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4 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

I actually liked Kelli's cover shot, but I think that this is a good picture as well.  Their suits advertise the Cowboys and it's like the covers of the past with multiple girls

I would REALLY love this picture to be on the cover of the calendar, especially if Christina wasn't there and they had almost any other blonde cheerleader in there.  There had to be girls who are prettier than she is to choose from.  She's trying WAY too hard to be sexy and classy, but her attempt seems sleazy instead.


2 hours ago, rl27rl said:

I think it is just sad.  It was like K, J & C, were just wanting Victoria to make it so bad and making every excuse for her under the sun, but clearly made it a point that Dayton was to get no special treatment.  That picture is living proof that nepotism is still strong with them, depending on if they like the girl or not. 

It seems like Kelli and Charlotte thought that Dayton would be the so-called "obvious" choice for the nepotism claim because her mom works for the organization and had auditioned before and hoped that Victoria would slide in under the radar without people paying attention to her, even though her mom is well known to people who have watched previous seasons (not just us).  They didn't seem to care what people said before the show started because the fans hadn't seen what they saw in Victoria, but once the outcry started in the first several episodes about how much Victoria was shoved down our throats in an attempt to make us care about, and like, her (which seems to have failed spectacularly, no matter what people on Facebook say), they had to change tactics and hide her.

2 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

From what I heard Judy was never a fan, but was (as she often is) overruled.

I'm not surprised as Judy is often overruled though she should have equal power to Kelli in choosing the squad.  If those two can't agree on whether or not a girl should be in Training Camp (or whatever round they're at), only then should Charlotte step in and make a choice.  In fact, given that there's dancing involved, Judy should have more say than Kelli (mainly Kelli seems to care more about how pretty a girl is then if she can dance).

2 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

She's had no opinion, no comments, no compliments, etc.  Personally, I think she was never happy with the whole scheme to bring her into camp and figures it's safer to just keep quiet.

I'd say so, especially since of the Cassie issue (in which she can't win, but the decision was taken out of her hands to a degree because she didn't make the final decisions either way, though she likely knew what they were).  However, Judy knows she's in a no-win situation: either keep her mouth shut and accept that Victoria gets a free pass to Training Camp with the likelihood of making the squad or speak up and possibly be shut out of more than she already is.  If I wanted to go full-blown conspiracy idiot, I'd say that she didn't want to get fired for saying she didn't want Victoria in Training Camp.  She would know what the likelihood of that being and she probably didn't even want the thought to enter their minds.

2 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

It's almost like the universe was watching out for us fans.  K & C were doing all they could to ignore all objections (and the reality that Victoria is heavy and can't dance) and put Victoria on the team, but Victoria's shocking weight gain and her egregious lies to the powers that be made that impossible.

If Victoria hadn't lied about the nutritionist, she probably would have made the squad, weight gain or now.  Unless she was completely bulging out of the shorts at the very end of Camp (which is likely), they would have found a way to hide it as much as they could and she STILL would have made the squad.  Any lies Victoria told up until then could easily have been explained away, but, once she lied about the nutritionist, then all bets were off and they were FORCED to take a look at the situation (i.e. Victoria didn't want help and she thought she was perfect/amazing just as she was, despite the weight gain).

1 hour ago, UnicornKicks said:

Judy kept her mouth shut and neutral bc first of all, she was not about to revisit CASSIE DRAMA 2.0.  No matter what she would say or do about Vic or Dayton, somebody would throw up Cassie, even though she retired years and years ago. Say something good, and she's lenient to legacies, bc Cassie. Say something bad, she's too hard on legacies, bc Cassie. Judy can't win so best to stay silent. 

Second, Judy actually cares about the friendship with Shelly and Tina, so just let Kelli do her job and make that decisions. Judy knows by now that she don't have the final say, but will do her best whip whover makes it into shape. 

