious with him.

That makes so little sense that it is hilarious.

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Oh Fessie. Just say it. “You two are sniffing up on my girl, so one of you has to go”.

I feel like a dumbass rooting for him to win HOH. That’s on me. But I just need Scottie to win POV. 

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