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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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On 6/25/2018 at 12:45 PM, Katesus7 said:

Boo! Not Sam! And I even kind of liked Steve based on his interview. Regardless of “reasons”, these (alleged) nominations have dude/bro with a side of hot bland chicks alliance written all over them.

Sorry, Tyler can tell me 18 times how these were just easy nominations, I am totally right in this one.  DAMN IT, we have a dude/bro alliance with a side of hot bland chicks (along with Kaycee, who I still like). Especiallly since that HOH had everything to do with people being targeted verses sucking (at least in Sam’s case). DAMN IT!! And the spoiler of Bayleigh and Sam being close just makes me worried about Sam’s safety. And right now, it’s Sam,  hamsters I don’t give a fuck about, and hamsters I hate. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, green said:


5 hours ago, Slider said:

Isn't it a bit extreme to call someone Alt Right because they are a gun owner?  I know plenty of liberals that conceal and carry, and I know plenty of Republicans that aren't Alt Right.  


Also he went on to say he was a big HUGE 2nd Amendment supporter (code word for gun nut) and carried concealed weapons into movie theatres and has a dog named Dixie which in this day and age is pretty racist and oh yeah kept kissing his gun.  Yes it is a scripted intro but this was how he sold himself to get on the show so you get back reactions based on what you show.  He has to "prove" Dixie was named after his dead Granny and that he was joking about carrying a gun into a movie theatre.  (No way would I go into any movie theatre in a state that allows concealed weapon crap).


I'm a huge fan of the second amendment and I'm not alt right. I have no problem with him legally carrying his weapon into a movie theatre when he is authorized to conceal and carry as allowed by law, so  that he feels safer.  if a bad guy showed up and opened fire (which sadly has happened before.) I would want a good guy with a gun to be there to protect me.  I live in OKC where a bad guy with a gun shot several individuals (including two children) with a weapon he wasn't authorized to carry into a restaurant. Thankfully, he was stopped by two conceal and carry permit holders that prevented the bad guy from causing more harm.  

I don't like labeling people as racist when I don't know them or hear anything racist from them. Now later down the line on the live feeds if Winston says something racist then by all means label him as such, but he hasn't done anything and that's not fair.  There are actual racists in the world, and not all of them are conservatives.

  • Love 18
4 hours ago, green said:

Also he went on to say he was a big HUGE 2nd Amendment supporter (code word for gun nut) and carried concealed weapons into movie theatres and has a dog named Dixie which in this day and age is pretty racist and oh yeah kept kissing his gun.  Yes it is a scripted intro but this was how he sold himself to get on the show so you get back reactions based on what you show.  He has to "prove" Dixie was named after his dead Granny and that he was joking about carrying a gun into a movie theatre.  (No way would I go into any movie theatre in a state that allows concealed weapon crap).

Why does a legal gun carrying individual scare you? The crazies are usually getting the guns illegally.  I support the 2nd amendment big time and I am no gun nut. And he is racist because of Dixie the dog? That's a bit extreme.  I think so far he seems like a decent guy.  

  • Love 9
29 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Sadly, I'm so tired, my eyes refuse to stay open long enough to wait for the feeds to come on. I'll likely wake up at some point in the next few hours to browse through here, to see how the first look of feeds are going. So hopefully you guys can stay up and watch for me!

Ditto.  Sitting in central time here and debating how much sleep I need to get for work tomorrow lol.  I definitely feel for the people on the East coast.

30 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I hate to be that person but can we not with the gun debate? It isn't relevant to the feeds (yet) and I mean, it's Big Brother. It's a summer escape, not a place for more politics and whatnot. 

I would love not to discuss this but BB threw it in our faces 5 minutes into the show and they are making it part of the scenario.  I dislike Gun Nut because he is a Gun Nut and needs his gun to feel all manly and crap.  I hate gun toting in this day and age and legal gun owners can get drunk or get mental (see news tonight) and be just as dangerous as illegal gun owners.  There is no difference.  Go to a gun range with your guns; not a movie theatre where nobody wants some drunken guy with a "legal" gun sitting next to them.  So yeah I have a right to  dislike Gun Nut for these very reasons.  And anyone who has lived in the south like I have in the past knows "Dixie" is code for racism.

