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S14.E24: All of Me

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17 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Me, too. Not a fan of "traumatic event leads atheist to God" stories.

 ON 5/18/2018 AT 12:05 PM, PROSERPINA65 SAID:

I actually hate that they're taking a character who was an avowed atheist and making him go on some spiritual journey.  Some of us have serious things happen to us and our loved ones, and yet we still remain unconvinced of the existence of a higher power.


This is believable to me because of the way it played out that particular day.  Jackson sounded so mad when he was bargaining with this God he doesn't believe in but April does.  Like, "OK, fine -- you save April, and I will believe."  Then he was shocked to discover this prayer seemed to actually work.  He has to stick with his bargain and at least give belief in God a try now. 

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

Exactly how stupid was that wedding planner? Wouldn’t anyone with a life-threatening allergy be in the habit of carrying an Epi-pen in case of emergency? (For that matter, what was she even there for? I thought April *was* the wedding planner? Now I wonder if the original plan really was to kill April off in last week’s episode, but the scene with this wedding planner was already written...)

I thought she was the caterer. Even more reason to have an epi pen at all times when you know you’re going to be serving a dish you are allergic to.

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, beautifulGA said:

I don't have any words. for me, krista stepping in as show runner (with lack of understanding of characters true course) is a disservice to fans who have dedicated years to this show. 

no wonder this season has been so all over the place. 


Krista is gonna get away with this cause by all accounts this is a HEA but to whittle her down to April’s most basic trait and strip away all it’s complexities, her religion, and make that the basis for how she writes her out and how april makes her decisions. It ignores everything april has learned. 

April had always yearned for professional acceptance and never got it. I’m as upset over that as I am over japril not being endgame. 

Gosh matthew is such a representation of april pre season 9-13 and it drives me crazy that Krista just doesn’t care about April or her fans. I’ve never been more insulted for a fictional character and I’ve never been given a clearer message of “if you loved april, I don’t want you here”

  • Love 7
On ‎5‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 8:42 AM, Chas411 said:

Half of me thinks that the original plan was to kill April off until the fan reaction deterred them. 

They don't give her off but they give her what they think should be a happy ending for her, and your theory does explain Arizona's rushed info-dump speech about April and Matthew dating and having fallen in love and how that relationship seemed to have come out of nowhere in relation to where April/Matthew were at the last time we saw them. But why did April's happy ever after have to choose a man at all? Cristina went to Switzerland for a job. Izzie left for reasons I don't remember, but I don't think it was about Alex. 

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Shellie said:

 ON 5/18/2018 AT 12:05 PM, PROSERPINA65 SAID:

I actually hate that they're taking a character who was an avowed atheist and making him go on some spiritual journey.  Some of us have serious things happen to us and our loved ones, and yet we still remain unconvinced of the existence of a higher power.


This is believable to me because of the way it played out that particular day.  Jackson sounded so mad when he was bargaining with this God he doesn't believe in but April does.  Like, "OK, fine -- you save April, and I will believe."  Then he was shocked to discover this prayer seemed to actually work.  He has to stick with his bargain and at least give belief in God a try now. 

This is one of the only season 15 stories I’m actually interested in, just because it’s different than the average personal stories we’ve seen on Greys (which usually just involve falling in love, cheating, surprise pregnancies and sucky parents). We’ve seen Jackson reach out to God before - asking him to show up for April when they found out about Samuel - so it’s not entirely out of nowhere. And now as he sees it, he made this deal - April lives, he will believe. Jackson is a frustrating character to me at times, but one thing he tends to do is follow through, so I can see this spiritual quest actually turning into a real thing. It could be interesting.

Edited by LaughingOne
  • Love 7
22 minutes ago, LaughingOne said:

This is one of the only season 15 stories I’m actually interested in, just because it’s different than the average personal stories we’ve seen on Greys (which usually just involve falling in love, cheating, surprise pregnancies and sucky parents). We’ve seen Jackson reach out to God before - asking him to show up for April when they found out about Samuel - so it’s not entirely out of nowhere. And now as he sees it, he made this deal - April lives, he will believe. Jackson is a frustrating character to me at times, but one thing he tends to do is follow through, so I can see this spiritual quest actually turning into a real thing. It could be interesting.

