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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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41 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

I don't know if this is the right one to ask this question but has it been confirmed it's just 16 or are we still expecting some returns?

I think this is the full cast. Maybe some "returns" will make guest appearances for comps, but this is it I think. It is fine with me, I don't like players in the game from past seasons, it is just like watching reruns to me. I did not like celebrity BB either. 

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6 hours ago, Hanahope said:

There definitely seems like there's more to do in the house this season.  The climbing wall is great.  I can't wait to see the HGs using that.  Like the pin wall too.  Seems like a fun theme.

I'm expecting a lot of Big Brother "Stop that!"s coming because of that wall. BB, always ruining their fun.

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16 hours ago, Cosmosgravitation said:

Reddit user vegasforsure will be posting spoilers on Sunday night, so look out for that if it interests you.

Update on that: vegas quit Reddit after some issues arose on Reddit earlier, so there may not be spoilers for the summer. I say may not, because for all we know, vegas will return at some point.

Though, they did spoil the first HOH for the summer before they left.

10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Details please!

Ok, so this whole Vegasforsure thing is a REAL mess right now. I recommend, if you're curious about the situation, to actually go to Reddit thread to read about it, because insiders be cray-cray, yo.

But anyway, Vegas posted the first HOH, who is Tyler. No noms have been made yet. Vegas is also moving to Twitter to post maybe spoilers? Maybe? I dunno; they're really attention-seeking, which is why I doubt they'll quit posting spoilers for this season. I do think they MAY have burned their bridge with BB, though. They doxxed a couple of people who felt were bullying them on Reddit and now people are pissed. We'll see about that and if anything actually comes of it.

But that's all off-topic; what is important is that we may or may not be getting spoilers this season (I feel 75% sure we will), but it'll probably be in a more limited capacity.

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I feel like I need to create a bingo card specifically about Big Brother fans. I mean, the flounce Bingo card can work for this situation, but it's missing some key elements.

Or a drinking game. But if I drank every time someone called the fan base "toxic", I'd go broke and probably die from liver failure within four days. 


2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

But that's all off-topic; what is important is that we may or may not be getting spoilers this season (I feel 75% sure we will), but it'll probably be in a more limited capacity.

We'll get them (they like the attention) but I don't know if I would 100% trust them from Vegas now. 

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8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

We'll get them (they like the attention) but I don't know if I would 100% trust them from Vegas now. 

I feel like they have to continue giving accurate spoilers now, or else they lose the attention that they've been getting. 

So IF this first HOH spoiler is true, if Vegas wasn't just throwing a hissy fit over the drama they got themselves into, I'm interested in how thing work out in the first week. 

16 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Ok, so this whole Vegasforsure thing is a REAL mess right now. I recommend, if you're curious about the situation, to actually go to Reddit thread to read about it, because insiders be cray-cray, yo.

I wonder is this is the vegas person that used to post on ONTDBB? There was a big mess with them over there, too.

I don't go to reddit mostly because I don't understand it lol but also because it is such a cesspool and I don't need that shit in my life!

Also, just in case anyone missed it, I'm doing a fantasy game this season. There aren't really too many entries yet, so please join up! It's super easy. All you have to do is pick your team and I (and @Lady Calypso) will do the rest!

4 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Regarding spoilers, how could they already know who the 1st HOH is if they haven't even sent the hammies into the house yet?

As Peach said- they always go into the house a week before the premiere. So they all entered this past Wednesday night. So by the time we see them on the feeds on Thursday they have been in the house over a week. 

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Damn, my pre-season fav is on the block with Steve. 

Hopefully, someone else goes totally bananas so they can be backdoored. 

It's not a bad strategy for Tyler to do this. For the first week, unless someone really goes nuts, it's better to nominate based on something like this (first two out of the first HOH comp). 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

So true. I guarantee that whole 'I just nominated the first 2 out in HOH to be fair' thing is bullshit. Sigh.

It always is, because the first two out are typically weaker players, and you usually want them around as long as possible -- both because they'd be easier to beat, and because they'd be the most likely to be grateful enough to be the back end of your alliance since you "saved" them. "Fair" would be a random draw, period.

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Okay after seeing the show last night I was horrified that Sam was nominated.  She is both very likeable and comedy gold.  I hope the producers see the feedback from the first show and find a way to save her.  They interfere for the villains all the time like Cody and Paul both last season so they owe us one. 

Also don't want to see Steve gone.  If only Surfer Dude didn't have a soul to be stared at maybe he wouldn't have been nominated.

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3 hours ago, green said:

Okay after seeing the show last night I was horrified that Sam was nominated.  She is both very likeable and comedy gold.  I hope the producers see the feedback from the first show and find a way to save her.  They interfere for the villains all the time like Cody and Paul both last season so they owe us one. 