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, green said:

I would love not to discuss this but BB threw it in our faces 5 minutes into the show and they are making it part of the scenario.  

Yes they did. On the first episode of the show. Not the pre-interviews on the feeds nor the feeds which have yet to turn on. The debate should go in the first episode thread, not here. 

Again, I hate being that person but if this whole season turns into a debate about Republican versus Democrat or second amendment rights or whatnot, my Canadian ass is running far away. I get that there are strong feelings but this isn't the right thread for it yet. If the feeds turn on and he goes all Yosemite Sam shooting off his guns and yelling Yee-Haw! then sure, open season on the discussion. But can we avoid a mod!stomp before the feeds even turn on?

ETA: The HGs bicker enough amongst themselves most seasons. I'm just saying that we don't have to be like them. 

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 19
7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Yes they did. On the first episode of the show. Not the pre-interviews on the feeds nor the feeds which have yet to turn on. The debate should go in the first episode thread, not here. 

Again, I hate being that person but if this whole season turns into a debate about Republican versus Democrat or second amendment rights or whatnot, my Canadian ass is running far away. I get that there are strong feelings but this isn't the right thread for it yet. If the feeds turn on and he goes all Yosemite Sam shooting off his guns and yelling Yee-Haw! then sure, open season on the discussion. But can we avoid a mod!stomp before the feeds even turn on?

ETA: The HGs bicker enough amongst themselves most seasons. I'm just saying that we don't have to be like them. 

You're right.  I won't comment on it anymore for now. :-)  

I'm excited for the feeds!!!

12 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Yes they did. On the first episode of the show. Not the pre-interviews on the feeds nor the feeds which have yet to turn on. The debate should go in the first episode thread, not here. 

Again, I hate being that person but if this whole season turns into a debate about Republican versus Democrat or second amendment rights or whatnot, my Canadian ass is running far away. I get that there are strong feelings but this isn't the right thread for it yet. If the feeds turn on and he goes all Yosemite Sam shooting off his guns and yelling Yee-Haw! then sure, open season on the discussion. But can we avoid a mod!stomp before the feeds even turn on?

ETA: The HGs bicker enough amongst themselves most seasons. I'm just saying that we don't have to be like them. 

Why are we letting Canadians watch our red-white-and-blue blooded American feeds?  Us Americans work hard for our stupidity and I'll be damned if I'll see it go overseas like that!   What's next?  Letting Kim North Korea watch Bachelor in Paradise?

Make America Stupid Again!  

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Why are we letting Canadians watch our red-white-and-blue blooded American feeds?  Us Americans work hard for our stupidity and I'll be damned if I'll see it go overseas like that!   What's next?  Letting Kim North Korea watch Bachelor in Paradise?

Make America Stupid Again!  

Well, technically they don't let us watch the feeds. Technically. 

Arr, matey.

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

BB Christmas Abbott Expecting First Child

I don't think she knew the guy long when she got pregnant as she's due sometime in August and wasn't dating anyone during her tenure in the BB house. 

What are the chances that she's going to name the baby Labour Day? It should be right around her due date.

  • Love 12

Fwiw, I have several aunts and cousins named Dixie. It's a pretty common name in NC--- for girls and pets. I've never really seen it used as a racially charged word--- rather just a cute name for a Southern girl/pet or in reference to the South. 


There's enough racist crap in the workd without trying to make everything southern into something racist. 

  • Love 16

So there was some incident between Winston and Kaitlyn. I'm still trying to piece it together. But I agree the pretty people are on the outs. Almost everyone else is hanging up in the HOH.

ETA: Winston and Brett seem to think JC won the power. I would be surprised at that. Also, they basically confirm that they are Have-Nots for the week, and I'm good with that.

Edited by vb68

It sounds like Bayleigh is complaining that someone brought a virus into the house and it's spreading. That sounds... fun.

