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S01.E11: Pomp and Circumstance

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Brianna has the highest chance of staying out of her abusive relationship, meanwhile Kayla is probably far from done with Stephon, despite him leaving another girl's underwear in his laundry! 

Jade would be smart to patch things up with Scott - she doesn't have much of a support system otherwise. 

And Lexi. Sigh, Lexi. Kyler treats her horribly. She needs to play hard to get if she is so intent on keeping him. 

These girls are sooo much more interesting than Teen Mom 2.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Quita said:

I saw that, too! She's the single mother of an infant dealing with all that Danae drama, yet the girl has time to play. 

Lexi could not possibly have a more flat affect. I've never seen someone more miserable at a party in her honor. Someone needs to check her pulse.

Lexi was upset because of Kyler but trying to keep it all in. He ruined her graduation party with his attitude. He was up to his usual games and mind fuckery. Everyone else was dressed up for the graduation but he looked like he literally just rolled out of bed.  I understand that he was going to work afterwards but he couldn’t put a button-down shirt on? Even the kids were better dressed than he was.  She said something about his shirt, because it was dingy. He responded by telling her that her personality sucks. At HER graduation party (she shouldn’t have invited his dumb ass). Then he ignores her the rest of the time. When he finally decides to leave, that “I love you, just kidding” comment was so mean to Lexi. You could tell she wanted to cry but was trying to keep up appearances for her guests.  Her energy was off because of Tyler.  She really needs to ditch him and move on with her life. I know it’s her first love, but honey, HE’S JUST NOT INTO YOU!

 I felt really bad for Jade. I think on top of everything else she’s dealing with she may also be suffering from postpartum depression. For once her mom was understanding and didn’t fly off the handle. I’m suspecting she was late cos she probably had some drugs in her system. I think it’s a good idea for her to coparent with Sean and not be in a relationship with him. 

Bar and I were both surprised by Ashely’s epiphany.  I was so shocked by how Ashley and Bar’s mom sincerely talked at the end of the episode. It would seem that Shen has gotten some perspective and appreciation for Ashley, and was willing to move forward for the baby’s sake. But I think Pastor Tea is going to cause some problems next week between them. You could tell by the look on Bar‘s face that he was soooo relieved that his mom and girl were getting along.  I still think it’s a stupid plan to turn a stripper into a housewife but maybe she will hang up her dancing shoes now that her baby is here.  I did not watch the first episode so I didn’t know that she was a dancer, now it makes sense how they were able to afford a very nice apartment and all those furnishings. Ironic that the pastor’s daughter is the stripper, what does Pastor Tea have to say about that? She should not be throwing stones at Shen for her parenting living in that glass house herself. 

 I’m glad Briana listened to her mother and had the conversation with Denae over the phone instead of in person. It would have definitely been another explosive situation in person. Their relationship was toxic, it’s not a good dynamic for her baby and Brianna has to do what she needs to do to protect her child first and foremost. Denae is volatile, emotionally unstable, and has so much rage. I’ve never seen a person with so much rage before in my life and have yet to understand why he has so much rage.  He seems to come from a loving family, who are basically accepting his transition for the most part. He has a support system and is back in the loving bosom of his family.  Also it was clarified last week that he hadn’t started taking the testosterone so that is not the cause of his rage. No one else in his family has this rage, I’ve yet to understand the root cause. It is quite unhealthy and unfortunately he is just going to take this baggage from one relationship to the next. Perhaps it will come out in the future once he starts counseling. If he ever will do counseling.  

 The fifth girl I can’t remember her name so I’m just going to skip her since nothing really happened. Hopefully she is true to her word and is really moving on from Stephen and won’t go back no matter what he says or does. Looks like next week he’s going to try to accuse her of cheating, a classic move of a serial cheater. She should just go ahead and file paperwork for child support and visitation, she has to do what’s right for Isaiah, that’s her priority now. 

Edited by Spiderella2
Kyler is an ass
  • Love 4

I chuckled when Jade was complaining to her mom about needing help with the baby, her mom perked up and was all "OH DO YOU NEED US TO MOVE BACK IN WITH YOU??" and Jade quickly moved past it and continued to vent. 