See above and I totally agree.  I'd also add that Judy probably didn't want to take ANY of the blame Tina was sure to blast their way if Victoria didn't make the squad.  By making sure that Kelli (and Charlotte) make all the decisions regarding Victoria, they HAD to take all of the blame, which is likely to affect the friendship between Tina and Kelli somewhat, depending on how obsessed Tina was with Victoria making the squad (even going so far as to possibly/probably having traded in favors to get her a guaranteed spot).

I still wish the cameras had caught Victoria bragging about being guaranteed a spot in the next round/Training Camp/squad and had actually been aired (or will be aired) at some point as well as Charlotte and Kelli actually saying something along the lines of "Victoria is NOT up for discussion.  She WILL be moving to the next round/making Training Camp."  Those scenes, either in the show or as bonus clips would be a-fricking-amazing.

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5 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

I would REALLY love this picture to be on the cover of the calendar, especially if Christina wasn't there and they had almost any other blonde cheerleader in there.  There had to be girls who are prettier than she is to choose from.  She's trying WAY too hard to be sexy and classy, but her attempt seems sleazy instead.


It seems like Kelli and Charlotte thought that Dayton would be the so-called "obvious" choice for the nepotism claim because her mom works for the organization and had auditioned before and hoped that Victoria would slide in under the radar without people paying attention to her, even though her mom is well known to people who have watched previous seasons (not just us).  They didn't seem to care what people said before the show started because the fans hadn't seen what they saw in Victoria, but once the outcry started in the first several episodes about how much Victoria was shoved down our throats in an attempt to make us care about, and like, her (which seems to have failed spectacularly, no matter what people on Facebook say), they had to change tactics and hide her.

I'm not surprised as Judy is often overruled though she should have equal power to Kelli in choosing the squad.  If those two can't agree on whether or not a girl should be in Training Camp (or whatever round they're at), only then should Charlotte step in and make a choice.  In fact, given that there's dancing involved, Judy should have more say than Kelli (mainly Kelli seems to care more about how pretty a girl is then if she can dance).

I'd say so, especially since of the Cassie issue (in which she can't win, but the decision was taken out of her hands to a degree because she didn't make the final decisions either way, though she likely knew what they were).  However, Judy knows she's in a no-win situation: either keep her mouth shut and accept that Victoria gets a free pass to Training Camp with the likelihood of making the squad or speak up and possibly be shut out of more than she already is.  If I wanted to go full-blown conspiracy idiot, I'd say that she didn't want to get fired for saying she didn't want Victoria in Training Camp.  She would know what the likelihood of that being and she probably didn't even want the thought to enter their minds.

If Victoria hadn't lied about the nutritionist, she probably would have made the squad, weight gain or now.  Unless she was completely bulging out of the shorts at the very end of Camp (which is likely), they would have found a way to hide it as much as they could and she STILL would have made the squad.  Any lies Victoria told up until then could easily have been explained away, but, once she lied about the nutritionist, then all bets were off and they were FORCED to take a look at the situation (i.e. Victoria didn't want help and she thought she was perfect/amazing just as she was, despite the weight gain).

See above and I totally agree.  I'd also add that Judy probably didn't want to take ANY of the blame Tina was sure to blast their way if Victoria didn't make the squad.  By making sure that Kelli (and Charlotte) make all the decisions regarding Victoria, they HAD to take all of the blame, which is likely to affect the friendship between Tina and Kelli somewhat, depending on how obsessed Tina was with Victoria making the squad (even going so far as to possibly/probably having traded in favors to get her a guaranteed spot).

I still wish the cameras had caught Victoria bragging about being guaranteed a spot in the next round/Training Camp/squad and had actually been aired (or will be aired) at some point as well as Charlotte and Kelli actually saying something along the lines of "Victoria is NOT up for discussion.  She WILL be moving to the next round/making Training Camp."  Those scenes, either in the show or as bonus clips would be a-fricking-amazing.

It is a perfect cover photo, but put your hand over Christina's photo and see the difference ,,, so much more marketable.