If that actually happens and it’s something that gets actually explored for more than an episode than that will be very interesting and something I can see myself checking out.

Thing is, without April there, I don’t see how or why hed do it. Maggie and Jackson and a giggle kiss moment about neither one of them knows about religion so it doesn’t mean as much to them as a pair as it would have to jackson and April. What is the motivation for him to actually learn about Christianity? No one will hold him to it and he doesn’t have the visual reminder (April) to hold him accountable. 

I have a feeling this was something to make it seem like japril have closure with this issue. Which like most of their conflicts in season 14, it’s a very surface resolution. 

  • Love 3
44 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

If that actually happens and it’s something that gets actually explored for more than an episode than that will be very interesting and something I can see myself checking out.

Thing is, without April there, I don’t see how or why hed do it. Maggie and Jackson and a giggle kiss moment about neither one of them knows about religion so it doesn’t mean as much to them as a pair as it would have to jackson and April. What is the motivation for him to actually learn about Christianity? No one will hold him to it and he doesn’t have the visual reminder (April) to hold him accountable. 

I have a feeling this was something to make it seem like japril have closure with this issue. Which like most of their conflicts in season 14, it’s a very surface resolution. 

Yeah, who knows. It could’ve just been banter for this episode but I thought it was interesting they brought it up again. As to what holds him accountable, I figure it would be Jackson’s own sense of honor / superstition.

  • Love 1

It was a great finale.  Definitely a different vibe than last year’s, and I’ll take it.

So many funny moments - Wrong church scene (Catherine stole the show during their quick exit!), wedding planner allergic reaction, Jackson/Matthew encounter.

Some sweet moments - Meredith/Alex, Jo/Alex, Maggie/Jackson, Arizona/April convos, April/Jackson.


A few things though:

Matthew / April - I was happy they reunited but, I would have been content with a declaration of love or engagement.  No need for the marriage.

Callie / Arizona - Too bad there was no Callie on our screen.  Not sure whether that was Sara’s choice or Grey’s.

Dead guy in shed - I’m with other posts, was that really needed?

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, sonyab said:


I like glasses, but him fainting because of the blood, was so stupid! He shouldn't be a doctor then. Intern Amy Schumer! ROFL! She has been annoying since day one and I want her gone!!

Exactly! Like over on Station 19, Victoria has a fear of fire that until the season finale, she got over. Yet, why she became afraid came out of nowhere. Plus, she had been a fire fighter for awhile by then and all of a sudden, she stops an stares at it like it's going to talk to her. Glasses reminds me of Fred Grimes character, Morris on ER. He was introduced as a complete idiot and pot smoker. After they killed off Ramono (who caught him getting high on the job). There was critic and fan outrage asking to either utilize Grimes's acting or get rid of the character. Grimes even said he hated his character early on saying; "No one person could fail his way up in the medical field like that, no matter who their parents are and pulled strings." The message go through and they started making his character competent. But it wasn't over night and they took a lot of short cuts. Here with Glasses, what the hell possessed him to go into medicine? Why surgery where cutting people open and seeing blood on a regular basis is a thing. The wedding proved that if I had a serious allergic or medical condition that would require me to be cut open to save my life, I be dead because this guy immediately passes out. Forget Meredith, if Teddy is now the new chief, I either be requiring him to seek therapy or fire his ass because he could get someone killed. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Pallas said:

Jackson prayed to God; his pledge was to give credence to God, not any one denomination. I could imagine his exploring several, like an intern. 

Exactly. I’d been thinking how intriguing it would be if Jackson explored Buddhism or Islam, instead of a fundamentalist version of Protestant Christianity. Jackson’s cool demeanor would lend credence to interest in meditation and ultimately, Buddhism. A conversation with Qadri could result in exploring Islam. Jackson could also go the Unitarian Universalist route, as well. If the writers want to go further in Season 15, Jackson’s journey could take him down many roads. 

