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S06.E03: Pushing Buttons

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Holmes and Watson enter the world of rare antiquities when they investigate a case in which victim was killed during a Revolutionary War reenactment. Also, as Holmes grows frustrated with the length of his cognitive recovery, he finds solace in his growing friendship with Michael.


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I am not excited that Michael is asking Sherlock to look for the girl, who I assume is the body we saw a few episodes back.  It's so cliche that the bad guy taunts the detective. 

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Elementary is weird, you might be able guess who the murder is, but you could never guess the reason they did it. Even after they explain the reason, you think the writers pulled that one out of their butts.

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Good old war reenactments!  I don't think they ever end well on television.  Totally called the killer of course, since I've seen the actor in enough stuff to know that he wouldn't be here for a bit role.  Granted, I find myself saying that with most of the cases.  The show has admittedly never been strong in that department.

Always good to see Michael Potts and I enjoyed how he played of Sherlock here.

It certainly looks like Michael is putting Sherlock on the trail of the lady he was burying in the premiere, but he seemed sincere about wanting to help him, so is this really his twisted way of trying to help Sherlock gets his groove back?

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Watson is always wearing short sleeveless dresses while men in shirt sleeves and suit jackets surround her. She must be so cold! (Well, that is when she's not wearing a suit jacket and tie, and I love when she does.)

Edited by gesundheit
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I thought the case of the week was pretty good, even if I figured out the killer pretty quickly. Thats usually how it is on this show (its the random first person you talked to), but its more fun to see how they did it and why. And at least this week stayed pretty consistent within the historical reenactment/antique world. There were times last season where the cases were so all over the place, they would start with a dentist who collected stamps being killed and somehow ended up being about a secret billion dollar deal between the Brazilian government and a society of hamster enthusiasts dealing in stolen cold fusion plans. It just got ridiculous and convoluted. 

Not sure about the possible serial killer guy and his end goal. He seemed really genuine about wanting Sherlock's help, but whats his end game? Maybe he actually wants to get caught? Maybe he is some crazy fanboy who wants Sherlock to keep working beside his illness? Or the dude is just a good actor. 

Got a kick out of meeting a cop who`s super bitter that Sherlock didnt solve more mysteries with him, and instead dumped him for Bell. It was also sweet how he said how Bell would have been a star with or without him. And his illness is probably one of my favorite subplots they've done in ages to do with Sherlock and Joan's personal lives that lasted for awhile. Maybe because it actually affects their work, and isnt off in its own little thing, like Stitwell was last season, RIP. Johnny is really selling it, not going too far into dramatics, but also showing how much Sherlock is struggling, as much as he is trying to deal with with pragmatically. I still want to know if he told Gregson and Bell yet. I assume he hasnt, but I hope he will soon. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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The case reminds me of one from an earlier season. The older one involved a stolen map that showed land that was deeded to a native tribe (?) hundreds of years ago but relevant to a modern land claim.

I too wonder at the bad guy asking Sherlock’s help for a murder he committed.

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Since they were so specific about the drug Sherlock is taking, I looked it up. At first I thought they were off base with it, since gabapentin is an anti-seizure drug, but it turns out that anti-epileptics are useful for the type of headaches associated with post-concussion syndrome. Gabapentin isn't an opioid, but stopping using it can cause withdrawal symptoms. It's probably a reasonable drug for someone with Sherlock's history and symptoms. It does carry an increased risk of suicidal ideation, however, and we've already heard him say that he doesn't think he can live like this. I'm sure Watson knows all this and is on the look-out for issues. Sherlock's doctor was also right that rest is really the only cure for post-concussion syndrome. A good job all around by the writers. Medical issues aren't always handled so accurately on tv, even on medical shows. And Jonny is crushing it in his performance.

I liked this case. It was fun - just convoluted enough to be be interested but not so far afield that it was ridiculous. And as the wife of a military re-enactor, I was glad to see the re-enactors treated like anyone who takes a hobby seriously and that even Sherlock didn't make too much fun of them. It's an easy target and I'm glad they didn't go there. 

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I'm a bit curious to see where things go with Michael, but I fell like any relationship between Sherlock and a villain is automatically overshadowed by the awesome job they did with Moriarty in the first season.

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6 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Not sure about the possible serial killer guy and his end goal. He seemed really genuine about wanting Sherlock's help, but whats his end game? Maybe he actually wants to get caught? Maybe he is some crazy fanboy who wants Sherlock to keep working beside his illness? Or the dude is just a good actor. 

Are we really sure that he's a serial killer/hitman?  What if he's a "serial" cleaner, like the Nutmeg guy from season 3?  Someone (usually a criminal or other awful human being) get whacked and Micheal gets the call to make the body and other evidence disappear.  Except this time it's somehow he knows (and likes).  He doesn't necessarily knows who does the murders but he can't really investigate without incriminating himself or getting killed.  However, in his meetings, he knows a world-class detective and perhaps Sherlock can find the murderer and bring him to justice.

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10 hours ago, johntfs said:

Are we really sure that he's a serial killer/hitman?  What if he's a "serial" cleaner, like the Nutmeg guy from season 3?  Someone (usually a criminal or other awful human being) get whacked and Micheal gets the call to make the body and other evidence disappear.  Except this time it's somehow he knows (and likes).  He doesn't necessarily knows who does the murders but he can't really investigate without incriminating himself or getting killed.  However, in his meetings, he knows a world-class detective and perhaps Sherlock can find the murderer and bring him to justice.

Great theory, @johntfs. I think I would like that better than Michael being a serial killer or hitman.