I felt a tiny tiny tiny twinge of sympathy for Danae finding out that he was no longer to be a part of the baby's life. Even awful people are capable of loving babies they are told they will raise. We all called this a loooong time ago that they wouldn't work out, but let's not forget that young people are stupid and think love at that age will last forever. 

I know this is really mean but I wonder if Kyler has fetal alcohol syndrome. I'm searching his face and actions for some reason for him being socially and emotionally challenged. 

  • Love 5

Kayla in meek voice saying she doesn't think they'll get back together. How about "That asshole is toast after the way he talked to my mom, you know, the one who does EVERYTHING for us." I heart Kayla's friends who know what a piece of shit Stephan is. Right, Stephan, you thought it was Kayla's ATM card.

Lex: Woe is me. Kyler works full time now to support our kid but it's all about how lonely I am for the tub of lard that treats me like crap. I forwarded past Lexi's meet with her dad and the graduation. Snooze. The fat pig, wearing the same clothes and a hat indoors at Lexi's house: I could smell it through my TV. He seriously is just dirty. Way to play with Lexi's head, dirt boy: "I love you. Just kidding."

Ashley: That was some ginormous wrap that she had at the restaurant! It would take me days to finish that.I would like to know exactly what great lengths Ashley has gone to in order to have a relationship with Shen? She hasn't done anything but stay away from her which is what Bar wants to do regarding Pastor T and the stepfather.

Bar continues to look terrible. Shen hugs Bar, grabs the baby and ignores Ashley. Shen = wrong. Bar = wuss. His "Here we go, without acknowledging how pissed Ashley was is just a recipe for a lifetime of hell in this family."Bar's excuse of Shen being so happy to see the baby was horse shit. There's all kinds of passive aggressiveness going on here and one of them is going to blow up at something every time they are together. Don't smile too soon, Bar.

Briana: Happy to see her making a clean break. Danae putting up the hood to answer the phone and sitting halfway out of the picture: get over yourself. Did Briana have a hickey during that call? Considering how much drama Danae brings, I'm surprised he is not on social media. I still think the baby is nothing more than an excuse for Danae to keep in touch with Briana. 

Jade: As least Sean knows he's been an asshole. Crying in front of his "bro"makes me think that deep down he really does care. Jade's mom not showing up = shocker. I am not a fan at all of babies, but Kloie is so cute.If Jade works in a restaurant as a server, I would think she would be eligible or some type of social services to help with the cost of daycare. I hope she looks into that. Has Jade ever completed a meal in a restaurant with her mother?

Edited by configdotsys
Because you don't anaswer the phone, you answer it, silly.
  • Love 7

Briana continues to impress! Good for her. I am so glad she came to her senses. She'll be OK.

Kayla, on the other hand....Stephan is just the beginning. By the time she's 25 she'll have three kids, three different baby daddies, and a restraining order against at least one of them.

Ashley. Honey. Why do you make things so hard for yourself? Try to learn to forgive and forget. Not everything in the world is a calculated slight against you. She's so prickly and quick to take offense. Shen's no prize but in her own, hamfisted way I think she means well. I feel bad for Bar. He's stuck in the middle of these firestorms all the time.

Kyler is a horrible person and his mother should hang her head in shame. (I have a son. He's 24. We were talking yesterday and he was talking about how he ran into an ex while he was out the other night. They did not part on the best of terms but they have a lot of friends in common and he's an affable guy. So he's telling me how they sat and talked and put a lot of shit behind them and then he said "I remembered what you told me--'if you're going to be someone's boyfriend, be a good one.' and I figured, that holds true for being someone's ex-boyfriend too". I confess, I preened a bit. If my son ever, EVER spoke to a girl the way Kyler spoke to Lexi I would be sorely disappointed.) Lexi is no Nobelist but she's cute, she seems tolerably bright, and has a plan for her future. Kyler is ugly, stupid, fat, charmless, and mean. She can do better.

Jade. Cute baby. Life's a mess. Nothing to add.

  • Love 17
50 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Ashley. Honey. Why do you make things so hard for yourself? Try to learn to forgive and forget. Not everything in the world is a calculated slight against you. She's so prickly and quick to take offense. Shen's no prize but in her own, hamfisted way I think she means well. I feel bad for Bar. He's stuck in the middle of these firestorms all the time.