  • Love 2

My bad, you’re right he said he’d believe in God. 

If jackson went on this journey it would be interesting. But I’m gonna be that person...you had someone with deep religious roots questioning God and you give the exploration of God and different religions to Jackson? This is the kind of thing that really burns me.

Edited by moonorchid
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I think it's most likely they will just drop the Jackson/God thing next season like it never happened--esp with April not being on the show to bring up the issue.

If they do continue it, I don't really care--except I don't want them to basically redo the Jackson/April debate over religion via Jackson/Maggie. That's what bothered me the most when Jackson and Maggie were chatting about it--it kind of read like we are going to redo that storyline just with different characters and Jackson in the April role. Hopefully not.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I think it's most likely they will just drop the Jackson/God thing next season like it never happened--esp with April not being on the show to bring up the issue.

If they do continue it, I don't really care--except I don't want them to basically redo the Jackson/April debate over religion via Jackson/Maggie. That's what bothered me the most when Jackson and Maggie were chatting about it--it kind of read like we are going to redo that storyline just with different characters and Jackson in the April role. Hopefully not.

I will be really upset if they replay that storyline with Jackson and maggie. Krista has recycled enough. 

But like you said, maggie isn’t religious and there’s no one to keep him accountable about this, it’ll just kind of go by the waistside. Which I prefer. This storyline could have been really amazing with a character that it would have been profound for (instead of insulting people who don’t believe) and with a showrunner who cares about religion in the slightest beyond a surface “God’s Work” understanding. 

  • Love 1
23 hours ago, kinnej5 said:

I like the naieve idea someone on the previous page mentioned. I know it's stupid, and it's fan fufilling. But I like it. Well, I more like the idea of Maggie being all hell bent out of shape and downing tequila by the bottle. There's Amelia in the background biting her lips and Betty arguing that she wants to join Maggie on the binge drinking.

"Aw, c'mon Amy! Learn to have some fun!"

(I don't think she knows about her drug and alcohol addiction?)

Amelia told Betty about her addiction in Betty's first episode when Amelia bought her lunch.

A number of people were speculating that both Teddy and Amelia would be pregnant at the end of the season. I think it's interesting that only Teddy was proven to be.  In the triangle that seems inevitable for next season, having both Teddy and Amelia pregnant would take that fact out of the equation and have Owen decide purely on the merits of the individual woman. Giving Teddy the huge edge of pregnant with Owen's baby suggests to me that in terms of relationship, Amelia has the upper hand and Krista wanted to balance it with Owen's bio-baby.

19 hours ago, LexieLily said:

I think I mentioned this in the episode thread but why did her happy ending have to be about a man at all? If the show is set on Jackson/Maggie and thus April can't be with Jackson, so be it. Jackson and April can be friends and co-parents, and April and Matthew could have continued their volunteer work at wherever they were volunteering the day of the accident and becoming friends again, slowly, or at the very least Matthew could have forgiven her for the wedding debacle five years ago and/or more currently for Karen's death. There wasn't a story need to have April/Matthew fall in love again and marry, given that April isn't on the show any longer. 

I think it had to be for two reasons: one because if April were single in Seattle, Japril shippers would always be pushing for them to get back together (as Calzona shippers didn't seem to accept any of the subsequent relationships for Callie or Arizona) and therefore they wouldn't have been able to write Jaggie cleanly, and two because of who April is.

I could see Meredith, Cristina or Teddy happy without a permanent man and having serial relationships with various men.  I don't think that's who April is though.  She wants love and family and Christian values.  I know it doesn't make true April fans happy that she ended up with Matthew but I think for the casual viewer, this is a happy ending for her, with a man she loves and doing work that is important to her.

(Quotes taken from the spoiler thread)

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

A number of people were speculating that both Teddy and Amelia would be pregnant at the end of the season. I think it's interesting that only Teddy was proven to be.  In the triangle that seems inevitable for next season, having both Teddy and Amelia pregnant would take that fact out of the equation and have Owen decide purely on the merits of the individual woman. Giving Teddy the huge edge of pregnant with Owen's baby suggests to me that in terms of relationship, Amelia has the upper hand and Krista wanted to balance it with Owen's bio-baby.