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14 hours ago, Kathira said:

I liked this case. It was fun - just convoluted enough to be be interested but not so far afield that it was ridiculous. And as the wife of a military re-enactor, I was glad to see the re-enactors treated like anyone who takes a hobby seriously and that even Sherlock didn't make too much fun of them. It's an easy target and I'm glad they didn't go there. 

If it was the Civil War, Sherlock might have been more scornful; however, he was on the losing team for this one....

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Oh, I think I know why the serial killer (Michael?) asked Sherlock. If HE doesn't find her, he can be sure and safe. This is cute. He also bets on Sherlock's diminished capacity and will probably have a contingency plan if Sherlock comes too close. Damn, this sounds interesting,

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I wonder if Michael will go after Joan (assuming he is a serial killer)? I couldn't help but think about this when Sherlock  spoke of her around him.

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I think Michael asked for Sherlock's help because he wants to prove that he is equal to Sherlock when it comes to intelligence. Sherlock is brilliant at solving crimes; Michael could be a mastermind at murder. They are both recovering addicts, both messy, both need/love to work, etc. 

Edited by juliet73
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7 hours ago, Omeletsmom said:

The local station broke in with a weather warning just as they got to the reveal.  How did they solve the case?

One of the Button signatures was on a land grant that gave the rights to one group; the killer was the opposing party -- the grant would have killed his case, so he needed to destroy it.  Hence the shooting and the arson.  They found cat litter in his garage that held traces of the exact thermite and napalm B used in the arson.  They also realized that the gun was hidden in a porta-potty after the shooting.

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On 5/15/2018 at 3:46 PM, tennisgurl said:

 There were times last season where the cases were so all over the place,  they would start with a dentist who collected stamps being killed and somehow ended up being about a secret billion dollar deal between the Brazilian government and a society of hamster enthusiasts dealing in stolen cold fusion plans. It just got ridiculous and convoluted. 

I think I would like to see that episode ;-)!

On 5/15/2018 at 10:50 PM, johntfs said:

Are we really sure that he's a serial killer/hitman?  What if he's a "serial" cleaner, like the Nutmeg guy from season 3?  Someone (usually a criminal or other awful human being) get whacked and Micheal gets the call to make the body and other evidence disappear.  Except this time it's somehow he knows (and likes).  He doesn't necessarily knows who does the murders but he can't really investigate without incriminating himself or getting killed.  However, in his meetings, he knows a world-class detective and perhaps Sherlock can find the murderer and bring him to justice.

I like this idea!

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On 5/15/2018 at 10:45 AM, paigow said:

Colbert did a Hamilton parody with Lin Manuel Miranda using Button Gwinnett.... otherwise I would have thought the writers were making this up....

And a recent question on Jeopardy, if I recall correctly (may be conflating that with the Colbert parody). But yeah, I never would have known who that was without pop culture.

On 5/15/2018 at 12:46 PM, tennisgurl said:

Not sure about the possible serial killer guy and his end goal. He seemed really genuine about wanting Sherlock's help, but whats his end game? Maybe he actually wants to get caught? Maybe he is some crazy fanboy who wants Sherlock to keep working beside his illness? Or the dude is just a good actor.


There are a number of good ideas in this thread, kudos all. I just thought of him like a cat who's made a kill and wants to gift it to its person.

On 5/15/2018 at 7:50 PM, johntfs said:

Are we really sure that he's a serial killer/hitman?  What if he's a "serial" cleaner, like the Nutmeg guy from season 3?  Someone (usually a criminal or other awful human being) get whacked and Micheal gets the call to make the body and other evidence disappear.  Except this time it's somehow he knows (and likes).  He doesn't necessarily knows who does the murders but he can't really investigate without incriminating himself or getting killed.  However, in his meetings, he knows a world-class detective and perhaps Sherlock can find the murderer and bring him to justice.

That would be a great spin on it.

On 5/16/2018 at 9:32 AM, paigow said:

If it was the Civil War, Sherlock might have been more scornful; however, he was on the losing team for this one....

Loved Gregson's light shade "we just call it the beginning on this side of the pond."

Edited by Clanstarling
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I know I'm super late to this thread, but I’m curious why Joan is dressing like a Blues Brother these days. I half expect her to tell a suspect, “We’re on a mission from god.”

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I'm super super late, I've missed several episodes partly due to being away and am trying to binge two at a a time to catch up.

All the Michael theories are interesting, personally my instinct is that he does want to get caught, maybe stopped from killing again, though maybe it's unconscious.  It seems like too much of a coincidence that he singled out Sherlock for friendship.  I have to think though that as this progresses it will be surprising if Sherlock doesn't start to pick up a suspicious vibe from the guy, even with his post-concussion issues.   He's still able to solve cases though with some effort.  I also liked the scene with the detective who was annoyed that Sherlock dumped him for Bell.

Re Button Gwinnett, I remember the Colbert/Lin Manuel Miranda skit also, though I didn't realize how obscure Gwinnett was, I thought people were just amused by the name.

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On 5/15/2018 at 10:50 PM, johntfs said:

Are we really sure that he's a serial killer/hitman?  What if he's a "serial" cleaner, like the Nutmeg guy from season 3?  Someone (usually a criminal or other awful human being) get whacked and Micheal gets the call to make the body and other evidence disappear.  Except this time it's somehow he knows (and likes).  He doesn't necessarily knows who does the murders but he can't really investigate without incriminating himself or getting killed.  However, in his meetings, he knows a world-class detective and perhaps Sherlock can find the murderer and bring him to justice.

I totally love this theory!! 

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