It's interesting how we are all wired so differently. I was team Ashley on this one because Shen used the opportunity of being so enamored with the baby to ignore Ashley but inside she was probably giddy with glee doing that. I would not be happy and would probably go out the door too. Shen had a smart ass tone when she said, "Where'd Ashley go?" I still think she was purposefully being a bitch.

The passive aggressiveness drove me nuts. Do something mean to someone you typically treat like shit and then in your kindest mama voice say, "Oh, I didn't mean it that way." The nice-nice tone forces the other person to accept the apology, insincere as it probably is, because if they don't, they look like the bad guy/gal.

I think Bar could have diffused the situation by showing understanding to Ashley when they were outside. Instead, he said, "Here we go," which implies that Ashley is making something out of nothing. It may be nothing to Bar, but if it's something to Ashley, no matter how silly he thinks it is, he should not dismiss her feelings. Saying "Here we go," in my view, blamed Ashley for the situation and she did nothing other than walk into the house and in short order receive shitty treatment from Shen. 

  • Love 6

Fair. But I must confess when Ashley ramped it up to 11 the minute Bar walked outside I too thought "here we go". Bar's just a guy, a young guy who is in the middle of two self centered drama queens, both of whom he loves, and both of whom jump dead in his shit if he says one kind word about the other. He's in way over his head so I can't fault him for not responding like a therapist who is impartial. Sure, he could have done better. He's emotionally exhausted and how he must feel having to constantly walk that razor's edge? I'd have run screaming. Shen was a jerk, but she did, in the end, apologize. Maybe she did act like a jerk, and tried to cover it up with her fakey fake "oh, I didn't mean it", but she did say she was sorry. I have not once seen Ashley try to be the bigger person or try to let things go by. Remember the infamous Unicorn Shower? Where she had to run outside and start some shit with Shen, instead of letting it go? Shen's no day at the beach, but she is her prospective mother in law. Bar is not going to disown her. Ashley was resentful about going to Shen's place and was on simmer, ready to boil over. She and Bar would both benefit from couples counseling if they want to have a prayer of staying together.

  • Love 9

Shen       ?

Bar          ?

Were the margins on the birth certificate printer messed up?  Did the mothers fall asleep/pass out halfway through telling the hospital their baby's name?

Anyway, Ashley had no problem leaving her baby with Shen so that they could go out on the town in Las Vegas.

Stephan/Kyler/Denae = POS x 3.  Jade's fiancé is no prize, but he's more just immature and stupid. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, suzeecat said:

Shen       ?

Bar          ?

Were the margins on the birth certificate printer messed up?  Did the mothers fall asleep/pass out halfway through telling the hospital their baby's name?

Anyway, Ashley had no problem leaving her baby with Shen so that they could go out on the town in Las Vegas.

Stephan/Kyler/Denae = POS x 3.  Jade's fiancé is no prize, but he's more just immature and stupid. 

she's Shenandoah (what up, we follow eachother on Instagram!) and he's Bariki

and I have no excuse for myself. 

as you were....

Edited by teapot
  • Love 10
12 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

Lexi was upset because of Kyler but trying to keep it all in. He ruined her graduation party with his attitude. He was up to his usual games and mind fuckery. Everyone else was dressed up for the graduation but he looked like he literally just rolled out of bed. 

I'm going to have to disagree with you on a technicality--I don't think he wears that Luke Perry vest to bed.



She should just go ahead and file paperwork for child support and visitation, she has to do what’s right for Isaiah, that’s her priority now. 

Tragically, it's Izaiah, not Isaiah.  That said, it's still better than Isiah, which has never made sense to me if it's it's to be pronounced like Isaiah.


6 hours ago, 3outta5 said:

Lexi's mom: "You were never ambitious"...I can see that. I do hope she becomes a funeral director. Like Quita said, her lack of affect will really come in handy (and I mean that sincerely!)

I'm not sure Lexi knows much about the funeral industry.  Perhaps her career path is more fleshed out in her mind, but all we were shown was that she said she likes cemeteries.  If that's the case, then maybe she should be a gravedigger.  Because a funeral director is a salesman.  Usually a solicitous and kind salesman and not a used-car-type salesman, but a salesman nevertheless, and people with flat affects generally don't soar in sales.

She could be a fulltime embalmer, but she's not going to make great bank doing that.