I am 99% sure it IS, but on the other hand we are just all assuming that just because Teddy is pregnant it's with Owen's baby ;)

On 5/18/2018 at 8:29 PM, TigerLynx said:

I liked the dress, but Meredith's hair used to have more body, and look really silky.  It might be the hairstyle.  Also, her skin used to have more of a glow.

I do not want to see a triangle with Teddy, Owen and Amelia.

If Bailey and Alex leave, then the only original characters left will be Meredith and Richard.

Imma just say it-- I love Ellen Pompeo and think she is beautiful. So.. she ALWAYS looks good to me. 

  • Love 2

Thoughts on this episode...

-Why was DeLuca there in the first place?

-Since when is Hellmouth(sorry, I don't remember her actual name) attracted to women? They have never previously made any mention of it.

-Jo and Alex are in a shed full of garden tools, wasn't there anything they could have used to break through the wood door?

-Of course Teddy shows up pregnant with Owen's baby. <eye roll>

-I did like the use of The Story (song).

-While I am glad that Jo and Alex got their happy ending, I hope we don't lose Karev next season.

-Matthew and April didn't have a marriage license, so are they even legally married?

-Overall, just kind of a "meh" episode for me. A little too predictable and cheesy at some points.

Edited by marykat71702
Added something
  • Love 2
22 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I think it had to be for two reasons: one because if April were single in Seattle, Japril shippers would always be pushing for them to get back together (as Calzona shippers didn't seem to accept any of the subsequent relationships for Callie or Arizona) and therefore they wouldn't have been able to write Jaggie cleanly, and two because of who April is.

Just want to say that IMO, Calzona shippers might have accepted any of the subsequent relationships if there would have been any chemistry or magic whatsoever.  There really was nothing, especially when compared to the level of early Calzona magic. 

And that's a major problem with Jackson and Maggie too.  

  • Love 6
On 5/19/2018 at 4:01 PM, moonorchid said:

Krista is gonna get away with this cause by all accounts this is a HEA but to whittle her down to April’s most basic trait and strip away all it’s complexities, her religion, and make that the basis for how she writes her out and how april makes her decisions. It ignores everything april has learned. 

April had always yearned for professional acceptance and never got it. I’m as upset over that as I am over japril not being endgame. 

Gosh matthew is such a representation of april pre season 9-13 and it drives me crazy that Krista just doesn’t care about April or her fans. I’ve never been more insulted for a fictional character and I’ve never been given a clearer message of “if you loved april, I don’t want you here”

I'm confused as to how being with Matthew is seemingly so regressive for April. I DO agree that the courtship was quick and in that sense I totally get fans being upset over it. But in terms of what he means for April or how he represents pre-season 9 April, I'm a bit confused. For one thing, she left Matthew in mid season 10. And she was still deeply religious after that... that part of her never changed. Yes, she was a very complex character, but she was complex pre-season 10 as well. I think the whole idea of her arc this year was that her faith had been slowly eroding over time without her noticing, and then she had a breaking point - she had lost Samuel, her marriage had crumbled, and she had made choices that she would never have expected herself to make. All of this led to a full-on crisis of faith once Matthew lost his wife and the young boy who got shot died. Her bond with God became greater than ever once she found her way through that - I don't see it as regressive, but as April actually progressing. She found a way to balance everything: practicing medicine for the less fortunate, being with a partner who respects and understands her faith, and having a successful co-parenting relationship with Jackson, etc. I think everyone in the hospital respected her greatly for her surgical skills, as well. I wouldn't have minded seeing her perhaps get one last truly triumphant surgery, but it is what it is I suppose. 

I certainly think that Krista could have given April a much, much (much, much, MUCH) worse exit; a lot of season 14 was her story. And admittedly, Sarah Drew was very proud of the story that they told for April in S14. She dominated several episodes throughout the year, survived the season, and exited on good terms with every other character - that's pretty much more than you can ask for on any TV drama, especially Grey's Anatomy. 