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Just now, pizzaandcatsrlife said:

We are 

I think they do.  I’ve been on this board for 4 years.  Everything that we have hated (jay workout segments, Melissa shoved down our throat) has been changed.  Seriously, we are the best focus group they have to go off of. 

And Ramos is gone, too. LOVE Nick F.

2 minutes ago, TexasBorn said:

And Ramos is gone, too. LOVE Nick F.

The VK backlash started months before the show.

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9 minutes ago, TexasBorn said:

The VK backlash started months before the show.

That's the only things they WOULDN'T have changed and would have ignored us entirely about her.  That is, until VICTORIA did herself in.  Otherwise, they would have put her on the squad (probably in group 1 with an eye to making her a 2nd GL in that group, then to GL in a few years) with no problem. 

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2 hours ago, Jennv said:

does anyone know what happened to Jalyn? She posted what looks like a sympathy card from the team on her insta story.  I hope she doesn't leave like Alexandria

Looks like she is having a bad week there was one picture of her with a piece of cake stating she was having a bad week 

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19 minutes ago, pizzaandcatsrlife said:

We are 

I think they do.  I’ve been on this board for 4 years.  Everything that we have hated (jay workout segments, Melissa shoved down our throat) has been changed.  Seriously, we are the best focus group they have to go off of. 

Those things are all show related... I definitely think CMT reads these boards for ways to improve the show. But Kelli isn’t cutting Victoria or anyone else based on what we say here. 

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16 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

That's the only things they WOULDN'T have changed and would have ignored us entirely about her.  That is, until VICTORIA did herself in.  Otherwise, they would have put her on the squad (probably in group 1 with an eye to making her a 2nd GL in that group, then to GL in a few years) with no problem. 

Good point.

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I agree that VK may have messed things up for herself this year. But I think she is going to learn from it all and come back leaner, quieter, more mature and make the team next year.  I also think she will be on the team for several years and will make it on to show group at some point.  JMHO. 

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I do think that Victoria was heavier in that picture from Training Camp than she was even at Finals.  I just looked at the picture she has up on her Instagram (where she's wearing red) and she looks to be leaner than she was in that TC picture.  The auditions picture, especially, would have shown the "lumps and the bumps and the dumps" (quoting ANTM there, BTW) and we wouldn't have been able to see the band of her shorts nor even that slight gap between her shorts and belly (may just have been the position).

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38 minutes ago, TexasBorn said:

It is a perfect cover photo, but put your hand over Christina's photo and see the difference ,,, so much more marketable.

I'm sure the thumb hitch on the bikini bottom is directed by the photographer (or creative director). Seriously needs to go away. 

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On 8/25/2018 at 10:46 PM, PrincessLeia said:

It’s sooooo bad. Savannah is gorgeous.... I don’t understand why her photos aren’t better, and whoever posted this pic must hate her!

You all have to admit that this would be a great photo to use in a Poo-Pourri advertisement! 

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58 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Those things are all show related... I definitely think CMT reads these boards for ways to improve the show. But Kelli isn’t cutting Victoria or anyone else based on what we say here. 

I didn’t read that far back.  Of course they wouldn’t cut someone because of  this board.  That’s laughable ? 

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5 hours ago, sATL said:

not a crazy idea.. One of reasons I like this show is the exercise part of it as well as the dance. I still haven't gotten around to finding that "rubber-band-thingie" that was featured at the cowboy fit segment and I am working on the push ups with weights. I bet if I could do "Thunderstruck" I could tone and lose a few in the process. I think someone was doing some side ab-toning work too.

Make the senior DCC camp sessions virtual so we call can join in !

@sATL if you are in ATL, we could do our own senior class!  I promise I will make you look good!  I am old, overweight and have never had a dance lesson!