The real money is in owning a funeral home, and that's usually handed down through family, and she doesn't seem like enough of a go-getter to break into that from the outside.  But according to her mother this baby has changed Lexi's character, so maybe I'm wrong.  But she still has some proving to do on that score when it comes to Kyler.

I do wonder about what her dad thinks.  Maybe he likes Kyler and sees something none of us do, but if not, it would be really rough to watch your daughter try so hard to give her life to a dud who treats her like that just because she doesn't want her baby to grow up without a father, like she did. 


6 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Jade: As least Sean knows he's been an asshole. Crying in front of his "bro"makes me think that deep down he really does care. Jade's mom not showing up = shocker. I am not a fan at all of babies, but Kloie is so cute.If Jade works in a restaurant as a server, I would think she would be eligible or some type of social services to help with the cost of daycare. I hope she looks into that.

How about not ordering ribeyes in restaurants to help free up money for daycare?  I'm sure I'm richer than Jade*, and even I don't do that.  I will say that I was pleasantly surprised that she ordered it medium rare, though.

Then again, if MTV was paying for it, you go, girl.  Order the 32-ounce one and eat on it for days.

*Richer than Jade = not hard to do, I suspect.


3 minutes ago, Juniebaby said:

I think Danae is attached to the baby because it cements his masculinity as a father.  He may not have many opportunities to be a father again so that is why he’s hanging on. JMHO.

When he was holding the baby after it was first born, he seemed "motherly" to me, and I thought he had the best of both worlds.

But in the future, he'll have the same opportunity to be a father as he had this time.  Maybe even more, because this kid has none of his DNA and he could contribute DNA to a future child.  Wait.  Maybe not.  I'm terrible enough at biology--throwing in transgender when making babies makes my head spin.  I'll just say that I don't see him having fewer opportunities to be a father, if the benchmark is taking on that role for a baby you had nothing to do with.  Or maybe you think there won't be someone who will allow him to take on that role?  On that I would probably agree, especially if they see this show.

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

Ironic that the pastor’s daughter is the stripper,

I always thought that was just a given.

20 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

, it’s not a good dynamic for her baby and Brianna has to do what she needs to do to protect her child first and foremost. Denae is volatile, emotionally unstable, and has so much rage. I’ve never seen a person with so much rage before in my life and have yet to understand why he has so much rage.

I had a visceral reaction to that scene.  I have a neighbor who is a butch lesbian and is very violent.  I am a straight female with a long-term male partner and a child.  My neighbor has hit on me often, tried to have our son call her stepmommy (shivers) and keeps saying terrible things about my partner/son's father.  We have had to get restraining orders and renew them as they expire.  She has called me the C word and we have seen her violent with her past relationships.  Like you @Spiderella2 I am at a loss of why.

11 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Kayla, on the other hand....Stephan is just the beginning. By the time she's 25 she'll have three kids, three different baby daddies, and a restraining order against at least one of them.

Then she can replace someone on Teen Mom

10 hours ago, suzeecat said:

Anyway, Ashley had no problem leaving her baby with Shen so that they could go out on the town in Las Vegas.

Ok, I can't be the only one who when entering a family members house, who agreed to babysit, and the family member grabs the baby from you and then gushes over said baby..........High tail it out of there.  It is the perfect way to slip away from your child while they are occupied with other loving family.  When Ashley stood there and stewed I was yelling, "Run, damn you, run".

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Briana continues to impress! Good for her. I am so glad she came to her senses. She'll be OK.

Unfortunately, I disagree. I really like Brianna. She has a sweet demeanor and a cute face. BUT she obviously has made stupid decisions. And by the looks of that hickey on her neck, she is still making them. C'mon, she JUST broke up with Denae and she's already letting some guy suck on her neck?! Mind you, she's got a newborn at home. She shouldn't have time to be out meeting guys, much less making out with them. 

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Kayla in meek voic



e saying she doesn't think they'll get back together. How about "That asshole is toast after the way he talked to my mom, you know, the one who does EVERYTHING for us." I heart Kayla's friends who know what a piece of shit Stephan is. Right, Stephan, you thought it was Kayla's ATM card.

Lex: Woe is me. Kyler works full time now to support our kid but it's all about how lonely I am for the tub of lard that treats me like crap. I forwarded past Lexi's meet with her dad and the graduation. Snooze. The fat pig, wearing the same clothes and a hat indoors at Lexi's house: I could smell it through my TV. He seriously is just dirty. Way to play with Lexi's head, dirt boy: "I love you. Just kidding."