Edited by BaseOps
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14 hours ago, marykat71702 said:

Thoughts on this episode...

-Why was DeLuca there in the first place?

-Since when is Hellmouth(sorry, I don't remember her actual name) attracted to women? They have never previously made any mention of it.

-Jo and Alex are in a shed full of garden tools, wasn't there anything they could have used to break through the wood door?

-Of course Teddy shows up pregnant with Owen's baby. <eye roll>

-I did like the use of The Story (song).

-While I am glad that Jo and Alex got their happy ending, I hope we don't lose Karev next season.

-Matthew and April didn't have a marriage license, so are they even legally married?

-Overall, just kind of a "meh" episode for me. A little too predictable and cheesy at some points.

-they never said she was attracted to men (as far as i can recall), whats the big deal if she likes the ladies.

-no, but they can get one, it's obvious that the ceremony would be more important to these two than the actual paperwork.

This was surprisingly watchable. I have to say the reveal that the characters were at the wrong wedding was well done and hilarious.

I hated April's ending, not because she ended up with Matthew, but because it violated some of the basic tenets of writing. Show, not tell. We had zero opportunity to be invested in this relationship and having April and Arizona (in the previous ep) doing so much explaining of what happened in OffScreen Land is lazy, lazy writing. It's especially lazy when April's entire storyline this season seemed to well thought out and planned until Cold As Ice. I agree with those who've said that the original intent was probably to have April die, but then they changed it because of fan backlash. 

I also hate that Arizona didn't get to see Alex marry Jo! I hated that Arizona and April's last scene was separate from a majority of the cast. Hated it. 

Bailey's line about the patriarchy was beyond clunky. C'mon, you can do better than this, writers.

Ugh. I never cared for Teddy, and I hate that she's back. Hate it. She adds nothing to the show. 

I am now officially a Jo fan. She was lovely in this episode.

  • Love 13
5 hours ago, BaseOps said:

I'm confused as to how being with Matthew is seemingly so regressive for April. I DO agree that the courtship was quick and in that sense I totally get fans being upset over it. But in terms of what he means for April or how he represents pre-season 9 April, I'm a bit confused. For one thing, she left Matthew in mid season 10. And she was still deeply religious after that... that part of her never changed. Yes, she was a very complex character, but she was complex pre-season 10 as well. I think the whole idea of her arc this year was that her faith had been slowly eroding over time without her noticing, and then she had a breaking point - she had lost Samuel, her marriage had crumbled, and she had made choices that she would never have expected herself to make. All of this led to a full-on crisis of faith once Matthew lost his wife and the young boy who got shot died. Her bond with God became greater than ever once she found her way through that - I don't see it as regressive, but as April actually progressing. She found a way to balance everything: practicing medicine for the less fortunate, being with a partner who respects and understands her faith, and having a successful co-parenting relationship with Jackson, etc. I think everyone in the hospital respected her greatly for her surgical skills, as well. I wouldn't have minded seeing her perhaps get one last truly triumphant surgery, but it is what it is I suppose. 

I certainly think that Krista could have given April a much, much (much, much, MUCH) worse exit; a lot of season 14 was her story. And admittedly, Sarah Drew was very proud of the story that they told for April in S14. She dominated several episodes throughout the year, survived the season, and exited on good terms with every other character - that's pretty much more than you can ask for on any TV drama, especially Grey's Anatomy. 

I think it's pretty simple why April fans don't buy this ending for her - they didn't see how she got there. She gave up a surgical position that she had fought hard for, clawing her way back in after she was fired twice. She quickly fell in love with a man that had previously been just a placeholder for her. And the man she fell for? He had been publicly left by her at the altar and his wife had just died. And they didn't bother to show any of these huge twists on-screen. They were explained by other character in a few sentences of dialogue. You can "yada yada" minor details. You can't "yada yada" huge life changes for a character. Fans don't buy April's ending because Krista didn't bother to write the scenes that led up to it.

