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S06.E23: Life Sentence

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Sorry Quentin.

Sorry Sara.

Really, Oliver? You couldn't mention this BEFORE she came to take you away?

Oh great. Mumbles is still around. Lovely.

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You know, Tony Stark's reveal went a lot better.

Say, doesn't the POTUS owe the Green Arrow a favor since he helped save the world from an alien invasion?  If anyone deserves a pardon/commutation I'd say it's him.

And of course they kept Diaz alive for some damned reason.  I don't know why they think he's so awesome but seriously, they can do better than a guy with rocks in his mouth.

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This was a trashy ass finale. I am so sorry Beth that MG/WM left you picking up the pieces. 

After 6 years Paul Blackthorne got a shitty ass death! KCs was bad and I didnt think they could top themselves but somehow they did! I am truly amazed. Such a waste.

And what do we walk away with? Oliver outs to himself for "real" this time, how anyone can believe him is beyond me but ok. It just made the trial episode even more incompetent. You could skip the majority of that episode because it does nothing. Everyones hard work was for nothing.

How did this leave us knowing exactly where everyone would be for next year? Are they all just going to be stuck watching the tv? 

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They made the ending so obvious that I just didn't care about it? Obviously he's not in there for life.

Oh, Lance. Like I said, I miss when I liked Lance. BS was not his daughter. I'm pretty sure if I had taken shots every time someone said she was/wasn't his daughter in this episode, I'd be blackout drunk.

I was disappointed in the Olicity scene. No hug? No kiss? No "I love you"? Nothing? And really, Oliver, not telling your wife you've made a deal to go to prison? Especially when it means that she's now a single parent? Oh, he has so much to make up for when he gets out. 

Don't even get me started on Diaz still being around. 

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Well MG read my list of what I want for s7

  • Kill Diaz
  • Don't out Oliver
  • Quentin stops being stupid
  • get move OTA and Black Siren on

Thanks, MG. You did the exact opposite of what I wanted.

I'm going to spend the hiatus in my Wish World where Diaz and every else is gone in the first 2 episodes it takes to bring Roy back.

Edited by statsgirl
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TRASH. That was absolute trash.

The Olicity scene was emotional but I expected more. No kiss, no hug, no "I love you." Nothing. But sure, there was plenty of time for Dinah and Rene to get a pat on the back and an apology. THEY CAN CHOKE. 

Quentin had that death coming for how monumentally dumb he was most of the season. I felt nothing.

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What a huge letdown.   I'd really gotten my hopes up that we were done with Diaz.  I'm more sad about his return than Quentin's death. 

And yes Oliver and Felicity had an emotional scene but no hug?  Nothing? All off screen? 

That whole episode was so underwhelming.  It's all been just to get Oliver in the Supermax so they can have him break out, isn't it?

I HATE that Oliver had to give up what he held most dear and the ones that held him most dear had to give him up in order to save the asses of all the ungrateful people around him.  This SUCKS.     

Edited by BkWurm1
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4 minutes ago, ladylaw99 said:

There was not enough wine to make this episode  good for me

It wasn't even heartrending enough to make it painfully good.  It missed bringing home the emotional beats.  


Edited by BkWurm1
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Sooooo.....I got the impression following along in the live thread that Sara’s return was way overhyped and she didn’t even get a scene with her dad.  Y/N?  And please tell me she was not also drinking the crazy Kool-aid about BS being her “sister.”

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The Lance family sucks* and ruins everything.  It would be nice to get a season without any Lance remnants to see how much it might improve the show.  

Diaz was not big bad enough for half an episode - let alone two seasons.  Here's hoping he and BS have a murder/suicide moment early in episode one to fix this mess.  

I hope Oliver never says I sorry to anyone on this show (Felicity/William/Roy excepted) again.  

NTA still needs to die - if you losers had been so selfish and pitiful this would not have happened.   You were the true big bads of the show this year.   I don't care if they solve cancer and bring world peace - they still need to die.  

I am glad to know MG and WM are gone - this was pure trash.  And if it wasn't on purpose then they suck as writers and show runners  - and I will skip anything they are attached to in the future.  

*Sara is fine on her own show - and in small just here visiting doses.  But she let me down by not snapping BS neck.  

Edited by Mrs. de Winter
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I thought  everyone dying last season was stupid because I knew it wasn't true but this ending is their worst yet. 

I actually thought the scene between O and Lance was better than the one with he and F. 

IMO Diaz is the worst villain in the Arrowverse.

I am not going to comment further because at the moment I am so disappointed and disgusted. I can see in my mind MG laughing thinking and knowing he really f###ed the fans of Arrow.

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So I watched this episode, was I supposed to be bored through most of it? Wasn't this the finale? Then I didn't even get a Sara and Quentin scene. It was wasted on Sara meeting her not sister, which I suppose I should be happy that she knew that. I liked that Oliver apologized to her.  