Ashley: That was some ginormous wrap that she had at the restaurant! It would take me days to finish that.I would like to know exactly what great lengths Ashley has gone to in order to have a relationship with Shen? She hasn't done anything but stay away from her which is what Bar wants to do regarding Pastor T and the stepfather.

Bar continues to look terrible. Shen hugs Bar, grabs the baby and ignores Ashley. Shen = wrong. Bar = wuss. His "Here we go, without acknowledging how pissed Ashley was is just a recipe for a lifetime of hell in this family."Bar's excuse of Shen being so happy to see the baby was horse shit. There's all kinds of passive aggressiveness going on here and one of them is going to blow up at something every time they are together. Don't smile too soon, Bar.

Briana: Happy to see her making a clean break. Danae putting up the hood to anaswer the phone and sitting halfway out of the picture: get over yourself. Did Briana have a hickey during that call? Considering how much drama Danae brings, I'm surprised he is not on social media. I still think the baby is nothing more than an excuse for Danae to keep in touch with Briana. 

Jade: As least Sean knows he's been an asshole. Crying in front of his "bro"makes me think that deep down he really does care. Jade's mom not showing up = shocker. I am not a fan at all of babies, but Kloie is so cute.If Jade works in a restaurant as a server, I would think she would be eligible or some type of social services to help with the cost of daycare. I hope she looks into that. Has Jade ever completed a meal in a restaurant with her mother?

  • Love 1

I’m gonna start off with Denae and Briana cause I think they have the most scary relationship of all. I seriously hope Briana is done with Denae. She can’t afford to be in a drama filled, toxic, abusive relationship like she could when she was a normal carefree teenager. She needs to grow up (hopefully she has) and put her child first. All of that yelling and hostility is horrible for the baby! They pick up on vibes better than adults do! I hope Denae gets help. Seriously. And definitely before he begins testosterone!!! He has an insane amount of rage. He’s extremely emotionally abusive to Briana. Anyway, bravo girl for taking the first step away from this scary individual. I don’t think it’ll last but bravo for trying!

On Kayla and Stephan: What a piece of shit. If anyone came even close to saying what he said to Kayla’s mom to my mom? God help them. Why doesn’t he have any family btw? I knew he was gonna be a “Disneyland Dad” for awhile now. The intensity and oftenness he talked about how he was gonna be such a good dad gave it away for me. Can’t explain it. I just saw this coming. He’s a looser and I’m sure he’ll maybe send his kid $20 for its bday every couple of years. But child support? Forget about it. 

Jade and Sean: not much to say. I really like Jade. She’s a good mom and a overly generous daughter. Her mom is a white trash low life. I do disagree with Jade leaving the baby with her but to each their own. Sean, poor Sean. He’s hopelessly in love with beautiful Jade who’s just not feelin it. Get your shit together buddy, no woman who knows her worth wants a man that isn’t worthy of her. Turn off the Xbox and get a job!

Lexi & Kyler: I feel for Lexi. I was getting annoyed by her because she seemed so pitiful trying to get that sack of shit Kyler back. Now, I realize how low her self esteem is. Her own father basically abandoned her. So her greatest fear is having another man do the same thing-no matter how much of a grimy, stupid, boring, mean, smellin like an old sock typa man Kyler is. She’s got a long and painful future filled with heartache if she doesn’t start to value herself.

Last but definitely not least, Bar and Ashley! Ugh so many people in this group annoy me. Bar annoys me the least. He does need to take a stand in a few different ways but I mostly feel so bad for him. These wretched women (Ashley and Shen) supposedly love him and all they do is put massive amounts of pressure on him. Ashley infuriates me. She acts like a spoiled little brat. If she had to deal with my mother in law? Girl! You’d be kissing the ground Shan walked on. But, my mother in law loves my kids and out of respect for my husband and maturity for avoiding drama cause I don’t want it in my kids life, I put up with her. I don’t like it, but guess what? When you have a child it’s not about you anymore! I wish Ashley could get that already. I should have some understanding though, afterall she does have “Pastor Tea” for a mother. Ha! Pastor. Pastor of what? The church of petty arguments and irrational anger? Why does she call herself that? She’s supposed to be a woman of God who can offer us some wisdom? Hahaha. She looks like an idiot with this label. And I just read in this thread that Ashley was a stripper?! Omg. The “pastor” couldn’t keep her daughter on the right path?! No way!