Also don't want to see Steve gone.  If only Surfer Dude didn't have a soul to be stared at maybe he wouldn't have been nominated.

She might win the reward for the BB App, since they gave her a very good edit. It'll likely be between her, Chris, and maybe Kaitlyn for the reward. As for the punishment? It might be between Scottie and Steve for that. 

Vegas came out with some spoilers about what's been happening on the feeds. Bayleigh and Sam, in particular, sound like they're close. So maybe Bayleigh can convince her possible showmance/make-out buddy to help save Sam over Steve? 

I'm actually ok with most of the houseguests, so I don't want to see any of them go, but I'd rather it was Steve than Sam. 

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56 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

She might win the reward for the BB App, since they gave her a very good edit. It'll likely be between her, Chris, and maybe Kaitlyn for the reward. As for the punishment? It might be between Scottie and Steve for that. 

Apparently voting was only open until noon est and I missed it due to dr. appt.  what was the question/vote status?  anyone know?

3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

She might win the reward for the BB App, since they gave her a very good edit. It'll likely be between her, Chris, and maybe Kaitlyn for the reward. As for the punishment? It might be between Scottie and Steve for that. 

Vegas came out with some spoilers about what's been happening on the feeds. Bayleigh and Sam, in particular, sound like they're close. So maybe Bayleigh can convince her possible showmance/make-out buddy to help save Sam over Steve? 

I'm actually ok with most of the houseguests, so I don't want to see any of them go, but I'd rather it was Steve than Sam. 

Why on earth would Scottie be "punished"?  (He is the nerd, right?  Kind of an endearing guy so who would want to punish him).

Who are Kaitlyn and Bayleigh and Chris?  I refuse to open a separate browser page and find some sort of cast roster just to read a thread online so I need help here please.  And the first two names just kind of merge together into goobley-gook in my mind.  Why do parents always mess with girl names the most turning them into mush?

And if Chris is Swaggy, which I think you might mean, then can we not call him Swaggy because that IS his name on this show and anything else makes everything totally crazy what to speak of adding another cast member to the show that never shows up on TV.  But if he is Swaggy wouldn't he be up for punishment and not reward since he was edited as an over the top ego tripper.  I mean I like Swaggy just fine but the reaction I saw on the show thread seemed to say a lot of people took his act seriously.

It is so unfair that to save himself Swaggy had to save Vegas Girl and Rockstar both of whom I want gone ... though Confederate States Winston goes first.  He is the one I can't stand at all period.  But after Cody, BB is now going to always cast the Alt Right Redneck ... sigh.

Right? After Donny, you'd think they'd want more lovable rednecks, not more Cody types. (I guess James is technically in that mold as well, but I file him under "tiresome" rather than "lovable" these days...)

I'm not sure if I'm ready for another round of this—it somehow feels kind of soon. And I didn't even watch OTT. Oh well, here we go. #savesam

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19 minutes ago, green said:

Why on earth would Scottie be "punished"?  (He is the nerd, right?  Kind of an endearing guy so who would want to punish him).

I'm not positive on if it'll be him or someone else. Maybe the episode endeared him to people enough, but I don't think he'll be "trending" as much as others. However, I'm not saying that he won't, as he got significantly more screentime than someone like Winston or Angie. It's hard to say with someone like Scottie. I have to remind myself that the punishment falls on someone whose name is mentioned the least amount of times, rather than a name appearing the most in the "worst" categories. 

21 minutes ago, green said:

Who are Kaitlyn and Bayleigh and Chris?  I refuse to open a separate browser page and find some sort of cast roster just to read a thread online so I need help here please.  And the first two names just kind of merge together into goobley-gook in my mind.  Why do parents always mess with girl names the most turning them into mush?

Kaitlyn is the Aura Lady who kept talking about auras and chakras and essential oils. I'm pretty sure she had the third most DRs in the episode. Bayleigh's the black "flight attendant", and Chris is, well, Swaggy C who I can't find myself calling him for more than a post. 

Kaitlyn, Bayleigh, Haleigh, Angie, and Angela all have their names sounding so similar that I even have to pause to remember who is who. Rachel and Sam are the only two that have names not really sounding like any others. 

24 minutes ago, green said:

And if Chris is Swaggy, which I think you might mean, then can we not call him Swaggy because that IS his name on this show and anything else makes everything totally crazy what to speak of adding another cast member to the show that never shows up on TV.  But if he is Swaggy wouldn't he be up for punishment and not reward since he was edited as an over the top ego tripper.  I mean I like Swaggy just fine but the reaction I saw on the show thread seemed to say a lot of people took his act seriously.

For my own personal sanity, I can't type the name he's going by in the house for too often. It's just so damn hard not to cringe every time I feel like I have to type Swaggy, hence why I'm going by Chris. Maybe, in a week, I might feel more at ease. But, as of this week, I just can't. Since he got a lot of airtime, he'll likely get a reward over a punishment because his name will come up more than some of the other houseguests.