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I hate to say it but that Olicity scene was a let down, well acted, but rushed, I didn't even feel sad because Oliver didn't take 2 seconds to talk to Felicity b4 Watson arrested him, wth, I expected more and that's on me

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1 minute ago, Starfish35 said:

Sooooo.....I got the impression following along in the live thread that Sara’s return was way overhyped and she didn’t even get a scene with her dad.  Y/N?  And please tell me she was not also drinking the crazy Kool-aid about BS being her “sister.”

Hey now, she got a scene with his corpse while Black Siren got to save him and Oliver got to say goodbye. That’s totally what should have happened. 

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To review: Quentin died (as expected), Diaz lived (really?!? I know Malcolm lived past S1, but he's played by John Fucking Barrowman, who is a treasure), Oliver voluntarily went to super max prison (I'm sure Barry zipped in to leave a primer on his bed), Laurel lived (aggggh), and the junior members of Team Arrow lived as well. I'm okay with that last bit, but yeah . . . it's like the writers love jabbing their fans in the eyes.

Hey, at least the One True Surviving Lance Daughter came back. Was Caity in the credits? It does offer up a question: if Sara were to come back to Star City, would the Legends be as good? Right now, I don't know who could lead with Mari gone. That thought keeps me from thinking, "Hey, you guys have a advanced spaceship. Why not take Oliver and dump him off back in time? Shit, maybe he's Robin Hood the whole time!!!" I know, not gonna happen.

Seriously . . . Quentin gave his life for Laurel-2. Or do we call her "Yanny"? (like that meme is gonna last) Of course he did. I think Lance was one of the constants of the series, and he's gone through many changes (I still liked him better with hair), but he was mostly true to himself. And he took a bullet from the dumbest Big Bad to save his fake-ass lookalike daughter. Not a good end. Not a good end at all.

Never knew Laurel-2 and Dinah's "cries" sounded different. I guess I never cared to watch/listen closely.

I get the hate. Gotham ended with their city in far worse shape, but at least there was hope. Here, it's just, "How many episodes until a semblance of the status quo returns? All the way to the annual crossover"?

Oh, and with Quentin dead, that means the mayor's seat is empty. Again. Also, I'm thinking there's a semi-official "dead pool" in Star City, where everybody bets on how long a sitting mayor keeps breathing.

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1 minute ago, scarynikki12 said:

Hey now, she got a scene with his corpse while Black Siren got to save him and Oliver got to say goodbye. That’s totally what should have happened. 


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Also was the villain supposed to be scary? I couldn't understand half of what he was saying and what I did hear was him talking about killing people without actually doing it. I really wish Oliver would said "you talk too much" and just shot the bad guy. 

As a viewer that stopped watching this show, this episode would not bring me back. 

Edited by Sakura12
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What a meh way to end the season. It was supposed to be all dramatic and stuff, but it just wasn't. 

Quentin's death was meh. He sacrificed himself to the woman he thought was his daughter. How disrespectful to his Laurel. 

Oliver goes on a goodbye tour with almost everyone but Curtis. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Oliver outs himself as Green Arrow and is hauled to supermax. At least he'll be in jail longer than Barry ever was. 

Diaz lives another season, and mumbles his way through it. Maybe Beth can do something nice and kill him off in the first thirty seconds of season 7. 

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I'm still so pissed. Now I have 6 months to just be pissed. Sit here and be pissed. Is killing off long term, major characters, around since the beginning, off screen now? Give them barely anything to do at the end of the season? Does MG and WM just forget how to write for them all of a sudden? 

We dont even get a funeral! 

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1 minute ago, tennisgurl said:

MG can let the door hit him on the way out. Its like he specifically crafted an ending to piss the fans off, because he`s bitter about not being show runner anymore, and he hates that fans responded poorly to his "awesome" villain and his "emotional" civil war and daddy's girl stories. What a dick.

See, if that's what it is, MG being an asshole and petty retribution, this episode makes a lot more sense.

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Just now, Starfish35 said:

It sounded like she at least had some nice scenes with Oliver and Felicity.  I’ll wait until it’s on Netflix and fast forward to just those.  Lol.

Yep! Oliver expressed sympathy and Felicity gave her a comforting hug so that was great. 

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2 minutes ago, KirkB said:

See, if that's what it is, MG being an asshole and petty retribution, this episode makes a lot more sense.

I guess he wanted his Aaron Sorkin moment but at least those episodes were amazing. 

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5 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

I actually thought the scene between O and Lance was better than the one with he and F. 

IMO Diaz is the worst villain in the Arrowverse.


Yes to both of those.

SA and EBR really sold the Oliver/Felicity scene at the end but it was just so meh. I feel like everyone lied about this episode.

It's disappointing that both Malcolm and Quentin, such important characters to the show, both died off-screen.

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