  • Love 8
On 5/21/2018 at 10:08 PM, Quita said:

Lexi could not possibly have a more flat affect. I've never seen someone more miserable at a party in her honor. Someone needs to check her pulse.

Seeing her father, I think we now know where that comes from.  She looks like him and speaks like him. 

On 5/22/2018 at 7:46 AM, blueorchid said:

I felt a tiny tiny tiny twinge of sympathy for Danae finding out that he was no longer to be a part of the baby's life. Even awful people are capable of loving babies they are told they will raise. We all called this a loooong time ago that they wouldn't work out, but let's not forget that young people are stupid and think love at that age will last forever. 

I think he would absolutely love that baby with all his heart BUT his rage against Brianna is so unnecessary and would make things terribly hard to co-parent with him.  She's lucky she can tell him he won't be involved.  

On 5/22/2018 at 8:17 AM, configdotsys said:


Briana: Happy to see her making a clean break. Danae putting up the hood to anaswer the phone and sitting halfway out of the picture: get over yourself. Did Briana have a hickey during that call? Considering how much drama Danae brings, I'm surprised he is not on social media. I still think the baby is nothing more than an excuse for Danae to keep in touch with Briana. 

What WAS that!?! I found it so bizarre.  Is he trying to be artsy in only showing half his face? 

22 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Ashley. Honey. Why do you make things so hard for yourself? Try to learn to forgive and forget. Not everything in the world is a calculated slight against you. She's so prickly and quick to take offense. Shen's no prize but in her own, hamfisted way I think she means well. I feel bad for Bar. He's stuck in the middle of these firestorms all the time.

Poor Bar is going to end up marrying his mom.  Ashley and Shen are nearly identical except for the color of their skin.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, gunderda said:

I think he would absolutely love that baby with all his heart BUT his rage against Brianna is so unnecessary and would make things terribly hard to co-parent with him.  She's lucky she can tell him he won't be involved.  

The day would come when that rage would be turned on the baby. Imagine when he's two and he empties the wastebasket everywhere or unspools all the toilet paper? When he's 4 and will not go to bed? How about when he's 9 or 10 and rolls his eyes or mutters under his breath? Danae loves a tiny infant he can cuddle. A little human who might talk back or not be the perfect little toy? I shudder. That kid dodged a bullet.

  • Love 9

Count me in with those who did not know Ashley had been a dancer. I guess I missed the first episode. Was she an exotic dancer in Vegas? Do we know any more about her job?  I caaaaaaaan't with her mother "Pastor" Tea. Like someone said upthread...what a joke! She can't be a real pastor.  How could she bear to be seen acting this way on national TV?

  • Love 4

Kyler is so lucky Lexi doesn't have an older brother around. That was really mean what he said to her at the party. I'm not a violent person, nor do I look for trouble. But damn, at that moment I wanted to knock his teeth out. That shit is so unnecessary, just leave her alone. What kind of sick person enjoys treating someone like that?

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, IvySpice said:

I can't any more with Kyler's ugly, unwashed, assholery. The only time that turd smiles is when he's hurting Lexi. 

And surprisingly, as we saw in previous episode, he has a pretty normal mom (not one of the crazy moms) who totally calls him out on his bad, mean behavior.  Too bad he didn't take that to heart.

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, JasminePhyllisia said:

And surprisingly, as we saw in previous episode, he has a pretty normal mom (not one of the crazy moms) who totally calls him out on his bad, mean behavior.  Too bad he didn't take that to heart.

I think kyler is horrible in every way. I haven’t watched this episode yet, but maybe that’s how his Dad treats his Mom. Very sad if that’s the case. 

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, missy jo said:

Kyler's mom mentioned in her talk with him that she was a teen mom herself. Maybe Kyler's dad skedaddled and he doesn't have a male role model to teach him how to treat women. Hint: Treat them like human beings. 