26 minutes ago, green said:

It is so unfair that to save himself Swaggy had to save Vegas Girl and Rockstar both of whom I want gone ... though Confederate States Winston goes first.  He is the one I can't stand at all period.  But after Cody, BB is now going to always cast the Alt Right Redneck ... sigh.

I don't hate Winston because I don't take intro segments seriously. Those are always producer-driven. Unless Winston starts ranting about guns and the Second Amendment in the house, then I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that the producers pushed him for the gun side. It's like how I'm willing to give Bayleigh the benefit of the doubt when the feeds start, even if her own intro segment turned me way off of her. 

I'm definitely not saying that I will defend Winston once the feeds start; we just don't know how he really is yet and I'm not willing to dismiss him all over a two minute segment that's scripted.

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4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Vegas came out with some spoilers about what's been happening on the feeds. Bayleigh and Sam, in particular, sound like they're close. 

I love this and I hope it's true. I really don't want Sam to go first, but I'm pretty sure she will.

3 hours ago, Hanahope said:

Apparently voting was only open until noon est and I missed it due to dr. appt.  what was the question/vote status?  anyone know?

Wait what? I tried to vote this morning and I didn't see anything about it on the site so I just figured it hadn't started yet and that it started after tonight's ep. ETA: I see now that you have to use like Facebook messenger or something. Well then, guess I won't be voting at all this season lol.

26 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

But how do we know Sam and Steve are the noms if the feeds aren't up? 

Someone on reddit posted it a couple days ago. They post spoilers often and have a good track record, so odds are it's true.

Edited by peachmangosteen
1 hour ago, Slider said:

Isn't it a bit extreme to call someone Alt Right because they are a gun owner?  I know plenty of liberals that conceal and carry, and I know plenty of Republicans that aren't Alt Right.  


Also he went on to say he was a big HUGE 2nd Amendment supporter (code word for gun nut) and carried concealed weapons into movie theatres and has a dog named Dixie which in this day and age is pretty racist and oh yeah kept kissing his gun.  Yes it is a scripted intro but this was how he sold himself to get on the show so you get back reactions based on what you show.  He has to "prove" Dixie was named after his dead Granny and that he was joking about carrying a gun into a movie theatre.  (No way would I go into any movie theatre in a state that allows concealed weapon crap).

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Dang it.  I like Robot!Sam and Real!Sam.  Maybe she's super annoying in real life--we'll never know since the activities and behaviors and scheming leading to the first noms are offline because the feeds aren't live.  Maybe everyone saw that she was cute and popular and fun, therefore a dangerous candidate to win it all.  Maybe--and quite likely--her punishment as Robot!Sam isolated her from the rest of the house, therefore making her an easy, impersonal, vote out.  Which would really suck.

I can easily see Steve's nomination.  The dude is acting skeevy as all get out.  When Blue Lagoon Surfer Boy makes you, then you suck doing clandestine undercover stuff.  If he'd just relax some and be like a more cool older dude like Kevin from last season, he might have a chance.  But right now, he's giving everyone the laser-beam side-eye, and treating them all like potential perps, sooooo.... Yeah.  Who wants to live with that?   But I also think that he would be interesting in the house for us observers, so I don't really want him gone either.  

Maybe a veto or the BB app will save the day.  I doubt it.  I'm used to this show dashing my hopes.  

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1 hour ago, Wings said:

Anyone know what the vote even was?  All I heard is that we will get a chance to alter the game or whatever Julie said.  I assumed we would be told tonight. 

The voting is, I believe, already closed. Not that they explained any of it and it might be further explained tonight, but it was basically voting to get a houseguest "trending". The one talked about the most will receive a reward; the least talked about houseguest will earn a punishment. 

It's not really that clear on what the reward or punishment is either. 

1 hour ago, HurricaneVal said:

But how do we know Sam and Steve are the noms if the feeds aren't up?  Are you messing with me?  Are you drinking boxed wine?  Are there credible spoilers out there?  Or did I miss something last night?

A credible source who spoiled all of last season. They've recently moved to Twitter, but they've been spoiling everything; they even knew that Chris/Swaggy won over Angela. This source did say that Sam/Steve are nominated because they're the first people to drop from the HOH competition, so it seems like it's not a personal move.

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15 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Is tonight's show live, and is someone being voted off?  I hate it when they do that during the first couple of episodes that we see.  We also can't watch the evictee on feeds, so we won't know much about him or her.  :-( 

Tonight's show is not live. Nobody is being evicted. Tonight will be showing the HOH comp and likely the nominees. 

The first week for HOH is always twice as long since they move into the house a week early for footage for the premiere. 

The last few first evictees are only because the show liked to have a twist of someone getting evicted night 1, so they were never normal evictions. 

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