ETA: The feeds keep cutting away whenever anyone mentions it despite all the stuffed noses and coughing and discussion of cough drops and decongestants. This is actually kinda funny. 

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 1

Winston is freaking the F out. Chill bro. Listen to your Bed Bro Brett. 

Apparently Fezzy received his punishment for being the least trending HG.  He has to eat Ham whenever it is delivered. They know the highest trending received and "award" but they dont know who it its. Lot of speculation. My money is on Sam. She seemed pretty popular on twitter.

ALso, know that Winston and Brett are Have Nots together. Not sure of the rest.


Poor Sam the Robot is standing in the kitchen silently observing pretty people chitchat. Being the robot does seem to seriously hinder her social game . It just seems like its hard for her to cut into conversations.

ETA: They got two bottles of wine and some beer. 

ETAA: Winston and Brett still think they have the alliance with Tyler. Not sure if that's true or not. 

Edited by vb68

Before I sign off, I just wanted to note that Tyler and Scottie just pushed Sam the Robot into the Storage Room and told her good night.

So she stays a robot all through the night? Can she actually get any sleep? How does that work?

Again, I feel so bad for her. She really is isolated.  That really is an extreme punishment, especially for the first week.

ETA: Oh, I swear with her glasses on and hair pulled up, Haleigh could be Nicole's younger sister.

Edited by vb68
  • Love 7

3:05 a.m. EST According to Kaitlyn, Sam told Haleigh she hopes she is smarter than just a pretty blonde, or some odd wording like that, and also told Kaitlyn that she thought she took meditation seriously and not as a joke, and Kaitlyn went on a bitchfest about it to Steve and Faysal with Steve spouting off about honesty and integrity blah blah blah. They want Sam out, but the conversation did include Steve so... Then the three of them started talking about numbers and how they will definitely have HOH next.

JC is drunk and proclaiming love to the others. I'm done for the night, too.

As I was shutting down, Winston was telling Scottie that there were six cans of beer and two wine bottles total. He also said that JC was doing what production told them not to do by campaigning to the cameras. I watched JC talking to the cameras a bit but then it moved off him. 

Last season they had all four cameras on Paul's beard as he laid in bed with his eyes closed, this season they told them not to be obnoxious to the cameras. There's no pleasing TPTB

  • Love 4

The veto competition better be a welding comp.

What sucks is that with a split house, Sam actually has a decent chance of making it far if she can make it past the first eviction...which she probably will not do. Man, I have to tell myself never to get attached to anyone in the first week. :)

Sam should be on the next All-Stars season. Just based on two episodes of the show.

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 8

Did I mention I was done for the night? Because I was. sigh. This is being typed like a conversation between two thirteen year old girls, with less "like" but it is too damn late to care about grammar

JC just told Tyler that Brett is the one with the advantage and Brett hasn't told anyone, including Winston, he just knows because he was there when Brett did something and JC called him on it. No one seems to know what that advantage is, but Faysal has the punishment which includes eating "fake ham."

I think it was mentioned above but Bayleigh and Chris are getting hot and heavy. 

Speaking of Brett, I'm having trouble believing he's actually a cyber-security engineer.  He had a DR line in one of the comps that sounded like something someone in tech support would say.  Actually, it sounded like dialogue a screenwriter would write for a tech support character.  Nothing wrong with being in tech support, and it does take tech savvy to work that job, but that's not the same as a cyber security engineer.  Hopefully, it'll come out on the feeds what he actually does.

  • Love 2

Bayleigh after she was told by a Tyler, that she is an option to be a replacement nominee, along with Kaitlyn: “if you put me on the block, regardless of if i’m safe or not, if i’m a pawn or not, i’m not going to forgive you. i’m gonna put your ass up on the block. actually i’m gonna put the bros up together and let them battle it out they got me so messed up. like try me. and all because i’m friends with swaggy? well that’s cute i’m gonna knock yall out one by one you got me messed up and i’m taking all your friends out, how about that.”


Take them bros out girl, but just calm down.

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