I could understand if he was awkward, or clueless with regard to how to treat women, but he is intentionally cruel and mean. He is playing with Lexi's head and immensely enjoys doing that. It's like he's pulling the wings off a fly. If he did not grow up with a father, I feel for him but this purposeful cruelty that he inflicts on Lexi with a smug smirk on his face? I just can't with this unwashed punk. 

  • Love 7

"out loud "be a funeral director.""

The party guest needed to be a little more gracious. I understand that she was on camera, and that she wasn't expecting to hear this answer. But if an adult asks the guest of honor at a graduation party about her career plans, the adult needs to be ready to act supportive and say "Congratulations! When do you start?" even if the answer is, "I'm on the night shift at Wendy's." It's a lot like a baby shower: you may think that she's nuts to have some jerkwad's kid at 17, but either act happy at the baby shower or don't come.

  • Love 3

On what planet is it funny/entertaining/smirk-worthy to say to a teenage girl who you know DAMN well wants desperately to be your girlfriend, “Love you,” followed by “Just kidding.”?!?!? What a complete and total asshat he is!! His mother must be mortified watching these episodes! I’m sure she’s aware that Kyler is stringing Lexi along, but that scene goes way beyond cruel. If that was my kid, I would kill him. Flat out. 


I can somewhat understand Sean’s immaturity and lack of really understanding how much patience it takes to not only be a father, but in a living-together relationship that’s already strained to begin with. Not excusing his crappy attitude or how he treats Jade, but at least it’s somewhat understandable. Jade doesn’t seem like the easiest person to live & coparent with, and I can understand him falling back on wanting to hang with his boys & be irresponsible. 


Bar- I can kind of understand his lack of wanting to apologize to “Pastor” Tea as well. He and Ashley might be okay if they can keep their crazy families out of it. They need to move far away from both sides of that family tree. 


Danae- insane. Move FAR FAR away from that relationship, and stay off of FaceTime, Brianna. Be done. 


Kayla needs to ditch Stephan, and she knows it. But will she have the strength to stay away? Probably not. She doesn’t seem to have enough self esteem to cut ties like she knows she should. Sadly. 

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12 hours ago, jenifaohjenny said:

Please let poor Lexi meet a nice guy! Kyler is the worst!

I hope it's not soon, and that it's not someone she jumps to to make ditching Kyler easier.  She's in a perfect position to learn to be okay without a man, which is something that could serve her well for the rest of her life.  Unfortunately, that would mean not having someone like TM Chelsea's Cole, who appears to have done a very nice job of filling a gap in Aubree's life (and itself isn't without complications).  But the odds of her getting a Cole are very low, and the odds of not having a guy in her life are high.

But it points out just how life-altering having a baby at such a young age is.  None of these people will ever have a chance to make a life just for themselves, and make choices about whether things fit into it or not.

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I have been trying to figure out who has the lowest self-esteem on this show, Lexi or Kayla. Lexi cannot maintain eye contact with anyone but her mother when she talks. She is always mumbling and staring down at the floor and it drives me crazy. That said: Kyler may be emotionally manipulative and an asshole, but I highly doubt that he would ever steal money from Lexi's mom and then rage at her in her own home the way that Stefan did. So, Kayla "wins" this battle because we all know that this girl is still trying to play happy family with Stefan to this day. When her friend was telling her how it is and how it should be, Kayla was meekly saying, "true... yeah... I know" like the dim-witted idiot that she is. She clearly doesn't know, because Stefan will probably cry again and offer another half-assed non-apology (during which he will probably try to blame Kayla or her mom for the rage, which is what scumbags like him do) and Kayla will take him back. If her mom really wants to help her, she needs to take a cue from Pastor T and put her foot down about who is allowed in her house. Make Kayla choose: live rent free, or get out and live with your homeless boyfriend.

I'm seriously so sick of seeing these meek, mealy-mouthed girls who were raised by meek, mealy-mouthed mothers. They won't break the cycle, either.

Jade at least sticks up for herself. She was dealt a rough hand in life but she's a survivor. She works. She threw out the good-for-nothing loser boyfriend. Speaking of Sean, I still suspect that he's doing drugs. He may just be smoking pot or whatever, but his eyes are red every single time I've seen him on camera. He needs to cut that shit out, grow up and get a job. You have a child now, you loser.

I hope the Ashley-Shen truce lasts because that drama is old and tired. I'm as sick of seeing it as Bar clearly is.

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