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I just figured out that Marshall could be Jonathan Van Ness' stockier twin brother.  For those of you who don't know of him, he's the "grooming expert" on the "Queer Eye" reboot.  Here's a picture of Jonathan:


This is the one I liked the best of all the ones I saw.  Of all the guys on the "Queer Eye" show, he's the one who could be the stereotypical "flaming" gay.  Any other discussion (about the show, the guys or anything else like it), let's take over to the "Small Talk" thread so we don't clutter this one up.

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11 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

I just figured out that Marshall could be Jonathan Van Ness' stockier twin brother.  For those of you who don't know of him, he's the "grooming expert" on the "Queer Eye" reboot.  Here's a picture of Jonathan:


This is the one I liked the best of all the ones I saw.  Of all the guys on the "Queer Eye" show, he's the one who could be the stereotypical "flaming" gay.  Any other discussion (about the show, the guys or anything else like it), let's take over to the "Small Talk" thread so we don't clutter this one up.

I wish Marshall had made training camp.  I'd like to see another video from him:)

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1 hour ago, MamaV said:

I agree that VK may have messed things up for herself this year. But I think she is going to learn from it all and come back leaner, quieter, more mature and make the team next year.  I also think she will be on the team for several years and will make it on to show group at some point.  JMHO. 

I don't know, VK looks like someone who is destined to be fat (like her mom).  I don't think she can get lean.

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1 hour ago, pizzaandcatsrlife said:

I think they do.  I’ve been on this board for 4 years.  Everything that we have hated (jay workout segments, Melissa shoved down our throat) has been changed.  Seriously, we are the best focus group they have to go off of. 

And we cost them (CMT) nothing. Many companies shell out a pretty penny to conduct focus groups. This forum could be gold to them. Especially if they participate in our conversations to garner better feedback 

Edited by NMDD43
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Now see this is the interesting thing. A few bad pictures of Madeleine and it's everything from how she's breathing to how she's standing. She's clearly gained weight and I would say it's no less than what VK has allegedly gained. VK doesn't look like overhang to me. A good exhale yes, but overhang no. Everyone keeps going on about VKs weight and I'm not seeing it yet. 

Edited by RedDelicious
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4 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

Now see this is the interesting thing. A few bad pictures of Madeleine and it's everything from how she's breathing to how she's standing. She's clearly gained weight and I would say it's no less than what VK has allegedly gained. VK doesn't look like overhang to me. A good exhale yes, but overhang no. Everyone keeps going on about VKs weight and I'm not seeing it yet. 

Everyone keeps going on about it because it at least indirectly led to her getting cut. Not to mention, she came into tryouts heavy, gained more and clearly didn't care enough to try to change it since she blew off the help that was offered. Also, Maddie is a good enough dancer for them to give her a little leeway, VK is not.

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5 minutes ago, lizzi6692 said:

Everyone keeps going on about it because it at least indirectly led to her getting cut. Not to mention, she came into tryouts heavy, gained more and clearly didn't care enough to try to change it since she blew off the help that was offered. Also, Maddie is a good enough dancer for them to give her a little leeway, VK is not.

Well, VK was told she would make it (according to what she was telling people behind the scenes).  People don't work for things they feel entitled to.

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Courtney - so good to get her update!

Jalyn hair color - no.

VK has a double chin.  Not a good look on a DCC.  How awful to have to go through a body change on camera.  

Why are so many of these rookies total blenders to me?  Makeovers did not actually make a difference.

Dayton on the struggle bus but better personality and faces.

not getting the Malena love yet.

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Miss South Carolina’s personality sucks ball sacks

Love me some hooker boots, but not on my mother (kelli)

poor Dayton.  She’s getting a terrible edit. If that was my daughter I’d be pissed at producers. 

Edited by pizzaandcatsrlife
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Nicole and Jacie are gorgeous.

I love Dayton, VK not so much.

Shelley looks really great and slim this season. Dayton looks so much like her Mom.

I was so glad to see an update on Courtney! 

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I would like to profusely apologize. I wasn’t team Victoria, but I thought she was a decent energetic dancer who liked like a DCC. She’s GIGANTIC. 