  • Love 14
51 minutes ago, LaughingOne said:

I think it's pretty simple why April fans don't buy this ending for her - they didn't see how she got there. She gave up a surgical position that she had fought hard for, clawing her way back in after she was fired twice. She quickly fell in love with a man that had previously been just a placeholder for her. And the man she fell for? He had been publicly left by her at the altar and his wife had just died. And they didn't bother to show any of these huge twists on-screen. They were explained by other character in a few sentences of dialogue. You can "yada yada" minor details. You can't "yada yada" huge life changes for a character. Fans don't buy April's ending because Krista didn't bother to write the scenes that led up to it.

This is a lot of it BASEOPS, what you described is nice, it just wasn’t on screen. April’s exit was handled in a sentence from Jackson to Maggie. She couldn’t even have April explain herself what the heck she’ll be doing. Krista had to go on Twitter and explain further what April is doing. 

Matthew was brought in back in season 10 to represent April’s old ideals for what she wanted in a man. I might have been able to buy him being endgame now but Krista couldn’t be bothered to show us any of it. 

Yeah she didn’t die but that shouldn’t be the standard for having a good exit. I know april didn’t have that many close relationships but she’s been there for 9 years, she had no last scenes with anyone except Jackson and Arizona. 

There are fans who didn’t even register that that was April’s last episode. 

  • Love 8

For an episode that specifically called out Meredith turning away from romance (e.g., telling Zola that she wouldn't be getting married again), she was quite popular; both Helm and DeLuca were wanting to make their moves, and Amelia was pushing an unrequited love scenario.

Having had days where everything goes cosmically wrong (in a "truth is stranger than fiction" sort of way), I was totally feeling Jo's hysterical laughter in the shed.

No excuse for wedding planner woman to not have ephinephrine or diphenydramine close by. I have a shellfish allergy, and not only do I carry diphenydramine in my evening bag when I go to weddings, I inform others where it is so that they can grab it for me if I start to get delirious. 

I knew the Mother of the Bride was going to have a medical emergency when I saw she was played by Tisha Campbell-Martin.  You don't bring her into an episode just to walk someone down the aisle; you knew she was going to have a story.

Too much rush to tie up April's storyline. I would rather have left her stuff dangling a bit (maybe just mention the wanting to quit her job to apply her medical skills to underserved communities full time) and feed the additional details later. I know the writers have short attention spans, but putting something in the tickler file to indicate that the next season needs to include mention of April in future episodes to establish her new engagement to Matt, or her continued charity work.

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On 5/21/2018 at 10:21 PM, marykat71702 said:

-Since when is Hellmouth(sorry, I don't remember her actual name) attracted to women? They have never previously made any mention of it.

There have been little *crush*-esque comments that she has made about other characters, I think mostly Meredith.  Of course, I didn't make note of exactly what, but if they rerun a few episodes, I'm sure we'll hear them again.  This wasn't the first episode with that hint of something from her.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, kinnej5 said:

The writers are bringing out the worst in Millennials and putting it upon these new interns.

You got that right. From Glasses fainting at the sight of blood (you are in f'in surgery). To: "I know I have a vagina, but the fact it can stretch like this is weird." How the HELL did any of them get through medical school? Let alone, GET INTO medical school? People can have quirks and habits, but the writers either making them too horny or give them very stupid and I do mean stupid problems that people have in elementary school. I want Richard to take them all into the hall and go: "So, do we have a big problem or little problem today?" "Look at me in the eye kids, or no recess."  

  • Love 5

Bailey used to have great lines where she would walk you through how she got to be who she is today and why she acts the way she does. A real modern day Aesop's fables. Now it's just a plopped in line about patriarchy. Alright. 


Also did anyone see Amelia throwing up in that one scene? They said it was stress or whatever from the surgery. What if she's pregnant too. We have no indicators to tell us otherwise since she doesn't drink. 

Imagine. Owen has Leo, Teddy's baby, and Amelia's baby. God's cosmic way of saying "here now quit whining about kids"

  • Love 2

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