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120 Excellent
  1. I found this episode to be quite heartfelt, and I was as shocked as Willis by his father first slapping him and then disowning him. I like how Ros is drawn to Willis but yet so far making the mature choice to remain a supportive friend while Willis works out his issues. That's the kind of romantic storyline that I wish we'd see more often. (Remember Doug biding his time with Carol on ER while he cleaned up his act? Swoon.) Just an all around good episode that will make me sorry to see this show go. The show runners are beginning to right the ship, but it's apparently too late.
  2. Rob has been a good addition to the show, but there are other good characters, too. Marcia Gay Harden has done an excellent job since the beginning of conveying professionalism and the pain of losing her family. It's been good to see her have a teenager to mother. Still, I'd be happier to have the teen more in the background.
  3. I loved how quickly Sherlock solved the other detective's case. Sherlock may not be at his peak, but even on an off day, he's still functioning in another realm.
  4. I'm sorry to read that. JLH is not my cup of tea.
  5. I love this show. Kate's reactions to everyone commenting on her animal love had me laughing out loud. I was pleased to see some neglected characters getting more attention this episode. I want the ensemble feel to continue.
  6. I don't watch CBS dramas for realism. I want to be entertained. I like Bull, Benny, Marissa -- the whole gang. I enjoy the standard procedural entree with a side of character development. The show makes me smile and sometimes my eyes fill with all the feels.
  7. If Bernadette doesn't approve of Stuart taking the Wolotots to the comic book store, she should hire a nanny. After all, we're lead to believe that she earns the big bucks.
  8. I'm not defending Donnie, but he is an excellent example of how to avoid prosecution/conviction by hiring an attorney and keeping your mouth closed. How many times have we seen both the innocent and the guilty wind up in jail because they talked to LE without an attorney? LE can't poke holes in your story if you don't give them one. Donnie's biggest mistake was to lie about the cell phone.
  9. I thought the resolution of the teen's storyline was that he was angry/disappointed that Kevin (who put on a badge of a random baby photo for the TV interview) was only interested in promoting himself and Monkey Fist rather than how Kevin's actions had made a difference for the teen and his mother. Because of his anger, he refused to tell the story on air with all the drama he had brought to it before. After the interview, he and Kevin would talk about it, Kevin would apologize for being selfish, and the two would hug it out in the typical sitcom fashion. I was wrong.
  10. The challenge really wasn't fair to 2 of the designers. Rock and Pop are so much more familiar genres for the designers than Country. What about R&B or Rap as the third genre instead?
  11. I remember seeing this case before, but I don't remember if it was 48 Hours or Dateline. In the earlier rendition, one angle was that the mother accused Nichols of murder because she wanted the $1M life insurance for herself. I think I left that episode not sure of his guilt. Nichols seems to be one those people who just need to be given enough rope to hang himself. The more he talked, the more convinced I became of his guilt. Then add to that his criminal behavior with minors (which I don't remember hearing about before). I have little doubt that he'll manage to act out before his parole is up. The only person who came out of this story looking good was the child. How sad for her that her life has been in limbo for 9 years while her father's rights trumped her right to be adopted into a loving home. I hope she is in a good place and will get to continue to live there. And that when she's of age, she will have someone looking out for her interests so she doesn't end up with someone who's just after her money. Let the cycle be broken.
  12. What I like about Target is that no one is murdered, and Dateline pokes a little fun at its viewers. We all know that the person who isn't interviewed (in this case, the wife) is the guilty one. Furthermore, we have her screaming on the phone, and her ex-husband portrays her as a spendthrift. Sure, he had an affair, but the girlfriend seems like a nice person, and even the ex-wife says she and Ira should end up together! But then ... screech! The woman hiring a hit man isn't the shrewish ex-wife -- it's the girlfriend! And ... the ex-husband, too! Even though the bad guys were delusional people willing to tell any lie to avoid owning up to their avarice and narcissism, good on Dateline for turning its own formula on its ear! I knew when I started watching it that I had seen the episode before, but I couldn't quite place it. (I was mixing it up with the Florida podiatrist who murdered his wife while also scamming Medicare.) Dateline suckered me in and fooled me twice with the same story! Oh, Dateline, is it no wonder I can't quit you?
  13. One of the things I appreciate about celebrities is that they learn their lines for the HOH nominations, POV ceremony, etc. No awkward reading from cards. Very smooth!
  14. There's nothing wrong with watching bad TV, but it makes my librarian heart break when people don't find the right book for them. That thick tome wasn't a good choice for two busy professionals. They need to find a trashy book to go with their TV viewing habits.
  15. I liked the episode. It pulled me in, and I found myself sitting all tense waiting for the denouement.... For which I'll have to wait until the next episode. Good job, show!
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