I know a bunch of people said “DCC needs to expand their cookie cutter definition of skinny is beautiful”. If everyone could wear their own outfits that flattered their body, that would work. But they all have to wear the same uniform that is basically ace bandages. It only looks good on rail thin dancers. Sorry Madeline, maybe you can be on a hip hop team that wears baggy pants. You don’t look good in the uniform, and neither does your sister in pudge Victoria.

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6 minutes ago, California Girl said:

Alanna has the best figure, and Madeline Mo. the prettiest face, among the rookies.  They both have fantastic hair.  

Madeline Mo. is very photogenic,  but oddly not so telegenic.  And Caroline has drumstick (i.e., more muscular) thighs, but at her young age luckily no cellulite.

Yes!  She takes such great photos but it really doesn’t translate on the show.

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13 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

I get that but to me Madeleine looks like a fat cheerleader and VK doesn't.

IMO there are angles where Maddie looks heavy and ones where she doesn't. VK pretty much always look heavy. I don't get how you don't see it.

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I didn't think VK looked so out of shape when the show started, just soft in the belly.  However, tonight when VK walked into the office, her face looked really round.   And when she walked back to the locker room her middle looked big, soft, and starting a muffin top.     I just hope she doesn't do what her mother did, where she said she's fought her weight her entire life.    A few years on DCC isn't worth hurting yourself for, and she needs to realize that. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I love VK's effervescent personality.   She absolutely has a long way to go to be DCC ready (and may never be).  I don't think she knew what TC would really be like, or that she would have trouble with the style.   

Please don't thrown rotten tomatoes at me.

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25 minutes ago, pizzaandcatsrlife said:


poor Dayton.  She’s getting a terrible edit. If that was my daughter I’d be pissed at producers. 


I disagree, I think VK is getting a really good edit that makes hers look bad in comparison, but everything that's been said/shown on the show has been deserved in my opinion.

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On 8/29/2018 at 8:34 AM, nittanyvolleyball said:




this is the routine I was talking about 

I don’t care for this routine but I do want cord man’s job. How hard could it be?

6 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Christina's smile in the Cowboys suit picture is certainly awkward looking, I guess they pushed the shutter when she was moving her mouth.    


LOL. Mid-prune!

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4 minutes ago, ShellyB said:

There has been talk about a Fantasy Camp...class, hair & makeup tips & some other activities at the Star. 

That would be so fun, but Im afraid I'm too fat and ugly even for a fantasy camp, lol.

I went to high school with Stephanie DiBiase. Once I asked for boot camp recommendations on Facebook and she suggested I come to her "booty bounce boot camp" at the dallas powerhouse of dance. Right. It was very nice of her to offer, but I would rather hang upside down from a wire by my toes for an hour than take my fat, ugly, uncoordinated, old butt to a "booty bounce" class full of 20 something pro and semi pro dancers. 

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Where was Melissa at last year where there was drama with Jenna/Holly/Erica. And yes we have seen a veteran get cut before in TC. And on the subject of health and body image, all I can say is damage control especially after the rumors floating around about the real reason why Courtney Cook left right before TC started in Season 8.

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3 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Where was Melissa at last year where there was drama with Jenna/Holly/Erica. And yes we have seen a veteran get cut before in TC. And on the subject of health and body image, all I can say is damage control especially after the rumors floating around about the real reason why Courtney Cook left right before TC started in Season 8.

I think Courtney had issues before she even came to camp - only ate white foods, didn't eat berries, etc - as well as other non-food issues.  If you bring that to a high stress situation where you are worrying about your appearance, you will just make it worse.

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I hope for Victoria's sake she doesn't go to drastic measures to get thin.  She could end up just like Courtney.  Tina will probably go to any length to get Victoria thin by next audition.  I really don't understand why Victoria was soft at auditions even before TC.    Seems like Kelli, Tina or Kitty would have told her to go work out.  Unless they are all blind and didn't want to say anything to the princess.  

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